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Paul N'Gumah, CEO & Founder of Patternology Lab
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In today's video, we're going to look at the overall: Market Once again yesterday. I Warned about a massive selloff coming soon and it looks like it might have been about 24 hours too early. So we're going to dive into the charts and we're going to discuss what to expect for tomorrow. I'm also going to be sharing with y'all some stocks to keep on watch as well.

All right Y, let's dive into the charts. Right off the bat, we got the spy and again yesterday. I Explained to you guys who may be beginners about the significance. So the yeah, the significance of these three candles.

the three black crows right and usually what follows is a massive candle down. We are still falling. This is not a bullish video at all. the Bears are still in control of the spy and that zone right here has yet to be filled.

I Thought it was going to get filled today, but something needed to happen with the Vicks which still has yet to happen. All right before we can see that type of panic and that type of chaos and what I mean by that is this. Let's go onto the Vix so that y'all can see we're going to go onto the One minute. and if again, if you've been watching these videos.

I Warned you guys about an ascending triangle on the Vix and how much y'all should be careful about it and how yall should be looking out for it. This is an ascending triangle my favorite pattern by far. It works like a charm, usually on the good behavior and uh yeah, it's it's there. It's very clean I like it a lot and I told you guys since uh, since Tuesday to keep an alert right at the top right there right at 14.25 this again under good behavior.

If there is no BS or whatever, this thing should open up higher at exactly $14.40 then immediately push up and Rise all the way up to again 15.5 and maybe even $16 by like right where where where these circles are either here or here. All right, my thoughts and opinions on the Vix is not going to change. I do expect a massive sell off, especially if this thing breaks out. It would make sense for like everything would make sense if this thing goes up to 16 and that gap on the Spy gets filled as everything just Falls All right.

So um, so far so far so good. Today was a today was a slow day but I think it's going to pick up tomorrow Now let's look at Let's do an update on um on the crypto sector. I Also warned about a specific bull trap with the crypto sector that I was watching for. Let's look at that really quick.

Okay, so this is BTC and BTC had this ascending triangle right there. a broke out on Monday night. I Warned you guys I told you I didn't like it and I told you that typically I've seen this before so many times in the crypto. Market Uh, it's very tempting to chase out here.

you see a pattern. You think it's going to go again to 50,000 or 55,000 but no, you just get trapped the next day and then this thing is going to roll over slowly like it's I I Don't see this thing going back over 45,000 anytime soon. I See this thing actually falling below 42,000 Um, to tomorrow? I Do see that and maybe even below 41,000 again. I Want about the Trap and the trap that I was waiting for actually occurred? This is not.
This is very sloppy. It's not going to get above 45,000 tomorrow or on Monday So that's my thoughts on that one. Which means, obviously, expect, um, the crypto stocks some of the crypto stocks at least to fall. Let's look at I'm going to go on the one minute and then we're going to look at Mara I'm going to erase everything.

All right. And we got Mara right here. Mara Had a decent day to the bullish side and then sold off in the last 15 minutes. probably because it reached the level of resistance from way back here.

Again, this is the resistance from Friday right here. All right. It didn't quite touch it, but it's getting really, really close and right now, the Futures the BTC Futures are down by 1.5% Which means that these ones are probably going to be down a lot more I Think this is going to open up below $25 below 2513 and then sell off again To retest, uh, 20 bucks again? I I Told you guys about this I Warned y'all we see this little push and then the next one would look like that. All right.

and then next week we might see this thing kind of fade, play some more games, and then ultimately just fade back down to like 17 and a half and then consolidate some more before we see any like massive move. This is the top of this bullish move. This is done. We're not going to see $35 I Don't think that's going to happen.

Definitely not. Um, at least not. Uh, before we're not going to see that by the end of the month or by the end of next month. that's my thoughts on Mara I Do expect a fall and a fade throughout the next few days.

Let's do an updates on Tesla. All right now with Tesla Tesla tried to make a push higher as you can see. let's zoom in right here again. let's zoom in.

This represents a whole lot of sellers. The Bulls try to make an effort and post the stock up above 244 and then they got rejected later on during the day and closed lower than what it open that. I Do have an alert right here at 237 and my thoughts and opinions about Tesla are still the same that Gap is going to get filled tomorrow I Really believe. So like if the vix breaks out and all hell breaks loose.

Yeah? I This thing could easily just drop by. It's only what 3% drop? A 5% drop that's successive, but definitely def itely possible, but definitely possible. There's also a U. If we look at the 10minute chart, there is a bare flag on here.

that kind kind of broke down in the like very last second if it opens lower, especially below these dip buyers who bought in right here hoping for a major move above 250. If that alert rings, they're going to sell, they're going to get out and then the price is going to drop all the way down to 225. All right, like I Just watch out for that move. I Think it's going to happen tomorrow? I Think it's going to happen quite rapidly too.
So that's my thoughts on Tesla Still bearish. Uh, the next one that we have to look at. Let's check out. Let's see here.

Let's see. Let's see. let's see. let's check out Snapchat and Snapchat failed to actually drop to $15 today, But it doesn't mean it's not going to get to $15 at all.

like let's say. let's say you got in for the re-entry with puts over here. All right. The appropriate exit to get out before.

Like before, this massive move is when it fails to break back down below 15.8 right? You just take a tiny loss and then you get the same puts back at the close. this is is is dropping in a very choppy fashion which is very annoying. but I'm going to have to move this thing to the right. I'm still bearish on it because I'm bearish on everything else.

And relatively speaking, the stock is still high. It's up over 100% in a very short amount of time. so this little bounce right here on low volume is not that convincing. Actually, it's really, really not and bears use this opportunity to short uh with puts at a much much cheaper price to make a bigger Roi on the way back down to 15.

So my thoughts and opinions are not changing with this stock unless something happens with the spy and QQQ And even if you look at the despite what I said about the vix, if we look at if we look at QQQ itself and we zoom in. If you look at the three minute chart, this is what's on the three-minute chart. This is a bearish structure. It broke down ferociously 15 minutes before the market closed right here.

A lot of bears got in as soon as it sensed weakness and look at that volume at the bottom again. Don't be surprised if you see everything collapse. Everything is lining up perfectly. So I'm not bullish on anything at all at all.

All right now, the last stock to look at today is square, all right and square dipped a little bit. It didn't go down to 65, it didn't go down to 65, and it definitely didn't completely fill the Gap up here again. This Gap It tried to do it yesterday and got rejected at 70. The Gap goes all the way up near $72 but it's not going to get filled until the bottom one at 65 get filled.

When everything collapse, we might see this thing go lower than 65 actually if that. If if if we get as big of a sell off as I think we're going to get, this thing could actually drop a little lower than 65, maybe even to 60 bucks. Again, that would be sweet for all the shorts out there. All right.

So that's my very honest thoughts on all of these stocks. and that is the end of the video. Again, do not forget to demolish the like button. As always, I Released these videos from Sunday to Thursday at 1000 p.m.

central time. so definitely don't forget to click on that subscribe button and that notification Bell That way you don't miss out and that YouTube notifies you whenever I release these new videos if you like to be part of a private Discord Community Where you can get all of this information in real time as I see it, you can find that as the first link in the description of the video below. Don't forget to follow me on social media at Paul Anduma Knowy Lab on Instagram and on Twitter And lastly, to get some free stocks with Weeble you can use the third link in the description of the video below. Once ladies gentlemen, my name is Pauma but an knowledge lab where we trade patterns, patterns only and I will see all of you on Sunday night's video.

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9 thoughts on “Massive move incoming”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @AnnapolisBorn says:

    I hit a home run in PLTR. Thanks. I was in the play to test your accuracy.. You usually do pretty well. I think it’s time for me to sign up & join your trading community! I had a $16.01 BreakEven in PLTR.. Sold this morning for a Win 🏆

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @bithloginc says:

    Thanks Paul!!!
    I'm with you on Coinbase all week 🔻downward move .( AKA)> The Hustle

    Thank you…

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @zenplantsgreen2030 says:

    Thx so much for updates I'm about to join discord!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @johnjok1958 says:

    Can u do $baba?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Superhornet331 says:

    Enjoying the daily vids!!!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @arazakarian6470 says:

    Can you do AMD brother please

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @mangledmango says:

    lets gooooooo

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @tuanletran says:

    Can you check iwm chart

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jeannied7743 says:

    There is news catalyst with bitcoin, Mara and riot with the miners. Coming on the 10th

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