In today’s episode, you’ll discover market wizards’ 5 secrets to trading success that nobody tells you.
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Hey hey: what's up my friends, so in today's episode i want to share with you five market wizards secrets to trading success. So here's the deal right now. Market wizards is one of the first few books that i've read. You know when i got started in trading.

You know i read the entire series right: the original market, wizards, the new market, visas, the stock market visas, the hedge fund market, wizards and i've been read them a couple of times for certain books right a few times. Actually. So what i've realized is that you know, after studying so many different types of successful traders, there are five common things right that actually is uh appearing over and over again, no matter what type of trader they are. So i wan na share with you.

What are these five things or what are these five secrets? So secret number one? You must find a trading strategy that suits you. So here's the thing right often you know trader, they think there's a best trading strategy out there there's only no certain way to make money from the markets or certain markets that can be traded. Some markets cannot be traded, yada yada, but that's not true. If you look and study this group of market wizards, all of them, you realize that their trading strategy really vary from trader to trader.

For example, you got paul tudor jones. These are macroeconomic traders. You look at the macro factors in the world and then make trading decisions of it. Okay, then you have marty schwartz all right.

He is a day trader, he trades very short term, just relying on technical analysis and nothing else. Then you have ed zakota. He's a trend follower, you write trends, you know for weeks or even months, right across the different futures market, so there's so many different type of trading styles and each of this trader. They found success with it.

That tells you something right that you know there are many ways to make money from the markets and you got to find a way that suits you better. So my recommendation is: if you have not read, market visas, go and read it study. These traders study their trading methodology and ask yourself you know which of this trading methodology. Should you then go down to maybe amazon or google find books on it? Read those books dive in deeper to these trading uh strategies and techniques and see if it's something that will work for you.

Okay, that's a that's a good way to get started. Number two market wizards, all of them manage their risks. I have not come across any right who who takes a risk management? You know as a joke right all of them treat it seriously. In fact, that's the the consistent denominator across this group of market visas.

They have a plan for exit, they always plan their downside. Of course they have different ways of doing so. Some use a stop loss. Some use a time, stop some rebalance their portfolio and stuff like that.

But whatever the case is right, they always plan their downside. They always plan right how much they can potentially lose. Okay, that's number two right manage your downside. Manage your risk number three give yourself time right.
If you read market results, you know that it takes time right for them to find success. Often you know traders are a retail trader. Let me join a weekend course. Right study a weekend course rainer and i can start making money next month.

You know maybe selling options: okay, recurring income, passive income, blah blah blah goodness really market visas, the best of the best out there. They most of them spend years right, honing their craft. They said spend years right trying to become a profitable trader. For example, marty schwartz.

He mentioned right something along these lines. I could be wrong, but he said i spent nine years nine long years as a fundamental analyst right, and i didn't make a single cent on my ten year. I adopted technical analysis and i became a profitable trader ever since. So this tells you that you know the learning curve.

It is long. I'm not saying i'm trying to bash saying you know. Fundamental analysis is useless, it's wrong, but clearly right for a market wizard like marty, schwartz that didn't work for him, okay and he took him nine long years to grind the hustle right. The hard work right before he found trading success.

So if you are looking at trading at it for the next, you know one year two year three year, then maybe this is not for you right. You got ta, look at it for the next five years, 10 years 20 years, because this is where the big money is made, where you can start to compound your returns and i'll talk about big money later on right, but really give yourself ample time in trading. If you want to be a doctor, you would spend at least six years in medical school. You know that after that, few months being a resident before you can finally be a qualified doctor, you know for trading.

What do you expect? You can't expect a miracle within a few weeks or a few months or a weekend course. Okay, next one right, number four be 100 committed, so a number of this market visas they are, they are the go all-in type right. So i've read a few uh cases where they actually borrowed money from family and friends right to fund their trading account and they just went all in and i'm happy for that because they found success eventually. But i don't recommend you do this.

Where you know you borrow money from people to go all in and trade because you might not end up as lucky or as blessed as them right. So don't do that right, but the mindset that you have, i want you to go all and give it everything you that you have right to study the markets to learn how to become a better trader to be a responsible trader. Take accountability. You record your trades.

You generally trade, you improve your age, that's what i want you to to go 100, all in not borrowing money from people, but the mindset here to go all in that's important, no matter what you do, whether it's trading, whether it's you know going to business, whether It's you know trying to win uh the olympics, whatever you have to have to go all in approach, that's how a professional trader would think about trading and finally, the fifth thing: number five, the big money right. I've studied all these market results and the big money is made not by trading your own account it's made by managing other people's money, paul dude jones, ray dalio, george soros. They all own their own hedge funds, they're all managers, people, money and they're, all billionaires. So that's the secret right.
If you want to really want to make the big big big money out there, it's not trading your retail account. It's not uh. It's not! I don't know selling courses right. I know there are traders, market visas who sell courses.

It's not wrong, but if you really want to make the big money it's in managing other people's money, so that's a rule that again it's not for everyone. Some people don't want to go down the road of managing people's money. There's a lot of regulations. A lot of you know rate tape, a lot of hurdles to overcome some might be happy with just you know, trading for themselves.

Some might be happy with just you know, having an online following or tribe, where you know offer courses to help other traders. There is no, you know right or wrong way. It's all up to you and kind of bring back to point number. One you've got to find a trading strategy that suits you and again you're, going to find a trading methodology or trading uh.

I would say the trading outcome right that you want. Do you want to be someone who manages billions of dollars, or do you want to be someone who is happy just trading for himself or do you want to be someone who is no uh? Looking to inspire the next generation of traders, et cetera, okay, so quick recap right number one right find a trading strategy that suits you number two always manage your downside. Number three give yourself time. Trading is not a get rich.

Quick scheme number four, be one hundred percent committed and number five you if you really wan na, make the big big big money it's in managing other people's money. Okay, so with that said, i wish you good luck and good trading i'll talk to you soon. You.

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25 thoughts on “Market wizards: 5 secrets to trading success”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sai Sai says:

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  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Linda Xuan says:

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  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Al J Pelayo says:

    I did number 4 because I am committed and changed my perspective. It drives me to learn more everyday how to improve my trading. Thank you for your videos and pdf for free.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sheik fareed says:

    Ray which EMA(20 and 50) is best to go short below 20 or 50 or else both..pls clarify..

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FOOTBALL King says:

    i wont pay any money to anybody to learn forex again here is my class room thanks a lot (Rayner Teo)

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fights Alpha says:

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    but your video is very super sir

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kryptoauction LUAI says:

    I am 100% convinced that your the real deal.If you can or willing? whats your top 3 trading strategies. Thanks !!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Abuubed Aminnaik says:

    Best video please make video on how to analyse single chart in different time frame please

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars higgs says:

    Hey man ! I've been watching your videos and learning a lot ! Big thank you . If you can , please make a video about day trading strategies and Vwap indicator

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leye Timi says:

    Managing other people's money, don't you think it can create pressure on trade manager. thanks for the video

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars daniel long says:

    Ty for all the consistent tips! Definitely need to integrate 'giving yourself time' better. Spent a week executing extremely well, but then rushed way too many trades today and gave back half my profits for the week lol. Mostly due to not having proper trading plans for each trade after getting frustrated with the bearish stock market movement. It is what it isss though

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars High Wave Trading says:

    understanding risk is the MONEY MAKER. you could follow all the other secrets like a pro but if you don't know your risk and how to size your trades, you won't last long enough to see your efforts pay off!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harwinder Singh says:

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  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyler Hardiman says:

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  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Edafe David says:

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  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Edafe David says:

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  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deodoro Da Fonseca says:

    Hey my friend thanks for another video. Can you point me a video you made where you show better ways to improve trade entries? Thanks brother.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Swarnim Singh says:

    Hi Rayner,
    I am your very big fan and appreciate your efforts made towards educating traders across the world. Just one thing some how, can you please hide your mike??

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Partheev VideoClub says:

    Hi Rayner!
    Till now, you didn't explain about popular indicators which are VWAP and PIVOT POINTS in details.
    Please make a video in depth and explains secrets in them.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adarsh Solanki says:

    Hy could you make an in-depth video on "Pivot-Points" key levels for technical analysis of market structure🙌

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pushparaj Anthony says:

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  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ofoma Johnpaul says:

    To be honest, i always feel like crying whenever i see rayner videos………..he is a very good teacher and i am improving in the market because of his videos……not only that he is a good teacher, his forex lessons are free unlike others that will charge you and confuse you the more with their teachings………..thank you rayner for the teachings

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Estong Tigas says:

    Be 100% committed suits me best. Thanks for another video. Nice to see video like this away from technical analysis once in a while.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aryana says:

    1) Find Your trading strategy.( Very important)
    2) Always manage your risk.( Risk managment).
    3) Give your self time.( to learn,to find your own strategy,to learn to manage risk).
    4) Be 100% committed.

    ☝🏻 Very very important tips to be a profitable trader. 👍🏻
    Follow this you will be profitable.
    Thank You Rayner for the honest teaching.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rajeev lochan says:

    Really the trading and germinating a seed find the best analogy. Thanks!

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