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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? So here we are green. Friday I Love it! Finishing the week back of all-time highs in my IRA account had a little setback on Wednesday but Boom! Bounce right back! Thursday $1600 6700 and then today $2,600 So you know, $9,000 in the last two days of trading is terrific. It's gonna be a really solid week for me. So the Momentum: We are still seeing it.

The big Mover today. SL And oh I mean we're just seeing back-to-back huge momentum stocks. This is the time to be aggressive, but at the same time emotions are running higher. So if you're not aggressive in the right places, you're gonna end up buying high and then stop stopping out and selling low and losing money.

So you gotta really know the right place to be a buyer in the right place just to sit on your hands and wait for better opportunities. So I'm really excited this weekend St. Patty's Day on Sunday And don't forget Rainbow 30. That coupon code will save you 30% storewide have Warrior Training seek a member who are your trained family.

Alright, so enjoy the recap today. As usual questions, comments link below I'll come back through an answer this afternoon and I'll see you guys first thing Monday Morning live streaming 9:15 pre market analysis. See you guys That all right everyone. So we're gonna do midday market recap I'm gonna finish up the morning here.

you know, call it a day a little earlier than I did yesterday up two thousand, six hundred, twenty three dollars and seventy three cents. So another Green Day which is great I'm happy with that. You know it's been, you know, kind of an interesting week here. a couple choppier days, but all's well.

that ends well. So let's see where's that gonna put me on the week? We just go. So that's gonna put me on the week up. Let's see that was that was Wednesday Tuesday Monday Okay, so about seventy five hundred dollars, seventy eight hundred dollars or so on the week, and you know we've closed for eight thousand.

But in any case, you know I'm not a bad week. Ten thousand a week is the goal. so a little shy of the goal, but you know that's okay. I'm up about seventeen thousand or so on the month.

three thousand dollars shy of where I would like to be. which is a twenty thousand dollars after the first two weeks. So this week has been, you know, a little tricky because we've had some of these stocks like SL Mo that are so volatile and on such heavy volume that they really whip around a lot. and this is a perfect example of it here.

SL A note consolidating after this nice move up this morning suddenly drops, breaks down and then rips back up. you know, and then drops back down. So this is the type of stuff that's really hard for short-term day traders because it just you know it just chops you up. I Mean you, you get stopped out and then it rips up and then you get in and then it drops back down and so um you know this is all you know.

pretty difficult. Keith I'll just put your your post there into the support room and I'll let them know to reach out to you. Let's all right. so um anyway so SLN oh this one this morning we were watching it, you know? I I was watching it for a break over $3 as a gap and go.
However, it was kind of tricky because it opened right at kind of the pre market highs and these ones are a little tough. I really like it when they pull back just a little bit so that I can buy it as it searches up for a break through this level. When it opens like right at this level or within like a couple cents of it, it just it makes it hard and so I hesitated on that and then next thing you know, boom it goes from 3 up to 320 and then it really doesn't pull back. it goes.

you know, right up here to 338. Then it does a sharp pullback hit a high of 338. it drops all the way to 287 actually going red versus the open price and then it rips back up to 38. So I got in right here I got in right there which was a looking back I mean that was a solid entry.

However, at the time that it took the entry, the problem for me was that it was so thickly traded that I just I didn't know if I could if I could really trust it and I got nervous for a second. So let me, um, let's see. let me pull up this trade here that was from here. All right.

So let me just zoom in on this real quick and I'll just really kind of break this down. Okay, so all right, yeah, so let's go here. Okay, so I'm gonna pause that for one second. All right? Um, okay, well that's fine.

So does it move this window? Okay, so this was the trade that I took this morning and I just I just jumped into it with 12,000 shares at 325. Alright, so in this video right here, you can see them in at 325 Twelve thousand shares and this is what the chart looked like at that moment. it had just dipped down here you know on this little wave and was surging back up and so I was like okay, you know this looks good, but when I take twelve thousand shares, I'm looking for almost immediate breakout. you know I Really? I'm not I can't afford to sit you know, up or down.

you know, 20 cents with that type of size and so I jump in it and we come up to 30 and I was expecting it to break right here I mean I was like this should break over 30 and now you see, we've got this kind of big stack of sellers of 27 and it's not breaking over 30. There's 28 26 now 22 and I'm like oh oh, you know I know at 12 thousand shares, it's not going to take much for me to be down 1200 bucks even 1,500 or 2,000 and I know on the 5-minute we've got. you know 1 2 3 topping tails, you know and this might be the third one her fourth one. So I'm nervous, comes back to 25 26 I'm like, all right back to 23 on the ass.

there's 30. Okay, but there's a 17,000 Shut the share seller there 28, 24, 22, 23 and if this thing breaks 20, it's gonna drop back down. most likely to 310 like that and I'll be down. you know, fifteen hundred dollars.
So now it comes up again. Twenty-seven Twenty-eight Twenty-nine twenty-eight buyers there. Twenty nine. And now you see a 20,000 share seller on NASDAQ a 13,000 share seller on edge.

Is it gonna break there? We go, it breaks, and so they're on that break. I put out in order to sell half and sell half. And you know, generally speaking for this type of trade, that was a good move. So it took out my profit there and you know I'm scalping into that breakout.

Alright, now on these types of setups. it certainly wouldn't be the first time you know. Looking here, back down to 25 and just for a second there came back down. Basically, you know to break even and now back to 28 29.

At this moment it looks like a false breakout. and when you get these types of false breakouts, they can flush back down, you know and they can go all the way back down to you know three well can go all the way back down to where it came from. So at that point I'm like okay, I'm out. Probably the right move to take that quick profit, right? 29, 30.

So you know it's just kind of a false breakout. So I'm like yeah, it's probably the right thing to do watching it. 40, 42 43 All right. Well maybe I sold a little too soon, but you know that's still you know, probably was the right move.

Okay, 48 49 and then here I'm like god dang, you know cuz now I'm like well Jesus is up 30 cents. Hmm, you know that would have been three thousand dollars of profit if I'd held it all right. Well back to 45. sorry I'm you know, maybe I still did the right thing you know I took my profit and yeah those you know that was that was probably okay.

It only hit 55 and then it pulled back down. it's you know, probably not gonna you know go that much higher. Anyways, this is extended I can't really get back in it up here. you know it's alright.

Ball back to 55 on the ask 55 you know? so it's kind of like hitting that level a little bit of a ceiling. you know, dropping back down 47 46. So you know this was sort of what it was doing. You know, popping up, pulling back, popping up, pulling back and you know of course what its gonna end up doing is breaking 3:55 and you know going up to 365 and 370 and it ends up hitting a high of like you know, well you know let's go back and see what the Hiya day is.

You know the high a day on this is for you know for 60 and you know telly. Hindsight is always 20/20 It's always easy to look back and think oh man. But here's the deal. Remember yesterday on Atos Atos I did a very similar trade and it popped up and it came all the way back down.

It gave back four thousand dollars of profit you know? I I just was like I'm not gonna do that again I'm gonna take my profit. it's Friday I'm gonna pay myself and you know I did end up getting back into SLN Oh way up here on. let's see it was right here. I Got back in because it was kind of doing something similar here, you know, sort of consolidating.
So I got back in here at twenty and I stopped out I got back in it for 20. stopped out at 4:04 eleven and it drops here all the way down to 374 and then it rips back up. So you know this was just kind of some frustrating stuff. Not the easiest to trade, but Green is good.

you know, $850 That's fine. I was a little more conservative the way I started the day on it, not jumping in right for the break of three and then you know that kind of poking behind the ball. volume is super high. it's more crowded, a little bit more whipping, tug-of-war short-sellers long traders battling it out and so not.

as you know, easy to trade on a one-minute chart. so you know that's SL n o our VP was a hide a momentum scanner alert I jumped into that one you can see here it squeezed up to a high of a dollar 20, pulled back did a five-minute break out here, up to a high of a dollar 34. it's still up 40% so that one was a small scalp 650 bucks and then CLR B was also a scalp off the hide. a momentum scanner in at 46 9,000 chair popping up here to a high of 65, dropping back down coming back up here which was nice.

back up to 60 and you know, whatever. Sold for basically 10 11 cents of profit a small women relatively speaking I Really wanted to see a break over 65 or if not, at least hold a good kind of pattern through this area for a flag, but it came right down. Now this is a Biosciences stock of course. SL N O is Biosciences B P th Biosciences Atos You know we're seeing a lot of these genetics, therapeutics, bioscience stocks with the last strengths, so I'm pretty quick to jump on ones that hit the scanner and look good.

CL RB is a former runner that we've traded in the past I saw PHAs hit the scanner and it's got a pre mark. It's got a high of 95 this one you know on the daily. Somewhat interesting, especially if it broke over 6. but it's not a former runner.

it's not one I'm really familiar with and so I didn't want to jump in it as quickly I kind of wanted to see. well, is it gonna hold up? is it gonna make a move higher and it didn't so it didn't give me any any entry. So anyways, you know, like I said, you know a a Green Day which is good. Finishing the week on the green note.

Seemed to have lost my pen for writing my calendar here, but like I'll get to it later. So it's the 49th day of the year for me, you know? Still maintaining pretty much that $3,000 per day average 6700 yesterday 3000 today Derick How do I scroll through the level to on Lightspeed You can't scroll through it, but you can open up the window to make it bigger I mean it might be possible in the settings to turn on scroll bars but I don't have them turned on and I'm not even sure if that's an option. so yeah, but yeah. so anyways, you know, just kind of building up the IRA account tax-free here.
so 124,000 today will go up to 126 thousand. but realistically, my biggest position today was well, 12,000 shares of SLN Oh at 325. So you know I mean it's like a $40,000 position. So I'm not using the majority of my of my buying power and not even close to it today.

But I can't take money out of this account until retirement age without you know taking a penalty on it. I could take money out and move it into like long-term investments because I don't think I would like I could buy like you know the SP five huh? SP Y ETF For instance, if I want to buy an ETF just Park the money there and be like yeah I'm just gonna Park it there for the next five years or ten years. but I don't want to log in every day and see that position. you know being up and down I think that's really gonna throw me off so I would be more inclined to certain points withdraw capital from this IRA and transfer it to a different IR a that I only look at like once a month.

You know if I'm really gonna put it away for a long term looking at it every day, it's gonna driving that so. and but in any case, the goal this year was to trade mostly in the IRA because it's tax-free gains and I've been doing that. Started the year with $29,000 and I'm up. you know, almost a hundred grand just this year.

so you know 300% growth just about in that in this IRA which is pretty awesome. So yeah, you know, gonna keep that going. My main account here 42,000 dollars lost like five grand in it earlier this month, you know? So and I haven't been trading in it since then, just mostly because I'm focusing on this account and focus trading on two accounts at the same time. It's kind of difficult, especially with my strategy, so that's fine.

I mean I've on the one hand, I'm like, yeah, I'd be nice to make back that 5,000 but on the other hand, I'm like, well, you know what's really the point of trying to trade in this account because I just have to pay income tax on it so I can short in this account but not a lot of shares available to borrow and so then that's why I my Centrepointe account but I haven't been using that one a whole lot either. Only made about eight hundred dollars in that account. this week. So anyways, Green Day here.

nice way to finish the week. You know we'll kind of rest up on the weekend say Paddy's Day this weekend which is exciting and then I will see you guys all back here on Monday morning around 9:00 9:15 for our pre market analysis. Hopefully this hot momentum we've been seeing continues. It hasn't maybe been the absolute easiest to trade when emotions are running as high as they've been running.

but you know, making money and staying green so that's what it's all about. All right Again, where your pro students really encourage you guys to attend: FOMO Friday at 3 p.m. with our in-house trading counselor Ted trading therapist and then mindful Monday Monday at 8:00 is at 8:00 a.m. or 8:30 I think it starts at 8:00 A.m.
Monday at 8:00 A.m. join Mindful Monday led by Ted So start the week and end the week by getting centered, getting grounded I'm gonna have a session with Ted Ted in about six minutes and we'll be talking about me losing. you know, fifty eight hundred dollars on Wednesday and then getting kind of emotional and you know going back and trying to be aggressive on you know Thursday made the money back but felt like I was being a little too aggressive. So you know these sessions are really good for for me and I know they're good for you guys inner circle students.

You get to book one-on-one sessions with Ted as well so make sure you guys take advantage of it. Alright everyone, enjoy the weekend. We'll be back at it first thing on Monday morning. If you're still watching, you must have really enjoyed that video.

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29 thoughts on “Luck of the irish ross’ trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ghost Peppered says:

    lol! I hope you do a costume like this Mar 2022. Leprechaun Ross found his pot of gold at the end of the bull flag rainbow.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kenzo Shibakariki says:

    Thanks for the live trading clip, wish those could be part of every recap!!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TJ Frass says:

    Ross which software do you use to screen record??

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Livc Bef says:

    Hi Ross, how are you? I'm very happy to see you happy for your winnings, you deserve it, cause you are a great person. In lightspeed, I would like to use the EMA but I don't know how to make it appears. Please what I need to do to get it?
    thank you

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tommy Nguyen says:

    I’ve started trading a few weeks ago and last week i was up5k starting with a $500 investment but lost 1k after a stock crashed just curious if i make too much on my broker how much would i get taxed and would my medicare be affected?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roger Roth says:

    As a Warrior student, I am so excited about the opportunity to become a successful Day Trader. Ross is amazing. Excellent customer service from your staff as well. This opportunity checks off everything on my wish list: High Income potential, early morning hours, trading less than an hour a day, the opportunity to work where I want, when I want and how much I want. No bosses, schedules, office politics, long commute times, getting ready for work, the potential to make 5 paychecks a week, trading in an IRA for retirement. Wow could I go on and on. Ross and the Team :my biggest honor would be to become so successful that I could trade in the Inner Circle with all of you in the next few years. Ross thank you for all your experience and for almost failing as a trader. Without that I would not have this opportunity. thanks again

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars codemanusa says:

    hello, what web sights can i find stock breaking news like insiders buying, positive/ negative news?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TradingMonkey says:

    always learn from your videos..Thanks!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthony Jr says:

    congrats on another GREEN DAY
    have a great weekend

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars O S says:

    St. Patrick did it again!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bud Pierce says:

    HI Ross,so Lightspeed shows the buyers and sellers? Plmk thx

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WideOpenChange says:

    The recorded replay with the level 2 thought process just took these recaps to the next level. Thank you!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Akeem Lavinier says:

    very helpful replay recap ross for those who can't yet afford the courses please keep on doing them

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gg Uy says:

    Hi ROSS,what you think about SRNE?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Owen Jeremy says:

    Where again do I put RAINBOW 30 ON THE MERCH section I'm on pay now but don't see where to put the code?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vaughan says:

    Love thr outfit you must really like your St pattys day

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PurposeTrader says:

    I’ve noticed small cap momentum drops during earnings season when traders shift their focus to earnings plays. It’s back!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gn Kris says:

    Made my first $50 with live trading SLNO. Following this channel daily for the past month. Very skilled and efficient trading , though starters need to stick to paper for some more days.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D H says:

    Ross, what do you use for a scanner? I have tried to update TOS platform but they only update saved queries every 4 minutes. Lots of lost money.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ncmaccini says:

    Great job Ross! I love the video replay of your trade! More recorded trade recaps would be appreciated! Happy Paddy Day!!!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim Elson says:

    Ross, I notice two order entry boxes at the bottom of your screen. Do these orders automatically execute or do you have to click the button and your volume and price are just pre set to save time?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ACFISHON says:

    Like always Ross ur killing it, by the way the outfit is halarious lmao Rock on Ross

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Houston Cranford says:

    Way to go Ross!!! I’m green today, practiced paper trading SLNO and ACHV going both long and short on both, riding the dips and bounces +2,148, too bad it’s only paper, but I’m still learning, what do you think will happen with Cronos and Altria?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sid C. says:

    I was watching $SLNO during premarket…right when it started moving…..had the strong urge to jump in but premarket is like a different beast for me

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joel T says:

    Had a tough day on SLNO. Couldn’t get in on first minute. Could have been a huge winner. Instead had to get 1 min ORB for small winner. Tried to get back in for break of 37 and would not break. Had to take a loss on that. Later took a winner on 1 min pullback over 77. Small winner again. Sold too quick. Finished down 230 on the day. Firm believer that platform makes a huger difference and TOS is not suitable to day trade!!!!!!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D A Rangel says:

    Nice win for the weekend!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Owen Jeremy says:

    I bought achv sold 500 shares at 4.08 made $$$ on slno green day as well. Enjoy the weekend all

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Relentless24x7 says:

    I made $501 this week! Slow and steady baby!

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tonio Moon says:

    Hi Ross,
    I loved this replay you showed. Very useful, hopefully, you'll show some more in the future!

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