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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? Alright, so here we are: Sixth day of April and another seven thousand dollars in profit. Now today wasn't totally easy I had a nine thousand five hundred dollar winner which was awesome, but I also had twenty five hundred dollar loser which was not so awesome. so net profit seven thousand dollars and that puts me up forty eight thousand dollars in the last six days. I'm already up more this month that I made all of last month and well I'm on track for another one hundred thousand dollar month if I can keep it up and so that's what I'm hoping to do is keep up the momentum and expect that I will have a slow day I may have a red day, but keep those losses as small as possible that way I can bounce back really quickly and get right back into the green.

so a hundred thousand dollar month is definitely within reach here in April but it all depends on the market as long as momentum is hot. I'm going to be able to keep capitalizing keep racking up really big green days, but it may slow down so that's the ebb and the flow and there's not really any way to predict it. But boy, today was awesome and April so far has been really, really hot. So this is really exciting.

I'm up about a hundred and ninety eight thousand dollars on the year right now and my goal for this year was right around six hundred and seventy seven hundred thousand dollars. Because if I break seven hundred thousand dollars of profit this year, I will break 1 million dollars in my account that I started which is five hundred eighty three bucks in January of 2017. As of today, the account is at five hundred and thirty three thousand. So I've got four hundred and sixty six thousand dollars to go and it's kind of one of those things like I'm in the middle of a marathon I just sort of crossed the halfway point and I just want to get to the end already I want to I want to be there but this is a marathon.

It's not something I'm not going to be able to get to the million dollar mark by the end of this month is just not gonna happen I have to just pace myself I have to just sort of. you know, settle in and know that I'm in this for the long haul and the million dollar mark that will come I will get to the end of this little marathon and when the ends, I'll do another one or whatever. but I've yeah, I've got a little ways ahead of me. so anyways, right now just enjoying the wind being at my back and getting a little bit of a nice boost here in the early part of the month and that just puts me in a driver seat for the rest of April So anyways, we'll break down all of today's trades in today's midday market.

recap. What's up, everyone? all right? So we're gonna do our midday market recap here, but we're also gonna keep an eye on cone this one hide. The last 5-minute candle was 931 and that's a level to watch for the first five minute candle. to make a new high on this little pullback.

It's not a perfect pullback, it hasn't come all the way down to the nine moving average yet, and it did do this sort of little like like it started to pull back and then it got one little more burst of momentum and now it's pulling back a little bit more. so I'm definitely watching it. but I'm not sure if it's gonna give us that low risk entry that I'm gonna be really looking for. So anyways, just keep that one on watch while we start to go over the trades from this morning.
So today, a little bit of an interesting day up: seven thousand $79 which is certainly good, but a good-sized loss on my S-z Also, one trade in my IRA account measly three hundred and five dollars plus the 468 yesterday is, you know, seven hundred dollars this week, so that's good. But you know then of course I missed the big, the big ones in my IRA and that's what's disappointing. But let's look at my SZ first. So this morning we had a couple of stocks on the watchlist.

I'll just move this back down out of the way here and let's see. well. I'll just put this here. Let me just grab my Gap scanner there.

It is. okay. so Gap scanners here and want to keep that chart up right there. So you see, here's the first camel make a new high which is over 31 right now.

Just bid a twenty one ask of Thirty nine. That's a big spread. The decreasing volume is kind of the red flag. You definitely want to see volume increasing into a breakout.

so this might be just another false breakout here. Anyways, we had a CH FS on our Gap scanner this morning as a maybe it didn't end up working at all. No trades on it, just didn't work. I Tried to take a couple trades on it right out of the gates at 15 and then 25 but I kept not getting filled so it was just as well.

It didn't hold up well hit a high of 27 so no trades on that and then my s. We also had C you are on the watch list but this one didn't work either. It was just very weak so no traits on those. My SC hits the scanner I look at it and I'm like okay, this thing is starting to move and if it can break over the 200 moving average on the daily which is 159, this thing might have some room to move.

I mean it could get up towards to 250. It's a former runner history making big moves. So I jumped in it in my IRA with 10,000 shares at a dollar 58. So I got filled with a dollar 58 and this is the crazy thing.

I then put out a sell order to sell the whole thing and that sell order took 12 seconds to fill. It took 12 seconds for my order to fill, starting to execute at 40 40 and finishing at 40 52. In my opinion, that's unacceptable. Lightspeed over here I took the same trade I got in with 20,000 shares.

Okay, I was being a little aggressive here. again though. I was thinking this one, it's a cheaper stock so the dollar amount isn't that high. it's just large share size.

Along with 20,000 shares, it hits a high of 69. I was thinking if it got over 75 we'd have a good chance of hitting $2 and then on this candle it pulled all the way back down to 52 and I thought okay, well you know I'll give it the chance for a one-minute candle to make a new high. but that didn't end up happening. the I didn't I couldn't afford to keep holding it.
and so finally I had to stop out and I stopped out here at 51 and 49 with 10,000 shares. and again, these orders for 20,000 shares fired in the same one second period so those were instant fills just instantly getting filled. So anyways, had the trade here. On this side, $300 is good a profit nonetheless.

As soon as it didn't break over 69, I was like I got to get out and so I sold it but I held in my main account. kind of hoping that it would turn into a bigger win but I probably should have just sold sooner. So at that point I was down $2,400 in this account and I was like, all right, you know I I had said earlier in the month that I wouldn't take a trade if I was down more than $2,000 I would just be done for the day and so I was sort of thinking I was like well, that was at 9:45 and I said I at least have to wait a few minutes, you know, give myself five minutes just to sit tight and be patient and during that time nothing hit the scanners and so I was like you know what? I'm probably just gonna be done for today down 2500. it's not that big a deal.

Had a great day yesterday so you know it is what it is. Come one says hey, check out Cohn and I'm like yeah, I see it but I don't know if it's really gonna hold, you know? yesterday it made this big move but then it retraced most of the move so I didn't have a lot of confidence in it initially when it first popped up right here because the spreads were pretty big and then we saw this kind of little burst of buying right here at 45 and then going into the half dollar and so at that point I was like okay, I'll take a stab so I jump in with 5,000 shares at 46, my stop is 35. so I've got a $500 stop on it and I'm I'm just sort of like alright I'll give this chance if it works I'll add if it doesn't work I'll be done for the day and that'll be it. So I jump in 6:46 it pops up to 668 and then it gets I tried to add at 68 I didn't get filled there and then it's halted at 71 so it ended up getting halted and resuming higher.

It resumed at a high of 721 and so I'm instantly up like 70 cents on 5,000 shares I added at 7:25 I then flipped out and sold at I sold a quarter at 49, another quarter is 69, 60, 64 and another quarter at 77. Taking profit into that first squeeze here which was up to 89, it dips down I sell some more at 850 what's going on I sell some more to eat 57 50 sorry 750 and then as it curls back up I add back 7,500 shares at $8 and now I'm scalping it's going. You know? working in this range and I'm getting in getting out trading in this range. so back in it at 790 Average selling at 8:15 8:11 back in at 792, and $8 selling at I guess 8 and 767.
So maybe a small loss on that trade, adding back at or maybe selling the rest of 820 Ind Doug back at 8:20 right here and selling that 829, adding back at 836, selling at 844. Again, this is being a very active trader, getting in at 45, getting out at 50. So I'm churning shares. But through all of those extra trades, I made another fight.

almost $5,000 My very first trade on it was about a $5,000 winner. And so all of those little you know scalps, getting in, getting out, getting, and getting out. These are on one-minute pullbacks, like right here and right here and right here and those pay the bills. So really, this is a great month that it's 50 almost fifty thousand dollars a profit this month.

So I'm gonna write it in the calendar, make it official: seven thousand seventy nine dollars and ninety one cents. Just about 50 thousand in the last six days of trading. So I'm up 48 thousand dollars on the month right now I'm up a hundred and ninety nine thousand dollars on the year and I'm up five hundred thirty-three thousand dollars in my account that I started January 2017 which is $583 So I'm still you know I'm more than halfway now to my 1 million dollar target I've got like on my Excel I have four hundred and sixty-six thousand dollars to go and if I if that takes me a hundred and eighty days I need to average twenty five hundred dollars per day and that would get me there. Actually, that would probably not quite get me there by the end of the year I don't think we have a full hundred eighty days left if I take a couple days off.

you know here and there so probably have like one hundred and sixty days left and that would give me I need to average twenty nine hundred dollars per day to get there by the end of this year. So far, this is the sixty seven sixty second day of trading for me, and I'm averaging three thousand one hundred ninety-four dollars a day. So hitting that million dollar mark is possible this year. but I need to have continued to have really good months so we'll see if it doesn't happen until you know, maybe a full year from now in.

March April next year. That's okay too. You know it's not a big deal anyway. so that's where we're at right now and this so far this month.

By the way, my accuracy is really solid at eighty nine percent. So I've had. Let's see a total of forty five trades and only for three losers. And actually four losers.

So forty five trades and four losers? Not bad at all. So definitely pumped about that. and I just want to keep it going. Obviously hot streaks come to an end and sometimes they come to a kind of, you know, big finish.

Where it's you know it ends up being a big red day. That's the end of the hot streak. So I have to prepare myself emotionally that that could happen. But you know today being down 2500 wouldn't have been a big deal would have been that disappointing.
So as long as I keep the loss under probably under 5,000 I'll be I won't be that disappointed after a really nice hot streak here. So anyways, that's it for me and we'll be back at it first thing tomorrow morning. Pre market analysis around 9:00 fifteen. All right, let's see you guys in the morning if you're still watching.

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By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

30 thoughts on “Mmm, the sweet smell of green! $7,079.91!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jarek Matthew says:

    Hey Ross, I've got a question: why do so many of your buy and sell orders not go through? It seems like you lose a ton of money due to this. Is it because of how you're putting in your orders, or what? I'll ask this question on a few more recap videos until it gets answered.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric wang says:

    it is amazing

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sheila Athay says:

    Invest in weed stocks

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Mckee says:

    450 monday and 1290 tuesday. not bad for a beginner.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Poker Invest says:

    Do any of you guys know brokers that have low deposits?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars al aezah says:

    When do u do live trades?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M Ahmadzai says:

    Was loving those live recaps .

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mnsour says:

    How come you are not millionaire yet?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deng Nai says:

    how do you support yourself if you don't take any money out of your account?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Farid Ansari says:

    Ross do you usually buy the asks and sell the bid of you place orders ahead of time. My ECN fees have been adding up a lot by trading the ask/bids. Thanks

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Narong & Keiko says:

    I very enjoy your video.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trade Lion says:

    Ross idk if you already have it or not, but could you make a video about using your scanner, and the steps you do to insure a good play. Thanks Ross.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars csmith6278 says:

    ROSS please make a suit with all 100 dollar bills thanks

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cl says:

    Great job! I will have to change broker, cant get in or out that fast.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Meh Meh says:

    Snatching victory from the jaws of defeat!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars thacrackfox says:

    Ross.. When you use your hotkeys for selling into strength, are you selling on the ask or are those market orders with limit?

    When you've made profits on a winning trade and finally stop out your remaining shares on a new candle breaking the previous low, do you sell on the bid in that scenario?

    I guess same question for stopping out on a failed breakout. I assume that is a worst case, asap market order for damage control?

    As always thanks for all the content and inspiration. I bought your book btw.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Lin says:

    Did KONE pop up on any scanners before you went in or did you find it only after someone pointed it out?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blaze Garcia says:

    I wonder why KONE didn't show up on his scanner this morning?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Muhammad Azam says:

    Hey I have been watching your videos for a while and you’re in the green almost daily .I was wondering how can I see you live trading
    So I can trade the same stocks as you

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Omar Faruk says:

    Hi Ross, Could you please tell me how can I get access to gapper software? its really helpful tool

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay Powell Jr says:

    One day ill be just like you Ross 🙂

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Social Media Guru says:

    Ross, do you have funds stuck in $LFIN t12?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joshua Mayo says:

    So extremely grateful for you and your content, Ross. Thank you for everything you do.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bently Marquez says:

    How much of the 500k are you using daily?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars vic1torius says:

    Congratulations Ross, you're the man. I blew up my first account back in October of 4K because I didn’t know how to deal with the emotions of trading. Greed and adrenaline don’t mix specially when you make 600 in 3 days, lol hahah. I later opened another account, in January, after practicing and being profitable in the simulator and I blew that up to only 1,500. Suretrader knows how to restrict all moving stocks, it wasn’t enough money to do anything really I ended up taking bad trades on non restricted stocks. Today I wired 6k to suretrader…Any words of wisdom you can share? Thank you in advance!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bacon says:

    Ross you are on fire! Question: can you elaborate on this gap scanner of yours? Is it something you pay for? Is the general public allowed to access it?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Renato Silva says:

    Hey Ross, it was great trading in the chat room this morning, and executing as I learned from Warrior Pro. When it comes to the delayed executions on IB, is that a broker related issue or an issue with DAS itself? The reason I ask, is because I've been entertaining the idea of switching from ST to another brokerage which also utilizes DAS, and I'm questioning myself if DAS might be where the delay is! Thank you for any feedback.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 3vilchina.is.doomed says:

    good boss ross

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FundedTrader says:

    Dude you’re making a lot of money

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bryan Novotny says:

    Hey Ross! Watch you every day and will be joining your chat very soon. I plan on doing a $1,000 dollar challenge to see what I can do. (Mainly learning from all your videos and lessons) With that small of an account, I think I'll have to use Sure Trader. Would you agree? I have a TD Ameritrade account but have already been flagged by PDT 🙂 Thanks!

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