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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

All right, good morning. So it's just past the top of the hour 9 A.M So we're gonna start the live day trading Morning Show And I'll begin today with my disclaimer that as always, you know this trading is risky and my results are not typical. I'm sitting up uh, 987.69 so far this morning yesterday, uh, I was up. Let's see did the recap I think I was around seven thousand or so when I did that recap which was a pretty solid uh, morning yesterday.

but I Don't want you to expect that you're going to be able to achieve this type of result after just watching a couple YouTube videos. I've been doing this for a long time, so I encourage you to manage your risk, practice in a simulator before you put real money on the line. Prove profitability, because if you're trading with real money right now and you haven't proven yourself profitable, it's not a good decision. I Wish that I had waited to go live until I had actually proven profitability and so in your search for strategy I Think it's great that you're here to learn more about the way I trade.

but I don't want you to try to blindly follow me and you shouldn't blindly follow anyone else for that matter. You've got to learn the strategy. So during this uh, Morning Show I'm going to go over my watch list I may take some trades and you're gonna get a chance to better understand the type of stocks A Momentum Trader like myself is looking for. All right, so let's get into it.

Leaving Gapper this morning wavd It's a penny stock below a dollar so I'm going to skip over that one. The second leading gapper is Meds meds. It's got a very low float and it's a stock that we would say is a former Runner a former Momo stock. It's had a history of making big moves in the past, so for that reason I do like it and I have broken the ice on it.

but it's a little difficult to trade. The spreads can be a little big at times, not as big as some of the other stocks we've traded recently, but you know, not small either. This right here is setting up the first candle to make a new high. However, the five minute is fairly extended, so I'm a little nervous about taking a big position in this area.

Breaking the ice with smaller size to see if it curls back up might be okay, but right now I'm just going to keep this on watch. it does have. Let's see the news was from the was it the 31st? Um, oh no, they have the the news on the 31st is that they're going to report their earnings on August 14th. Okay, so earnings are coming up all right so you know and if we look at the five minute, I'll pull back closer to the nine moving average would present a lower risk opportunity.

All right. So that's Meds RBT The third leading Gapper a little on the cheaper side under. No, actually it's gonna be above the 200 now. Ahi Jumping over I'm just gonna check this Rubicon Technologies Hmm I Don't know about this one.

Look at the level two. A level two is pretty stacked. see how stacked that is on the bit in the ask So that tells you it's not a stock that's likely to move very quickly. It's going to be more of a grinder Ahi Kind of a head and shoulders pattern here.
A little bit of a crooked shoulder. it's got It's got a little bit of a alignment issue. Don't like it right now. I d A I a somewhat recent reverse split.

However, it already did a reverse split pop. Reverse split was here and it did this big pop. That's what we look for and it did a smaller pop here. It's doing a smaller one here.

So what's the news on this guy? 9am verification patent I Don't usually find patents to be the strongest headline I'm going to leave that alone for right now. Um, yeah, so Idia is right there. Smfl we can look at this one. Um, this one is a reverse split.

effective today. It's three to one reverse split gap on The Daily From four up to 617 432 617. Lots of room to the 200, so the right type of daily chart. The float makes sense.

The high back there was 245, but the high of this candle was all the way up at 308. So when all the way to 308 then pulled back? so pretty big pullback. There was one that I traded at some point a couple weeks ago that was sort of like this and then um, we got this um curl back up and it broke through V web. So the high there is 245.

so potentially a break of V-wap would be something to watch on this one. I'll put it on side chart for now. All right, So Smfl will be up there now. Let's look for a second at Um.

A couple of favorites from last week or earlier this week. SNMP SNMP is interesting sort of. You know. Obviously that first move pulls back, goes a little higher.

pulls back. um, the low of yesterday was 7.76. Love. Pre-market is 636 so I sometimes watch these for double bottoms.

if they start to base out, this one's not quite ready yet. but I'll keep it on watch. If it curled over eight you could see a nice move. It probably needs another day.

The thing just looking back on SM s Nmp. The thing is, um, the highest the the candle that hit the high. the high candle is a red candle. I don't really like that I prefer on a URC where the high candle is a green candle and then the pullback handles are red.

which is you know that that makes sense to have red can't pull back candles that are red. So an inside candle. We've got a pretty big range on Aurc here. Um, yesterday's high was 43.

the low down here was 31. So we could have an inside candle potentially, but the volume is lighter and I Don't know if we're going to see necessarily a lot of follow-through on it, but if it starts to move up or we see it hitting the high demomo scanners again just going over stocks that are on the continuation watch list so the unscanners you can go to continuation and then you can look at some of the big movers in the last, um, the last few weeks. So Aurc SNMP Ahi Yeah, I'm just not interested in that one. Not right now.
it feels like a head and shoulders pattern that's going to resolve. to the downside. Thank you. So back to Meds: Our second leading gapper.

What was volume weight, average price. The low down here was 10.50 so it's already 50 cents up off the lows. so you kind of look at these like stair stepping down, step down. So an area I would be interested in would be a double bottom.

because a double bottom shows that we're not stepping lower, we're holding. Alternatively, if you don't get a double bottom like in this case, it just sort of starts to move up. then I look for the first pullback to take the next step back up. Macd is crossed against this trade on the one minute chart.

five minutes still a little extended off the nine moving average. Hey, good morning. If it just ripped to 12, what would be my move. So probably watching micro pullbacks under the high a day for a squeeze through 12 and then if it went right to 1250 possibly adding at 1250 for a move to 13..

don't really like that red candle there? uh uh. I don't know meds. it's kind of kind of got too many topping. Tails it's too small of a pattern to really visualize that well as an inverted Head and Shoulders you know, a shoulder head shoulder kind of.

But then those topping tails and bottoming Tails create this additional risk with trying to trade it. Yeah, see, that is interesting. That's a difference of kind of opinion there. I Wouldn't look back at that level back there at 11 54.

usually I I don't cross through candles. so I sort of consider. You know, these candles take Preston over that candle back there because these candles have already broken through that price action. So you know I mean again, it's not necessarily right or wrong.

it's just what you kind of. You have a system and then you, you stick with that. So I would Mark the high there and could Mark the high there. None of these are really significant.

It does seem like right around that 1440 level, there was several days of resistance. So that's a bit more significant down here. you know, 1320. But then you're just marking the high of every candle and that that doesn't really have a lot of significance.

So I would say that if a candle hat, it is, um, larger than the average true range. If it's a big candle, then that's interesting because it forms a window on the chart. Or if you have a gap on the chart, a gap is interesting. So Smfl has a gap right here.

Uh, let's see. So the gap on Smfl is from 432 to 617. I would say that is a gap I Mean it's that is a gap up here from the just checking. Oh no see I Still don't care about that one I just wanted to see what was hitting the scanner.

From the top of this candle to the bottom of this candle I would say is a window. It's not a gap because there's a candle there. but there's a window because and it's formed by this very tall candle. So if you get above 927, then I feel like you don't really have without getting into the actual five minute chart.
On that day, you only have a lot of resistance until this next level up. So that's the way I look at. it seems to work well. generally speaking, it's a good I think a good way to analyze daily charts.

So essentially anything in the shadow of a candle is no longer relevant to me. So Smfl five minute chart: we still have that high volume red candle although the volume on the one minute shows more volume was on the buying. but anyways, it did come back down back over B web is interesting so I'm just going to leave an order around 250 in case it curls back through. v-wap if I start to see green on the tape, you know that's what I'd look for meds side chart Idia it's very thickly traded sorry idai So when I was in Italy Heather I was there for about a month and I think I finished with just under 20 000 of profit or the month that I was traveling which was between June and into July So that's not the month of July but that was the sort of that window the last week or the last eight or nine days.

whatever it was of June and then halfway through July. So you know I mean it's an average of about a thousand dollars a day. Um, obviously we had the Fourth of July holiday I had a couple no trade days in there I had a couple travel days in there so the I you know I have to look at my um I can pull out my metrics here in just one second. let's see how much how many days actually traded.

So um, so for July So the last four days of June or five days of June those were in Italy so I had these days here. This was nice. So that was my first week of Italy seven thousand plus five minus that. Yeah, so pretty good week.

Ten thousand dollar a week and then we went into July had Monday then off the fourth the fifth. I think I took the day off on Friday or was a no trade day. this was a smaller week and then I had a bigger green. a red day gave back the previous two days.

Kind of a bummer. took that day off I think that was the day you guys did end up getting a big move. I was a little bit annoyed I missed it. Travel day no trade day small red day no trade because I sat down but I didn't see anything I liked no trade day and then green.

uh the rest of this stretch. 10 000 day on the 20. sixth and then Monday what did I do on Monday no I can't remember was Monday I didn't think that was a no trade day. Was it okay? maybe it was so Tuesday 7 400.

Monday was when I was in the camper but now I can't remember if I actually traded that day. Anyway, it doesn't really matter I'll I could I I must not have though because I imported my trades and I included the first. So uh. the nice thing though is my accuracy was about 79 for the month of July So high accuracy and we'll see if we can keep that up going into August All right.
so we've got about seven and a half minutes to the opening bell, so game plan for today. We'll be watching scanners, got a couple stocks on watch, we'll see what meds wants to do and see if we can find our way to a little bit of profit sitting up. Uh, so far green on the day, but no trades in the last 25 minutes or so. All right, so we've got a game plan those of you guys tuning in on YouTube Thank you guys for being here for the morning show.

I'll be back at it first thing tomorrow morning and reminder, as always, manage your risk. Trading is risky. My results aren't typical so take it slow and I'll see you guys back here first thing tomorrow morning.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

6 thoughts on “live day trading morning show 9:00 – 9:30am et with ross cameron”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GizmoTheViking says:

    watching the show late, wasn't able to follow along today nor even look at the market because of work.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deniz Denzoo says:

    What do u think of metatrader4 for beginners

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ralph Gehteha says:

    Hi Ross, before 9, were you looking at pre-market charts or the historical chart of the previous day? Do you look at the pre-market at all? I tend to scan for pre-market volume to find stocks for the session ahead. What do you think?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zeno7x says:

    How do i understand what exactly happened to PXDT? The resumption drop still has me very confused….

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lynn Lynn says:

    MEDS 10.7 out …10.59 out

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lynn Lynn says:

    MEDS hope it up …10.7

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