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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? So we're going to do a quick recap. I don't want to do a long recap because I want to kind of get away from charts as soon as I can. I am not super happy with my trading today. it was a roller coaster.

I had one terrible loss on Acrs and then I made it back. So um, I I had some really good trades as it squeezed back up. So we're gonna break down the trades from today. Acrs was the stock I traded the most, but there were a couple others I traded.

Let's run that intro. Please hit the thumbs up if you haven't already and we'll get into the recap in just one second. All right everyone. So uh, well.

you can see where I sit here. It's behind my piece of painters tape. But um, I know that this wasn't a great day for me. I started the first stock I was trading was Acrs and I, you know, I honestly didn't feel super good about it pre-market because I was like it's a 40 million share full of stock.

It's more expensive, this has choppiness written all over it, but pre-marketed actually made some nice moves as you can see right here. And I did trade it pre-market but I don't really remember even exactly where I took my first trade. Let me. well, I can just go back here my orders.

So it looks like my first trade was at 11.60 So that was about here for the first five minute candle to make a new high. and uh, that was a green trade for sure. It was 3 000 shares in and then back out, Then got back in with 3063, got back out at 66, got back in at 69, and then cut it at 11 19.. So based on 3 000 shares that was, you know a well let's see about a 30 cent loss.

So that's a 15 000 loss. at least excuse me. So then I was red. Then it looks like I got back in at 11.50 had a small trade, got back into 1160, sold at 1180, and that was a nice winner.

Back in at 1190 and 1155 and 66 and sold at 25. So that looks like that was a loss. Yep, that would have been a loss. Um, where was that one? Let's see, might have been somewhere in this area here.

So um or no. maybe that was earlier here. Maybe it was in this area. Yeah, it might have been in this area.

Anyways, I traded it a bunch. Um, and I was in pretty good shape at the open. Got we got this trade here and I sold it. I had a good entry, a good exit, and then I got back in here and I sized up with 10 000 shares which actually isn't that big of size for me, but I was in with 10 000 shares at 15.

As it ripped through, this level hit a high of 15 17 and then dropped in one candle to 13.29 Almost two dollars a share and I stopped out at 13.50 And so I lost no doubt fifteen thousand dollars on that trade. I was in with ten thousand shares. I can do the math without seeing even the P. L.

I know that I was read after that trade and it was the right thing to cut the loss. I mean it could have halted going down, it was not looking good and then it started to curl back up through through here and I did get back in cautiously. With small size, it rips up here to 16. it pulls back one minute pull back.
it goes a little higher but choppy so I think on that one I got. I don't know if I even got back to break even after that trade, but I made some money on it. And then we went into this kind of longer period of consolidation which ended up forming a five-minute pattern. Uh, right here.

and that was a really good trade. I took along there for the break of 16, but I didn't take enough size on it and it rips up to 17 1705 and it's halted. but I sold too soon and I didn't have enough size on it. Then first five minute candle make a new high right there.

That was a decent trade and my last trade on it was a long um around 1930. I was looking for it to continue up to 1950 and I cut that loss at about 1880 and I lost like 40 cents. and on that one I had let me see how many sides, how many shares? Um, I had 7 000 shares on that trade so lost like 40 cents. So seven times four like three grand.

So whatever I'm at right now is probably three thousand off my top. Plus I also lost on Uon E. So I'm a little off the top and you know I was kind of asking my i mean you know On the one hand I was hoping to have a really nice big green day given how you know choppy the last few weeks have been but on the other hand I was saying listen, it's today the day to be aggressive and you know the answer is no, Then size down and step back and on this unfortunately Acrc or Acrs was very choppy. It really was a very difficult one with some nasty moves, some really big topping tails, some gross rejections, and I'm probably I don't know.

Again, I haven't looked at so I have a piece of tape over this so I haven't looked at what my actual P L is on Acrs. I think that I am green on it because I had a nice move right through here and that and everything else was small. I have some a small red trade on Ume, I'm sure of that because of where I was in Now small red trades on Yten, Bngo, and Chnr are small. I don't know if they're red or green, but Acrs was the main one I traded And look at that rejection right there.

that that type of stuff. That's what's so hard. So anyways, um, I I'm pretty sure that I'm green today and I am trying to practice this technique of not looking at my P. L.

so I don't feel this emotional frustration and disappointment and everything else. So I'm just kind of saying, you know what? focus on the trades, the profits will follow. And today, while I was focusing on the trades, I was just feeling like it's really choppy and today's probably not a good day for me to overstay my welcome. So I'm saying I'm done.

And I don't. Really, I don't really care to. Um, I don't care to take any more trades. Uh, today.

I'll come back tomorrow and maybe tomorrow will be better. Um, you know I. I guess I'll I'm just going to see where I sit on the day I'm done trading, so it doesn't. It's not going to affect me because I'm done trading.
Okay, so Six thousand, Nine hundred, eighty Seven dollars, and Fifty cents. Ten thousand on Acrs? That's more than I thought. That's nice. Ten thousand bucks on that one, but up only seven on the day? Yeah, so I must have been up close to ten over probably a little over ten Thousand at my peak there.

Well, hey, you know what? six seven thousand is more than I was. I mean, that's fine, that that's a good day. That's a green day. That's a green day.

It's halfway to the daily goal of 10 grand, but I'm happy with that. And now it's very important for me to shut it all down and shut off the charts and walk away for the rest of the day. I do not want to get Fomo. this might go to 25 bucks.

I don't care, I don't want to get Fomo. I can't get back in. I've got to be grateful to be green, even if it is only um, you know, only 7 000. That's a little.

Uh, you know that's not a big day for me, but that's a green day. and if I can be green again tomorrow, it'll be the first time this month I've put together two back-to-back green days, which would be phenomenal, so I'll hope that maybe tomorrow I can have another another green day. And one of the things I was telling myself this morning I said, you got to be really careful about adding just when you've got some profit, just take it off the table and then get back in. Take it off the table, get back in.

And a couple of the trades that I added on were trades that I probably could have just sold for a profit, but instead I was adding for the big move. Well this isn't really the market to be expecting a big move. Again, we did get a pretty good size move on Acrs, but it was choppy in that move so if you didn't take the profit when you had it, you know within a second you were back to break even. I mean there were times where it was like that, so consistency getting green, staying green.

and today was not an easy day. I almost was like I don't even think I want trade because I don't see anything on the Gap scanner that looks good. And then Acrs started to squeeze up so I decided to give it some. Give it a try and you know, ten thousand dollars on that stock.

I guess I'm glad I did. It was the only one that, um, it looks like I did well on so that's good. I'm I'm a little. you know it feels some in in in some ways.

like after how much I lost last week. What? six thousand dollars? It's nothing it was that you know that's not going to get me very far. Um, sorry I was out of focus there, but that's fine. Um, it's it's not.

It's really not about that. when the market's hot and we're seeing some clean momentum, trading just for me feels so much smoother, so much easier. And I'll know when it's hot because we'll be seeing stocks ripping and I'll be doing really well. And today it really wasn't that hot.
I am actually probably fortunate to be green, especially considering I was down at well on a 15 on a 10 000 share position 15 000. I don't know how much I was up before I went red on that, so I think I I'm pretty sure I was. Yeah, I was. I'm pretty sure I was green.

Um, because at that point I had already had a couple of really nice trades on it and I think that's why I sized up because I was feeling like all right, I'm getting dialed in. I'm getting good. bottom drops out. Fortunately, we don't see that a lot, but it happens from time to time, so it's just part of the deal.

It's just that this is not a good time for those things to be happening because I'm trying to rebuild confidence and kind of get myself back. You know, centered. and so to have something like that happen right now. Um, you know I could have just as easily closed read and been like man, but I'm glad I'm green.

I'm glad for that. So that's today. I'll be back at it first thing tomorrow morning. I'll see you guys, then live streaming.

Uh, right around 9am for the morning show. Make sure you hit that thumbs up if you haven't already and I'll see you guys in the morning. All right Bye everyone you.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

26 thoughts on “Monday recap back in the green with ross cameron”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keshav says:

    Anyone know how much money Ross trades with?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dwight Blader says:

    Glad you're back in the green! 💚

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BlockBuddy Adventures says:

    Hey ross, would you share your home trading setup please ?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars baranky david says:

    I really wan to learn how to trade and start with small trading

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul K says:

    Good stuff, Ross.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rememberGOD1 says:

    congratulations. slow and steady wins the race. you're headed in the right direction don't look back other than to learn from past mistakes.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luis C Teran says:

    Thanks Ross for all you’re time you dedicate to us, Can you recomend a Off Shore Broker(company) or where can i look for one!!!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars s jive says:

    Green 4k on ACRS today pre-market! Thanks Ross, keep up the great work.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mario Moreno Soto says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Give Methenews99 says:

    Brilliant well done.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Davis says:

    Way to come out green seeing some momentum!!!🐐🐐🐐

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mikeb63 says:

    that was fantastic

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars God Sent says:

    happy you’re green today 🤓

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Greys says:

    today was good day trading under GRTS 21X

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tomas Gudmundsson says:

    Ross, having the tape over the PNL is not a good idea. It's better to know approx where u stand on the day so u can up your risk when you've got the profit buffer to have a potential to increase it much more than if u trade the same at that time. You're best days are when u ride the profit buffer and get a bit more aggressive as the buffer gets larger.
    You have a max loss set as $2.5k per account. That's a pretty small amount to lose. It shouldn't really bother you too much even if you start the day in the red. It's all about probability and you know following your strategy that statistically you are right about 70% of the time. Some days will be red because of that statistic (and any statistic that is not 100% right). You are right that the market is choppy right now and not with the best follow through. However, I've seen stocks last week that I've traded and I know if you traded them either of them would probably have been a $50k winner for you. Also try not to "make back" any loss you have (you mentioned this in a recent video). That is a bad strategy and will never work. You need to trade on your proven metrics and those don't involve trying to make back a loss. You talked about if you lower the share size it will be hard to "make back" the $150k loss you have in January. Those big red days you probably increased your share size too much before you got a profit buffer.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Womack says:

    Tuesday 🤣🤣

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan DC says:

    ACRS went back to th 19.95 around 3:30 pm and after that drop again. Hope tomorrow will be better

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GtZkInGz01 says:

    Tuesday *

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Driven2Succeed says:

    Much appreciate all you do Ross. Thank you for all the years!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fuente F OpusX says:

    Congrats on the Green Day Ross! You're going to be back to 500K months before you know it. Live is good….the glass is half full

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LDN Gold says:

    I get the impression you're overtrading, would that be a fair assumption? Why not just do 1-2 trades a day then walk away. I don't understand how/why you keep entering and entering, what are your catalysts for doing this?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars curtflirt2 says:

    ACRS was on a roll, never got into it. Smh

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyler Thongchai says:

    I have $5k and I want to make it into something, but I don't know how or what to invest in. any recommendations?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cass22 says:

    😊😊😊 Ross, you are a master trader. Focus on the trade. Not the money. I am one of your biggest fans. The market has been a choppy mess. You will get your mojo back.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jan says:

    ACRS pretty much plateaued from there on. It didn't move higher that day. So I think it was good to walk away.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IndelibleSyx says:

    Lol. I’m up $111 today

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