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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? So here we are Monday morning. Guess what? I'm up $12,500 This is getting ridiculous. It's been an amazing month. This is how hot streaks always are.

This is how the month of January was in 2018. It was just like day after day. big. Green Day back to back to back to back.

That's how you make a hundred thousand dollars in one month. Well, I'm up 58 thousand dollars already. We've got 12 days left. $100,000 is the goal.

Forty-one thousand dollars, $42,000 between me and that goal. and you know it's also kind of interesting that goal is lining right up with a finish line for the $583 to a million dollar challenge. I'm at nine hundred fifty thousand dollars 95 percent of the way I can see the finish line only fifty thousand dollars away. So if I'm able to have a fifty thousand dollar profit in the next couple weeks, that'll put me over 100k in a month.

I'll finish up the challenge and this will be an amazing month we'll see I Don't know if it'll happen, it might not. You know cuz things could just as easily slow down. I Mean it's crazy how you know it's like the the light switch turns off and the market can slow down so quickly. But as long as it's hot I'm gonna keep stepping up to the plate and keep being aggressive.

Try to capitalize on it, make as much as I can try to cross the finish line of this challenge. and then if things slow down in March or April, you know no big deal. Alright, so that's the game plan. Enjoy the recap! As usual.

any questions any comments leave below, give me a shout out of what you trade it today and any questions you have. I'll answer them later today. Alright, See you guys tomorrow! Hey everyone Alright, so we're gonna do our midday market recap here. Go over the trades from this morning, so today's gonna be another green day.

I'm gonna finish up over $12,500 between my IRA account right here eleven thousand, Three hundred Fifty Five dollars and my my new trading account right here which is up one thousand One hundred eighty one dollars. So today's a day that started fairly uneventful. II We didn't have anything on the high bit momentum scanners that I was really, really sorry on the Gap scanner so that was really, really crazy about. if I do the timeframe here for nine, I'll just do 9:25 a.m.

just before the bell rang, you'll see that our only Gabor's here. For the most part, we're higher price higher flowed stocks. So I'm CL DX was on the scan to reverse split the floats a little higher. I didn't end up trading it.

No trades, no trades to to cheap Avco I did end up trading. we'll cover that one in a second. Not interested in this one, it's just a little too cheap. I don't usually do well on stocks below a dollar fifty.

Occasionally I'll trade them when they're moving really quickly, but it's usually not my cup of tea - cheap - cheap - cheap - cheap. Yes! I traded it although I was skeptical pre market with the volume only at 60 shares. but if the volume came in and it did give us a great opportunity, you can see it's up 56 percent right now and then. The rest of these were all no-go So I started the day looking really just at Avco for a gap and go trade.
The pre-market high was 648 and I had a little pre market pivot here at 6:18 Now just before that pivot I was watching this level here right around 611 but that broke here and so then I move this trend line up to 618. the bell rang and as you can see, it really just sold off. But I took my first trade of the day was long at 6:00 just 598 for the break over six thinking we would get an immediate retest of 610 and then maybe 6:18 So you can see here, my very first trade was long at 595, 97, and 98 9,000 shares as soon as we didn't break six or we hit 602 and wasn't a solid break. I sold half at 99, the rest at 98 and then I added more at 81 and sold that as it came back up to 99.

So this was and that was a red to green move attempt on the second one. So in total, I only made 400 bucks. really didn't get good follow-through didn't get the move I wanted and I followed the the philosophy of breakout or bailout. It didn't work and so I got right back out and I made a small profit on it so that was a VCO.

Now at that point I was sort of like alright, well you know I'm not sure that there's going to be anything else. I'll just sit tight. we have a TL X hit the scanner to cheap a our a Gr X hits the scanner also too cheap. so I'm just kind of watching, watching watching.

and then BOOM SPI hits right here. So when SPI hits the first thing I do is I type in the symbol while that's loading. I come down here and I type in the symbol again and then I look at the chart I Remember Yes! I traded this last week on Wednesday the the target was 381. it didn't hit that level.

It's coming up here again this morning. I'm gonna jump in. So I bought it at 355 right? It's sort of this level 355 and I added as it started going up. now.

I'll say that I was aggressive in my positioning on this and it's because this month has been amazing. $18,000 Friday the first 6400 on Monday the fourth, 19200 on Tuesday the fifth, you know, $2,500 on Friday Oh $12,000 I Mean you know it's green. Big big green days coming into the morning. I was already up almost $50,000 on the month.

So if there was ever a time to be aggressive when you see good quality setups, this would be the time. And so I'm stepping up to the plate with bigger share size. Trying to really capital on this hot streak make as much as I can, knowing that inevitably the hot streak will end at some point and we'll be into a period of kind of slow and choppy markets and all these profits from January and February will have to tide me over so the more I can make during the hot streak the better. So I saw it hitting the scanners, knew it was a former runner.
Here was the day back in January where I went from a dollar 15 to 380, curled back up on the daily and boom squeezing up today, gapping up 20% in continuing higher. so I jump in it. It surprises me that when it breaks 380, it immediately popped up to $4 and I went ahead and added another 3,000 shares at 409. So at that point I had 12,000 shares with an average price of 369 and I sold half at 439 and 443.

So just like that, almost 80 cents per share. I'm a seventy eight thousand dollars. I just sell a little bit more 22 and then I decided to add back a couple minutes later at 20, 29 and 32 to scalp the move back up to the half dollar. So right in that five minute candle that's bright green, the one minute gave us a little micro pullback so that was right in here.

We pulled back and then surged back up. So I bought the dip and sold into the rip as it popped back up to 34 and that added a couple thousand dollars more profit. I then added again at 42, selling into the highs at 56 and 57 I added again at 48 and selling at 53 and 54. I added again at 98, added again 415 and 417.

That was in this area here. right here. we had this sort of flat top at 16 and I sold into this break here up to 48. We got that quick move up to 48 I ended up adding a little bit more at 42 and selling a 46 at the high.

So I aggressively was trading the stock, getting in, getting out, capturing the profit. lots of volatility. That's exactly what we look for as active traders. So really happy to see that we've got seven point five million shares of volume.

Still no resistance until a 200 moving average, but without a catalyst. It's a pure technical breakout, but you know clearly this morning with the gap up, there was some momentum behind it and I was able to ride that and do pretty well on it. So Eleven thousand, three hundred Fifty-five dollars in my IRA tax-free That's awesome. So tomorrow it's gonna be at 85,000 dollars.

You know, as this account grows, you know one of the things I've been thinking about is what happens when this account gets up to 150 thousand, 175, 200 thousand, 250, 300 because I don't use that much buying power. You know, even today, ten thousand shares of SPI is only forty two thousand dollars of buying power I'm not even you know I'm not even using all the buying power that I have right now. So as the account grows at what point is is it kind of not smart to leave the money in there. you know I can make if I can make let's say fifty thousand a month with a hundred thousand then if I have a hundred fifty thousand and there that extra fifty grand that's sitting in the account is kind of useless.

It would actually be better if I put that 50 grand into like an ETF like the S Py or something like that. However, if I did it in this account then every time I log in in the morning I'm gonna see my open P/l on my long-term positions and is that gonna throw off my trading because I see oh I'm down on some long-term stuff you know and I'm a concern that that's gonna mentally affect my trading. So what I'm thinking that I'll do is a certain level when I get over I don't know what the amount will be that this will be the account that I really actively aggressively trade in and the profits I'll take out and put into a different IRA that's for long-term investments and that I don't look at on a daily basis that way I don't get distracted by it doesn't throw me off and I'm able. just kind of capitalize for a long term because the reality is I can't draw out the money from this retirement account until I'm 60 years old, 59 and a half so you know I'm 34.
So I've got you know Oh quite a good while that this has to you know, just kind of sit and and and work and so over the next you know Fifteen, sixteen, twenty years, I might as well put it in a place that it can you know grow because just putting that money into leaving like you know, let's say a million dollars in this account when I only really need a hundred thousand a day trade would be really kind of silly. So anyways, I've been starting to think about that Now the surprise here today is that I have a new account that I've opened. This is an account at Centerpoint Securities so the thing with Center Point is that they cater to short sellers and I've never I mean I've always I've known about this this broker and I've been interested in them for a while, but the minimum account balance is fifty thousand dollars so I was like, well that's kind of high and I mostly see the marks of the long side. However, there have been times in the last few years where there have been clear opportunities to the short side and I just haven't been able to trade them.

So you know that was kind of thing of you know what I know as an active trader with that fifty thousand I'll make more even if I can only trade it. you know a couple times a month I'll make more doing that than putting it probably anywhere else. So I was like, you know what I'm just gonna do so I said this account. this is gonna be my first trade in it and this was to the short side on Works So Works is one that we had on watch Wor X for a daily setup.

first daily camel to make a new high but it kind of just takes off out of nowhere. It just goes from five all the way up to 550. It gets halted, it resumes significantly higher. Really nice to see that big resumption here resuming around 629.

So I mean that's a that's a home run. If you were in this at Five Thirty Five, Forty Five Fifty resumes it, you know. Oh, the Open was 500, it was 606. But in any case, you know, really solid there.

squeezes up, it pulls back and I'm watching this one-minute pull back and I'm thinking you know what? I just don't know if I trust it, it's below the 200. it sold off more than more than 50% of the move. The 50% retracement is what I like to kind of see stocks bounce off of if they're gonna retest the highs. So I was like you know it's an opportunity but I don't know and the volume is so light I think I'm better off just focusing on this one to the short side.
So I type it into Centrepointe and I see that it's not easy to borrow. So I go into the locate monitor here and what you do is you you type in the quantity you want which I said was 5,000 shares are you type in the symbol then you press send and it comes back and it tells you the price. So this is basically a penny and a half per share to short the stock. now sp I was three and a half pennies per share to short the stock.

So that's like 160 bucks or a hundred seventy bucks on five thousand shares. Works was three cents per penny or per share. So that cost me a hundred and fifty dollars. One hundred fifty dollars just to reserve those five thousand shares before I even shorted it just to reserve them.

So before I even take the train I'm already down 150 bucks now I was watching it in this area I tried to short it in the 20s and for some reason my orders were getting rejected. I don't really know what was going on here, but anyways I I was getting a error on my hockey I think I fixed it and ended up getting short at 608 and 607 5,000 shares. so not exactly where I wanted to get in, but that's okay. It broke here from 6 and drops down to 570 and so right in there I made $1,100 and that was it.

Just a small little trade you know on that scalp and again, like I said I may not see opportunities in this account every single day, but you know just now I have more options at my fingertips and some of you guys who trade with some of the brokers that are international. some of you guys have shares available to borrow any ways that I just didn't have it Lightspeed So so that's nice cuz I'd been feeling like I was missing out on some of these opportunities and so now I've got this extra tool added to my tool belt. So yeah, 1,100 here 11300 year. so $12,500 of profit in about one hour of trading.

Another really solid day puts me up 58,000 on the month. That means I've got about $40,000 between me and the hundred thousand dollar level. One hundred thousand dollars is the goal for February We've got twelve days left, so you know, and if I can get to a hundred, my next goal will be a hundred and twenty because my best month of all time was a hundred and seventeen thousand and I would love to break that record. So I am being aggressive right now.

The way I trade these hot streaks is to be aggressive until I have my first big rejection my web. even if I don't lose on it one really really bad rejection and I'm gonna say okay, time to ease up, slow down, you know, take a breath and let's just evaluate the market I want to be aggressive, but I can't do it in a weak market. The market has to keep being strong in order for me to continue to be aggressive. So I'm sitting now at about nine hundred and fifty thousand dollars in the account that I started a little over two years ago with less than 600 bucks.
So it's been a incredible run here. an incredible journey. about fifty thousand dollars I'm 95% of the way to the million dollar goal and that's kind of lining up right around the top month of February with my one hundred thousand dollar goal for February. So if I have a record-breaking month and it's the month that I cross over the million dollar mark, that'll be pretty awesome.

It's also the month of my birthday which is cool. so just turned 34 and yeah, this million dollar challenge has been a two-year journey. I mean it's some people have said Rob So you're going to start a new million dollar challenge and this has been such a such a consuming thing in my mind. this challenge there's been so public, you know, doing in front of everyone, not wanting to fail, not wanting it to take five years.

you know, wanting to, you know, hit my goals on it. It would be like finishing a two-year master's degree and saying alright I just finished whoo let's start a new one and I don't know I don't want to do that. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna keep trading in the account, I'll keep growing the account and I'll probably do small challenges. I was thinking about like Tom Brady and you know he just won the Superbowl again and now it's like does he go in for one more season Now a season is.

you know, a season. It's It's not 2 years. it's not 24 26 months. it's a season.

So it's a period of time that's a little more finite than this challenge that I've been doing. So I think what I'd be more inclined to do would be shorter term challenges. They're a little easier to digest. You know, do a challenge on one of these months coming up here.

You know, in the late spring early summer? See what I can do in one month? Something like that. Kind of nice. A little bite-sized challenges that are fun and are too too stressful. and I think that'll be kind of the plan.

So anyways, that's about it for me here. Solid start to the week. Another green day I Can feel good about that I'm back at first thing tomorrow morning. I'm gonna try to do it again.

Another big green day. another ten, eleven, twelve thousand dollars. We're in a market where it's either hot or it's not. So if it's hot, I'll be aggressive if it's not, you know I might just take three, four hundred dollars, a thousand dollars or whatever and be done.

So anyways, that's it for me. I'll see you guys all first thing tomorrow morning. Those of you guys who are gonna be in the workshop tonight looking forward to seeing you 7:00 p.m. Eastern I'll make sure the link is on the description of the YouTube video and I'll see you guys this evening.

All right. Thanks everyone! See you guys later if you're still watching. You must have really enjoyed that video. So why not subscribe and get email alerts any time? I upload new content.
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By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

30 thoughts on “Momentum is hot! $12,500 ross’ trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 5 Facts says:


  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin Bell says:

    How do you set your filters to find your stocks?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr. Muli says:

    Ross, way to go! I have tried on a couple of occasions to start brand new, on a $1000 account and I will admit it's never worked for me ever. It's been easier trading in accounts that are within the intraday trading limits of FINRA "pattern day trading". So, Ross, you have done real well to start with some $700 and build it all the way up to $950K in two years. I have only seen a handful of others, who have been able to do this. Seems like it takes some hefty market knowledge, practice, real discipline and a crazy amount of level headedness to pull it off. So if this was like doing a masters degree then you would be at the 8 percentile of folks that made it, unfortunately in trading the odds of graduating are stacked higher.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike L says:

    Happy Belated!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gnauben says:

    Hi Ross, why don't you just filter the stocks besides the gap % also in regards of price? This way it should be quicker to have a look at the stocks and decide quicker which one you want possibly buy/sell

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mark Grift says:

    I miss Mikes watchlist video's. Yesterday and today ;-(

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay Powell Jr says:

    open up a "solo 401K" with the difference of the monies for long term trading

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rene Amaton says:

    get it ross! where can I get your day trading book ?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erin says:

    Hit that like button without even thinking about it.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Razer Jobb says:

    Do you go live every morning?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars loveyourneighbor says:

    Please don't ever change your intro music! 🎶

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Topnotch Sir-c says:

    In the morning when a stock goes up how do you get in before it tops out or what gives you the indication to buy while it's rising?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SR says:

    recommend a perfect TA BOOK TO ME

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben Escobar says:

    Would you invest in cannabis?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mrserv0n18 says:

    Ross do you guys have an ETA on the sterling based paper trader?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! dukerstop says:

    Lol this is getting ridiculous

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean Mcfarland says:

    Hi Ross, QUESTION.

    When you say bought at 5.90 for the break of 6.. doesn't that go against your teaching of waiting for the break of a whole dollar or a bull flag. you always says" the high of the red candle is 4.89 (for example) so we need to see 4.90 on the ask…. you don't say "Im in at 4.85 for the break of the high of 4.89" So are you using instant? or certain speed of green on the time and sales? just curious cuz I always wait for the break ( I don't have ur experience tho so this is a good point to elaborate for new students)

    Thanks for all you do

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ace Hexed says:

    Nice Ross! I hope I can do well like you one day! unfortunately I couldn't trade today because I used up my PDT limit, or I might make some money today.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben Winoker says:

    Ross, how translatable are your techniques to multi-day swing trading? I enjoy your videos regardless but right now I can only trade via mobile from the office during breaks, so 5-10 minute trades aren't realistic.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hakuin Z says:

    Nicely done Ross!!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pratik shah says:

    you went from $500 to 950k ?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Nelson says:

    I made $190 on SPI 500 shares in at 3.7 out at 4.08

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cl says:

    Whats going to be the next challenge? Good luck

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yaroslav Honcharenko says:

    I'm really happy for you, solid trade! And don't get tired of repeating to say "Thank You" for XP that you sharing with us every day!!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nic s says:

    Hey Ross, I thought I saw a copy of Shambhala Sacred Path of the Warrior on your bookshelf in one of the live videos you posted on facebook. If so, that's dope man.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JustinL600 says:

    Hey Ross, and anyone who’d like to give input, how do you know if a stock has shares available to short before initiating an order? I tried to short AVCO today to find out there are no shares available. Would’ve been nice to know instead of sitting there watching it for my entry. I use Thinkorswim platform.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Caleb Billiot says:

    Trx got some awsome green today got 5% of it 10 shares not too bad and got out befor it went even more up uggghh

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff N says:

    Ross, when you were with Suretrader, did you have trouble programming your hotkeys?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joel T says:

    Finished down 210 today on 3 trades. Made 250 on first trade on SPI. The lost lost 90 on SPI and 370 on WORX.

    Ross- why did SPI not go into a halt but WORX did. SPI went up more than a dollar in 2 mins and WORX only went up 67 cents in two mins but it gets halted. Strange!

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars We The Patsies says:

    Two years and two months to get to $1M would be awesome Ross, we're cheering for you!

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