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#daytrading #warriortrading #rosscameron #stocks #learntotrade
Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right. So in this episode, I'm going to talk about meme stocks in 2021. this is something that I didn't see coming at all. I mean, no, probably.

I don't know. Maybe maybe someone did, but I certainly didn't. Uh, 2020 was a great year for me. I'm going to start this by saying my results are not typical My experience trading has not been typical you should assume as a beginner trader you will lose money.

If you're trading Meme stocks, you should definitely assume that you will lose money. So I would urge extreme caution when it comes to trading. Only trade with money you can afford to lose because trading is very risky. Okay, so with that said, 2020, Uh, was a great year for me.

It was a extremely atypical year. I did not expect to do as well as I did. If you want to learn more about my 2020 trading year, I have other videos where I talk specifically about that, but I finished with um, about four. Five million dollars of gross profit? About four point? I don't know.

Seven million or something. 4.8 million in net profit. So it was a crazy, crazy good year for me. and I sort of thought that, uh, in December as, uh, you know, we're still obviously dealing with Covid.

Uh, but people are starting to get vaccinated and it was starting to look like maybe things are gonna turn the corner soon. The 2021 would probably be quite a bit softer and slower than 2020.. And then we had Gamestop And so I have the Gamestop chart up. Um, right here.

as you can see Gamestop Uh, was I guess the Um is the the ultimate meme stock. Uh, and so this is topical today meme stocks. Because I traded clove and clove. Um, was a popular stock on the Um on Reddit on Wall Street Bets and I traded it yesterday.

and today and today I made I'm Up 30 000 on It 19 650 right here. Yesterday I made about 10 000 on it. So I've done well trading this stock, but as you see right now, it's actually sold off quite a bit today, from a high of 29 down to 20.. So it's important to understand, um, how well there's different ways to trade this, but I'm going to share with you the ways that I trade it and notice how it tapped right there.

that yellow line. I had that line drawn yesterday, so that's technical analysis. Recognizing that that was a possible place to anticipate a bounce Uh, is really important because you could have, of course taken a dip, trade there, or expected some level of support or covered a short position there. So I'm going to talk about how I apply technical analysis to meme stocks, which is sort of challenging because they seem to drive independent of fundamentals and in some ways independent of technicals as well.

But you can apply technical analysis and I'll show you a little bit about how I've done that. so I'll also say that for my students at Warrior Trading, our Warrior Pro students, I did a full case study on Gamestop specifically. It was a really long video had lots of live trading archives of me actually trading Gamestop in and out of the move. Maybe I'll show a couple of them during this video, but I have a lot of things like that that are for Warrior Pro students.
But for those out there on Youtube, I want to share with you my two cents on these meme stocks. So let's go back to Gamestop. So January Gamestop, um, as you probably know, had a short interest over a hundred percent. It was around 120 130 percent.

And what that means is that, uh, for those that are not super familiar with how these stocks work, Uh, when a company does an initial public offering, they sell shares onto the open market. And so, for instance, if a company sells 100 million shares onto the open market, then they have a float. It's called a float of 100 million shares from that point forward. So anytime we're trading, we're buying shares from someone who's selling and someone who's selling is selling them to someone who's buying.

So the shares are trading in a closed market. There's not more shares being created unless the company specifically discloses that they are, uh, doing a what's called a secondary offering which is selling more shares on the market. And both Gamestop and Amc have have done this. It's a way to raise more money.

You know you sell, you write more shares, you sell them, and then you know you raise money from the sale the proceeds. So anyways, Um, on Gamestop, The float on Gamestop I want to say is like 58 million shares. But let me just get you, um, the stats on that. So Gamestop? Well, that and then of course they've done the secondary offering.

So now the the float's probably a bit higher. but I think at the time. Um, well, let's just say 58 million shares for instance. Uh, maybe it's a little higher or lower.

So 58 million shares. So if the short interest is 100, that means every single share that's out there is actually being held short against the company. If you're short, you're betting that the stock goes lower because you'll cover it for a lower price. In fact, you're probably hoping the stock, the company goes bankrupt so you can cover it for basically pennies on the dollar.

And so what? What happened in the case of Gamestop was that, uh, through last year, and even the preceding years, Gamestop has had a difficult, um, you know, difficult time maintaining a good stock price and and a lot of that has been related to the fact that they are kind of a, you know, old-school uh, brick-and-mortar business in a lot of ways. You know, game stops usually in the plaza with a Walmart or a tractor supply store or whatever, and with more and more people getting things just through streaming. Uh, the the sort of value offering that Gamestop had so long had has declined, and so from a high in 2013 of 57 a share just for instance. Um, you know, in a high back in 2007 of 59 a share.

Uh, during the height of the recession, everyone's buying games because hey, I can't work. At least I might as well play video games. So funny how they have that inverse relationship overall market drop and game stop going up. Uh, But in any case, so, um, it was down to like four dollars a share, heavily shorted by some big, big, big big money hedge funds.
And you might ask, how can a company or how can a um a stock be short more shares than actually exist And that's through the process of lending. So if you short a million shares at twenty dollars and then you lend those shares to someone else, you're doubled short because now two people have a short position on the stock, It's It's kind of a great, So it's something that maybe regulation will look into after this move. but in any case, it's something that has been allowed. So Gamestop starts to squeeze up in uh, January, and when it first started to squeeze up, I I wasn't really that interested.

I was kind of like, i don't know, it's game stop. This isn't a stock that I've really ever liked trading. It's it's choppy. It's thickly traded.

There's a lot of big hedge funds and institutional traders that are interested in it. Typically, this isn't something I would expect a lot of momentum from. But then on the day where it squeezed from 45 up to 75, I was like, okay, I have to start participating in this because clearly there's some really serious volatility and from there it just went higher and higher. And so I, like many others, began following.

Uh, you know what people were saying on the Reddit Forum: Wall Street bets. You know what? What is What's the consensus over there And the consensus was, this is gonna, uh, this is gonna destroy a couple of hedge funds that were betting against a good American company and uh, you know, let's let's show them. That was the let's show them kind of attitude I was seeing on, um, on Wall street bets. So what's interesting about this is that you know this move right here is very violent.

I mean I'll put it on full screen and I'll just clear out all these lines. These are my i draw these lines just to kind of. This is technical analysis so I'll start drawing them on as we go into this. a little bit deeper, but uh, you know.

So you had this crazy move here from 42 all the way up to 480 bucks and on this day, right here, it had a high of 480 and a low of 112. That was one of the most violent, um, reversals I had ever seen. It was, um, the sell-off was unprecedented. The bounce was crazy.

It was just insane. So there's sort of two ways that I've seen people trading these meme stocks and the Wall Street Bets strategy seems to be um, to, you know, take out a student loan or to do a cash advance on a credit card and put all of that money into a way out of the money options contract which has a probably 95 chance of expiring worthless. And then you know you have so many people that do it. Uh, and the stock gets fueled up and everyone gets excited.
And all of a sudden you have these people who are talking about having turned ten thousand dollars into like 200 grand, which is a lottery ticket type of trade. I mean, it happened on Gamestop for people, but it also happened for some people that they bought it at 250, 280, 300, and 400 500 and are perhaps still holding it deep under water. I mean, what, you know, this is a market where money can be made and of course, money can also be lost in equal amounts. So um, you have to be very mindful of that.

So in any case, we had this first sort of crazy squeeze up to 483 of regular trading hours and then all the way back down to 48 and then people started buying it up down here. I'll back off support and this thing ripped back up to over 200 and then right here up to 348. and then just yesterday, it hit a high of 345.. So now as we open up the chart a little bit more, we're starting to see that this thing is creeping back up quite a bit.

And so some of the people that bought down here in the in this area, I'll just highlight it like this: So some of the people that bought down in this area are sitting very nicely as it's up. you know, almost tenfold from the the 40s. You know, if it gets to 400 10 fold, the people that bought down in this area are doing really well. up almost 100 percent.

I mean, it's It's kind of mind-boggling Uh, there was a article about ten thousand dollars put into the S P 500 at the beginning of the year would be worth like eleven thousand right now. Ten thousand dollars put into um, game stop at nineteen dollars. I mean, you could have depending on where you sold it or depending on whether or not you're still holding it. Um, you know you're talking about 200 000 plus dollars.

It's it's insane. And that's not even trading options. But I don't want you to think that trading is easy because it's It's not A lot of people are lost on this and um, so my approach was to try to apply the technical analysis that I that I know and that I use on a you know, daily basis for my trading to find ways to trade. Um, you know, this type of stock and that was, uh, that has been a challenge at times, but uh, more than more than not.

I've been able to do well on it and I've definitely come out on top on Gamestop even though I've given back some gains here and there. So let me just, um, let me just show you I I'm going to show a couple, um, maybe live trades on this. but but first, maybe let me just break down just trying to find maybe like a day where I had some wines drawn in here. So so we've we start to get some of this, um, some of the stuff dialed in.

Oops. I know that the charts almost look like a spider web. it's just kind of so crazy. but this was when we were actually um, hitting the high of 512 dollars.

I mean, this was this was crazy. So for me right here. uh, I did wake up at uh, four in the morning to trade this squeeze up to five hundred dollars. So right in here.
and I know, like I said, it's it's kind of crazy looking the way the chart is. but what I was looking at was the previous day's high and resistance right around this area. Here right around this area, we had some resistance, right? the candles had hit that level. These are candlestick charts that kind of hit that level and pulled back and then it came back up.

You know, close to that level after hours and it started to pop back up to that area again pre-market And so I thought that if it broke through the high right here of this green candle, if we broke through that level, then our which is basically the same as this level here, then our next target would be to break through this level and we broke through this level here. Then we're looking at a move to all-time highs and boy did we get it. This thing squeezed from 380 dollars to 400, 420, 430, 440 all the way up to a high of 513 dollars. It then drops all the way back down to 410, comes back all the way up to 498, pulls back, and then at the open sells off down to 260.

a 50 drop, 50 drop, and then off that drop. it pops all the way back from 260 up to 480, and then it comes all the way back down here to 112 and then bounces up to 370.. This is absolutely crazy. Now if you had taken the approach of, uh, for instance, buying options on it one of the things with options that's really unfortunate is that you cannot trade them pre-market or after hours.

So if you had had the 500 calls for instance and you know you're watching this go from 380 to 450 to 500, there's nothing you could have done. Whereas with trading stock, you can of course get in and get out if you'd like pre-market and so that that's what I did. Um, I'm not really. I've never been good at day trading options because options typically have bigger spreads they're they're a bit the liquidity is low and so you can't really just get in and get right back out the way you can.

with stock. You get in and then you start to have to sit and hold it. So options are really better for kind of that swing trade strategy. Hang on girl, go lay down Scooch.

So they're better for a swing trading strategy. And that has been, I think probably predominantly the strategy that has been um, uh, adopted by people on on Reddit just to kind of buy and hold and let it, let it just go. So while that is a strategy, I suppose it and it has clearly you know, as we can see, it worked on Gamestop, it has worked on many others. I'm skeptical to how long that's going to work for it.

It feels like there's a little bit too much luck in there and hope, whereas trading like a technical breakout like this over the course of 15 20 minutes. Uh, it's a very technical setup and and so it either works right away or it doesn't. So you you know right away whether you're going to have a make money on it or you have to get out. And so this to me being able to read these patterns in this short time frame of a five-minute chart.
I I think, um, I mean this is what I've been doing for such a long time that to me this feels like, um, it's There's not really a lot of hope involved. I just sort of know what I'm doing and I know what levels I'm looking at and I know if it breaks these levels, that with no upside resistance, you've got a lot of potential. So this is what I focus on. I focus on trading, technical analysis and and I apply that.

I can apply that to any stock. I don't usually trade higher price stocks like this, but sometimes I will, and in this case because the volatility was there, it was worth focusing on. So anyways, Crazy volatility there on Gamestop? Um, let's see, I have a, um, uh, let's see. So I've got a video here that I'll just show you.

So this was, um, this was insane. So I'm I'm in this trade here. This was in January. It's uh, just squeezed from 150 150 all the way to 188.

I mean that by itself is a monster green candle. So I'm setting up right now. 30 thousand dollars on. I kind of started recording a little late it's at 4 18 in the afternoon, so we're in after hours trading right now and the stock is up 145 and I'm currently holding 292 shares at 169.88 Which puts me up five thousand dollars.

Eighteen dollars a share, and I'm starting to get dialed in here to look for a trade through 200 and just watch how quickly this thing moves. So the chart now is actually moving like off the chart. This, the stock is moving off the chart because it's moving so fast. My chart hasn't uh, kind of reset to the current price.

So here we have a buyer. We had a bid there at 90. so we're catching some support at 90. we may have resistance at 200 because it's the whole dollar that would be very common.

Okay, there's 92, there's a flush, back down to 90 and watch that all the way back down to 85 86. So that's like a three point flush. four point flush. So it pulls back and this is where short sellers may start to short here and go short at 185.

And they're like, okay, the top is in. So if I was short, where would my stop be? The high A day Right around 195. So as it starts to pull back here, technical analysis is telling me. okay.

we have a red candle forming on the chart right there. It's the first red candle after this big squeeze and it has a little bit of a topping tail that's a 10. That's a one minute chart down there. Sorry.

I have two one minute charts actually. All right. So we're pulling back a little bit. We've got 163 million shares of volume.

Now what happens if we break through the high? If we break through the high, then anyone who just shorted is going to be most likely forced to cover and we're getting a short squeeze. And don't forget, this daily chart is powerful. It looked like it was topped out and we have just broken through that 159 level and gone right up to nearly 200.. So let's fast forward this a little bit more.
So we pull back a little bit more down to the 80s. So we're getting what I would call right now, a proper pullback. All right. So we're kind of.

I dial in my chart and what I'm looking for is the place where the stock starts to curl, where it starts to find support and then move back up and again. This is technical analysis. This may not be something you're going to see a lot of people talking about on Reddit, this level of technical analysis looking at level two time and sales in the chart. But for me, this feels like a much safer way for me to understand the price, action and for me, to trade the stock.

I can understand what's happening here and just buying an options contract or even just stock and just walking away and holding it feels like I'm leaving way too much up just to chance. So right here it feels like we're basing out a little bit. It's kind of starting to go a little bit sideways. Now that'll be confirmed if these candles the green candle start to make new highs and move back up right.

So if that starts happening then that confirms that we're beginning to base and reverse and confirmation therefore might be a break back over 180. So if we break 180 I would expect, uh, a quick move. So let's see what happens. All right.

So we're at 176 here 177. Now it's worth noting that as you get further into the day, things do sometimes slow down, especially after hours. but this is definitely a basing pattern right in this area. Okay, so just checking my levels, making sure there's nothing else I haven't seen.

And look at this right here. All of a sudden volume is starting to come back in. it pops back up. We hit 178 179.

So a little candle wick like that is a usually the um, what is it Adfn market maker route. All right. So let's fast forward a little bit more. We're back to 78 and are we going to get that pop back over 80.

sometimes it feels like um, this momentum that once it it, we're sort of in a slack tied area here. But once it starts to get rolling all of a sudden, you're going to get this momentum behind it. It's just like this. this wave of momentum and all you have to do is ride that momentum.

So it looks to me like, um, the break of 179 180 is going to be a pretty, uh, pivotal spot. So we're coming back up here. This is a one-minute pullback right underneath that 179 area. We're starting to get dialed in.

I'm looking for possibly the first candle to make a new high. Look at that. So let's let's not miss that. All right, Back that up.

Look at how I just want you to see how fast this breaks. So why does it break so fast here? That's technical analysis. This is an apex point. The first candle to make a new high on this on this flat top through 179.
Look at that. 179.50 179.90 180.. And there's a 29 000 share seller that's a big seller. Does it matter? There's 25 21..

look at that all the way up to 184 185.. look at this resolution so that right there. Even though I didn't add on it, that by itself could have been a good trade. And now 186 187.

Now I have added and now let's see if we get that break through. Uh, no. pulled back a little bit. So now let's watch this.

So I've added back here. So now we're getting this five minute set up, the first five minute candle to make a new high and I'm looking for the break through This flat top here of 190. So I add right there there's 191, 191, 192 coming up. Our high is around 193.

Back of my target would be can we squeeze through 200? There's 95, There's 97, There's 204. Okay, let's back that up. let's watch that again. So watch this.

watch the break of 200. again, you're just going to see how fast it breaks. So this is me applying technical analysis to a meme stock. And this is exactly what I did today on Clove and it's what I did on Amc.

It's what I do on on all of the meme stocks. When I see good opportunities. I I'm I suppose leave look at that all the way up to 204.. I suppose I'm leaving some money on the table.

Uh, by not more aggressively. you know, buying out of the money options, contracts and things like that. But at the same, look at that. Seven, eight, nine, Ten thousand dollars, Ten thousand right there.

Open P L Look at that. I'm in at 197. that's 208 205. 12 000 P L So I start taking a little off the table under that breakout and I believe this is, uh, going to be about thousand 46 in in total profit.

There's 210. So one of the things I've learned on games on these stocks is not to underestimate how strong they can be not to try to short them to try trade with the momentum. But when the momentum starts to shift, so I left a lot of money on the table here, I sold this too soon. I sold too much.

too soon. I'm still holding some, but I sold too much too soon. So when the momentum starts to shift, however, I have to be very careful at trying to buy dips or bounces because what I have found is that because I think there's so many traders that on Reddit who just kind of like check on their phone and refresh the stock price. I think people just start kind of hitting market orders to sell.

uh, you know they. Oh wait, hey, so I'm starting to lose a little money. Okay, I'll just sell here. So you sort of have these waves of sellers that just continue.

and some of those waves of sellers are from people that have been holding for days and days. Look at this all the way up to 222.. I left. I left so much I left 30 000.20 plus thousand on the table there.
I mean, seriously, that that by itself. I could have held it longer. so uh, you know. But in any case, so this was a a really phenomenal trade here on, um, on Gamestop all the way up there.

Let's look at that so it drops back down. Let's see if I should pull my show. my P L I don't remember. um, back up there so you know, but this is this is tricky stuff.

Now it's doing another consolidation, so trading it again. let's see. I'm just curious about where where I finished on it. The um, the screenshot says um or the the label of the videos.

well I don't know, it doesn't, it doesn't really matter. So anyways, um so crazy crazy move there. I think the the name of the video is forty six thousand dollars so that's probably somewhere around there is where I finished, but forty six thousand dollars during after hour squeeze? So you know then we switch to something like Amc and Amc similarly over the last, um, few days. I mean, it was really strong.

Uh, in January when we were having that big move on on Gamestop. but it wasn't as strong, wasn't as strong. It's actually gotten its real wave of momentum right here in May as things have been opening up and and this and that and then we've started to notice a lot of these kind of other stocks that all of a sudden catch the attention of um of of the Reddit uh, community. And so what it seems like the Reddit community looks for are stocks with high levels of short interest Because squeezing out the hedge fund short sellers seems to be.

you know, sticking it to the man. So stocks with high levels of short interest stocks that have been beaten up for a while and stocks that have an options chain, it has to have options because those are. That's what you need for those lottery ticket type of trades. So Amc, Blackberry.

Um, I traded Blackberry. I trade Amc. Uh, Today we've had Clove and there's been a few others that have been kind of, um, you know, they. They kind of gain a little traction on the forum, but they don't become really the most popular stock.

so there could be a period of weeks where there's a few different stocks that people are really excited about, but there's not like one really obvious one. When you have one that starts to really move, then more people put more and more people focused on it, and then it really does become the obvious one to trade because there's so much attention. Now one of the challenges for me is that trading meme stocks. I mean this is just a different I've never really, this is new so it feels sometimes it's taking momentum away from what otherwise might have been a good quality stock or a good quality trade with good news Catalyst, because this one just so many people are watching it.

you know. Like I said, Clove yesterday had 750 million shares of volume and so all the volume. All the eyes on that stock came at a sacrifice of other stocks in the market. that might have been really good, but people didn't focus on it because there was something more exciting happening.
So for that reason I will focus on what's obvious. And if that happens to be a meme stock the way it was yesterday and today, then then it is what it is. Uh, but I am noticing that it's unfortunate because sometimes what I think could be perfectly good setups are just not resolving well. it's because of so much attention here.

So anyway, so we've got Clove, Blackberry, Amc, Gamestop, and there were some others. Those are the ones that just are off the top of my head that have been sort of most recent, but you know. long story short, my approach for trading meme stocks um has not been to sort of jump on the bandwagon of buying these like way out of the money calls. I recognize that I could have done that on like every single one of these and I guess made money because they seem to have all gone up.

but on the other hand that just seems to go against my my style of trading. I I just have a really hard time being okay with just taking this kind of hope trade where it's just like I I just am hoping that it works. Um, I don't know, it just doesn't seem to me to be the way I've ever traded. So I focus on technical analysis and as a result, I've been doing quite well.

and I'm I'm happy with that. So there's different ways to trade these. uh, different people certainly have, um, different approaches. One of the things that is kind of interesting has been the fact that some of these have become very choppy, where technical analysis traditional technical levels that usually would work really well don't work as well in certain places.

and I think that that's because there are so many people trading these stocks that don't even look at charts that aren't even looking at level two. So the things that I would traditionally consider to be like the traffic signs of the market like this is a red light. This is a green light. Now you have people that are just blown through red lights and then you have people that are stopping at green lights.

They just don't know. So it creates a little bit of choppiness. And so where I've done the best on these have been during the periods when they are just explosive. So like yesterday on Gamestop I lost 10 000 on it and it you know it made a big move but I just got in too high and and Clove was the one that more people were focused on.

So Gamestop wasn't super obvious at that moment and I probably should just left it alone. So it's it's I'm still trying to get comfortable with how to trade them and I still have days where I do give back some profit. Obviously on on Gamestop, I did give back quite a bit. Um, but let's see.

so year to date? Um, I'm just curious at how much I actually am up on Gamestop. So um, Gamestop 312 000? So I'm up 312 000 on Gamestop this year? Um, I, You know, I can't complain about that now. Could I have made more throwing? You know, 100 grand as some out of money options contract? Yeah for sure. But 300 000 is, uh, very good and I'm very happy with that.
And that's an important reminder to be grateful for what you have and not always be comparing yourself to another person down the road because there's always someone down the road who's made more money than you unless you're Elon Musk or um, Jeff Bezos. So unless you're one of those guys, and at any time they are, it's one of the other. But there's almost always someone except for two people in the entire world. one person that has made more than you.

So you have to be grateful for what you've got. You know, at the end of the day, if you take this lottery ticket trade because you're trying to prove something or do something, and then you end up losing money. and you lost money on margin. Or you lost money that you borrowed, you're the one that's stuck with footing the bill there.

You know, I mean so you've got to live with that loss at the end of the day. and you got to trade responsibly. So, yes, trading is risky. My results are not typical, but I do enjoy trading and I do enjoy the volatility that we've had this year and I hope it continues.

I don't know how long it'll continue, but I'm going to keep riding the waves and you guys who are members in the community Warrior Trading will keep watching me uh, as I'm as I'm trading in and out of these ones. They're very interesting so I hope this has been somewhat helpful for those of you guys tuned in and I will see you guys for the next episode. All right, take care. I hope you really enjoyed that video and make sure you hit the thumbs up and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already.

Our goal is to hit 1 million subscribers this year, but we won't get there without your help. so please, please, please hit that subscribe button.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

35 thoughts on “Meme stocks in 2021”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lewis Steely says:

    Please dont day trade amc and gme youre gonna ruin the squeeze

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Derrick Reyes says:

    Ppl missing out of FCEL it’s up 4% I already put my profits back into AMC.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lil Hill says:

    I recommended a professional broker to you guys sometime ago, can I get a person who invested with her
    Comment below
    Let's go

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Martin says:

    I would pay $1000 , for a 3 day hands on training, getting set up seminar, I bet there are hundreds of others who would too. Do personalized groups of 10 or so and that's 10 grand for 3 days doing what you like, obviously you could still trade while doing this. Win Win. Just make sure I'm your first student. Just to get a quality crowd I would require 20k capital minimum per student to train with. You could charge a percentage they recover during training. Obviously require students to provide their own laptops.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hans Stoeckel says:

    I used to trade on LightSpeed, so quite familiar with it. At about 24min into the vid you show the top section of LightSpeed. It says "MPNL greater than -24500", which means you were down more than your limit of $24,500 and just came back a dollar above the limit, at least in one account.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paulo MK says:

    Very nice… I am mostly shorting stocks so I know how it feels to be squuezed! πŸ˜›

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Furtick says:

    Is there a difference between choppy and volatile? In many videos you tend to avoid or speak negatively about choppy conditions. Whats the difference and how can i identify chop vs volatility?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kieren Webster says:

    poor dog just wants some love or a walk. could of paused the video and took care of the doggo. unliked and stopped watching

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DrSuperb311 says:

    Came for the GME, stayed for the Grateful Dead

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Higashy Uehara says:

    Hey Ross notice amc likes to pull for 5-10 mins on the upside at a time.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Benjamin Christlieb says:

    Ross is a great teacher. Everything that I have learned about trading I learned it from Ross.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phillip Schmidt says:

    Need major help with my trading. Keep making mistakes. Was long 1000 shares of BYND 151.24 and got 3 pushes into 153's and never took profit and stopped out at 149.99. That should have been 3 winning trades 1 losing trade that day. Was on 270 shares of GME today at 264, off the 260 bounce, and I was expecting it to bounce near 257 and it did but ya I had to stop out there at 249.99, should have not been going long there at all knowing it would likely take out 250. It's a crushing feeling when you lose like this as you know already. and now GME is gaining aftermarket and I'm not on it. So frustrated.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cleo Dragoumerli says:

    Any tips of where to short an uptrend of a meme stock?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars maurices levines says:

    Ross the teacher. Here is where Ross shines! Learn from the best and pay attention.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michal Misiaszek says:

    This is great video but referring to absolute $ gains is irrelevant due to amount on money invested. Looking at % gains would be more meaningful for warriors with lower portfolio.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yurie says:

    Hi again, I'm at the part of the video when you said you can get out pre market. Is there a site or app that I can use to do that as well? Really enjoying your videos. πŸ™‚

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fabio Rivola says:

    i tryed for the first time going into amc …. with 500€ i went up +300 an then… Bye bye account hahah

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Larissa Pekol says:

    Just watched this Ross, this is awesome. I love your tried and true trading strategy. This is real risk management! Thanks for sharing your education! Glad to call myself a student of the master trader.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Kotoff says:

    sorry you probably mentioned that already< but what platform are you using

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 贒弟 says:

    Hi, I would like to ask, how do you manage risk on stock like this? Do you still apply concept like a 1:1.5/2 Risk to Reward ratio?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg Smith says:

    Ross you do an amazing job explaining and simplifying!! keep it up!!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christ Goh says:

    if WSB knew the famous Warrior Trading founder make huge gain from their wars against Fund Managers, it would be wars on the social media πŸ˜€ lol lol

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph momoh says:

    I,N,V,E,S,T,=I,N, C,R,Y,P,T,O, =B,T,C, A,N,D, E,T,H, W,H,A,T,S,A,P,P,
    +, 1,6,0,4,3,0,5,0,8,8,2.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph momoh says:

    I,N,V,E,S,T,=I,N, C,R,Y,P,T,O, =B,T,C, A,N,D, E,T,H, W,H,A,T,S,A,P,P,
    +, 1,6,0,4,3,0,5,0,8,8,2.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bryson Jones says:

    To everyone thinking about listening to Ross, please do. I made $650 today scalping ticker meds and I took notes from ross seminar where he taught for 3 hours. Unfortunately I can’t afford the $6000 class lol but he game me enough knowledge to still be successful for free!!!!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KoLDBLooDeD Entertainment says:

    whats up man been some time we talked like 3 months ago yes I want to learn how to trade crypto traders you sent me I never got a hold of them cos they never texted me back one of them did F did we were going to go over it then he just disappeared can you please help me out see what happen to him please and think you and was the first guy you sent please and thank you and you have great day

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cindy Neal says:

    G.m. Ross !!! Yay another green day !!! Yipee

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars My STI Channel says:

    @rosscameron do a live stream at market open

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ck kendrick says:

    When is ross going back doing his live youtube in the mornings

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg L says:

    Good morning Ross. I'm looking at Pfizer today. Good luck. Making money on oil stocks still..Exxon. watch Exxon today my friend.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JoAnn Corley-Schwarzkopf says:

    really good stuff – thanks as always Ross πŸ™‚

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lorellindil says:

    I'm sorry, but at least in respect to GameStop… "not trading on fundamentals"?

    – Smaller than expected net income loss

    – More than $770MM cash on the balance sheet

    – Poached key Amazon executives

    – Pivot to E-commerce

    – In addition to ex-Amazon hires, ex-FB and google

    – New NFT platform

    – No debt

    – Price matching

    – Same day delivery, new fulfilment centres

    – Social media presence

    – Opening community hubs for gaming

    – Brand recognition

    Thanks to u/rensole for this summarized list, but GameStop isn't a meme. There's also Bloomberg articles that are beginning to see what the GME investors have seen for a long time. If anything, the shorts are currently being made against fundamentals.. not the longs.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phillip Dewar says:

    How to I become a member of we warriors traders?

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jarrod Stewart says:

    I lost my ass shorting CLOV the other day. Absolutely foolish move shorting a meme stock

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Q76 says:

    The White Hats are in control…showing the corruption in the market. AMC and GME are going MUCH MUCH higher. This is not about the companies. This is about taking out the corruption.

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