Tesla Posted Record Earnings. It Has Reached ‘Escape Velocity.’ Now the questions we all have is should we invest in tesla stock at $900 a share. Yes or no? Here are my thoughts!
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So i got asked a pretty good question today during our live trading session, with the learn plan, profit team, so uh. First off quick little update on amc, i reduced my position size a little bit uh about 79 000 invested up 1900 on the day. Quick little update on that uh pton is also doing really really good uh indicating signs of adoption we'll follow up with that, but this is about tesla um. I wanted to give you guys a really simple example: um, on how i put things for myself so um.

This is not for investors, this is for traders, so if you're a swing, trader, um and or a day trader uh, you know your approach or your intention is a little bit different right when you're investing in something you're practically adding more to your position, size and Your focus and your intention is overall big picture you're, holding this for a grand or number of years potentially, and you see continuous growth, which is why you're investing into this company right. I know that there's a lot of investors for something like tesla tesla, as it's approaching previous highs. I you know, i'm sure a lot of you guys have seen that after uh tesla hit. I think we could see it actually on the day chart.

We could see that it came from highs of 900, it aggressively pulled back to 500 and we're really really close to 900 a share uh. Do i think that tesla's going to hit above 900? I do. I think that tesla absolutely killed it with their earning reports. Yesterday, i'm all for tesla tesla is bullish.

It's consistent um, especially with what's going on right now. It has a lot of momentum and it's approaching previous highs. I think that when it breaks above 900, it can really begin to break out um a question, but that's not about that right, i'm just using tesla as an example uh if you're trading tesla. This is how i put it to myself every single time that i hesitate to lock in profits, and i think that it might be useful for you.

So i really hope that if you learned something new and or if you find it useful, please consider dropping a thumbs up and subscribing. So the way that i put it is it's all based off of opportunity costs. So we saw that tesla previously was at highs of you know: 900. I think it was 940 cents whatever right.

Let's say: tesla does break out from where we're at right now, um. 8. 98. Let's say it hits highs of 9 20..

Let's be realistic, i think that it could hit highs of 920 um. You know, i think it could continue to uptrend, but you know just like we saw last time when it hit 900. It loses its momentum, some negative news might follow and then you know it corrects itself. This offers about 2 2.3 outside the way that i always put it to myself is opportunity cost.

You know, i don't know where you got in. We all got in at different levels, and you need to understand that this isn't going to be a black and white. Just you know pretty answer for everyone. Uh.

You need to take into consideration your opportunity costs. What's your you know average purchase price. You know how much is it that you're up and what's the risk involved behind, holding this position and not selling it, and i didn't you know i do. I do mean that right, you could potentially make let's say from current price points.
2.3 percent, if it hits highs of you, know 920, but if tesla pulls back, which it normally does right, look at every single time that it rallies it pulls on back to the moving average it pushes up, it pulls on back to the moving average. It's not a bad thing. This is the way that is a healthy stock. Trades pullbacks are part of the process.

It allows the company to breathe and correct itself in some form of way. So by looking at this, if we were to pull back to the moving average, because eventually it will happen, there is no question that it will pull back, but it's it's more of like. What's the risk of holding versus the risk of you know selling, i would say that the potential or a realistic resistance right. Let's say it hits 920.

That was 2.3 percent if it pulls on back. You have the potential to lose or give back not lose right, because if you don't sell, but uh get back 13 on a conservative way, and you can see that every single time it almost touches or goes below the moving average, regardless of how high it gets Right, i'm not talking about a tesla crash. Nothing like that. I'm just talking about a healthy correction.

It's going to happen. It always does so asking yourself that simple question for a two percent upside. So are you not selling and locking in profits? I don't know how much you're up for potentially being able to make two more percent versus your downside of 12 to 13. This is how i put it to myself every single time that i hesitate to lock in profits.

The reason i'm sharing this with you again, this is for a trade, not an investment. The reason i'm sharing this with you is, i feel like that approach can be very useful anytime. You trade, something regardless if it's something like tesla or even if it's something like amc right, there's, always some form of risk involved behind a trade. Your job is to mitigate and manage that risk and when taken into consideration, so let's say that yeah i do want to make that additional 2.

I understand that 13 downside. That's fine! If you put yourself in that position and you're okay with it, no one should try to convince you otherwise, right for everyone. That's holding amc for the movement, i'm never here to convince you that you shouldn't hold you're an adult. You do what you want with your money, but you take on the risk for the potential opportunity, just like tesla for the potential two percent, if you're, okay, with risking 13, that's up to you but the direction right now.

The momentum is in your favor, but this last message that i want to leave you with that always gets me is don't just think about the opportunity cost, but think about that additional two percent and the action of holding, because you want to make two percent versus A thirteen percent downside is that best practice, something that really is that additional two percent, something that really matters a year or five years from now. Is your future self really going to be? Like i'm really happy and thankful, i made an additional two percent off of tesla. I feel like that really puts it into perspective for me and if you feel like you would or like it was worth it then so be it you just justified. You understand the risk, the opportunity cost upside versus downside two sides to every opportunity, and you took your future self into consideration and if that all aligns with your goal, then stick to it.
But if you begin to then realize that you are right, one or two percent, even five percent, maybe not might not be worth the risk of the potential downside and that best practice of my upside not outweighing my downside, isn't something that i want to really continue To do when i'm trading with a lot more money, so then, why are you doing it today right that additional two percent isn't really going to make a difference five years from now, but what will make a difference is if you continue to not lock in profits And you go from a green, tate, green trade to a red trade, and then you discourage yourself you'll, never get to that five year. Point! That's what i'm here to share with you! I think a way of always taking into consideration your opportunity costs and your future self really puts it into perspective. If this is something that aligns with your goals and if it does then great, that is your focus and your intention and if it doesn't and i feel like it makes it easier for you for you to understand and keep yourself in check, trust me. I get it, it gets very exciting when the direction is in your favor, but you need to make sure that your actions today are something that align with your future self, which is exactly why i'm making this video trust me i'm not here, to trigger anyone.

That's invested in tesla or invested in any stock, i'm just using tesla as an example as it was asked um. You know it was asked during our live trading session today. So let me know in the comment section what you guys think: do you think that it puts it into perspective? Do you think that this is a good example and a good way to be able to approach the market if you're trading or swing trading? I just feel like it. It keeps you very realistic and keeps you in check to focus on your future self.

So i'd love to have you guys join. I don't know if you've ever joined any of my live trading sessions. I host one every single day. For my learn plan profit group, but i'd love to give you access if you want to join us tomorrow, uh all you have to do is message me via instagram.

The link is actually down below in the description uh and you can message me live trading. You want to tune into tomorrow's live trading, just have to make sure you message me quick, so i can get back to you with the link for tomorrow's private live training session. I appreciate you guys time hoping wish you guys an amazing rest of your day. I hope tesla breaks above 900 shares uh 900, a share for all of you, guys uh, but again i just thought that i would share that perspective and that approach that i feel like really keeps me in check.
Please consider subscribing like always. Let's make sure that we end the year on a green now, take it easy team.

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27 thoughts on “Is tesla stock $tsla a good buy at $900?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JAXX says:

    I sold all my 45 tesla stock bc of this video. Lost 4500$ bc ricky said it would only make 2% more at best when it was at 900$…

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars max Degout says:

    thumbnail says "time to sell" on october 21st. Tesla stock on October 25th is up 11.6%.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Easton M says:

    Tesla is a long term hold, Elon is a true visionary and genius. Hertz ordered 100,000 Tesla's.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lunnaris01 says:

    well it's 950 now 😀 I last bought for 483€ (idk how much $$) and my older positions were for much lower price. I think Tesla is still a good investment. They have a clear path without many obstacles to their growth, I don't know any other company that has that honestly.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RIC POULIN says:

    Very very helpful video Ricky and explaining some things that I commonly overlooked despite being a successful trader. Thanks!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Alexander says:

    I was skeptical when I bought it for $400 a year ago. It was the best decision I have made. I have never looked back.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jesse Alligood says:

    I might be mistaken but didn’t you say that you were shorting TSLA at one point??? How did that turn out?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Des Allemore says:

    ofc not its a done deal its 1billion MC bruh you aint gonna get no 10-20x no more look for another upcomming company

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Angel G says:

    I wonder what the Tesla stock is going to be worth five years from now. I'm so down to hold. This thing has potential. 🙃😁✌️

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bob Gilbert says:

    I think you are missing one bit of information. When you take profits, you are also going to pay capital gains tax on that.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay Jayasimha says:

    Ricky, what is the tool/app that is used in this video?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jaybyrd Cybertruck says:

    If you hold long enough you are not just getting 2% is the thing. Investing is so much diff then day trading and there are bigger financial gains to be made daily however if you sell today and it goes to 1200, you re forced to buy back in at a higher price where as those of us who held got there by doing nothing. Im holding till 2030 because I dont think I can handle the stress of day trading lol those that do it my hats off to you I hope it works out!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jaybyrd Cybertruck says:

    Tesla is just starting. by 2030 they will make 20m cars per year, their battery storage and solar will be just as big. FSD revenue will out pace everything else.
    They are this big with just 2 factories.
    2 more open up by years end.
    Tesla grew 73% this year and over 50% year over year every single year for the last 10 years.

    Tesla goal is to grow at minimum 50% every year going forward for another decade. They will achieve this.
    $Tsla is on SALE until they reach their goal in 2030. Buy now.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GameStop Amc says:

    Of course Tesla is a sell at these prices but all the morons will buy now because morons like to buy from the top and not the bottom ! This happens with every stock, morons buy the top !

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe JDJ says:

    Should I sell Tesla? If I want to stop making money then yes if I don't want to stop making money then no 💁‍♂️

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fernando Antunes says:

    Typically when you make a video like this the stock sells off. Let`s see if this time the same happens.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jeff strong says:

    TSLA had good bump after earnings but due to high valuation with supplier issue and China issue that it will likely test 866 support again.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trevor Bobyk says:

    Nice breakdown, for your moving average. What length do your personally set it too?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Neumann says:

    You are so good. Thanx for simplifying it. Going to trade out of my 900 TSLA option for a 140% gain

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Spektre Prod. says:

    great video man. You are an awesome resource, always level headed, and focused on sustainability. keep killing it!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ray Chow says:

    Sold at $860 a bit early but had to lock in profits. Might jump back in when it's right.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jiří Dvořák says:

    DWAC made my day today 2000 USD..never done such fast money…thanks Trump MAGA

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ismail Jacobsen says:

    Rick Im 17 years Old and have about 400 dollars i wanna invest. What should i invest it in? and how should i invest it?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TopLift says:

    It looks like every time Tesla has broke a record high it has continued to rally by about 50% or more past the old high.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Divij Satija says:

    Thanks for these videos Ricky! Would really appreciate it if we could get an update from you on Pinterest stock

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SAENZ TRADES says:

    Hey Ricky, have you ever tried trading forex. I use some of your strategies and they work pretty well on forex. Forex markets are the main markets i've been trading for about 6 years now.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ricky Gutierrez says:

    I breakdown opportunity cost & long term goals. This always puts it into perspective for me when I struggle to lock in profits! I simply hope it helps you!

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