Apple & amazon stock reporting earnings today and this is the live stream!
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All right, and here we go: Apple and Amazon reporting an earnings. Let's excuse me, let's go ahead and see which way the market ends up going. We got Tku here. Sqq which way will the market move? Uh, once you guys are in here, please let me know in that live chat and then I should be able to see everything popping right on up.

So here we go. Dude, come on. All right. I Do want to remind you that if you want to partake in the live chat, you do have to be subscribed to the YouTube channel.

So just a little heads up on that. Okay, here we go. So we got Apple Amazon reporting earnings looks like at what? what is it Apple or Amazon reacting in a positive way. same thing with Apple trying to move up.

same thing with Amazon Amazon trying to move up I Do want to remind you that based off of markets expectation? Uh, when it comes down to Apple Apple's overall, Revenue expectation is set to be at 81.7 billion dollars and at one dollar and nineteen cents earnings per share of the EPS EPS for Amazon Oh, and here it goes: reacting in a positive way. Amazon up five percent. There it goes. Whoa, whoa whoa whoa Whoa.

Foreign, beautiful again. I did close out my position. All right. Here we go.

Okay shorting Apple I would be careful with that if we have Amazon reacting in a positive way up 5.5 percent. Even Tkq is up 1.2 percent after market hours. I mean that would have been a beautiful push. Obviously, if I could predict the future, Um, I would have jumped on that.

but I can't 1.8 percent. Congrats to everyone that had an open position. Risky, but bullish, right? It paid off. Smash that like button I Appreciate that.

Thank you, thank you! Here it goes: Apple still has yet to report earnings I Do want to remind you that Apple has a market cap nearly, well, twice the size of Amazon right? as long as you are aware of that. So here it goes: beginning to pull on back. Is this going to be a nice little bull trap? It's going to be quite interesting to see. So again, as you can see I have my one lucky share on Sqq, my one lucky share on Tkq.

but I'm just waiting to see for Apple to actually report earnings. So all right, so we should be able to see Amazon's earnings as of right now it should have been out. Yep. Amazon Earnings? Uh, beat both EPs and revenue revenue was beat for by quite a bit 134.4 billion and earnings per share is Holy Smokes that's more than, um, nearly double of what the expectation was.

35 cents per share and the actual reported was 65 cents per share. So that's Huge! I Can see why uh Amazon is reacting the way that it is just based off of their previous quarterly earnings report. So all right there it goes. We're gonna go with that green light as the backdrop.

Wish I bought more. Isn't it easier to say after? And there it goes. 7.7 after market hours. Congratulations to the Bulls Check that out.

Uh, 52 week highs. There's this new 52-week eyes. This is 7.7 again. I Do want to remind you that Apple still has to report earnings I Don't want to be a Debbie Downer I'm just bringing awareness right? Why does that matter? Well, if Apple reports earnings and then it's not as expected, Not that it will be, but it can drag down the market with it, right? So Apple is still waiting to report, we're up 0.62 percent.
and there it goes. Apple Reacting in a positive way. This should help push Tqq beyond that level. I Know that there was an expectation for Apple to not report better than expected earnings I Don't know where that came from, but it was an article that I was reading where Apple is expected to report its third consecutive down quarter.

I Don't know how true that is, but it's going to be interesting to see if it actually does right or if it exceeds expectation. Oh, testing testing. Be careful, right? We're testing that same resistance for Apple we got Amazon Okay, Okay, here we go. Okay.

Looks like we're getting rejected and Apple showing signs of a potential pullback. Look at this. Wait, wait what's going on here? Testing resistance? Is this a fake out? Look at this? look how it influences overall market. Look how it will influence.

Amazon If Apple begins to pull on back, it will drag the rest of the market down with it. This is what happens when you have a three trillion dollar market cap. I Mean will it have a three trillion dollar market cap tomorrow? That's the question. That is the question.

There it goes. Already beginning to show signs of resistance. We got T Kehiq beginning to show signs of a slight pullback on over here. All right, Still waiting to move.

Apple's earnings. Is it at 30 minutes after the market closes? Beautiful. There it goes. Seems like people are buying the hype.

Okay, all right, we still got Amazon holding here right. testing its support Zone as long as it doesn't begin to show signs of lower lows and lower highs. Then again, one thing that I do want to remind you is there's the earnings report. And then there's the earnings call.

I Know a lot of you guys already understand what that is, but for those that are a little bit newer, uh, the earnings call. The reason it's so important is that it gives a better expectation a better understanding for investors on future forecasts for up and coming quarters and not just a reporting on previous quarters, right? So the report that was just released was based off of these stocks. Uh, the company's performance based off of the previous quarter, which is great. Obviously you want to see that the company has been doing well, but we also want to understand that it has good expectation or good forecast for future quarters, right? And that's why Earnings calls are so so valuable.

Because it gives investors a better understanding if the future looks bullish or bearish, right? That's the simplest way that I can put it for all of you. So normally two catalysts: the first one is the earnings report and the second one is normally the earnings call. There it goes. A lot of buying pressure.
Still looks like it's picking right back up at this at this support. So Apple is in 30 minutes. Should we stay live? or um, should we close it out? I'll leave it up to you guys I I Wanted to make sure that we caught at least one of them. Um, I don't know if you guys have the intention to, um, continue to wait for Apple to report earnings? Yeah, is that what you guys want? Okay, all right, if it's not too much to ask I understand that again.

it might be difficult, but if you guys can drop a thumbs up, uh, you know we'd greatly appreciate it. I I Do enjoy hosting these live streams. It obviously helps out the channel. So if you can drop a thumbs up, subscribe to the channel and I do want to remind you for an absolute beginner and you have any questions, you're welcome to direct message me via Discord or via Instagram and that's the first or third link in the description down below.

So I appreciate it. Okay, so since there we go, all right, I'm going to pin the Amazon earnings since at least those have been um announced and then once we have a better understanding of Apple Once it actually reports earnings, which is going to be in the next 20 minutes. Uh, then we'll make sure that we update them on that. Okay, JX Flores I I Guess it is too much of a request.

All right. And it looks like Ask Kiki Q has given back everything that it gained during normal trading hours, right? Because it gapped up and then it closed in the green. it was up 0.77 But now it lost twice of that. twice that during the extended hours right after market hours.

So again, another reason why it's so important to lock in profit. So you can see that we reduced their position to only just one share here and I did the same. I mean I literally had a position open on Tqq right before um, earnings were reported I Just like I said in today's earlier video I can't predict the future I'm not going to pretend like I can. A way to manage risk is to manage position size which is why I decided to play it safe and close it out right I didn't know if it was going to Gap up I knew that it had a possibility I mean we're talking about two very, you know, successful companies but I also right I'm someone that don't uh, that doesn't want to put themselves in a position that you know the risk is is Untold right? I don't know how much the stock itself could sell off based off of what is reported uh reported for that earnings call.

So I like to share. obviously the good and the bad when it comes down to trading. and I want to explain the why why did I close it out? Is it because I was scared? Um, no, it's I view it as I You know, hit my daily goal when it comes down to trading. I didn't want to put myself in a position that was too risky and I I didn't see there to be a need.
Like we've said before, I want to be calculated I would rather be late to a rally than early to a sell-off. Makes sense. Is the result released? it is released for Amazon Amazon has already reported earnings which is why you can see that it's up 6.3 percent. Uh, Apple has not reported earnings just yet, but it looks like it's reacted in a positive way even prior to it right? Apple was oh, was it released? What's going on guys, What's going on? Let's see I don't see it on my side, but it's up nearly one percent on the day.

Look at that up. Nearly one percent. Looks like people can't even wait until Apple reports earnings. Uh, one thing that I was talking about today is like, how crazy would it be? Imagine, Have you guys ever thought about this, right? Because earning reports only get released before the Market opens or after the market closes.

Imagine if we lived in a world where earnings were released during normal trading hours. Imagine that. Like, right at Market open, they all get released. So like, right when the Market opens, right when it's already so volatile right already.

When there's so much volatility being put into the market, right? Just imagine, right? it'd be crazy I Was thinking about that today. So what a world. That would be. The overreactions on both sides.

both good and bad, right? That would be chaos. You know? Uh, those NASDAQ circuit breakers right where they where they halt at any 10 mark. I Feel like there'd be a lot of those, right? every every 10 percent. Pretty crazy.

All right. Looks like everything is in the green aftermarket hours except for Sqq Joshua I Just read your comment. Oh man, there it goes. We'll go on the one minute time frame.

Meta is in the red. Um, Meta is in the green aftermarket hours. But yes, they did close in the red night. most market closed in the red.

If I'm not mistaken, Apple is up one percent after market closed. Yeah, it hasn't reported earnings. nice QQQ gapping up. You guys can see QQQ here on the back screen.

You should be able to see it. So we're paying attention to both Amazon Apple and then of course NASDAQ right? So if we look at QQQ here, we could see that based off of previous patterns, we're testing this potential reversal. It used to be an old support level right and Market's been selling off. This has allowed NASDAQ to retrace to kind of consolidating.

here. We'll see if we break above and then if we begin to recover right? If we begin to recover, that would be in favor of tiki. Cube And our previous resistance has been right around 385. we talked about this resistance and we talked about the support just two days ago.

I Made a video when we were up here and I was like hey, I'm thinking of shorting the market as I think that the market can come back to retest 375. I Ended up closing my short position early, but it went better than according to plan, right? It doesn't always happen like this, but now we're at a potential support. We'll see if we if we break Above This EMA and the moving average then we can work our way back up to 385 right? What's your guess on Apple earnings that it will come out in the next 15 minutes I Have no guess I I Don't like to give estimates I mean I have no position for a reason is because I want to be as neutral as possible I don't care I don't care what my guess is what my opinion is. We've seen it many times where a company can report positive earnings or better than expected and it still sells off right all? I'm all I'm waiting for is Market reaction I Want there I want it to be very clear Market's bullish momentum is in my favorite direction is in my favor there.
That's all I need I'll go in for my quick trade, get in, get out, and or if Market continues to be choppy and or if it's unclear which way the Market's going to be going, then I just won't take a position. very simple, right? Keep it simple, no reason, no reason to over complicate it Shopify really hurt my heart I Know Shopify reported earnings yesterday. did it take five? five percent is what it tanked yesterday, right? That nice little oh, it looks like it tried to Gap up right and then it sold off. sold off all of today as well.

A nice rip up. Selling off doesn't really surprise me I Know that uh, Shopify has been coming from a nice little recovery, but Shopify has been bearish for quite some time, right? It's very easy to see that lower highs lower lows all of that, so we'll have to wait and see we're still trading below the moving average here, so we'll see if it actually pops up and begins to show signs of higher highs and higher lows. Alrighty, we got 13 minutes until Apple reports earnings 13. So let me see a Show of Hands in the live chat.

How many of you guys are part of Lpp? So friendly! Reminder: Lpp are the people that get to watch me trade live every morning. It's part of my Learn Plan profit group. You don't have to join, it's just those that get access to me. uh, to be able to watch these daily live sessions right? You guys have seen if you followed me for a while I'm sure you've seen some of them.

uh, but wanted to see a Show of Hands I Feel like we've been on a pretty good streak, right? Uh, with our live sessions and how everything's been um, panning out it's been, it's been very cool to see the market react the way that it has been. So there it goes. It looks like my live chat's a little delayed I Do apologize for that I don't know if there's a delay overall, but all right there it goes. OB 1.0 I like that like that Wilson Congratulations happy to see Yeah I've I've for the past two to three weeks I mean we've just been working really well together I've been trying to be a little bit more active uh, within our trade Ideas section, which is just where I post updates on what I'm paying attention to.
They're not call outs like. One thing I do want to let you know is if you intend to join Lpp, Um, please do not join with the intention to try to copy me. It's just it's not going to work out like I will tell you up front like that's not what our group is for if you want to follow other groups that allow you to copy, um I I mean I focus so much on these daily live sessions to explain my thought process. Um, not that it's perfect, but that when I make mistakes, you get to see them and I explain.

You know what went wrong when I do well I explain. You know what went well and it's more to you know. In a world full of problems, learn to be a problem solver. So if you want to learn more about it again I Do trade live every single morning.

it is a one-time payment. It is live time access. So we have people that signed up back in 2018 that still get to watch me trade live today, right? and every single day. And they're pre-recorded in the sense that once you tune into the live let's say that you miss one, you can always go back and re-watch it at a later time.

So they're not pre-recorded in the sense that like they're live but then they're saved in our little library and you get to watch it at a later time. So it's the second link in the description down below. It's our biggest discount and I Hope to see you for our next live session! So Ricky does an amazing job explaining and teaching. Sometimes he is Grumpy in the Am but he's a good teacher.

Very true. I I am grumpy sometimes in the morning, but it's all good pickle. Rick we'll take it on that trick. uh then I like that Brittany Congratulations working with the dad jokes.

Oh yeah, you already know here it goes. Nine minutes left until Apple reports earnings. We are still forming higher lows and potential higher highs Amazon is ripping right now. We got NASDAQ up half a percent.

which means that t Kiki Q the triple leverage ETF is up 1.5 percent. It's at 6 30 a.m Who wouldn't be grumpy? Some warnings I am very. you know, excited, right? I'm ready to go. But yeah, some other warnings.

It's more like when I get very basic questions that are that I know are answered in our LBP course. I'm just like dude, you're not even taking time to watch it. but again, just like anything there's I have my good days and my bad days. but yeah Jaren appreciate that man.

Thank you thank you I'm glad you're enjoying it. So why did you not buy Amazon Amazon wasn't my main focus for today. First off, if I knew that it was going to Gap up seven percent, um I would have, but you have to see within the first minute of it closing. uh, it went from Lowe's to highs of 3 137 and from that point you know if I would have tried to trade it from here, that's great.

It offers I would have been up two percent in a perfect world. but my downside risk was much greater and my main focus is Apple uh I know and I'm not I wouldn't trade apple or Amazon uh necessarily I want to trade Tqs or Sqs. So depending on how they influence Tqs or Sqs um, that's kind of what I would rather focus on so. but again, that's just my Approach If you want to try the actual individual stock power to you, you're an adult.
You can do whatever you want. Apple's moving again. There it goes. 194 Is this? Apple was nearly at 200 a share, right? That is nearly yeah.

198.22 Are we gonna make history today? Are we going to make history with Apple surpassing all-time highs and just chipping away at its three trillion dollar market cap 194. Apple's up so much that if it doesn't, So this is the unfortunate part. and I know if you're experienced, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Apple is set to report earnings in the next seven minutes and because Apple is already up 1.5 percent.

If Apple doesn't exceed expectation, then at that point, there could be an overreaction on the sell-off so gently. twenty dollars. Well appreciate, man. Thank you.

You don't have to donate, but I appreciate that. Um, it's just something that I like to bring to your attention right? Because now, because of what's going on after market hours, there's so much hype in Apple right now that it's up 1.4 percent. That's not a little bit of money I Mean we're talking about 1.4 We're not talking about 1.4 percent of an AMC stock. We're talking about 1.4 percent of the most valuable company that's publicly traded at three trillion dollars.

I mean one percent? One point, four percent has to be a billion. A few billion dollars, right? So just understand that now because that's already being factored in. If what is reported doesn't exceed what's currently being factored in, then we could see the market retrace even if it ends up being a little bit better than what was originally expected. I Love that you bash AMC and you don't mind Gme.

uh AMC is just the one that I uh am more aware of I I can joke around about both of them I really don't care but I appreciate that Trisha daily jab at AMC It's not a it's not a green day if I didn't throw a jab at AMC right? am I Right now 50 billion ish. Imagine that you're just up 50 billion dollars just because of what people think, right? Um, is going to be reported? All right guys. We got five minutes left. How are we looking with the likes? Are we looking good? Did we surpass a thousand likes yet? I Don't even know? Probably not right? Let's see 720 likes.

Okay, a little shy of the three. uh, the 1000, but it's okay I Appreciate you guys taking time and just tuning on in. I Do want to remind you if you want to partake in the live chat, you do have to be subscribed to the channel. I Also want to make you all aware: I've already shared it with the Lpp team during today's live uh, but we talked about what economic reports were released today tomorrow.
We have non-farm payrolls and non-farm private payrolls and the unemployment rate all being released before the Market opens. This is again why it's so important that if you're someone that's just getting into this, you wouldn't be aware of that economic calendar. You wouldn't be aware of what reports are about to be released before Market even opens. And if you end up holding a position overnight, you might be like, well, what the heck? why is the market super green in the morning or super red in the morning pre-market Well, again, there's there should always be a reason why, right? And the more that you're informed with the different economic reports um, and news that is set to be released, the better off you can be.

It's never going to be perfect. It's never going to be easy, but at least you have some form of AD Try to be well informed Kevin you with the T-shirt suggestions and I'm pretty sure it's you right that you always call me like Ricky you should get a t-shirt that says that's funny James All righty Amazon up 7.2 percent. it is not a bad day to be. Jeff Bezos it's made a little bit a little bit more right day chart for trading at 138, it's right around here.

Obviously this doesn't show uh, doesn't show extended hours, but we are far from all-time highs I mean all-time Highs are right around though nearly 190 price point so we're still down quite a bit from that. All right. Look at this QQQ testing previous highs for the day and it's all up to Apple Well Apple hold its own and Report better than expected earnings. and then they both.

They both should have earnings calls, right? and that would be a second catalyst. All right. All right here it goes: Apple's about to break 194. foreign.

Had a green day. Yeah, not a bad day. All right guys. we have less than two minutes.

We have a minute and a half left before Apple reports earnings. Let me see it in the live chat. Let's do a very quick pull ready. let me see it in live chat.

So Apple Earnings bullish. or of course Bearish. Let's go ahead and ask. Well, we'll see how uh good your guesstimates are.

So there goes. that poll is live. Let me know what you guys think: Bullish or Bearish. My only thing is it not only has to be bullish, but now it has to be way better than expected because of what's going on.

and Apple's already up 1.2 percent. But it wouldn't surprise me. I mean Apple's just the machine of a company, right? All right. Bear Trap Bull trap? Which? which one is it? 7.6 Here it goes.

we have. Oh, here it goes. We have less than 30 seconds left. Let me know.

All right, sit back, relax and let's watch History be made. If Apple ends up actually beating expectation, we should see possibly Apple making new all-time highs. So I hope that you enjoyed this video and if you do again, please make sure you drop a thumbs up. And don't forget to shoot me a message if you have any questions or you simply want to connect.
Everything is linked in the description. Here he goes: five, four, three, two one and Bingo Oh wait wait there it goes. Exceeding expectation. One point and look at look at QQQ 2.4 percent, 2.5 percent coming in better than expected I mean I would guess right based off of how Apple's reacting.

it should help out Amazon as well Amazon is not moving one bit. Wow, wait wait wait there it goes. 196. can we beat expectation? Let's go ahead and double check this real quick.

Mine are still not out on so do you guys see that? Whoa, it's going red. Going red. Going red. Wait wait wait wait wait wait guys.

Is this gonna be a bull trap? Bull trap? Oh, there's a sell signal watch NASDAQ watch NASDAQ Wow, look at that. At least it's interesting right? making the most I Missed Looks like Market's still trying to uh digest. The overall revenue and earnings per share were beat. Uh.

earnings per share came in at 1.26 per share, which is better than the 119 that was expected Revenue barely beating expectation 81.8 billion versus 81.7 billion. Uh, Market looks a little mixed right now I do not know which way the Market's gonna be going I'm going to go ahead and copy and paste this right on over here. Um, but I kind of like this sell-off I'm going to choose to enter I'm gonna go light but I'm please do not copy I can be a hundred percent wrong I'm choosing to do it with a position size in which I can manage. Did I get filled? Yep, got filled All right 1500 shares.

We'll see if NASDAQ market ends up selling off if Apple actually ends up selling off I would love to make some money on its downfall. Just kidding. Obviously I own Apple as well, but uh, we'll just have to wait and see. I I Just find it quite interesting that Apple originally was trying to Gap up struggled and now it's selling off and if it gets in, the you know, builds enough momentum with it.

selling off, it could drag, drag it down right? Let's see if we can bring it down into the red test and support at the moving average. There it goes. We have a lot of people saying that it was going to be bullish, but Apple is looking a little red look at that. Look at that selling off Beautiful, so no reason to over complicate it.

I'm gonna buy just a little bit more. So about 40K right? 45k. All right, But that's it. That was fun, wasn't it? That was pretty dope.

You guys enjoyed that. How can I get a show of hand? How many of you are tuning on in for the first time in the live chat? So in the live chat again I Do want to remind you you do have to be subscribed to the YouTube channel to be able to partake in that live chat. But how many of you have been tuning like this is your first earnings report or at least your first quarter, right? Maybe you've seen a couple other in the past week or two, but this is your first earnings report that you've been a part of. All right, And here it goes.
Looks like it's trying to pick right back up. Let's see if it does. So First earnings report. All right.

Keep doing these. Rick Yep, thousandth time. Uh uh. I Love it.

First time, first time. Well, uh I appreciate you tuning on into this live one, right? Um. I Do want to remind you that, especially if you're just getting into this I First off, um, you might be a little bit nearer to the YouTube channel. I'm not too sure if you are I do have a new playlist and it's called like the get Started playlist I Want to call it? let me double check but I just made it and it's for beginners.

Uh, so you go under playlist right here. and it's trading for beginners as you can see, right? So trading for beginners. It's a get started playlist and it has a total of four videos for you. So it has these four videos on how to start as a complete beginner, how to set up a paper trading account.

So if you're just new to trading, maybe you don't want to trade with any real money, you just want to gain experience. I Think that's a great way. I Show you how to actually set up that account step by step with your actual platform, how to buy, sell, and short a stock. and then you can.

you get to watch one of my live sessions. So again, this is all just. it's one of the playlists within my channel. Uh, it's under playlist and you can see here trading for beginners.

So after that, after you watch it, if you like what you see, shoot me a direct message via Discord or via Instagram and again everything is linked in the description down below and I Hope that we can connect right if you see Valley in me. I would I would love to be a part of your success I Do want to remind you that I will never tell you where to buy or where to sell I Also do want to let you know that there's a bunch of fake accounts that pretend to be me I have no backup accounts I have no crypto account. All my accounts are verified I'm verified on YouTube I'm verified on Instagram I'm verified on Twitter I'm verified on threads and my team will never email you. so please just look out for fake accounts.

They will always pretend to be me I will never message you first. so if you get a message from me and you didn't initiate it I can promise you it's fake I Can promise you unless you have some house or car for sale, that's a really good deal. Maybe I'm asking to buy it, but other than that again, I would never be messaging you first. uh and I mean that in a very respectful way.

I Just I Don't want you to be taken advantage of with someone asking uh, pretending to be me and then asking to take your money? Um I will never trade for you I will never tell you where to buy or sell. The whole point of my group is: you get to watch me trade live. You get to see the good and the bad. You get to see my entries, you get to see my exits, and you get to hear my thought process.
It's just the raw session. Uh, you either like it or you don't right? And that playlist will give you a glimpse of what the LBP team gets to experience. So uh, here we go. Ricky Please check Sqq um or or solid, right? We're just consolidating right now, so that's why my position size is relatively pretty light right now.

Um so I only have 4 000 shares. If Direction becomes favorable, then great. But I do want to remind you that you know Apple because of its market cap is very large and it has an up and coming earnings call. At least it should.

I'm going to look into it in just a little bit. I Probably don't want to hold during its earning calls because there's many times that a company can report. You know, just like this, right? Apple Reported better than expected earnings. We all saw that right.

Better than expected earnings. It beat expectation Beat Revenue right? Everything yet Apple Stock sells off, right? I Talked about this right when it was up here. I was like hey, if Market if Apple doesn't completely blow it out of the water, um, you know it could correct itself right? This could be an overreaction and this is why it's so so important. uh to And the reason I know this is because I've experienced this firsthand before.

There's been many times that I see that it's going up and I'm just like, okay, well someone knows something that maybe I don't So I'm just gonna go with it right? This is where you try to predict but another great reason of again, then it corrects itself once the report is actually released. So many people focus on trying to predict when all we really need to do is wait to react. right? All right? Uh, could it recover 100? It could easily recover if it has its earnings call and the earnings call comes out based off of future forecasts to be better than expected then of course. um, it's if you want to give it.

I mean Apple is not necessarily a stock that I would normally day trade. Normally, it doesn't move very much within the day. Apple is a stock that I View has a very high quality company. It's a long-term investment for myself and that's how I view it.

That's my intention with Apple. Obviously, when it reports earnings, it's a little bit more volatile, but it's just everyone has different intentions. If you intend to buy and hold, then your intention is different than mine with what I'm trying to do right now I'm trying to trade something right. Trading is not investing I have my investments and those are more with long-term intention and then I have my trades I get in and get out within the same day and they're considered to be more risky of course, right? If I can make 3K and ask QQQ and 12K on Tqq in one day, you know is that because it was super easy or because it was super conservative? No, obviously you know, with great opportunity comes great responsibility.
But that's the whole point of our live sessions. It's where we host everything and then I post my updates within trade ideas. So are you gonna stay live for the forecast for Apple Nope. I Just wanted to make sure that I covered both Apple and Amazon You guys asked me to stay here till at Apple earnings.

so I'm glad that I was able to do that. I wanted to bring awareness that I thought Apple could have been over hyped up and I'm very glad that I did because as you can see, it corrected itself based off of what was actually reported even though they beat expectation and again, this just comes with the time. Apple could have completely skyrocketed. You would have been like Aha Ricky I told you so.

You see, you should have not been so worried. But it's moments like this where again my job is just to look out for the beginner. Trader My job is to look out for someone that's never done this before. It's not that I'm going to be right 100 of the time I I very very honestly can be wrong quite often, right? But that's fine if my intentions are with the intent to help out and look out for a beginner.

Twitter I would rather be someone that's more conservative than super aggressive and then loses it All right. Just ask yourself as you're learning how to do something. who would you rather work with someone that just tells you to you know, bet it all on this and just be super aggressive, cross your fingers and hope for something to happen happen or that someone that tries to luck out for you And that's all I can ever do I Try to bring awareness to where the risks are in the market. I Talk about position size, risk management I Talk about moments like this where they're very volatile and during very volatile moments, even myself, you saw that I didn't have a position in Tqkq or Skq for a reason, right? I Explained my why and my thought process behind the trade.

Not that I'm perfect. Obviously I missed out on the push on Tqvq originally, but it's okay I would rather miss out Than Hope for something to happen and then and then end up getting caught on the wrong side of a trade. So it really just comes down to um, who it is that you want to work with. So I hope you saw value in this live session I would love to host more of these again.

just another reason that I hope that you can consider subscribing to the channel and I do want to remind you if you have any questions whatsoever, refresh your screen. The first link in the description down below is our Discord shoot me a direct message at any time if you're ready to join my team I do trade live every morning and I only work with one team only and it's my Lpp team. They get to watch me trade live every day We're running our biggest sell. It's a one-time payment lifetime access into 175 off right now and it's the second link in the description down below I Appreciate your time I Will see you tomorrow and like always, let's make sure that we're in the year on our green note.
Thank you.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

26 thoughts on “live now apple amazon earnings report…”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luis Atienzo says:

    you like apple I like mangos lol jk but I do..

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jay says:

    Amazon is amazing ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿคฉ

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gercekmizahsor says:

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  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GALATASARAYKRALI18 says:

    AOP99T is the hidden gem for the future.

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  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Koyu CimBom'lu says:

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  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MirzaHZR says:

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  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PLAYER'S PARADISE says:

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  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BerkevideoTYM says:

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  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zencilimon says:

    I've go high hope for AOP99T , xrp, xlm they're doing great job recently. All we need is a bit more noise when bull market starts.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yt_BS says:

    This AOP99T is awesome… Please make more videos like this, especially for current topics, things that are hyped and stuff that are easily misunderstood.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LM10 CR7 says:

    If I would sold AOP99T right now I might be the richest one in my family xD

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Martin Resendiz says:

    That was awesome!! Thank you Ricky!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arnauld Benesch says:

    Hi,1st time I see a live session from U!About Apple,there,s a triple short signal (Short/middle/long DRM with heavy volumesโœจIt's TIME for golden well-off trade.It's a pity you don't take some *recul and show the charts weekly and daily views,to get the full picture๐Ÿ’ฅ

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LaraLu says:

    fitst time

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LaraLu says:


  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LaraLu says:

    Apple Bull

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LaraLu says:

    looks like Apple ๐ŸŽ is going up

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel says:

    How were you able to trade after hrs?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LaraLu says:


  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jose A Nunes says:

    I bought Amazon

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pablo Picasso says:

    Made $5000 on Amazon earnings today, fuckin love Bezos

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