Market continues to drop but the question everyone is asking is when will it stop. Here are some tips about previous recessions and how long they last!
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The Stock Market falling/ crashing can be a scary thing when you are not informed on how to make money during a stock market crash! The corona virus isn't getting any better and opportunity is among us, let's take time to inform ourselves and make the most of this opportunity!
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So how many of you guys have ever heard the saying of every previous recession is viewed as a missed opportunity, but every current or future recession is viewed as some form of risk right. What's going on team, it's ricky with tecmo solutions. This video is simply to put things into perspective. It's never to convince you that you should take advantage of an opportunity, especially if you don't see value in it, we're just getting so many people that are freaking out on the day today.

You know friday was a decent performing day and it was amazing right, especially after the bloodbath of of the previous. You know a couple of days: uh market opens today it starts off decent and then just aggressively pulls on back one of the things that i want to show you is, i want to put into perspective, you know how long has the market been pulling on back? First, let's go ahead and look at the nasdaq market as of right now, one of the markets that we are seeing being hit the hardest is definitely the nasdaq market due to tech and due to its big focus on tech right. So we hit all-time highs on the nasdaq market right around the 28th of april. Right today is may 17th.

Have we pulled on back 100? Have we pulled on back before right almost last time that we hit almost an identical number? We pulled back even harder right at the estimate line and then we ended up recovering. Does this mean that the market has to recover? Of course not? Does this mean that the market will most likely recover? Well, it tends to right as of right now we have pulled on back we're not necessarily making lower lows, but you are correct. We are not making higher highs, but it's been less than a month. Okay, we have people freaking out.

We have people asking ricky. Should i just you know, step away at the end of the day, do whatever you think is best for you. I just want to put into perspective the previous recessions and the ones that you and i can most likely relate to right. I feel like a lot of the people that watch me are, probably you know in their late teens early 20s, maybe early 30s right, and i feel like this general area, the dot-com boom right that one lasted eight months and then uh the the housing crisis lasted 18 months, these are a series of other recessions and you can see the shortest one was a total of six months right.

So this one and again this was taken from the national bureau of economic research. So it's just to put into perspective that how many times have you heard during the housing market crash that man i just i wish i would have bought houses during that time because again, it's very easy to say that, looking back how many times have you know, We looked back and uh due to the dot-com boom right and and the crash the flash crash that we saw. How many times have people said man? I just i really wish i could have gotten started or invested that early on during such you know an amazing time, because we can look back and look at previous prices and and reflect them to where they're, where they're at right. Now we are less than one month in to what is going on as of right now talk about inflation, right, uh, there's, there's, there's just a lot of different things going on tension with china right this, like oil crisis that we have going on in the east.
It's you know unfortunate, to say the least right i agree. Is it anything in comparison to what happened in oh wait. What happened in the early? You know 2000s heck no, and we have people whining. We have people complaining with people wanting to give up at the end of the day.

If that's what you want to do all power to you, we never want to put you in a position. You should never want to put yourself in a position in which you cannot tolerate it's one of the things that we say the most often right, almost sound like a broken record, but it is so important for you to understand that it's not during you know. It's easy, obviously, and it's ideal to you know, be in a position when the market's bullish, when the direction is in your favor and when the market's you know, bullish and and making higher highs. You feel unstoppable.

But it's during these times that, because of these pullbacks and the margin that it has for potential for recovery right that this actually makes more sense when it comes down to profit, recovery and profit potential to buy now in case it does end up recovering versus when The market is at 180 day highs and everyone is encouraging you to invest and and get into whatever stock. It is that they're into why, when there's no margin, why would we want to jump into something when they're at 180 day highs same thing with bitcoin same thing, with ethereum, everyone's, so quick to point the finger at elon because of one of his tweets that sent You know btc pulling on back, but yet they give him no credit for him being the sole reason on why it's even at that price right hold yourself accountable for your actions. If you're, not someone that understands how to take into consideration and put yourself in a position to succeed, you can't blame others for following the hype on something and you didn't follow through with a plan. What's what's the very core and and foundation of trading or investing, have a plan implement structure and stay disciplined? Yet it's the very simple things in life that people tend to over complicate so out of all the stocks right.

I want you to understand that i'm in the same position that you are, if you think that you're doing bad today, i don't know about the dollar amount that you're invested. I am down over 20 000. I was up over 25 000 on friday due to the slight recovery. I am down over 20 000 today, because tesla test is one of my heaviest positions and it's down four percent guess what i did today.

I bought 25 shares and i'm keeping it light and i'm keeping it tight one of the things that oh a light-hearted way for me to joke around with you guys and a way for me to share that. I'm not aggressively trying to buy the dip. All my positions that i have on twitter, pton pinterest, you know airbnb quality companies that i personally see value in. I have light positions why? Why would i not go all in right now like many people right now, because the market could continue to sell off, and it's just it's very naive to think otherwise.
So, instead of going all in and then the market pulls back one percent and then i begin to freak out, because i can't tolerate that. That's the position that you put yourself in if you can't tolerate pullbacks, don't buy early. That's simple right! If you are someone that wants to take advantage of an opportunity, understand that every opportunity comes at some form of risk, if you're, not someone that can tolerate one month of a recession and one month of red trade or red days, then you haven't earned the green Days, right, don't put yourself in a position to fail that simple. So, with everything going on with btc ethereum the overall market pulling on back, it seems like it's the end of the world right.

It's just like everyone's freaking out. The only people that are not freaking out are the people that have more money to buy at the lower levels. The people that prepared again it's the very simple things in life that people tend to over complicate you don't have to approach the market in a very aggressive way, just because others are doing it do what you think is best for you put yourself in a position To succeed, look back and think how long other people had to tolerate the housing market crash over a year. Just think about that, every single day the dot-com boom right in the dot-com crash, we're not even taking into you know consideration all the other ones.

I'm saying more within the you know, time span of of things that a lot of us can maybe take into consideration, or maybe some of us have experience it's just. It is mind-boggling people love to benefit from the green days, but don't want to put in the time and the effort to tolerate the red days. We're never here to convince you that the stock market is easy. It should never.

It's like it's common sense that it's not it's the difficult things in life that tend to follow with their greatest fulfillment and trust me. The stock market is no exception, so i'm excited with the idea that i'm extended for the market to recover, but i'm doing it in a way in which i can tolerate i'm trying to the best of my ability to put myself in a position now to be In a position to succeed, so if the market does begin to recover, then i can really begin to load up, because i have enough available buying power because i didn't you know blindly buy the dip like everyone else and i'm also excited just in case the market. Does continue to sell off because it 100 can tesla all the stocks that i'm invested in 100 can continue to drop, but i'm doing it with the position size in which i can tolerate. So i hold myself accountable both for my successes and my failures and i can at least learn from them and become one step closer to the overall goal and again it's not the goal of being perfect.
There's no such thing as a perfect trader. Perfect investor! Perfect anything, but it's working towards to becoming as close to perfect as possible. I wanted to just to make this video to put into perspective on how real this market is and how just like you, and just like myself, there's the red days, there's the green days. Just put yourself in a position to succeed in a position in which you can tolerate.

I appreciate you guys time friendly reminder if you guys want to use weeble, it's the first link down below in the description and you will earn two free stocks by using the link down below, don't forget to join our free facebook group. We have over 312 000 members and that's that second link down below, if you guys want to watch me trade live as soon as tomorrow. I work with this group every single day. It's the learn, plan, profit group and i answer their questions in real time.

So that's the third link down below and you can join us as soon as tomorrow, at market open. Until then, i hope that i earned a thumbs up. Please share this video with someone that you think needs to hear it um and, like always, let's make sure that we end the year on a green now, take it to the team.

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30 thoughts on “⚠️ (market crashing) is it time to sell everything?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John F says:

    Jobs Jobs of livable wages that’s the reason the market crashes 15 hr min: tell me what car or product would anyone buy without work

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LukaszL says:

    Tesla shorts are doing great. told you its a bad choice to hold TSLA

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sparks says:

    I post potential day trades daily regardless of market condition (short/long) if you want some consistency check out my twitter @sparkscharts

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ruby Quinn says:

    Thank you Ricky for this brutal subject because if we truly anticipate a market crash it would make no sense holding onto stock since recovery will take years. I’m anxious to know how people are tackling this market ???

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Do You Eat Rocks says:

    Did my own due diligence when you mentioned XOM as a potential buy >> I agreed, and as of today are up 40 and 44% respectively on 2023 calls 🙂 appreciate it

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ali Naveed says:

    I have learned a lot from your videos, they taught me more than anything else or anyone else when it comes to trading. massive respect for you bro …

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark says:

    You don't realize the market is waiting for my money to enter my Robinhood account. Just give it a few more days (;

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben Ja says:

    I was a bit worried when I heard Michael Burry had a short position but then thought it might actually push the price up short term like what happened with gamestop purely off of people's love for tesla. Long term it's harder to see what happens to valuation especially with other car makers upping electric production which presumably will reduce the carbon credits tesla can sell as well as eating into their potential market share..could be wrong though.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raoul Duke says:

    thanks for the reality check. feels good having money on the sideline to dca into the dips

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin Davis says:

    Most of my stocks already pulled back 60% last month from February. The charts look like they are setting up for a reversal. Tesla looks like it is lagging behind the small caps though by around a few months.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jorunn Berban says:

    I'm like before bed I have to check Ricky what's going on… Oh yeah I smashed it!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jesse castillo says:

    Everytime someone says the market is crashing the shit goes up when they say it's making a run it crash's lol. It's all a game by the big dogs to scare folks.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcel Rodriguez says:

    Ive been sold everything a couple weeks ago lol now i get to buy stuff at a lower price. Im moving mostly on cryptos like eth though. The market is manipulated as hell and no longer trust it.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sercan can says:

    nobody can time it. by the time you differentiate a pullback from a crash, you are already deep in red and at point of no return usually 🙂 just gotta calm tits and buy dips

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars eml 87107 says:

    Oh, and for anyone that reads these, they'll be deleted shortly as Ricky's team doesn't want anything like this posted. It's not good for his brand

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars eml 87107 says:

    and remember. Make "tasteful" trades. Don't make distasteful trades….those ones don't work.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars eml 87107 says:

    Ohhhh no, Ricky has his hand over his face again something must be wrong….."everyone is freaking out" the market is crashing I better watch this video. People are saying "ricky, should I pull away?" really. Wait a sec….Ricky, why aren't you giving any tech analysis. Look at the weekly, we are actually bouncing off the weekly EMA 12 line. People complaining, whining? Are you kidding me. Why do those people even make your radar. Do the tech anaylysis you used to preach and sell. Keep up with the click bait photo and titles bro. They are working for ya

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Waldeck says:

    Every time the market pulls back a little, you act like it's a crash. It's good for clickbait but it's hilarious how many people actually believe these pullbacks were crashes.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amir Kadir says:

    Lol. I like the Title of this video. Once I read that I just had to to click on it.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kerht says:

    Agreed with everything brother, keep the good information up! Definitely gained my sub!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lugia_Tm says:

    I love your click bait thumbnails, Boy we both know you ain’t selling shit!!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars $tockpro says:

    Burry is short Tesla……………………Look out below…………..Tesla to $100…………………………………..ST

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mayela Johnson says:

    love ur videos, but the constant down talk is getting annoying. We are not 3 year old kids. Also, we all in different stages. How about a little more positivity and encouragement…with words of caution

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Happy Puppy says:

    Inspiring. I was thinking about bailing on $TSLA on my drive home, but if you’re buying, I’m holding.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J G says:

    Learn when to short and buy puts everyone! I made $11K today. Playing both sides unlocks so much potential. It helped me stop looking at things with a bias towards the stock going up since I can make money either way

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luc Stebl says:

    See the tech stocks dump tomorrow. Gold and silver in a beautiful up trend.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars benjamin joseph says:

    If you are not willing to own a stock for 10 years do not even think of owning it for 10 minutes. – Warren Buffet.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jad Ayash says:

    Ricky out here defending Elon for pumping and dumping 😂 watch Elon gonna pump again then there ain’t gonna be much excuse left.Don’t get me wrong Ricky a smart investor tho learned allot from him

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Al Chile says:

    I'm down so much My stomach literally hurts, over 20k 1/3 of my savings but, I THANK U, I needed this!!!!!!

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ricky Gutierrez says:

    Watch the full video before commenting. The only people freaking out right now are those who didn’t prepare and have no more money to buy. Excited to follow up!

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