Humbled Trader merch:
Stocks have been selling off this week and many growth stocks are crashing. The gap ups on the Archegos Fund stocks like $VIAC $DISCA $BIDU $TME had little chance of staying up. All the premarket gains were sold off today. High flyer growth stocks like $TSLA and many others have been selling off. Crypto market also took a dive with bitcoin futures prices dropping below $50K after Elon's tweet suspending bitcoin payment on Tesla purchases.
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Humbled Trader FAM count: 718,800

Before we start the recap today, there's some exciting news. Oh my god, i got recognized in public in real life this weekend. That's something i thought would never happen in real life and i'm still a little bit shocked. But i'll tell you the story in a little bit, but as for the market showing up today is definitely one of those days where you look around you're.

Just like hello is, is anyone here, i guess anything. Gon na happen like what's up hi the market's open wake up. No one showed up to the market. I still took.

You know two trades um a couple. Others like small scalps um, but it was. It was a really um quiet day. Let's just say that so the two stocks on my main watch list was this disca and viacom discovery channel was up with the the partnership and uh new standalone content company with um att um.

So that i mean that's positive news and viacom. It was up from george soros, taking a stake, but if you look at the daily chart for both of these stocks on viacom, you can see a huge drop on the daily from 90 down to low 40s and same as on the discovery channel um. Both of these stocks, if you you can look at on the daily chart uh, you know it's a it's a stock that basically got dumped um from the highs all the way um from this one from 70s, all the way down to 34.. So both of these were parts of the the.

What was it the arcade goes, hedge fund blowing up - and you know they had to you - know liquidate their entire position. So that's what caused a huge dump, and today it felt it was just another press release to get the stocks gapping up and for them to continue selling off. If you look at the charts on diska and also viacom, which was the first stock, i started trading today, both of these look extremely weak today, uh, if you look at viacom like i, i was short biased on both of these stocks um and this guy. I didn't get an entry at all until much later, but on viacom.

You know this isn't gapped up from 38 90s to 40s uh. When i started in scalding and shorts around the key levels, 40 dollars and 30 cents, 40.50 area actually got stopped on starter. First and after seeing that high of the day rejection slammed back down to v-wap and on the pops. That's why i started adding back into the short position so after rescaling all the shorts around 40, 20s and 40 40s and later on right here, 40 20s.

I had a pretty decent average about 40 30s, but keep in mind. I did take a small loss early on, but after that scaling we got a nice unwind um down to 30 90s um. I was out half of it. Around 39 60s had to react, and i just decided to take um all the short position off, and this thing you can see after i covered it, just tanked from 3960s all the way down to previous day closed um 38 90s and went red on the day.

While i was short buyers on this, i did not think it was gon na give back the entire gap um. So that kind of that's kind of how you know like when the bounces are so weak and you could not even retest even v-wap or back to 40s. That's where i was looking to re-re-short and re-enter the short side position. It was just a week.
It's in a straight um, downtrend all day after it, cracked the the forty dollars mark around 950s, so just very weak. This is this is how you know the stock is weak and they are still liquidating their their positions. They might not be done yet um even after a month, so that was viacom. I left a lot of money on the table.

Um i mean in hindsight it looks like you could have. I could have. You know went back in and re-short these little retests of the the pre-market lows around 1939 80s and you know down to 39, but there's no way. I could have known that this was gon na, be this week um, and it would feel like it's chasing the weakness on the short side, and i don't really want to do that.

Um, the other one that missed completely is discovery channel. You can see after the 42's breakdown pre-market, it went to 40 dollars that was gon na be the level i was watching for the short at the open, 39 spike to 39.70, and just just no bounce whatsoever straight down liquidating 39 70s down to 37s. So a lot bigger range than viacom and 37s down to 36 previously closed and even went red on the day. I just had a small scalp, knowing that you know it's already so weak, so it's very difficult to to sh short the weakness, knowing that this is already kind of like below red on the day uh.

But this is indeed very weak. It does feel like they were just selling um, taking advantage of the overnight gap up to sell, even more shares, and let's be clear that when you see these kind of heavy sell-off and uh, you know the the volume breakout on the daily with the sell-off side. Um, this is the the funds and whoever was still holding the institutional positions on the discovery channel liquidating the position. So it's probably still the the archaic goals fund.

They had to like slowly liquidate their positions, um, but it just it's just very weak. So this is the case where um no matter, you know whether the indicators or the or the anything that tells you it's along um us little. Retail traders cannot fight the funds if they decide to sell the position on the stock and same thing as viacom and the charts look very similar. But viacom was a little bit better because because it actually gave us a little retest to at least high 40s to short into, instead of just dropping right at the open, like the disco.

So a slow day like this with so minimal trades call for a story. Time so i've never been recognized in real in real life before um, and but that actually happened this weekend and of all the places that this would happen where i would get recognized with a mask on in public. It would be yes, you guessed it right, a bubble, tea shop, a huge shout out to tiger sugar vancouver the owner was there and he recognized me - and i guess my friend as well, and treated us to uh to some very delicious black sugar bubble tea. So, thank you so much for that.
I was i was in shock. I was probably more like more in shock than he was. I was just like standing there awkwardly for a couple of seconds. He was probably thinking.

Oh, my god, this humble trader really is as awkward in real life as she is on camera, but yeah. That was just such a cool and sweet experience and i never thought that would happen. So thank you to everyone who supported me and uh. You know if you guys happen to see me in real life around vancouver.

Please um, don't hesitate to like come up and say hi um just keep in mind. That might be very awkward and i don't know what to say. We do also have some trading questions that i want to answer um. The first question is from cardi, essentially she's, asking that if i'm trading more pre-market in the current market sentiment after seeing what happened with disco and viacom, especially what happened pre-market, i think i think you know this is - would be the market condition where i can would Consider more pre-market trades.

I usually try to avoid them, but recently most of the big moves happen pre-market with a with the breakdowns um. The breakouts are failing as usual as as it was the last two weeks um, but the big sell-off on the on the on the gap ups happen pre-market. So i might consider that, but usually i try to avoid too much pre-market trading, and even if i get into any of these trades long or short pre-markets, it would only be pre-market size and i always prefer to add into it after the market opens with more Liquid action and more range - and you get the highs and the lows determined on the day, and we have a second question. It's a very good question from big bola, so he's asking that what how long within my trading career did.

I start trading high price stocks like tesla because they use a lot of margin um, so i tesla wasn't always this expensive, though remember tesla was once only a hundred dollars 200 and 300 dollars um, and then that was also a pre-split. When i started trading uh trading, these large cap stocks, i would say, with a stock range above 100. I didn't start trading them until year, three and four, but my focus early on was on the in year. One and two was on the large cap stocks as lower price range around 30 to 50 50 dollars was the the perfect perfect sweet spot.

I think for the large cap price ranges, because, with a smaller account, like i had at the time year, one and year two, it's all about account building right. If you are trading a small account, that's probably your goal as well for the large cap stocks. I always recommend them over the small cap stocks for account building because for large caps, even if you can only take 100 shares with 50 shares, they are more predictable and they tend to hold their trend. So you know if a large cap stock 30 stock move a dollar 50 shares has 50 100 shares.
That's a hundred dollars. You can really start building your account slowly like that, even with 50 shares. That's no problem at all. I have done a video on this.

On how i built up my account, if you want to check that out, if you have any more questions, feel free to leave them in the comment section below. Thank you guys for watching stay, safe and i'll. See you guys next time, hey guys thanks for watching. I hope you enjoyed the video and the bad jokes if you want to see more day trading content, make sure to subscribe and follow me on twitter and instagram for more.

If you like to trade with me daily and get my free weekend, watch list and trading journal make sure to check out the links below for more resources. Stay, green, stay, positive and i'll. See you guys next time.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

36 thoughts on “More stock market sell off $disca $viac”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars L says:

    If you have 4 screens at home, you are the real deal.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon L. Garcia says:

    You got recognized? Gotta stop driving that lambo 😉

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thoth's Corner says:

    I got whacked early this week, sold off but managed to recover to even for the week. I currently have a simple 1% per day target (it is actually a $ target) for growth. So I missed my target, but I'm not as far down in the hole as I was.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars eWorkNOW says:

    Don't know how I stopmed onto this. Anyway GREAT clip 🙌🙌. I also have been watching those rather similar from mStarTutorials and kinda wonder how you guys make these clips. MSTAR TUTORIALS also had cool information about similiar money making things on his vids.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars S A says:

    Hey can i ask you a question. Are you making more money actually trading or being a coach/youtuber? No disrespect just curious and the videos are great!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mycroft Holmes says:

    hey what custodian do you trade with? what software you running? cool setup!!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tarek Al-Shamky says:

    Hi Humbled Trader
    Do you have any videos on how many stocks you trade at a time, or whats in your watchlist? it seems like you trade everything, and I dont think thats true?
    thank you

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WeenerDawg says:

    i have a question would you reccomend using Fundamental Analysis To Picking stocks? and techiical analysis for WHen? If so what books do you reccomend on Fundamental Analysis?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mike prius says:

    Hi Shay, looking very gorgeous 🙂 Hope all is well !

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sakeb says:

    Hey Shay, love your content.. Bit of a random comment here… But could you do a video on the Bloomberg platform or Reuters Eikon? Maybe just what your experience is with it and whether or not you think its a good tool to day trade with etc. Thanks!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars collado2004 says:

    Glad I found your channel. I just started learning Day Trading and find your videos really helpful. Also 我希望我知道是什么才能赢得你的心

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Morgan says:

    I just saw you outside my apartment on homer street. I would have said hi but you were in the middle of a convo.
    We could have talked VFX and stocks, man! lol 😛
    Next time.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Johnson says:

    Hey HT😁. Long time subscriber and love your videos. Learned alot from you. I have a question and would love your help. I've built my account from 1000 to 25000. Most of those gains came after the market crash last year. I've become very good at risk management but find myself struggling ever since I got to 25000. It's like i keep getting over a few hundred then pulling back to 25000 or below which ends up putting me below pdt and i keep adding funds to get back above 25000. It's almost as if I'm trapped because if i take any kind of risk and go below i got to add the funds myself. Luckily because of me managing my risk I only go negative by less than 100 bucks but I cant seem to get away been struggling ever since the beginning of 2021 to continue being a day trader. Any advice?😁

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrea Douglass says:

    RIDE has been doing well the past 2 days. Making new highs.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daily Mechanic says:

    Why don't you trade crypto,s?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Piper says:

    you got recognized cuz you pulled up in your lambo.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adrian Jovale gomez says:

    How do you know the right 1 strategy to trade if you have dozen strategy?? I'm newbie plss answer my question ty

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bhesham Tolani says:

    Hi @humbledtrader can u please let me know what platforms u use for news as the one I use have certain delays!!??

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arcadios - Arcadios from Glyfada says:

    oh god.. full of fake spam accounts around.. !!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars eWorkNOW says:

    Don't know how I stopmed onto this. All in all GREAT clip ❤️😄. I also watched those rather similar from MStarTutorials and kinda wonder how you guys create these stuff. MSTAR TUTORIALS also had cool info about similiar money making things on his channel.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars V4n0n says:

    there's big bearish divergences forming on monthly charts. could be epic drops coming soon.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gregory Doe says:

    When I got the actual fact about salaries was during the lockdown salaries don't make you rich. I went into trading last year and I bought my first house in the beginning of this year. Then I realised I wasted a lot of time

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Henry says:

    Hi HT! I have a question: when drawing key support and resistance lines on the daily chart, do you include extended market hours data or just regular trading hours data in the daily candles ? Your videos are top notch in terms of trading contend 😉

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr Dev says:

    @ @ indicators or oscillators we should say, are NOT very very lagging. Where did you learn that anyway? I just posted you an example on twitter from @ T<H<E<M<R<D<E<V to your "Chart indicators are the No. 1 way to end up going off-script when it comes to executing your trading plan.
    Surprising how many "pros" dont know what they dont know. May 18th

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Xycan says:

    I'm a fairly new trader but have been doing decently well since starting. I accidentally transmitted 2 orders to buy disca on the open (I was under the impression one of them was just a saved order).. I had a stop but only on one of the orders and closed my work station after a small loss thinking I was out of the market. I woke up to being 20% down on shares I didn't know I had and a loss way above my max loss… to say the least I was pissed. Unreal this stock flushed this much.. on top of it all!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Cole says:

    FUBO to the moon (They are entering online sports betting)! Also buy CLOV and CHWY. Hold all 3 for at least a 10.00 gap up! They are way oversold.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheKorkio says:

    I'm guessing the market was super slow because it was tax day. All of the money people were busy meeting the deadline!

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nevim says:

    Recognized in "real life"? Is there any real life apart from trading and youtube??

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Navi Rox says:

    Smart, Beautiful, and humorous … I appreciate you as you are.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NoyPi Trader says:

    Great Recap HT!! I guess the market was too easy for you shorting it 🙂 …..
    now everyone knows where to hang out to see a celebrity star like you,,,,,,,……. Bubble tea shops,,,,, hahahaha 🙂

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lőrinc Gábriel Lukács says:

    i am sorry i thought we start with a joke

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jfk henna says:

    What is the link to your video about building an account using large cap stocks ?

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erwin says:

    I think I know why the market is so quiet today. Meme stocks like AMC and GME had extremely high volatility with 10% gains today. It is most likely that the big players are all in the these stocks waging a long vs short war. We are seeing huge selloffs in the rest of the market, maybe due to hedge funds liquidating their positions or even margin calls.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars modellbobby says:

    You are a very bad trader. Please watch the reaction video of coding jesus. So true

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arcadios - Arcadios from Glyfada says:

    Greece says hi to Vancouver. Loved it. Lived for a while in my 20s 1992-1993. Thanks for your good channel content also!!!

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arcadios - Arcadios from Glyfada says:

    hi. lightspeed broker uses cfd's?

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