In this video we go over the recent lawsuit against Elon Musk regarding Tesla's $2.6 billion acquisition of SolarCity in 2016. The lawsuit claims Musk overpaid for the acquisition to benefit himself at the expense of Tesla shareholders. In this video we go over the ridiculous claims made in the lawsuit and Elon Musk's epic defense.
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What's up guys and welcome back to wall street millennial, whenever someone creates a new disruptive technology, the entrenched establishment who profit off of the old system will try every trick in the book to discredit and disparage them. Nobody has been more victimized by this than tesla ceo and spacex founder elon musk. The corporate mission of tesla is to develop new green technologies and to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy sources. To this end, musk has created one of the most valuable companies in the entire world, creating billions of dollars for those who believed in the company's mission from the early days.

These gains have come at the expense of the legacy combustion engine automakers and fossil fuel companies, who have seen their stock prices stagnate over the same period. Over the years, tesla has seen countless attacks from short sellers and other critics who said that tesla was doomed to fail. The critics have come up with their most ridiculous line of attack. Yet a group of supposed shareholders sued elon musk over the company's 2016 acquisition of solarcity.

They claimed that musk inappropriately rammed through the acquisition to benefit himself at the expense of tesla's shareholders. Obviously, the claim that this deal harmed the shareholders is absurd. Tesla stock has more than 10x in value, since the acquisition was closed. Furthermore, elon musk's percentage stake in tesla was the exact same as a stake in solarcity.

At the time. Therefore, he only benefited from the acquisition to the extent that it created synergies and real value for all shareholders. The deal was also approved by the overwhelming majority of tesla's shareholders. On july 12, 2021 elon musk was forced to defend himself against this lawsuit in a delaware corps.

In this video we'll go over some of the most hilarious parts of this frivolous lawsuit and also show how the solar city acquisition sits perfectly in musk's master plan for creating the world's biggest vertically integrated renewable energy company in 2016, tesla announced it would acquire solarcity in An all stock transaction, valued at 2.6 billion dollars, solarcity sells and installs solar panels for residential commercial and industrial customers. At the time, elon musk owned a 22 stake in solar city and a 22 stake in tesla solar city was losing money as they lacked the necessary scale and technology to make the business profitable. Musk saw an opportunity to acquire the company in a transaction that would create billions of dollars of value for both companies. Tesla had already developed the power wall, which allows homeowners to store electricity generated by the roof mounted solar panels with the acquisition of solar city.

Tesla. Can vertically integrate the process? Tesla can install the solar panel onto the roof which charges the tesla power wall, which can charge a tesla electric car by bringing the solar installation in-house. They can create efficiencies by better coordinating its installation with the power wall. This acquisition fits perfectly within must's master plan of creating a vertically integrated renewable energy company and also fits in with their plans to eventually make a smart home because musk owned a 22 stake in solar city.
There was a potential conflict of interest as he benefited from the transaction. However, he also had a 22 stake in tesla at the time, so he would only benefit from the deal if all tesla shareholders benefited other tesla shareholders also recognized the benefits of the deal. 85 percent of non-controlling shareholders voted to approve the deal. Non-Controlling shareholders exclude those who hold management positions in either company such as elon musk.

In 2017, a group of institutional investors sued the tesla board of directors and elon musk, saying the solar city acquisition was a bailout of a related party company and not in the best interest of tesla shareholders. They claim that solarcity was on the brink of financial collapse and musk bailed them out and overpaid for the acquisition in the years following the acquisition. Tesla's solar unit didn't do very well. This is because they were in the midst of model 3 production hell, which was soaking up the entirety of tesla and elon musk's bandwidth.

Now that model 3 production is running smoothly, the company will double down on the solar division and will likely become a key growth area for the company in the coming years. Tesla's board of directors caved in and agreed to pay 60 million dollars, but didn't admit any wrongdoing. Elon musk refused to give in to their extortionary demands and took the case to court. The acquisition was approved by 85 percent of shareholders.

So the idea that it was improper is absurd. It was a completely legitimate acquisition, just like the hundreds of other ones that take place in the corporate world every year, tesla went through all the proper channels and the deal was approved by tesla's independent board of directors. The court proceedings were not broadcast, but some of the key excerpts were reported by journalists in the room. Musk had some heated exchanges with the plaintiff's lawyer, randy barron.

He said to baron. I have great respect for the court, but not for you, sir unquote, since baron didn't have any legitimate legal ground to stand on. He resorted to personal attacks against musk. He tried to paint musk as irresponsible.

He pointed out the fact that he recently changed his official title within the company from chief executive officer to techno king of tesla. This title was meant to reflect his deep involvement within tesla's product design and innovation, while most ceos sit at their desk all day. Reading reports and talking to wall street musk gets his hand dirty with the factory floor. He is in contact with the engineers personally devising new ways to increase production efficiency.
Tesla's cfo zach kirkland also changed his official title to massive coin. This reflects the company's use of bitcoin as a treasury asset. Tesla's critics use these title changes to say that musk is an irresponsible and unprofessional leader. His antics may appear erratic to a casual observer, but everything he does is carefully calculated to further tesla's mission of accelerating the transition to electric vehicles and sustainable energy.

His social media antics build tesla's brand awareness, which ultimately creates more demand for their cars. He is highly effective at doing this, as evidenced by his twitter account, which boasts nearly 60 million followers for comparison. Ford's ceo, jim farley's, twitter account has 42 000 followers less than 1 1000 of musk. The motivation behind the lawsuit is also quite strange.

The plaintiffs are filing the lawsuit on behalf of all tesla shareholders. In the extremely unlikely event, the court sides with the plaintiffs. Any settlement that must pay would go to tesla, not the plaintiffs. Tesla's current market cap is 629 billion dollars, even if musk is forced to pay the entire value of 2.6 billion dollars.

This would only amount to 0.3 percent of the market. Cap and 22 of this value would accrue to musk based on his ownership stake. If the plaintiffs really are tesla shareholders, their motivation is very questionable. It's most likely just a publicity stunt and a sad attempt to waste a few days of elon's time in court.

In hindsight, the solar city acquisition turned out to be a major success. Musk says the energy and solar business could eventually grow to be even bigger than the car business or at least on the same order of magnitude, and their recent results appear to back up this claim. In the first quarter of 2021, tesla deployed 92 megawatts of solar power, which represents a 163 increase over the prior year. The growth in solar deployments also sets them up favorably to create a tesla connected home.

This would give them a tremendous opportunity to develop more products to connect into the home, such as the tesla hvac, which musk has talked about for a long time. Alright, guys that wraps it up for this video. What do you think about the tesla lawsuit? Do you think the plaintiffs have legitimate concerns, or is it just a frivolous waste of time? Let us know in the comments section below also, if you want to support this channel, consider becoming a channel member members get access to our backlog of videos before they release to the general public. The backlog can be viewed by members in the community.

Tab of the youtube page, as always. Thank you so much for watching and we'll see you in the next one wall, street millennial, signing out.

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26 thoughts on “Musk critics get desperate with $2.6 billion sham lawsuit”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars terencelaoshi says:

    I was going to say that you clearly didn't read the court transcripts. But that would be naive. You know exactly what you're doing.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ୨ ୧ says:

    This was a very biased (guess which side) account and story telling.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chandrachur Niyogi says:

    the road infrastructure in the Solar City should be 4-laned freeway types!!! infact the road network will be based on the architecture plan of Nurburgring racing track near Stuttgart, Germany spanning over 28 miles – 33 miles!!!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vance Sloan says:

    How does tesla earn money? Not from selling cars. Tesla earns its money by selling environmental credits to companies that produce gas cars. The US government got involved in cars fuel economy decades ago and charge credits for poor gas mileage cars and give credits for all electric cars. If it was not for this fact, tesla would be out of business. Furthermore, teslas are definitely not good for the environment. Lithium mining? Bad. Cobalt mining may not be bad for the environment but ask the 10 year olds of Africa how good it is for their health. How are these ingredients shipped? Diesel fuel. Lots of diesel fuel. Don't get me wrong. Elon plays within the rules. He just knows how to use those rules to achieve maximum personal benefit. I dont dislike him at all. He is brilliant. I WOULD like to see the government stay out of it though. Its definitely not a free capitalist market.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Melvinthedeathless .Melvinthedeathless says:

    Fail…. Elon had relatives working at solarcity. moreover, Elon had personal investments in said company. He should have recused himself from the matter. Instead, he hyped solarcity and convinced shareholders that solarcity is about to deliver some revolutionary products and Solarcity did not. Elon love to hype shit up and media channels tend to give him a pass. Look at boring company, self-driving taxi, tesla semis (2 years late and counting).

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rick Kay says:

    Why would we need to watch people make fools of themselves who have literally NEVER been right? They are cute entertainment for the lazy minded, but nothing remotely accurate. anti elon and anti tesla folks live to see failure, and no matter how much garbage is strewn they lap up what feels good to hear then move on to the next pile of goat sht to eat ignoring reality. its super adorable though

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TuckerE says:

    Its hypocritical to rail against the corrupt banks, hedge funds, and corporate frauds and to then hype Tesla. Musks corporate scams rival all of these.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Glurak says:

    Two important information missing: family and SolarRoofTiles.
    Solar City founders are Elon Musks family and by acquisition, he saved their failing business. That is conflict of interest.
    SolarCity and Elon hyped the acquisition with SolarRoof technology, which was nowhere ready at the time and still is in experimentation phase, questionable if ever be as good and profitable as presented. But it was presented as finalized and production ready. Without this SolarCity was just another solar installing company and definitely overpaid.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Isaiah Alderete says:

    Dude you’re wrong. Elon musk literally runs multiple scams at a time. Most of his wealth has come from fraudulent or blatant misinformation. The man is not who you wish he was. Remember, don’t be bias. Also, your content is extremely unoriginal and I’m sure all of your deep digging comes from watching others videos… what a shame

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trevor Nganga says:

    I know anyone can be in a cult but really, I expected much better from this guy, not giving an ounce of criticism on elon, using stupid arguments like we agreed to the lies he sold us about the bail out so he shouldn't got to court and oh the stock price is higher now so what's the problem like dude the problem is that he didn't recuse himself and sold the shareholders technology that didn't exist. The sad reality is that Tesla is a pyramid scheme held up by dreams, past successes and the government it's current share price is absurd it's almost at a trillion dollars but all this on speculation on delivery dates that we all no Elon will probably never make or accomplish as well as he says

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mohamed-amine Satouri says:

    And the video is a lot of maybes , maybe solar city will work, maybe it was the model 3, maybe in the future bird will breath underwater… At this point in time, musk just discovered that the auto industry is an industry that asks for knowledge, he did push for EV, at this point in time an ev become carbon neutral after 8years of use. So the green bs should really be put down. Solar city is the same for now,.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keanu Vernon says:

    PLus tesla is not happy with right-to-repair or true ownership of your property. But that's like all other car manufactures.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keanu Vernon says:

    i honestly should have went to law school. Lawyers cannot be made into AI as far as I know.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carl Mannhard says:

    This is all wrong. "Creating synergies" sounds nice and all but this acquisition was actually a total scam and the ones paying are Tesla shareholders. He uses share dilution to pay off himself and his friends/family, and nobody even questions it. SolarCity is a crappy company that can't make a buck or a decent product.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RiTcHiE Rich says:

    All this Tesla name in a video, would probably revived the dead Nikolai Tesla himself..

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Prizax says:

    Your videos are so great they give me a lot of insight I didnt know about companies tho just try to always be the most critical possible and dont take sides.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raven Gaming says:

    He used shareholders' and taxpayers' money to bail out a bankrupt company his cousin and himself owned. SolarCity is still unprofitable to this day!
    Elon Musk lies with every breath and his cultist fans will believe anything he says.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Love says:

    TSLA is ridiculously overvalued. It is worth more than the credit card industry. Just think about that. It is a $200 stock at best. Hopefully it drags the SPY down.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stuart Hyslop says:

    Are you for real mate, have you seen Musk's Earth point to point presentation and his side kick Gwenn saying they can run it at 10 x of a standard long haul flight. Greener tech what a joke also the cost is vastly over stated Musk deserves ALL the flack he get's because all he seems to do is take an already thought of idea and make it more cost/time stupid. Hyperloop/Las Vegas tunnel/Tesla haulage trucks honestly the guy has an unending supply of stupidity and it's the hardcore science ill-literate dummy's that hang on his every word that keep him in the media mainstream, the sooner this snake oil fantasy dreaming idiot leaves the science to REAL scientists the better.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob Ryan says:

    So, how many of the solar roofs have been installed? And "independent board of directors" lol.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Khuong-Daniel Nguyen says:

    Everyone that thinks Elon is some huge innovator must realise that both electric cars and vertically landing rockets existed decades before him. Early landing experiments took place in Australia in the early 1980’s

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Viki Sk says:

    Either WSM is a blind fanboy or He made this video for the Algorithm.

    Take a look at all the facts before making a video BTW

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SFBAY10 says:

    Well as a "Tesla Solar" customer I can only say it is the absolute worst company I have every bought something from. Their customer service is non-existent. Really, really bad.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Godot says:

    Imagine suing the person that caused your stock value to increase by 10x, some people will never be happy 😂

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Johnson says:

    Musk is fighting the power industry, the car industry, the established status quo, the space race AND the law. He's winning on all fronts and the establishment is crapping copious amounts of kittens over one guys smashing the "boundaries that shall not be crossed."

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrei Slipyy says:

    I like Elon but there's nothing renewable about "renewable" energy, I think he knows this himself but sees the profitability in the current market and political climate.

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