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Federal reserve update
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Hey everyone me kevin here, so there are two things that jerome powell just said that, in my opinion, are at least slightly cause for concern and they don't have to do with this really cool. Looking blue bar, like that's what i want in my house, look at that reflection of the blue on the ceiling there yeah that metallic ceiling kind of cool anyway, so a couple things that are not elon, that jerome powell just said not good. Okay, so first thing who remembers paul, volcker right, paul volcker was the guy that when inflation was so unanchored and so out of control in the late 70s and early 80s that paul volcker came and said. That's it we're just going to jack interest rates to be higher than the rate of inflation.

So, for example, if inflation was 14, they moved interest rates to 15. That would be like moving interest rates at the fed now from you know, 0.5 or 0.75 percent. So under 1, up to like 9, that would be really bad. We would go into like a depression right, that'd be pretty devastating, but it would also stop inflation like instantly.

That's the fed rug poll that i was worried about in january. That was going to come. Well, over the last three to four months, jerome powell has told us no that's not coming well now he's saying the following: quote: we're firmly committed to bringing inflation down mind you. This was in an interview with marketplace, npr's marketplace, kai rizdal.

Then we know that what paul volcker did was right in his situation worth remembering his situation was one of unanchored inflation expectations right now. The bond market, uh five-year break-even rate has fallen 19 from its peak in march, implying that we're not worried about runaway inflation that inflation expectations are actually coming down, not going up and of course they vacillate. Then you have the consumer expectations of inflation, which are at you know flat basically year over year and uh in a three to five year horizon. So you know these.

The expectations don't align today with what happened under paul volgar's uh administration, but they could change to that right. So anyway, here's what we hear quote. We know that what paul volcker did was right in his situation and it's something that might turn out to be right here. Oh yeah, that is like a big f like when i heard that i'm like what like last time, jerome powell talked.

He talked about how he admired paul, volcker, now he's saying oh yeah, paul volkering, the economy might turn out to be right here, like if you thought we were gon na get paul volcker. You should sell everything like you just literally short everything like the only survival that you will have is in cash. That's it everything else, just crashes, it's so bad uh, but and then he goes on to say, but i don't think we know that i think we have a lot to learn about what the path looks like ahead. All right.

So that's just exactly what markets hate right, more uncertainty, but listen to this one. Okay! This is the second piece that was like damn it damn it, powell you're ruining us all right. So the second piece was the following: jerome powell used to say our goal is to get inflation down to two percent without causing a recession or significant unemployment. Now he's revised that what does he say now he's the following quote? Our goal, of course, is to get inflation back down to two percent without having the economy go into recession or or, to put it this way, the labor market remaining fairly strong.
Okay, we never used to have that ore, that's opening the door to well, i mean if we have a recession as long as the labor market's good, we're, okay, that this is the first time that i've seen j-pal say that obviously right now they're on a path Of 50 bp hikes, but this is literally the first time i've heard him say: oh yeah, okay, as, as you know, things can be quite challenging right now, including orchestrating a soft landing. They say that. Well, you know, the unemployment rate is quite high. The labor market's extremely tight inflation is very high, so it'll be challenging.

It won't be easy. No one here thinks that it'll be easy. Nevertheless, there are pathways, but as long as we can do it without ruining the unemployment rate worst case, if we cause a recession, oh well right, like i'm imputing. Obviously this last couple sentences here, but when you, when you used to say without causing a recession or high employment or that is and high employment right and now we're going to or that is let's not cause either you start getting a little bit concerned that wait.

A minute jerome powell is now starting to talk about his admiration, for paul, volcker and saying paul. Volcker in the economy might be what we have to do here and now he's clearly or more clearly. I should say distinguishing that. Well, i mean basically, if we end up having a recession, then, as long as we don't, you know, create 10 unemployment and we get inflation down then maybe so be it, which i mean honestly makes sense right.

This is why i think we're in a recession. Right now, which i've been saying for for many months now, it's that it doesn't take much to slow the economy down to the point where we spend just a little bit less than we did last year. Wholesale inventories uh the trade deficit, personal consumption. All these things, if just together in net they go down point one percent, a tenth of one percent, two quarters in a row boom you're in our session.

I think we're gon na be in a recession all year long and then tucker carlson's gon na freak out and everybody else is gon na freak out as well. It's just my theory. I don't know i could be wrong, but something i pay attention to, and these are two subtle u-turns here from j-pal that i don't like. But what i do like is that amazing coupon code linked down below on everything that is on sale right now, coaching calls property management real estate, investing you name it.
Of course, prices will be going up tonight well late tonight, like first thing tomorrow morning anyway, thanks so much for watching we'll see in the next one bye.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

25 thoughts on “Jerome powell flipping forced recession!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bu Jin says:

    Yeah, J is trying real hard to tell the market that the Fed is going to win in this game of chicken they're playing. However, comparing today to Volcker is absurd, and I'd think dude knows that. When Volcker was chair, national debt was 30% of GDP, now it's 130%. At the 16% interest which would be required to pull a Volcker (dealing with the real inflation rate by cutting demand), America would instantly become insolvent from top to bottom, tax receipts would utterly collapse, we wouldn't be able to service the national debt (both under the higher interest, nor the reduced income), and the cascading consequences would make the great depression look like "the gentle consolidation" all on a world stage that is just waiting for America to stumble.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FilthyVirus says:

    Powell literally said that in his last talk on 4/5/22 and the market BOOMED. Wtf!?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RiskitAll Crypto99 says:

    If they stop sending checks to people for no reason, the unemployment rate will go down.

    It's an unemployment ponzi scheme.

    I just got a check, my wife just got a check, my son just got a check, for no reason, never asked for it.

    They are all full of shit,

    They created the supply choker, by hoarding, and stalled tactics, and they are creating the unemployment.


    To sell you junk at high rates across the board. Less for more!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Israel S says:

    Hadn’t seen a MeetKevin video since he flipped 2 days after saying he was in it for the long run 😂😂 and now I check in and he is talking about someone else flipping. He will always be Kevin “Paperhands” Praffrath aka Top WeenieBaby

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Earl Reid says:

    I personally hope that the fed raises interest rates above inflation. Everything needs reset.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars COMEDY NIGHT says:

    J Powell should have hiked interest rates to 2.5 by now, then 4 .25 hikes as goal in 2023.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daily News says:

    As Peter Schiff says "if the fed could have done something about inflation, they would have already done it."
    This is a show to strengthen the usd

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daily News says:

    And he said inflation was transitory too. Believe anything he says at your peril

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jona B. says:

    Long before a resession is coming the labor market is always the first to crash, this is to me more of a bullish sign. Don't get why you see it negative Kevin.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Beauchamp says:


  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ccaputa says:

    I don't believe anything Powell, Yellen, or anyone else in the administration says. Actions speak louder than words, and it's going to get worse.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fresh Urb says:

    Remember when this idiot said over and over again that 2022 would be the year of crypto ? don't listen to this fool.. he is just a Tuber

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Marshall says:

    You know if we measured inflation today the same way they did in 1980. Todays inflation is higher…

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars phillips wright says:


  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vill Ram says:

    Interest rates will rise and be around for years. Thanks to all the people who wanted to close down for covid destroying supply chains. And thanks to all the people who wanted their stimulus payments. We should listen to democrats more often they are so smart. 🤣

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joel Rivera says:

    Kevin lol every time u give us bad news the stock market goes up. When you say good the market goes down… matching Jim Cramer’s energy come on maaaaan…

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tommy May says:

    Im so glad the recession will come soon because this market is too dam bad. A correction needs to take place because im willing to embrace a recession so that inflation can go back down to the way it was

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Learn Progress says:

    Oil prices are up because it’s making money , so is Tesla & Netflix & Disney & Facebook , a company will not sell for less because of food going up , the food guys want to increase it a lot as everyone after money , a company selling still making a massive profit , at any time

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sharon Larthey says:

    I took some precautionary measures for this concerning scenario. Firstly, I'm prepared with a consistent amount of cash. Secondly, I have purchased growth stocks and mutual funds this past few weeks. I'm going to sit back and observe how this plays out, adding more at a time. And finally, My investment strategy with my F.A Rita Wildrin Mora gives me the best returns even during recessions, Its been a year of steady growth.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Macro Anarchy says:

    Paul Volcker didn’t create a recession on purpose, it was an accident and he said later it was a mistake.
    Funny how everyone just parrots this talking point.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mihajlo Maksa says:

    This upcoming recession is a very necessary evil and will only make things better in the long run.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin Tedrow says:

    The quicker the next presidential election happens, the quicker we get out of terrible economic policies

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sink or swim 76 says:

    Marketplace is a fud spreader that would literally take his words out context and splice together to fit their agenda. ! Let hear it from the mouth of J. Powell. Unfortunately the market makers run show and marketplace. SMH

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ari_Is_Faded says:

    At least Volker would just pull off the band aid, Powells slow bleed of the market I think is worse

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Skyward says:

    KEVIN!!! That building with the blue ceiling is where I work! NO WAY U WERE HERE AND I DIDNT MEET YOU! 🙁

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