Tesla stock falls again after downbeat China sales data!
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Hey what's going on team, it's ricky with tackle solutions and a question everyone is asking today is what is causing tesla stock to drop even further than just the overall nasdaq market. A lot of you guys know that the nasdaq market is of just a composite of a lot of tax stocks, so it's heavily influenced by huge tech companies right. So this is why you're most likely seeing a lot of the tech stocks that you're investing in most likely pulling back today. If the nasdaq market continues to pull on back.

One of the things that we did notice is that tesla's pulling back more than just the average tech stock and uh first off. One thing that everyone is talking about is that tesla is down due to china issues uh solely with the idea that their sales are down this month in comparison to what they were before, and a lot of that has to do with just the pr issue with China and supposedly tension between the us and china. There are some form of concerns in in the china market that they're hearing where noises in the tesla. You know that uh for for some reason they are saying that you know.

Are we spying on them uh with these vehicles and as well as they have their own domestic uh, auto ev makers such as nio and another less popular one, and again no question that china is going to make sure that they do everything in their power to Push those ev vehicles versus something like tesla, where it comes from the us and again all the all the tension between the us. One of the things that i don't hear enough people talking about is today as of tuesday because of this tension between the u.s and china super unfortunate, which actually makes sense on why the market is pulling up or why the tesla stock is pulling on back is Tesla had plans to expand, and you know uh create a manufacturing plan in china due to demand right. I think this month they uh delivered a little bit over or they sold a little bit over 25 000 vehicles, which is more than they sold um in january uh. But incrementally it is down and their deliverables are just not there.

With the tension between the us and china to put in very simple terms, they are no longer going to proceed with creating this plant uh or this manufacturing plant in china, which is huge right. It just means that they're not expanding as quick as they anticipated, and it's so unfortunate that it's not even due to them, but it's due to, i guess, just the tensions between the two countries. You can say whatever it is that you want in the comment section about that and your thoughts. It's at the end of the day, just unfortunate news, uh, and i would say it i i can't say that it's out of tesla's control, but it almost feels like it's out of tesla's control right.

One of the things that i want to share with you is you know: what do we make of this um? I'm surprised uh. This is actually a conversation that we had uh within our live stream today with the learn plant, profit group and i'm super glad we did because you guys know that i'm invested in tesla right. You guys know that you know i have quite a bit. I have hundreds of thousands of dollars in tesla um.
I saw tesla drop uh below 580 580 during the pre-market session um, and i was eager to double down on my position. I wanted to go in with you know: 1500 shares um, and i held back because of the simple idea that we don't know how much worse this can get right. There's another accident in the united states. That was a fatal accident.

If i'm not mistaken that it's just created a lot of pr issues as of right now with tesla and it's really driving the price down, so am i going to be closed-minded and just average and double down every time it sells off, or am i going to Try to do it effectively and stay well balanced, and this is one of the things that i want to share with you. We all have different plans and we all have different intentions, and i hope that you can use this approach if it makes sense to you and if you see value in it to whatever it is that you're invested in and my biggest thing is no one. That is investing uh or that only bought one share of you know. Tesla is freaking out right now right because let's say you have uh, you know ten thousand dollars in your trading account or your invested account, and you only bought one share of tesla.

It doesn't even matter if you bought it at seven hundred dollars a share right. You are so lightly invested that it pulling back four percent like yeah. It does suck you're down on the day, but it's not a dollar amount that most likely affects you, um versus someone. That's fully invested, it's down four percent and you're.

Like it's the end of the world. I have no more buying power. You know i don't want to do this anymore. Your attitude towards the market is just you're discouraged and i get that and all i'm here to share with you is put yourself in a position to succeed.

So, going back to the idea of i was gon na double down at five. Eighty right, i decided not to i decided to only buy 25 shares. I get 25 shares might be a lot for someone for me. It's 1 120 of what i you know could potentially invest in, and it's all relative to your account size to your experience and to what you can tolerate.

Don't just think right and i'm telling you this as i'm someone that's invested in tesla, don't buy tesla today if you think that it's going to recover tomorrow, if that's your plan, where's that plan coming from tesla's bearish right now, it's receiving really bad news, and yes, It could potentially recover, but it wouldn't surprise me if it takes weeks from now right. It would not surprise me if tesla continues to sell off and it's so mind-boggling right when i was going back and forth thinking about how should i approach this red day? I knew it was going to be red - that's very unfortunate news that tesla's no longer expanding to that china market right with their manufacturing plant. I knew the market was going to be down more for tesla. So am i going to double down? Well what? If it continues to sell off, i just put myself in a worse position for my future self, so instead i want to keep it tasteful.
I want to make sure that my attitude towards the market is not determined by my aggression on how i average down to a fallen position, and i think that's what really made the difference for me. Is it really allowed me to focus on what's important and there's no question, i see long-term value in tesla. You can agree or disagree, but that's my focus and that's why i want to do it in a tasteful way. I want to incrementally buy when it makes sense to me not so much that oh, it dropped i'm going to have to double down now right when, when i feel like people are approaching that way, sometimes yeah you might get lucky, but more often than not, and I think a lot of you guys can agree with me if something was bearish.

It's most likely gon na continue to sell off, and you just put yourself in a worse position. So i wanted to share with you on how i plan to do it and it's with the simple idea of keeping it tasteful. I want to have enough money in whatever it is that i'm invested in that. I feel motivated and i'm eager to follow up with it and that i'm not scared to buy with certain position sizes that i understand my intention.

I don't mind, holding tesla for a couple of months even a year right, because i see value in it. So i can't expect it to recover right away versus someone that goes all in and then gets upset that tells us down 10 next week. How is that a surprise right? If you look at tesla on the 180 day chart it's been selling off. So what made you think that it had to recover? Just because you bought it, you have no influence to the market.

I don't you, don't we all don't right and with that simple idea in place, it wouldn't really surprise me if it continues to sell off. So i wanted to make sure that i set my future self up for success that i take advantage of deals when i see them, but i do it in a tasteful way. So my attitude towards the market stays positive and that is all dependent on your position. Size do it in a tasteful way.

If that makes sense to you, i wish you guys nothing, but the best i wanted to share with you guys on why tesla was pulling on back. I saw and heard a lot of people talking about. Tesla and yeah sales were down, but the biggest factor, in my opinion, had to be the due to the tension. They're, just no longer expanding with that manufacturing plant in china, which is of course, sad to hear uh, definitely not a step in the right direction, but we'll uh we'll see where we go from here.

So i hope that i earned your thumbs up. Uh feel free to share any thoughts down in the comment section. Don't forget to stay connected if you guys want to join our free facebook group, it's absolutely for free. 312.
000 members. That's that first link in the description and again i trade live every morning and i work exclusively with the learn plan. Profit group, if you want to tune in tomorrow, click the second link down in the description and we'll see you tomorrow at market open. Until then, like always, let's make sure that we in the year on a green now take it easy team.

By Stock Chat

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34 thoughts on “⏰ is it time to sell tesla stock? (right now)”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wiser and Happier says:

    Tesla so overpriced it is so scary. Eekkk the speculators will lose a heap.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wayne T says:

    Sold all mine at 714,this stock will crash when all of its government subsidies shut down,this stock is all hype!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anshumaan Thakur says:

    I would advice to mortgage your house. Buy a lambo with half the money and keep the other half in TSLA and Doge. If you have multiple houses then repeat. STONKS ONLY GO UP!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PixBoi says:

    Been sitting on a 3X bear for a while now. Feels good. Tesla is very volatile though, so much fragile hype that can go both directions.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Exquisite Operations - CEO says:

    Didn't you say you sold Tesla stock many videos ago. And it shot up on you few days after

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joel Davis says:

    Always a calm measured sounding board in midst of the craziness. Thank you sir 👊

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SpaceOddity83 says:

    Tesla stock has an actual value of $150 maybe even less one of the most overvalued stocks in the market buy alibaba not this

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OrravelliR says:

    I think tesla is overvalued. They are now competing against porche, mercedes & bmw.. Who do you think will end up on top? The only thing thats better in a tesla is the battery and the engine.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Litchfield says:

    RICKYY!! $SXOOF is a legitimate company that Tesla will buy out they have PAUL PELOSI as President of wheat wholly owned subsidiary working to recycle electric battery materials.. better results then BILL HATES owned $ABML.. $SXOOF COULD GO TO THE MOON DO YOURSELF A FAVOR

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Ford says:

    It it going down because it is hugely overpriced. Surely everyone knows that.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles says:

    The reason Tesla is selling off is because it is way overvalued. You don't need to be a genius to figure this out. All stocks are trading at stupid P/E ratios right now and Tesla has one of the highest. Therefore what stock do you think is going to go down the most in a sell off? This video is indicative of why our markets are so overvalued, and why most will lose all their money. Tesla was at $80 a year ago and its high was $880 earlier this year. Has tesla produced 10 times the number cars from last year, or increased revenues by 10 times. Anyone who buys stock with ridiculous multiples is going to lose their money. This whole deck of cards is going to crash soon.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Mendes says:

    Now is not a time to trade HYPE stocks. Please keep your trades more toward the re-opening play. While you have been trading TSLA, stocks like HD, WFC and BRK.B have been having an impressive run up.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sindre M. Anker G. says:

    looks like the bottom is at 570 or 500. Sucks that I bought at 700, fucking hell

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Mendes says:

    Unless you are investing for the long run why would you hold on to Tesla or buy more when the market is now moved away from growth stocks to value. The Dow is going to outperform the Nasdaq this year. If you are a short terms trader sell those shares. Tesla is going to be down for a long while, even from a clean energy use case, most of the clean energy plays are down. Please look at the financial sector cause most money managers say this is the no one sector that is going to outperform. Plus the financial sector of the S&P has outperformed this year. Just let this inflation business to play out and the FED will probably say that it is transitional again and the market is going to move up again and you can buy reopening play stocks.
    Stocks like CCL and NCLH are still extremely down from the pandemic and with the government removing restrictions every other week it is only a matter of time before they catch up quick. Get in on them early. Plus its not like they have much down side to go so it's a pretty safe bet, if there ever was one.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars wayne tang says:

    Tesla in China sale is down 30% in April, the stock will go down to $300 or less soon or bankrupt after July report, spend too much money for building new factory in German & Shanghai and producing old model car like model 3 and X, get out as soon as possible.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jessica Bronner says:

    I have a large position with Tesla I’m currently down 20k on Tesla alone 😹. I’m still loading more Tesla In small 10k purchases to hold for 1yr. It does hurt to see all the unrealized losses but as you said can’t expect to get in and be green right away. Losing ( realized/unrealized ) Money is highly emotional 😭 heck the stock market is too lol

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Stonker says:

    Never time to sell tsla stock 644 avg 10 shares long hold bby gon ride til next split

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stefan D. says:

    The chart really is not looking good. I would not try to catch a falling knife.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Torin Catanzaro says:

    I understand the value of your learn plan profit group, however, I can’t justify $300 USD, I would consider the course if it was $100 USD.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Morris says:

    Tesla never had plans to export to US.. all exports go to Europe. Pure FUD.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Dennis says:

    "The stock market is filled with individuals who know the price of everything, but the value of nothing." – Phillip Fisher

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars May Stephens says:

    Having googled "Walter Bulls strategy' you can find a famous dude. He made a fortune for himself back in 2018. In recent times, such services have appeared that allow copying the results of qualified players. This personage shows how to copy him in automatic mode using such services. We should try while the market is on the rise

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jorunn Berban says:

    Finally TESLA having a hard time to grow due to the rough situation between USA an China! I wonder if it breaks $554.3! I drop my thumbs up Ricky!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Le Khang says:

    Bro I had the same thought yesterday when tesla at 585$, but something held me back. So glad i didnt buy, Future is going to gap down today. lol

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Hwu says:

    Tesla bubble is finally bursting slowly so people can get out still

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark046 says:

    I can’t see it going up before it goes down more, keeps getting rejected at SMA lines

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luckie O’Leary says:

    Tech sec is getting rekt, people are afraid of inflation and rising rates, everything has been at ATH, increasing short interest from hedgefunds. Man this is just a recipe for disaster.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Floroma says:

    Due to what he did to dogecoin on snl. People decided to stick it to him.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Johnson George says:

    its always nice to buy in the dip,It's okay if you don't agree with this type of investing. Many of us do agree. I have 20 positions in high growth stocks. I'm getting 15 dividend Pay checks, however I'm up 135 % this year.About 450k this yr. good dividend paying portfolio .although I use an F.A so buy as much as you can and wait for the rebound Only the brave gets rewarded in these times!

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Guillermo says:

    Looking at the weekly chart macD it might bounce of the zero line in June and see it return at least to 700 again.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lugia_Tm says:

    I sincerely wanna thank you for giving me my introduction into the stock market! I’ve been watching your videos for about a month and papertrading throughout that time

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Machado says:

    Delivers has to do with China Tesla shipping cars over seas at the start of the new quarter. It’s a non story. Expect similar FUD every quarter in relation to Chineese car deliveries.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sylvain Bien Sur says:

    Tesla is so secret and lying so difficult to find what is going on. That’s one reason I think it’s a bad investment.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ricky Gutierrez says:

    Do NOT put yourself in a position to fail! You can not expect a stock to recover as soon as you buy. Have a plan, keep it tasteful, and embrace the challenge!

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