In today’s episode, you’ll discover whether trading is gambling (and it's not what you think).
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Hey hey, what's up my friend so in today's episode right i want to discuss. Is trading gambling, i'm sure that's a question that have you know pop up in your head from time to time? Right, especially if you go down to trading forums right, you see people, you know creating threats. Topics on is trading gambling. Then you have questions.

Answers like yes, trading is gambling you're a gambler. Then you have on the other camp. People who say no trading is not gambling trading is a legitimate business, yada yada. Now the question is, you know, who's right, who's wrong right, so i'm going to share with you my point of view right to whether trading is gambling.

First and foremost, let's define gambling. What is gambling well in today's modern society? Right gambling is where you risk your own money to make even more money, and you agree right that at the start, there is a possibility of you losing your money. If things doesn't go your way and there's also a possibility of you making even more money, if things does go your way, that's gambling there's a pop probability of you losing or winning, and if you ask me, gambling is kind of like the the hater right, the The the parent, if you want to call it and below gambling right the children, there are many forms of gambling. You have sport, betting, you have casino games like poker, baccarat, etc.

Then you have trading. There are different forms of gambling out there. So, in my opinion, right trading is a form of gambling and it's only one form of gambling and i'm sure you can agree right that as a gambler, there are professional gamblers that make money consistently and then they are the majority of gamblers who lose money consistently. Like you know, professional poker players who you know goes down to the casino and they are consistently profitable right.

They treat poker as their business, a serious business. Then you have sports better right who analyze right the the math out there on all the different sports results and then place their bets. Those are professional gamblers as well, and they make money in the long run and same for trading right. We, depending on how you look at it whether you're serious about it.

Do you treat this as a professional business right? Only a small percentage will make money in the long run and majority will lose money. So, in my opinion, right trading, yes, is gambling, but it doesn't mean that you have to be a loser because, as you know, right there are professional gamblers out there who wins and then the majority who lose most of the time and it's the same for trading. Okay, so that's my take on it. Trading is gambling so now the question is: how do you actually, you know, be different from the majority of the losers.

How do you be that small percentage of winners that make money in the long run? That's the question and let's look at this from a casino point of view because that's i would say, those those are like kind of like the biggest game gambling house out there, so for a casino right to make money consistently in the long run. There are two main ingredients that they need. Let's not you know talk about all the marketing strategies, how they attract clients, customers and stuff. Like that, let's start with the basics, the two main ingredients they need number one there are games in a casino must have an age over the players.
This means they must have a positive expectancy right. The house must have an age over the players. This means that the games that they organize must be skewed in favor of the casino, but that doesn't mean right that the casino cannot lose in a short run. Yes, they can lose in a short run, but in the grand scheme of things, when you look at the statistics and numbers, the casino has an age over the players.

That's the first thing you need, you must have an age and for a casino, it's a mathematical h, right like a dice right. It can only come out one two, three, four five or six, it's a mathematical age. So, let's say, for example, simplified version. Let's say every time the dice come up, one three and five casino wins two dollar.

Every time it comes up. Two four six casino loses a dollar eighty cents. In the grand scheme of things, a casino will make money in the long run because they have an age in the dice roll. The simple dice roll that i just shared with you.

Okay, second ingredient: that a casino needs is risk management. A casino right just because they have an age doesn't mean they can let a big high time roller to bet one billion dollars on one round of gamble, because that could just simply bankrupt the entire casino. If, if that gamble doesn't work out for the casino, so they have risk management, they have table limits to contain their losses. So these are the two main ingredients.

That is what make casinos you know, make money in the long run, and it's the same for trading. If you want to be a winning trader number one, you must have an age in the market now for a trader. Your age is slightly different because you're not rolling a dice where your outcome is just one two, three five or six. Your outcome is almost unlimited.

Almost anything can happen in the market, so the way to get an edge in the markets, in my opinion, is to take advantage right of human behavioral biases, for example, trend following right markets trend falling, for example. It does well during crisis period, and why is that? And it's simple because when market collapse, investors traders, they all think similarly sell. All the risky i said, sell the stocks sell the market. So i sell the stock markets, buy bonds buy gold and this will lead to trends in these markets and when this market is trained, guess what trend followers make money because they exploit trends in the market.

So that's one right: exploiting right, behavioral prices, biases in the market and that's and trend following is not the only way you can also you know. Look at things like mean reversion trading in the stock markets when there's a sharp pullback, a sharp retracement. You know due to a oversold of uh certain stocks right, panic selling, usually more often often than not the next few days the stock will rebound higher. So if you can exploit against such a short-term panic selling in the stock markets, you can actually, you know, buy low and sell highs.
That's another way right to extract age right in the markets. So that's the first thing. Second thing: risk management as a trader as an investor as a gambler, you must have risk management. This means that you agree that you could be wrong on that trade, and you want to make sure that when you are wrong, it doesn't wipe out your bank roll.

It doesn't wipe out your entire trading account, and this is very simple all right. It's all about position, sizing, stop loss, etc. Okay, so i mean i have articles devoted to it on my website. You can just check it out, okay, so now the question is: how do you find an age in the markets? How do you go about doing it again? I've said this a number of times already on this show: go and read trading books right that have back test results that come with it.

You know, for example, a few that come up to my head right now. It could be uh unholy grills by nick reg, following the trend by andreas cleno. How about uh buy the fear, sell the grid by larry connors? This is a few just come up to my head. These books already have the system, the back test results for you to check out, but don't just take it at face value.

Take the system tweak it and test it and validate it and see whether it works for you right, don't trade, anything blindly right! So that's the first thing: the easiest way to get an age in a financial market number two. What about risk management? How do you apply proper risk management? Just you know. Google right position, sizing calculator for stocks, position, sizing calculator for forex or whatever markets. You're trading enter the your account size, the amount you want to risk.

They will tell you right how much to risk or how many units of shares to buy or currencies to buy. Based on your risk profile - and that's pretty much it that's how you know could go about uh getting an edge, getting a competitive advantage right over the other traders out there. Okay, i hope this makes sense. So, as a quick recap, number one is trading gambling.

In my opinion. Yes, according to the definition, trading is gambling thing right as a gambler as a trader majority are losers and there's a small minority right that wins consistently over time and you kind of want to reverse engineer. What are the winners doing and if you ask me, it's just two main things number one: they trade with a positive expectancy. They trade with an age and number two.
They practice proper risk management, make sense alright. So with that's it. I have come to the end of this episode and i'll talk to you soon. You.

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24 thoughts on “Is trading gambling?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Bower says:

    Just saw this now, you're 100% correct, this is one subject I know particularly well, and the things that have happened since this was posted support your claim

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bhupinder Singh says:

    Love your videos bro🙌 And your knowledge🙏 Feeling so down by these comments from friends and family that trading is gambling! But you cleared my doubts beautifully 👌👏🙏

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Olemakpadu says:

    Finally someone is bold enough to declare trading is gambling. Good job sir.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TNS SLAKK says:

    If you don't know what you doing it's gambling but if you 100% know what you doing it's trading because your have 80% percent u have control

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kamarul Zaman says:

    Hey my friend..i don't think that forex is GAMBLING..because we use many strategy and knowledge to do the to normal gambling..unless if someone do not have the knowledge to do the trading..yes.. that is gambling…
    To me .when we have the knowledge .to do trading…. but sometimes failed.. i would say RISK MANAGEMENT..not GAMBLING..
    similiar we run a shop..but then the shop cannot make profit..
    Can you get i mean..!!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars silverio hufana says:

    in my opinion trading is not gambling. in casino there is no cut loss, strategy, unlike trading you can limit your loss.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oregon245 Ayana says:

    my first day of trading i deposited $100 dollar usd am made a profit of $650 just in one day, as a beginner. just happened like a movie.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leo says:

    Hi, anyone knows any group chat/communities for beginner without any payment etc.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ezekiel Sikaneta says:

    when you gamble its a 50/ 50 chance you earn money or not knowing the outcome. when you trade forex and not knowing what you are doing yes its gambling. when you know what you are doing its not Gambling. if we do not set a proper definition on what gambling is that means everything will become gambling e.g LIFE, OPENING A BUSINESS, SCHOOL, GETTING MARRIED, LEAVING your HOME not knowing if you are gonna come back. 🙂

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ALTHAF says:

    Hey rayner everyone agrees your point trading is gambling but is investment gambling please reply

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daim Malik says:

    Started to watch your videos and I love them I immediately subscribed. There's actually so much on one topic I dont even know what to watch first!!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hakeem Sa'id says:

    Went through d comments and i like d way y'all justfied dis trading/gambling talk. It took my confidence frm Zero to 100.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bharat dubey says:

    Hey reyner sir,
    We want u to make a video on how to trade on trendline + support/resistance
    *many beginners including me has a question that while looking for chart pattern should we see it in trend or in a range?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GS GURU JI says:

    hey Rayner …tell me an investment also gambling for the long term in blue-chip high-quality stocks?
    well yes.. I also consider this point of view that without proper risk management and rules…all of a sudden…trading becomes GAMBLING….but….if somebody learns it as the professional then turns to the career….
    therefore.. first learn the rules then play the game or whatsoever well…BY "EINSTEIN:"

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Perry S says:

    1: Strategy (basics take 2 year to learn)
    2: Riskmanagement (1 year learning)
    3: TA SL Entry
    4: Take profit

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nova says:

    The biggest thing that differentiates trading from gambling is the ability to stay in the sidelines. It’s like only playing poker when you have a royal flush. It’s also the similar in lots of ways but at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what you call it as long as it pays the bills.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Md Sohail says:

    Those who trade in cash equity as a swing trading and selling the stock after taking the delivery in their demat account are not gambling. They are the only real traders who are doing business in stock market because they are actually selling something to others which exist apart from that all forex, intra day, f&o and short sellers are all gamblers as they sell virtually thing which they do not have any possession.

    Hence if you have a possession of stocks which you are holding and selling it then you are not a gambler.
    You are doing a business like traders of the physical market of this world.

    Those who agree then please like and reply.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Tad says:

    Yes it is, if you expect to gain or loss the it is. Same goes for all trading such as investing in real estate, stocks and even taking the stairs and know that if you might miss a step.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Felipe Griever says:

    "Hey Hey! Whats up my friend!?" Always hilarious!!! Thanks for yours videos Rayner!!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RASHID C says:

    Gold buying is also a glambing think man trading is not gambling look at realstate business

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars arcwindz1 says:

    We gamble every time we drive our car out there, There's a probability that some bat sh*t crazy accident could happen to us, but we practiced safe driving, we learned the rules, and with that, we hope that we'll safely arrived at our destination. What's not a gamble in life?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emmanuel Azuma says:

    In every trade you buy low expecting to sell high. So, if forex trading is gambling then every trade is gambling.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sergej Ujemov says:

    Trading is not a business. It doesn’t produce anything for the consumers. Trading is only transferring money from people who are better educated on how to trade from newbies who don’t know what they are doing

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raymond Ikueze says:

    Trading Forex or Stocks or Commodities is Not gambling because you are Providing useful service to the society. In gambling you do not render useful tangible Service . If trading forex or Stocks or Commodities were to be termed gambling, then every other business if buying and selling would be called Gambling . This is my personal Opinion

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