If you're looking to start investing in stocks and shares and have not done it before or are just unsure as to what your options are, I go through the main ways in which you can do it in this video.
Use my link: https://www.trading212.com/promocodes/SASHA
If you open an account using the link above, you will get a random share worth up to £100. I will also get one if you choose to sign up using the link.
In the UK, there are 2 main ways you can start your investment journey - ISA accounts allow you to invest tax-free which means that any returns your investments generate will not incur taxes in the future. There are a few different types of ISA accounts that you can use for investing in stocks and I go through them in the video.
If you are looking to invest in less common stocks/countries/instruments, you may be looking for a non-ISA investment account instead. You might also be looking for one of these accounts if you're investing more than the annual £20,000 ISA allowance although that probably won't affect too many people.
○ My camera - https://bit.ly/sasha-camera
○ Main lens - https://bit.ly/sasha-lens
○ Microphone - https://bit.ly/sasha-mic
○ Tripod - https://bit.ly/sasha-tripod
○ Memory card - https://bit.ly/sasha-card
○ Ring light - https://bit.ly/sasha-light
Full list of gear here: https://kit.co/sashayanshin/sasha-video-gear
DISCLAIMER: Some of these links may be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service using one of these links, I will receive a small commission from the seller. There will be no additional charge for you.
DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial advisor and this is not a financial advice channel. All information is provided strictly for educational purposes. It does not take into account anybody's specific circumstances or situation. If you are making investment or other financial management decisions and require advice, please consult a suitably qualified licensed professional.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

4 thoughts on “Investing for the first time – your options uk”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Gibson says:

    Really interesting stuff. Investing and where to start can be a mine field. Looking forward to next video.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Hughes says:

    Good tips thanks

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars My YouTube account says:

    You mentioned Bitcoin and I am sure many people watching noted.
    I have been deep into the rabbit hole since 2013 and I want to put out a warning for anyone that's thinking about it.
    Bitcoin itself (NOT crypto or blockchain) is an amazing technology that has the potential to revolutionise the world, however in order for that to happen everyone needs to get way better with computers.
    I don't see that happening in the next 10-15 years.
    Crypto is 99% scam and I have seen people that don't have a clue about computer security and decentralised networks throw mad money in shitcoins in 2014, 2017 and they are starting to do it again now.
    Bitcoin is amazing, it is liberating but it is still a pie in the sky and even though the network itself is unstoppable this doesn't mean that the concept can not die or get slowed down severely. For the more technical among you: Research Intel ME and AMD PSP and see how the government has a way to shut down all the nodes remotely if they decide to do so.
    I won't talk about crypto because that's where you get even more dishonesty and cult-like fanatic advertising and project leader worshiping. Check out ColdFusion's YouTube videos on Theranos and Bernie Madoff to understand Ethereum and EOS.
    I can say I love Bitcoin because it changed my life. I could not get a bank account when I moved to UK because I didn't have an address and I couldn't get a job because I didn't have a bank account and I couldn't get an address because I didn't have a job. Bitcoin had the potential to help me but it didn't because people are not smart enough to start using it and no one would hire me and pay me in bitcoin. So it's a great concept but it will take a lot to convince people to use it for anything more than speculation.
    (!)Trading is gambling, the game is rigged, playing poker against the casino only benefits 0.1%, just enough to make some good memes and ads convincing the noobs that they can do it too and lure them to lose their money.
    Don't throw money at things you don't understand. Don't trust advertisements.
    Crypto is a very unregulated field and when 10 000 000 people put in $20 each in some shitcoin it will go up 10000% over night and the people that printed the tokens for free will exit scam with your money and you will be left there rekt and sad.
    If you have money to throw and are curious and you don't want to miss out on something new and hot as bitcoin I advise you to invest time learning about it. Don't just google bitcoin because as I said it is a very unregulated field full of scams and the top links on a search are likely to be adverts for scams. Read on bitcoin (dot) org and bitcoinQnA dot com. Take your time, don't rush to give your money to strangers on the internet like exchanges and "genius 16yo blockchain developers".
    Bitcoin is a pyramid scheme. Not a ponzi, there is a difference, but a pyramid where everyone buys and holds and price goes up. That's ok because you can say the same for some companies like Tesla and Beyond Meat. Bitcoin does create value, just like Tesla so it is not a scam. However pyramids do inflate a bubble and pop it in cycles so if you invest more than you can afford to lose you can ruin the next 5-10 years of your life by burning your savings. Do not do it.

    I hope this helps some people.
    Cheers. 🙂

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars My YouTube account says:

    I've been waiting for this video. Thank you. 🙂

    p.s. First!

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