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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

All right. So here we are it is: Black Friday And for those of us DieHard Traders We are here. Let's see: I've got my broadcast coming through twice on: YouTube So uh, leading Gapper BGC right now lower price stock I Mean it's been grinding higher but still overall lower price? Um, not sure whether or not that's going to give us. uh, any clean action needs to get a little bit.

Um, probably well for for me to be interested, it needs to get above a dollar a share. so we're a little ways away from that level. Uh, sprc you can see was just lighting up the scanner. uh I Got a trade on that we'll look to see if it gives any more opportunities.

So let's see. we've got some stuff to break down for today. Um, for those of you guys tuning in on YouTube for my watch list, make sure you check out our Black Friday sales. We have sales going on right now on our two most popular memberships, the Warrior Starter and the Warrior.

Pro So when you come over to this page right here, check out this video. This video is going to walk you through our memberships and uh, the offer that we have for Black Friday All right, so make sure you guys check that out if you've been thinking about becoming a Trader or becoming a member of our community I Do have another announcement that I'll make. uh in a few minutes I'll let uh some more people get filtered in first. So let's see.

uh yes for existing members, go over to your members dashboard So on your members Dash dashboard, click on renewal information right here. on that, um on that page we dynamically update the relevant renewal information for you so that is updated with coupon codes applied. So please use those, those are good to go. Uh and and you should note that like right now, let's say you have three months left on your membership and you're like ah I should Really? Renew at the end, you're not going to lose the three months that you, We'll just add on to what you already have so it doesn't You know they don't overlap, it just is an extension to whatever your current expiration date is.

So our system will do that automatically for you so you can update uh or upgrade at any time or Renew at any time and you're not going to lose anything for doing that. Let's see. Um so I'll put the link here um in the chat feed on YouTube All right. So Sprc, let's watch this one.

Um, this just lit up the scanner here on the to squeeze up to 1050. Are we going to get a bounce and a pop back over Vwap? I Wonder So this one, uh currently is our it's like Eth leading gapper it's up 16% but it was, um a big move. Made a big move on Wednesday just before the day off. so you can see that this is a Contin Uation setup Big Move Wednesday and then here pre-market all of a sudden we get that pop right there.

so that was a nice move for sure from $7 up to$ 1049. But what we have been seeing a fair amount of have been these kind of dramatic moves, the upside and then back down so it's are we going to get another wave back up and I would want to see this break over Vwap so we'll see what this does. I'm going to keep my eye on it. we've got about 25 minutes the opening bell BGC Yep so hanging out around 80s hey Justin good morning Hi Gina Good morning here we go sprc popping up a little bit there up to 894 so first candle goes green.
now you've got 8.95 so Target right here would be like $98 which would be a test to the Vwap. Let's see what it does around nine. If it can pop through nine, you know it's a stock with a pretty low float when it moves. it can move quickly, but you know doesn't have a ton of volume yet.

Hi Trey Good morning I Am live uh and I'm giving you my watch list. Yes here on YouTube Fjl and SGD All right let me look at them. so Fjl Fjl Fjl is a lower priced one. Um, let see Fjl What? what was? um at least I thought it was Am I typing in the ticker wrong F it's LJ okay, sorry uh.

28 cents? Yeah, um so it is cheaper. uh as I suspected lower price stock high volume yesterday or well on Wednesday Okay, high volume because it started the move after hours up to 30 cents. pulled back right now we've got a double top at around that 30 level. so I would say on this: H H I I don't I don't love this? Um, you've got this very clear double top at 33, it's above Vwap and probably draw an ascending support line here.

That would be fairly accurate. So as long as it holds this ascending support level, it's probably okay. But yeah, and the float higher I mean it's not one that I would go for. Um but and then SGD yeah I you know we got a big bounce on it.

um the other day and I didn't really trade it that well what day was that? Oh yeah, I was right here. so from like $250 up to $5 you know 100% bounce which I'd kind of been looking for. but then just the way it happened, the level two was weird on it I don't know. It was like seemed very thickly traded like there was some I don't know I just there was something odd about it.

So anyways, um I'm not that interested in it at this point I like the idea of Sprc because it's like oh wow okay this thing was strong on Friday and it's continuing today or Friday you know, strong on Wednesday before the day off, off, continuing today, but you know it kind of stalled out there. Um, high was 1049 so that one kind of stalled out unfortunately. So our leading gappers: BGC at 77 cents, has 17 million shares of volume, it's a lot of volume. 10 million share FL Float: it's up 123% Uh, but you know it's a little cheaper for my liking.

ATI Second leading Gaper only 34% $125 3,400 shares of volume. There's nothing there. irbt 30% too expensive. Uh, up $38 it's $38 stock.

so MTC up 27% Uh, this one floats too high. Iclk floats okay. price is okay, but darn it, it's a buy out. it's going sideways.

Tbio 50 cents is a little too cheap for me. up 72 cents. that's too cheap Pxm d117 but I'm familiar with the name. we've traded it a bunch and it doesn't hold up well.
so not that interested in that one. and now we're getting too far down the scan. Sprc not holding up. um, very well.

It retrace more than 50% of the move. so you know I kind of. look at this move and I say well, what's the halfway point you know and it should hold that level and if it doesn't then it's hard to be bullish. On It Ultimately, you had, you know, a couple of green, you know, four green candles, whatever and then like.

it just gave back pretty much the whole thing. Uh, Capa recent IPO Um, let me look at that one. Um, not getting a quote on it. Let's see.

I'll have to look into that. Um, see what the issue is there? When did that? IPO Cap h Oh, okay. J GGC got it. Okay, Well I think with Sprc, the other thing we're looking at is, um, the levels from Friday or again from Wednesday So you know.

Wednesday We had this high of 939 pre-market and then it came up on high volume, but it wasn't able to break that level right? So then it breaks that level on very light volume pre-market All right, that's typical premarket after hours trading, lighter volume, bigger moves. Now it's selling off, so can it get back above these levels from from Wednesday It would sort of need to. if it can hold above those levels, then that starts to look really a lot better for continuation. in my opinion.

When the float is too high, you have a stock that has such a high level of Supply that it takes almost an impossible level of demand to create a really big move. So as a result, you have less volatility, which is desirable for stocks that you know a mutual fund is investing in. that might go up or down 10% in a year or whatever. But for stocks that you're wanting to day trade, we want volatility, right? So we need things moving.

Okay So So let's see. Hey Roberto Welcome. All right. So yeah, we haven't early.

closed today. Um, so it's probably going to be a slow day, so game plan for this morning really is just going to be to watch scanners to see if anything starts to pop up and move quickly. Sprc lit up the scanners earlier, squeezing up here all the way up to 1050. So a short-lived opportunity.

But you know from $8 to 10, 50 is two and a half points. $2 and half dollars a share. so that's a pretty nice move. Pulled back Now back down to eight, so quick.

squeeze up slow, fade back down. We're not seeing staying power which we haven't seen on Sprc. period. If you look at its daily chart, it pops up and sells off.

Um I Still kind of think that I've seen charts like this where it's like Popp and sell pop and sell Pop and sell and then you have the day where it explodes because it does the opposite of what people are expecting. So after coming up this many times with the red on, you know the Gap I Do wonder if we'll have a day that it reverses and goes big, but you know I don't know that that would be today and it popped, but it's already pulled back so probably probably not going to happen. Overall: Market More or less flat from Wednesday up a little bit, daily level is still 457 83 and then 468 78. Approximately got a couple different levels drawn there.
467 We go. so a couple levels on the day daily, but I think the name of the game right now is to try to be patient. M Risk We will see some momentum. It may not be today, but no doubt in the coming weeks we will see opportunities.

and the goal is when that opportunity comes. It's not bailing you out of losses that you took when the market was slower, it's just adding profit to your account. So that means when it's slower, you know the day after. Thanksgiving For example, you keep your risk a little tighter, you're a little more cautious, and if that means it's no trade day, that's totally okay.

It's great to show up and you guys are showing up. So you're all showing up. You're here. You want to keep an eye on things, just in case something makes a move.

so that's the right attitude. But don't overtrade if there's nothing that is really warranting being aggressive on all right. So um, so that's the game plan here. Uh, we do have Black Friday specials going on right now at Warrior Trading For existing members, you guys can renew your memberships if you go over to uh, the membership dashboard and then renewal information and chat room tools.

You can do renewals there and that's updated dynamically for your membership. If you add time, it's uh, going to extend your current expiration date. So if you still have three months left and you add a year, you're not going to have a year from today's date, you're going to have a year plus three months. All right, so you're not going to lose Time by up grading uh those of you guys on YouTube Tuning In you can check out our Black Friday Cyber Monday sales uh page right here I I Pinned it to the comments and there's a video here.

It's about 10 minutes long where I walk you through the um the two membership tiers that we have at Warrior trading the Warrior starter and the warrior Pro so you guys can check that out I Hope you do! And um, thank you guys for tuning in and um, appreciate you guys being here as always hitting the thumbs up and being subscribed. I'll have um, some new episodes uploading to YouTube next week so make sure you stay tuned for those and uh, we'll see you soon. All right, Thanks guys for tuning in and remember Remember as always, uh, trading is risky, manage your risk, take it slow and we'll see you back here real soon.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

10 thoughts on “live day trading morning show with ross cameron holiday special”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars P H says:

    Ross! I am so glad I purchased the Warrior Pro. As a 55 yr old looking for something I can do well into my older age and knowing very little about the market, your classes have been a godsend! Thanks for all your hard work. And for thise that think I'm just paid to say this, I'm not, I've never even met Ross. Someday I hope to. But I'm not a paid shill. His classes are well worth it.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Julian Smith | 725 PER DAY JOB says:

    "To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong." Thanks for the video *°Motivation

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kakaja says:

    Can't believe the talent on display here

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jigar Patel says:

    Do the warrior courses include just live premarket or is there also live market feed? If there is a live market feed, which days is it usually and for now long? Thank you

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rizwan101 says:

    Watching you videos after the fact is like going back in a time machine. You're spot on SPRC!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Antonio Harrison says:

    What platform do you use?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ruth Ryan says:

    Dear Ross thank you so much for your incredible passion.

    1) In terms of your trading are you still operating on average with a win rate of 65-70% where you R:R averages around 1.5:1

    2) How do you manage your day. Do you say I will make 10 valid trades per day if possible and let the markets determine the outcome of whether its wins, losses or break evens so potentially 10-0, 0-10, 5-5, 6-4 etc etc

    or do you instead have a target for wins say once you get 3 wins you then put that under your belt and take only more 1 trade at a time until you hit a loss.

    and for losses is it after 3 losses you decide that's your day stop to prevent it going from 0-3 to 0-10

    3) The dilemma for me is whether to trade many trades if they are valid or whether trade more like a sniper where once particular accumulation of profit is taken after 3-4 successful trades shut up shop before the market mean reverts to take profits back

    or whether to just trade as many as I can and let probability and positive expectancy work itself out since every occurrence is a random event and not related to the past so stopping at 3-0 i could miss out on an 8-2 or a 9-1

    People always talk about a stop loss for a trade but never about day stops i.e. suppose you take valid trades in a day and end up 0-10 but there are still more valid trades to come. Would you stop and come back for the next day (although coming back the next day has no impact on the distribution of wins and losses) or would you still take another 10 that day if they are available and valid.

    many thanks


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alisson Lucas says:

    Hello, Ross. Can you make a video explaining how you choose the shares you will trade?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SS Crypto says:

    👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻Stock CRNC. GAIN : 15 – 20%

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SS Crypto says:

    👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻Stock CRNC. GAIN : 15 – 20%

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