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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

All right everyone. Well, it's uh, about ten of nine. So we're coming up to the top of the hour and it is so far kind of slow. Monday Morning here.

overall Market Rallying: We've got a gap up in the overall Market which is good. so we're on a little bit of a bear. Market Rally: Obviously our low of year was this day right here, which is a huge green candle. So it's kind of funny because you know, obviously it's uh, low of year and then you have a huge, uh, bounce off that level.

But you know, let's not get too excited. We've seen, uh, some candles like that before, you know, like right here on this gap down, and then, um, obviously this one here. So these are sort of similar candles making a new low on a gap down, opening low and then surging High So yeah, we're in a little bit of a bear Market Rally Uh, so this is the the low of the market for for now and today we're gapping up a little bit. So as we move higher, you know you've got three.

uh, 380 right here. Breaking over 380 would be a short-term uh, pivot for stair stepping up for a little bit 379 and then your next level would be like 390 and then the 200 moving average is 405.. So you know, just the same as pullbacks to the 200 in a bull market pops up to the bear Market in a bear Market uh sorry, it pops up to the 200 in a bear Market uh are sort of your your first? Target So that's the overall Market Um, on the Gap scanner, our leading gapper is PV CX This one is a 45 million share float. sorry Pcvx 45 million share float.

It's up 80 percent. Price is a little higher and the liquidity isn't very good on it. Uh, if you look at the level two, you'll see that you've got fairly large spreads. Uh, it's easy to borrow and with one order all of a sudden the price changes very quickly.

So you know right now it's kind of holding here. but just like that, it drops down to 22. right? that's a 40 Cent drop. And it wasn't very many orders that went through so poor liquidity.

that would make it hard to size in with a big position and hard to get out with a big position. so that would be a tricky one to trade. But the float being higher, the price being higher. those are all reasons that it's not an A quality setup so that is not a quality unfortunately.

All right, So um, so that's the leading gapper. Pcvx second leading gapper is Mutts, M-ots Moats, M-ots whatever you want to call it I Took one trade on it and I lost 153 dollars I Jumped in on this algo Spike right here at about uh, like 195 average, it goes up to 201 and then dropped down to 185. and when it came back up well, it kind of stopped out as it started dropping at like 87 and 88 and then sold some more at 91 94. the low was 85 and then a surprisingly ended up doing a one minute micro pullback or bull flag for that.

move there up to 223 and I didn't get back in. you know it kind of burned me once and I said no I don't think I'm I don't think I'm gonna go back in for that one. so that's that. uh Second leading gapper ISP Let's see Ispc.
This one must have a uh, just a tick that went through. that's putting it on the scan but it's very light volume. Let's see what was yesterday's close. So okay I think the problem here.

You know you've got a 40 Cent spread right? 140 by 180. So yeah, I see it up 11 on my other feed. also. All right, so go disregard that one.

s C H L Uh, repurchase a 75 million shares for not less than 35 a share and not more than 40 a share. Okay, interesting, we'll watch the top of the hour at Um 9 A.M see if there's any fresh headlines that hit. Mullen M-u-l-n Yeah, it's a penny stock. it's moving higher.

but and it you know penny stocks were moving a bit last week, but I'm just not sure. Hi there. 47 cents not much interest right now Novn cheaper Apcx, cheaper Foreign. nice.

Good job I Agree! So Manoli says he got one trade on mots 1200 bucks and he's closing up for the day. He doesn't like the price action. Not enough gappers Chris up about 1100 on the short side on mots. Coming back down nice, good work.

So I mean what can you do? You know there's not a lot of gappers this morning. so Pcvx I looked at it earlier and the reason I didn't take a trade on it earlier was because I thought the liquidity was poor. Uh, so I I was watching it as it squeezed up here from 32 up to 36. but I didn't feel like I could take a decent sized position.

So one of the things I sometimes think is if I can't take a good position I I don't really want to mess mess up taking just a small like, why even bother taking a small position. In a way if I can't, you know, make good money on it. Just trying to get a small winner doesn't feel worth it because every trade carries risk of course and every trade becomes my focus. So if I'm spending my time focusing on something that's not really easy and is choppy, then you know I'm that that could cost me by missing something that's actually better that pops up while I'm in that trade.

So you know I mean in hindsight, obviously it did make a a nice move. Um, right in here, but I wasn't watching it that early. This was This breakout right here at 31. That was it.

Like it's at 8 30 but um I just wasn't looking at it at that time. Again, the price is a little higher. the float's a little higher, so typically it's not what I'm gonna go for. that's just typically foreign.

Let's check the float on that one. H-u-d-i oops float is 3.2 million shares price is higher but it's got the lower flow. so this is one where the move the moves are going to be much bigger. so on this one I might take.

you know the risk on it. So I would expect bigger moves with the lower float you know, Pcvx. Not bad considering the flow. Not bad at all.

But yeah, Hudi made this move on Friday from forty dollars up to 68. So solid Chinese stock right? So we've just seen this trend with these uh Chinese stocks making big moves. Okay, top of the hour coming up here. Uh so a couple stocks I have on side charts hudi and AMV AMV just in case we have a day where we get news on it I think it's due for a bounce, so just keeping the chart up in case I see it starting to, you know, fly I can jump on it quickly.
Foreign. thank you. All right so top of the hour watching, let's see Gap scan pretty much unchanged news on Pshg. cheaper stock 33 cents I don't think so Jack Dlpn Nft stock same with TCAP Not much interest in those.

so the last time Pcvx went sideways like this I had a red Lush and then bounced off that level, but it's starting to look a little bit like a head and shoulders pattern, right? Nice job Jack Good work! So we had such a great time at the Um Trader Summit that I hosted last week. I Already have the next one scheduled so that's going to be coming up soon and you guys will be able to tune in through the virtual broadcast so we'll have one more this year and then, uh, the next one will be in February So we'll try to do them every other month for a little bit so we'll do some different different groups of Traders but some will come back. Also wanted to give you guys a chance to sort of have a glimpse into the uh, you know, day-to-day routine of a few other traders who are doing quite well who are consistent who have something valuable to offer. You guys foreign? we'll have I'll you know if you remember during covid? uh during sort of the lockdown a number of days I had uh guests on the morning show.

so I think I'll try to, uh, get back into that routine of having guests join me on the morning show I Was gonna have Jess join me today but he's out this morning. um his. He had to bring his dog to the vet so that happens. Of course it's unfortunate, but um, hopefully he's doing okay.

And yeah. so anyways, um, you know we're always working on trying to give you guys the best experience and making some improvements. And on that note, that reminds me, uh, for those tuning in on YouTube We are retiring our Warrior Pro All-access membership in November We're changing our pricing structure in November so this would be your last chance to be grandfathered in as a Warrior Pro All-access member. So that'll be using the coupon code Spooky 40 for Halloween So this is final Call last Sale for Warrior Pro All Access So making a pivot in November as we change our pricing structure so that's something we'll keep you guys tuned in on.

And we've got some other things coming in. uh, later this year we've got charts that'll be a new addition coming in. December That's the plan right now right now. All Access includes scanners Mentor sessions, uh, ultra low latency broadcasts.

It includes All Access, includes all of the trading tools, and it includes all of the educational classes. We're going to separate those moving forward, so when someone joins the educational classes, they'll be a one-time membership fee to be in the classes and then they'll have to pay on a monthly basis for all of the market data services they're using, so it won't be at All Access membership anymore. But Warrior members you're grandfathered in, uh, to your current, your current membership, your current offering what's currently included. And of course we always communicate with you guys when we're going to make changes to that.
So we made a change about a year ago. Uh, no. two years ago where we, uh, we swapped out one of the things you had. Then we gave you a different offering.

which is when we launched our scanners. Foreign? Well, small caps have been underperforming. Naturally, they're a very volatile sector. so uh, you know, when you have a hot Market Small caps can do quite well.

they can. They can outperform the overall Market because they're so volatile, but then in a weaker Market You know people go to Safer, Safer Investments for longer terms. so we usually see them underperform as a sector. However, that doesn't change the fact that we still have one-off opportunities here and there we have.

You know, a stock like Hudi that ends up going up 50 in one afternoon. So we continue to see those types of opportunities. Uh, although you know, obviously as um, as you know as the market changes, um, we always look for where we have opportunity. Yeah, and by the way, any uh, current Warrior members that do want to use the 40 off coupon code to extend your current membership, you're welcome to do that.

You're you're That's totally fine. It's not just for new people joining. You can do a renewal as well or to extend out your membership. So we've got about 20 minutes to the opening bell, so you got the break of V-wap there.

but will it hold over V Web That's certainly the question. View app is at two dollars. hey Marcella how you doing Good morning, Nice. good job.

So Mots is holding V-wap for the time being PC VX Moving up a little bit hi that candle was 38.15 high, was on a bit of a topping tail candle double top at 38 so that resistance is not too far away. Foreign false breakout there on the one foreign foreign gapper Pcvx second leader Mots. Yeah, Tcda gapping down 90 percent 93 94 percent bad news. Overnight Biotech stock Pharma Stock So huge gap down.

You know some there's a a theory to buying the dip for a bounce, but it just doesn't fit super well within my strategy right now. Mots Well We'd like to see it hold over volume weight. average price, right? So V-wap is two dollars MF Uh, way below V-wap right now. Not sure.

Max Hamang do you guys have anything on watch? Got about 12 minutes of the opening bell so Max says nothing for him this morning just waiting for volume to come in looking for volume. Okay, good call. So one of the things we were talking about uh during the summit is when the market is cold, trying to keep yourself basically ready to strike when something presents itself. So keeping yourself from having big draw Downs Because when you have big drawdowns, you start to have to size down your account and get really conservative when that happens.
Then when things do rally, you're not able to step up to the plate because your account's too small. So keeping yourself in a position where you are ready to strike means really having discipline to not over trade low quality setups just to sit tight to wait to watch trade with smaller size until we get that one that starts to look good, right with smaller size. Even if you do have some losses, they're they're smaller relatively speaking. And if you have some winners, that's great too.

But um, you know, keeping really light on your toes until we see something that starts to really prove some strength over trading in a particularly cold Market is not really a good idea. Now over trading when the Market's hot, you know you can still get back profit over trading, but it's going to be more forgiving when the Market's really hot because you will have occasional you know, big moves in the afternoon and things like that. So Mots right here. Back at V-wap Dip trade for me there at 201 for a bounce off.

V-wap looked to me like there was a hidden buyer on mots. so bought at 201 cost basis and we'll see if it bounces through 206. You can see how it's a bottoming tail candle right there. so high.

The last candle was 206. So 206 needs to break on mots. There's 204 on the Ask. 206 would be an ad spot for me.

added right there to anticipate the break of 206. Now let's see if we go up to 207 208. added it 206 right there so added it to a 4206. there's 206.

Let's see if we get back to 210 2 6 on the Ask flat it 203 100 bucks still down 50 on it and that kind of setup. What you could see there was a hidden seller at 206 and it wasn't breaking so there's a hidden seller right there and it just wasn't breaking. The first five minute candle will make a new high although it's a 206 now. I wouldn't get back in at 206.

I like the entry at 201 but since I added it 204 and 206 cost basis is higher, it needs to go to 210 212 215 right away. Hudi Yep, nice move on it yesterday. Friday Uh P-e-g-y Yeah well so you've got the candle yesterday. Friday had the high of about 584.

but then it pulled back so I don't think it looks that good right here. Oh, it looks like mots broke below. V-wap so we've got about five minutes the opening bell. Not much moving right in the pre-market session, but we'll keep trading into the open and we'll see if we get anything that starts to squeeze up.

We're looking for volatility. Whether you're long or short, we need volatility, so let's see if we find any today. So I'd say that's our game plan here. Reminder for those who have been tuning in on: YouTube As always, trading is risky.
My results are not typical and there's no guarantee you'll find success whether you trade with me or you'll learn on your own. So make sure your practice says simulated before you put real money on the line and take it slow. We'll be back at it first thing tomorrow morning. and I hope you guys check out um, the coupon code spooky40 to save 40 on the Warrior Pro all-access membership before we retire it in November All right, thank you guys for tuning in.

I'll see you first thing tomorrow morning.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

11 thoughts on “Live day trading morning show with ross cameron”
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  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trading Futures Live says:

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  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Reinaldo Coleone says:

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    Thank you.
    You have done an amazing job.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LBZ_2K says:

    Ross I feel it, today is boring and very very few chances to win the money. Monday supposes not like that. Sit tied today and this money 11 trades 11 wins. Like you said keep consistence! Less trade.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jad ibrahim says:

    Hello Ross. I live in Europe and sometimes I trade US markets. Do you have anyways for us in Europe to follow you LIVE throughout the day? do you even trade live? is yes, what is the process? what should I do to get access to your live trading? thanks and keep up the good work 👍

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Kava says:

    When is the next trader seminar

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tilen Pangeršič says:

    Is MULN worth buying?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 8th House Alchemist says:

    💗 Ross. Much Gratitude 🙏

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aliah suarez says:

    What you did with little food truck?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Lueken says:

    Quick small green day today. Hard to believe how quickly the Pro program makes me feel even more in control of what Im doing.

    Havent made it through all chapters yet. But getting there.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt Anderson says:

    Pricing up or down?

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