Launch to Leverage: Multiply Every Real Estate Listing | Tom Ferry Podcast Experience
When the inventory is this scarce, you need to multiply every real estate listing you have. And by that, I mean leveraging one listing into opportunities for many more.
This week, I’m continuing my conversation with Jeff Mays and Jason Pantana with a hyper-focus on how to multiply every real estate listing by launching it in the right way.
To do this, we’re covering:
• The best time to launch a listing
• How to market your Open House for optimal success
• Turning your database into raving fans
• And more!
Watch or listen to this episode now, so when you get your next listing, you’re ready to multiply it into a whole bunch more.
In this episode, we discuss…
00:00 – Best time to launch a listing
04:37 – Car wash + creating urgency
06:18 – Early access
07:30 – Put out the signs yourself
09:06 – MUST USE strategies
13:58 – Training your database
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For the majority of my life, I’ve been passionate and dedicated to changing lives by giving away the very best strategies, tactics, and mindset techniques to help you and your business succeed. Join me as we take this to level 10!
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Foreign. Hey, welcome back to the Podcast today! We want to talk about every time you launch a listing. how do we intentionally turn that one listing into two? Or three or more? So we're going to talk to you Rapid Fire I Hope you got a notepad out some way to capture this. You'll probably take every one of these ideas, put them in a chat GPT for and synthesize them into the action plan your sop, which you should be doing anyway.

But I'm going to give you the first one. the one I know above everything else is a question: What is the most optimal day for you to launch a listing? What is the most optimal day? I Know the mistake that a lot of people are making is they launch it on Friday right? and they immediately start up accepting offers on Saturday The thing that I'm telling my clients to do now is you know, launch your listing either the day before Caravan if that's a really big deal and you have good attendance at Caravan so everybody sees it. With this exception, we are not accepting offers until the following: Monday So let's take Caravans Tuesday We're not accepting office till the following: Monday Build it up because what we have to do and you know this is you're going to spend two weeks, four weeks, six weeks staging the property, getting the video done, the video done, getting all the filming done, getting it on every possible website, getting it ready to go live, and then all of a sudden it's live. and in a Marketplace like this where it could be sold in two seconds.

Lots of showings, lots of offers. What I need to do is: I've got to invite the neighbors to a mega open house that I'm going to do on Saturday So if you don't care about Caravan launch it on Thursday launch it on Thursday Everything you unveiled the property, the world knows about it. You know you're getting inquiries. it's busy.

But the key is that I'm going to door knock the neighborhood or direct mail the neighborhood. I'm probably gonna shoot a video and broadcast the David I'm going to make sure everybody in that Community knows they're invited to a special lunch between 11 o'clock and one o'clock and I'm gonna throw a big party for all the neighbors because that's where you're going to get the next listing and your only focus during that lunchtime hour. if you actually knocked the doors and said hi my name is Tom Ferry with Banana Real Estate I Just listened to the Joneses house down the street, it's going on the market this. Saturday We're doing a private lunch for all the neighbors to come and preview the property because you know what I found.

There's a pretty good chance you might know somebody that would love to live in this neighborhood and every agent that does this says the same thing. I Go knock on 20 or 30 doors. The neighbors are thrilled. They start asking me a ton of questions and you start getting this hey could you could you take a look at my house That happens all the time and now all of a sudden you've got early access to the people that are thinking about selling their home.
Then you invite them to this party and they get overwhelmed by the experience that the Charcuterie, the maybe the wine or the whatever you know your Market you know your clients, the the bounce house outside for the kids. Be careful with that one right? Everything that you know you're are already on display and they're like she's my agent. that's my agent. You know everybody's got a friend in the business, but this person did it the right way.

Saturday 11 to 1, then 1 to 4 30. now everybody has access to it. Everybody can come to the open house, then I do another one on Sunday Maybe it's a 11 o'clock in the morning to two o'clock right? Like an odd hour and some people might argue and you guys probably have this idea that you could hold it open eight hours the next day and drive as much traffic as possible to it. But the key is we're only accepting offers.

We're gonna start to present the offers on Monday Now this gives you an enormous opportunity to meet with a ton of people and just ask one question. hey yeah, this is probably going to sell with multiple offers. you see all the activity Have you guys had any thoughts of selling? Do you guys know anybody that's had any thoughts of selling and you know if you know me when I say Jason you know if you guys have any thoughts of selling, they're like no and I'm like really, you've had, you've had no thoughts right? and that's when they open up and then I'm like Jeff like you know you and Kayla you know like do you guys know anybody that's had any thoughts of selling they're like I don't know anybody, you're like you don't know anybody and they all do. they open up so that's my one idea that you know again you're gonna do the video You're Gonna Do the staging.

You do all the right things. but the whole goal is we know that when one home sells, usually two more sell right away and I want you to get it and the easiest way to do it is to Showcase how you do business differently at a mega open house for them and then the regular open house Saturday Sunday offers get accepted or get you know get reviewed on Monday Can I can I drop in a few ideas on your Omega opening? Yes please! A few additional ideas Yes one. I Love the idea of making it an event of some type I'm reminded of one of my coaching clients who wants had a special listing that had a U-shaped driveway and so she hired a car wash company and she went to all the neighbors and said here's your ticket, you can come check out the property while you're getting your car washed. They would park in the line, it would run through the driveway and they're in the property And she was schmoozing them and it led to I mean it's just a matter of leveraging the asset for what it is next.

Idea: Some of my coaching clients have an alternative script when they door knock the neighbors to invite them and I love that I love the script you're using. No, it's it's the standby. They've taken a different approach where they'll say something to the tune of hi I'm Jason pantana with ABC Realty I'm the listing agent or I'm representing the property your neighbors are selling down the street one truth or banana Street Listen I have a small favor I Need to ask? We're doing an open house this week and it's important that it looks incredibly busy so that when an interested buyers walk in, they feel a sense of urgency to write more compelling offers. And so it'd be amazing if you could make your presence known there simply so we can try to create urgency because I'm committed to selling this property for the best possible terms and making your House's Equity go up.
Love that! don't use my script, use that one instead and the we all know the can you do me a favor? The vast majority of human beings will say yes without even knowing what the favor is. Yeah, they're like sure, right? They say sure Yeah? Okay, help me help you So I Got one more right now. This is so good. This is yeah.

Here's what I'll understand if everybody's complained. there's nothing on the open house. Why are we not at least letting our past clients and our sphere know why we we wouldn't reach out to them yes and ask them. Do they know anybody? Somebody told me way back when it's not, you're not calling your friends or your past customers to sell them that house.

You're letting them know that it's a touch. Point You're like giving you early access Early Access I'm giving you I'm letting you in on a secret. Yeah, Why? why are we not doing that? That was like I Love you I Love the email. Uh, from from Jimmy Who says you know I'm not sure if this is for you.

Yeah, but I Recently listed a property that's going to go live this Thursday It's at one two, three, four banana. Street And we know in this: Marketplace there's very few homes on the market and there's massive demand. If there's someone you know that's in Market that's desperate to buy a house, please send them to this open house. Feel free to email on this for this email and what we know is again, depending upon the market you're in between 35 and 6, 65 percent of the people need to sell a house in order to buy the next one.

And if you have the Early Access and they show up to your open house and it's over the top who they who are they going to be inclined to list with when their friend just referred them this opportunity? So I Love that I Love that. All right. So on the open house front, one of our great coaching clients: Dave Archuleta He's out in Rancho Mission Viejo Orange County and he crushes it from a geographic farming standpoint and one of the dominant sources of business for Dave is open houses. Dave Will do multiple open houses every weekend.

Yeah, and he's A. He's a top earner, he's a major top producer, and he puts out multiple directional signs the pointer signs that would direct traffic to the open houses. and he does it himself. and he was once challenged to hire somebody to put the directional signs out for him.
he's too busy hire somebody else to do it and he said absolutely not. and his reason for putting out his own directional signs is because he said I choose to put the signs out when I know there's heavy traffic and I wave at every passing car. every bystander with the biggest smile on my face like I am the Mayor of Ranch in Mission Viejo and he says invariably at the listing appointment they say Dave we're hiring you because we see you out there every weekend, busting your tail, putting up signs, sweating in the Heat and we want to work with an agent just like you. It's those little details yeah I love that idea.

Yeah, it's the hyper local agent that they see in action working hard. What do you got? Uh I've got a client Jacqueline Screedon uh she prints out a poster board size of the area of Just local like a map almost and people stand around. they talk. they say I want to be in this area I want to be over here or I live over here.

They're staying there longer at their open houses because there's more content. We know new. um if you've ever done new homes they've got this all the time at New Home Construction site. it gives you further a really information to talk about.

It's really good. Okay so I'm going to give you one maybe you guys haven't thought about. So if you really want to pay attention to the Zeitgeist every time someone sells their home right, what everybody does is they check their Zillow right? Like okay, what's what's my homework now? So Eileen Rivera Big shout out to Eileen So here's here's the action. You ready? So before the house goes live and it's active in the MLS you want to go to that House's Zillow Zestman your listing and if I just screen grab it right because I after you sell it multiple offers, you're gonna take that flyer right? You're gonna print One You're Gonna draw a circle and a red line through the zillow's estimate price and your note's gonna be.

We listed it for this. Here's the hook. We generated this much traffic, this many buyers, this many offers and finish with the final sales price. Can't do this in Texas but every place else finished with the final sales price of this right and then you say would you like to know how much your home is really worth phone number and then you door knock the neighborhood and you go hi it's Tom with minute real estate I Recently listed and sold.

you know, uh, you know Jason and Jeff's place down the street wanted you to see this, You just hand it to them and they're going to look at it and go Zillow said 7.95 They sold it for 8.25 They had 83 people through, they had six offers and they're gonna go uh okay, tell me more about that. Yeah, it's not right. I Love that idea and I even wonder this will require some effort, but this idea just struck me. What would it look like if you Also we always talk about the you know, ten doors to the left, 10 doors to the right.
Whatever that number of doors that you want to be hyper focused on around your listing might be you should also screenshot. there's estimates before and after and see if there's a noticeable change, right? And if there is, that's a hand deliverer. Yeah, hey, we sold it. Here's this, by the way.

here's yours. Yes, so you can show the corollary between the impact I Love that, right? And even if you didn't print them out, you just had them up. Yeah, I mean just you're just on the street and you're like and hey, by the way, you're welcome. Yeah, never said like that, but you know what I mean the key the key would be you got to screenshot it beforehand so you can see the difference.

You have to always like every time you take a listen you got a screenshot it on Zillow right and just play to the zeitge guys. Zilla's price is wrong, right? But but they are the verb. they got all the traffic. I'm gonna give you one more and then you're up.

you ready. The next one is I Don't want you to send out just sold cards anymore. Um I want you to send out a black or orange QR code card that says find out what happened at One Two Three Four Banana Street Arrow Find out what happened at One Two Three Four Banana Street Arrow That's good. They click on the QR code and I would imagine that when I got there I'd be on a landing page that probably had you know a video to watch where they saw you know, 93 people walk through the open house right? Edited? You know, with you know Opus clip or some other great you know solution to get it edited quickly and they're watching this video like wow, there's a lot of people there, food this that and then maybe there's just one moment of you sitting at your desk where you're reviewing eight or nine offers and you're like hey, so if you're watching this right now, we generated 11 offers on this property.

So I'm I'm just putting together an analysis of all these offers for my clients so they can make the best possible decision and it just shows all the offers in front of you. And then the last part of the video is just the seller high-fiving you with the sold sign saying we just sold this house for X dollars more than the Zillow's estimate. Now all of that could be written. It could be video, it could be audio.

It could be a combination of the two. but at the end of the day there needs to be some capture that says want to know what your home is worth Yeah, type in your address here right and we'll do the same thing for you I Just think the mistake of just sending the classic just Sold card in an environment. but it also doesn't tell story at all. like if you tell the story like Robert Mack's great.

Yeah, he does Like you know, like the the worst just Sold card on the planet is listed and sold in three days. Got him forty seven thousand dollars more than asking right? Doesn't say anything that they did. Yeah, that doesn't say I Met this couple 18 months ago, right? right? and we worked together tirelessly to figure out what the right approach was, how we could time this thing. Should we go off? Market Should we do this and then finally for 90 days we did this and this and this and this and this and this and this.
You do that in a video and then you show the impact of your marketing. everybody. First of all, we just know everybody's gonna look at the QR code right? right? They're gonna go trash, trash, trash. What? What do you mean What happened at One, Two Three Four Banana? Street You can only imagine how some people are going to react to that happen, right? Bing right? They're gonna look at it and go whoa.

So play around with that. All right. What else you guys got though? Let's wrap this up. It kind of drives me crazy because I have calls all the time.

We're like, yeah. So we had 10 offers the other day on our house and I Go. That means Nine people didn't get a home, right? right? Print out the other non-contracts imagine this image and go door knock the neighborhood a day or two later. Cross out all the names right? Imagine saying imagine somebody comes to your door and you got the contracts printed out.

That's a that's a really killer image I Think Okay, so it's all about uh, launching the listing with maximum time to do the open houses. Yeah, because they're in charge of the timing too. 100 without they got to spread this out without the amount those things are out there. Yeah, we need more time.

100 good. We have a great client. I mean I know we're talking about open houses and a lot of stuff. Yeah, you have a client in Texas Who what she would do before every open house is? She would Sly broadcast her database and she would say the address is One two three Banana Street the time is 1pm serving Carnitas or whatever it is.

Come eat my food and make this place look like a mad house. Yeah, and she would. she would Market to her database. But what was interesting about her approach is she's training her database of past clients and sphere to support her business.

They would literally show up like her street team fan club and eat the food at her open houses. but they are being conditioned to support her business for referrals down the road. and I'm like that's just smart and and look, it's the law of reciprocity. You keep getting a free lunch and tons of fun with me.

and yes, you're supporting me and I'm supporting you. but I would imagine the next time they run into a friend that's like Hey we're thinking about selling our house. Oh my God you gotta go Oh my God right like they're gonna be all over that Bingo Okay so my question for you as we wrap this up is what are you gonna do based on this these ideas and then what have you done in the past that always generated you more that when the market sped up and we got to this sort of crazy frenzied state that maybe you stopped doing like the whole game always and forever is run, plays that work. That's the game.
So thank you so much for watching. Leave a comment below. Maybe send this to a friend or two, Maybe send it to your broker manager. Maybe it should be spread around the entire office like you guys and gals should be getting all the listings.

That's what we want. All right. Thanks so much for watching. We'll see you soon.

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5 thoughts on “Launch to leverage: multiply every real estate listing”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Living in West Georgia says:

    I don’t understand what caravan is. Can you explain this?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Beth Scharwath, Hattiesburg Realtor says:

    Brilliant!!!!! Thank you.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Campbell says:

    So where do I make the time to throw parties, do 8 hour open houses, and what not? Is this meant for a team leader?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gail Beskid Broker BRG Real Estate says:

    I live on and love open houses! So many great ideas. I will be implementing these on my brand new $2.2 million listing.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AntTheBrazilian says:


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