Lordstown Motors Executives Insider Trading
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I have no position in RIDE as of the making of this video.
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Hey this is tom and we have a breaking news story developing right this. Second, you absolutely have to hear about this in this video i'll share with you, the story and i'll. Tell you what i think happens next, because this is earth shattering. This is insane so lorcel motors executive sold stock ahead of reporting results and before troubles came to light now.

The reason that this thing is insane is because it seems, according to the wall street journal, that the executives of wall street somehow made things even worse than they were just a day ago. I don't know how they managed to do it, but it seems to be the case so, according to this article, they sold shares in the open market before people knew about the shenanigans and all these issues with steve burns and all of this bad stuff that came Out so what we're going to do in this video is first of all, read the article, understand the circumstance and then i'll, explain to you what i think happens next, because this is about to go ballistic check this out. So, according to the article, several top executives at lord sun motors corporation sold off chunks chunks of stock in the electric truck startup ahead of reporting financial results. According to regulatory filing disclosing the transactions securities, lawyers and accountants, say such trades raise questions about the company's internal controls, especially in light of its recent troubles.

Now i think it's way more than that, if that is factually correct, if people sold off chunks of stock before that information became public, that is actually illegal. It's not about internal controls. It's about violating the law, because in this country we have a law called the securities exchange act of 1934 and in that law we have section 10 called manipulative and deceptive devices and if you scroll down to rule 10 5b-1 trading on the basis of material non-public Information in insider trading cases states, the manipulative and deceptive devices definition which is prohibited by law includes when you trade on the basis of material, non-public information, and i want you to take a look at the definition of on the basis of it - means that it has To be material, non-public information about that security or issuer, if the person making the purchase or sale was aware of the material non-public information when the person made the purchase or sale. The idea here is that if this information was material enough, that any reasonable purchaser or seller of the stock needed to know before making their decision - and they did not have this information, while somebody from the inside of the company had that information and acted upon it - Is a clear violation of rule 10 b again, if this is factually correct, i don't know yet, but according to the wall street journal, if this is in fact what happened, factually rule 10 b was violated means an sec.

Investigation means a doj. Investigation means a ton of lawsuits class action lawsuits, it's about to be barrage of lawsuits and investigations upon lord sound, but let's keep reading the article even more in all five top executives, including the company's president and its former chief financial officer, sold more than eight million Dollars in stock over three days in early february, according to the filings, that's a lot of shares by people from inside the company who knew things are about to hit the shen. If you know what things you understand, but it's not good. It's smelly and it's not pleasant and trust me it's about to get even worse, because what you're about to see right now is a red flag.
If i've seen one one of its executives, chuan jong-woo, who oversees lords and mother's propulsion division sold almost all of his equity 99.3 sold on february, 2nd leaving him with 700 shares. President rich schmidt, a former testlink manufacturing executive who joined the company in 2019, sold 39 percent of invested equity over two days. Three other executives, including lordsville motors former finance chief, who resigned last week, sold small holdings around the same time in february with transactions ranging between roughly 250 000 to 400 000 in value now check this out. Four of the five executives declined to comment through a lordson motors spokesman and check this out.

Securities, lawyers, accountants and analysts say such transactions are highly unusual when you say highly unusual, that's kind of a washed language from what they're really thinking. When a lawyer says highly unusual, you have to know what they mean, particularly because they occurred during a period where many other publicly traded companies bar executive from selling shares. Of course, we wouldn't expect insiders to typically sell at that time in the quarter. Of course, that's just before the freaking filings at best it suggests the company has weak internal controls over trading of their officers, said daniel taylor, an accounting professor, who runs the forensics analyst lab at the university of pennsylvania.

Again, that's code when he says at best it shows poor judgments and poor management. You know what it means and look at this. The company's practices have drawn the attention of the securities and exchange commission, which has issued two subpoenas already now. I think they're gon na have another chat with lordstart about these things as well, and this is really damning.

In my opinion, the early february trades by the five executives all occurred when the stock was trading at 24 per share. It's currently at 10.. So you know they cashed out on the peak. Similarly, they were executed, as news was beginning to spread that a prototype of its first electric truck model caught fire 10 minutes into road test in may now.

This is really important. That sounds like nerd talk, but if you've been watching my alex harp videos, this is the real smoking gun, because here they're, saying lords and motors filings, don't indicate don't indicate that these were pre-scheduled sales. You can pre-schedule. Sales like alex carp is doing with palantir.
I showed you the mechanism these, according to this article, seem to be not pre-scheduled, which is another red flag and look at this wharton's. Mr taylor pointed to the grouping of the stock trades which were executed by multiple executives around the same time. Now, what essentially is saying here: hey, it's, okay, sometimes they need to cash out. They want to buy a house, they want to buy a new car.

I mean they're humans, but when you have five of them at the same time selling so much stock, it's fishy! That's the same thing, i'm saying, but i'm saying that if it's factually true somebody from the sec or the doj needs to give these guys a call and basically call them up for an investigation, because this is like and just to recap what we have here. According to the wall, street journal is five executives who sold a lot of stock in february when the share price was 24. Before the financials came out before the shenanigans came out before burns in the cfo got fired, resigned whatever at 24. When now, the stock are 10 essentially raising the suspicion, according to the wall street journal, that these were trades based on non-publicly, available information by insiders and, what's going to happen, next is you're going to have an sec investigation.

If there's one already, it's going to expand a doj investigation and you have all these class action lawyers who are basically going like this right now, because these guys move fast, i'm assuming they've already filed because they're super fast and of course, before we sign out, we Do have to clarify that these are all allegations being brought up by this wall street journal article. We still don't know if it's true or not. What's the facts or circumstances we're just talking hypothetically and i'm just sharing my opinion, which might be inaccurate, might be completely wrong, might be the ramblings of a madman. You still got ta, do your own research and find it for yourself, as always a huge shout out for the channel members and the patrons you guys are amazing.

We'll see you guys next video, you.

By Stock Chat

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28 thoughts on “Lordstown motors executives insider trading”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shafia Ahmad says:

    So you cover this but not Lordstown week..right..your videos are FUD all over.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shira Brown says:

    Venturing into the trading world without the help of a professional trader and expecting profit is like turning water into wine you would need a miracle, thats why i trade with Mrs sliver Alex, her skills set is exceptional.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chekeg iceman says:

    F u Tom. The man needed the money to invest in a turkey farm. What is your fu%}<*g problem. Why donโ€™t you cover the good news about the company?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars john duderstadt says:

    Go watch the new video Lordstown just put outโ€ฆ itโ€™s Lordstown motors week!!! Free hotdogs and rides in the new Edurance

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blue Sun Productions says:

    I was insider on public company and had knowledge that wasnโ€™t public. We couldnโ€™t sell any shares anytime there was a sniff of something that would be insider trading. I once was barred from selling for 18 months. These guys need to go to jail but doubt anything will happen to them

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ronnie says:

    What the heck. The whole comment section is spamed by scamers. That's disgusting

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Tsai says:

    They all better get jail time and heavy fines for classic insider trading.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dong Chang says:

    That was back in Feb though, you see what s going on now on Ohio? Lordstown? Please check it out first man !

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JP Sav says:

    "Breaking story" proceeds to talk about insider selling that has been public information for 4 months.

    Tom, those shares were sold during the euphoric EV mania.

    They didn't dump stocks before "bad news", there was (and continues to be) no bad news.

    Newsflash they are on track for September production and the Hindenburg report has been debunked. (Including the truck fire)

    The debacle on pre-orders being "non-binding".. tell me Tom, how many binding orders does Tesla have for the Cyber truck.. or Ford have for the lightning?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom DELONGE says:

    This video is a JOKE!!! Lazy lazy video my Slavic brother. I'm really loosing respect for your videos. Very quickly might I add. $8M sold by insiders 4 months ago when the company market cap was near $5B. Um, that's pennies, who cares. You are completely wrong about 90% of the BS you constantly say about this company. Oooh, you read an article from WSJ, and that's your source. They're crooks at that paper. Bro, that's embarrassing. Like have you even stated one fact in the dozen videos you put out bashing this company. You really need to put out an apology video (to all the retail investors who panic sold after your lazy videos), when they start production later this year, and trust me, they will start production this year (I don't care if it's 100 cars). I'm gladly using this opportunity to get more shares, but others, unfortunately lost a lot of money cause of your speculation and honestly just blatant hate on this company. Peace.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wade Young Sr. says:

    Small potatoes Tom,
    " Nikola granted โ€˜performanceโ€™ awards valued at $567 million to executives last year"


  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! jonpaul pezzo says:

    I would love for you to do a video on $trch and what is happening with that since itโ€™s a good education experience for new traders such as myself

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars goboats says:

    awesome find Tom this inside information manipulation and why Martha Stewart landed in jail

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Johnson says:

    Youโ€™re starting to sound like CNN, doing videos with info you donโ€™t even know is fact

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Utahskiing1 says:

    Bro thatโ€™s no smoking gun, it looks like a hypothetical flaming prototype! (Allegedly)

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ralph Castro says:

    Tom "No BS" Nash putting all the dirtbags on notice and I love it!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg Johnson says:

    Whatโ€™s going to happen? Nothing. The same thing that happens when the corrupt politicians get caught up in a scandal. They call for a โ€˜special counselโ€™ that gets investigated for 2 years. The Doj is as corrupt as the rest of the government. Likely getting kick backs to look the other way. Nothing new here.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mighty Tiny says:

    Has their account been frozen yet? Mine get frozen when I receive 15 euro regularly for buying bread for co-workers, with the reason "suspicion of fraud".

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raรบl Alejandro says:

    Great video as always Tom! I was wondering, could you do a video on WISH? It has been traded as a meme stock right now but I really think there could be more to it, thanks a lot for everything!! Keep it up!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cody Robinson says:

    Why didnโ€™t Lordstown Motors just finish building the Nikola Badger instead? Wouldโ€™ve made for a great story title.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lucas Luiz says:

    Iโ€™m so happy โ˜บ๏ธ I have been earning $18,000 returns from my $6,000 Investment every 13 days.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Loy says:

    SEC: "We really need to crackdown on Elon's twitter"
    Also SEC: averts gaze from NKLA and RIDE

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kay C says:

    I swing traded this company, but would not hold it past 24 hours. Too risky to own for the long term.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Turning Point says:

    As a EV Fan Boy this makes me sad. It's slowing down the adoption of EV's and thats part of making a better world.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ninjastormy says:

    Finally! I can click on this video now that the "awaiting a phallus" clickbait face has been removed from the thumbnail!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ATXShockrNRocker says:

    What do you think abour Torchlight Energy and the short squeeze? What about the special dividend being paid out this week?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lucky Luke says:

    If this doesnโ€™t violate SEC regulations idk what does.

    Also, To think GM partnered up with companies like Lordstown and Nikola tells me GM ainโ€™t got Jack Squad in their hands. All hypes!!

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Karl says:

    Insiders started selling right after RIDE went public. President Schmidt has already sold over 200k shares so far this year, in addition to what he sold last year. The CEO who abruptly resigned following an internal investigation took with him 46.5 million shares. And they had a 'going statement' in the the 10-K filed for the quarter ended December 31st saying they were cutting back on spending to conserve cash three months after going public, and there was doubt they would make it until December 31, 2021…

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