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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? So I'm gonna go over my trades for today. I'm finishing the morning at 8 470 and 17 cents a green day? Uh, which is great and we had some real action today. So momentum Mondays are back at least for now. This is a good start to the week for me and I had a nice finish to the week on Friday.

So you know right now feeling good with two nice back-to-back green days that are over the daily goal And we definitely had some stocks that made big moves today that I didn't trade. and for the most part I really don't have much fomo despite seeing some Traders posting some really big p L's I I feel really pretty good about where I sit today. So I'm going to kind of walk you through how I got to that place. uh, part of it is because I haven't gotten up from my chair it's 2 30 and I've watched the market all day so I don't feel like I've missed opportunities I've chosen not to trade some, but I am sure that if I had left for two or three hours and then came back I probably sit down and look at some of the moves and think oh my goodness I can't believe it I should I should have could have Woulda but having actually sat here through it and chosen not to trade it I I don't feel that way at all.

So let's start at the beginning of the day, all right. So I sat down this morning at around eight some 7, 30, 7, 30 quarter of eight and you know initially our Gap scan which um, you know I could show you the Gap scan right now, but it's going to be the Gap scanner as of 9 30 which was different than 7 30. but one of the leading gappers at the time was Cfrx, so Cfrx was gapping up and you know I looked at that and I was like oh man I don't know if I like Cfrx the thing with Cfrx pre-market and that was um, or sort of right in this area. around seven to eight a.m it was below V-wap you know it pulled back.

it hit a nice high of 297, but below two dollars. This is the type of stock where my metrics tell me I don't trade them really well. You know it's a combination of lower priced, very thickly traded. It can be really hard to get quick breakout trades.

Doing a high a day breakout for a quick scalp through the highs, you don't usually get very many cents per share. It's hard to scale up the dips, you can get some bounces, but you know when you're dealing with the cheap stock, you don't get a big bounce so just the whole range is a bit compressed. and while some Traders can do really well on this, accumulating a big position and holding through the move of a grind up which I saw some Traders do very well on this on the break of 250 up to 350. that's just not typically the way I trade momentum.

Now you know I could talk about this for a long time and maybe I'll uh maybe I'll set aside some time to get into more detail on it. but my Approach has really always been about quick in out quick trades and that for me has been a strategy that I've used to mitigate risk. You know I'm such a I'm such a nervous Nelly I'm such a risk-averse Trader which you wouldn't expect because you know I obviously I'm a day trader I'm taking risks but I don't feel comfortable when I'm holding a big position and I just am looking for the exit and it's not hard for me to see something and think oh, I better get out because if I'm just sitting and holding 25 35, 50 000 shares of a stock, I just I feel uncomfortable I'm thinking about the potential of a big flush. You know, bad news coming out and losing 50 Grand And so the discomfort leads me to resolve that discomfort by selling the position and the result is that I've become a Trader that jumps in and jumps out and jumps in and jumps out.
and so as the stock is moving up, I'll get in it. take profit, Get out, get back in, get back out, get back and get back out. I've never been the type of Trader that gets in, sits back sets my stop and then you know, just lets the whole thing go. And while there's certainly times where I could have made more money like that, there have no doubt been probably more times where I've been up on a stock and if I didn't take that profit, it would have gone red.

It would have gone against me because it went up for a little bit and then it rolled over, came back down. Or you had a nice breakout and then a rejection. If you're a fast Trader you can be profitable even during a rejection because you take your profit when you have it. So that's my kind of philosophy of trading.

It's probably capped my upside profit potential. uh, quite a bit. But you know I really shouldn't complain too much. I'm green on the day and one thing I'll say is if you saw someone today who made you know maybe this is 10 times what you made today.

Well I saw someone that made more than 10 times what I made I saw someone who's up over a hundred thousand today in our community his guy's million dollar badge I'm super proud of him, but you could always compare yourself to someone who's made more than you. and the second you do that and the second you're no longer grateful for the money that you've made, that's a quick path towards giving back what you, what you made on the day, you know. Now you start chasing someone else's P L You know I'm thinking eight thousand is not enough I'm not satisfied with that. so then I risk it and next thing you know I'm in.

You know, a thirty thousand thousand share position looking for a quick squeeze and it flushes 40 cents I'm down 12 Grand and I go from up 8 000 on the data, down four thousand on the day and then you feel really bad because of course, in hindsight, you think why didn't I just why wasn't I able to be grateful for being up four thousand or five thousand or eight thousand or whatever it is? So try to keep your head down. don't compare yourself too much to other people and you know I say that while I know you're watching a recap where I'm talking about my trades and so I I Hope that you look at this just as okay. This is the P. L rosted good for him.
He's been doing this for more than 10 years so he's earned the right to trade with a share size that can produce that type of profit. Let me look more at the stocks he traded and what he was looking at than the total gain. So let's let's do that all right. So I started the day seeing Cfrx but not being very interested in it and then Blbx all of a sudden starts squeezing up on merger news.

Now, typically mergers are not great catalysts so I didn't think much of it I started was thought almost nothing of it I was like I don't merger news? what's yeah I don't know so I kind of looked away, didn't think much of it and I look back and the stock is that it went from two dollars and 90 cents to three to four to five to six to seven right up here to 6.99 and I saw that and I just thought, you know what you may recall I had a trade last week where I jumped into something that had made a pretty big move like kind of like this on relatively light volume and I got smoked on it I mean it wasn't that bad I guess but I lost 3 500 on it I was pretty annoyed at the time. so through this area I just sort of I was like I don't know why merger news I got a bias. the bias was merger news is not a strong catalyst so I didn't take this break here of seven and it goes up to 8 81. it then pulls back and it rips here up to 10.

So now I'm like okay put your bias aside, this thing is moving. It drops down right here and my first trade was a dip trade and I bought 2 000 shares at eight dollars and 94 cents. I added another 3 000 shares as it came back up here. and in this first trade I made about four grand.

not bad, right? added at 894. stop was the low of this candle which was 859 2 000 shares so you know about a 30 40 Cent stop so risking about a thousand and then added another 2 000. right here it popped up to 929 micro pullback I added right here and then my final ad was at 981 for the Breakthrough highs and it rips right up to 1087 and then up to a high of 12. that was awesome I mean that was really solid.

Nothing I can complain about with that trade. Well I could say I wish I'd start with 20 000 shares, but to be honest I don't think that I would have been able to buy 20 000 shares without a lot of slippage. The volume was still pretty light I could have traded a little bigger, but not a whole lot bigger. So anyways, it pulls back here, it sells off, sells off, and then we got another really nice move right here.

I did focus on dips and not all of them worked I did a dip off of V-wap right here. kind of just went sideways, didn't really work it. double bottomed right here and again I kept trying to buy these dips at V-wap This one finally worked. It popped up but notice how that's a topping tail hit 969 and then dropped back down.

then right here it starts to pull away at about 9.50 and I got back in on this trade here and let's see so the time on this was about 8 23 am. so I got back in on this candle and I added as it squeezed through 10 10, 50 and we got this move up to about 11.50 and that was another like three thousand dollars. put me up, maybe four put me up about 9500 on the day I then gave back a thousand on that false breakout right there. so you know I did give back a little bit off the top.
um I traded it. My last trade on it was at 9 00 am and that was, um, let me look at my trade at 9am. it was a loser I had added at 10 21 and stopped out. uh, sold half at 10 29 and sold the rest at 1002.

I was trying to I guess do a bounce here but it wasn't really bouncing. it was back below B web so you know I gave back a thousand off the top but life is good. This is a nice Green Day and at the open? uh it, it just sold off more. I was tempted to do a long right at the open with a stop at the low right here, but I thought you know it's below V web I'm just gonna leave it alone I think I've already given back a little on it.

Let's just let's just wait to see if it can prove itself. And it didn't. It sold off. So now I was left with leading gapper rolling over at the open.

So what else did we have? Well, we had Cfrx, but I already didn't really like it because the price action. You know that this is what happens with these stocks. It's got 106 million shares of volume. It's a very thickly traded.

It's trading in a relatively small range. It's a battle if you're trying to do quick breakout trades. If you're trying to be a scalp Trader and jump in, jump out. It's going to be tricky.

You've had a couple nice little pushes, but I I didn't see this one coming really because the thing is, it broke 250 right here. Pre-market went to 260 and then it dropped back down so I didn't feel comfortable on that. so I don't have any fomo over it I don't I don't care. it went up but I didn't like it I saw it and I didn't see an entry that I liked.

so there's no fomo. there's no reason to have fomo. Then we had W-i-n-t I watched the whole move and I didn't take one trade on it. So W-i-n-t Here's the problem.

Uh, this is the reason I didn't trade it. Great move! I Mean for sure it went from four dollars five dollars up to eighteen. That's awesome And I'm sure that there's some people that traded it and did well and I could have broken the ice on it. But here here was the problem for me.

I watched it get halted right here at Five Five Sixty whatever it was 5 40. but it was on very light volume and you know I hadn't taken a trade since 9am so been about an hour since my last trade and people I was noticing people were trading like 10 different stocks. You know some people were like oh, Prst trading Prst. other people were still focusing on Blbx, some were focusing on Cfrx, some were focusing on Blcm.
I mean we we had like just so many different stocks that people were trading I kept thinking to myself I can't tell what's obvious so when Wint was halted up but I'm like no volume I thought no this isn't going to be obvious. the Traders are focused on other things. so it resumes and that was at 6 50. it dips down here to 580 and then it curls here up to a high of 669.

drops down, pops back up to almost a halt level, it drops back down and then it was able to Halt up but just barely. It almost didn't it almost. It did false halt a couple times and then it did halt up. It was on light volume, it opened lower, it dipped down to 675 and then it squeezes up and it halts at 8 53 and I was like well, all right Well now I've you know Now we're on the third halt up I can't can't really trade it up here.

it's too extended so I was like well but maybe maybe I could get a dip trade it opens goes straight into another halt. there's no dip so there's no trade. The only trade that I feel like I could have taken that I missed. might have been this dip right here or maybe this one.

you know right in right in here. those were those are proper pullbacks but they were. this is you know they were very quick and then into a halt and I just wasn't totally sure. So I missed this whole move up.

which is fine because buying it right here would have just been chasing and you know what in a hot Market you can get paid chasing and it was hot today so you could have gotten paid on that pretty nicely. Went from 10 all the way up to 14. but it halts down, it drops down and then right in here. We had a big candle, right? big, high, low, sort of choppy, upper candle wick, lower candle wick, upper candle wick, and then it kind of grinds.

but see all these upper candle wicks. So what that shows is that it would pop up and then sort of pull back, pop up and pull back. It was grinding higher, but it was probably an old choppy and the spreads were bigger. The volume was still light.

it holds up, halts up a second time. another topping tail and I just couldn't get comfortable on it so you know I Um, it just is what it is. So I just don't really feel bad because I watched it and I couldn't get a good entry that I felt good about so no traits on it. Um, Crbp.

sorry Krbp. this one also went up some Traders were talking about this one watched it as well. um, sort of somewhat similar daily chart reverse split lots of room to the 200 by the way. um on Wint The 200 was sort of I'm surprised it broke it but that was the 200 right there.

Recent reverse split nearby 200 moving average. well a good amount of room though. so you have that one and then you had ionm I saw some Traders were looking at that also. recent reverse split, but look at this one.

round trip right goes from three to six seven back to Three Sixty so they didn't all hold up and I could see very easily how a Trader could have gotten themselves in fact in the red today by being maybe too aggressive on the wrong one. It there was a lot of momentum. We have a stock up 200 right now Prst another one up 270 percent. We have multiple 100 moves I mean we had a big day today I feel like I could have, um maybe done.
You know a little bit better, but you know I I'm I'm in this place right now where I'm just trying not to compare myself to other people, but just to keep my head down and chip away at Green Day Green Day Green Day and be grateful for that and those green days add up. One of the problems I talked about: I didn't have a very good q1 I was behind on my Q1 goals that I set for myself. Now you know that's that's life that happens. but it's very different when you feel like you have a cushion and the wind's at your back and you can afford to take a little risk versus when you feel like you're a little bit behind the ball and you know, could you throw a Hail Mary pass? You could, but you know ninety percent of time, maybe more those those don't work and this isn't a game that's just gonna end.

and I get to start over. You know with a fresh start tomorrow. This is a marathon. so if I lose today because I'm too aggressive I'm gonna have to make up that ground tomorrow So it's better for me just to Pace myself be consistent, hit good bass hits and let the profits add up.

Now if I can have a month of consistent base hits and I can you know get ahead of my goal? Then all of a sudden I've got the wind at my back and I'm in the driver's seat. And then that psychology changes where I can start to take a little bit more risk. You know, the different people look at this differently. Some would say look Ross you've already made you know 10 million dollars trading.

You could take a ton of risk and while that is one way to look at it, I Also look very closely at how well I'm doing each week, each month and each year. So just because I had a really good year last year, the year before the year before. Whatever you know, this year has to stand on its own. If this is a year where I step up and I take a lot of risks, but then I end up being red because I over trade and the risk doesn't pay off I don't end up getting any home runs we're you know, in a persistent bear market then I'm probably gonna wish that I had just focused on bass hits and paste myself.

So you know those, it's just different approaches. It's a it's strategy Ultimately, and for me, I come to the table with the mentality of trying to trade to produce relatively consistent income. Of course, my results aren't typical, and there's no guarantee that you'll find success as a Trader But just to help you better understand the way I'm looking at it, So in order to produce relatively consistent income I can't take fifty thousand dollars of risk today. You know, even if it could produce 150 000 of profit mentally I Can't stomach that kind of loss, even if financially I Can you know easily recover that or easily handle that or stomach that loss emotionally I can't.
So you know a goldfish is going to grow to the size of the pond that's in. and as a Trader you're going to grow kind of to the limits of your emotional comfort. and I think it's good to push the edges of your comfort. and if you're not pushing the edges of your comfort, you're not going to be growing.

But I Have also found that there are certain markets that are going to give you more reward for pushing your Ed your own comfort zone. And there's other markets where you're going to push your comfort zone. You're going to repeatedly get knocked back down and that's going to make your comfort zone a little smaller and I'm in a period right now where I'm coming off a bit of a choppy Q4 and q1 and so my comfort zone is a little bit smaller. I'm being a little more conservative and I'm trying to rebuild a little bit of momentum and get to a place where I could start to feel comfortable sizing up a little bit more.

but I'm not there just yet. So what I'm doing right now is just keeping my head down, focusing on base hits. I Would have been happy to trade longer today, but I just didn't feel super comfortable on the couple of stocks that ended up going higher without me. so that's that.

I'll be back at tomorrow I Hope you find this helpful if you do. I hope you hit the thumbs up I hope you're subscribed to the channel. Feel free to leave comments down below and I'll see you back at it first thing tomorrow morning. If you want to check out Warrior trading and come over to Warriortrading.com check out the Warrior starter and the Warrior Pro classes.

All right? I'll see you guys soon Foreign.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

24 thoughts on “Momo monday’s with 4 stocks up over 100% on the day”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Nicholas says:

    Very good content. Very himble guy

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars verilucis.com says:

    Great job, and thanks, as always, Ross! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars P Nejad says:

    I hope you could have live morning video for public again ! Is it possible ?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ใ‚ท๐ฟ๐‘Ž๐‘˜๐‘’๐‘™๐‘ฆ๐‘›โ˜พ says:

    when is the morning show going to return?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jackie St.fleur says:

    What's the name of the app simulator for trading

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph Ayon says:

    Base hits lead to championships.. Eat the elephant one bite at a time- enjoy the process.
    Thank you Ross

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars slydon75 says:

    I canโ€™t say thank you enough for the info you share with us!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RW says:

    The trend is your friend Ross! UP, Sideways, Down….that simple…..

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars timbawoof1 says:

    And I'm the idiot that went red in the WINT flush

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ac benitez says:

    Getting in, getting green and getting out, and getting going is by far the best lesson I have learned from Ross. It is working better for me once I learned to shake off the fomo.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elvis S says:

    Hey thanks for the video. You think cfrx is gona go back up tomorrow?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NN says:

    Hi Ross, are most of your trades buying Penny Stock shares in and out quick, and not Shorting. Bc to me shorting is more Risker than buy shares. TY.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mikaรซl Leclaire says:

    Love your recap !! Thanks for sharing Ross ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rdw says:

    nice trading.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gheechie Dan says:

    The warrant on WINT was absolutely TRASH! I was watching it and it STAYED at 1 cent until WINT went OVER $10 ! It should have BEEN moving!๐Ÿค”

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mda0214 says:

    Thats a great habit to have to get in and get out especially with low cap stocks. Trading big cap stocks can be risky but they're not as volatile

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! K Love says:

    To answer what you said about traders able to hold through the grind, that's because they have a optimized strategy with a high percentage probability over 75%

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Z3PR says:

    hey ross, do we get access to your scanner in your course? Im having trouble finding good stocks in the morning.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Cooper says:

    Good job Ross. Green great day…..great day

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 72311A says:

    BLBX was top of my list also followed by CFRX. Had to jump in quick but BLBX could handle big size of 10k+ shares position from $5 ride till roll over around $11 when it ran out of gas. Nice!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tess McD says:

    Great recap!! Love ur thought process.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars shayne dool says:

    me2 buddy congrats!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott Scott says:

    Thank you for the recap!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B Tomas says:

    ATXI and SLGG ๐Ÿ™‚

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