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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right. You can tell by the light. I'll wait a second. we gotta fix this.

There we go. You can tell by the lights behind me. it's a green day. Finishing the day up three thousand, seven hundred, eighty six dollars.

Life is good. That's a good way to finish the week. It makes me feel just better going into the weekend in the green I Think any trader can relate to this. It just feels good to finish the week in the green because then Saturday Sunday you're not thinking about and you know, just dwelling on a big loss from Friday So it doesn't recover all of the losses from the last two days.

In fact, it only really recovers about half of it. You know it's a step in the right direction. right around 10:30 I start thinking geez, I'm up thirty seven hundred bucks, you know I might be able to make that everything I lost yesterday and that's why I said you know what, It's time to walk away cuz when I start getting that in my head I'm gonna start taking unnecessary risks just to try to make it back versus just taking good quality trades. So I was like that's it.

That's my cue to call it a day. Thirty-seven hundred bucks. I'm gonna be happy with that. Give myself a pat on the back, You're digging yourself out of the hole.

You know? one two more green days, you'll be right back at all-time highs. I You know you have to be at the first base coach for yourself. You gotta give yourself those pep talks because every trainer knows what it's like to get knocked off the horse and have to, you know, get back home and that's part of this career. It's gonna happen all the time.

so you know, a little bit of a step down the last two days but working my way back up here and I want to keep it going on Monday and Tuesday and see if I can finish this month, you know, and in good shape. Maybe back up above $50,000 So that's the goal. And I'm gonna break down all the trades for today in today's midday market recap. As usual, any questions, any comments, leave them below I'll be going through them this weekend and answering them.

Alright, Enjoy! All right everyone, So we're gonna do our and midday market recap here. Go over the trades from this morning and I want to give you guys the link here so reminder this coming Monday at 1:00 P.m. Eastern I'm gonna host an online training workshop where I'll be teaching you guys my three strategies for how I've traded the market over the last several years. The strategies I used to take this $600 account and turn it into what it is now right around 700,000 dollars of profit.

Alright so link is in the description on YouTube and on Facebook So check it out and those of you guys who are in the room, you see it right here. So finishing the morning here with three thousand, seven hundred, eighty six dollars and one penny? not bad. Green is good. I could be happy with that so that's a nice way to finish the week, you know.

I Was hoping that we would have a green day today and I ended up being you know, not bad at all. So let me drag up my PML here so you guys can see finish the day right here. Three stocks I Traded green on three names. Green is good.
that's what. that's what counts. No home runs though. no big home run trades.

nothing massive. This was a day where it was really, you know, slow and steady. wins the race. Best name of the game and you know that's I'm okay with that.

I Would have loved to have seen a home run opportunity but I really didn't see one today and so rather than try to force it and be really aggressive, I just said. you know what? I'm gonna, you know, take these smaller base hits and be happy with it and you know I'll be out. You know, be good with that. Yes.

I did put away the gas can roll myself over here. no public service announcement. Sniffing gasoline is not a good idea. All right.

Don't do it at home unless you want to have a great time. So gasoline cans put away today don't need it. It's a green day running on adrenaline, feeling good. Okay so let's see three stalks: a WX T, NX P and Bs P.m.

let's start with a WX. So this morning started just like any other day running through the Gap scanner and this morning the Gap scanner was not giving us a lot that looked really interesting. It was kind of just a little bit of a little bit of a dud. This was too expensive.

Team Ize A It was on watch but as soon as the bell rang this thing was selling off. It didn't hold up well at all so it didn't trigger my entry point which would have been a break of the pre market high, right? break a pre market high, no trigger, no trade. so that one didn't trade TT pH Floats too high. Chk floats too high Aw X and Bs P.m.

These were two that I traded VT VT none of volume. these ones too expensive. floats too high floats too high. This one we were watching but didn't follow through.

So basically just in a matter of five minutes you can find stocks to trade and this morning we're watching a WX. So a WX has been honestly just a very crazy stock to trade. It has not been easy at all and I'm saying this is a long side trader, but there's a lot of traders who trade to the short side who are also frustrated because they short it. and next thing you know, out of nowhere it spikes up like this.

Or it spikes up like that and stops them out. Or it spikes up like it did right here. So it's doing these irrational, like, just very strange kind of breaks. but it's also doing it to the short side.

Big drops. There big drops here. you know, drops here. and then there were some a little bit this morning as well.

So today's actually been the cleanest so far of all the days that we've traded it. It's the first day I've made decent money on it, but it really to me was not an easy stock to trade it. The behavior is just a little bit strange. Now, the last time we saw a stock trading like this, it was being bought up on the open market by someone who's buying basically half of the outstanding flow.
So if you know if someone is buying two million shares of this type of stock and they're buying it in hundred thousand share market orders, that's going to create some big spikes, you know no doubt about it. So that's a possible scenario. However, this stock is going up with no news at all. So Mike comes and I Haven't seen any form for filings to say that someone has taken a large position, so we don't really know why the stock has gone from two dollars to eight dollars over the course of four days.

What we do know is that this right here represents volatility. And volatility. is opportunity. So there's been opportunity on it.

But in this particular case, the price action has been very choppy. It's not been very predictable and so the volatility hasn't been predictable. volatility And that's where the risk is higher. So my first trade on it today and I just scroll back up here so let's see tested orders.

Those didn't go through first trade on it was right here at 660 at 1007. Alright, so 1007 the stock was starting to squeeze back up. The high a day was 675 and of course you see how it had this big drop and then it surged back up. consolidation and then big drop.

And that's why I don't like to hold during consolidation as much as I can avoid it because I don't want to be holding on a drop like this. So it starts to pop back up and it flags right here and I got in for the break of this flag at 660. So I'm in a 660 and I add at 675 anticipating a break over high a day. it hits 675 and then pops up to a high of 692 and I'm taking profit at 85 and 86 and like whatever, 77.

So right there from my entry there and selling through here, that was about $700 a profit. So 750 bucks? not bad. All right. it's then consolidating I'm watching it to get back in right here on the next flag and I add back in 92 and 98 and I sell at 808.

So there's another you know small profit right here. buying on this flag and selling as it pops up to 719 and then this is where I kind of made a mistake I wasn't sure it was gonna continue cuz I bought the first pullback in about the second and I was feeling a little iffy about buying the third and then all of a sudden you see it pops up here 264 and I decided to add as I as it was squeezing because I thought it might get halted on a circuit breaker and I added right at 7.50 it popped up 15 cents but then it dropped all the way back down to 730 and I was down 20 cents I was down a thousand bucks, it pops back up and I got out breakeven I was like get me out of this thing too choppy. I bought it too high so I'm selling in the 40s in the 50s and in the 40s basically breakeven on that trade and I was happy to be out of it because it just I just felt like I bought too high but and you can see it drop. so I did the right thing, then consolidation over a little bit of a longer period and now a break back up through high of day so I could have gone back ends right in this area.
This is where some traders would have gotten it I just hesitated or actually I wasn't even watching it at this point I was like now I'm done for the day I don't want to push my luck. so anyways, total profit of $1400 on this stock I'm just happy to walk away. green on it I mean it really hasn't been an easy one to trade. so just being green is great all right.

So that's that one. Bs P.m. $800 winner I Lost 5,000 on it yesterday so this only somewhat redeems yesterday's loss. I was watching it pre market and I was like now I don't care below $2 but then the bell rings and it pops up and is it it's it for 40 I was watching this one-minute micro pullback right here at 4:40 and I was really tempted to get in it there but I waited I waited for confirmation and when it popped up to 60 I said I'll wait for the first one-minute micro pullback which was right here.

so this is actually the second pullback. So I bought the second pullback in at 60 with 3500 shares not being super aggressive and then selling us 77 and 75 and then adding back in the 80s right here. going for a high a day break looking for a move over $3 but it was choppy and so I took a loss on some of it, sold more breakeven wasn't very clean and then I added back at 92 and sold it like 301 so this really didn't end up being a very good winner. right in here.

I was holding through this consolidation. you know it's just choppy. The best entry would have been right here or adding full size right here and I added up here which was not great. So anyways, only a hundred bucks on that one and it's not holding up very well.

and then the last one was a TN XP which you know it's kind of a surprise. I mean I usually don't like trading stocks that gap down. the stock is going down like 67 percent today. big gap down.

but it started moving up and it moved quickly enough to get halted. So I jumped in at a 35 with 10,000 shares and then I added at 40 another 2500. So I'm buying it right here. As it's moving up, it then gets halted on circuit breaker and it drops down for a second and I as it surges back up.

I bought another 2500 shares so I had 15,000 shares total and I sold at 52 and then ended up stopping out the rest at 37. it just didn't hold up very well so you know it is what it is. but I still made 1,500 bucks, about 10 cents on 15,000 shares. so I didn't mind taking bigger size because it's a cheaper stock.

Not a lot of exposure risk on that, but yeah, so that's that's it today. $700 no homeruns, no heat, one single big huge winner. you know the biggest one was TN XP A couple small trades on a WX a couple small trades on BS P.m. but the good news today is that my accuracy was pretty close to 100% I think I only had one loss which was on BS P.m.
and it was a pretty small one. so you know that's good. I can feel good about that and write it in a calendar and make it official. Plus three thousand, seven hundred, eighty six dollars and one cent.

So you guys can tell. I'm just happy to go into the weekend with a Green Day And you know yesterday I was just I was a little disappointed with myself because I I thought I pushed it maybe a little too hard and again, like I said yesterday, going from being green on the day at $2,000 to being down five grand is a real like. it's a blow. It's better just to lose right out of the gates, you know than to have have something and have it taken away.

That's that's how I feel at least. so you know that's like for me. I've never flown in a private jet I've never flown on a private jet I Don't want to do it because once you've done it, you probably you can't go back, right? You know that's then. that's what people say like now that I've flown in first class there, there's no way I would want to go back to like you know Southwest or something like that where you everyone's in the same seating cuz I know I'm six foot two, he's just not gonna happen I Flew to Italy in coach and I you know the seats were smaller and oh my god whose horrible is seven hours and it was the worst.

So when I flew back I flew first class and on air Italia and it was like oh Mike there was like a you know five course meal and I was able to lay down and I was like that's it I'm never going back so you know it's it's kind of like it's sometimes it's better not to experience the good because then you know when you lose it it's that much worse. So as far as trading goes, I prefer to never go green. like if I have to lose I'd rather just go right into the red and just be like oh it was a bad day just went straight to red. you know just it is going up $2,000 and then giving it all back is it's the worst.

So anyways, you know, down five thousand eight hundred yesterday down thirteen hundred the day before. so that's like you know, almost eight thousand dollars in losses in two days and today I made back. you know, a good portion of it. so a good step in the right direction and will hopefully keep it going on.

Monday and Tuesday Monday Tuesday Last two days of July I'm sitting right now right around 45 or 47 thousand on the month so hopefully I can get myself back up above 50 grand. That would make me happy and we could finish the month feeling good. So reminder Monday 1:00 P.m. Eastern We're hosting a live workshop.

It's gonna be a lot of fun! Looking forward to doing it so hopefully I will see you guys there now! Eric says test drive the Ferrari because once you test drive it you can't go back. I I have driven some nice cars in Las Vegas at the motor the Las Vegas Motor Speedway you can go out there and you can rent nice cars. So I drove the Lamborghini Huracan and a Porsche Gt3, a couple other fun cars and you know what with those ones? That for me was like it was a nice taste. but I realized that there's no point in driving that type of car on a regular road because you'll never be able to really open it up.
so you know you go to the track a couple hundred bucks you drive the fun car and that gets it out of your system. So with that one, I'm not super inclined to spend the quarter million dollars on a car. But anyways, um that's it for me. So I Hope you guys have an awesome weekend and we'll be back at it first thing Monday morning I'm probably gonna go on Facebook Live or maybe YouTube live at some point this weekend? Get some You guys Excited about the Workshop on Monday So stay tuned.

You'll see me there probably on Sunday and everyone else. We'll see you back here first thing on Monday morning. Alright, see you guys on Monday bye If you're still watching, you must have really enjoyed that video. so why not grab and get email alerts anytime? I upload new content.

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33 thoughts on “Making a comeback $3,786! ross’ trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lol k says:

    OK i was loosing 33k on the simulator because i was testing a new strategy waoo yes 33k .. and them i make this comeback im up 86k in jus one day guys i made the 33k back and finish the day on a 86k win !!!!!!!!!!!!! crazy i know i took to much risk but at the end it pay off 86k up im in shock……!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars amir ebrahim says:

    Hey Ross nice comeback! I have a bit of a weird question lol For the stock your trading do you have its level 2/ time&sales and charts (1min/5min) on the same monitor or are you using different monitors for level 2 and charts also does it take some getting used to looking back and forth from monitor to monitor if they are on different monitors?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack M. Jacobson says:

    Killed it ross, strong finish to end the week.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mach 7 Radio Intercepts says:

    The AWX manipulator has also played in GBR and MTSL. Check out the detective work uploaded here by Steve Patterson. Order flow of a sleepy stock with weak fundamentals: supernova to black hole. Patrick Weiland also uploaded a video on this stock, forecasting a likely halt on Monday. <grin> Maybe $$ to make shorting Monday when Mintbroker / Suretrader hits the wall.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J B says:

    Wifey and I just (re)watched Thor Ragnarok last night… can't help but think Ross should totally do the long hair to short hair Thor look!!! Even a fohawk, beard and glasses… what do ya'll think?! =D

    Thanks for all you do Ross, way to end the week! Cheers

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dsouth says:

    The lights are cool Ross.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ام محمد says:

    رائع جدا

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott Roettger says:

    Should I use the sell the bid or a limit or to exit a trade during momentum trading? Will selling the bid give me bad exits?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josef Chamera says:

    Hey Ross I just finished up the first original beginners trading video and it was really great! I wasn't sure if you would look at comments from a 3 year old video but I just had a question. I'm a 17 year old and I really want to get into some trading whether it's just with $100-300 or using a demo account. Where do you think I can make my own trades for someone who isn't 18 years or older?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars michael pollini says:

    Hey Ross. Thanks for all your videos. I really enjoy your style and learned a ton from you.
    Question: I'm thinking of getting off Merrill Edge due to lack of tools and silly rules. I cant set stop loss on many tickers. If the stock is plummeting it is very hard to dump. Thus costing me a ton. Not to mention other flaws. – I'm considering LightSpeed. Do you pay multiple commissions when you take partials and buy back in? Also do you have a promotion code so you get credit for my sign up? Any comments or suggestions greatly appreciated. Thank You in advance!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mach 7 Radio Intercepts says:

    AWX was badly manipulated in the last few sessions. There's one uploader here called "Hammer Trader" who made three videos showing the extreme soaking and dumping that went on. Put that stock on your no trade list.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TRY to HELP you says:

    im going live next week. Ross, you are the man. Thanks for doing what you do!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jose Luis Gutierrez says:

    Hi Ross, when you have a chance…. could you do a video about taxes for traders? What to expect, Advise about deductios, any information would be great.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Neal Rivera says:

    Awesome! I just finished my 6th trader book and am reading yours now. Since I've been watching your channel daily. I can hear your voice every time I start reading it, hahaha. I finally wrote down my ONE strategy and had my first green day with it on SSLJ. I just saw AWX in the pre-market, yikes. Out of my price range now because of my strategy. On to the next. Have a great weekend!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marlena Vinson says:

    How do you get news for stocks?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Don Ol says:

    Ross, your comments about trading and about your trading are always right on the mark. Thanks for your channel.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chicken Chipotle Sandwich says:

    hell yeah it was a good day today happy friday ross!!!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack Wood says:

    well got to 17$ in after-hours, awx. lol

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gary Friauf says:

    So I'm starting sort of my own small account challenge on Monday. Signed up with my new broker and ready to trade like a normal trader should be able to. Any advice Ross as I get started???

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars philippe M says:

    Hey Ross just wondering when you scalp with 2000 + shares do you always take liquidity from the market or sometime you sit on the bid/ask? It must be difficult for you from time to time to get in a particular price in a illiquid stock?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cooter says:

    Sold my Twitter puts for 60% today

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dracorien says:

    you don't want a Ferrari, you want something like a Bentley. Something with class, elegance, and a smooth luxurious ride. It isn't about how fast you can go, it is about arriving in the most comfortable state possible! Good going today Ross!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cliffcoast says:

    For the love of God and all that is holy, Did $AWX cure cancer ????????

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheCornbeefsoup says:

    What the heck is going on with AWX? It reached a high over $17???

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Guewen Veilhon says:

    First day that I trade as well !!! Green on AWX, BSPM and TNXP with 80% Accuracy for a total of 10 trades. Thanks Ross !!! No Pain, No Gain !!! Love Warrior Trading <3

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bass man says:

    Lol the avg worker makes between 80 to 110 a day….this guy makes over 3500 and says its not a homerun….gotta love the trader mentality …..great vid as usual

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Yang says:

    Hey Ross u always lose money after 4th or 5 th trades why would u just stop and take the money

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sharmake Ali says:

    Well done! Ross. Thanks for the videos man. Huge fan!

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars realBlackBetty says:

    Good stuff man👍

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Jones says:

    Great job Ross! I did not play today just wanted to see how the stocks play out. AWX when to the Hi of $11,21,that was great to see. I like the way you play it by taken profit when you did and not holding the stock for the home run. My question to you is why do you sell the stock quickly when it going up and up. I notice you do not hold a winning stock for long. This is a good way to play the stock, but I see a stock moving up and I want to hold much longer, but then I goes from green to red to many time. I have a small account right now but I am learning a lot from you. Thanks

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Gillenwater says:

    Haha coach for 7 hrs?!?!? Try 15 hrs from Doha to Atlanta sitting next to a husky fella and I am no skinny fella

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iDroolT says:

    Nice job, Ross!

    I pushed my luck on BSPM and went from about $700 up to $1,200 down then I dug myself out of the hole with AWX all the way to $2,400. More than doubled my account in 2 days. Lovin' the green! 🙂

    EDIT: I missed out on TNXP. I'm not sure what was going on there, but I wasn't able to buy with the hot keys. It said it was marginable so… I dunno. Doesn't matter. I had a good day regardless.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim Campbell says:

    Awx is up 10.65….WTF I dropped at 7.70….WTF!!!!

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