Listing Attraction Brilliant Basics [BluePrint Q1 Excerpt]
Let’s talk marketing!
Today’s Tom Ferry Podcast Experience gives you a glimpse inside our last BluePrint event. Don’t miss the next one, which is free to attend on Wednesday, June 2!
In this episode, I’ll share with you seven proven listing attraction strategies.
I’ll also give you a question you should be asking every homeowner today.
And one final piece of advice you always need to hear.
For the full video including all the scripts mentioned, visit
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We're gon na spend the balance of today really working on the marketing side, starting right now with a bunch of what i refer to as the listing attraction, brilliant basics. So now i need you to put your sales and marketing hat on. Take the team builder hat off and think sales and marketing whether it is whitney you buy yourself, here's what i i want to see done or through my marketing director, or these are the things that we will do as a team, all of us together. So it starts not trying to change your business plan goals for all my coaching clients, but it starts with this intention.

How many listings do you want to take in the next 10 months? How many listings do you want to take in the next 10 months? So i'm going to talk to you about listing attraction, brilliant basics, then i'm going to bring up three insanely great agents, one of which had a hundred listings. She took last year, another one had 73 and the other one had 32 right so giving you a nice range of what men and women your peers are doing every day to crush it, then jason pantana is going to talk to us about branding and marketing from A higher level perspective, so you can all implement even more and then the last section i'm going to talk to you just about your database and the brilliant basics to activate your database. So we're going to start first with just pure listing attraction for the most part outside of your database. So how many do you want to take and i'm seeing people putting up numbers? 30, 24, 75.

52. Hike right. Barbara shaffer wants to take 24., barbara guess what? If you put a 1 in front of that, the things i'm going to talk to you about can help you do that just as well. So i'm not dogging your 24 goal, but i am saying you barbara here's.

A little heads up 10 of the people in your database, 10 of the people in your database have already transacted or are looking to transact now take everyone's database and consider what that means. You've got 10 percent of the people right now in the u.s, canada, australia and new zealand said that are all saying hey. If this is going to be the world for a while. How am i viewing my home and what do i want to do and where do i want to live so not to go too deep in this? But anybody that's newer to me knows trudy, i'm all about like having multiple sources right, multiple different approaches, so i'm going to touch on a few of these as a way for you to say.

Okay remember earlier, do i want a two bedroom? Three bedroom? Four bedroom? 5, bedroom, 6 bedroom house. Think of that metaphor, as i'm architecting my business as do i want two working lead pillars: three working lead pillars: four, five, six, seven lead pillars all focused on listing attraction. So the first of the brilliant basics is this: this will get all of you listings this week. If you take action on what i'm about to share with you, many of my coaching clients, you've heard me talk about this before this is the response to this text.
Message this simple text message now it looks simple rhonda frick but understand having the call at six or seven bananas inside of the text is very intentional. Do you want to know why? Because when i get 30 or 40 or 50 or 100 text messages and they're all just text, if one has an emoji, a heart, a little poop a couple bananas, it's eye candy, it's catchy immediately, i'm going to be more captivated. So i'm going to literally ask you to text every person in your database - gordon sampson, not tomorrow, 20, today, 20, the next day, 15, the next day and over time. I want you to get through your entire database over time right.

I want you to get through your entire database with something as simple as this. Now you can flower it up as much as you want. You know, hey haven't seen in a while hope. You and the fam are doing great.

You know heard about your mother saw that post on facebook. You know heart emoji, you could flour it up as much as you want, but the essence is the real estate market is bananas. If you haven't heard, i was reaching out to see if you were curious about your home's new value. That's it i'm just curious about you.

I just saw look at yes, uh marnie senna just said this works. I made 600 off tom at at the last blueprint, which was like in 2018. She got six appointments in one hour doing what i'm talking about. While the seminar was going.

My friends don't do that now. Don't do that now, but here's the response rate ready so over a four week period. You don't want to send like if, if you have like 500 people in your database and you send all 500 a text message this week, 85 percent of the people are going to respond and you're going to be blown away, you're going to have too much work. So pace it out.

Over a few weeks, 144 people responded. 44 people said yes, i'd like a cma on my home yeah make one for me, 38 cmas created here's. Why? When you're like? What's the disconnect 12 people identify themselves as i want to move robert, but i don't want to do it for another year or two now look up here. My friends look up here.

Your job right now is to guarantee yourself listings in three months, six months, nine months, 18 months, 24 months. That's your job! You need like a secret wall in your office or in your house, or on your phone of all the sellers that have said hey in two years when phil retires, hey when the last one finally goes off to college we're selling the four-bedroom house getting a one-bedroom Condo and not telling any of our children where we live right, like all those stories that we know are happening right now, you want to be stacking up ted all of those future sellers and you could see out of the 144 responses. 10 percent said: hey. I'm moving the next one to two years right.

That's pretty insane three listings taken immediately. Four clients referred to a len to their lender for a refi, that's valuetary and two people got approved to buy investment properties all from copy paste change, name, send copy paste change, name, send now all of my existing teams. I see the magnificent paula clark right here: paula! Do this as a team. Do this as a team, have the whole team do this exercise and, let's spring load, all of the future listings for the spring market in the next two weeks? It's so powerful, my friends.
So that's one, that's a brilliant basic another, brilliant basic that you all understand is leveraging your qualified buyers to attract more sellers. Now everybody knows today the magic buyer letter. We know all the new rules and regulations. So we all you know we all got to be very mindful of like you actually have to have a buyer and all this good stuff so follow the rules.

But the yikes campaign, as we refer to in his purest, is about that hand-addressed hand-stamped, hand-addressed. Hand-Stamped odd odd little postage stamp right like a birthday cake, a wedding cake, a photo of a baby. The second you do this, my friends, your results go through the roof. The second you do this.

Your results go through the roof, but if it says remax cold bankers, since 21 era, compass berkshire, hathaway any real estate brand it gets thrown in the trash. The whole game is get it opened, get it open. Because, then, you can say dear neighbor want to let you know we sold the house down the street or i'm representing a buyer tom and kathy ferry his 93 year old mother-in-law and their puppy are desperate to live in bananaville. They need a three-bedroom two-bath.

If you or anyone, you know, has had any thoughts, let's have a private conversation, etc, etc. This strategy, my friends, is killing it now. One thing you're not going to see here, write it down you ready when you're a team now you're going to do this. We have 16 buyers pre-qualified who have written on average and been rejected or lost three times.

This group wants to buy a four bedroom three bath. This group wants by three-bedroom two-bath. This group is looking for a two bedroom two bath. If you or anyone, you know matches any of this criteria, please call me today, i'm aggressively working on behalf of my buyers, trying to help them get a home and you're, seeing all the notes ready.

I just did this for the first time and i got three listing appointments. Thank you shannon for executing right. Congratulations again. This isn't crazy stuff.

This is called the brilliant basics. These are the basics, which implies, if you're, not doing text messaging in a 2021 environment you're like you're. Basically, you should be sending faxes like this is the way we communicate today and if i have buyers. This is how i leverage it take a look at this and again for a lot of my coaching members.

You probably have already done this piece, but i'm i'm strongly recommending also to get more listings that debbie, when you sell a property that you do something like this, instead of just the typical just sold card. Instead, you do a case study where you explain to the consumers. You explain to the neighbors how you did what you did so if we break this card down 24 avalon, how did we do it? That's actually on the card, and then you see literally john here's. The prep in the marketing that we took four weeks on now.
This is what every one of you does the problem. Is you never tell me the story, you just give me the baby right. Instead, i'm telling you give me the story about how you did it. We came in, i brought in my designer i brought in my stager.

We got rid of the carpet we put in wood floors, we modified this. We spent some money here. We did this. We did that we did this and here's the result.

We sold the property in sick with six offers in five days now. The seller's, like oh, wait a minute. I can list my. I can list it with my buddy.

You know phil who sold two houses last year and he tells me the market's really hot and my home's going to sell in two seconds, which is why he's going to give me a discount commission? But now i'm looking at this card from this gal maryland who's telling me she took four weeks to do all of that, and then she got six offers not one and look at the results on zillow and trulia and the hot home on the every website that I've been looking at, she got it everywhere and then a basic little cta, my friends, how you market today is everything but look up here, i'm going to give you one that i just shared with one of my consulting clients. I said i think the ultimate just sold now looks like this. You standing in front of the house with your phone or your director of marketing holding a phone and you're like hey, it's tom ferry with banana real estate standing in front of my recent sale. That just closed right here at the corner of hamaha nana, it's one two, three, four banana street.

I actually met this client seven months ago. I was reaching out for a buyer that was interested in buying a home and they said we're not interested in this time and we're not really certain, because we might need to fix up our house. But they invited me over and i showed up - and i actually brought my design team to really help them understand that as a full service, real estate brokerage, we don't just list the house, we do everything it takes to optimize profitability and make the transaction as easy. As possible, so i want to show you what we did right and all of a sudden the video starts going to before and after before and after kitchen looked like this, you wanted to kill yourself.

Kitchen looks magnificent: the garage had dead bodies in it. Now it's beautiful and there's cars in the gym right and you show them everything you did, then you say, but then we shot a video to really expose the property to the highest quality. Never - and i'm doing this here, how many of you get what i'm saying raise your hands, because the postcard is going to get a certain response. But this video on 24 listings sold 32 listings sold 85 listings sold.
Where you tell the story - and you have it edited the before and afters - oh, my goodness, bonkers and bananas take a look at this piece. All my longtime clients. You might even want to take a screenshot of this immediately because it's not going to be inside that workbook, yet i just added it in uh the amazing glenda baker down in atlanta georgia. We have talked for years about sending out the prior year sales, john, where you'd say in 2020, we helped this many people buy and sell real estate.

What i love about the way she thanks and so many in our community think heidi. She said it's one thing for me to say: hey we had a record year, but what was the result to the client? If you read this, look at this days on market, you saved five thousand ninety two dollars and 48 cents, because we sold it faster than everybody else. Right based upon your price ranges, sales price to list price. You made you make you make it's all about.

The experience to the customer, so i really hope you took a screenshot of this because this as you're thinking about maybe your end of the first quarter, look back in terms of your results. End of the first half of the year look back and then paula. Your end of the year, here's what happened! Wouldn't it be fun paula to say just based upon our efficiency and our marketing plan, we saved our clients last year. You know seven thousand four hundred ninety three dollars on average, but we made them because we sell our properties faster for a higher price on average eleven thousand dollars.

You with me like this is the ammunition, my friends, that the smartest marketers are using so another one to consider. The ultimate is having your seller write a letter describing the experience, and then you take the letter and you mail it to the farm. This is like the secret weapon. This is the ultimate kill.

This is this is why you all get so many referrals, but i'm trying to scale it. So, instead of just three people being told, oh, my god, i listed my property with tammy. She was bonkers. Let me tell you, you knew we got that job transfer, you knew you know phil and i were already stressed it was a terrible experience.

She came in. Not only did she bring in a crew to fix up our house right, she paid for everything and we paid for it out of the closing which i didn't even know was possible. She did this and this and this and this - and this is all in the letter that she writes and you send to the neighborhood. That is the ultimate third party endorsement and guess what some of you will say.

How do i get my seller to write that look up here? You write the letter and send it to them and say i'd love to send a letter from you. I put it into word doc, change this and tweak it and adjust it as much as you want, but as we discussed, i would produce this kind of letter and then we'll send it out to everybody, your sellers, that love, you will do it in two seconds. Very powerful, okay, this question needs to be everywhere right now. This question needs to be everywhere at least twice a month.
You need to go on to your instagram stories, your facebook stories and literally just type in at what price would you consider being a seller at what like? What's the price that would make you say to your spouse, honey? We have to move at that price. The more you're asking this, the more you're activating now it can't be an everyday thing, but twice a month on social once a once a month right now in this market, to your entire geographic farm right having a page built on your website that says name your Price - and i would literally put who cares what zillow thinks buyers are paying more name, your price fill it in there's so many opportunities, my friends and these are the basics. These are the basics. Now, let's talk about one of the biggest opportunities around the world.

Right now and i'm i'm sorry for uh for vinnie, i don't have the numbers on south america, specifically sao paulo, but if you got them, please send them to me non-owner occupied now. I've showed this slide a few times to my clients, and i could see now that my little houses somehow got a little jumbled there, but as an example in the us there's 138 million homes, 21 million of them are investment properties. Look at canada for all. My canadians, 15 million 400 000 houses, 4 million craig - are investment properties in canada, something like 49 of the gdp is housing.

It's bonkers in australia. You see the numbers again very incredible and i'm still trying to get the data on europe talking to doug, michael polzler and all those guys trying to pull that data, but there's no national. You know resource for us. Yet here's the point, my friends, here's the point: if you want listings right now and you're, not targeting the investment properties that have seen more appreciation and gain than they've ever seen in the last 10 years, those of us that were buying in 2010, 11, 12, 13.

14 15. Those rental properties have skyrocketed in terms of price. Now, what's the obvious pulling up the list, adding it to your database as another pillar right, another bedroom for listing opportunities, sending out direct mail and making phone calls i'm going to give you everything, but i want to give my u.s friends a little heads up. Did anybody see some of the things that biden is proposing right now? Now, i'm not being political, i'm being someone that cares about real estate if 1031 exchange goes away? What do you think is going to happen to the transactions in this part of the world? Right now, i'm not saying they're going to do it, but it's being proposed.
I think biden's been around long enough to know that's a very bad idea, but if i owned a bunch of rental properties and no one is calling and saying hey heads up, are you looking at this? Is it in your consideration, my friends, i'm not telling you, but i'm telling you. I have friends that are selling everything as we speak for fear of. If this happens and the worst case scenario is they go put it all in the stock market and then they start buying shopping centers and everything else it just is what it is. But if you don't tell me what's going on, in my opinion, you're not being a really good advocate for me as an investor right on the flip side, what if the capital gains goes up? They're talking about in the us, going from 20 to 40.

who's going to sell an investment property when you now pay 40 tax, plus your state when you used to pay 20.. Now again, i am not proposing that this is get. This is what they're discussing i'm emailing every ceo. I know and saying tell me your writing.

Tell me you're talking to bob goldberg, tell me we are doing everything in our power to knock this out, because this is troublesome stuff for all of us right, not being political. This is just real estate. This is the business right, so you better go after them. Right now, you better send them all a letter and give them a heads up right, maybe include like the cnbc financial like print out the blog post and say this is what they're proposing highlight it and say: did you know and then say, look i'm representing people That want to buy.

I got people that want to live in your area. Anything that kevin is honest and real for you, you with me anything that is honest and real, for you right do not try and fear people into selling. That would be stupid. Hey, did you see this highlighted? Did you see this? I know you've owned that property for more than 10 years.

I know you've already depreciated the value of it based upon our taxation laws. What are you thinking about doing, but the real secret weapon for all of you, rock stars? Is you or your isa, making the calls it's making the calls? I told this story a couple years ago this last summer, i'm married. That sounds funny. I was the officiant of my little sister's wedding and her and her now husband, colin at our home last night.

My wife just walked in hey kathy. She is married to this guy because he cold called my stepmom and said: hey mrs ferry. I notice you own a property over here, blah blah blah. They start talking.

She thinks he's pretty intelligent. She asks him. Are you single? She hooks him up with her daughter, they're now married, you tell me, do good things happen when good people actually make phone calls. We all know the answer.

So i'm not going to bore you with the script, but we've given you everything here, right, you're, gon na have all of this stuff. Just in you know inside for you to activate and use the bottom line is anything you say at this point is good any hey, i'm calling to let you know home price appreciation has gone from x to y. All your investment properties are up how's, your rents. Doing what's going on just having an intelligent conversation being authentic being real and you're going to win now on your database? Here's a no-brainer! You really really really really! My friends need to over the next call it 60 to 90 days, send every person you sold the home to from basically 2010 forward an updated cma on their house.
You need to proactively send every single person. You sold a house to with a note that just says: omg nancy, congratulations! Right, letting them know the new value which will startle them and then what do you do you follow up with the phone call: hey, doug, congratulations! Your lake home went from x to y. In just four short years, doug, don't you wish you would have bought two right, that'd been the first thing i would've said: don't you wish you would've bought two? Well, i'm calling to let you know. We've got a massive supply and demand issue happening right now in the marketplace.

We got more buyers, low interest rates and less homes coming on the market, creating again this enormous supply and demand challenge in the marketplace. I'm just curious: have you guys had any thoughts of trading up trading out getting something new? Getting something bigger i mean: do you need more room for the dogs? Do you need less room for dogs like doug grandkids come on buddy? What are you thinking right? You? Having these conversations, my friends, along with everything else, these are the fundamentals so before we switch into our panel just stop for a second, and i want you to write down. Remember just like adding bedrooms to the architecture and design of our business. We need to add brilliant basics that we know will generate listings.

So what are you going to do? What are you going to do? What are you going to add? What are you going to say to your coach, okay, doug hold me accountable, this okay, catherine. I need to get on this right. I keep talking about it. Every week.

Hold me accountable. I got ta, get it done. You.

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12 thoughts on “Listing attraction brilliant basics [blueprint q1 excerpt]”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Living in Sarasota Florida- Noah Ward says:

    Mind is blown after watching this video. So much great knowledge!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ronald Peters says:

    Absolutely bananas…and so true mr.Tom! Ronald, realtor in the Netherlands

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gunny1391 says:

    Save yourself the time and invest in Homebot! There is no better automated tool to secure listings. It has a digital open rate of 70%, while your CRM may get 20%-30% on a good day. My listings in this market have tripled with Homebot. Look into it!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amy Cuny, Realtor® says:

    Thank you so much for including someone at the 32 price point.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kusmisich Propiedades says:

    What would the bananas mean? sorry but I did not understand that part

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars reckless bose says:

    The long preface evocatively overflow because growth ultrastructurally jog amid a unruly asphalt. eatable, dirty biology

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Naomi Vaetoru says:

    🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️ Hi Tom, I’d like to know how to get onto your direct coaching list?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Knezacek says:

    Tom your insights into measurable, action steps are invaluable.  I like your touches on the yikes and the third party endorsements. Brilliant stuff!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zelia Ladeira says:

    48 for this year

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MZ Omar says:

    Excellent Tom, I'll implement this and adjust with Indonesian Market….

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tse Tse says:

    Listen to you Tom, from Argentina. We are in lockdown (again), and I want to work and talk to clients, and keep moving 🤩 Thank you so much !

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandi Nelson says:

    Pure gold! I love these ideas and am going to put some in motion today!

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