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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, everybody happy friday good morning, good morning, so yesterday, overall definitely a beautiful day in the market. It would appear that most of the stocks that we discussed for the most part did what they were supposed to do. Well, not necessarily what they were supposed to do, but at least they did what we thought they could do and that's always a good day, because whenever stocks do what you say, what you think or what you believe on the day, then that lets. You know that your analysis and your approach in the market is working right and it is making sense so today, uh for sure we're going to be taking a look um, i mean there's a bunch of stuff i've been busy all morning, so i can't say that I'm super prepared for today um, but we're definitely gon na, be taking a look at amc, of course, that had a good bullish day, as we mentioned yesterday, we would we recommended being more bullish to stock, at least to start.

The day did throws for a little bit of a curveball, but towards the end of the day, the analysis that we gave in the morning pre-market ended up happening almost to a t, um opinion on saul salzberg. I i don't even i don't know. I have no idea what that is so uh to be truthfully honest with you so again today, i'm just marking some things down. Amc is for one uh.

We have to review uh the stock spc. We don't have to trade it. We don't have to do anything with it. We just at least have to review it and the reason we're gon na review.

Spce is because that's the stock that uh yesterday at 11 a.m. Right about the end of the stream we went through and did that whole options thing showing how to calculate the move uh. So i wanted to go back, look at spce and review what ended up happening after we went through that analysis. Okay, yeah, i'm like yeah j, tell them like what the hell is that it sounded like you're trying to tell somebody like salisbury like steak, sauce or like something like that like i have no idea what that is uh, but skills is what you're, referring to so Yeah i'll write skills down here, but yes, we definitely have to take a look at spce.

I don't know if you that are watching right now, um or around yesterday at 11 o'clock, but we went through into like a little mini class on how you can um figure out how much a stock should move for their earnings reports. So what we're going to do now is just go back and review spc in a little bit to just kind of double check them on how that all came up and and ended up happening um. We are going to take a look at the nasdaq. That's pretty much how we're going to start our days every day is first reviewing the major indexes um in the future.

I got to take a second and actually kind of sit down and get my weeble account like in a format that i like, but we're also going to be using weeble here in the future a little bit too. So, let's just start there again, i don't have my morning. Isn't too crazy? I don't have a ton of stuff on my list to do it's friday, probably going to be a laid back day. So first thing we're going to look at is amc.
We can also touch on amd as well, so from yesterday figures. Amc is going down um so again, yeah from yesterday. The recommendation uh for yesterday's pretty much trading session was that you wanted to be long up to about that price and then, if, in the event it broke through that price later in the day, you then wanted to be long up to this top. So those were the two price targets that we mentioned yesterday are were those two uh two red lines, so this guy in that guy those were the desired long targets on the day.

So first we go up. We smack the resistance come back down. Then it does an extremely bullish reversal into a u shape. So i was actually bearish shorting.

This move down earlier in the day and then, as it came back up covered uh did a small long up here, but anyways. So amc has made a phenomenal move. I don't think we're gon na be seeing amc run too much more here. I could be wrong, though, so the reason being and and really yeah we'll see all right.

So this is the four hour chart you'll see when we look at the four hour chart. We have bounced back up to this half deviation price, so the current support of the market today is that red line, the line that i just put on my chart. That's the current support of the market. When we go look at the one minute chart, you will see that we just sold off and the market is coming back down towards that red line.

So this is the price point at 33.94. Today, that's the price. The market has to stay above on amc in the immediate to force. Continued long moves in the immediate.

If you start to sell down below 33.94, not that amc can't go higher after it does that. But it's going to have to take a lot more work to get the stock back up to continue running. So, if we're looking for immediate profit, instant gratification within the market structure on amc, it shouldn't be falling below 34.94 pre-market. Today.

Now, when we switch the time frame to a daily chart, you will see that the daily chart regression and mean statistical average is basically where we're at right now. So we do have an upside target that we might get to today, um, which is 34.99, but nonetheless um. I was assuming that this was going to end up being the resistance for today on amc and we weren't supposed to break it. So i'm staying on the bare side of this one today, anticipating we're not supposed to break this zone now, in the event, we do it's a long play, it's pretty straightforward.

If we successfully break there, it should be a long, but for now i just don't feel comfortable trying to be long through this box area today, at least yet, and part of the reason. Why is because everything that amc is doing is everything that i thought it was going to do yesterday or had the potential to do yesterday, and the analysis for me was you're not really supposed to be extremely long bias amc until the price got down to 24.82 Or until the price successfully got up through this dotted line and more or less now that i'm doing my analysis again, amc is to me not a long trade until you really get up and through, but now 35 dollars in sustain over 35 dollars. So i'm going to stick to an analysis. It's been the same for the past couple days, not really long bias amc here back to being bearish, because we retraced all the way back to the statistical mean so again back to being bearish on amc after we bounced.
Yesterday, um - and that's that's really just it - i think your resistance is right at about 35 a day on amc, okay, um, but earnings is on monday. Is that going to uh line up amc or anything um? So the longer you follow my channel, the more you will realize. That probably i mean when it comes to earnings reports. I never try to guess or make an assumption as to what the stock's gon na do and then place a bet or a trade or investment around that.

That's just not what i do um so. But if you want my opinion, which opinions are cheap because everyone has one, but mine might be at least worth five cents as opposed to a penny, because i know a little bit more. So my assumption, in my opinion, that is still pretty cheap, would be that if we were to consider how popular amc was, let's say 15 years ago, well the better way of explaining it would be like this. This is a 20-year chart on amc.

The price is currently at 34. back in. Like oh, is this: oh, that's a weekly chart yeah. So all the way back - let's just say in 2014 2015, how you could even go back to like 2008, whatever i can almost guarantee that amc theaters was making more money 10 years ago than they are today.

So if amc was more popular in terms of customer basis and people coming in and doing whatever, if they're more popular 10 years ago or 15 years ago, they're, probably or even 8 years ago, they're probably making more money, then. So when you look at the where the share price is currently as opposed to where it was in the past - and you know that amc was making more money in the past than they are today, then it easily becomes unjustifiable to own that stock or have any Sort of faith that the earnings are going to be astronomically great, not that the earnings can't make the stock go positive, but there's just no way. You can convince me that today's earnings are any better than what it was 10 years ago and that i should be buying the price of stock at an all-time high over the past 20 years, when the earnings today still aren't as good as eight years ago, and The reason i know that is because there's just any movie theaters are just not as popular as they used to be. So that being said, everything that has to do with amc and gamestop is more or less just a battle between really like.
We know retail traders and if you want to call them the hedges um and that's it you're, basically just playing a game of big dick. That's it that that's all there is to it it's just a game, a big dick and who can swing harder. At this point, because all it is is just well not even really we'll see by all said and done, the news will come out of what this really was. But if you want to say it's, the retail versus the hedges, basically you got a retail swing in there.

A little leaner around you got the hedge fund swinging there a little weiner around, and the objective is to basically just knock someone else's wiener out of the game. The shorts either get squeezed or the retail traders end up dumping their stock and they crash it. So it's really just it's like a football game and really that's all it is, and you got one person on this side and one person on the side. Then you're just battling that.

That's really all it comes down to, in my opinion, on amc all right. All right next, one on uh the list we'll take a look at skills just because it was one of the first stocks mentioned uh here in well, not necessarily, but one of the stocks mentioned here in chat um, it's been a while, since i've looked at skills, I really have no idea what my analysis was on it. Like the last time we talked about it um. I know i said bearish at some point, but i feel like the last time we were really touching on.

Skills was like, maybe here here or like here. I really don't remember um, but anyways uh. I would probably not be extremely bullish, anticipating a gigantic move. It is a downtrending stock.

It fell below negative one deviation, which is kind of not a good thing um. So this is definitely weak right now. Yeah, there's really nothing here that i can. I can do that makes me really care about trading or buying this, i would say, with skills before you can really even consider that the momentum has shifted in this stock is actually reversing.

You'd have to get back over the negative one deviation mark, which is 15. in the future. That could be 1550. It could be 16, it could be 14.50 depending on how the stock trades going forward.

But i would say, the bulls really have zero control of the skills market until they at least reverse the price of this market back above fifteen dollars. And that's probably what i'll say there i could say like: oh, it's going to take a half deviation it's gon na, but it's like the move would be so small. It's not even really worth it. So i would say you just wait for skills to take back control of a 15 price minimum right now.

Let's see sorry just kind of going up through the comments again all right before we get too carried away, and i uh start, you know ranting about something. One second: i get to look at this subpar all right, we're going to pop on over to the nasdaq and the spy and, again really, this analysis isn't gon na change all that much from day to day until we get a big swing in the market. For the most part um, i really don't know what my analysis was yesterday. Oh, the analysis was long yesterday on the market, but it wasn't as long as the market went.
I think we only suggested to watch the nasdaq a little. I could probably figure it out. One second, so that's there so that can't have been it or was it the spy could have been the spy. I think it was the spider yeah okay.

So yesterday we had mentioned to be along the market. Yes, so these two red lines this zone. This is what i thought was going to be the resistance for the day and the market wasn't going to break above that. Well, you can see, just by the end of the day the market broke and went on a run, so this red zone is what i identified as your long move for yesterday on the spy when we started pre-market, we were down here and i said you should Watch the market on the s p, 500 long to this line and then of course getting through this one.

You should watch up to the second one. Then i suggest that you shouldn't really be long above the second one. Only because i didn't suggest that there was going to be a breakout from this resistance in yesterday's trading session. Well, i was wrong and it went higher.

So we are right about 50 of the way. So the market is up. Market is still bullish. Um, i mean yeah, it actually kind of looks like it has a flag pattern.

It's trying to break out here, but um, i'm just gon na not buy that or be on the fence that it's gon na work. So again for me, market is pretty much stable. If you look at this one-year chart, this is a one-year one-day chart. You will see that right now the market does not really break very high above the um one year, statistical average or mean right, so we really only go just a few paces.

Above the statistical mean, you'll see that we're sitting on the mean right now. So if we're talking about a breakout, i really couldn't suggest that the breakout would go any higher than this trend there and that's just based off a previous price action right in a typical scenario or like when we're looking at amd or facebook or a typical stock. I would suggest a breakout would probably lead us up to the plus one mark, but if we look at the last year of the market on the s p 500, it's really failed to even get to a positive 0.5 deviation in the market. So this is a situation where, even if the s p 500 spy, whatever you want to call it, even if it were to break out of this little top flag set up, i don't think you would see it any higher than the price of like 450 for Right now, which is about nine dollars away, which wouldn't even happen today, can't won't so really you can't be anything long in this structure on the market more than 450.

So again i wouldn't even be buying this market. You know if you're like, oh i'm, going to do an option trade or i'm going to buy the spy, because it's going to it's not even worth it you're, really just on trend you're, not on sale. There's really nothing about the way that this market is set up, that that should cause you to make a gigantic profit right away. I don't see um so basically for me, going forward just neutral to market neutral to spy the only time we're probably going to be doing anything with a spy.
The nasdaq is when they go through a corrective move. Next, that's really the only time we ever try to take action on the market is either when they're crashing, and then we have a small short play and then we look to buy the dip and then run the market back up and then, after the market gets Back to the statistical mean, that's when we're pretty much just ponying along okay and that's typically, what the market will do. The markets will go through a sell-off right, they will go through a sell-off, they will bounce back, the statistical mean and then they'll just ride the mean. Typically, they might go slightly over the mean and when they go slightly over the mean, that's usually after a big correction, so you'll see here, drop bounce drop, drop, pretty big pullbacks, all relatively close by then.

It eventually gets through that previous resistance and breaks, above the mean reverts back to the mean below back two trade on down back up two down back up two. So again, if you follow this pattern, it's right down two back down up two down back two down back to what's coming next down or up up max 450 down, probably back who i don't know: 429, whatever, so we're just kind of neutral in the market. On the spy for right now um, so this is a good question that i don't honestly know the answer to 100, but how common is stop-loss hunting, specifically in day trading? Well, i wouldn't really say it specifically in day trading um. I would say that a day trader would get stopped out more frequently than a swing trader and obviously a long-term investor, so obviously the whole stop loss.

Market makers, hunting, stop loss is always going to be grouped and categorized with day trading, because day traders are the ones that experience losses the most frequently. So that's. Why would be categorized with day trading but stop loss, hunting wouldn't from a market maker's perspective? It wouldn't be directed at a day trader. It would just be directed at anybody who is invested in the market, because the market maker really doesn't care if you're, a long-term investor or swing trader a day trader right.

He doesn't really care who you are. His only job is to make the market making the market means providing orders, filling orders, buying positions, selling positions at the current market price within the spread so and that's their job by the way right. That's that that is literally their job description and if they don't do that. Well guess what they're, probably gon na get fined fired and whatever else comes with so the job of a market makers to fill your orders, like that's their main purpose in the market, and so when you put out a stop loss order to the market maker.
That's just an investor within the current market that wants to sell his position. He doesn't care or know whether whether or not you've made money or lost money. Your stop loss to him is not you losing money. That's you telling him hey.

I want to sell my order: can you fill it and since his job description is literally to fill orders as best as possible within the market to keep all customers happy in a liquid, fluent trading environment? He's going to do his sorry, i got a hair in my mouth. That's gross he's going to do his hardest to make sure that he does his job effectively at filling orders. So when people like, oh, i got taken out again. Oh i stopped loss with it.

Like literally when you put a stop blossom, that's you, like sitting in class, raising your hand and going hey, look at me this guy over here yeah. I want to sell my position and the market maker goes. Oh, this guy wants to sell his position. Okay! Well, we might be able to move the market here a little bit by five cents and we'll give that gentleman his fill, because that's what he's asking us to do - and that's it so in regards to stop-loss hunting and how common is stop-loss.

Hunting is basically a day trade. It's not that stop-loss hunting is common. It's just a common occurrence for two reasons: market makers, jobs to fill orders. When you put a stop-loss order out, that's you raising your hand to say hey.

I want to sell my shares and again it's the market maker's job, to do its best to fill that position or execute that order, and then, secondly, day traders are more prone to a taking losses and having closer stops, which means they'd be more frequently to getting Stopped out, so it's really just the way that that whole thing comes together. It makes it feel, like market makers are always hunting your stop losses when in reality, a lot of time. It's you keeping a stop loss too closely and so on so forth, um and also for the 268, for you guys here just make sure you tickle that, like button, that's really all all! I'm asking here folks appreciate day good morning from dc good morning good morning. Good morning, all right so before we go any further.

What i want to do before i forget is: i want to review spce there's a good amount of you on here, i'm assuming that the amount of people on here is probably a decent amount from yesterday. That would have been online at the time. We did this. So if you weren't online yesterday, these two there's four green lines or four four green arrows and then two red lines.

Those green arrows were just used to point towards the red line, so i was really just using the green arrows as a reference to point to the red lines which was referencing how much spc was supposed to move on its earnings? Okay. So let's go look at the one minute chart here so yesterday, at about 11 o'clock, which which again we did it at 11, if we would have done it at market close, we might have been even more accurate. So at 11 o'clock we had predicted that spce earnings were either going to go and i'm going to use a green arrow again down to this red line or they were going to go up or it was going to go up to this red line. You will see that it went to the red line on the top and actually went through by about 30 20 cents, and then it came back down.
Okay, so again, 11 o'clock. We put these two red lines on the chart to dick as a reference point to where spce would move for its earnings report. I think the projected move was like two dollars and something so. This is really just a recap and a review to show you exactly what happened with spc.

So again, our analysis from 11 o'clock ended up playing out all the way to 4 30 p.m. Right, and that was simply just by going to the option chains. Adding up put calls at the money and getting the implied move for the market, and then yesterday we also mentioned to you that, just because an implied move within the market is x, amount of dollars does not mean that it has to stay at that dollar value. Right so you can see we squeezed all the way up to 345 and then we sold all the way back down.

So does that mean that spce didn't do its implied move? No, it did. It did do its implied move. It moved from the price of 31.50. All the way to 35.50 right, so it moved, but then it just decided to pull back, and this, ladies and gentlemen, is also the way that the market makers just ream your ass on options in theta, so for noob option traders or anybody who's going for a Yolo play or something like that: they're gon na buy these options that expire really soon and they're, going to look at the implied, volatile move for the mark and go oh it's supposed to move three dollars, so i'm gon na buy a call.

That's three dollars out of the money and then, when this jumps three dollars on earnings, it's going to be in the money and make a ton of money. Well, most often times the implied move will happen and then the market will bring it back down. To the point where your option makes no money by the next day and it pretty much is worthless, and so that happens a lot of time where the market does the implied move. But then the market rebalances itself back down to the mean which really provides you with a minimal gain overnight and then the theta destroys your option contract.

So that's another common thing that you will see that happens with earnings announcements and then the more used to you get at understanding the implied move and like playing around with it. The more often you're going to see a move like this, where it goes up and then it fades back out, and then you realize everybody who bought options a day before is just gon na get smoked on this, so anyways uh. That being said, spce uh we're not gon na. Really, i don't know, i don't think i'm gon na do anything with this today, but it was more or less just to uh.
Just to show you guys what happened there uh see and like that's another, and so maybe - and i don't know if mcm, if you're talk. Excuse me talking about sp ce here, but and that's the other thing like if you straddled the price right, so whether it goes up or down you make money. Well, you still lost that's another, very common, that's another. Very common uh option play around earnings is a straddle right, so you you.

Basically it doesn't matter which way it goes as long as it goes big in one direction. You'll make money. Well, the market makers know that too, and that's why a lot of times they'll blow it up and then they just bring it back to basically, even so that by the next day, whether you were long a call long a put or you straddled you get you Just get destroyed so anyways uh docu analysis. I will put that on my uh, my handy-dandy notebook here i do believe docu is near an all-time high.

Maybe it went into a fresh new, all-time high, i'm not too positive on that. Where did wow there's a lot of comments here today? I'm trying my best, you clearly explain the event and show you understand the situation. You still insist on convincing people to sell amc, because it's a trash investment, um dave. I believe me and you don't see eye to eye completely.

I wouldn't entirely suggest i'm trying to convince people to sell amc by any means. Yeah yeah, not not quite sure what you mean there. I mean, i would think wholeheartedly my honest opinion with amc and what i'm doing is really just trying to make sure that every day anybody looking at amc has the best understanding of, what's most likely going to happen to that stock and really that's my main objective And then also to inform you of just how shitty of an investment it actually is, so that you're completely understanding of the what can arise right. So my objective is to give you information, so you can best use it.

I don't want you to sell it. I want amc to go to one thousand dollars. I want it to go to one thousand dollars because if it does there'll be tons of money to make on the upside and it'll be tons of money to make on the downside. So i'm just not willing to be one of the people sitting and holding the stock with what i know so that's about it, but i do appreciate you tuning in make sure you keep tuning in i'm sure, you'll learn quite a bit.

Btbt uh! You know what i do when i take a peek at that really quickly, because i know we talked about it yesterday, so i think the max target we ended up giving yesterday on btbt was like 15.. It ended up going up all the 16., so we've been pretty accurate on this for the most part and it's still holding well, i mean this thing is still pumping really good yeah. I mean at this point we pretty much just well. There is a half deviation here, so we do have to pay attention to that.
But yeah i mean you said 19 i'll, give it to you yeah. I mean at this point you're, probably just yeah you're, probably just aiming towards 19. At this point um, i can see 19 being a good short play for right now. So, in the event, this somehow pushes all the way to 19.

Oh wait can't short it that's right, it's hard to borrow and all that dumb yeah, no, no won't be shorting. That, unfortunately, so yeah, i think you still watch this long bias. Overall, how do you know what scanner stocks to choose? Um? Really you don't know anything until you start to learn something and then, when you learn something you'll figure out you like one thing and then you'll learn to scan for that thing. So basically you have to figure out what it is.

You actually want to be doing. Looking for trying to do before, you could even consider the idea of building a scanner to scan for something, but, in a nutshell, pretty much. Everybody is always scanning for the same thing, which is to find a stock that has momentum. That's probably going to move, create big value on the day and hopefully make money.

My recommendation for you is to just go over to this youtube channel. This is trading clips. This is a youtube channel that scans trade ideas, scanners and benzyngo scanners every single day throughout the whole day. These are completely free to use they're delayed by a few seconds because of youtube, but you can't really do much about that.

But that is a way to save you, hundreds of dollars, while giving you pretty much stocks that find most stocks throughout the day, not all but but most so that's what i'd recommend uh, you know you start doing is just using using that service um. But aside from that, you're really usually scanning for stocks that are triggering momentum which would take me down a rabbit hole. We don't have the time for but uh quickly, i would just say, go to trading clips youtube channel. Do i think the jobs report will move the market yep jobs report, always moves markets pretty much anything.

That's announced from the fed interest rates, cpi inflation numbers unemployment. Any of that always moves the market. Yes, um rania, when a stock goes to negative one deviation. That means that, yes, it has sold off and so that's that's it there's a reason.

It's selling off. You have to be able to justify whether the reason is going to continue to keep taking the stock down or or not. But in a nutshell, yes, whenever a stock is trading down nor near negative one deviation. That means it is currently one deviation off of its typical standard deviation.

What it typically would do is go here it's down here. So, yes, it's seen as a low risk entry and buy point most often cases. If a stock is trading down near negative one deviations, i'm going to look to be long bias as opposed to bearish the only time i would look to be bearish. If there's a reason that the market is convincing me, it should continue to trend below negative.
One deviation. Isn't that from a video game, isn't that from crash bandicoot, i'm pretty sure dkng breaking through major resistance yeah, we can take a little peak ski at that guy. I remember we were talking about it yesterday, but didn't really do a whole lot with it. I have to remember at nine o'clock i got a shady meeting.

Do i use standard deviation in shorter time frames? Sometimes, but primarily no because more because when you have because when you keep changing time, frames and time frames and time frames and time frames, the standard deviation is always going to change. So before you know, you have multiple different time frames of multiple different standard deviations and then you're really going to start confusing yourself. So for me it's more or less. I just basically go off the law.

I literally just use the long term charts like if you literally ask me what my analysis is. It would tell you i just use 180 day and the one-year day find my levels there and then just trade off of those intraday that that's pretty much it yep. Still bullish pins never try to get rich on friday. Okay, that could be good news.

Roku, please i'll put down mikroku um, i'm still kind of going through this morning and still trying to figure out what i'm going to be interested in and actually trading into hasn't been a lot of great momentum. This morning it kind of seems: penny stocks have slowed down over the past couple, probably the past week or so for a little bit. I am always buying your stop-loss daily data. Well, the good news is: there's someone buying your stop-loss too think about that um nope did not treat spc after hours.

Nope algos are speeding up the market, making it easier to get rip sod um i mean i guess i would love to see some info to back that, because i myself have no idea how an algorithm would actually make the market whips off faster unless it would Be like suggesting that they're just buying so much stock that it's causing the volatility to increase, because at that point then it's really just volatility within the market. That's causing the whip saw so that's interesting to think about ahpi, sure um, so zack yeah, i wasn't well. I wasn't planning on it, but again we haven't yet like really booked up on coaching sessions, which it makes sense because it's fairly new um. But when we do, then fridays might be the day i take off, or i might at least just stream very early in the morning and then coach a little bit later in the day, so really haven't fully figured out that schedule, but you'll definitely know thanks.
Dylan appreciate you, man, all right. Fine amc can only squeeze just a tizzy. If you were here yesterday, we told you amc could squeeze like i. I just can't tell you unless it fits in the analysis which today, for me amc does not fit the narrative of a squeeze yesterday.

It did that's why we said watch long yesterday and there was also a bearish short to be played, but still today it's today. It's harder to get it to squeeze, not that it can't it can, but it's just harder yesterday was the easy one. Today's gon na be a little harder uh yeah. I am going to post the uh link to the scanner with das news right.

There um give me about five mixed seconds here: hmm, okay, so yeah! I just posted a link to that channel like right there in the bottom, edium you're, also from ziptrader, well good to have you on charlie's, a fun guy who watches videos from time to time. So so, yeah again dave like i totally get that a hundred percent right, but this is where i think like this is where a lot of we'll see. So you say it just feels bearish bias daily analysis impacts the upside potential right. So, like i don't disagree with that right.

If i come out and say, amc you know is bearish, obviously it's not helping the cause for it going up, but at the same time right we mentioned you were supposed to be long. Amc on that day, back to bearish long amc down here back to bearish bearish, and then we did suggest long here or long back up to that price yesterday. So nearly every day, we're really just telling you, ideally what the market's already trying to do right. We're not changing what the market's already trying to do we're just trying to get you in line with what the market's most likely going to do right.

So we want it to squeeze. We do, but it's currently the market doesn't have that structure. So it's hard for me to go yeah we're going to school right. We just we got to wait it out a little bit so um! So again, this morning's analysis not that we don't want it to go up, but we're just more of in a bearish location that you're probably going to see people try to sell down.

Hence why you're seeing amc rolling over free market? Okay, so we want this. We want this puppy to squeeze. We do. We just need people like matt cores and trade trades to keep streaming keep pumping um mb.

Actually, if you look, there is a video about that specific uh over the scanner. So i will try to find this youtube. Video for my channel really quickly i'll post the link, but it was a video that basically showed you how to use those scanners or what you were looking for on that screen where to go. Where are you wow? Oh, that was quite a bit away.

Ironically, it's a free video that provides free scanners so like if anybody in the entire stock market world on youtube searches, a video like how to scan for stocks. What stock scanners i mean, this video literally provides them with a bunch of free scanners. I just don't know how it hasn't picked up but anyways. I just posted a link there uh down at the bottom of the chat that will take you to a video that describes how to use those scanners and what you're looking for all right so really quickly.
I'm going to run through docu dkng, roku ahpi, okay, so give me about a split second magoo, but before i do that, i should do this. I don't like that. Puppy like that. I'm going to you're not going to see me moving around with the chart because it just takes too long when i do it over there.

So i'm gon na do everything for my screen on the this side and then we'll just go back over it on that. One why you got ta, be stupid, think or swim why you got ta be stupid huh, so it does look like pre-market. We already tested support and bounced for dkng um. It doesn't appear like we have any standard, deviation resistance, we're going to run into it's.

Just a matter of getting through our previous price action levels, so i did i say, dk and g. I meant to see d d, o c. U! So if i said d k and g, i apologize all right so d, o c. U oh pre-market! It hasn't done anything i apologize.

That was yesterday's trading session for docu yeah. So yesterday the support of docu was these two white. Excuse me two white dotted lines, so you can see we bounced. It ran up when you look at the long term chart your next resistance points are right here, all the way at 319 to 314.

So on the long side that would be like my next long target up. I would only really can be concerned that the market's going to kind of roll over and sell downwards once it gets back down and below this zone. So if you're long a docu, you want to be long biased. I think it's, okay, it's fine! The only time you should really uh start to concern yourself is if the market starts to come back down and start closing below 299.95, because if that happens, then in the immediate you're, not obviously going long and you'd either be pulling back down further or you'd have To wait for more of a head and shoulders formation, so if we look at the way the market's currently situated you go up, you kind of have what looks like a flag pattern right, which it kind of is all right.

So you have like a flag pattern here that just broke up right, so that broke out. But if we kind of delete that flag pattern, you will also see that there is an inverse head and shoulders forming okay, so you could very well be doing like an inverse head and shoulders flag pattern which, if that's the case, we should stop at the price Action here at whatever that is 308.70 and then it would pull back down. Like i said to the green box, and if you start to close below that green box and you can't break back above then the inverse head and shoulders would be failing. And then you get a breakdown.
If you do the inverse head and shoulders and you're able to sustain in the green box and come back up, then you would probably be more likely to break out and the targets would be up into like 317 to 315.. So all i just put on the chart, that's how i'd probably be watching docu for right now. Am i crazy about it? Not really, but it still looks pretty good. Also, i will say this: that's a bullish dip buy right.

We just kind of pull back in two big days right so still pretty bullish overall there, i think, all right next one list dkng give me just a quick second here, 847. Okay, i think you should be long by his dkng still. I think i really haven't seen what it did. I think it went up.

It did go up right also, the last time just at fyi. So this is the help kind of so like when i you know what i'm like. Oh, i like this, i'm like man. It's okay right! This will kind of help.

You understand that so today i still think you can be long d, k and g. I still think it could be long d, k and g, but just know that the last time we recommended that you should be long d, k and g was there that box? That's where we suggested you were supposed to buy dkng last so if which i didn't, but i know like a couple: people did so i got ta say if you bought dkng down here. Okay, you wake up this morning, and it's up here, do you think you'd be considering it's time to sell, also go back to the daily chart. Okay hold on.

I have to do this really quickly, so i don't know if we've passed this yet, but there should be a resistance right at about 56 86. Today, 5686 is going to be your upside target for dkng, and that will be your first resistance point of the day. So i will recommend dkng is a lo. Well, hmm, i didn't see that hold on there's another thing we got to pay attention to so yes, the long zone that i would try to get the market into today on dkng is from um, sorry there's.

So there's always so many prices and so many levels i try to do my best. Okay, so the long zone i would be trying to get dkng into today is is right here, 55 50ish to 56.90. To me. That seems like a really logical price to try to get the market to anything higher than that for now makes no sense to me.

So if that were to happen, it would be very lucky just pretty much put it this way. Anything above this blue trend line on my chart. That's a euphoric market. It's overbought people are crawling railing lines of blow in their office and they're just ripping the stock up without any relation to how overbought it is.

So if you get up to their little overbought kits so again, i think logically, you could look for dkng as a long mover all the way into the zone of 55. 40S. 55. 50S up to 56.

80.. Okay, i will give you the further analysis so that if i'm wrong, i'm still right, because every stock market furu mcguru, has to give you option a and option b. So they always look like they're telling you the right thing. So this is sort of the the cherry on top, so in the event i'm wrong, and it does not stop in this zone today.
You should then target up to a price of 58.80 now in order to get to 58.80. Today, you would have to break out this first that resistance zone - i told you, but also you would have to get above the previous high back from june. Okay, you'd have to get over this previous high for that to get through that previous high today successfully and continue running. That would mean dkng has to break out resistance on its first attempt.

Well, it's kind of second, but we'll just call first. So it's been a long time since the stock has tested that price to break through immediately as soon as it gets there for the first time. It's very unlikely why? I don't know i didn't make this up. It just happens that way.

Okay! So again, my long target dkng is 50 450 56ish or whatever that's my long target. My absolute max target for now is basically 59.. 59 means we got extremely extremely lucky. Some kid whose dad's a billionaire ended up.

Sneaking his bank account depositing a couple billion into his robin hood account and yoloing it up to 59 today. That's the only way that gets that okay. So that's the analysis on dkng. I think we're pretty clear, they're pretty good.

We don't really need to talk too much more on that i apologize if you're commenting - and i haven't got your comment - that's because i'm trying to go through all these stocks efficiently and make everyone all happy and dandy, so we're going to be covering ahpi here in Just a minute second, you uh! Okay, sorry about that! I was oh. I could fix that hold on guys. I got ta fix something here on my website really quickly. All right! Sorry about that! I am back in here.

Okay, um give me a second got: ta change this over and then we're good, maybe not all right, so we're gon na start here with uh ahpi. Somebody just talked about this or asked me was actually a while ago um, so i'm bearish, i think um yeah. I think that's gon na pull down all right. So if you look in here, you will see exactly so.

If you look at uh this dotted line in here. That's the reason the market stopped here stopped here. That's why it held here here here here here. So pretty much it's pretty straightforward! You are looking for a half deviation breakdown on the stock ahpi today, which basically means as soon as you get through this line here at 8 20.

You will probably then fall down to the price of 7.60. So i think i got a 7.60 target today on ahpi. In the event, it successfully breaks 820. So that's what i'm doing on the long side if i'm wrong right now, if i'm wrong and we're not going to be bearish, which i think we're going to be bearish, you would then be looking for the market to retrace to the upside and back through 8.81.
I think you're less likely to go to 881, because that's plus three, as opposed to a 2.5, which you probably don't know what i'm saying right now so yeah i would just be bearish hbr now there it goes that takes a long time. This dude all right. Last one we have to talk about is roku here and then i'm going to be running uh through the list of comments and then also i'm doing a couple. Other things um, i don't know if we touched on roku yesterday, i don't think we did.

Roku is slightly confusing to me um. I really don't have a good read on this. That's a big draw part of me wants to be bearish on this um, so i don't feel comfortable on this. Yet i so i think my analysis is really just about yeah yeah, i think for roku.

For me this would be a situation where i kind of think it's a long still but anyways. I would want to see the price of roku reclaiming uh 40168. So i think for me it's kind of an over under 401 situation to be long, biased, roku uh, so that that's pretty much it. I don't really have a whole lot to say there.

I would just be looking to get back over 401 on roku all right. Um feelings on manufacturing over six to 12 months at eaf at six sold all 100 stairs at 10's worth re-entry um. You know i really don't have a good education background in the whole manufacturing thing i mean i could we could talk, but it just basically comes down to covid and you know pretty much just waiting for big brother to tell us what's next yeah, that's pretty much! It i mean yeah, i don't want to talk about that anymore. It's just the clown show that we've been in for the past two years.

Now, it's just it's just asinine. It's just ridiculous. I don't know dude they got these. They got people crossing the border, they're infected they're, killing people, i mean they have lollapalooza going on with infected people, so we got mass murderers running around the street.

We have our government officials not wearing masks, they aren't vaccinated out killing people. I mean it's just a show. I really don't know what to do. I'm basically so scared for my life, i'm probably just going to sit in my freaking office for the rest of my life, behind this computer and and never move, because because fox news and cnn scared the out of me on a day-to-day basis.

I am so fearful for my life. I i just don't know what to do anymore. What are you gon na do folks? What are you gon na do? Is it possible to make the trading click stream with sound on the mobile scanner actually yeah? I was that was i looked into that like a couple weeks ago and then like never figured it out, so i was going to like sit down and retry to figure it out, watch the youtube videos so anyways. I have tried to do that.

So it's not that i haven't, but i will. I will try to do that some more here, so i'm still trying to work on the hot trade this morning. I still don't know you know a lot of the things i've looked at, haven't really made me feel like they're gon na get the biggest move so there's still 30 minutes, i'm kind of surfing around keeping an eye out on things and as the market gets closer I'll find a lot or, as as market open, gets closer i'll finalize on the few things that i i'll probably be watching. Yeah absolutely dave.
High frequency trading is what was implying for sure and also dave that high frequency trading, algos and computerized systems that do the execution they normally trade around standard deviation. So the charting in the system that i'm that i'm trying to get you and oh well not necessary. You, but but like mac, cores and trade trades, what i've been trying to get them to use um would help put them in line with where the algorithms and the computers are doing all the buying. So that's that's where a lot of computers and high frequency trading machines will buy around is negative, three plus two plus one all around the deviation marks, um so basically you're starting to trade with computers and so on.

When using this all right, um, your english sucks. I mean okay, i mean i i i would say that i am yeah. I would say that i'm very hard to understand 100. I think it.

I think it would probably be better to say that i'm just a straight up a straight up. Inbred, dumbass is probably i think i would take more kindly to that, because it's just a little more accurate. I think i think if you called me an inbred dumbass i'd, be i wouldn't be as hurt as much as saying my english sucks. But what are you gon na do mri in a consolidation level for more up? I did look at mrien today earlier um and i was debating whether or not we were gon na get a move so yeah anyways.

This was something that we talked about yesterday, that mran might make a move or like might have a bounce, and the reason being is because it was right on the long term, deviation level, so dave um regarding your high frequency trading computer machine. If we zoom in you will see that this is where the statistical mean is at and you'll see that these wicks are ending down there. So this tells you like that's where some computerized algorithms are starting to buy this market down here pumped it up this level. Here at 648 is previous price action resistance.

That's why we stopped there. The reason we stopped there is because that was a first attempt of breaking out the resistance you can see this drop here. This move back up would be a first attempt to break that resistance. Hence why it didn't work, that's why i told you on dkng, you really shouldn't be going for too much, because it would be a first attempt of breaking resistance which typically fails.

Why is it fail? I don't know this is the way this works um. So if you want to be long mrin, this is a situation where you could be long, a dip trying to go back to the high or you could wait for a breakout which would be a breakout over 6.48. So i think this is a situation for the average person, probably just to wait to see if you can get through 648 on mrin, either today and or tomorrow to friday. So that would be monday so monday, right, um and then, if, in the event you do actually get up and through this level, you're going to be first targeting up to the price of 7.39.
After that, you would be - i mean if you're luckier, then it goes up to nine so for now, you'll target the seven dollars on a break out of 650 ish, which really isn't that big of a play but again 650 you'll target up to oh sorry, 735. So breakout 615, 650 or 735 mri. What do you think of trading order flows uh? If you're talking about like looking at option flow and then trading around that then sure um yeah, i mean there's nothing wrong with it. That's good! You know, there's there's always a way to make money in the market, there's always a way to trade.

The market. I can't do everything i don't know everything, but i know that a lot of people use option flow scanners and studies to try to figure out when stronger money is buying a market to hop in on the trend, which is true. That's what you want to do. Absolutely do i think ford could increase substantially when they roll out evs.

I mean not really no um. I think there's hype that drives the market for that cause, but not really right. Unless they're planning on selling their ev cars for two hundred thousand dollars, then i don't really see how they're going to make any more money than they're already making on the cars they're selling unless their material costs and their production costs significantly go way way down. Then really they're just going to be producing cars that they have already been producing.

The only difference is they're electric. So again, unless they increase the price that they sell for or decrease their operation costs and material costs, then i really just see them probably making same amounts of money really buy a glock. I'm sorry, i'm just i'm just trying to read comments here. It's so! Oh! It's it's hard, there's a lot of them.

Ah wow. That was pretty. I mean if you know i live in michigan and obviously you know i'm from the midwest. But if you didn't know those from michigan, then that was impressive to call them from the midwest or maybe it really wasn't.

I don't know, oh that wasn't to me, but that's okay, if it was to me, because that's fine, all right, just kind of reading through some comments here and then i will be taking like a quick, little break um and then we'll be back on for yeah.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

3 thoughts on “Live market analysis 8/6/2021”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Builder Bear says:

    I found you by searching "how to"
    I was seeking knowledge on indicators.
    Thank you for great the visual description on indicators.
    I am in the process of watching many of your videos on scanners and am looking forward to watching your stream Monday.
    I plan to dig into the standard deviation lines you use this evening. This is definitely the style of trading that fits my personality best.
    It will be pleasant to have tools other than memory to use for it.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Simon Fernandez says:

    This person talks so much facts and info…subscribed!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin says:

    Did I miss it? Where is the discount for Elite's please?

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