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Paul N'Gumah, CEO & Founder of Patternology Lab
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Into this video we gotta look at the overall markets. the market is still chopping and let's check out some stocks for today. All right now. let's dive right into it.

right off the bats. Now the Spy is this buy is pretty much at the same price as it closed on Friday again in last night's video. I Told you guys that that zone right here between 55 50 and 5500. It's kind of a no main line, no man's land and this thing is still going to chop until we get out of that range.

It's going to be pretty brutal. uh, direction will not be very clear. it won't be like even though it might look like it's gonna fall and then we're gonna see Lucky Bounce and then right when it looks like it wants to spike we want to You're Gonna See It Drop It's gonna be kind of nasty so be very careful. I would say look for day trading opportunities.

Uh yeah, that's what I would say today is Monday So keep in mind don't be too. Don't be too quick to take a trade, especially on anything that doesn't have that is not the Spy QQQ or Iwm like do not be too in a rush to get into a new position on a Monday Those contracts aren't that great. so you want to chill out until it's absolutely perfect and you have no doubt in your mind that there's gonna be a massive move out of nowhere. Alright, but as of today Monday Chill out.

Okay, so now let's look at let's look at the Vix because the Vix is looking interesting. Like, despite the fact that, um, the indices are not moving at all, they're pretty much at the same price. The NASDAQ is taking a little bit of a beating. This one is up all right.

and when when this one is up right now? I'm I'm thinking that there could be like there could be a a quick drop out the gates just to catch up with the vix. The mix is up by. let's see here, the mix is up by three percents. So I think at one point we might see the indices down by negative one percent.

At one point it could be within the first 30 minutes or it could be after the morning. Spike but whenever there is, that's kind of. when the moves don't make sense. between the indices and the works, there's likely to be a red to Green Moon Either way, there's gonna be.

it's gonna be down at some point. like a lot lower than what it is now. So just keep that in mind. All right, today's the day to be patient again.

Today is the day to be patient. Now the first talk that I Want to share with you guys. We're gonna go only one minute, we're gonna go on Labu and then we're gonna clear the charts all right now with this one right here. It's showing a structure that is decent I'm not I'm not too sure if it's going to play out, but it hasn't given me a reason not to trust it just yet.

There's an ascending triangle on there with the breakouts right there on. Friday Now, in order for this one to stay clean, it has to stay above 5.1 and chill up here and then continue on. Wednesday All right, the price target for this one is right up here. It's near six bucks.
Again, it looks it looks like it looks like XPath And you remember what I told you yesterday how I know the beginning I know the end but the middle is a little gray. right? This is pretty much it's pretty much that all over again. I Don't know how it's gonna get up there I Just know that it's gonna get up there I don't know when it's gonna get up there I Just know that based off of what I've seen right now, it should. Unless it drops below 5.1 then the structure is invalid.

All right. So keep keep this one on watch and search your alerts at 5.32 Let me just say that yeah, set an alert right here like I'm doing right now at 5 32. I Just patiently wait for the Bell the ring. All right Now that's the first one.

the next one that we gotta look at. the next one is I Shared this one a while ago with y'all it's afrm now since yesterday I Told you guys that uh, during the chop certain stocks might do whatever they want. but I think this is one of these scenarios. Um, Afrm had earnings.

It's been climbing slowly. uh throughout earnings I Shared this one with you guys I think on last Wednesday or last Tuesday to watch it for a long to 22.50 I Thought it would happen a bit faster, but it took like three days to get to 22 dollars. Now the structure on the four hour is still there. We got a bow flag on there right? um could let go higher I think I think it can I think you can I see on the left right here the price Target got jumped the price Target got raised to 25 by some analysts.

Again, they're sharing their opinions like I'm sharing my opinions. Watch it for a continuation first to 25 dollars. all right and then uh yeah, that's that's my thoughts on this one. It's looking clean I don't have anything bad to say about it I like the reaction after the earnings I like the continuation I like the volume, the candles look nice and I don't see a reason not to be bullish on Afrm.

Alright, now let's check out some of the stuff that I've mentioned yesterday like CVX for example: could this one still pull through? Yeah, it looks like it. You see, this is what I was talking about right here. Uh yeah, it's going to get up and open at 166. and then we might see a pullback.

Yeah, so this is exactly what I was talking about right here. All right. So congratulations to anybody who took this trade on Friday after I gave it to y'all I Get those contracts should be up plenty. Don't forget to take your money off the table because there may be a pullback coming soon.

All right. Price Target was 166. so 165.50 like I did my job. So don't get too greedy on this one.

All right, don't get too greedy on it. um the next one and we gotta look at. let's look at one of these. uh huge, um the big stocks in the video now Nvidia is kind of struggling and again I Told you guys that I was very tempted to short it yesterday um on Friday but we ended up going long on Neo instead.
it's not looking too great. Uh, it's really, really nuts I want you to set your alerts right at 479. right here and patiently wait for that Bell to ring. if it rings, there could be an opportunity for a drop to 470 250.

All right again. I think I think the NASDAQ is gonna be down by like negative one percent at some points Is it going to stay down given the fact that I think it's gonna drop sideways for a bit before we find a true Direction Um I don't think it's going to last. If it drops, there will be a rebounds. so don't forget to take your money off the table if it does.

and again, today is Monday. So those contracts are super inflated. Even the Friday is contracts for for NVIDIA and for a lot of the tech stocks. So don't be too in a rush to take a new position today.

There's always, well, not today's not Monday today's Tuesday but still, it's the first day of the week you you know what I mean so that's that's my thoughts on that one and that is the end of the video. Again, do not forget to demolish the like button for the YouTube algorithm as always helps. Channel A lot more people to get established as well. Don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already and to have access to these modern videos which are released from Monday through Friday 15 to 20 minutes before the Market opens.

You can click on the join button and click on morning videos. All right if you'd like to be part of a private digital. Community We can get all of this information in real time as I see it the details of the contracts price Target Stop loss and the reason why articular trades to begin with. You can find that as the first link in the description of the video below.

If you haven't follow me on social media yet, you can find me at Paul Nikuma at Fair analogy live on Instagram and on Twitter. And lastly, if you like to get some free stocks, we will. You can use the third link in the description of the video after signing up. Once again, my name is Paul Niguma with Analogy Lab where we trade patterns and patterns only and I will see all of you in the next video.

By Stock Chat

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3 thoughts on “Labu, afrm, cvx stocks”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YEGMaestro says:

    My guy 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tammy clelland says:

    On a Tuesday…. Lol

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Benardo Chavez says:

    Thank you Paul!!

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