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Well well. Well, ladies and gentlemen, bitcoin has officially well just really gone down, nothing too crazy, but boy. Oh boy, i'm sure there are some people this morning that are hurting and that's. Okay, that's okay, because there's more long bias movement on the horizon and that's what really matters.

So what we're going to be doing here, obviously, is we're going to run through bitcoin we're going to take a look at ethereum uh we're pretty much going to be looking at everything and anything that's been going on with bitcoin and ethereum. We'll also take a look at the spy, we'll be taking a look at the nasdaq we'll be going over anything you guys want to go over. We got until 9 00 a.m. So we got another 28 minutes here to run through what you guys want go through.

What i think you need to know, and then everyone's gon na be all happy go lucky for the rest of the day. So, what's going on leo welcome happy to have you all right? So, let's start here with bitcoin we're going to start at the longest time frame possible, we're going to do to a 20-year weekly chart and see what's cooking, so you're looking at a 20-year weekly chart. Obviously we can't go back 20 years. Yes, this! I know this.

I know, but if you look at the 20-year weekly chart, which is a very common time frame, i use what's the significance of a 20-year weekly chart, i really don't know, but one thing i do know is that the more data and or the more you look At generally, the more accurate or representation it's going to give you it's kind of an old saying whenever you're analyzing a stock, you know try to at least get a 10-year chart. You know if you're thinking long long term get like a 10-year chart and look at the trend of a 10-year chart if it's been consistently grinding and going higher through big ups and dips and holding for you know, 10 15 years and generally it's supposed to be Seen as a thumbs up from a very simple charting analysis, so that's why i like to use a 20-year chart if i can get 20 years or further great, but very common time frame i use so when we had bitcoin trading up at like 65 000. It was trading near this blue line which, to me is a very overbought scenario and so on the 20-year chart we were seeing. We were overbought now.

Let me explain without these drawings here all right, so pretty much put it. This is kind of like the halfway point. This is the midway point. This is the average the norm.

Okay, we were way above the norm at sixty five thousand. Now that we've pulled back below forty one thousand, we hit thirty seven thousand five hundred thirty. Thirty. Six thousand um we're starting to get back to more of a normal market.

Normal pricing structure - you could say for lack of better words, so we're getting back to sort of a normal, normal pricing structure here on bitcoin good morning good morning good morning, and so when we go and now look at a yearly chart, you can see that we've Fallen right down to a trending support level for those of you that watch my channel that tune in all the time. You'll know that, just like the other day we recommended bitcoin was going to go down to thirty seven thousand 500.. We slipped below that by a little bit this morning, but that was ideally the target for us on the downside move and now we're going to try to see the market bounce here we still want to see bitcoin lower, so we can buy it at a lower Price, but for the time being, this can very well be a logical counter trend, move where you would see the market try to reverse a little bit on bitcoin, okay, connor's back baby connor's back, what's up falcon, what's up boy, so we're back we're live you all! Should hit the thumbs up button because we literally told you bitcoin was going to go to 37 500 of the day and this was going to be the lower risk along point, and here we are and so far it's it's starting to do. What we're talking about.
So we'll see if it holds all right now, this is the analysis for if bitcoin does not hold the 37 500, which pretty much is this uh? If, for whatever reason, bitcoin swings all the way down to like 26 000, that's their next, really low low risk. Buy point so we're long, biased, right now, bitcoin in these prices, but we're okay, seeing it go all the way down to 24 000 26 000 to fill this gap, and that will also put you at negative two deviations on the year, which is going to put You all the way down to like 26 000. So that's another really good low risk long. I don't actually think that's going to happen right away, but it's a potential, so i figured i might as well might as well mention it right.

Another thing to take note of is currently bitcoin is on sale 44 from its highs, so even if it goes a little lower, the price today is about 42 or maybe a little more, a little less, but about 40 percent on sale from the previous size. So if you think about it - and you yourself feel bitcoin in the future is going to exceed 65 000 or it's going to put in a new all-time high. If that is your belief, then right now your belief is 40 on sale right and then, if it goes through the high, then of course it's going to be 50 60 700, whatever it might be. So that being said, that's the analysis on bitcoin we're a little bullish right now.

Now, let's go take a peek at eth or ethereum all right, so ethereum um clearly had a big drop same thing, ethereum's down about 40 percent from its all-time high. Now you will see that it dropped all the way down to this. This negative one deviation trend here, so this yellow trend line boom. So we drop down to the negative one deviation price and the 50-day moving average.

So ideally long bias in these prices and it's okay if it goes a little lower too. Let's look at the 20-year chart when we look at the 20-year chart. There really isn't a lot to go off of here, so this really isn't going to give us the best representation, because eth has only been able to be charted on this platform in this time frame for so long. So this one.
Actually, i wasn't - i didn't even know that until i looked at so this doesn't even really help us all that much so we're going to stick with the yearly chart um in the daily chart or four hours so you'll see on the daily chart. We're back down to support here at you know, five hundred, if you look at the four hour, chart we're back down to support at two thousand five hundred so right now i got ta say we have to be more on the counter trend, long to potential bottoming Pricing for eth and for bitcoin for the time being, but if they go lower, that's even better, you can buy them at lower prices, but for now i think it totally makes sense to start watching these uh slightly more on the long side. Okay, hoping it's not too fuzzy, it shouldn't be normally. This sounds pretty good.

Does it sound okay for most of you guys how's it working? Is it? Is it all right, um biomed not using any fibonacci channels? These are statistical standard, deviation channels, so they're they're stan. It's called standard deviation, okay, so again like we're mentioning more on the long side of of the cryptocurrencies now um granted we've seen we've seen these things crash pretty wicked before um. So it wouldn't surprise me if we see lower, but i think you know being 40 off from the highs. Isn't a bad area to consider starting to size in you don't have to blow your load all in one pump.

If you know what i mean bud, but if you want feel free, but you know a lot of times, it can make more sense to take a little bit by a little bit if it goes lower by a little bit and and use your capital and the Average into buy zone so that being said, that is the analysis under bitcoin and ethereum here for today. Next thing we'll talk about is the spy nasdaq, so on so forth, because this is the reason your stocks are going down. Well, really, stocks are the reason. These are going down, but then these help your stocks go down more and sell psychology, but that being said, we are going to pretty much expect.

I really think the market's going to try to swing a little lower here uh today, but i'm not extremely long bias on these bottoms either. So my best guess, with the spy is we're going to try to make it down to prices of 405 54, which means we have to go through the 50-day moving average, which is at 406 90.. So, ideally, you can see the market down to about 407 little hesitation potential hold on the 50 moving average. If, in the event, the market settlement is strong enough and we can shift down through the 407, then the target price is probably about 405.48.

The other reason i think we might not just fully take out those lows is because we had a strong bounce and this would be the market's first attempt at rolling over and breaking the support, which usually doesn't happen. Occasionally it does most times it doesn't. So we can't really bank on the market rolling over and breaking lows right away: it'd make more sense to just be bearish down to say 405 for a small move and then a support hold from the market now. The other thing is that the nasdaq is back down to the support.
Now, if you guys remember you watch the videos that i post, we recommended that the nasdaq was going to stop its downfall right here and bounce. So we stopped we bounced and the recommendation was that the bounce was going to go back up to the nine moving average to the half deviation price. So we pretty much went to the nine and the 50 in close to the half deviation and that's where we would tend to see resistance, so we got the resistance and we rolled back down over to the trend line, though we have broken it. This is still a first attempt of breaking down this support, so don't think we're going to break down right away, but it's possible i'm kind of thinking we're going to get like a hesitation whole day.

Now, if, in the event the market does swing lower on the nasdaq, i expect - or let me put it this way if we're going to take out the lows. So if the nasdaq takes out the lows, we should expect to move down to 3000 or well 312.. Okay, so nasdaq down to 312 55. If we take out the low and then that's where i expect we're going to try to bounce again, so this was the first bounce which is so far failed and gave him back the bounce.

Now, if we go down to 312 41, i think we're going to try our bounce there. Okay, so not extremely long bias, not extremely short bias right now, just kind of watching i was. I was extremely long, biased the market when we went into the dip here, but now i'm not so. I was extremely long bias on these red days here and this green day and red day into the markets.

Now we're more bearish to the neutral. I guess you could say all right um, aside from that, there hasn't really been. I mean, there's a couple things that have moved, but i'm telling you it's just it's. Just a cell in may go away type vibe right now, and it's and it's trash is what it is.

So there is the stock lpth. This made a move today it jumped up hit resistance sold down. This is the only penny stock. I've seen this morning with kind of a gap up sort of setup, and it still isn't even really that good um they have some news today with nasa and science exploration, poor program, optic elements manufactured subsidiary, a lot of big words in there, okay, you're making me Rethink going live on youtube with all those big words.

People are going to soon think i'm an idiot when i can't pronounce them. Okay, guys just benzing a chill out. Okay, you don't have to sound smarter than you really are. You could just say rocket ship to the moon and we'll all buy it.

Okay, don't have to be all nasa on us, so lpth has some news with nasa something exploring some space stuff and uh yeah thumbs up to that. So let's do the analysis. Uh yeah, the way i see it is i'm probably not even gon na end up trading it, but the only way i could see this working out into a good long price is the market has to break through 290.. If you don't get through 290, it's just gon na be a trash day for the stock which basically and you can see where we're holding 290s resistance resistance stopping so right now the first target up on the day would probably be like 284 290 and then you'd Have to break 290 to really get a good jump, which will probably probably take you back to the pre-market high where you'll see resistance.
So this kind of reminds me of the setup of the stock. Yesterday we went over, which i don't even remember what the ticker was. Hmm, it was like a i h. Maybe was it ah so anyways lp th was the only kind of penny stock that have some decent formation.

Today, i think today is going to be another slow, slow boring day, but the good news is: is it's hump days, ladies and gentlemen? So just grab something near near to you and just give it a good old, hump. Okay, because it's wednesday and you got ta, get out of hump okay in order for it to be a successful hump day. So anybody have any stocks. You guys would like me to run over, because i don't have a whole lot on my watch list today that i'm even gearing up to trade.

I might just be sitting on my hands for most of the day. So if there's something you guys want to take a peek at, let's use this last 15 minutes we have in the stream to do so. So the first one gld gld has been running. Strong gld has been a ripper magoo all right.

Let me redo that gld has been strong. Gld has been a ripper goo, so we have uh big selloff this morning, big bounce, all right, so gld has made it back up to slight trending resistance, we're probably going to be unless you're really lucky, unless the market on gold is really lucky you're going to Want to look for a pullback soon on gold, you can see here you can see where we've been rejecting, rejecting blah blah blah. We got up to positive 1 deviation, close to, which is it's 176.53 you're just going to want to probably be more bearish on gold. I always say these prices, but it's just like.

I should just be bearish bullish, bearish polish, so yeah you're going to want to start being slightly more bearish on gold um. If i may, which i, which i screwed up on this and i would stay long, gold gold is looking very strong and i'm really pissed at myself, because i bought gold back here for the bull market, which i knew was going to happen. And i stayed in and ended up selling like up here um and i knew we were going to come down to the 20. Well, i didn't know for sure, but that was part of my analysis was the 20-year weekly chart.

You see that white trend line the 20-year weekly chart was going to be the bottom of this drop, and i told myself to buy it when it got there, and i never did and now we're jumping back up so pretty pissed of myself. For that, one really messed that one up and then i sold silver too and silver is probably gon na rip soon, which also makes me more fearful, fearful that the market is soon to come down um and i'm actually getting ready. Yeah yeah, that's what i'm preparing for i'm starting to kind of prepare again for the downfall of the potential market. I know it sounds crazy, but you know whatever screw me.
It doesn't matter getting ready for that, so you're, seeing gold and silver they're really crushing it. I got to say in the short term: you want to be slightly bearish on gold, but in the long term, you're going to want to continue being bullish on gold all right, so that was gold ggi. I have no idea. Let's take a little gander, shall we so this has been running? Oh so this is a dirt cheap penny stock, uh, okay, 20-year weekly chart is over bought yearly chart back to overbought um, so didn't.

I think i think i looked at this not too long ago and said it was going to crash but yeah, so you can see it got over. The blue line pumped up crashed back down back over. I i have no idea what this company is going to do, but if you would have asked me like this three days ago, four days ago, when it was trading up here, i would have told you it was going to crash and then, if you would have Told ask me what i think about this just yesterday, i would have told you it could have been a potential bounce now today, it's in an overbought scenario, so realistically i'll just say that i would expect it go back down towards seven cents. Um is what i'm thinking overall, but again sometimes crazy things happen, but most times something like this is gon na probably fade back down.

Okay, that was gg. I i all right what about little? Knickknack paddywhack huh little knick-knack magoo. So this is a pretty cheap penny stock 61 cents. So this is, this could be a 61 cent piece of crap just kidding just kidding i had to i had to, but we've been down trending for our chart, we're above the mean daily chart we're above the mean down, trending stack.

So unless that downtrend shifts you could actually roll this market back down to 38.36 um kind of like this, you see how it bounced and it was kind of going well going well kind of bull, flagged up and then rolled down same kind of thing. I'm thinking here we kind of went up pushed up. Then we've been trending down down down this time, we're getting a nice push-up, but if this really fails, then the down trending target is 37.. So as you would, as you shift below 50 cents, you would swing down to probably 37 cents on to uh on nak.

So i don't i'm not a crazy, i'm, not a big fan of that one, not a big fan all righty. Let's take a look at riot not going to really look at riot, but the only thing i'm going to mention with ryden mara, because we already looked at bitcoin and that is if, in the event, bitcoin ethereum and all those stocks end up bouncing or not stocks. But cryptocurrencies, if they end up bouncing and having a good long, bytes move, then you're most likely going to see mara and riot have sympathy to that, because their whole business model is to the moon, crypto yolo all right. Next, one on the list is nem good old nem been putting in a couple good weeks here.
Have you bud looking to buy yourself a nice fancy sport car with all those gains? Huh kid? Well, i got ta tell you, looks like it's gon na start coming down, so i'd start locking in some of those gains. Sunshine yeah. So if you look at the four-hour chart here daily chart on nem, which is newmont, have no idea what they do probably make. Cute stuffed animals, or something like that.

So yeah went from 54. All the way to 74 got over three deviations on the four hour chart uh, let's take a peek at the daily chart daily charts over three deviations. Let's take a look at the 20-year chart 20-year chart, though kind of breaking over highs, so we held. I could see this going a little higher.

I could see it a little higher, but i do believe you're right around the corner from a pullback, so i think we will start to see these gains given back but optimistic of maybe seeing up another couple dollars a share. But if i was already swing long from 54 swing long from 59, and you and - and i looked at this - i would already be selling myself just based on the way that i do things in trade, uh, f, f, l, g c. What time is it? It's 8. 52.

We have eight minutes. Okay, eight minutes to change the world, not gon na happen bud, but optimism is always good. So flgc is f flora, growth, corp, no clue no clue, but so far downtrending recent ipo, not a ton of data to go off of not going to be long by as a stock, probably not going to do anything with stock. I would be neutral until you start to get more price action and more data to go off of to run charting if you're more of a technical analysis trader if you're fundamental, i have no clue what they do, that's it.

So i can't really speak on behalf of fundamentals or what the company's business model is, or management or anything of that nature, but from a technical perspective i would have no reason to buy this right. Now. All righty r h e got ta love. It got ta love it.

This stock was a piece of. Let me just tell you, okay, when i say piece of yes. Yes, it was a piece of okay. Why was it a piece of? It was a piece of because every time it went up and we wanted to short it - they wouldn't let us short it and then, when it went down - and it was no longer good to short, they would allow us to short it.

Hence why it would squeeze and then it would squeeze up, and then we get to a good price where we wanted to short it, and then they wouldn't allow us to short it, and then it would drop back down to a shitty price that you would not Want to short it at and then they would allow you short, so it was a shitty stock all right, so i already have a love hate relationship with this one, so rhe uh, pretty much went overbought three deviations four hour daily sold back down, don't really see A bounce, yet i think you're going to see rhe down to prices of 1033 and then you're going to see a slight little bounce there um. Let me just double check yeah the bounce zone. For me right now is 10.78 to basically 10.. The reason i said, 10.78 well, the reason i said 10 first and then 1080 and gave you a zone is because there's two levels of comment around 1080 to 10 20., and i would hate to tell you it's a 10 20 and then it bounces off 10.6.
You're, like, oh, you, don't know what the hell you're doing. So i'm just going to give you a zone. The zone is 1080 at 10 20 and that's where i think you see a little mini bounce from rhe alrighty next, one on the list mvis. Well, this one was a ripper magoo, not too long ago yeah.

So this one ripped up a couple days in a row. Then it pulled back uh. So right now you have mvis right on trend, so it's really just right on the trend. So, let's change that make this little girl white, no, no she's, still red come on sista there.

You go sunshine all right, so that's a daily chart. Let's go to the four hour. The four hour chart is kind of through support. Don't have a great read with this one.

I see this market probably doing what it's doing. I i really don't see a whole lot for this right now, maybe a slight dip by today, maybe yeah. I really got nothing for this. I would expect just more kind of slower grinding consolidation, not really at a good bounce, not at a good selling rejection uh.

This is just going to either try to continue down on its momentum or it's going to try to do like a small little hold yeah. I don't think you're gon na do much with that holy cow, holy cow, holy cow, oh boy, dang, son, bitcoin, let's go! This is even better. This is exactly what we want. We want it down to 24 000, come on, keep it coming baby, so yeah we're going to keep tracking this sucker down.

If we get that gap filled down to 24 25 000 on bitcoin. That is going to be a beautiful day. Ladies and gentlemen, um in the future, how do you stop losses? Standard deviation, um, so again, stop loss. It's really easy.

I know everyone's always kind of concerned about stop loss. Stop loss is not there to stop you from losing money. Okay, that's what it inevitably does. A stop loss is to stop the current position.

You have because it's not going to work so a stop loss is determined by figuring out where and or when, whatever you're doing will no longer be working, regardless of how much money you're losing. If that makes sense. So stop loss, it's not about stopping how much money you're losing per se, but stopping a position. That's no longer working correctly! So you always! It's really just comes down to identifying where you think a trade is no longer going to work, and then you stick to that.
It's really for me. What it comes down to all righty arc is they did great, because tesla did great yeah, i mean for the most part, and that's just like everybody's accounts. You know, like my account, long-term investment account was up like 62 percent year-to-date and then all of a sudden it was like not up 62 year to day, even though the market went up 14 days in a row, it's like. Oh, that's cool, and that's just because you know it's just the market.

The market was just cranking and banking baby. So what do you think is gon na happen? Everyone's gon na make some money in that uh, so it's normal yeah, so bitcoin i mean bitcoin's still selling down um, i'm not even really concerned about it. Because and the reason i would say that you know the reason i'm not concerned about buying at 30. I think i bought it like 37 500 right in there and we're done and the reason i'm not even concerned about is because this is all a part of the plan right.

For me, a potential buy point was thirty, seven thousand five hundred a cont, a continued price we might see is twenty four thousand, so me buying at thirty seven thousand five hundred. The way i bought was all even anticipating it going down to 25 000.. So that's a part of my plan already so, even though i'm red red was in the plan too, potentially so that's the way you kind of have to go about your investing is taking in multiple scenarios of what can happen and make sure you're planning. According to that, so you know if you're buying bitcoin 37 500 and you think that's the indefinite bottom pricing.

It's never going lower and you put your whole account on it and you're wrong. Well, just see how straight this face is i've done it not fun. So my plan was by a little bit if it works great, if it doesn't and then it goes lower great buy more reasonably at the new buy price works great. If it doesn't, then i have to start considering where i went wrong, all righty.

So it's about that time. It's about that time. Yo read, chat, bitcoin is falling. That's the only thing, i'm reading, that's that's pretty much.

It bitcoin bitcoin alrighty! Ladies and gentlemen, that is all we have for you here today. Um. I don't think there's anything more more to it: um bitcoin our buy point to start thirty. Seven thousand five hundred continuation down by point is as low as is it twenty yeah, twenty four thousand for right now, so uh we'll just keep cranking and banking baby.

With that said, ladies and gentlemen, i'll see you guys on the next video um we do lt gaming, not gon na really do. I might do some sort of after market recaps, but right now um pretty much. What we're doing is we're posting little trading clips of of our videos and that's going to our other channel, which is uh actually i'll post it here. So, yes, for those of you that watch our stream and want the scanners that haven't seen them.
I just posted the link in the chat room and i will also add the link to the youtube channel in the description below so make sure to go pop on there like it subscribe it all that good stuff. But that is a channel where we are now posting our live day: trading scanners from trade ideas and benzinga; there's a halt; scanner; there's a price spike scanner from banzinga, there's high of day scanners from trade ideas, reversal scanners from trade ideas, biggest gainers volume leaders; gappers Up and down pretty much everything that is on the screen at the trading clips youtube channel that that scanner stream pretty much everything that is on there will find you nearly any and every stock that moves throughout the day, no matter what pretty much those scanners everything! That's on there will leave no stone unturned and you will probably find most every and anything that has moved or done something on the day. Okay, so with that being said, the link's there, the links are below. Thank you and then also that channel we are posting live trading clips to so we have started taking some of our live videos taking good trades well on the channel, there's only two videos of light trains, but we're going to be taking good trades and bad trades.

The ones that i feel are more or less the more significant trades that make the most sense to learn from and we're just doing short. 6. 7. 10 minute trading clip videos with some good animation on the video to hopefully try to point these things out in real time.

So you can really learn from the video. So in that video that channel small trading clips of trainings that are made. So you can check those out too, as well. So with that being said, appreciate you guys, thanks for all the support, i'll see you guys in the next stream next video all that good stuff, probably at your birthday party next week, all you got ta do is send me an invite.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

3 thoughts on “Live bitcoin analysis”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joel Gehrke says:

    Good video.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DonknDave says:

    I bought MARA and ETHE at their lows. 🙂

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ra He says:

    Muchas gracias.

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