In this video we go over the crazy case of how a Greek citizen who operated a sophisticated insider trading network on the dark web. We go over how he ran the network and how he was eventually exposed.
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What's up guys and welcome back to wall street millennial on this channel, we cover everything related to stocks and investing in today's video we're going to go over a recent complaint filed by the sec charging, a greek citizen with selling insider trading information on the dark web Insider trading is one of the biggest problems in the financial markets. Insider trading makes up the majority of financial crime charges brought by the sec and the department of justice. This is partly because so many people have insider information based on where they work and partly because when people have insider trading info, it is so tempting to try a trade on it or tip off friends or family to trade on it. But insider trading can do immense harm to the financial markets.

Imagine if someone had access to pre-release earnings numbers for major us listed companies before the earnings were officially released or if someone had access to big market moving trades, that a hedge fund or other big institutional money manager was planning on making before they actually submitted the Trades they could front run those events buying up stock before a bullish, earnings, release or before a big buy order by a hedge fund, or they could sell a stock before an earnings miss or before a big sell order. By doing so, they unfairly take profits at the expense of other market participants. Active trading is a zero or negative sum gain. Whenever shares trade hands, essentially no wealth or value is created.

In fact, a small amount of wealth is destroyed due to infrastructure costs and transaction expenses. So when a trader uses insider information to make millions on the stock market, all of those profits are coming out of someone else's pockets. That makes it arguably no different than stealing. On december 5th 2016, the greek citizen named apostles travis joined a marketplace on the dark web called alpha bay.

Alpha bay was a marketplace that operated on the tor network, which was the largest such network. This part of the internet is made up of multiple overlay networks that basically allow users to communicate with each other anonymously and securely they route internet interactions through multiple locations before reaching their ultimate goals at each location, adding or removing encryption in such a way. That is very difficult to both pinpoint the origin of the request and view the content of the message. These networks are only accessible using very specialized software.

The tor network is the largest such network and is used to facilitate virtually all illegal activities that you can think of multinational drug dealing, identity theft and other types of crime that normal people would rather not think about on this part of the internet. Bitcoin is the primary medium of exchange for illegal goods and when apostles travis joined the alphabet marketplace, he used the alias the bull. He posted listings like this one under the fraud category advertising a service as quo hedge fund, insider stock trading tips. Unquote he charged about 30 per single insider tip payable by bitcoin on the listing.
He said that the tips come from an employee of a trading branch within some sort of securities trading company. By buying the tip, he promised that buyers could benefit from knowing what big market participants are buying and selling. He also offered monthly and weekly plans for 300 and 100 respectively, whereby buyers could get multiple tips throughout the length of the plans. Here's a tip that i sent to one undercover irs agent, posing as a buyer.

In the early morning before the market opened on june 16 2017. He suggested selling the stock of ptc therapeutics when the market opens that same day, the confidence level of the tip was pegged at 8 out of 10 suggesting high confidence throughout the next several days. Undercover agents observed trevia suggesting numerous other insider tips, some to buy and some to sell. For example, on june 27 2017 he told his customers to sell short shares of buy on vax pharmaceuticals when the market opened sure enough.

The stock fell significantly that day down more than two percent by the time the market closed over the course of that day, the stock was never up more than half a percent and at its lowest point, was down more than three and a half percent from the Open if his customers had followed his instructions on this trade and sold short at the open and then had covered the short position at the close, they would have made a lot of money after the first six months of selling. This and similar insider stock tips travis had received 100 positive ratings on the alphabet market. In june of 2017, the fbi seized computer servers operating alpha bay and arrested its operator. A 25-year-old canadian citizen living in thailand after alphabay was shut down.

Travis moved his entire stock tip business to an alternative marketplace called dream market like alphabay dream, market offered, goods and services, including drugs and fraud. For two years he sold his tips on dream market before it too was closed down. After it closed, travis moved to multiple other networks, including nightmare market and asap market, always using the alias the bull during the entire time. Both the fbi and the irs solicited travis's tips through undercover agents.

Gradually travis came to trust these customers and began sending them unsolicited tips beyond the hedge fund, insider trade tips. On august 1st 2017 he sent an undercover irs agent, an unreleased earnings report for the major american biotech company. Illumina illumina is an advanced corporation with a nearly 70 billion market cap. It's a large corporation whose earnings are closely followed by wall street.

On august 1 2017. He sent the irs agent, this tip, containing the unreleased earnings numbers for the company's second quarter. 2017 financial results. The results were not to be released until the market closed.
That day he predicted that illumina would release earnings of 82 cents per diluted, share total revenue of 662 million dollars in full year guidance of 5.36 cents to 46 cents of gap, earnings per share. He also predicted illumina's non-gaap earnings outlook to be announced as 3.60 to 70 cents. A share shockingly all of those numbers were exactly right. Illumina announced the exact same 82 cents of net income per diluted, share 662 million dollars of total revenue and guidance for 12 revenue growth gap, earnings of 5.36 to 46 cents in non-gaap earnings of 3.60 to 70 cents per diluted share.

These earnings were obviously very bullish, indicating beats on almost all fronts. The next trading day, the stock opened up about nine percent already and finished the day of fourteen point, eight percent from the previous close anyone who had received travis's pre-release earnings could have benefited massively from this information. After this successful insider earnings release provided by trevias, he tried to sell undercover agents further pre-release earnings for other companies as well. He charged five thousand dollars for one particular pre-release report on a company called analogic sold to an agent.

The tip took the same format as the illumina tip, with numbers for total revenue and net income for the quarter and full year. The most concerning aspect of travis's tips was that they must have come from multiple insider sources from within different companies. He had access to insider information from a securities trader as to what trades they were going to make, as well as confidential financial results from a company as big as illumina, among others. That means that it could not have been just one or two people.

It has to have been a network of insiders all in on the operation and travis wanted to expand it further. In 2020, he discussed with undercover fbi agents a plan to develop an anonymous website for the purpose of brokering the exchange of insider information for use in trading. He asked the undercover agents to assist with the building of the website where he would recruit insiders to provide material, non-public information. The website would act as an escrow agent for the transactions.

As the plan came along and the agents gained the trust of trevis, he suggested an in-person meeting with the undercover agents in august of 2020. They agreed to meet in person to discuss the development of the website and so ended the three-year campaign to capture the insider information dealer. Over the course of the investigation agents received hundreds of insider trading tips from trevias. Some of them turned out to be unprofitable trades, but others turned out to be spot on, for example, in this tip travaya suggested to buy shares of daio after the market opened on february 20th.
2020. that same day, daio closed 6.5 percent higher on july 9th 2021. The sec charged travis with violating anti-fraud provisions of federal securities laws. It ordered him to pay back all of his illegally earned profits from his years of operating the scheme, as well as pay civil penalties.

According to the sec's press release he sold over 100 subscriptions over the course of his scheme. In addition, the department of justice issued a parallel indictment against travis charging him with securities fraud and money laundering. The maximum sentences for those charges are 25 and 20 years respectively. The actual sentence he receives will be determined by a judge he'll be prosecuted by the u.s attorney's office's securities and commodities fraud task force, alright, guys that wraps it up for this video.

What do you think about apostles, travis's insider trading scheme? How harmful to society do you think it was? Let us know what you think in the comments section below if you enjoyed this content, make sure to like this video and subscribe. So you don't miss future uploads as always. Thank you so much for watching and we'll see you in the next video wall street millennial, signing out.

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33 thoughts on “Massive insider trading network on dark web exposed”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cardholders1 on Telegram says:

    👆⬆️⬆️I enjoyed dealing with him because of his honesty and transparent deal. Thanks to you dawg⬆️🔝

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brown Emperor says:

    He should have just set up a program that handled the insider trades for customers without handing out the information and charged a subscription for the program

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! henx richard says:

    I trade features on a better exchange with lesser fees, i am glad to say i was able to do that with the help of Mrs Benedict . She is so kind

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kade Mackintosh says:

    I don't quite understand why he sold those tips. Wouldn't it be more profitable for him to just trade by himself, through various aliases, and use leverage?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Avinash Kumar says:

    Isn't Intraday the same kind of theft as they get their money earned basically from real long term investors?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jia Wei Chew says:

    Very easy, hack into these tor networks and self destruct the program and then disable all access for every single electronic device from ever accessing the dark web.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nut'nbeatsaclassic says:

    So he only made $30 thou on all that work. What about all the other fraudsters he was involved with? There are billionaires doing this crap all the time and making millions. Talk about only going after the small fish. lol

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Johnston says:

    If this dude has that kind of insider info, wtf does he sell it for $30!? Why not just take the trades and get rich?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ken Twotep says:

    Soo the bogdanoff meme is actually literally a realistic view of someone controlling the market behind the scene?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars xxx s says:

    Markets have always been rigged,bankers are the biggest cheaters

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean C says:

    If he was actually smart he should've lived somewhere that the US couldn't extradite him.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kalin Yorgov says:

    haha so that guy is a fucking hero. The real Robinhood. Helping people with information that is not public and not yet legaly released from a company wtf, how do the insiders have that info about the earnings 1 day before sheet.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CharlieBoiiTV2 says:

    The problem with people now days they are looking for recognition. All he had to do is keep the information to him self and live like a king rest of his days.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars babra odem says:

    😀Mrs lisa is legit and her method works like magic I keep on earning every single week with her new strategy❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tomhanks says:

    "It fell significantly that day, almost 2%"… is 2% is a significant move?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kamysamaa says:

    Insider trading tips sold on the dark web??😶…omg…and I though I will find them here on YouTube…posted in the videos by "profesional YouTubers traders".

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Body & Soul Nature Sounds says:

    That's why I play smart entry and smart exit on my day trade everyday. I take a small profit everyday until I become a multi millionaire

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Baby Cheese says:

    But then again we have hedge funds doing what they want and have congress on their payroll…. 🤦‍♂️

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OldSkool says:

    They front run the little guy with their algos but they don't like the same game played on them….. lol.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Socrates_The_Great says:

    How can he only have 100 customers over so many years and with such a track record?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars True Tech says:

    Scammers run brokerages and the fines are less than the profitizations as they Diversify during construction of viable money laundromats that act as fall guys if and whenever the heat is on.

    Then there's scammers that make piles insider trading such as when the church mafia that infected politics readies itself for the selling the instruments of war$ to the highest bidders, such as to Mr bonesaw the billionaire in Saudiland who walks free as he high5'd putin who threatened to nuke Florida after being caught poisoning some people.

    Interesting when you investigate further, if you actually follow the money.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars skhumbuzo cele says:

    Why would he agree on a face to face meeting? He screwed himself up….

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Magu says:

    Hear ye, hear ye! … from now on all meetings among the executives and hedge funds or bankers will not include any tradable information! (at least not the kind you can legally prove.)

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Floris says:

    Is there no info on how he got all this insider info?
    Sounds like someone who works at an auditing firm

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Solenya says:

    This is exactly what the game is. Whether on the dark web or not, I'm sure this happens left and right all over the place.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars C Doe says:

    I think you didn't include how he obtained the information……..

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars npcwill says:

    See his only crime was not getting the appropriate license ! If he was an intelligence business he would be fine !

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Avi Avraham says:

    Harmful to society? In Japan they call this being a clever businessman.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dev P. says:

    READ THIS !!!
    (Just some Info we all should already know)

    • Fun Fact: Insider Trading is done on Global Scale by Financial Institutions. How do they get their info? Well that’s self explanatory, they are “Financial Institutions”.

    • Difference between Big Money & The General Public performing Insider Trading:
    – Big Money: Gets a Small Fine.
    – General Public: Gets ALL Earned Money snatched + Time in Prison.

    • Insider Trading for CEO’s & major shareholders is COMPLETELY LEGAL, as long as they file the trade for the general public.

    What’s the catch? This info isn’t released to the general public till a days after.

    For Example: Trade was done on 08/08/2021, Filed on 08/14/2021, Released on a Large Scale a couple days afterwards. Which is literally useless.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Micheal Bevins says:

    I belong to the class of those watching YouTube videos every single time and yet without positive result. I heard people make lots of money out of binary, stock and forex trading, and i used to imagine how? But today, the story is changed because I was opportune to meet Brian Harding Dawahare when i was about to given up.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Almo330 says:

    I think the market makers are a much bigger detriment to retail traders.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin Profaizer says:

    Lol, big institutions do this all the time. God bless these dark webs and the patriots that fight for us.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ninja Shogun says:

    His biggest mistake was trusting anyone… if you do crime… you should never trust any of your associates EVER

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