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Marco Metzler is suggesting that we could have a MOASS before Christmas! While I don't like to set dates or times, I wanted to cover some of the things lining together.
Two hedge funds, tybourne capital management and Anchorage Capital are closing their doors after a significant fall in short selling profits. Anchorage also held large AMC put positions and opened these positions around 10 years ago, so are Substantially down on their investment!
They may also be closing their doors as the SEC is wanting to introduce new regulations around shorts & swaps. Total return swaps can be used to swap money for long/short positions, so it will be seen where funds are hiding their shorts!
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#AMC #ShortSqueeze #AMCStock

Welcome back to the channel everyone today i want to talk about the possibility of a moas before christmas. Now you may already know i don't really like setting specific dates and times for the squeeze. So today i want to talk about the key catalysts and how everything seems to be falling into place at the moment, like the sec, putting in new regulations to reveal shorts so stay tuned and let's make some money. And now i want to dive straight in with the key information, so somebody commented on dr marco melks's linkedin saying: is there going to be a mother of all short squeezes before christmas and marco replied saying yes now, while i would absolutely love to see the mother Of all short squeezes happening before christmas, i'm not putting my entire life on that and i don't want to give anyone a specific date and time, because otherwise it can upset people if it doesn't happen.

So today i want to talk more about exactly what things seem to be falling into place. Firstly, we've got a tweet from rizzo saying breaking news: the fed is kicking down doors, first, citadel, restricted clients, withdrawals and now anchorage capital manages 7.4 billion dollars in assets and they've suspended clients ability to get their money back, and he says this could be the start Of the liquidations before the market crash guys right now, if you sign up to block files in my link in the description below, you can currently get up to 250 in free bitcoin, just for signing up and making your first deposit with block fight instead of just Buying bitcoin and holding the same amount forever, you can actually earn interest on those deposits and accumulate more and more and more bitcoin up to nine percent per year. Block file also offer a rewards credit card where you can get up to 3.5 cashback on your purchases. Also paid in cryptocurrency, so again you can continue earning more bitcoin and when you've generated a significant profit on your investment.

Instead of having to sell off your cryptocurrency and potentially missing out on the next run-up, you can take out a crypto backed loan. Therefore, you can get cash to pay off those bills or buy something new, but you don't have to sell off your crypto. If we go to that post in the wall street journal, it says anchorage capital is closing a 7.4 billion dollar flagship hedge fund. In a letter to investors, it reports closing of anchorage capital partners and the eventual return of money to clients, anchorage capital group, one of the biggest hedge fund investors in distressed debt is closing its flagship fund after 18 years and returning the 7.4 billion dollars.

It manages to clients, citing a market environment in which cheap money has helped keep stock and bond prices, elevated and therefore no good to short, while suppressing corporate defaults. The credit fund anchorage capital partners is suspending clients ability to get their money back as it's wound down. The new york firm, told clients in a letter on wednesday that was viewed by the wall street journal anchorage didn't even give a date by which clients would receive all of their money back from the fund, which holds sizable positions in companies, including mgm holdings and clothing Seller j crew group, but an interesting position they did also hold, was amc, puts anchorage capital advisors. The hedge fund that just went bankrupt, sold all of their amc put options just before they did.
There was 4 million option contracts sold, they knew amc, had bottomed out and was going up from here. That's why funds sell puts otherwise they let them ride downwards further. Now, i think, part of the reason why they're closing their fund and why many other funds might be closing as well, is because the sec is making moves to force firms like archagos to reveal their swap positions. Dave lauer said it's good to see the sec moving on security-based swaps.

New rules would require disclosure when a position exceeds five percent of shares or 300 million dollars, including swaps, bonds, credit default swaps, and it would also prohibit market manipulation and insider trading and funnily enough, he also adds that it's insane this wasn't already prohibited. Of course, this is great because it means total return swaps, which is a financial product used to hold shares in a company in somebody else's name or hold shorts in a company in somebody, else's name will be disclosed, and this means that when funds are hiding their Short positions in companies like amc, they will now have to be disclosed exactly how much they're holding and exactly where it's being held as well. Now, on top of that, we've also got another short hedge fund biting the mud. Tie born is to shut a 2.8 billion hedge fund on short selling pains so from a news source.

Thai born capital management is to close a 2.8 billion hedge fund and retreat from bearish bets. The hong kong-based firm will shift its focus to its long-only and private investment funds said the people who asked not to be identified because the information is private. People with knowledge of the fund said the fund lost 10.5 in november alone. Making this year's decline to more than 16 tyborn is known for taking focused bearish bets on high-growth companies such as singapore-based online gaming and e-commerce provider c limited.

It then also talks about how short sellers have been having a tough year so far because of, for example, the january run-up and gamestop. Overall, it seems like this year is a terrible year for shorters, and it seems like it's just about to be made even worse. As the sec now want them to disclose a lot more of their positions now, as astro says, given the market, instability and uncertainty and with tapering around the corner and with funds reporting their deleveraging, he says i see a huge chance for blackrock, vanguard and other funds. Doing a mass share recall on borrowers which are shorts.
Obviously, if blackrock did a forced recall of their 40 million amc shares, it means that shorts would have to cover 40 million short positions and buy back all of those shares. I think, especially with those new disclosure rulings potentially coming in a lot of funds, won't want to have such giant short positions on their books anyway, and may also look to cover now, as i spoke about in my video earlier, all of this market instability is causing Senators to sell off their stocks clearly they know something is going to happen just around the corner, but who else knows and is preparing for what's about to happen in terms of the market crash? Well, if we have a look at the activities of the one percent, we can see that jeff bezos, elon, musk and mark zuckerberg unloaded 42.9 billion dollars worth of stocks. Obviously, amazon, tesla and facebook in december we're only halfway through the month and between the three of them they sold off 42.9 billion dollars worth of stocks and, as the poster says, no, this is not usual december activity. This is the one percent front running the crash.

Clearly, jeff elon and mark are trying to get out as much cash as they possibly can before they know their stocks are about to fall. Now. I also wanted to touch on your text data now i wanted to quickly caveat that all text data isn't brilliant for two reasons: a because it's only the legally reported short interest and b. This is obviously self-reported, so they don't really necessarily have to tell the truth, but with that out of the way we can see the estimated short interest percent of free float is nearing those all-time high limits around 20.69, which is higher than the estimated short interest percentage.

We saw back in may and back in june now, on top of that, the days to cover is also still pretty much heading vertical and is going absolutely parabolic, because obviously the volume has been declining and the short positions have been slightly increasing. Now, obviously, over the last few days, we have seen the volumes increasing, but that's because the short position has been increasing as well, therefore still causing the days to cover to increase rapidly. Obviously, the days to cover is also all-time highs, substantially higher than it was back in may so it looks like we are setting up quite nicely for the next run-up which, as dr marco meltz said at the start of the video, could potentially be before christmas and Finally, i wanted to quickly touch on the reverse repo position, as we've just hit a new all-time high on the reverse repo scale at 1.621 trillion dollars. It wasn't that long ago, back in august and september when i started covering the reverse repos, where we'd barely even cracked one trillion dollars and now we're definitely on our way towards that two trillion dollar mark.

All of these figures are currently getting very, very unmanageable, and i think it's only a matter of time before the lid is blown off guys be sure to. Let me know down in the comments below what you think about the possibility of a moas before christmas and what you think about the sec, increasingly disclosure regulations and guys, if you want to stay up to date with my latest stock and crypto picks or if you Just want some help with amc and gamestop be sure to check out the patreon and the private discord linked in the description below and become part of the team, and, as always guys, if you enjoyed this video, be sure to check out some of my others. Alternatively, subscribe to the channel and ding that notification bell, because that way, you'll be alerted when i upload a new video cheers.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

34 thoughts on “moass before christmas? sec revealing shorts?! – amc stock short squeeze update”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patrick Peterson says:

    The FED ?? Is corrupt & in bed with hedge scumbags & corrupt institutes. It’s a deflection a smoke screen !!!!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rebecca Taylor says:

    Nice video I was able to get huge income stream in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic investing with a professional broker expert Mrs Camille Anne Hector, and now in 2021 I’m still doing massively well in profits

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthony Johnson says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Won Hur says:

    Buy goods across all section of an economy and you should do well over the long term. The market wilL be high in 10 to 20 years, and significantly higher in 30. It's almost impossible for a company with no debt to go bankrupt. the U.S. is about 50% of the global Market place, Pay yourself first. It's time in the market, not timing the market. Last year I invested 100 grand in the S&P 500/ an allocation fund (with the help of my Financial Advisor Evelyn Monping of course) and made 370k, but guess what? I put it back and traded with her again and now I’m rounding up close to a million. And i have been so grateful to her for helping me put my money into good use.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ayhan isik says:

    I am holding but I don't think anything is possible with that much corruption. We are dealing with the beast Bible talks about.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Qualos Elsadro says:


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaron Lukas says:

    Congress always knows, that's why they unloaded their portfolios before the lockdowns started

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin todd says:

    Nice content. To me, trading the forex and crypto market is way better than any online investment πŸ’―

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars helloMF! says:

    with the money you making on youtube why don't you actually subscribe to the wall street journal and give us more info??
    You also have a Patreon account

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Jack Vasilyev says:

    I realised that the secret to making a million is saving for a better investment. I always tell myself you don't need that new Maserati or that vacation just yet. That mindset helped me make more money investing. For example last year I invested 80k in stocks (with the help of my Financial Advisor of course Evelyn Monping ) and made about 246k, but guess what? I put it all back and traded with her again and now I'm rounding up close to a million.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nicholas says:

    market is always delayed and there will be attacks before it. I'm predicting Christmas will be quiet. One day in 2022 we'll wake up and AMC will have jumped 1,000% pre-market.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Graham says:

    What if citadel deletes all the synthetic or counterfeit shares from their systems in collaboration with NYSE. Is it possible to delete all the synthetic shares collectively??

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Flores Adan says:

    I would be the Santa clause of all the children in the Mexican village I’m going to visit πŸ₯²β€οΈπŸ₯ΊπŸ™

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Fogarty says:

    I am not a wealthy man in any manner. I live day to day and barely make ends meet week to week and month to month but, I own a couple dozen AMC. Is it a lot? Not by any means but for me, it was all I could afford to buy and hold without running into missed payments on bills. That being said, God willing all the data you have put together creates a MOASS at ANY time, could potentially get me out of this type of living. To think that the MOASS could arrive before Christmas is almost too good to be true.
    In some way, some how, do you think the brokerages or hedgefunds will not be able to pay out to us retail investors by claiming bankruptcy or some other type of issue/situation just to "screw the little guy" once again? Just curious to see what anyone else thinks about that, if they do try to pull something to hurt retail investors.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sherrell Sprowls says:

    Crypto/forex trading is a big chance to make money nowadays. Get a professional to trade or advice

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chuck Miles says:

    Channels like this should be shut down. Just stop this same video has been done at least 5 million times in last year.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bprior25 says:

    Covering short positions and closing short positions are two different things. Please clarify what the two SHFs that shutdown are doing

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Francis says:

    Don’t expect any of these govt clowns do anything,they are all deep in corruption

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Popikawaii says:

    I hate clickbait titles.

    That's why I always come back to this channel.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars S Y says:

    I don't think the MOASS will take place until major market correction which will trigger margin calls. Waiting on SEC or DOJ and the new regulations will not trigger anything. Hedge Finds have billions of dollars under their disposal and can drag their short positions forever. Major market crash/correction is our ace.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Domenico Carbone says:

    I wouldn't blindly trust this Metzler guy…his profil creds seem a bit sketchy to me.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon Kelley says:

    I’ll just wait to see it before jumping conclusions! But I’ve been buckled in since August of 2020 so I’m just here for the ride

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dunga Scott says:

    These stocks are only bound to make slow profit returns in the current market, I've come across a few blogs mentioning investors that generated profit of up to $450,000 in 3months and I'm eager to know what/how I can make such lucrative profit.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam von Slimball G49 says:

    Don't set a date for the MOAS please πŸ™. I'm listening and following you because you aren't a "baitclicker" YouTuber. They are doing more harm than good for the community, because there's lot of holders that gets disappointed because these dates and days aren't for real… So keep up with your good job.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Todd Downey says:


  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OXFORD BLAZE says:

    Not sure about Christmas date. Glad SEC is finally moving. I think MOASS will be sooner than later and it will include huge price swings as they try to shake us out on the way up. Thanks for all the great info.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars as the dome turns says:

    Will they (Anchorage)
    now have to close all their positions? Shouldn't it have happened by now?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars P P says:

    You need the stop. You’re misleading people and at the same time trying to pitch moomoo and your crypto affiliate. People actually think u know what ur talking, but ur more concerned about putting out more videos and making $. Think of the people you’re hurting

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Davin Noe says:

    Am thinking of getting into Crypto currency investment is indeed the future 2k into it.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adrian Fernandez says:

    "said the people who asked not to be identified because the information is private" that's exactly the lack of transparency this movement stands against. Why don't they keep the same "private information" when they blast on Media that AMC or GME is down 15%, let us not also say it's down due to their market Manipulation…. Don't pick and choose the BS you post. Fact is the market is massively manipulated against retail investors and now that it's tilted against your favor now you're the victim…. Hope all you drown in horse pee pee

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mikeymike621 says:

    I don’t know man I still feel like there’s something we’ve missed that they’re doing behind the scenes to prevent the moass. It seems we get chopped down a good percentage and then a hedge fund will cover and maybe the price goes up 5-10% if that. Look at Tuesday we had 100mil volume and didn’t have any major price impact.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Damon Haner says:

    Griffin just wants ☝️ more Christmas as a billionaire, it makes him feel better about his wife banging most the Chicago Bulls!

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Baba Loo says:

    -When a HF covers, do they know if they are purchasing a synthetic or not,
    -if a synthetic is bought while covering do they just keep buying until a real share is bought?
    -If you have a synthetic can you request the original writers to replace with Real

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dating Architect says:

    You are spreading MISINFORMATION. Elon and Bezos sold stock bc some of their stock options expire this year. They had to sell stock or lose it. Also huge tax bills. So yeah, get schooled. We will have a face ripping meltup soon noob.

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