Michael Burry Issues A Dire WARNING About Cathie Wood's ARK as well as a lot of other stock market news.
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Hey this is tom and there's so much to talk about. Let's just jump straight into it. Michael berry issued a massive warning to the market. I just finished reading the 13f filings filed to the sec on his behalf for the second quarter.

It is insane i'm either bamboozled or shocked, or both this is stuff that you need to know about, because this is getting serious. Also, he just made a new crazy bet. You need to hear about, because this is all leading to the same place. Inflation, or at least a high risk of inflation based on michael, bury i'll, show you the his filings and how this all comes together.

Also peter thiel has a new pet project which quadruple in size it's going ballistic. It's actually in cryptocurrency, very interesting. I'm going to show you that china is again regulating over-regulating, again new guidance about regulation. This is getting out of control, even prompting a response from gary gensler again going on video, saying: hey, be careful from chinese stocks.

This is just cayman island companies. We don't know. What's there also, we have some news coming out out of five states, basically saying hey, we have record-breaking numbers as far as new cases. It's getting to the point where i keep telling you.

I think it's rolling back the reopening and happening that fast with these new variants, also home depot and walmart companies, that usually we don't give a freak about. They just smash through expectations. They have great numbers and in this video i'll show you why walmart and home depot of all companies having such great financials in this quarter is actually a massive warning for more inflation to come. I'm going to show you why how and where, but i do ask of one thing: don't click, nothing, don't smash, nothing, don't buy nothing! No courses, no sponsorships, just give your attention and, let's just jump into it.

We can start with michael berry, because this is probably the stuff that you click on the video for we'll start with that, and if you want to stick around for china, peter thiel's new project home depot in walmart, then you covered issues stay with me. It's gon na get crazy, so, as you can see on the screen right now, the big short icon, michael berry, has bet against kathy woods. Rk check this out michael berry, famously known for his role in the big short book and movie has revealed that he's made a big bet against kathy wood's arc innovation, etf, rk, barry's, sign asset management, that's the fun issue, the 13f, basically a 13f, if you're not Familiar with it every quarter they have to file and disclose their positions read proactively for the quarter, that's ended, so this is q2, which just ended a couple months ago. Basically, he just revealed that he bought a ton of put options against rk.

This is crazy, but hold on a second hold on a second, i want to show you the other stuff you've done and how everything falls into place, and what you're, seeing on the screen right now is michael bury's, 13. F breakdown. Now, as you can see right here, the tesla put seemed to have gone down from 39.5 out of his entire portfolio to only 35, but that's not because of tesla other stuff are involved. In fact, he actually doubled down increasing the tesla put by 34 he's.
Basically, doubling down on the tesla put also, he has a facebook call which he actually increased by 71. Essentially, the same thing he's doing with google, as you can see right here, also increasing google by 14. These are calls now he has a put on the tlt. That's the government bond essentially putting the bond means that he's seeing inflation, because when you put a bond essentially what you're hoping for is an increase in interest, basically lowering demand for the bond increasing the yield.

I know that sounds counterintuitive, but that's how you do a put against a government bond. Essentially, this is a bet on inflation. Now, the most interesting part here is this part: rk puts these are completely new and they not huge. They only represent about one and a half percent of his portfolio, so nothing crazy.

He hasn't gone ballistic here like he did with tesla. It's nothing huge, it's a nice story, but, as you can see right here, it's not as big as the tesla as the facebook is the googles, even as the government bonds put. This is just a blimp on the radar. It's just a percent in half, but it's a very interesting development beyond the clickbait beyond the headline, i think him putting against rk means he's betting against companies, which will most suffer an increase in interest rates and a reduction in their dcf valuations.

Putting a call on facebook and google is essentially betting on inflation, because these companies will outperform the market in inflation because of their high current cash flow. Now he's also betting on walmart a new position 2.56. Now nobody talked about that. It's not as exciting as kathy.

Would but putting a call on walmart it's another indication of inflation. Also, a call on cvs actually is increasing by 31 percent. So he's betting on those companies which will do well in inflation. Doubling down against the companies, which will essentially crash in inflation and arc, is now a part of this ball game, and the bottom line here is quite simple.

Obviously, michael berry thinks that tesla is garbage. It is what it is, but more than he hates tesla. He knows that this company will not fare well in inflationary times. I think that's the main thing that drives him, not the hatred for tesla or elon.

I think he knows that if inflation comes tesla will be suffering like volunteer like a lot of these tech companies. That's why he's betting against ark and that's? Why he's betting on cvs, walmart, facebook, google and that's? Why he's putting against the government bonds and him doubling down on this means? One thing he's cocking it back even more. Basically, it's about to explode. Essentially, here we are at this juncture, i think michael berry is telling you hey, i think not me tom michael he's, saying i think that inflation is literally about to pop that's.
Why he's doing that now, whether he's right or wrong? Who knows i'm just a guy in the internet? I'm not a financial advisor, i'm just a guy with an opinion, so it might be an accurate might be wrong, might be the ramblings of a madman. You got to do it in research, you know it. I mean it now. Other news that i want to share with.

You is actually quite alarming. More of the same look at this shanghai closes down two percent, as china continues regulatory tech assault, sec warns of investment risks, so china is basically after saying, hey. We want to communicate better, are going out on another rampage, i'm not going to go through this. Obviously you can read the article but more restrictions, more regulatory concerns.

It actually prompted the response from gary against that look at us. Meanwhile, scc chairman gary gensler issued his most direct warning yet about investing in chinese companies when american investors think they're investing in a chinese company. It's more likely we're actually investing in a company in the cayman islands in certain sectors like technology and the internet. The government of china actually doesn't allow ownership and investment from people outside china to get around this channel blah blah blah, and in case you missed the previous episodes.

This is exactly what's been going on. China went on the rampage essentially canceling didi, then going at 10 cent. Then gay gensler comes out and says hey. This is getting ugly chinese basically come out and say: well we want to communicate better.

We want to communicate better, so we can solve this in a way of peace, and then they go back at it. Now get against this pissed he's basically going into video saying hey: this is risky, no more chinese ipos until further notice. Things are not looking good for chinese talk now check this out. We are on fire.

Five u.s states set new records for covet cases as hospitalizations rise. Now i'm not gon na read through the article, but i will tell you one thing: i've been preaching about this for a while, i think of it and going away that easy. It's a big problem that still needs to be resolved and i think this delta variant is basically rolling back some of the reopening and the same thing can be found in the walmart and the home depot stuff. Look the reopening isn't going to happen that fast, especially with these new variants.

So just make sure you understand this new situation, because this is going to create a lot of opportunities in pandemic, friendly areas and categories which you need to identify. Now i do want to show you this peter thiel, back crypto broker bit panda triples valuation in five months to 4.1 billion. Now it's still a private company, but they did triple the valuation based on their latest round and it is involving peter thiel through one of his companies, but very interesting that peter thiel is already working on his new pet project. It's essentially a brokerage for crypto, and also they do some white labeling for banks and institutions, a lot of licensing income also, they do basically spreads not order flow very interesting.
They might actually be legit. Let's see what happens with this, it seems that peter thiel is cooking, something new, always exciting. Now the other stuff i want to show you is home depot, actually going crazy in earnings same for walmart. Now the reason i'm showing this it's not because i care about walmart home depot.

I mean i'm not a huge fan of these companies, but this means one thing when these commodity sellers, the retailers, especially guys like home depot, which sell a lot of home builders, especially walmart, that sell a lot of commodities and goods when they go up like this. It only means one thing: inflation is creeping up. More expenditure on commodities means more inflation, more growth again. Another sign that we have inflation actually creeping up while covet, is actually making a comeback which isn't a great situation, but every situation, good or bad, creates opportunities, and every crisis creates opportunities for investors to actually do make money.

If they're smart, we don't have to date. Great, we don't have to swing trade, but we can actually take a look at this and try to identify which trends are coming next, with inflation, creeping up a lot of commodities will go up, there's a lot of cheap ones out there right now. I've been talking about this for months, a lot of videos that i did about that also a lot of pandemic friendly stuff like zoom, for example. I think zoom is actually very reasonably priced with.

What's going to happen right now, a lot of news coming out that actually is giving you a sign about what's to come, just listen to it, make your decision decide for yourself. Thank you so much for the channel members and the patrons you guys are amazing. Thank you so much. We do have a zoom call coming up this thursday with the patrons and channel members.

If you sign up by, then you can participate five bucks a month and you'll be supporting the channel. Thank you. So much we'll see you tomorrow.

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33 thoughts on “Michael burry warns investors about cathie wood and ark”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TSA says:

    Such an intelligent man, but cannot see through Cowid lies…

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Salty Shackles says:

    In the past 10 years his overall returns have been just under 300% whilst Cathie has 400% overall. I see so many ignorant comments regarding Burry considering he just recently made a 1500% on Gamestop & was in it before WSB caught on to it.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pranay Vaka says:

    Nothing wrong with evaluating the true value of a company but Burry is a cockblock to companies that do real innovation

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars khazaddim says:

    Explain short term rates in relation to long term rates. You are going to confuse people. The FED increasing short term rates will reduce demand for the lower yeilding long term bonds. Furthermore, forward guidance from the FED depressses long term rates (Shiller). If that reverses the bond long term rates go up making the bonds sell off because people expect newly issued bonds in the future to have higher rates.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Serie26 says:

    What happens to ZM when people go back to the office? Exactly. Don't hold that crap long term.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Serie26 says:

    His analysis is contradictory. If he is betting on inflation, he is betting on an increase on interest rates and therefore a decrease in stock valuations, e.g. FB, GOOG, etc.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bush Monster says:

    Burrie scored a fluke goal once and thinks he's a prophet.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Super Nova says:

    No one can show actual proof that there are thousands of covid-19 patients laid up in the hospital with severe symptoms. Yes there may be plenty of cases but that don't mean s***.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Xyz Abc says:

    Even a broken clock is right twice a day. I'll take his advice with a grain of salt. His argument centers around increase in interest rate and inflation. While inflation is likely, Interest rate isn't gonna go past 1.75% anytime soon.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raccoon says:

    covid is the bullshit that is enslaving all the world

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FreePlay 775 says:

    Covid is a non factor nothing but hype and lies! Its all about money! STFU Tom!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FreePlay 775 says:

    Buying as much AMC as possible and holding! Ren Tek dumped Tesla and bought millions in AMC last week!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ant W says:

    Why did you say MB hates Tesla? He was on record saying he loves Tesla as a company but not the valuation…. You should correct your comment.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harry Chu says:

    Burry is a short and like all shorts, his goal is to shake out as many weak hands as possible so that he may financially benefit. To achieve this, he is using his celebrity to get as much fear uncertainty and doubt as possible.

    Seeing that he has youtube influencers supporting his cause I would say he is doing a fair decent job.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GD says:

    Never , Ever Bet against Elon , Tesla will pass 1000 by Xmas ๐Ÿš€

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fanaticvandal says:

    A broken clock is right twice a day, Burry does not understand disruptive innovation, he is a value guy & having a film based on him has made his head swell.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nostromo says:

    What was the date of Burry's puts? How long would shorts be held in general? still?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crom CCCXVI says:

    Michael Burry is like 1-80 in his market predictions, has anyone been paying attention to him the past few years? If you predict crash every day for years, then when it happens "see I told you so"…

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ian Demontfort says:

    I love Bury but I'll stick with Wood on this one. She will win.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joao Faria says:

    Would you read financial news from CNBC?….. Then WHY are you reading their articles regarding COVID?…..
    Cmon, Tommy boy….

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Bradford says:

    Also, i know you're hot on Zoom. The shares continued to crash today. When is this issue going to turn, in your opinion? If the so-called "COVID trade" is returning, it's certainly not happening in Zoom.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Bradford says:

    1.48% of ttl portfolio against ARKK ? That is absolutely nothing. Meaningless. It truly is just clickbait / media hype material. Nothing against you, 'coz i really like your channel, but i wouldn't have even spent any more than a 5-10 sec blurp on it. The much bigger "news" is China. SO MANY dorks are continuing to pump Chinese ADR's (which are not "stock" btw as many of the pumpers seem blind to … ADR's are vulnerable to Chinese autonomous action like everything else over there), without giving so much as a passing glance to the real issue, which is that ALL Chinese companies are instruments of their government, and are NOT free enterprise institutions. This is a layer of risk that no western economy markets have to deal with. If anyone is comparing their government to the SEC, which is little more than a bunch of neutered bureaucrats, they are sadly mistaken.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Mills says:

    Rates arent going up. Rates cant go up high enough, fast enough nor for long enough for anyone to worry about. The fed jawboning the market is for one thing: to jerk the speculators.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frank Woodman Jr says:

    As always your insightful comments make it easy to understand what's going on. You are a truthful person in a world of liers.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hi5ive says:

    I always buy whatever that guy has puts on. His track record is actually pretty good at being wrong.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Farm Vegetable & Flower says:

    how did you find out what Michael Burry purchase? What report is this? Great, I have 400 ARKK. I lost lots of money with ARKK's options.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrรกs Bรญrรณ says:

    I find the arguments for long term inflation overly simplistic. The economy is far more complex than that even in stable times, let alone coming out of a pandemic. There are dozens of reasons why inflation will be temporary.
    And Michael Burry was right once, in completely different circumstances. The only reason anyone cares is because he's famous for that one call.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Diego Rivera says:

    Burry is upset because he didn't get into Arks stocks earlier and he is hoping for a crash so he can get in

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rodney says:

    There a massive inflationary pressures. This does not mean Michael Burry is clever, or right. He's like a broken clock. I have more respect for Cathie Wood's investment history than I do for his.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars abcdLeeXY says:

    700 million dollar on tesla put. Can't wait to see the outcome

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars C C says:

    How come we have not seen one real person on television who has had this Delta variant????? Just recycled old news footage.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars az21bob666 says:

    ARK did really relly well becosue they brought a lot of TESLA stock and tesla stock DID really well

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JLizard says:

    So Nash loosely translates to "Rasputin" in Russian.

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