Tesla is close to becoming the first stock with a $20 billion short bet against it (TSLA).
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25 thoughts on “is tesla stock a buy right now?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars _.KNIGHT.WOLF._ says:

    What is your trading platform..

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam Hafez says:

    Its reaches 2000 lol

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars P P says:

    Spaces is a part of Tesla’s vertical supply system

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dmitrijs Beliks says:

    Conor of the stock damn this dude can through out some gold

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Micky Pound says:

    Not a regular cookie cutter trader, Bachan Jasper is a certified financial analyst with well over 15 years of experience in this industry where he is highly regarded

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars henrik says:

    Ive decided to buy some tesla stocks and my question is should i buy it before or after earnings on july 22??

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G G says:

    You need more information as to why Tesla IS ThE FUTURE. In May, the Model 3 is the best selling EV in China. They started deliveries in January of this year and it captured 40% of the EV market, competing with 300 other EV makers. Best selling car in Sweden in May of this year, Best selling car in California in Q1 of this year. Tesla cars are disrupting its segment as it is the best selling premium car in its class; Model 3 in the small luxury sedans and the model S in the mid size and large size sedans. Europe plans to phase out internal combustion engines by 2030 with emission standards that cannot be met by any automakers. Also, a couple of years ago, Shanghai, China had 2,000,000 people on a waiting list for a listener plate a couple of years ago and was issuing 60,000 annually. Then , they passed a law that if you bought an EV, you could bypass the wait time on the list. Will, the 2,000,000th person on the list want to wait 33 years for an internal combustion engine car? I don’t think so. Changes are going on globally and you to look at that plus Tesla’s energy business I haven’t mentioned.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Life Transformed says:

    Many people thinking that Tesla overvalued, but have no clue that Tesla is not only a car company but a tech company of the future. Many people are so dumb and have no clue about the tech stack that Tesla has which will make Tesla a trillion$ company. This share will be $5000 to $10000 in 5 to 10 years. What else will give you this much. This is an once in a lifetime opportunity.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chewie 13 says:

    Red silk shirts sold out – damn

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob Mastrogiovanni says:

    Gonna get put in the s&p. Absolute buy

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Olivia Reyes says:

    Rick I’m so glad I listened to you, I made 700 day trading Tesla today. You are an inspiration. Thank you so much. 🙏🏻😊

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Walther says:

    Keep in mind that communist China is propping up Tesla. Who is making sure these sales and production numbers are real? In a time when we should be choking China a bit, I’d never buy a Tesla and let the proponents Jeep doing their roadshow touting musk and his car.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Slawh Dawg says:

    Tesla mission is to help preserve the human species… betting against that is probably a bad idea.. also their vehicles preform 🔥

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J . P Goodwin says:

    Greg at Teslafaninsight has an interesting perspective on Tesla shares at this time, cognitive dissonance
    An interesting channel has a great perspective, he has had years as a trader and has been dedicated to learning about investment and trading. Basically when it hits S&P inclusion the fundamentals don't matter, the analysis doesn't matter, the share price doesn't matter. The Funds MUST BUY the volume to match the weighting of the S&P 500 at whatever price
    Tesla stock Creates Cognitive Dissonance Trades

    Note Elon has given several clues , changed his Twitter Avatar to rocket engines at full blast as it rises to the sky and of course releasing the RED satin with gold trim short shorts
    Also on twitter the possibility of a stock split, which Elon commented worth discussing at next shareholder meeting as more accessible to the smaller retail investor.
    Plus several sites have been discussing the option of Tesla doing a fund raising by diluting their shares by maybe 5% raising $Billions to fund new Terrafactories and battery production and expansion raising Tesla's value by a major multiple over the years

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars daniel eriksson says:

    I bought in at 1340 or so, I started thinking to much and put them out for 1380, my phone had 2% battery left. A minute after that I decided to remove the auction, and I did. The phone died after I removed it from the market, otherwise they would have been long gone, lol.
    Rocket in a couple of years, please!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JustLivnForMañana says:

    What I don't understand people will still short Tesla it's beyond me why lol. Also why day trade Tesla at this point doesn't make much sense unless if you're just after today's dollar. Guys come on please learn about Dollar cost averaging!! Don't be so short sided we all work to damn hard

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Night_Night says:

    Wow, I sold 5 not but three days before this massive jump, oh well at least I didn't short it lmao.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Derek Macdonald says:

    buy now lol/ i got it 5 months ago. wish i got it when i wanted it 8 years ago. it will always go up. it will have dips but it always goes up.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jaymes Hooper says:

    bought _ _ TSLA shares at USD$265 per share in October 2019 (and still hold them( but had funds to buy _ _ _ TSLA shares at that time, but was not sure how TSLA price chart will go for the next few years so only bought _ _ 😂 oh well…..

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jaymes Hooper says:

    one TSLA (nasdaq) share will be worth US$25,000 [GBP£19,806, AUD$35,964] to US$30,000 [GBP£23,767 , AUD$43,157] by end-of-December-2024, so US$1,545 (GBP£1,224 , AUD$2,223) mid-July-2020 is a BARGAIN

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Seth Carter says:

    Im pretty new still but… What I have trouble understanding is that when a stock over sells like this, it just keeps going breaking the ceiling. (I've seen a lot of stocks do this before) there is no way of predicting a drop of corse… and tesla may run to 3k for all we know! at what point can one say "this line is the new oversold line" this is the new avearge" this is the new "fair price" does there need to be some kind of plateau for the graphs to make sense again?! WHERE DOES IT ALL END!!! to be honest Tesla is not something I'm comfortable playing with but this is trendy with a lot of stocks because it's so volatile. (RUN) is something I did invest in. Its smaller but it's so off the charts of "normal" I guess overall where do you get off?! Do you get off? We've made the money already sure. I guess my thing is. When do the graphs catch back up? Maybe a month after it stays around the same price?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EddyGraphic says:

    They have earnings coming and on top of that they just announced that the price of the model Y has been reduced by $3,000 🤑😂 another run on Monday to $1,700.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YESTERYEAR VIDEO ARCHIVES says:

    Fractional shares are my friend right now

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stella says:

    Morgan Stanley values tesla at $2000 per share.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Guillermo Sanchez says:

    cant believe there are still short sellers

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