Join me this week in the life of a high producing mortgage loan officer as I show you what I do and what it takes to be in the top 1%. From focusing on clients to managing a team, gain valuable insights into the daily routines and strategies that drive success in the world of mortgage lending. Enjoy!
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#MortgageAudit #MortgageLoanOfficer #MortgageBroker
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In this video:
00:00 Introduction to X2 Ventures ep003
2:00 Weekend Projects
4:07 Update on Hacked Social Media
6:32 Biz Flexin
11:07 State Regulator Audit
14:23 Wednesday Shenanigans
17:42 Testing New Marketing Plan
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What's up guys? Sean Here and you're watching X2 Ventures Episode 3. this guy's working, suited and booted and up early on this Thursday morning we are headed to a networking event. Actually, it's more just like a business event with like a guest speaker and stuff at the Chateau looks in. North Scottsdale Dang, seems like we got quite a bit of people in the office today.

Got one right there. Got two over there. Uno dos tres cuatro. he's back.

We're already heading out. Yeah, it's good man. not quite as good as me. You know.

hey, come on, what are you looking like this? I Went to a very business professional meeting. This is literally bro. I've never even seen you in a suit. really getting married today or something? You're just doing business casual.

Yeah, it's just business casual today. Wait, where are you headed? You're going to a meeting going to? uh, that? Oh yeah, the heart pump again. North American Really? Property Management All right, you're heading back here. No.

I'm gonna go home and work. All right everyone. All right. What are you guys doing making some content? Oh yeah, yeah.

Class scene. Oh actually no. the scene. Now that he's here I Think it would be so funny? What do you want me to run it? Let me show you.

I'm doing the Full House Oh okay, all right. run me through it. Zach All right. we'll be standing here.

Okay, we'll all be holding the hands. Okay, Tanner's gonna start over there. He's gonna start at the ground, come up and we're gonna run by him off on the hands smiling which is a shot of X2 Mortgage cut scene, roll the credits. Let's do it man the Paper Boy Saturday Morning the Grind doesn't stop just because the work week does.

Um, heading to one of the rental properties this morning. Gotta put on my plumber's cap and also my electricians cat. I'm gonna be installing a hood vent oven. also going to be looking at a garbage disposal that's not working so let's do it.

Hopefully this doesn't take me too long because in about two hours I need to be at another networking event with my boy. Luke and it's at this place in Phoenix which is like 30 40 minutes away. so hopefully I can jam through this. the right side, the left side is working fine.

it won't go down foreign. big news unwinding. Looks like they processed your ticket Thursday Night result by Friday night looks like your car's been on a short. oh oh yes we are boys.

Okay cool. So uh. obviously my account has been definitely changed a ton. Like what is all this? I'm gonna need to swap this ASAP I don't really know how to change my name.

Well, looks like I can't I'm glad to reach out so I'll kind of run you through a little bit of the process kind of getting started. It's pretty simple. you know, fill out an application online that I'll email over to you and then once you finish filling that out I'll let you know what kind of documents I need to fully dial in your file and see where we're at with things and then at that point we'll kind of know. Hey, here's how much we're going to qualify for.
Here's you know Loan program. Here's what the monthly payment looks like and then at that point I can kind of issue an official pre-qualification letter and we can get you out shopping. Okay, score is low for low bar owner first and that's usually how I like to go about it too. Let's start with just your info and if it's not getting us where we need to be, let's see what we need to do to get us there.

Okay, so if you can, if you have any questions with it, let me know. But once I get it all start piecing things together and we'll kind of go from there. Okay, awesome, thank you so much Sean No problem I'll talk to you later. All right, All right.

Well I mean at least we got some good news. Counts back I just can't change the name on it so we're just gonna have to wait for that. hopefully. I don't have to wait to 60 days though.

I Was told that to have someone look into it for me. So back to waiting we go. Whoa! Holy Balls I Was here way too late I Know I'm here way too late when these windows look like a mirror, the sun is fully down I Just got caught up in a new project, totally was not looking at the time, got a little hungry, looked down and was like oh, shoot I gotta get out of here I've definitely been here a little bit later, but on a Monday or I gotta go home and probably edit videos for like the next three hours. Yeah, tonight might be a little bit rough Rockin flips with the outfit today.

Nah I'm just kidding. I'll be honest with you. I was up to like 12 31 am last night doing lots of editing on these videos. so I didn't go to the gym.

Oh no, shame on me. But I'm gonna start my morning off by working from home today for two main reasons: One, our Texas audit that I was talking about previously was just finished as of last night I Scheduled a phone call meeting with the Texas Regulators this morning at 10 A.M So in about an hour and a half two hours if it's bad news I Want to be able to cry alone in my house and then the second reason is because these videos take me so long to edit I need to figure out a way to get Tanner involved to help me make these videos. So we're gonna be doing some tests with some cloud-based editing I Want To do it as if it's a real life scenario where I'm at my machine at home because I use a different laptop when I'm at the office than a computer when I'm at home. So we're gonna do some cloud-based editing see if it works out.

The schedule on the day is actually pretty light though. day is really going to be determined on how that audit call goes. Can I do a large black iced tea and then I'll do a bacon, egg and cheese on a bagel? Please Thank you! You wanna see a flex Real quick look at his email thread. It was a uh an offer that went out on a listing.

You know it's just very standard like hey yada yada yada this is You know this offer. The listing agent only responds and says have you worked with this lender before and look at this Flex from my boy Steve have I worked with this lender before he goes? Yes, we've closed over a hundred deals with him the past few years. He's trusted my drop. He could have said yeah, he's very old trusted I've worked them a lot.
No, he hadn't dropped about 100. Plus, that's because people dream of closing a hundred deals in their career. Needless to say, we got the offer accepted, another deal on the pipe cutching. Let's actually see if we can get Steve on the phone to see what he says about it.

Steve Yeah, you had to drop the hammer on this listing agent like that. I've made my morning. That was pretty good. Hey we don't mess around hey yo yo.

it's just like so you just you just went straight for the jugular. You could have said like oh yeah I've worked with them a lot. he's really good. Feel free to call him now.

we've closed 100 deals. He's good bro literally sent that sent the sign contract back like three minutes left. Oh that's awesome. Insane huh? That's so good.

You see I got my Facebook account kind of back. What do you mean though? the attacker changed the name to like Jeremy Ferrari So everyone thinks I'm Jeremy Ferrari Dude, yeah dude. go look at my account. The agent in Arizona Yeah yeah, 300 yeah, what do you mean with him this week? Are you eating in the car s back right now? Oh yeah yeah.

I saw that trying to look like me Steve hey hey, come on you know I got both those especially the ladder. Oh my goodness, yeah, All right, sounds good. All right. All right, All right.

I Think we're gonna call this listing agent. just introduce ourselves I don't always do this I need to make it a habit to do it because that's really what you're supposed to do if you want to get more business. Prospect more agents things like that. So let's pick up the phone and call her I think her name is Anel A-n-e-l Let's see forwarded my call.

Hey now my name is Sean Malku with X2 mortgage I Just got this accepted offer, just wanted to call and introduce myself. If you do need anything, feel free to give me a call back. Otherwise I'm looking forward to working with you now we need to call the client. Pro Tip: I Always do is after I leave a voicemail I Always wait at least five minutes before I make my next call.

Sometimes people are on their phone and they think it's spam and then they get the voicemail and they go oh crap, let me call that person. They'll call you right back and if you're already on another phone call then it looks like you don't answer your phone. hello. Hey! Tommy it's Sean Malku with IC mortgage.

How's it going? Yes sir, hey doing well I Saw you got an accepted offer. That's awesome sir I'm ready to rock and roll I'm getting things uh, kind of teed up and all that. Our credit report is expired so I'm gonna grab a new one if that's all right. Bye Boom! Honestly like don't usually get nervous for anything in this industry anymore but for some reason my hands are like a little sweaty.
knees weak arms are heavy this vomit on a sweater already. This is Sean Sean high with the Department of savings and mortgage lending. Hey all right I'm doing well. how are you? Well my preliminary rated based on this information I'm gonna submit it as a two now.

a rating two is considered to be satisfactory compliance position I Didn't see anything egregious in your thoughts and that's why I'm gonna go with uh, a rating of a two I Love that I'll have an email to you today with all of these updated and ready to go. So and with that sad Sean have this will conclude our exit review. well. thank you for taking the time to run me through all that.

Honestly not as bad as I thought. And it probably helps that the gal who is doing our audit was like the nicest, sweetest lady ever. So thank you for that. Take some notes but I think we did pretty good technically.

As of right now we got a two with the best being a one, but the scale's out of five so I feel like that was pretty good A Couple of the items that we got called out on I totally get it because of laws and everything like this, but they're very minute and very picky things. For example, on our pre-approvals we altered a sentence to not include three words and it can't be altered so we have to go in and change that. I Think one of the biggest things we made a mistake on was we've been sending out a disclosure to all of the loans we funded that has been wrong. I don't know how I missed it I feel awesome after that review because one I know what it's like now and two I can see what Regulators are specifically looking for to make sure when we do our next audit we're getting a one.

I'm pretty relieved though now that I have actual shoes on I can head to the office that call was like an hour and then I was troubleshooting stuff with Tanner So I am Mega behind on work today. Everything with the audit is supposed to be incredibly confidential so I can't really share much and I don't really want to test the waters with any sort of compliance reviews, but I always try to share as much information as I can on this channel. but I'm just in such a nitpicky industry or I'm like a sneeze away from doing something that'll get me in trouble sometimes. I wish I did like a super basic and boring business like picking up weeds.

Look at those weeds. come on, where's our tax dollars go? He changed seats well I forgot my USB so now I'm plugged into Tyler's and I got all these colors and crap. What's up Tanner What's up man, what's up Rebecca Thoughts on the video that went up the first one. Yeah I like it.

Excited to see what we can turn it into though. Thank you. Is that my best friend? Okay, you better go. Hey! Josh so is he just like the X2 dog? oh my God I mean like there's a lot of X2 dogs? Yeah, there are.
Yeah, you look so fit right through my Lululemon So how's your day dude I didn't open house on Saturday I Had 14 groups come through in four hours and I was holding two open so that was awesome. How's it been for you? Oh it's just been Dandy You know what's up with the I Sent you two people recently I Just talked to someone yesterday. You get my emails when I send them apps right. those are nice huh? Those are automated Carla Who is she? It's client fire.

All right you're you're important to me. I was gonna tell you something secretly deep down I'm just crying oh was Alexis called you who she's like I'm like I really need to call Sean I'm like Colin that she's not gonna do this. which big shocker because she hasn't been doing it Yeah I think it's like I'm like out of the blue he's not gonna care I need to call that client back. You know.

All right. go call her. I'm gonna get to work. Can you close my door? actually? actually I got it.

Your hands are full I'm sure you're tired of hearing from No. definitely not sorry I missed you earlier. Good for you. Go for it.

The down payment that we would put uh for this house is that chocolate festival or yeah, so it's not necessarily tax deductible because you'll still have you know you're technically just transferring the form of what it is. so you're transferring it from liquid cash to equity. Honestly, the biggest benefit with real estate and taxes is you know the depreciation. So yeah, you'll get another property added on your schedule.

Ease? You'll get more depreciation you'll get. Yeah, you'll get a pretty nice return from it. Perfect. Awesome! Well thank you so much! Sean I Appreciate the flexibility of you kind of working with us to try to find your solution for this.

Yeah, of course. no problem at all. All right, talk to you later. Bye I'm trying to find the leak that you got and I'm pretty sure you got some type of Link because when I got into the boat you had a decent amount of water in the fields which is unusual.

What? What's the scenario that you were in to where you noticed that you were taking on water? The crazy thing is is when you guys flush the oil and I go out. it runs great I fill the bags at a time in my life for like 30 minutes. It's like man, I'm loving it and then usually after about half an hour. maybe an hour depending on how much you're riding or whatever how much you're using it, it just won't go above like 2500 rpm, you know? I Usually open the engine compartment and there's a lot more water in there.

All right. Cool. Well I'll take that and I'll look at it a little bit and see what I can find. Cool man I Appreciate it.

Awesome! I appreciate the call. Thank you. What are you doing right now Rage? I'm trying to make money, confirm it ready and gone door code. Oh just doing agent things.
Wanna go pick up those signs with me? It's right down the street. Yeah, we're gonna go pick up some. Riders Oh Sabrina you haven't even made in the videos yet everyone Sabrina Look at this pork chop right here. ready to drive in the Beast today.

Good job Rage I Will sit. What is that? Okay little gifts I Like this: Rage? did you make these I ordered them. Love every inch of your new home. and an inch is a lot.

You know what I mean? Hopefully you see I Drove my truck today. Yeah I did I never drive my truck. never gone this back way. This is a little sketch what it's right here you know I'm an Arizona native so am I Yes there we go.

look at this. Check him out. Open it up. Hold on, hold on hold on you ready? That looks pretty good.

What do you think Dash thinks of them? you know? Yeah. I Like that. Test it out. This is slick huh? What are we talking about? You or the Sun All right, yeah, we did the free version to start.

You know, just make sure you gotta be affordable. Yeah, you know. Is it loading all right scanner real quick? Let's see. Boom Oh the anticipation.

Look at that. that's fantastic. Wow I think you killed that I think that's the one cut? Yeah yeah. so I literally grabbed him I walked out of the door three feet and I dropped him Sean All right I drink this no half a little more I mean do you turn around I was like thank you and there were two of them stacked and it fell and I was like I don't worry about it, say they've been used so much.

Oh I'm doing it in here Shane Well we do a podcast called cheddar Chaser so if you're interested, look it up. We're getting ready to throw down generation. we bring on gas entrepreneurs, talk about businesses and stuff they do, but Shane is talking about his business today. So instead of just interviewing, we're an interviewees.

Now you're an interviewer in an interview. Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. how's the Pod podcast? I'd say it's about a nine out of ten? Whoa. The best part about it? Um 706 I Need to get the heck out of here I Absolutely love when people are in the office, but holy crap it really distracts me from my work and ends up making me always Mega behind Nate Dogg Left the Bay open I've gotten close on multiple occasions accidentally leaving this open I need to go home and work and then do it all over again.

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where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

One thought on “Mortgage company gets audited x2 ventures ep3”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kaidyngames10 says:

    Amazing video cant lie miss the roblox vids ahah

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