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CBAT stock, WWR, HPR were the energy penny stocks that have been gapping up following the Electric vehicle stock hype with NIO and XPEV stocks. Today I traded MRNA vaccine stock short well, but gave back a lot of profits from shorting CBAT too much. Hard to fight the fomo in trading still.
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But today i just decided that you know i should burn this candle instead of keep on burning. My p l happy monday, everyone. So after six or seven years of trading, i still feel that same old sense of fomo tingling on my fingers. Every single monday uh.

You know mondays historically, usually that's my monday and fridays are usually my worst days and because monday, obviously after two days of break on saturday and sunday, i'm just dying to click some buttons to buy or short some stocks, and i'm definitely aware of that myself. So i definitely made some pretty stupid mistakes today, given that it's a monday, no excuses, i own up to it uh, but you know now i'm looking at my piano, i'm just like man like that burned a lot of my p l. So, let's take a look at what the damage is here, so the first trade and is still my best trade on the day is mrna. So this stock, i swear.

I've been like dying and waiting to short the stock since 70 dollars, and today we gapped up all the way to 105s pre-market highs. I'm not trying to pick the tops, i don't want. I don't know how high i could go, it could go. You know above 100 could go to 105 107 110.

Who knows um, i'm not in the business of trying to like add that at on the top here um. So you know i waited for it to you know fail. You know. I started scaling in small pre-market.

Size first century was about one or three, just small, just like you know, one-tenth of the size just to see how it goes. Uh and i kind of left it alone until here it seems again very weak right. You can see it dropped from 103, all the way to 100 and bounced a little bit, but failed that bounce added some more and that's my pre-market size right there um at the open it just dumped um broke down the 100 psychological mark and once below that 100 dollars - and you know at the open, you can see this kind of selling volume very weak um. That's why i went in short with full size.

Full size short 99.40 covered some into um 97. So that's very decent uh profit and i like it when these kind of setups work out right the right away, whether it's long or short, you can call it scalps all you want, but this is like you know a two dollar a share: a move uh within The first one minute of the open, so you know to keep on dumping down to um 96, so i was all out most of it 96 dollars very nice shorts, all the way from pretty much 99 on this bounce, i added some more 97 80s. I re-added some more around 90 nice now. This is a point where you actually broke and touch 100 for a sec.

If i'm adding back here, i want to be careful if i'm wrong, i want to take it off right away. So that's why i took it off and after that 100 again, psychological key level breaks down, rejects again, you can see, we touch 100, never held it. I went back in and added some more covered. Some reacted, um and got some very nice follow-through to a new low, which is around 96 over here 95s and we even got to 93.60.

That's still the best trade on the day for me, and you know in hindsight, if i just left it alone, i could have just you know, walked off and be done for the day, but no like it's monday, the fomo is still in my blood. I can't help it um, but at least i know that i have a tendency to give back profits. So when i start doing it um i catch myself. Nowadays, i'm not a perfect trader.
I still slip into these um bad habits of giving back profits uh. Once a while and typically on mondays and fridays uh, i'm not i'm not perfect trader, i'm human! After all, i'm not a robot. Well, some people will beg different. So you have no feelings.

I don't reply with calls or the text. I have no emotions and all the other good stuff, but doesn't matter they're, not here anyways, so i just slowly gave back profits as you can see. Um nicely short. No.

I did give back some here. I re-entered small when we enter at these levels, where i know that i might start um giving back profits. I mean i go in smaller, so i did get back some over here, but after that i just cut it completely. Didn't go back in um.

So we'll see if this sets up for an afternoon trade for me um, but oh alta, marna, it's still the best trade on the day, but unfortunately i make one good trade um and there has to be another one that shows up and kind of ruined the Day, uh didn't ruin the day, but just i just gave back a lot of profit because of this trade, and that is sea bad. So let me tell you exactly what happened on see that um? You know it was actually on the sidewalk for me, because i wanted to focus on mrna um, that's the main watch, so i did have some. You know decent trades on this. For me, these are just scalps right.

I was never full size on these things. Um 840 shorted a little bit down to four uh 740s nice one dollar share. I added some more didn't worry. I cut it, so i should actually just left it alone.

You can see after this low spike held some 750. So i just started grinding back in back up, so i never got into really big size, so i was never in trouble, but i slowly gave back a lot of my profits on the day it was. It was really stupid. You know i'm not i'm human.

After all, ah, but it's still very frustrating and um, no, i slowly gave it back. You know, even on small size paper cuts it. It's still not ideal right, you know, shorter sound cover, some small profits, nice and then here i got you know chopped up again gave back some. I re-entered some small short i gave back some.

You know this is the the only good trade out of the c-bat um 10 50s uh, ten ten dollars. Ten fifties shorter down to you know uh, nice, sixties and some more here and i left it alone. So c bats definitely could have done better uh. I still ended the trade green with a whopping 39 dollars of profit on c-bat.

Actually i mean this trade is gon na, be red. No, if you're, counting, locates and everything um, this trade on sea bats gon na be red and uh. This is the rest of it if you were curious, but i gave back a lot on cbat, that's a thing over half of the day's profit, so not fun so anyway, some good trades and some bad trades um and in case, if you were wondering why i'm Burning a candle, i'm usually not a candle person, but today i just decided that you know i should burn this candle instead of keep on burning, my p l, so enough of bad jokes and bad trades. Uh.
Let's talk about some q, a shall we so. First question from alan in hi humble trader: i'm wondering what the trading fee is proportion to your trade, because trading cost is one of the biggest enemies in day trading, short term or long term um. So i think, as a big new trader, if you have a smaller account, i felt like this in the beginning too, like it feels like you know, my account is small, so small, i'm just burning through commissions um. But honestly, i think that's just the cost of doing business um.

Nowadays, people feel like oh you're, entitled to free commission trading, but free commission trading is not actually free, you're paying for it in other ways in fails and execution speed and your order flows. So take the trading cost as just just a means of doing business. Right like today, you know you saw my pnl earlier. My cost of trading fees today in total would be around.

I think, ninety ninety dollars just under ninety dollars. So if you add locates, i think i spent about you know 500, no, no, actually a little bit less. I didn't locate that much today i spent around another 200 on locate, so my cost of doing business is 250 around 250 no 280 to be concise, um, and then you saw my p l earlier. So that's about.

I guess you know 10 a little bit less than 10 on the day now for some people, they'll complain and say that's too much. But to me that's a very fair um business cost right. That's just the way it is. If you want, you want to make money, you got to spend money, there's no such thing a free business, so i think it's just the cost of doing business and if you're, at the stage where you have a small account and you're just churning through commissions, i Think, that's fine, that's just the cost of tuition and for you to learn how to day trade you don't want to be saving pennies in your trading fees and losing in dollars with a p l later on.

So that's just my thoughts on it. I think you need to spend money to make money. So second question is from glenn uh hi, humble trade. I have questions for you.

I work full time on east coast, uh work a nine to five job. How can you trade, or do you recommend any good swing trades, so um yeah, i think, on the for the east coast, people it's the hours are definitely going to be tough, so i was able to trade part-time on the west coast um because you know i Can trade before going to work at night so on the east coast? Unfortunately, i don't really have an answer for you in terms of day trading, if you guys have any recommendations for the east coast, people who want to trade part time leave them in the comment section below so for the people who are working full time and cannot Day, trade, i think swing trading is a good um alternative, just something light on the side, something that won't take up too much of your time. So you know you could look to swing overnight and swim for a few days or a few weeks. We actually have a swim trading channel on our discord trading community.
So that's part of the package and part of what you get with your subscription. We provide the fundamental analysis and research, as well as the potential entry exit and risk level so check it out if you're interested for some swing trading on the side, if you have any more questions, feel free to leave them in the comment section below. Thank you guys for watching and i'll see you guys next time. Hey guys thanks for watching.

I hope you enjoyed the video and the bad jokes if you want to see more day trading content make sure to subscribe and follow me on twitter and instagram for more. If you like to trade with me daily and get my free weekend, watch list and trading journal make sure to check out the links below for more resources. Stay, green, stay, positive and i'll. See you guys next time,.

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29 thoughts on “Monday fomo trading- cbat, mrna, electric vehicle stocks hype trading recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kalei Hoopai says:

    When you scale, how many shares are you buying at a time?
    I've been just trading options, but I'd like to try trading stocks. I don't know how you scale stocks. Thank you!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rRobert Smith says:

    Is there a Fomo vaccine I can take, should I go cook something, or walk my dog?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Janice Silk says:

    yes what do you think cbat solo good investing longterm short term cheap $8 share that now 2020

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Dupard says:

    Thank you Shay for this video. It is easy to understand how you trade. Have a nice week end until a new day of trading on monday

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CrispyGreyMatter says:

    East coast people could look into trading on other exchanges e.g. London, Tokyo, etc

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bill Macfarlane says:

    Hello Humbled Trader (Shay), I'm late responding but I have to say that I really like the fact you're opening up a little on what the true costs as well as rewards are. Don't sell yourself short (pun intended, my bad joke). You're doing fantastic and anyone who says otherwise can just go away. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Angel Saroye says:

    I was thinking I’m the only stupid trader. So experts can do mistakes too. You are too good.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dave Heinrich says:

    I've been trading Cobra on Das for a couple weeks now. I switched from CMeg. I find that CMeg is noticeably quicker with executions than Cobra. There is also a bit of limit order walk as well (some in my favor :)) Although I do give props to Cobra for their accessibility to shorts and their customer service is next to none (Outstanding). Have you found the same?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amir betts says:

    I have been trading for about 6 months now and just about every trade backfires and slaps me in my face. Nearly impossible for me to catch more than a few points . I try to do top down analysis but it doesn't work for me . I say to myself, clearly I'm in the 90% that lose money, so I open a demo account, do my analysis, then take the opposite of what I would normally take and get the same result. I'm starting to feel hopeless, any advice for a struggling trader?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Walker says:

    Hello Humble Trader…curious as to your thoughts on using options (if available) to swing trade some of these crappy small caps after a spike…seems like a good way to contain risk…though I have not attempted myself yet…

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Old Salt Trade says:

    Confucius Say: U R A Bionic Cyborg Trader..
    U R The Humorous Trader.. 🙂
    U R Very Much Appreciated 4 This.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jon Mac says:

    Hey noticed you made almost $4k profit on MRNA but you made a ton of trades in and out. Do you teach that fast day trade method in your course or elsewhere? Must be using hot keys to enter and exit that fast on the 1min 😎

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ကို စိုင္း says:

    Premarket & After Hrs is the best time to trade for 9-5 full time .

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Danny Quackenbush says:

    @humbled Trader Looks like you have a second time and sale, maybe the small one at the bottom is filtered to larger orders? just curious about your setup. Thanks!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Taylor Restall says:

    Got tempted to jimp in but didn't have enough info haha. didnt get burned byut didnt win

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trading Experiment says:

    Don’t know anything about day trading but i find it very therapeutic listening to humbled trader and makes me laugh a lot!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay Drakeford says:

    I just started day trading. I've finally passed the 25k mark. FOMO is setting in really bad. I'm trying to find a way to slowly dissolve it. Now that I'm not limited to the PDT rule I think I'm going overboard. I also think I'm risking too much and not taking my time. Any advice?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stefan says:

    Thanks for all the valuable content Shay!!! Do you trade more stocks from the watchlist or from the live scanner?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Karen Hansen says:

    I love your posts! Your discussions are great! I’m a rookie trader. Been involved for about 7months. Learning how to short stocks and what to look for. I don’t stop soon enough. FOMO

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam Roumani says:

    Thank you Shay for the video, I am wondering, what do you trade more short or long? and overall what is more profitable for you short or long?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mystogan Fullbuster says:

    Hi, I am new in using thinkorswim, I am having a issues that my thinkorswim desktop keep on stuck installing update…any solutions ?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars W Huff says:

    Don't feel bad Citron is Short on NIO Ha! We'll see how earnings go… Any guesses? (S) (L)? cheers

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lester Cairo says:

    Hi – If you are trading Nasdaq and NYSE stocks and living in Canada you must have currency problems. How do you manage the exchange rate risk?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ken Ji says:

    When you are in a trade what are some key things to focus on when its time to get out? I keep finding my self getting out way too early or too late and I have missed some potential big gains because of that.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Terence Fung says:

    hi humbled trader! personal opinion: is it easier to go long or shot?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Romanowsky says:

    Your joke playbook at the open has been breaking out to the upside lately.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lmb Real says:

    Love your videos! I can relate😊 but yesterday i decided to paint my room to stop my “FOMO” attitude 🤣 Glad i did! 💪

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Giltner says:

    one of these days, I'm going to sit behind you with a roled up newspaper, every time to even think about giving back profit, there's going to be a shhh wack from that paper. lol
    your re-entries are what's killing you, to use your own words, "grab the meat of the day" and be happy.

    with much respect

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luka says:

    Hi Shay, first of all, I want to thank you for these videos on here quite frequently! They’re very educational and hugely entertaining…I don’t wanna go a day without you(r videos) lmao 🤩
    I was however wondering why you decided to continue to short MRNA after anticipated morning sell off following strong positive news and gap up Pre-market?
    With regards to CBAT, I had it on my watchlist as a LONG, mainly because of daily chart, it closed high on previous day and followed all the indicators for a strong follow up momentum. What tempted you to decide to go Short?

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