News just in - JPMorgan have announced that they are launching a new bank in the UK under their Chase brand.
They have been working on this new bank for some time and the announcement today states that the bank should be launching "within months".
Although there is not a lot of detail, the bank has said that they plan to offer a range of products which may imply that they want to launch more than just a current account which has been the case with Monzo and Starling Bank.
Chase have a reputation for providing some of the most popular banking and credit card products in the United States so it will be exciting to see how that ports over to the specifics of the UK market.
In this video I go through some of the details of the announcement and point out a few interesting thoughts I had about the new bank.
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What's up you guys, sasha here a slightly different video today, because some news has just come in that i really needed to go and make a video about, and the news are jp morgan have just announced that they are launching a new digital bank in the uk. This is really interesting. I wanted to really quickly record a video to tell you all the details that we do know as of now as to exactly what this bank is going to be, what it's going to do, what kind of products it might do, i'm going to tell you a Few thoughts that i have about it, a few things that i think are really important to point out. Um, let's dive right in i'm gon na just do it live i'm gon na go through all the details here.

I've got the statements. I've got some of the news that has been published and in the announcement they've made. Jp morgan are saying that they want to go and enter the uk as a strong player already playing in the same space in the us. They are one of the biggest and most popular banks in the us in their retail banking space.

They are really well known for their credit cards that do really really cool things, really really cool features, really great rewards and perks. I'm gon na get to that in just a second, but at the moment the bank hasn't launched yet and they're not gon na be launching imminently. This still is a few months away, however, because they're saying they're a few months away. This is implying that they've already done quite a lot of the legwork, because otherwise we'll be looking at a longer time scale than that now the plan is to launch this bank under the chase brand, which is the one that they use in the us, and that Is really well known around the world and the in the uk as well.

It probably comes a surprise to a lot of consumers who didn't quite expect a big u.s bank to come and establish themselves really quickly in the uk, but jp morgan have been working on this for some time. According to their press release, they have already hired 400 people to launch this bank and those people are going to be based in london's canary wharf. So that's pretty much all the information that this press release gives it's not a lot, but i'm going to dive into some of the wording and i'm going to explain some of the other things that i was thinking when i was reading it and first i want To just say, i think it's great. I think it's really good that another big bank is going to be opening in the uk and it's going to offer even more competition.

It's great that we already have monzo, we already have sterling and revolut is applying for their banking license as of a few days ago, but i feel like we can probably do with more options than that sure we have all the incumbents. We have all the old school banks, but i think it's good for there to be new blood. I think it's good for there to be new disruption, new people with new ideas showing maybe how they think about doing the same thing in a slightly different way. You might remember that in december 2020, only last month, jp morgan was one of the two banks that was touted by the media as wanting to go and buy sterling along with lloyds now immediately after this was released across all the different mass media, ann bowdan, who Is stanley banks ceo came out and said that she has absolutely no interest in selling the bank to them or to anybody else, and they are planning to do an ipo at some point in 2022.
So because of that, or maybe that was just part of the strategy of launching the back and drawing a bit of attention to them in a relatively short space of time, they've gone and turned it around and they've decided to go and launch a bank all of Their own, rather than buying, which is quite an interesting move. Now, if you look at the announcement, it says that they're going to be launching a range of products which is interesting because it implies that they're not going to do what monzo and styling bank have done and launch with just one monoline product like a bank account It sounds like they're going to be offering a bit more than that and based on their experience, knowledge and sort of brand. If you like in credit card industry, i'm expecting that maybe there's going to be some exciting stuff in that space coming there as well. In the us they offer some of the best perks.

If you look at any us-based personal finance channels, you will notice that they talk about chase sapphire and various other chase products a lot. So i think it's really interesting to see how that ports over to the uk, because here's the thing in the uk the credit card space works really really differently, and this is somewhat underplayed by a lot of people. Fundamentally, though, the revenues that you can earn are completely different. For example, in the us you can earn a lot of interchange from credit cards which you can't in the uk because of some eu legislation.

That is now uk legislation as well, which limits the amount that banks can charge in the us. These numbers can be high, they can be 1.7 percent, two percent, even greater. They can be over three percent with american express and the various other mastercard world, etc. I'm not going to get into the specifics of exactly how those different kinds of schemes work, but in the uk the maximum that can be charged is not point three percent, and that not point three percent has to be shared between mastercard or visa or any other Scheme like that and the bank, so the bank will actually only get a small proportion of the overall, not a small proportion of good proportion, but it's not a lot of money and there's other restrictions as well like, for example, in the uk.

Some practices are common that don't exist in the us, like, for example, repricing on credit cards. Changing the aprs and also uk. Consumers are not really used to credit cards that, for example, charge fees which is very common and prevalent in the us, so be really interested to see how they go and adjust to that. Another interesting thing is jp.
Morgan is not a kind of tech company. If you like, they are a big established bank and the problem with the biggest average bank is that comes with big established systems. So it will be really interesting for me to see. Will they go and put essentially those systems over and make it look nice and pretty make it? Look like a challenger bank make it look like there's some really exciting stuff, even if it is powered underneath by some of those systems, because the likelihood is, if that's the case, there'll still be a few things that just don't do what you expect them to do, Or you'll be required to submit paper or there'll be some kind of complicated ways that shouldn't exist so it'll be really interesting to see what happens with that gordon smith, who is the chief executive of the consumer and community banking at jp morgan, said the uk has A vibrant and highly competitive consumer banking marketplace, which is why we've designed the bank from scratch to specifically meet the needs of the customers here now.

Does he really mean from scratch? I don't know but it'll be really interesting to find out now. Another point i want to make is that styling and monzo already offer really great propositions. They offer pretty much free banking. They offer services that their competitors, the existing big banks, don't offer, and the products work really great.

The apps have still a few things that they can go and improve, but they're already so much better than they were and a lot better than pretty much. All the high street banks and it'll be interesting to see, will jp morgan just go and try to copy that and sort of create a third version that is very similar but slightly different, or will they try to do something that works in a fundamentally different way? Will they go and try to innovate and make it feel different, make it do something different? I don't know at this stage. I don't think anyone knows at this stage, so it will be quite exciting to see what happens with that as well. Now it's really important to remember that we have heard other banks go and launch challenger banks in the uk only for those to fail spectacularly the most well-known one out of the big banks trying to go and pretend that their challenge bank was when nat west went And launched a bank called bow only a few months after they launched that bank.

It failed spectacularly they fired everyone who was working on a project including some consultants that they hired and uh. It was scrapped completely. So the history of that is not great. Actually, the history is even worse than that, because jp morgan themselves actually tried to launch a challenger bank in the us only a couple years ago called finn, but that venture also failed and they had to shut that whole thing down as well.
So there isn't the best of histories of big banks starting including jp morgan themselves. Maybe they've learned the lessons and maybe they're going to actually bring the lessons that they've learned to this and do this in a much better way. We shall have to wait and see now. The ceo of this new bank has officially already been named, and apologies for my pronunciation, but it is snook viswanathan and he has had a long career as a senior executive in jp morgan's corporate and investment bank has been there done.

That got a lot of really interesting experience, but my issue is this: no matter how smart this guy, i am, he looks incredible. He looks incredibly smart, but my problem is this: is the chief executive of a retail bank, something that deals with consumer finance products and ultimately experience and how these things work is really really vital to making success of them, because i've seen multiple examples of people who've. Never worked in the industry go and set up consumer finance companies go inside of retail banks over the last few years. Only for those people to fail miserably.

I have actually worked on some projects where people went and hired me to go and help them out to go and get their banking license, and a few other things like that, where i saw some similar things as well, there's been more than one of those. Some of them went better than others, but with some of them i just saw that the people just didn't really understand what they were doing, no matter how smart those people were so be interested to see. Have they actually brought in people who really understand the industry? Have they brought in people who really understand how these products work at a really granular level, and if so, how good are these products gon na? Be i again have no idea, but it'll be really interesting to find out. That's pretty much all i have to tell you at this stage as and when whenever they go and launch this new thing or maybe i'll, be able to go and see it just before we'll see we'll have to we'll have to wait and see.

I will tell you everything there is to know at the moment this is it there isn't very much but keep your eyes open, because i think this could be really exciting. This definitely has the capacity to shake things up, so i am gon na talk about it. As soon as there's anything more thank you very much for watching, really really appreciate it and i'll see you guys later. You.

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31 thoughts on “Jpmorgan launches new bank in the uk”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars P J says:

    JP Morgan almost went bust in 2008 and were bailed out by the Government. Look into the Overnight Repo Market which went from 2% to 10% in 2019 when they started QE again. Digital currency move which will make it easier for them to bail in your money. Yes bank bail ins were made legal in the UK in 2014. If you think your savings will be guaranteed by the FSCS then think again, they're total budget only covers 1% of uk deposits.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul The Party Animal Parker says:

    Have they even set up a UK website yet? I'm interested in opening an account with them but they don't even have a website.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marwan says:

    monzo?starling?revolut? if i want to open a card for travelling😊

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PureTechReviews says:

    I will be closing my Monzo account when chase bank comes in uk but will keep my starling bank

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gary says:

    Will be interesting, isn't there talks of the bank moving to the EU now though?

    Hopefully not but that's the opinion I was given.


  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob Wilton says:

    So you think JP Morgan are coming to be nice to us?
    They are coming to add weight to the (pre revolt) argument that bank accounts should be a paid for service.
    They are coming to cash in on the free money from zero % interest rates.
    They are coming to cash in on the credit boom forced by the zero % interest rate.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Lister says:

    New drinking game: take a shot ever time Sasha says "really" 😅

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Glowacki says:

    Off topic, but where we and should we complain about dodgy practices of trading platforms in UK ? Trading 212 and others are blocking stocks and trades in the last few days. I don`t thinks this is right. Have you noticed that, what are you thoughts.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samuel Holden says:

    Very interesting news, thanks Sasha. I personally have studied the rise of digital banking in the UK and think the competition is great. However, I don't think there is a great deal of room/market share for newbies joining the table now and from scratch. Starling, Monzo and Revolut are way ahead of the game in terms of customer base, technology, proposition and licencing… But maybe JP Morgan are hoping to take the credibility angle based on their existing reputation? 🤷🏻‍♂️

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Horton says:

    Sure will be interesting to see what they come up with, I will be keeping an eye out for sure. My family in the US seem to love their Chase bank accounts and Credit Cards. I think it might interest the slightly more mature people still using legacy banks, it'll have to go some to move people away from their Starling or Monzo accounts.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Hughes says:

    Great vid thanks for update look forward to hearing more wen they launch

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pwx2006 says:

    Is the opening date of jpmorgan in uk known?
    You are Professional ,TOP-MAN 🙂
    You should work at the World Bank ,
    oops… maybe you already work there 😉

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lee E says:

    There credit card benefits look fantastic in America hopefully we can get similar benefits

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jon G says:

    Competition is usually healthy so bring it on. I just hope they understand the U.K. market. I recall when N26 came here, I had difficulty with one of their customer service reps who didn’t know what a hard or soft credit check was and it just felt unpolished.

    Please please please build a new app from scratch. I don’t expect it to look particularly revolutionary (unsure by this point how else to show you your bank balances) but some really decent and interesting deep dives into spending habits and smart suggestions could really make them stand out.

    I won’t hold my breath for good rewards unless they offer a paid account and put some serious cash into the offers. I really don’t need another £30 off HelloFresh offer…

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M Nicholls says:

    Interesting to see JPM relying heavily on the Chase brand which has a large high street footprint in the US for a digital-only offering in the UK.

    I wonder if this is a covid era bank disguised as a digital bank with hints of challenger. Lower overheads = less risk if/when it all goes tits up. Smart move.

    Become successful and buy up all the empty HSBC branches on the cheap in a few months!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matty Breeze says:

    I think it's exciting, more competition is always good and if they come with a range of products, I think they might find a sweet gap as a 'challenger' bank that offers a credit card. I'm sure there's more than a few people who haven't switched to starling ect. yet because they like their big bank's connected credit card. (Imagine if starling announced a credit card, you know it'll at least be the best looking card on the market)

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Her Penny Potential - Personal Finance says:

    Ooo interesting one!! will they charge and therefore not compete with the banking apps? thats the question! Great video v informative!!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Julian Atlas says:

    It's good to see that Brexit was not the end of the world, and international firms still want to come to the UK

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kelly S says:

    JP Morgan has been in the UK and the EU for some time offering "Wealth Management" through their Private Banking for the very wealthy. It seems that they are looking to expand from the wealthy to the "normal" people. In the USA at least, there's a lot of money to be made charging interest and especially penalties to people that are not good at managing their money. JPM Chase has the capability to roll into the UK, set up as a consumer bank for the commoners, and then buy out Starling and/or Monzo if they want to. JPM Chase is consistently one of the top banks in the world, they didn't get that way by NOT crushing small competitors.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Likhan Ghosh says:

    So up for this….. It’s about time someone big came and shook up the pathetic big four

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zeddyorg says:

    @Sasha I’d love to see your take on the GME stuff going on right now if you need video inspiration

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luke Jarvis says:

    Interesting – thanks. I will be keeping an eye on this to see what they release!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WaneM says:

    Excellent, been hoping a big player would come into the UK credit card market, and hopefully find some new way to offer more competition to our lacklustre market.
    Chase isn't shy at throwing very big bonuses to pull customers from other banks… Let's see how they navigate our interchange fees and other limitations, maybe they will be able to negotiate a unique deal for themselves similar to what Amex enjoys(maybe that will finally get Amex to offer a bit more than they currently are, for the fees they are charging)…They (Chase) have the size to do it
    Hopefully, they don't give us a watered-down version fo their Sapphire/Inc and Freedom cards.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FoyshaCollection says:

    They're just jumping on the digital bank bandwagon. If they want to make this successful then they need to offer something that the others don't already do. It's hard to see what that might be other than freebies or rewards.

    Also, will it be popular with the young crowd? I can't see older people joining a new bank.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juste Zabarskaite says:

    It is coming to bring competition to the market where everything is already free:) Interesting.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Evans says:

    Be interesting to see what they offer and whether it will disrupt. Think that credit cards may be the deal breaker. Thanks for keeping us updated!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Douglas Mackay says:

    a friendly notice to anyone reading this, trading212 is a joke shop of an trading platform.

    Imagine you have some crucial stock which you need to trade when the market opens, and trading 212 is completely down. You can't log in.
    – that happened today.

    Imagine some hours later once you can log in, the stocks which you own and wish to trade cannot be bought or sold. Despite being able to be bought or sold through other brokers.
    – that also happened today.

    It's happened before, and i'm pretty sure it'll happen again in the future. Check the trustpilot latest reviews if you don't believe me! peace

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Creative Time Traveller says:

    Unless it’s better than Starling bank and is a modern bank with a simple and functional interface on its app I’m not at all interested in this

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JamZ says:

    I feel like revoluts features would be a good way to differentiate without charging monthly which is a turn off for most

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sasha Yanshin says:

    Will it beat Monzo and Starling with something shiny or are we in for another spectacular collapse? What do you think?

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I am King Craig says:

    Big up JP Morgan. Their China stock is doing well for me 🤴🏻

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