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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? Alright, so here we are: Friday Morning Mission accomplished. Up Two thousand, Two hundred dollars? That's two green days in a row. that's brick, number two, rebuilding. or maybe the second shovel full.

You know, digging myself out of the hole. It's actually kind of a funny phrase because when you're in a hole, you really don't want to keep digging, you want to climb out. So I've climbed about. let's see fifteen percent of the way out of the hole.

Maybe almost twenty percent out of the hole. So you know, digging my way out slow and steady and that's just gonna be. You know where I'm at here for the next couple weeks digging myself out of this hole And you know the cool thing is by the time I get all the way out, that will be right around the times and across this million dollar mark since I dropped right before I crossed the line. so you know, kind of funny like that.

But yeah, so now we're on maybe a little bit of a hot streak to Green Day's in a row. Solid action. Today was a little slower than yesterday. Yesterday we had a great gap scanner alert, jumped in, made $3,300 in the first 10 seconds of the day.

Today it was a little slower, didn't see a lot of opportunity. First trade wasn't until like 9:45 but was still able to come out on top. So you know that that's good. That's how exactly how I wanted to finish the week to.

Green Day's kind of put that you know between me and that red down Wednesday can barely even remember it. you know, just clear the slate. get a weekend to recharge, Come back Monday Morning ready to trade. Alright, so that's the game plan Monday Morning 9:15 right here.

Live streaming I'll see you guys all right. No room. So um, we'll do our midday market recap here a little past 10:30 I want to finish it up and be done for the day? up 2246 dollars and 96 cents. So second green day in a row.

bouncing back a little bit I Started the day with a read trade down fifteen hundred dollars and I was able to slowly kind of dig myself out of that hole. making 220 225 dollars on SR any and then making 143 on D car, then making 1700 on any TS putting me green on the day and then making 1700 on 80 is putting me up 2200 on the day. so not the easiest day. Fridays sometimes are a little tricky and this one you know we didn't have a lot on the Gap scanner that looked good so my first trade wasn't even until let's see 9:45 when I jumped into my tea.

So the first 15 minutes which is yesterday was where I made my $3,300 No trains, no opportunities so well why don't we look at the Gap scanner here from this morning and we kind of look at you know how I was breaking things down. So do a historical scan here for 9:25 So this morning we had IMM P is are leaving Gapper up 41% However, this one didn't meet my criteria for homerun potential because the float was 29 million shares and it's not a former runner. So I just didn't feel confident on it and that was the right move. No trades.
This one sold off so no trades on this one. Next one was BP th price is too high. didn't trust it. No trades.

Next one down k IQ float is 43 million shares. no trades. didn't feel good on that one. Next one down hii HIV be $22 stock is too expensive.

Next one down is seal this one I was watching price 263 float 800,000 shares up 16% so everything checked out there. except that there was no news and when we looked on the daily chart we saw this you know last big red candle. So I was a little unsure of whether it would work and right out of the gates you can see how the bell rang and it did pop up. It did tap 88 and I hesitated on it I saw some big sellers on the level 2 10 15 20 thousand shares.

sellers stacked up and I just didn't feel confident. it broke 75. Popped here up to 88. That was the cleanest trade of the morning.

Maybe five six cents of potential? You never get, you know. Perfect entry and perfect exit. So if you get in a little high, you get out a little low. You know that's what you're making but it didn't hold that level and came back down.

It did end up curling here back through the V whap. Although this is sort of a tough entry when it happens, just kind of out of nowhere like that. and I didn't feel comfortable jumping in and chasing it. so I ended up not trading it at all.

I Sort of felt like there probably were a lot of bag holders. A lot of people under the water from this day here that bought it and are still holding and so as it curls up you know those are people that are gonna be selling their shares. So no trades on Seal Brn. not much volume.

OSs This one was sold, sold off yesterday and then today is just sort of bouncing off the lows. So no trades on this one. and and that was pretty much you know the gap scan. So top Five, Ten, Gap errs.

there was nothing there for me to trade. All right. So how do I adjust? All right? So what I do in that case is I watch my hide a momentum scanner. So this hide a momentum scanner shows me stocks that are moving up in real time and the first stock we hit the scan was myt all right.

So I pull it up I look at it and I'm like it checks out from flow perspective it's up 17% It's moving the daily charts. Okay, no resistance until 289. it does not have news so I must wait for a pullback. Alright, so I waited for a pullback.

Good job Ross. Following your rules, wait for a pullback. Got in right here for the first five-minute and make a new high. So the end, he was 44.

I got in a smidge high at 45, 49 and 50, but five senses within my slippage range. I'm usually okay with that. It just happened to be the top. It hit a high of 55 that popped up five cents and then it dropped 30 cents.

So you know that's kind of a bummer and I stopped out pretty quickly at 32 and 29. but I did lose $1,500 on nine thousand shares. So now I'm like mmm, you know, darn it. First trade of the day red and that's not a tiny loss so that's a little disappointing, you know? But it was like, all right, Well let's let's be careful, you know, let's just see what comes up next in the scanner.
you know shows my T and then s are any so S Re and he is a hundred and eleven million share flow typically I wouldn't train stock like this. However, this morning it squeezed up from 560 all the way up to a high of 650. And so I decided to buy the first 5-minute candle to make a new high and it actually ended up being a terrific entry and a really solid trade. So let's look at that one all right.

So I'm this one here I jumped in on this little pullback. this one minute pullback. Buying on this candle right here at 6:16 Now at this point, the stock already had I don't know four or five million shares of volume, but my target was high. Add a 650 on this one I took a starter of 6,000 shares I did not I knew that the risk was higher I knew that this wouldn't be the type that would just immediately go to 650.

this is a higher float stock. it's going to be a grinder. but I thought if I could get a starter at 6:15 that given the fact that yesterday it made a really nice move that maybe I could get in it, get a good position, and just let it ride. So I set my mental stop at 605 it's 10 cent loss and it squeezed up here to 625 and then it squeezed up here to 637 and I was up 1200 bucks and I was like, well, that's great but you know I'm still thinking this is just getting started.

this trade is just getting started. My kind of plan was that you know I was hoping it might test 650, pull back here a little bit and then break over 650 and maybe I've had another 3,000 shares. But what ended up happening is it came all the way back down to six dollars. so that was kind of lame.

It dropped down to 613 and then popped back up to 628 and that's when I got out for a two hundred twenty five dollar loss or profit. So you know I mean on this one I followed my rules. It's a little. it's obviously a stock, a little outside my wheelhouse.

It's not what I typically would focus on, but you know I'm trying to get a little bit better at trading some of these stocks that are grinders and the best way to do it is to get a position, set a stop and let it work. and on this one I just you know. ended up getting stopped out at least I made a little bit of money on it. Alright, so next trade was any.

TS this one was on the scanner. fuv was on the scanner as well and I think solo might have been on there, but I I really liked this one. Yesterday it wasn't really that easy to trade and so today I was kind of iffy on it and that ended up being probably the right move D car. Okay, this one pops up again on this one.

I'm waiting for the first pull back and another false breakout on this one. I got out fast and actually made 143 dollars of profit but a second false breakout. Alright, so as of right there I'm still down about eleven hundred dollars on the day and then here's n ETS hitting the scams. Alright so any TS hits the scans and when it first hits I was kind of like well you know I'm not sure it doesn't have news it.
it does seem to be a stock that has a history of making some moves here. it's more of a grinder. it's been selling off. last time it bounced up here.

We're getting the bounce daily moving average 200. is it $3.00 So I was like okay, let's see what this does and so I'm watching it here on the one-minute and it hits 92 and then drops all the way down to 74 and so I pretty much looked away I just I had it on my level two like this and I just was looking at other stuff I go back and look at its back at 91 by 92. so I was like wow this thing just came, it dropped and then came all the way back up and so I got in at 93 for the break over two dollars and it broke too and squeeze all the way up to 224. So boom a 20 30 cent winner which is great.

So there seventeen hundred dollars of profit so that ended up being a good trade that put me back to green on the day. and then I'm still watching the scanners watching the scanners seal. I Don't trust ATI Yes I Pull that up and I'm like this float is ridiculously low. Usually when they're that low, it's because of a recent reverse split.

I pull it up I see the reverse split I see the history of this candle here and immediately I Know that this is the type of stock that does have homerun potential because of the recent reverse split and we've seen this type of setup a lot. We have a whole chapter of these reverse split setups in the Warrior Pro Day trade course and so on. This one it pops up here to a high of 63. It pulls back for a second and I jumped into the half dollar.

It surges up here to a high of 93 and I Sold. Took some profit, took some profit, had no problem selling on the ass, getting filled easily and then as it dropped down here I sold the rest as it came back down to 27 selling the rest at actually 40 so you know. Unfortunately didn't hold up really well and when someone called out Opt T is another recent reverse split that was starting to move up. I was like you know since 80 is just did a reverse split pop and sold off I think probably same is gonna happen on Opt T and that is correct.

Ship is another recent reverse split. you know it's It's a matter of time before these do open up, but today wasn't wasn't the day so you know, a little bit cautious. Got a little bit of momentum between 10:00 and 10:30 and was able to dig myself from down 1502 up 2200 which is a good way to finish the week. So to 2000 plus dollar days in a row? so up just about 5 grand in the last two days of trading, which is nice so you know, making some progress there, you know.

And this was. this was exactly what my goal was to finish the week with two green days. you know I did it. So day 54 here of 2019 plus two thousand, two hundred forty six dollars and 96 cents.
second green day in a row, you know, and I'm moving back towards being green on the month. I'm not gonna be green on this week. Unfortunately, in total this week I'll be down. Let's see, my green days are five plus eight so 13.

about $13,000 of profit this week and about $28,000 of losses. So down about 15 grand on the week. All things considered, you know I think I've had worse red weeks I'm actually positive that I've had worse red weeks. It just typically isn't the case that I have one day that's so bad as I had this week.

Usually if I have a week where I'm down 15 grand, it's because I had you know three days where I lost $6,000 or something like that, you know? and then a couple of breakeven days or four red days. But this week was for green days and then one really big red day. So you know today is the second brick in the wall of rebuilding my account and you know it's this is a it's a good experience to have this happen to you when you can afford to have it happen to you because it forces you to be more disciplined and you come out on the other side a better trader. you know.

this year I've had some big green days, I've had some big red days and you know I hope that this year I don't have a red day as bad as the one that I just had this week. but no doubt I will have some good sized red days through this year. It's part of the the deal. It comes with territory of trading with big size, but I will also have some big green days.

If I can get a little bit better trading some of these grinders, you know, who knows, maybe I'll set a a record at some point this year of my new biggest green day. Right now it's at 40 grand which is a pretty awesome green day, but you know, just gonna grind on kind of small numbers for right now two to three thousand dollars a day. Knowing that in the next week or so be able to be out of this hole and back at all-time highs in this account. Alright, so that's it for me.

I Hope you guys have a great weekend. get some rest. Those of you guys who are Warrior Pro students, you can watch the live trading archives. Lots of trades from this week we're uploaded so those will be good opportunities for you guys to watch those and learn from my mistakes.

I Know Stephen that stocks are reverse split because it shows right here on my charts. so boom I see that and that tells me it's a reverse flip. So I can see it pretty much as soon as I pull up the chart. I'm seeing that it's a reverse flip and of course this one else.

I saw former runner so there were two things on that one that looked good. Alright everyone so I will see you guys first thing on Monday morning. Enjoy the weekend if you're still watching. you must have really enjoyed that video.
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34 thoughts on “Mission accomplished $2,200 ross’ trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars no one sorrow says:

    All of those applications would give me soooooo much anxiety but great video and good luck👍🏼

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Houlihan says:

    Ross I’m I right I’m saying, you buy and sell on the ask with your hot keys + 5c and bail out on the bid – 5c.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RubixMan99 says:

    I'm starting soon, I feel I need something to make me more calm and in the zone (i.e meditation, beverage, thoughts)?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars P S says:

    Do you have a hotkey sell on ask?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GSP- the chosen one says:

    Hey Ross, I have a question about the platform. On the time and sales sometimes it flashes green or red. What does it mean?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Matteson says:

    Ross, I watch all your videos and am about ready to buy a subscription to your chat room. I signed up for esignal signature and was wondering if you could tell me what real time data I need to add to my subscription. I added the North American Indices (NYSE, NYSE American and NASDAQ) but when I open the software and type in a ticker, I get nothing and is says "not entitled". Any ideas? Thanks!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Henningsen says:

    Ross do you trade with margin on lightspeed? ^^

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Colin Maharaj says:

    It's about psychology, I lost 1000 (so far) on a trade, after making 1500 on another. You feel its the end and all other trades will be red. You must go on. And not forget the red days, but learn not to repeat.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Couple of Chefs says:

    What program does he use?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Faiza Waqar says:

    Hi Ross lately you have not been scrolling through ur trade windows showing your entries and exits. Can you please resume doing that so we can see exactly at what price you bought and sold at and your quantity of shares as well

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars red lenard says:

    Seee. Nice

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LoveSCs says:

    Hey Ross!  Thanks for all of the knowledge that you share!  I am curious to know what your exit rules are because I have the hardest time knowing when to sell

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Manson says:

    I made my first real profitable trade today off of SEEL. But then directly followed it by a loss off SEEL. the second buy in put me in the PDT rule and i thought I had one day trade left but now I will double check every time for sure! Thanks!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peteyabit says:

    Don’t focus on the million focus on the trade and the million will pass before you know it

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Derick Lane says:

    How you sell on the average price or the last price you bought at to break even. I rather sell like that than get filled lower on the bid even with slippage

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gabe Newell says:

    Hey do you do any livestreams by any chance?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trading Escapes says:

    Can’t believe you are finally almost there… it seems like yesterday when you were up 300k.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iMvPxPanda says:

    We all have done it.. just sucks feel like ur working overtime..

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iMvPxPanda says:

    It’s nothing it happen fam. U know u got it

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tm says:

    You are the man with the plan. Persistent trading and discipline! <3

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars karaline furby says:

    You can do it !!!!🍺

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NFT Hero says:

    Nice job Ross! Glad to see you making progress. I had a green day of + $520. I shorted CHGG and took a $.20/share profit..could of took a $2/share profit but after my recent huge loss I'm a little timid. Just 63 more of these days in a row to dig myself out of the hole! haha

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Abraham Solano says:

    Can someone Please tell Me What His criteria Consists of, Volume , Float , Etc. and anybody have the link to join his group that gets to watch him trade , thanks in advance

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kathleen Logan says:

    Awesome job. Congrats

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nasru-Deen Saani says:

    I wonder how much u trade with

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars blu3b3ast12 says:

    I see you took trades using the 5 min chart on some and using the 1 min on others. What determines when to make trades looking at the 5 min and when to make trades looking at the 1 min?
    Side note: stoked to see you bouncing off that deep low from a few days ago, you're an inspiration for me and many others not just in success but in how you deal with the hits no matter how big. MAJOR PROPS

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Veritas says:

    Nice steady comeback, Ross. I think the main lesson to learn over this big loss, is to never hold on to a trade that is going against you and hope that it will recover. If it drops below a certain stop level, we should get out and take our small losses. We can always get back into it later if it recovers. I've lost the most money making the same mistake.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James says:

    been had my first green day, today I just achieved my first green week with SRNE$ 180bucks. next goal will be my first green month, thank to you mentor Ross for everything. Trade the best leave the rest.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Orlando Why862 says:

    hey Ross how do you have setup you high of day momo scanner? i just got trade ideas and would like to have it the same way as yours. thanks.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Willis says:

    I cant seem to get knowledge about this anywhere else like I do here.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bernardo Alegría says:

    Ross you are almost there sooooo close to the 1million

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Informed Tradez says:

    Your slowly but surely on the way out of the hole.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rippertrader says:

    I also started in the red on first trade..down -1700….but got a good runner on a large cap stock MDB…took it for a $1800..winner..butvthen took some bad trades and gave some back….but ended the day green

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! TIAGO - 🇵🇹 PORTUGAL says:

    Great stuff

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