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What's going on guys welcome back to the channel thanks again for tuning in we're doing something kind of special today really really not that crazy um, but we are going to be streaming to youtube today for our trading session, so cheers to that cheers to that. So thanks again for tuning in um, give me a second i need to send out. I need to send out a link here perfect good morning good morning from buffalo. Andrea can't really say that right but andrew yibby good morning, good morning, sir, all right, okay, awesome, good stuff.

I guess i really could move this a little over there perfect all right. So let me know uh how the sound is. I could be a little echoey. I apologize you can see it's this wood desk that i'm working on normally makes the microphone a little echoey, probably going to get a big pad to lay down so that it goes away what's up good morning.

Amc bottom of the ocean good morning good morning, good morning, uh good morning from la happy to have you so that is primarily or those are primarily the stocks. We're going to follow. We're going to take a look at amc, we'll watch gamestop for those of you that regularly tune into the channel you'll know that i've been extremely bearish on gamestop. So realistically, this move has been against what i wanted to happen.

Um, if you do remember from yesterday's video when we were live, we did suggest. I was saying that i personally want to see gamestop go down overall, but it does look like we're going to be going up for the time being and our price target that we suggested if it was going to be a bigger move, would probably be up closer To the 190 price, we only hit 180 yesterday um, so nonetheless, we've pretty much been short game. Stop, since here, overall, we shorted. Let me zoom this in sorry.

This is probably a little strenuous on the eyes, so we'll go to a daily chart and we pretty much were short game. Stop here covered on this drop shorter game. Stop here cover that drop. I think we shorted somewhere in here and then lost sorted again covered into this drop and then shorted once more on this red day and actually covered on uh yesterday's day before it broke up too much more so pretty much been shorting.

This whole move down, and this was the last move that we shorted that didn't quite work and we were covering into so congratulations to the apes and everybody on amc and gamestop. You deserve it. That was awesome. So we've seen these two stocks having some pretty pretty good long plays over uh over the last couple days, so we'll keep watching them we'll see if this market can continue to pump.

For me, if gamestop is going to continue long on the day, i wouldn't expect it to go much higher than uh 191.. So if this really does rip up today, the final price target i would have at least on the day or a logical target um would probably be somewhere at the 190s and that's off the four hour chart. Let me just double check the daily daily charts kind of the same thing so yeah. If, if gamestop is going for the old ripper magoo this morning, then we're probably only going to be looking for uh, probably a price target of 190..
Now, when we go over and look at amc, amc is set up slightly different. It was really amc that probably caused gamestop to move as well. They move in sympathy and amc started to give us long bias trading uh before gamestop for the most part. So amc is a big proponent as to why we started uh started to run this morning.

So amc slightly confusing to me when i look at it in and the reason is, is because we have resistance at 14.95 which we actually broke briefly. I think we hit up in the 15., so let me just do a little analysis here. So yesterday pre-market the recommendation was you'll only see uh amc. You know rip long once it successfully crossed through this yellow trend line.

So if we kind of take a look at this and we we, we look at that yellow trend line coming into play around 14 and 13 cents. Okay, so we'll look at now say a five day chart. Well, no, we can look at the one day, one minute because that'll cover yesterday all right. So you see this and - and you know what give me two seconds - this is gon na make everyone's life ten times better.

Even mine, so give me like 10 seconds. Don't need to do that. Dude need to do that and that's screen one perfect, i'm literally opening up a zoom meeting, so i can use these cool drawing tools to explain everything. Okay, now we'll go back to the four hour chart again, so this yellow line.

I use this red line as a reference point so that when i go to the one minute chart, i know where that yellow line would be at and so you'll see yesterday all right, and so this is that line. I was talking about right there, which is a resistance mark of like fourteen dollars and fourteen cents. Okay, so yesterday the way the market traded on amc was pre-market into the open it pushed up into the four-hour long-term trend. That was what we were just showing you.

Okay, uh window to the bottom, left the lower indicators in the bottom right as a possible move you're one of the bottom left. It blocks the indicators and yeah. I guess that makes more sense right, because you need to see that so give me one. Second, i can do that boom.

I have to move two things so give me a second all right. Oh that kind of looks a little goofy and maybe let's shrink that down a little bit more that'll work. It's all! It's all gravy, oh i can just no. We don't want to do that because a little jack, oh did.

I mess up the sizing of it. I did just do that, but you know what we can do. We can outsmart that. Oh look at that.

Look at that almost perfect, all right! So uh. Where was i okay, so, with amc you'll see this red line here that was uh the four hour four hour uh trend line that we're just showing you. So if we zoom in you're going to see that yesterday i mean we held resistance here pretty well. That was our first trade on the day yesterday.
Was it an amc long? I think it was yeah. I think yesterday we only did like two very small trades, but the first trade we did was pretty much just a quick long on amc from like here up to this point and we sold because we knew that was probably going to be resistance. And so it ended up pulling back going back up to retest it. You can see it had a harsh sell-off.

That's because this was a big resistance point, but throughout the day you can see that the market was able to progress back up to there reject dropped and we progressed back up finally got through held over and then that's what forced the squeeze okay. So let me let me go back okay, real quickly. Here's the four hour charting time frame, all right. The market had run all the way up to it.

Sold off came back up to it the other day, and i think we shorted that market. I can't i can't no was that maybe i wasn't around that day. I don't think i was, but we rejected here and we pulled back up and we finally crossed through. So when we go look at that one minute chart, you know, and you really think about what happened over the course of the day the market opened up, it hit resistance, came back over hit resistance, again pulled back and then, throughout the day it just slowly got Bought up until it was able to get through that resistance, okay and people were shorting here.

Okay, people were definitely shorting here all right, because it's a long-term resistance level. So you know that, as we crept through the price after hours, it made a little flag pattern here and that's where the short sellers said: okay, it's time to get out because we tried shorting, we tried keeping it down. We've grinded back up all day, we've gotten through the long term resistance mark and the market is holding above it in a bull flag, so they all end up squeezing out and that's what causes the run now, let me show you where the run went to so Typically um, let me just double check to make sure i'm right so 1490, okay! So yesterday, if i were trading, this move right. If i had caught this move or if i bought this dip or traded that bull flag and it started to break out, the next price target i would have picked for myself would have been here to 14.90.

So i pretty much would have picked 15 as a target. I probably wouldn't have gone for fifteen eighty and the reason why is this level here would be the next long-term resistance mark. So again, if i go back to the daily chart, you'll see that that green line uh - i zoomed in too far. Excuse me so yeah you see here that green line comes into play up at uh 14.90 right, so that would have been my next target.

So it would say we trade up and we broke out of the four-hour chart. I think or was that the daily? I think it was a four yeah. It was a four hour, so we break out of the four-hour chart here and we would go up to the next target, which is the one year. One day.
Sorry, that's pretty shitty one year, one day long-term trend, so the fact that they broke through was pretty awesome. They forced another move, so in reality, right now, today the market is sitting right on a resistance. Well, it was, let me explain, it was resistance till we broke through then we held pushed back over now. The market is retraced back down, because this is theoretically overbought, so the markets have retraced back down to what was the resistance which we broke out and now it's trying to hold it as a support.

You can see that right we broke here dipped held pushed. Then we faded back down to where right to that line, bounce trying to hold okay, it's trying to hold around here. So the question is whether whether or not it's going to be successful at holding, i don't really care to be short, biased this, because we just squeezed so strong, so i'm still slightly on the long side. One of the potential thoughts was it could pull all the way back down to about 14 13 and maybe try to bounce.

So that's one play that i was considering is we do actually pull all the way down to 1410 and then we end up bouncing, but for right now all we're looking for on amc is really direction through or around this 15 to 14.96 price. Okay, um uh yeah so kind of want to try to fix this little stream window again because it is kind of kind of jacked up now. So what i could do is, i think it's in here i got ta go scale, fill no transform! That's what i have to do, edit the transform that would be position rotation size. No, not that one there we go! That's what i need one sec, just readjusting this yeah this way i don't end up cutting my head off in the stream and needs a little more okay, that's better good enough! Okay, awesome um didn't mean to be a problem: child things for the people's traders.

All right awesome so again appreciate you guys tuning in uh, the 197 of you make sure you go and uh lick the thumbs up button or tickle it whatever makes you feel more comfortable, but it greatly helps uh the stream very much. I would appreciate that now we'll take a look at we'll. Take a look at gamestop here in a second, but first i want to take a look at. I think it's gevo someone mentioned uh where'd.

You go yes gebo there. You are mr varga all right. G-E-V-O g-e-v-o, it's been a while, since i've seen this stock um, let's see um, so it is on a long move. That's the good news.

You've come back up to previous price action levels, so i would imagine this is a guess. I don't know because i haven't yet did the analysis, but i'm going to go on a whim here and say: there's a good chance that there's a resistance point in this. Like 750 price. I really have no idea, i'm just guessing, but let's see look at that.
Let's zoom in zoom in zoom in you see that dotted trend line that comes into play right after actually the 50-day moving average as well. So it's not 750, it's 720.. So there is well for simple terms: there's a small resistance trend in at seven dollars and 20 cents with gevo. What i'm doing right now is just color coding, the trend line so that i know what it is when i go to the one minute chart.

But that's it so you have a resistance trend that comes into 719. So that's actually probably the reason you've seen gevo gap up to about 716 and then stop is because there is a long term. Half deviation price that comes into play at 7. 16..

So if you're gon na see gevo with more explosive bullish movement, this would be a pre-market high breakout play okay, so you always see people make videos and you you've seen videos and strategies of trading the uh. Excuse me the pre-market you, like my hair. It's all crazy right now, uh anyways, so you've seen the videos of the pre-market, high, breakouts, okay and there's been situations where myself you've done it. It doesn't work you're like oh, i played the pre-migrate breakout and i just got slapped what the you know.

So there's situations where the pre-market high breakout works and it doesn't work. Okay and whether or not it works or it doesn't. Work is another story, but i can just tell that, based on the way that this analysis is going, the reason that gevo stopped pre-market at 7 16 was because of a long-term resistance mark. Okay, so really for more movement.

You have to make it through that long-term trend for this price to go higher. So for me it's this. This would be a pre-market high breakout play for continuation. That's probably the only thing that i would try to do with it is.

Is myself okay? It doesn't look like it's a dip. Well, it could be. Let me just double check. If it's a dip long play, i mean that's the thing if this were to be, if this is a dip, then along your dip, long price, at least myself.

The way that i do my trading analysis, it would be all the way down to 6.29, which seems like that's not gon na happen it. It could, but you'd have to go all the way down to 619, and i just don't really see that. That being the case here with gevo, so i wouldn't really try. I i'm not assuming that's gon na happen, okay, but if we're gon na keep breaking out, you need to get through that long-term trend there.

You can see. I just highlighted okay um, so btu yeah. We can talk about btu, btu was a stock yesterday. That was first mentioned by a member in our premium chat room.

I didn't actually trade. This uh i wanted to. I was waiting. Let me explain yesterday, member in our chat room lets us know of btu.

It's running up, it looks good. I said it still looks bullish, but we have to wait for a dip to buy it. It goes through a dip. While we go through this dip.
I think i was trading tesla and then i missed the entry on that bull flag, and so then, by the time i gotten back around to it, it was somewhere around here and at that point i said that i don't want to trade it anymore, because i Know i miss the really good entry. That's normally the way i trade. If i miss the perfect entry, i normally say whatever. I don't even care about it, even if it goes for another mile.

It's just kind of a it's just a way of me. Drilling into myself that, if you know you're not in on the ideal entry point, then you just kind of let it go and that's helped me. You know in many instances, but regardless um our price target yesterday for btu, i think, was 8 30. At one point, i think we had a projection at 8 30 when it was down here we mentioned it could go all the way to 8 30 and end up hitting 910 um.

So this ended up going a little further than i thought it would um. Now let me just double check so look at the look at the charting time frame. So yesterday this uh yesterday, this blue line was our target. Yesterday that blue line was priced at eight dollars and like 37 it was like 8.40.

Actually, it was like 8.37. So yesterday market opens blah blah blah 10. You know 10 30ish, 10, whatever 10-10, that blue line was priced at about 8.37. So that's where we had come up with the price target of 837 on the day for the stock, so you can see it ended up going up to the blue line traded a little over, but we're starting our pullback.

So, generally speaking, this is normally where a stock is going to get ready to reverse, because it has gone essentially all the way up to the top of the channel, and that's normally, where you're gon na see some resistance. I will mention this stock is definitely strong. So i don't think we're gon na get a big sell-off here, as opposed to when we have extreme volatility, because if you look at the stock and you and you take, you know you take in the progression. Look at this move right.

It bottoms, you know, kind of breaks up a little bit bull flags. A little bit holds a pull back, grinds up, bigger pullback comes right back up and then it just kind of stair steps up for a while. That's when something's pretty strong you'll see that it didn't just go up right. It grind it up when stocks grind up like that, they're less likely to have a very aggressive sell-off, they're, just less likely, because big excuse me big sell-offs that are pretty wild.

They come from volatility right, so if there's no volatility in the market, then it's there's almost no reason for it to pull back really harsh. So you know it's all about having kind of your your expectations in line with the market. So if this was a situation where btu started yesterday at 265 ripped all the way to nine, then we could expect a big kind of pullback. But since it started at two like months ago and made it all the way up to nine after the course of one two, you know like two months: that's not you know the volatility isn't too insane there, so not expecting a gigantic pullback, but i was thinking We were gon na see sort of some hesitation around uh this price point.
So let me just double check. It's boom right there yeah! So for this to move higher, you need the market on btu to come back up and control. The 8.70 price point on btu. Okay yeah, so i think that you know i think, btu strong.

I don't think it's just gon na crap out right away, um. If your entry is 850, that's not bad, but realistically resistance is 869. So a retest of resistance would put you red. So it's not like your entry short is so good that even a retest excuse me, a retest of the resistance would keep you in the green it wouldn't so, for example, this isn't a picture-perfect world.

Sometimes trades are like this, but ideally if you were short on btu right now right so, let's zoom in if you were short on btu right now, the ideal price and entry for you to have would be in this yellow box. Okay, because everything below that that blue line is, is gon na be money in your pocket. Okay, that's why right if your entry was from 910 down to the 870, and so your entries up here, you're already in the profit and if the market were to come back up on btu just to test resistance, you'd still be in the green, so that that Way, you know, even if it breaks a little bit, you might still be green and you have a small loss, so the ideal right now would be to be short with an entry above you know, uh excuse me 870 on btu, which which was not easy to Do because of the way that it traded yesterday, um so yeah we'll see i'm not crazy about a short on it. You know myself, that is so.

The strategy is both uh. Excuse me, it's it's! It's pretty much everything if you ask me so the strategy i use, there's counter trend trading, reversal trading involved with it breakout, trading, um and so on. That's that's pretty much it so this my strategy will work for finding tops reversals, breakout points, um literally everything at least. I think right.

I mean, of course, nothing's totally perfect, but for me this works fantastic on finding projected moves intraday. So i know how much a stock can move. You know, get an idea for it. So that's the other thing right so, like yesterday, when btu was trading down here i was like yeah.

We could see eight dollars and thirty cents right. So it's like, you know: how are you going from down here in a bull flag and go yeah? It's going to move 8 30 to 8 30. granted it moved to 9 10. So i was off, but it made its move to 8 30.

um or, for example, you know like yesterday on amc. You know how did we know to just only be long from here up to that price to start the day? Think about it too, right like if, if you looked at it um hold on you know, a lot of people would would go like this right, like we were long from here to just here. People like oh well, yeah. There was a previous resistance.
So that's why you should sell out there like true, that's exactly why, because the price stopped here before, but the reason the price stopped at these prices before was because of that trend line, so so we're playing off the trend um, whereas you know a lot of Other people are pr playing off price action, so we're playing off the ideal trend line where i think a lot of people are just looking at the actual price uh we're playing on the trend. So that's the kind of the bigger difference. I guess you could argue all right what time is it 8. 40.

Very nice, very nice give it the old like button a little schlapperman. People are just calling out numbers. That's all all right! So we'll take a look at viac sure. Why not? Why hmm? So you know i'm sorry if my charts look confusing to you guys.

I know there can be a lot of things on there, but you know it's really not that confusing um, so it looks like. Obviously the price is just doing this. It's just going back and forth, so this is currently a sideways market. This is actually where my strategy can work pretty well um, this yeah, so so believe it or not.

The strategy i have too works pretty damn well in a sideways market, but you have to recognize you're in a sideways market. The sooner you realize you're in a sideways market, the easier it is to to take advantage of it. But if you don't realize you're in a sideways market until the consolidation is about to end, then you could put yourself into a trade that doesn't work because the trend shifting. So let me explain: it appears that, for like the last couple days, we've been trading pretty much in a range from like 40s 41s to 38s.

If we were to go back and look at just just yesterday's chart the one day, one minute that might help us, maybe let me look at the other charting time frame, so this yeah it's kind of kind of good, so yeah. This doesn't work, though, because the time's already passed. I can't explain it without. I can't show you what i'm trying to explain, because it's already happened, yeah, never mind.

Well, i guess i could but anyways i'll, just explain it really quickly. Yeah, when you find yourself in a sideways market like this a lot of times, the stocks will be trading um, just back and forth off of intraday deviation. So a lot of times we'll go for a long-term trend when a market's just sideways a lot of times. They're, just basically ping-ponging back and forth on intraday deviation levels but anyways that might be a little confusing to go over for the time being, all right, so viac um pretty much slight downtrend trading to the side.

I'm not really crazy about it. So and the reason i say that is because if you look at the way viac was trading before it went on this crazy run, it pretty much traded, pretty slow, pretty grindy pretty sideways, so i think viac could be a reasonable long-term buy as long as you're. Okay with it not doing a lot for a long time, that's what i mean if you look at the price here went from 26 to 38, so almost 10 dollars up over the course of like one two, three four five months, so you know you'd be waiting A quarter of the year for 10 growth, potentially so i just don't see it reversing and ripping right away. So i just think it's somewhere where, if you buy in and what have you, your capital capital might be tied up for a little bit.
I just don't. Yeah, it is we've already seen it and that's the other thing too right. Look at the volatility smackdown, no good bounce back, just kind of grind it out when it does that it's going to take longer to recover. Typically, so you see what's happening to amc as it can't hold that support.

Remember we talked about uh pre-market, how it needed to hold that support, or else it was gon na fade out and then remember how we suggested. If it's really pulling back a lot, we might suggest it goes down to the 1410 and that's where our counter trend bounce is going to be so watch that don't forget about that, because if that happens, you know the rest of you, people in the stream that Haven't liked it you're going to like it after that and you're going to like it so much you're gon na you're gon na tickle the thumbs up button like you've, never tickled anything before. Okay, you're gon na you're gon na you're gon na go pluck a feather from a bird outside literally you're gon na catch, a bird with your bare hands. You're gon na pluck a feather and you're gon na come back inside and that's what you're going to use to tickle the like button.

Okay, you know it's true, you know it's true, so anyways. If that happens, that would be spectacular. There's still a lot of ways to go before that happens, we'll see, i didn't actually think it was gon na happen, because that would be a pretty far decrease this morning and you would have to go through the gap fill which you guys probably don't know exists Until i show you so the gap fill is right here, this yellow line. Well, it's actually those two gray lines.

You see that that gray line that gray line that signifies the intraday gap for amc. So, in order to go down to my price target here, we would have to fill this gap and actually go through it. But if we go down to here, i think i'm gon na go for a long two. So if we drop out to uh amc, all the way down here i'll take a long play for a reversal long and the reason i'll do.

That is because the market on amc look at this. Look at this, i'm zooming in you see it's pulling back. The market would be pulling back to that trend line, which was the breakout right, so we broke over coming back down, you'd be retesting that breakout on a longer term scale. So if so, if the apes, the game, the game stop ripper magoos, they want to keep this market running just in general.
In the immediate they better buck up and bring some money to the table and start buying today, around 14 13.. That's what they have to do if they want to keep the move going uh in the immediate okay. I don't care if you got to run over to your grandma's house, tell her you're in a pinch, and you need some money. Okay, grandma's always willing to help.

You out and she'll probably send you on your way with some leftovers: okay, grandma's, cooking and some money. All right got ta bring up the trade window; okay, so amc starting to just dingle barry on down. I took a hundred shares long amc starting a little early in case something random happens and the stock does end up, jumping up um so hold on. Let's just get up there boom there we go so added 100.

Long still would like to see it come down to 14, 14, 14, 10 or so um, but ideally this again, this is going for like a reversal long, something like that. Okay, that's that's! Ideally, what it is not trying to get this to run all the way back up on the day for now, but it would just be a small reversal, long play so right now it's just a hundred shares which isn't much. I want to see it down further to 14 uh 13, though 1410, or something like that. What do you guys think about this widow's peak huh check this out sick right, sick now, you know why i wear a hat.

No i'm just kidding, i mean i made 13 bucks. I obviously wanted a bigger position, but you know that is what it is, but do i really trust it to fully bottom here. Should i just take that and be meh? I mean whatever it's only 100 shares like that's the situation. This is where the psychology comes in right.

It's like! Oh, you already made 15 bucks, but you didn't actually hit the price target you wanted. So is it really the reversal here or you're just going to swing back lower where you could just take 15? Let it swing back, buy it again. You know what i think. I might consider that.

Let me just read the price action for a second. You can also see we stopped intraday on the half deviation price point too, so we never went to the long term chart. We did fill the intraday gap, but we also held an intraday half deviation and if i zoom in a little bit, if i can do my job correctly here, you'll see that our ultimate volume system shows that the selling has decreased and we flipped all the buying. In this pullback so far now it's kind of debatable.

Ah there's a lot of sellers that came back in on that guy. So that's making me a little slightly questionable so again, like i said i wanted the further price target down, but you know it is what it is. Sometimes that's where i would have taken a bigger position. I started 100 shares here because i thought we would still decrease down.

So as we went down, i was going to size into the support and then try to reverse the market, but so far we've kind of already done that a little bit now. If this does go for another move, which is through 1450, if it breaks 1450, then i would maybe look for another 10 cents up to 14.60, which is that yellow trend line there. You see that guy bam that so there we go through and i'm gon na get ready to sell all right. Just close my hundred shares as we tag you see, you see that wait, i'm zooming in i'm, looking like an idiot, give me a second give me a second zoom in you see how that candle went up to that trend line almost perfectly.
It was actually off by about a penny, maybe two, but that would be the target in that reversal trend. So that's like a picture-perfect intraday bounce back to intraday trend. So if this market's going to continue bearish, it would do it off off that trend, and now maybe we will swing us lower to the 1410 would be kind of the who knows. I don't know.

I have no clue what the i'm doing. I've never done this before hold on there's so many comments. I can't even read them anymore. Um hold on i'm like connor.

Has a bang. Let's see, titty slap, the like button, wow, that's aggressive, that's very aggressive, but i like it. I can't say i don't can't say i don't the drawing tools. This is the famous question.

I always get on youtube. What are those drawing tools you use? They actually they're from a zoom meeting. So literally, this is my zoom account, and this is just like my random account that i use for random stuff. So i always start a meeting and then share this share my screen so that i can use these drawing tools from zoom.

I don't know they just seem to be like some of the easiest to use, and i don't know i like them and probably just a little stuck in my ways: okay, okay! So we're looking at the good old amc, oh hold on! There's the stock. That's hit! The scanner, the hyatt a scanner for the first time and like oh no, it could have been such a good play. What do i do? What do i do we'll just gon na have to pop it up over here kind of miss that one because oh see but um yeah, all right yeah that could have been a freaking depending on it all really depends. Did it go to 517 462 180 days? So this one's kind of random, this didn't really that would have been hard to gauge come on lego, see everything, looks all calm and cool right now in thinkorswim.

You just wait. You just wait, ladies and gentlemen, when the market opens, this is gon na the bed. All right so amc is coming back down and arguably we're getting to closer to that support area that i was talking about um. Can you even get shares to shorten no okay? Well, then, that makes life really easy.

Now i don't have to worry about it. So we'll just pop that back over to emc all righty, let's give her so you can see. The price of amc is very close to that trend. Okay, so we got.
Maybe another was that 1428, so maybe was at 18 cents yeah about 18 cents down 10 cents down. I think we're gon na be trying to reverse the market, we'll see - or at least just do a bounce right, pre-market, agn's, easy to borrow on think or swim. Really. No wow! That's a oh! Oh! No wonder why! Because it's easy to borrow you idiot all right! So we're pretty close there on amc.

You can see if we zoom in a little bit here. We haven't really shifted buying volume yet, and this is also a kind of a strong downtrend, so i'm a little bit more hesitant right now. I want to see it. I still want to see it lower started, adding some long to amc there.

So added about 300 shares. So far we still didn't really tag. We're kind of close. Let me just double check the daily chart, see if there's something else here that i'm missing so that was 14.93.

I mean that would be all the way down to 1340, which maybe let's see it might we might just remain weak here. I didn't think we would. I thought we'd get one one attempt at reversing. Oh, i bought a g-e-n that was accidental.

I didn't want to do that. I forgot to switch my ticker symbol over, but that's a nice accidental, win i'll. Take it so added back there to amc now we're into amc. Oh two cents went on a at genn, that's lame.

I thought i had like eight bucks huh, so stop loss on this, for me would probably be like through 14 10 successfully or once i've decided. It's really meant to go below that solid. It would be nice if we wanted more so look at down at the volume already. So if we look at the volume you can see that we shifted right.

We were all selling volume and then the selling volume was decreasing and buying volume was increasing, as we got down to those low points. Uh that we suggested would be the bounce point. So whether or not we fully hold was still here to determine, but you can see that there are some buyers down there at those prices. Yeah see this still isn't really bouncing all that great, even off that price point and it still kind of shifted back to sellers again huh i mean we're starting uh by the way, i will definitely take a look at some of these other stocks.

You guys are talking about we're, just been kind of involving ourselves with a couple trades here on amc, so how to keep the focus over there come on. You can go higher, you could do it, you totally. Could you just got ta, go up, that'll be great. Come on you just keep going just that way, yeah that way all right so yeah, like i said once we kind of get through with this or i take off most of the risk on the trade, then i will definitely cover agen, um, mito and so on.

So you'll see here if i zoom in we kind of have this intraday half deviation price right at 14 24.. So if the bull moves really going to work, we need to stay above the 1424.. All right, zoomed in you can see that trend right there, which my price is actually off a little bit. So we need to stay above that trend of 1423 for this to keep moving up.
So we just pulled back. We got pretty close to markets, respected kind of stayed up, so that's kind of good, oh, oh, that makes sense. That makes perfect sense. Yeah.

Normally i keep yeah so there it would be over this way. Gotcha gotcha gotcha, my bad yeah. I didn't know what you were saying like no the position window's up, but i realized that my face was blocking it so yeah we still got to get through this high. I mean it once you get through this high, that's normally where the momentum would cause a pop here on amc back to the upside, but still kind of struggling.

This bottom, not immediate momentum or resolution, looks like agn is currently kind of popping up a little bit. So we got well eight seconds till this candle closes we'd love to see it close green. That would be great and it's kind of dogeed yeah, a bunch of wicks on the bottom side, trying to get it up someone's just kind of sitting holding prices below the 1430. so close most of that trade, because it's struggling to get uh through.

So just basically knocked it down to a hundred shares all right, so um, i'm gon na just take this off. For now that way, i can focus on the rest of the stuff, so another tiny little win. So this is a situation where you pretty much predict the right bottom, where it should stop, but the reversal is just not that strong, that's pretty much it. Okay, mito all right, so mito was in earnings.

Let me link these two charts, because that could help uh give me a sec red red, so yeah, we'll start here with mito wait hold on hold on hold on hold on before we do that. Most importantly, the bounce on amc was really not that good. Unfortunately, all right so we'll just have to sit, wait and watch that a little bit more, but the bounce really wasn't that good. Maybe it needs a little bit more time to do it, but we did in fact call the price target on the downside.

So far correctly and a price where we would try to reverse the market, so i think a couple of you guys need to uh go catch a bird outside block a feather tickle, the like all right, we'll go over to mit, oh, no, okay, so mito earnings! Let's see what would be the float on, this float, 55 million floats 5 million shares outstanding are 51 million, so with the 51 million outstanding share. Count generally does not meet super nova characteristics, but the float is low short float's, not high um, so doesn't strike me as the good old ripper magoo. For you know, a gigantic run hmm kind of awkward funky setup, so this still has potential to run and the reason i'm saying that is because we're below the um four hour regression trend as prices shift through 157. You can see volatility pick up and the reason i say that is because it's a shift point all right, not because it should, but because it's a shift point now the daily chart does have the stock on a strong downtrend.
So, really the way that i would probably go about playing this if i were to play it, let me just double check this. It's all the way down there so again watch this, so you see where i just marked this level. So this one here, the red line, uh right here: okay, that red line is hovering over this white line so that when we look at this chart, we know where that's at and that's right there that red line; okay, you'll notice, yesterday after hours mito. What does it do it jumps up to that red line pulls back, creates like a little bull flag thing in here, and then, where does it break out through that red line, which is that white line, which is a one-year day chart which is just a long-term Statistical trend line, so we just got through it, so break out.

Okay. Now, where do we break out two, let's check the four-hour chart, because we don't you would have to so. We broke out to um about here slightly over okay, so we kind of ran up to a resistance mark, some 200 moving average area, and then we pulled down all right now. This red line that we pull down to is this one over here, which is a four hour regression level, so the daily chart regression level is here the four hour ones here so for legitimate breakout on the stock.

You need to get through 156.. If you got through 156, you could suggest okay, we might be on a rip and then you could look for a move, maybe back up to your pre-market high. This is not a see now. This is earlier.

You remember saying that it's a pre-market, high setup. This is not a pre-market high, breakout setup and the reason why is because the price is not near the pre-market high. The price is all the way down here below a breakout level there. So the breakout level is really at about 156.

So you look for a break of 156 and a move to your next long-term resistance, which is in the 195, which is right there. Okay, so that's the way i would go about watching. It is looking for a 156 break, push to the 190s close in the 190s and then, if you're lucky, maybe it goes through and you could redo. Another position maybe hold a little bit.

Something of that nature. Time is it. It is 909. Okay.

Let me just kind of look at some comments here. Um definitely definitely definitely losing some hair on the head. Definitely definitely didn't see that coming when i was 16. uh huh is amc going to sell off today.

Well, i guess you already got your answer for that. Yes, it is, it has uh, so the house i bought a year ago, which is this house, i'm in, is doing well um. Most of the repair things that i had to do are done. There's a couple, little odds and ends just like every home.

So that's cool got ta finish those in the process of closing on a four-unit continent, complex sorry, for a unit, uh house, it's in a city called ann arbor, michigan. It's where the university of michigan is at where the wolverines are at yeah, go wolverines. You guys suck lately, but hey you can do it so anyways bought a four unit property there, waiting to close on it. Um yearly revenue from the house will be 45 uh.
46. 000. That's if i didn't raise rent which rent is currently below market price, but i'm not raising rent on the current tenants, i'm going to wait until their leases are up and or gone before. I do that because i'm not an um, or at least that way, they'll just not think, i'm an so we're not going to do that.

But currently revenue is about 46 000 a year from the house. Taxes in the city of ann arbor are just just stupid. High because it's college town, which comes out to like 10 000 a year in taxes, so it still brings in about 35 000 after taxes and the mortgage and interest - and everything comes out to. I think it was like 1200 a month or maybe 1300 a month or something like that, so that knocks off another 13 13, maybe like 15 000 a year so still leaving like a positive nine to positive 10 cash flow at the end of the year.

For the for the house, cap rates - 13 percent - if you don't know real estate, i might be talking over your head and i'm sorry, but that's okay and then there's this house, which is just a single family. But it's got a four bedroom house. So this one here is in a lake location, so i'll probably rent this one out for 2500 a month and really my game plan was to pretty much pay off the whole entire mortgage of this house within the next like two three years, hopefully um and then Upgrade into a bigger house and then use the rental income from this house to cover the expenses on the next house so that i basically live in the next house for free, that's really the game plan i have and then at that point i would have a Four unit, a one unit here: realistically it's a single family rental and then i would have my own next house, which would be a bigger house, would be more expensive. You know easier to appreciate and so on so forth and i'm trying to get it on the lake so that, if i want to, i could leave that one rent, the lake house out, which will probably generate like four or five a month, so there's a plan.

I'm following it it's taking some time but we're getting there we're getting there. So we went over mito we'll look at agn here to see what the deal is. Okay, so a a-g-e-n. Why is it moving 451 people live? Let's go baby all right enough of that.

All right, a genus grants bristol myers global exclusive license for anti-tumor drug candidate. It all sounds dandy. All right, bristol meyer's license something. Asian host conference call discuss global licensing agreement with bristol myers squib for ages.

Antibody program, it sounds good, it all does. The gap is up, the gap is up. It's overbought, though gaps overbought, we rejected a half deviation. We could theoretically move all the way up to five, but the price on the entry it doesn't really allow for that.
I'm just thinking to myself. I haven't really come up with a game plan, yet all right, so potential moved five to five eighteen, so this zone for me would be bearish. So that's a potential price target to be long into and then bearish at. How did i miss that? I don't know how i missed that yeah, so this right here the reason we stopped pre-market at 462 is we came into the long-term deviation at 457, so it wasn't.

The half deviation price, there's actually a two deviation that we're rejecting, which makes me feel a little bit more confident. So typically, this is something i would try to be bearish on. Normally, i would be bearish on a sock like this, and the reason being is because it's a big gap up and most penny stocks, just the bed. That's why? But this one's easy to borrow on tinker swim.

It's easy to borrow on light speed, which means it's probably regularly available to borrow on many other platforms, which then incentivizes people to short it because they don't have to pay for shares of shorts. So it's more it's less expensive to take part in a bearish bet. Today, on this stock, as opposed to any other stock, that's hard to borrow so sometimes we'll see situations like this, where stocks easy to borrow, which means, if you're, a short seller, you pay no additional fee which, if you don't know many times, you have to pay An additional fee in order to be bearish of stock, it's called a borrow fee. So as of right now, this is like free money, because you don't have to pay the additional fee, so sometimes that will attract uh more traders on the bear side, which then ironically, causes to go up more.

It's kind of it's kind of some tomfoolery, but it works, so i think we're gon na actually watch this slightly more long. Only because i'm not comfortable about the short, that's it not because i really like it long it's because i'm not comfortable being bearish. Yet that's why i want to be long so we'll just kind of watch it sit back, maybe give grandma a call, hey grandma. What do you think about the stack a-g-e-n today? No grandma! This is connor.

This isn't garrett all right. You know what forget it love! You i'll talk to y'all, see you later, it's probably how the conversation will go, all right, amc to the moon. You mean amc to the old river magoo, all right. The issue i have with so culture witty.

This is a great comment, says the issue i have with counter trend. Trades is small winners and then obviously, if you don't do it right one time it can lead to a bigger loss and blow up totally true that's so. This could just lead into me saying a bunch of that you probably already know, but at the end of the day, if you realize that you're on a counter trend trade, then your expectations are online with the market. So you can get yourself in trouble just with anything like if i were to go to do a trade on amc.
Knowing not knowing that it's kind of a counter trend setup i would overstay my welcome stock would revert back down. Then you would lose um. So yes, there's counter trend, trades can be dangerous. A lot of standard deviation will give you counter trend trades, but at the same time they also give you the levels that, if they break out you're going to catch the run too.

So there's a lot of ways to look at trading them for sure um, but also the way that i kind of just generally was trading and always trading and just like trading was just being first. I know people like, oh you don't want to be. First, you don't want to be first, it's bad to be. First, it's like true, it's bad to be first, when you're not really.

First, then you're, but if you're first then life's great right um. So then the issue comes down. To is how do we determine that? We're actually first - and this is a good topping point right - that's next, and so a lot of ways to do it out there. A lot of this.

A lot of that, and for me it was a lot of it - was based on standard deviation and allowed me to find intraday tops bottoms. So on so forth to the point where i'm like stock's going to go here, it's going to reverse stock goes there. It reverses so to me it was like okay, i found a system and found things that work very, very well for that, and that's because i liked reversal trading. I liked i like taking - and i still do like taking a trade that drops and it reverses back up really quickly or goes up and it reverts back down really quickly because you know there's a quick profit.

So there was a sense of instant gratification and so on so forth, and so i kind of developed trading around trading around that for myself. So some of what i do might be a little unorthodox, but it works uh did we do dkng? We did not do dkng, but i will uh so the house uh in ann arbor is 379. I think i got it for 375.. They took my offer so 375 000 was the price of the house, the four unit house.

So let's go take a look at gamestop really quickly and then i'm gon na pop out for like two seconds and be right back. Okay, so game stop. Am i surprised? No, i'm not really surprised. Am i a little frustrated at myself from not recognizing the long move sooner yeah granted? That's because i've been short, biases things for like a decade and i've been correct on almost every single short for like the past two months, so confirmation bias got a little skewed.

What can i say so, like i was saying earlier, if gamestop is going to continue, this move up right if we're going to continue running the price target for me is 191 at 191. So, for example like today, you know it's lunch time, you're snacking on a kids meal for mcdonald's, okay and you're 25.. Good luck all right! If that's you and you see the game, stop at 191 or about 192, give or take you're, probably not going to want to be extremely long biased. So what i'm getting at is if we come across 12 o'clock, 1 o'clock doesn't really matter, but we end up seeing game.
Stop up at 190. You're gon na want to bet bearish. Why just do it all right, but that's if so, that's if we get here, there's gon na be a bearish rejection today, around 191., where the stock pulls back. I don't know three four five, six seven dollars a share, whatever the hell it might be.

So you know if this happens early in the morning we hit 191. You can bet, i'm probably going to take a short play right about there. Why would i take a short play right there, because that's the long-term regression trend that is also lining up with what a previous top, so a lot of people will go, look it. You know, i think, amc i think amc can get to you know back to this high somewhere in that price.

You know maybe back to this high somewhere in that resistance right, so they're, looking at this previous top as previous price action as their gauge for resistance and what i'm doing is looking at where the statistical trend is at and saying: that's the resistance. Okay, this previous price, this top that drop this consolidation. This drop that consolidation that drop this consolidation - bounce pullback bounce - has created that trend line. So all of the trading calculated is coming in with a statistical trend at about 191 - not 135 up here, not 185.

Here not 187, but 193. That's where i'll find resistance most likely today. Okay, so we're the setups kind of funky, though, because i don't really know how to gauge. Oh also this you see that that trend up there that one comes in at 190, 155 as well.

So a lot of people be like all right we're going to stop here at 188. No, i think we're going to go to like 190s 189, something like that. Okay, but the setup is kind of awkward um, because you don't really have you don't have long-term, resistances or sorry long-term supports to really trade off of so this is pretty much all intraday stuff. So gamestop is one where i don't really know how or where we're gon na bounce.

If we, i think, we'll bounce or hold, but i don't know how or where we're gon na do that just yet. I kind of need to read price action on this one.

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One thought on “Live trading | amc & gme | market analysis”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tom says:

    Connor, its my Grandma… She misses your strategy videos… She sends kisses

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