Let's talk about how to invest in stocks for beginners in 2020. I have created a 13 point step by step guide all about how to start investing your first $1,000 in the stock market. Using the tactics in this video has helped me become a millionaire today.
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Step 1: Build a backup fund. This gives you the ability to take some risk with investment. Try and save 4-5 months of your living expenses.
Step 2: Pick your investment strategy. There are 3 main types: Technical Analysis, Fundamental Analysis and Passive Income Investments.
Step 3: Set up an index fund investing method called THE THREE FUND PORTFOLIO. It needs to be inside a ROTH IRA or ISA:
- US Stocks: Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund (VTSAX)
- International Stocks: Vanguard Total International Index Fund (VTIAX)
- Bonds: Vanguard Total Bond Market Index Fund (VBTLX)
In the UK I really like Vanguards lifestrategy funds as you can pick your stock to bond ratio.
Index funds and what you are actually investing in. Index funds are passively managed funds which means you don't have to pay high fees like mutual funds. They consist of lots of different companies and main to track the market.
Step 4: Define your goals. You need to know why getting rich and becoming a millionaire is important for you so you are able to plan your investing to meet your targets.
Step 5: Read lots of books about investing. My favourites are:
1. The intellegent Investor
2. The Little Book of Common Sense Investing
Step 6: Learn to play the long game. It really doesn't matter what the market does in the short term as long term the USA stock market has always gone up
There are two main types of market:
* BEAR MARKET: A bear market is when a market experiences prolonged price declines.
* BULL MARKET: A bull market is the condition of a financial market in which prices are rising or are expected to rise.
Step 7: I skipped this number for some reason
Step 8: Use dollar cost averaging. This is the basic priciple that when you invest you should do it in consistent ammounts every couple of weeks. This way sometimes you may buy when the market is high and other times when the market is low but over the long term all this should average out giving you the best price possible.
Step 9: Stock picking tactics. Now you have set up your long term investing you can start dabbling in the more risky active investing method of individual stocks.
Step 10: Receive dividends but beware! Dividends are great as a company gives you money back for being a part owner. Lots of people love this as it's seen as a passive income source, I personally like to reinvest it. But it is imporant to careful when investing just for dividends as the companies that pay the highest dividends are neccarily safe. They could go bankrupt so ask yourself why their dividend is so large before investing.
Step 11: Set up a Custodial Account. If you are under 18 then this is something you can set up so you can start investing under your parents or if you have a child then this is the perfect account to set up for them! (In the UK we call this a Junior ISA)
Step 12: My favouite broker suggestions:
1) VANGUARD (International)
2) CHARLES SWAAB (International)
Step 13: Experience the power of Compound interest. Compound interest is interest on interest. It is amazing!!
For business inquires only, please use this email: mark @marktilburycoaching.com
*Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Mark Tilbury will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. The Info in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

What do you look for in a stock when you're investing like where where's like a good stepping stone where i could start off for like for teenagers? Why did you want to become a millionaire? What do you suggest investing in what would be your best advice? To start learning how to invest hi guys, it's mark so a little while ago, i posted a video all about how i would go from zero back to being a millionaire and you've been loving it. But one of the big questions i keep getting asked is how you can start investing in a stock market, because that was one of the big parts of the video, and you know what i understand. This could be a really confusing subject, because you've got people telling where you should invest and where you shouldn't, invest and it's hard to know who's, legit and who's. Just trying to sell you an online call.

So my main aim for this video is to give you the information i wish i had when i was young and cut through all the fluff that's online, so i've set up a discord and you're going to be able to call me with your questions. So i'm going to condense this right down to a 13 point plan, so hopefully you can turn your thousand dollars into ten thousand dollars and we're going to end with one of the most common mistakes. You must avoid, as always, remember i'm a businessman, not a financial advisor, so i do recommend you do your own research as well. So let's dive straight into your questions, but i'm not really too sure where to start.

Do you think you should help me? Have you got yourself a backup fund sorted i've tried to save a bit, but no, not really oh! Well, that's obviously going to be your main one really before you really look at investing. You've got to get yourself a little bit of a backup fund behind you, because if you haven't got that, then you know, i would always say: you've not got any money to to lose. If you're earning a small amount of money, just make sure you put a bit of that away each week and my advice normally is: you know, stick away around about four to five months worth of salary. If you can once you've got that behind you, then you can start the investment route in the stock market.

What do you, what do you suggest investing in? Well to be honest, there's about three main investment strategies and really it's all about out of those three? What suits you the best, there's technical analysis, which is more of a day, trader sort of way of doing stocks and shares. You can look at a screen like this and you're, watching all the peaks and trough on a day-to-day basis. Then you've got fundamental analysis and that's when you look into the whole of the business, you know have a good look at their balance sheets as well, because at the end of the day you know that company's got to be making money. Then you've got your passive investments and your passive investments, i think, are great because you haven't got to spend too much personal time on it like where where's like a good stepping stone where i could start off for, like for teenagers.
Well i'll be looking to start a simple three fund portfolio made up of index funds. An index fund boiled down to the simplest way. I can put it it's a massive basket and in that basket you've got loads and loads and loads and loads of different companies, and by investing in that basket of companies or index, you have a share in each and every one of those companies. So if one goes down, the other they've still got the others to rely.

Exactly that i mean the downside. Is that, obviously, if one business goes sky high, you don't get that sky highness, but the upside of it is if one of them falls out and goes bankrupt, you don't get the down of that. It all balances out across the board. Just to give you some specifics, these are three of the most popular index funds, the vt sac, which is a vanguard, total stock market, vt iac, which is an international index fund and vbtlx, which is a total bond market index fund.

Now, generally speaking, i would say you're better off the younger. You are to mostly go into the usa fund and some international and less of the bonds. But as you become older and more mature, then you can drop out of the slightly more risky funds and go more for the bonds because they are seen as a much safer, more stable and less volatile way of investing inspiration. And if you like, the youtube videos.

What should you do like in subs? Why did you want to become a millionaire? A millionaire is a different thing to different people. Some people like to see you know flashy cars and flashy this and that i'm not one for flexing. That's not me. I just like to have enough money that you know my family's secure and i can do the things that i want to do.

You know having money, makes opportunities for you and that's what life's all about so you can enjoy opportunities and it also buys you time as well, because realistically, that's the hardest thing to get. I want to know what would be your best advice to start learning uh how to invest well, i'd recommend you buy two books, there's two really good books out there, the intelligent investor and the little book of common sense, investing they're, both great books. You can read them once twice three times i'll leave a link below where you can pick up a couple of audio books. So, even if you haven't got time to read, you certainly got time to listen to them.

Do you think it would like uh collapse in the future? Because, like you see all these stocks going up and up, you know, warren buffett always says the recession's, where he makes most of his money, because when everyone's selling and getting rid of their shares he's getting greedy and buying them all because you'll never get them at A better price, so all those new investors out there is really important. It's all about time in the market, not timing in the market, there are two types of market going on out there. A bull market means the market as a general is on the rise. A bear market is where the market is on the decline, but the good thing about a bear market in the us.
It's always been followed by a bull market. I like to invest for a long period of time, and the good thing about that is, you can take advantage of dollar cost averaging. So some months you might be getting a great deal another month. You might be getting a bad deal and another month you might be getting in between deal, but what happens is all of those average out so that, basically, is dollar cost averaging? What do you look for in a in a stock when you're investing? Well, the main tactics here are qualitative and quantitative analysis.

Qualitative analysis is all about looking at the leadership and direction of the company. If it's going really really well - and it's got a good leader, let's take, for example, tesla with elon musk - i mean you just invest in him anyway, wouldn't you he looks so charismatic, but you can't just do that so 20 of my research will be on that And then you go to your quantitative analysis, which is all about looking at the figures of the company, and hopefully those figures are telling you a story that that stock is undervalued. Now, if you look at it all and think my life look at that, those stocks are only ten dollars each and i think that company's worth twenty dollars, then, hopefully, by doing that analysis, it will give you an upward trajectory on your shares. As soon as you bought them, so that's what i look for in a stock.

What does the passive income means? Well, passive income when you're buying stocks basically means you're getting paid dividends. Lots of companies will pay you for investing in them. Basically, they're giving you money every year. Some companies will pay this quarterly.

They may pay every six months or annually, but you'll get a dividend and that dividend is absolutely fantastic, because your share can still be going up in value, but you're also getting a bonus along the way, don't be swayed by uh massive dividends, massive dividends or dividends. As a whole are a bonus, they're, a little passive income, and really you should be looking long-term at how the stock goes up in value as uh to be the thing that you're looking for first, i love your videos thanks. Thank you very much, and if you like the videos, what do you need to do like hey smash that thumbs up button yeah anyway? How can i help you? What's your question far away? Yes, i have now one thousand euros saved up. What would i do with it like in stocks? Well, what age are you first of all, uh, i'm uh, i'm a system, you can do it by your parents and obviously, as soon as you become 18, it will go into your name.

What you need is a custodial account, so once you've got your custodial account set up, then you can look at all sorts of options. We always think that you know index funds are your best way to go, particularly when you're young, i mean, there's all sorts of ways you can do it, though you can go through vanguard. Robin hood in the usa is very good trading. Two one two in the uk is also very good.
The nice thing was starting, i mean at fifth. I wish i wish that i had started investing at 15.. The one thing you've got, which i haven't got is you've got time on your side over time. Eventually, you'll reach what i like to call a tipping point, and that tipping point is where the amount you invest per year is equaled by the amount of interest you're gaining on your investment.

Even if you stop investing at that point, that interest is still going to increase year on year on year, and it's a bit like a snowball as that snowball rolls down the hill. It starts very small, but it just adds more and more and the bigger it gets the bigger it gets. So it's all about working very hard from where you are now up to around about 30 years old. It always sounds a long time away, but before you know it that time will be gone and if you've started investing early.

You know you you're nearer to that compounding of interest, and you know the world becomes your oyster. After that, you know you can give up a little bit now to have a lot later so now i want to share with you the main mistake new investors make when they get into the stock market. Lots of new people coming into the stock market are led by emotion, which leads to them selling their shares the minute they start going down, they're so afraid to lose money they sell and then, of course, they see the stock going back up and they think got Ta buy in there so they're just losing out on all of those returns. They could have made you really got ta buy with logic.

You got ta be like a robot to be perfectly honest with you and that's why passive investing works so well for me, because i don't even have to look at it it does it all on its own right. I'm going to leave this next video up here for you, but don't click on it just yet, if you want to grow your wealth remember to smash that subscribe. Button ring that bell and you can click on it. Now i'll see you on the other side.

By Stock Chat

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33 thoughts on “Millionaire guide: how to invest in stocks for beginners step by step!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D Shah says:

    Hey mark
    Just had a question
    Does it matter if I invest through freetrade instead of vanguard when looking to invest in the s&p?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chad stanley says:

    What platform do you use to buy and sell stocks and shares, I've used +500 (the app) but I've hear alot of bad reviews not just from them but other platforms as well. I'm keen to invest and Im desperate to make millions but I'm scared of getting scammed from these apps

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 2Wheels Forever says:

    This Brit sound just like one of the English gangsters in Guy Ritchie's gangster flick Snatch with Brad Pitt…

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PROLAXBRO447 says:

    Bro This is so legit. Worst decision I ever made was spend thousands on a car

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KevinTGK says:

    im turning 17 this july and i really want to get started in investing in stocks and learning about ways to gain passive income, but my mom dislikes the idea and I don't really know what to do. Help !

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ADD MRS TRACY +❶❷❼⓿❾❽❹❶❽❼❽ says:

    Hello, I'm new to forex and bitcoin/ethereum trade and I have been making huge losses but I recently see a lot of people earning from it. Can someone please tell me what i'm doing wrong

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jennifer Joyce says:

    Hello, I'm new to forex and bitcoin/ethereum trade and I have been making huge losses but I recently see a lot of people earning from it. Can someone please tell me what i'm doing wrong

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Preston Mcgurk says:

    Mark you are unique and I love all your videos please can I ask for your advice in investing I want to invest asap

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ready?Set.Life! says:

    What about those of us that are wanting to invest because we cannot build a backup fund. I'm in the USA and only make about 800$ a month 500$ is rent and 100$ covers gas for the commute, the rest goes toward food and daily living. I've tried saving 100 or 200 sometimes only 50 but inevitably need it nearly right after. My saving account has an average one dollar. The most I was able to save in this way before needing ball of it cuz the car broke down was 600$ in four months, and when I had to get into it I did the math and while I don't remember exactly it was something like taking five to six years just for about 5000 dollars. So I gave up and recently tried looking into this; which feels like even tho it's easier I'm still to stupid and poor to even try.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Preston Mcgurk says:

    First time subscriber thanks Mark want to invest in the world of stocks and shares help 😀

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ife says:

    Should I invest in both msci world and s & p 500, or is one of them enough? Thanks

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hunter iuretigh says:

    what passive fund like s&p should i invest in. just like one to get started?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Albert Susa says:

    Thank you Mark for your amazing videos. Even though I have been honored to receive DM from you, I decided to have my question here if others have a same one. I would like to buy a share or stick and just leave it, something like Amazon or EBay or Apple, would you recommending?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jerry abdiel says:

    I’m still learning what and what not to do, should I just jump into it? I got in touch with CONS Peter Lang and I liked his resume, I believe it will be better to work with a professional.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christian Kayode says:

    When it comes to BITCOIN/FOREX TRADING I always RECC0MMEND newbies to XENDACYBER on lnstagram since I was recommended to him I've not had a loss due to the signals he uses during trade, he is really a genius💯💯….

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D C says:

    Can you do a 3 fund portfolio for trading 212 users, as not everyone uses vanguard, cheers

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris ewing says:

    What do you think about someone at the age of 37 going in 100% stocks with no bonds?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wellington Jackson says:

    The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine. Successful people do daily what the unsuccessful only on occasionally.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cường trịnh says:

    Hello, I'm a big fan of your videos! Can you make a video about real estate investment? Thank you

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Boss Ben Singh says:

    hey, mark I follow your TikTok I was wondering I'm 14 and I don't feel confident in starting investing any tips?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leah Segal says:

    Is it possible to invest in a company and stop when you dont want to anymore?
    Also I didn't really understand like I invest one time and get % for like my whole life ? Or I need to invest like everyone month or year?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars H Bautista says:

    You speak alot about investing young. I am 33 I can invest maybe 400 a month. What do I do? Maybe make video for us wanting to become a millionaire at middle age! I'm completely new to investing and watching your videos.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars aaron mckeon says:

    if i put a $1000 in investing how many years would it take to become a milionare

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jimmy Wilson says:

    I love this channel, I always learn something new! Thank you for making these videos, they are very helpful! Cheers from your mate across the pond! 🍻 🇺🇸

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leroy Glass says:

    I really love your videos, Mark.

    They have helped to inspire and motivate me!
    I am going to escape the rat race.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars harshid Singh 9A says:

    But more like, investment is fun if you feel it.(tho I haven't invested yet{cuz my family is not like that and not risky}) I'm the hope for them to take them from middle class. And I believe in myself.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rich12015 says:

    Hey Mark. Your videos have been great so far and have really helped me to understand something I have always struggled with.

    I'm in my early 30s and have always wanted to invest but it just goes over my head when I try to self teach and haven't had access to a mentor to avoid pitfalls so just never got started. Thanks to your videos I have finally started

    You mention Trading 212. Be great if you could do a guide on using it and how you go about picking stocks to invest in

    Also there are so many index funds when I went on Vanguard for example. How do you decide on which ones to go with?

    Wish I had started my investment journey SO much sooner. Thanks for your informative videos 🙂

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars deborah ezekiel says:

    stock market trade is very profitable but it do require much experience to start it ,as well you can use a mentor like robert_uptowntrades on lG to help you invest, it's profitable it's what I'm into and it pays off my bills !!!

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars maimuna sakiwa says:

    Thanks to all who recommended Madrigal_Kelviin_ on iπsta gram it was a great previllag. I just made a withdrawal of $12,500 Investing $1,000 in 7days. I highly recommend him

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CREATIVE MINDSET says:

    I really appreciate the time and effort you put in these videos. They were enlightening for me , I learned about things I have never heard of before till now. Thanks!!!

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Chinonso says:

    Investing with Madrigal_kelviin_ on !G" is the best thing I have ever done. I just made $12500 for my family members Investing $1000 in seven(7) days

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars innocent onuh says:

    Madrigal_kelviin_ on []G is an expert, give him a try and you won’t regret because I just got paid for the second time Investing with him

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sgt. Bard says:

    It's people like you, Mark, that will continue their good works because they're legit.
    The Get Rich Quick Gurus (I call 'em GRQG's) have had a boom with their illegitimate content. Some may carry on with the money they got from that, but I can see many drop down to where they started, and worse, in the future, because their illegitimacy will begin working against them later on.

    Thanks again for an amazing video, Mark. If/When I ever get kids, I'll encourage them to watch you when they're old enough.

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