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🔽Time stamps:
0:10 $DKNG $AESE $ADAP Sports Betting gaming stocks hype
3:09 $WWR $AMRH $PGEN Penny stock runners long and short
8:50 $HUGE $SECO $BA Airline stocks back to highs
14:02 $GNUS $CIDM Small cap penny stock runners
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Stock market has been extremely volatile and pushing straight up to new highs the past week... both the large cap stocks like airlines and cruises, as well as the small cap stocks. $BA $AAL $RCL were just a couple of travel stocks that was extremely hot. I traded $BA stock but definitely underestimated how much we could run.
$GNUS stock and $CIDM were the hot runners of the week. There were many short sellers stuck in $GNUS since the stock went from $2 to $10. Despite all the offerings $GNUS still ran to $10 and sold off some back to $5 now. We'll see what it does next week.
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So I think this has become starting to become a thing now, where I always forget to record my recap on Mondays. So here are a few trades from yesterday I was, I think I was mostly long yesterday was in DK ng yesterday started some pre market because we gapped a huge to old time highs and started. Some pre market was a little bit early. That's why it's so some, but once I'm open, we opened that open and the volume was really strong.

Let's add it back, I'm so some more, but once the goal was to accumulate on the dips around this area and here around 40 to 30s, and some more here I didn't have the best cells. You know in hindsight I should have locked something around 43 50s, but ended up just accumulating log dips and because I had the intention of selling into a parabolic run-up which we did have at the end of the day. But you know me being a greedy little. I can be sometimes I didn't sell so didn't have the best exit, but overall I was actually bullish because it held the trend.

If the stock is at all-time highs, the volume was really strong and you know shorts were getting bent, they were getting squeezed and them. No, I so any an though they actually exited for like a nice like 40 360s, so I the annuity now the best executions but you're very nice plan and very bullish on this name on day one. So that's a first trade today, I'm sorry yesterday and then I also traded a ESC. This one is also sympathy play to DK and GIDA, both in the sports betting gaming sector right.

So I was longing this thing I don't think I should, I sure, did some pre market, but after seeing that would not you know what kind of holding a bid I got out of the short and I never went back to short again. I was more long, biased here, same idea, nom de here. As long as about 4 60s longing the dips and sell into words. The pushes didn't have the again didn't have the best exits.

You know I miss the top by 10 cents and you know trim my size down here only to get stopped out no partial size, but overall, not long in this name and was really good at protecting my downside. So I was never read on the long side and one more yesterday, ad ap, very simple textbook red to green trade. I went a stock. You know, day to everyone expected a gap down when you held $ 10 and squeeze past previous day close we're going green on a day.

That's what I loved it so tell me into this and reloaded after seeing a moment, I'm strong and sewed into a 13s and some here on twelves, so a very nice long trade on this 180 AP. I know a lot of people were shorting this. You know it's one of those stocks, that's really crowded on the short side and the stocks are easy to borrow. So when that happens, you know most of the time we're voting home, saying we're gon na squeeze.

So that's the simple textbook long trade on this one. Okay, so now it's Tuesday, let's see a few crates so starting with a loser on a date. First, I took a loss on the blue tab. We are short pre-market.
You can see. I shorted starter size around $ 5 covered into five 40s. So that's 40 cents loss on the small size, again pre markets. You don't want an oversize, you wan na slowly scale.

In now. It's only because I stopped out on a small size that I can we enter once we have confirmed that we cannot break above five. 80S and we actually drop down to four 50s. So that's why, where I was, I realized that $ 5.

It's not holding that! Well right! So it's only after I gotten out - and I didn't scale in too big of a size and got squeezed that gave me the you know the the mental capacity to go back and we attack once the trade is confirmed. So, let's go back in here scale back in the round: five tens covered some just before the market opens just because you know these kind of low floats a lot of times they kind of squeeze and they open, and I want to give myself room to add At $ 45, if we get it, but actually it just literally just like jumped right away so didn't really get much sighs overall to go back just because we dropped so much from the fives already short Assam and covered in two tips, and you know miss a Lot of the downside, we went all the way back to 230 s missile and downside, but again the stock was so weak and never really gave me any entry to riad back to my short positions. Lyanna Stark am rh. I know i love you over short in this, but again i never shorted this one.

I was mostly long. Biased low flow stock also bring up pre market just like wwr, but the levels were really clear and the momentum and the volume was extremely bullish. So that's why I was longing this instead of shorting this longer here you can see. I started accumulating on tips before the market opened seen that were holding very strong about the three 90s $ 4 area.

Should I saw some into the pre-market push, but i didn't trim some just in case we started no selling off just like the blue. Wr did buy at the back after market open, seen that, while holding Goldman was extremely strong, again low float with a catalyst and well no testing pretty market highs. So that's why I added in and sold some and missus L appear around 5:30 wasn't fast enough on the rip, so could have done better. So this is why I stopped all the rest of the moment.

Position was nice and low when alongside but could have had a lot of better sales, like I will admit to like the execution undertaking. Profit side was not that great on the street. The entries I was really proud about, but the selling was you know it couldn't be a lot better. You no longer here again, you know $ 4 held same level as pre market longer.

Here added some more seen. The volume is hard it starting to come being. As you can see on the down over here, the volume bar volume MV WAP, it's the only two indicators that use. I don't do anything like you know, RSI MACD and all that stuff.

Those things at the late, this with volume and Kendall station sometimes V WAP, is just price action. This is the fastest and most instant indicator. You can't get anything faster than this sold something to this, protecting my downside, but still holding a core long position and sold into the push around no for seventies, mister top tick by 10 cents. Added back some more thinking.
Now we can see fives when we didn't get that. That's why I stopped out - and I didn't really want to go back again, just because you know clearly this four 80s and $ 5 area there's a lot of selling a lot of resistance and that's why we we couldn't reclaim and that's why I stopped out - and I left the trade alone and didn't know going short. Will it be nice to get another dollar of downside on the stock one last tray on a short side? This didn't hit my radar until in the Power Hour. Well, you can see the stock went parabolic.

All the way, basically from like two 40s, all the way to four 80s without any major pullback. So that's why, when insured the parabolic trend and didn't have the best entries you know I started in. I was anticipating a pop to four 80s and we literally touched for 75 and immediately rejected, and this was this candle you can see. This is why I'm in a candle got slammed back down within a matter of 5 seconds.

I could not get a feel up here for 70s, so you know once it drops. I'm shorting the bounce right very simple, but it never bounce that high back to four 60s again, so you know how do we have to do with what we got on the entry side just have to scale according to the risk you know shorter here cover some Internal flush, almost at four dollars reassured it on this lower high, very clean, lower high setup right. So that's a confirmation now on the backside and cover it into the flush. I wanted more back down to three sixties, but no, we didn't get that and I stopped all or everything here.

You know big because with these kind of parabolic shorts, if you don't stop out, this could have just as easily went back up to four 70s for 80s, and I want to save myself from that kind of headache and allow myself to re-enter if needed. It's all about protecting your downside, protecting your capital - and you don't want to you - know to get too exhausted what before the trade is confirmed, so we'll see what we get on the stock tomorrow, really wild day to start pre market we have of cappers, and whenever That happens, that means most of them are gon na fade. Because again, the buying volume is gon na be very divided and you know, and which is kind of in a season where everything pushes already on like we see here, I'm huge and just fail so huge. I started some shorts pre market again pre market size.

You know if you know the news that it's gapping up from FDA. Not it's not FDA approval right. The title of the news is extremely misleading. They have FDA approval in a title, but the actual content.
If you read the news, it's just a permission to go ahead with one of the tests, so you know. Obviously they have some agenda and you know they have stuff to sell. Essentially, I sure there's some pre market. The stock was like actually extremely difficult to locate and that's actually good for short, if that means there's not a lot of shorts trapped, and that means we're not likely to squeeze right if you think about it, not a lot of people have shares too short.

So that's just a tiny little piece of information that can help. I should have covered something to do this flush, but you know I was looking for the big kind of OTA move. So that's fine when this starts to curl. That's what I covered most of my short um and at the open we actually got hosted.

So I still have partial, sheer size shorts into this hole, but after they open you just literally dumped right away and straight into another down side holes, and that's why I know: okay, this this stock is really unlikely. That's gon na bounce, so I went back. In short, didn't have the best entry, you know the better entry would have been here. Eleven dollars was where I would have added.

We never got to eleven and we just immediately rejected scaled up. Some pairi shorted on the bounds cover it into this, and you know I just wanted to see if it was really gon na be clean, Bo up and go higher. That's where you know, ideally where I would add, never got there, I'm extremely weak, difficult to add on weakness and cover some. You know added some on this tiny bounce some more here and I took most of it off before the end of the day, but I'm swinging some overnight, because I think we have a lot of downside so pretty decent when on this could having a lot better.

If I'd better increase, but again it's all about managing the downside, for me, I'm not someone who would swing for the fences, I'm always making sure that I have confirmation before adding you know on a stock like this I'd rather add after we confirm that we're going Lower then, to keep on adding on the way up. Okay, so that's the trade on the stock, the other one, another gap, err on the day: SCE, oh sorry, SC sec! Oh yes, really similar idea! Shorted, because you know we were gapping up huge and no open was really quiet. There's not a lot of people buying this, so I kind of thought we were gon na test, the fives, but the fact that we couldn't even get above four 60s. That tells me the stock is extremely weak.

Again there were just too many Gabor's right. So all the people who are buying and chasing the stock, they don't have a single focus so shorted. The push here never got any big size because I was stuck in the huge halt, so I my attention was kind of divided. I will admit to that, but actually covered over here and only reassured it after we slammed back down and breaking pre market lows short of $ 4 cover some three seventies and hear some more three 50s.
I tried to Erie ad, but it was kind of midday and it seems like at the time we were holding this 360s area and I thought we would start curling back up and you know I was up okay on the day on the stock, and I didn't Want to give back so I just covered, and you can see once I covered it, just miss a lot of downside, but it is what it is. You can never catch everything in trading. You can only take the meat of the move know. This is the miss on the day for me ba, so I was bolus on the stock, but I never pulled back to an area where I was comfortable taking along on this.

I did long here and then I said short here, but those were just tiny scalps. You know I thought we can retest the three see threes, but we never dip that low and you know so. I just kind of miss so much other upside again. In the morning I was extremely distracted.

I was stuck in a huge Holt to the downside. I was short, yes, not with a lot size, but still that's still, you know, my capital is still tied up, I'm worried so couldn't catch. Everything, like you see, VA, was strong all day long and we literally ripped from 156 all the way to 170 today and what still going after hours. So you know it is what it is, we'll see what we get I'm be a tomorrow, but had a few scalps on this.

Nothing big on a short side in an on alone side, as well, so ending the day green. But, however, I'm very frustrated because of the amount of profits I gave back on the secondary trades on this, it's just disgusting. It's really acceptable. I was up a lot on this stock in a couple of the stocks that I gave back so much over.

Half of the profits from you know really bad entries, as you can see. Just let me talk about G and us, so this is a stock. That's been going parabolic on a daily and I had some scalp long trade on the front side. These are long trades over here, and this is where I started shorting and the short was was fine and he was good and I cover it into it, and this is where high.

This is where I started to decide to get cute and actually flipped long. Jay G and us, and but you know the only silver lining is that why I'm scalping long on this kind of trash stock, it's very small size, but I actually got stuck and I'm hot. So even after I'm halted and sold with a small size. It still.

You know still adds up to a loss that actually trimmed a lot of my profit and you know. Finally, you know I decided you know, you know. The big picture is the short, which is what made me money on the short from this point from 1040s. So I wanted to go back short, and so I started scaling in the thing is I didn't expect it to bounce this much right, even if I started scaling around here, started scaling around six-30 in hindsight I didn't know at the time I was too early.

So I scale some - and you know at this point I didn't add, because I was thinking okay, if this starts holding but agreeing I'm gon na have to cover for loss, but we actually slammed down rejected the psychological Rhett agreeing area and that's why I start adding Covered into the dips and add some more and covered most of it here, so you know the secondary trade, I'm a short side. I didn't make money, but you know the entry and then the long I tried to do with like a small size. It just gave back so much profit, and I was at this point I was tired. You know I should have just done the first trade on a short side and long side and left it along or way.
Therefore, a huge bounce like this to re-enter the short, but you know not so great executions on my part, minimized a lot of the profits and gave back a lot of the games, but I'm still happy to be green. You know I started. I still have some shorts. Are you sure to here cover most of it? I had a small swing overnight, just small size, nothing big, but no, not so happy about my executions, because I gave back so much.

So that's the lesson from this all the other stocks. I traded, I did a lot better, so I'm happy about that. I didn't like emotional trade or anything you just this one ticket I did poorly on so the second trade. I did much better and cleaner execution on this CIPM.

This is actually a sympathy play to G and us I would. I started a small short, but seeing how strong the momentum is I uncovered right away. You can see a short I read and although the gate 440 covered right away at 3, 80s and a stock, literally literally just you know, shut up going parabolic from $ 4 to $ 6. I was not involved in this crazy candle, but I did try to no see you know if we're gon na get a follow through sidelong, some saying that will kind of heavy on tape, so I sold it all and actually flip short you could say I should Have shorted here, but I didn't want to hop on the front side.

I wanted it to confirm that we are gon na stay below be weapons day week and at a time, G and us was also no selling off. So that was double confirmation for me to scale in on a short on the back side. I'm sure to hear showed us some more on this breakdown. I was trying be patient, trying to let it right.

So I was holding all the size here and actually added and then cover into here, so I still still have some piece on half of the short left ivory, a dit and once it starts, you know, seems like we're gon na reclaim and try to push a Trim to my position once we start shoulding this line, you can see this support area around 3-30 cover some more once we start to reject. I know: try to reheat it short again. Now I'm holding some smaller size overnight and we're looking pretty decent and have a pretty nice average around 370 380 s. So you know I'm thinking this is got gapped down.

If you look at it daily charts, we went from $ 1 to $ 6. So you know, even after this week, clothes was still up over a hundred percent on the day on the stock. So we'll see what this brings tomorrow, so the other stock plates a large cap stock. I didn't think it was gon na go all the way back to 188.
If I knew I would be, you know a billionaire by now, but PA they had some really positive news with Amazon purchasing more of the fleet and market was rallying. So you know a lot of times. We see these large cap cappers. They sold off right at the open, but and literally dip to pre market level.

So that's where I started going back in long 177 added over here 179. So that gave me a pretty nice average about 178 50s sold into the push and was out of it at 181, because at a time I was trying to focus on cid m and G and us so I so out. You know I wish I could have helped, but you know hindsight is 20/20, nobody knew was going to 188 and you know I tried to go long again, but at the time market was rolling over. So I stopped out right away so pretty decent gain.

Um be a Green Day overall, but the amount of money. I again I gave back on G and us just disgusting and I'm actually pretty upset with that trade. Both long and a short could have done a lot better on the executions. So that's something for me to work on.

Hopefully this helps. Hopefully, everyone had a good trading week, we'll see what tomorrow brings hey guys thanks for watching. I hope you enjoy the video and the bath jokes. If you want to see more day, trading content make sure to subscribe and follow me on Twitter and Instagram for more.

If you'd like to trade with me daily and get my free weekend, watchlist and trading journal make sure to check out the links below for more resources. Stay, green, stay, positive and I'll. See you guys next time.

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31 thoughts on “Market back to new highs? $dkng $ba $gnus $cidm day trading recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Karan Singh says:

    hi, you are awesome but can you make videos on gold trading plsss

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars abcmaya says:

    i tried going long on GNUS. what a scary day. bought back over 3000 shares. lets see what happens monday.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christian Cabrera says:

    Ever wonder if the stock market is just decades of bagholders?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars San Hong says:

    $GNUS or $WAFU, were they safe to trade? It seemed like they were pump and dumps

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Garayua says:

    Your accent is going away since your indicator video back in February. 4 months

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aunt Lynn says:

    I love your videos! I am learning so much from you… I'm a newbie, and I don't actually short yet, because I don't feel confident to do that. I will tell you, though – I 'accidentally' found GNUS when I was learning how to scan for penny stocks. I bought in at .72, and am holding it until it's launch on Kartoon Channel on 6/15. I know you don't hold stocks, but this is what seemed to make sense to me with this one. I hope I can get to be as fast as you are with all these moves! I love to see other women trading. Thank you so much!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gaurav Shakya says:

    Can you also make videos on different topic… Like love life ☺☺☺☺☺☺❤❤❤❤❤

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack Nguyen says:

    You got lots of subscribers now. Double since last time I check….

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars twimine says:

    congrats on 300k subs – 500k right around the corner

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars San B says:

    Guys, I'm new to options and have a question but didn't find the answer yet,
    Say I purchased a Call for a stock with contract price $3 and expiration of Aug 21 2020, and the stock price increased by 20% and the contract price also jumped by 50% can I sell it before the expiration date even though I don't meet the strike price? And, does the contract price move along with the stock price? Does the profit decrease as the expiration approaches?

    Answers will be greatly appreciated.. thanks!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stock Overflow says:

    I gotta say I'm really enjoying this channel. I'm mainly a long-term investor, but it's pretty interesting to see investors from different disciplines kicking ass!

    I respect how you're completely honest about both the pros AND the cons of trading.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chen Ning Lim says:

    U think gnus will up further ? Today drop to 3.9

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crushi: Artist, Producer & Musician says:

    Crushi – 🐧 🐦 🐣 🐥 🦆 🦢 🦅 🦚 🦜 🦇 🐠 🐟 🐬 🐳 🐋 🦈 🐊 🐅 🐆 🦓 🦍 🐘 🦏 (Official Music Video)

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Marshall says:

    Day Trader/Pole Dancer or Pole Dancer/ Day Trader, lol ?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zo says:

    TLSS might be looking nice here soon guys ! Check it out n keep an eye out trade safely everybody! what u think humbled trader ?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Inceptacon Inceptacon says:

    Are Canadians allowed to trade American stocks?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mary Tran says:

    Do you think the Luckin Coffee Inc. (LK) it good stock

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cynthia Deg says:

    Since most stocks that go parabolic in the morning fizzle out, instead of covering shorts, why not add to the short when it looks like it can’t possibly go up more? I know that sometimes they keep going but not often. Maybe if you lower the amount of shares too for less risk.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darius Mcbride says:

    "greedy little b****" lmao i'm dead.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Geo says:

    You look cute on this video’s thumbnail 🙂

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Garlic Ang Asong Pinoy says:

    Hi, I’m a newbie in trading may I know which platform should I use to begin with? Tnx

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NIO says:

    You had a good day of trading H.T. Thank God it's Monday for trading again. I did ok today trading a small $2500 trading balance short and long on CPE and LK with a nice +$444.50 to end the day P/L with 9 trades total. Great day for us both in our trading setups and follow through on the trade plan. I traded till 12;30 then said enough and stopped trading so i don't loose the gains i had made.
    I Smashed the Like Button with a Sanitized rubber glove ( Covid 19 Protection ) 🙂 I also kept 2 meters away from the screen while watching your video 🙂 Keep up the great work and great trading Humbled Trader.. Cheers

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rita Antonio says:

    Your vids are great. Is our only choice for direct market access in Canada DAS Trader Pro on Interactive Brokers? In your opinion, when would you know that it's time to make that move? I'm currently on TOS through TD Waterhouse…

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Invest To Live says:

    I hope new traders are listening loud and clear. Real traders don't have perfect execution. Anyone who says they do is lying to you or selling you something.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TwitchSypex says:

    Hi @humbledtrader, I was wandering wether market orders get prioritised by size or by time. So if someone places an order to sell 1 million shares does that get priority over 200 shares? If someone places an order 3 days ago for 200 shares and someone else places an order for 200 shares in the present which order gets priority?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Danny Hype says:

    Thanks for the video! Im new to investing. Had a question about what account I should be using.

    If i wanted to buy and sell stocks once a week or even once a month just here and there for the potential quick gains. Would I be safe to do so within my TFSA or should I open another account? Like a Margin account i believe its called.

    My goal is for long term investments but id like to dabble in a penny stock here and there and use those potential profits to reinvest into my long term companies i like.
    Thanks again for the videos!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jose Ramirez says:

    How much money a day would you say it's considered Lamborghinimoney! $1000.00 a day?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bears and Bulls says:

    How do day-traders earning money, if they are one youtube making video constantly? it takes a long time to make a video.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kev huy says:

    I saw that you use VWAP for open hours only, what do you think of including VWAP premarket?

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Money Forest Academy says:

    thanks for this video. Lots of comments on $GNUS – it will have an upswing nearer towards the 15th because of the announcement

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars scruffle says:

    I'm down $2000 on GNUS, brand new to trading and was dumb enough to purchase 500 stocks at $9.95. should I keep my stocks or sell for loss?

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