Here's my investing for beginners with little money guide. I talk how to start investing in the stock market with Vanguard Index funds, individual stocks and real estate. I share my millionaire tips all about investing 101. These investing strategies will work even during the stock market crash and financial crisis of 2020.
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First of all you have to create more disposable income. At the end of the day you need money to invest and the more money you have the better, especially during your 20’s and 30’s. You can do this by learning new valuable skills, having a side hustle or building a scalable business.
Second be aware of your lifestyle inflation. Just because you are earning more doesn’t mean you should be spending more.
Third, pay off all your high interest debts. If you have student loans, credit card bills and payday loans then these are all pulling you down. They are destroying your credit score which ruins your ability to take advantage of good loans that make you money. By paying off these high interest debts first you will actually save more money than you could ever hope to make on the stock market or in real estate.
The first investment option the lowest risk one: Vanguard Index Funds. An index fund is a collection of investments that you can put your money into and you own a percentage of the entire thing. This gives you fantastic diversification and protects you from poor stock choices. Invest in something like the s&p 500 index fund which gives you small shares in Apple as well as: Microsoft, amazon, Facebook, visa, Disney and many more!
What's a Mutual Fund? A mutual fund is very similar to an index fund except it’s controlled by a very smart person whose job is to pick the stocks in the fund. The purpose of a mutual fund is to try and beat the market and get better results for the investor however in the vast majority of cases you would be much better off putting your money into a simple index fund with less risk and often a greater return !
The investment method I put the majority of my money into is: Real estate. Now this is a good time to decide which type of investor you are: The first type is a capital gains investor: This is someone who likes to buy low and sell high and pocket the difference. These are the investors that are interested in buying houses at auctions or you may have even seen signs outside advertising that they buy houses for cash fast. They may then move into the house, do it up and then flip it for a profit. They then keep repeating the process. This works well but can be subject to fluctuations in the markets on a year to year basis. The second type is a Cash Flow investor - This is the kind of investor I am, I will never buy a property if the rent won’t cover the mortgage.
Now one of the most risky options: Individual stocks. I use 2 methods of valuing a stock: The first way is called quantitative analysis: I like to look at the companies quarterly earnings reports which include things like the balance sheet, income and cash flow to get a real idea of the actual value. The second way is called qualitative analysis: This isn’t about the actual numbers but more the abstract qualities that make a company great.
This brings me to: Private business investments. This allows me to mix buying shares with my own business expertise, think shark tank & dragons den but on a smaller scale.
For business inquires only, please use this email: mark
*Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Mark Tilbury will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. The Info in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

Hi, it's Mark. In this video I'm gon na, be revealing the investing strategies that I used to go from beginner investor, with very little money to multimillionaire by the age of 35 and how you can do the exact same thing.. So I've got a simple question for you.: Do you wan na be here rich and have the freedom that comes with being financially stable, Many people do.? Why do you think there's so many get rich quick schemes out there? Most people, though, unfortunately, have a lottery. Mentality.

They're just waiting for the magic fairy to come down and hand them a million dollars.. Do I look like the magic fairy to you? If the answer is no, and I really hope it is no, then smash that thumbs up button and subscribe to the channel.. The truth is lots of people think that winning a chunk of money will make your problems just disappear, but there'll be in for an absolute shock.. Without the correct investment and a mindset strategies, it will be all gone and in no time you'll be back to square one..

You need a solid, consistent investment plan which gradually builds your wealth over time. Long-term. Investing will give great returns.. When I was younger.

I always wanted it be a race car driver.. I just loved everything about cars, but I didn't have enough money to pursue my dreams., But, as I started, building up my investments, it allowed me to race in multiple championships and win countless trophies like this.. I even got my helmet here. Look you sometimes sit at the back of the shots..

How cool is that My investments even allow me to spend time having fun, making a YouTube videos like the one you're watching.. I don't currently make any money from this channel and you can sit back and relax because I'm not gon na try and sell you something at the end. Either.. There are so many different investments out there..

It's super easy to get distracted by the next shiny object.. It's also confusing when you have someone telling you that this is the best thing the latest and greatest, and if you don't invest, you could end up losing thousands.. You may have heard of Bitcoin penny stocks and stock selling, but I found the key for me is not to get overwhelmed and distracted by the latest trends.. Now you've got to face it..

You are never gon na, be an expert at everything and by consistently changing your investing strategy, you will ultimately end up with less money and, at some point, you're gon na make a big mistake.. I have nothing against experimenting, but I've kept my main investments very consistent over the years and I make sure to only invest large sums of money into things that I understand. Completely.. I'm not gon na pretend that I have all the answers, but I am gon na be completely transparent about everything.

I've done. That's helped me acquire a multi-million dollar net worth., I'm a businessman and not a financial advisor.. So I don't consider this financial advice., It's just what I've done and it's worked for me.. First of all, you need to create more disposable income..
At the end of the day, you need money to invest and the more money you have the better, especially during your twenties and thirties.. Now lots of people will say to save save, save, don't go out with your friends. Don't drink that overpriced coffee don't buy that nice car.! I don't completely agree.. Of course.

Saving is a big part of this, but you have to enjoy your life. There's really no point making yourself miserable. Just for the sake of saving an extra few dollars.. You should focus most of your time on an energy on increasing your income..

You can do this by learning new, valuable skills having a side hustle or building a scalable business.. You don't have to settle for money. You get from your nine to five job.. You need to be focusing your time on finding ways to supplement or replace it..

When I was in my early twenties, I realized my income as a sculptor earning less than $ 3. An hour was never gon na. Give me enough money to invest.. It hardly even paid my bills., I needed to find a way to dramatically increase this, and this is when I started my journey into the business.

World.. Investing and business really work hand in hand.. The sign is very true., The more you learn, the more you earn. And, most importantly, the more you can invest., Be really aware of your lifestyle and make sure to keep it in check..

Just because you're earning more doesn't mean you should be spending more.. Think of someone like say I know Ed Sheeran.. He has a huge amount of money. Yeah.

He keeps his lifestyle in check.. He still enjoys the little pleasures of life.. If you were happy making, let's say $ 40,000 a year and you managed to increase your income up to a hundred thousand a year, that means you've got an extra 60k.. This should be going straight into a high interest savings account.

And then into your investments.. You know you don't need to be spending it.. Well, there is one slight exception and that's stage number two. Pay off all your high-interest debt..

If you have student loans, credit card bills or even a payday loan, the needs are pulling you down. They're, destroying your credit score, which ruins your ability to take advantage of good loans. By paying off these high interest debts first you'll actually save more money than you Could ever hope to make elsewhere.? The next stage is to create a freedom fund.. This is my name for an emergency fund that puts the power back in your hands..

This freedom fund consists of three to five months of living. Expenses., It protects you if you decide to quit your job as well as a lot of other situations such as recessions, depressions or even worldwide. Epidemics.. Okay, so you've increased your income by learning a valuable skill or maybe invested in your own business..
You've kept your lifestyle in check., You've paid off all your loans and you've created the freedom fund now, and only now is the time to start looking at other options., Let's start off with the lowest risk option. Index funds. An index fund is a collection of investments That you can put your money into and own a percentage of the entire thing.. This gives you a fantastic diversification and protect you from poor stock choices..

For example. Let's say you got a thousand dollars and you invest it in. I don't, let's say Apple stock.. Is there a big company right, They're gon na be safe.

As soon as your money goes in the company takes a turn for the worst, causing the stock price to crash.. The result could be that you loose the majority of your investment.. This is where index funds come in. Instead of owning just Apple Stock.

You could take that $ 1,000 and invest it in something like the S and P 500, which gives you small shares in Apple as well as Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, Visa Disney and many more. You're. A shareholder of all these major companies.. Now, if something happened to Apple, it would be balanced out by the other investments in your index.

Funds. Now lots of people will try and convince you that a mutual fund is superior.. A mutual fund is very, very similar to an index fund, except it's controlled by a very smart person whose job is to pick the stocks in the fund.. The purpose of a mutual fund is try and beat the market and get better results for the investor..

However, in the vast majority of cases, you'd be much better off putting your money into a simple index fund with less risk and often a brighter return.. This is because index funds charge extremely low, fees. The S and P 500 charges, 0.07 % annually. And mutual funds charge high fees between one to 2 % of your account balance annually..

If you invested $ 10,000 into a mutual fund, then $ 200 would go straight into that fund managers wallet every single year., Even if he cause you to lose money through poor stock choices.. On the flip side, if you had the same amount invested in the S and P 500 index fund that only $ 7, yes, just $ 7 would be leaving your account annually.. This is because index funds are passively managed and therefore don't have to pay a manager who may or may not be doing job. For long-term investments.

I love using Vanguard index funds as I like, these. They're, so easy to use., I'm not affiliated with Vanguard in any way.. I just liked the way it works.. I also like to mix it up a little bit with some international funds and bonds to diversify my portfolio, even more., The older.

You are the more bonds. I recommend you invest in. And I don't mean James Bond diva, although he is pretty cool. The investment method.

I put the majority of my money into is real estate.. I am much more of a real estate guy than a stock guy.. I like real investments. I can feel and touch, but I appreciate that it can be hard to buy properties with little money, but it's certainly something you should be saving for..
My first property was a one bedroom apartment and I loved it.. It was mine., It cost me around $ 50,000 and when I moved out, I decided to rent it $ 500, a month.. I had this property for around about 10 years and when I sold it, I sold it for 150k, and after this I was obsessed with the money that we could make from real estate.. Now this is a good time to decide which type of investor you are..

The first type is a capital gains investor.. This is someone who likes to buy low and sell high and pocket the difference.. These are investors that are interested in buy houses of auctions, or you may have seen the signs outside advertising that we buy your house for cash.. They like to take advantage of the situations when people want fast sales., They made them move into the house.

Do it up and flip it for a profit.? They have to keep repeating this process.. This can work very, very well, but it's subject to fluctuations in the markets on a year to year, basis.. The second type is a cash flow investor.. This is the kind of investor I like to think I am.

I'll never buy a property if the rent won't cover the mortgage., I like to follow the 1 % rule, meaning if I buy a property for a hundred thousand dollars, then at minimum. I want it to bring me in a thousand dollars a month., Otherwise, to be honest, I'm not buying it.. Now, let's talk about one of the most risky options: individual stocks.. I get asked about this type of investment daily and I understand why..

Individual stocks are a very attractive choice to lots of people.. This is because, with a small investment, you can buy into the market and sell whenever you want., Unlike real estate, where you have to look for a buyer and go through all that whole selling process. A tap of a button you have complete access to your funds.. When I was in my early twenties, I looked at a few different companies and I invested $ 5,000 in single stocks and shares.

I'll. Tell you what that was a lot of money for me back in those days and within just six months, though, have made a profit of a hundred thousand dollars, and with that I could buy a massive warehouse which really drove my business. Forward.. Make sure you understand what you're investing in., I see many people investing in stocks because their friends said they should..

If don't understand it, it's quite simple. Don't invest.! I use two methods of valuing stock.. The first way is called quantitative analysis., Something that might surprise you is when you, Google, the price of stock that isn't the actual real value. It's more an estimate..

I like to look at the company's quarterly earnings reports, which includes things like balance, sheets, income and cashflow, to get a real sort of feel for the value of the company.. You can easily find this information on the internet.. The second way is called qualitative analysis.. This isn't about the actual numbers, but more about the abstract, qualities that make a company great..
A good example of this is Tesla.. There was something special about Tesla from the CEO Elon Musk to the raving fans that are his customers.. I also like to take into account the future value of a company based on how their technology will live in the modern world.. I believe the move to electric is inevitable and Tesla are at the forefront of this industry with the most extensive network of supercharges and availability of product..

If you do decided to go down the route of individual stocks then make sure to create a diverse portfolio. Don't just use one sector. You've got ta use different things like healthcare technology, various different things.. You really don't wan na leave yourself open to huge losses..

If you're interested in this I'll put some links below where you can find some really cool books., You can do this on some great apps, such as M1 Finance Robinhood and if you're in the UK, you can use Freetrade.. I personally like to control and add value to my investments.. I want to be able to see how my money is being spent and use my experience, my contacts to be able to sway the odds in my favor.. This brings me finally to my private business investments..

This allows me to mix buying shares with my own business, expertise., Think Shark Tank and Dragon's Den, but on a much smaller scale. I regularly get messaged about investment opportunities and in return for my money and knowledge, they give me a stake in their business. Recently. One of my connections out in China contacted me, as he wanted to give me shares in his new hotel supply business..

This is me and him at the biggest independent hotel show in the UK. He needed someone. He could trust that understood the business landscape and also spoke English.. He wanted me to help open the doors and the opportunities for him in the English speaking market..

He flew me out to China, so we can inspect some of the supply chain and also give me a good idea of what we could offer our potential clients.. Now. The nice thing is, I'm extending my house at the moment., So I was able to get all sorts of building materials. Even a nice hot tub..

It's on its way should be nice., We'll have to do a video from there one day, but I'm not sure you're gon na wan na see that one. It might be X-rated.. This is just one of the ways that improving your skills and contacts can be a great investment, as it allows you to secure a much better deals than somebody who's just offering cash.. It can even sometimes lead to free shares in another company.

You're gon na love. This next video. I'm gon na leave it just here, but don't click on it, just yet., You've guessed it destroy that thumbs up button.. I really appreciate it.
And finally consider subscribe to the channel.. If you're interested in increasing your income, hopefully I'll see you in the next video., What are you waiting for? It's just there. See you later.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

31 thoughts on “Investing for beginners with little money! (how to invest for beginners)”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zikryata musa says:

    i am 16 but can i invest in sp 500?is bank allowed it?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lucas Marzano says:

    Im 4 minutes in, and you already got yourself a new suscriber. I mean, you hooked me with the part about not earning money with the channel or selling anything, come on, this is the first channel ever on youtube I find like that. And second, you got me with the part about saving money. Everybody is like, save your shitty money for ever, but im like, if you need to be cutting things off to save money, what you need is make more money.

    Im gonna finish the video, and then im gonna see some more, thanks for your service.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars frankocampo225 says:

    i wonder if a person who receive money from disability SSI can invest?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Noo_LaGGz says:

    Thanks for this Video it helps me rly 💫

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charlton Russell says:

    Wow thanks Mark I'm 23 an want to be successful and pay off my mom's debt I'm gonna keep watching your videos

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sle Pompata says:

    He talked for 14 minutes but didn’t say anything…

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crystal kelley says:

    id like to learn more about the S&P 500

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jyrell Lewis says:

    This man making so much sense right now I love this video

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bottom Tier Collector says:

    I had the opportunity to get started investing in my early 20s from a privileged position. I was too intimidated and never started. I'm in my early 30s and have been investing for a couple years now with my own hard earned money. I haven't made great profit, but I'm here to learn and grow.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pianist Armond says:

    Why he sound like the Geico lizard?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph Keller says:

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  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gabe Daily says:

    5k to 100k in 6 months seems like 🧢

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Felipe Marin says:

    Mark for foreigners who are currently in another country, do you have any app recommendations?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chrisarrow 8 says:

    I think that you should say next to the tittle (For America or USA) cause on my country young income is almost impossible

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zEtitaaa says:

    I'm a 15 yr old from South America watchin dis, who am I tryna fool sayin imma invest n shi😭😭

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sab!na Dmt says:

    Great video! Helpful information and ideas. Thank you!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peaceful sounds says:

    You definitely should be monetized by now lol

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Sharpe says:

    Crypto is the best performing asset of all time you cannot lose …… unless you’re expecting to get rich over night.
    Buy , hold , buy more on every market dip and cash in when your ready .

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raku says:

    On which sites/apps can i invest if i dont live in US?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jennifer Beni says:

    Hello guys I have been watching some video and I was thinking about investing in bitcoin/forex but still don't know where to start from.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Destroyer 5000 says:

    Lol in my country we work for 12 dollars a day

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Undying Dragon says:

    first of all if I made 40,000 a year I wouldn't need thos video I'm barely making 20

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ken Le says:

    I don't care who wanna be rich but remember, if you're smart, save your money ^__^

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Cruz says:

    Work wide pandemic* , epidemic refers to an area

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Radji Mubarak says:

    I am interested in investment but I am in Benin Republic where do I start from

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Our Modern Life says:

    I am fed up from hearing people talking about how easy it was to get money out of Real estate, it was so easy because they were able to buy one room apartment for 50k, but now it cost no less than 200k, so the way you start is not the way I can start with at all, as this video is about how to start investing with little money, I don't know how your suggestion could help here?!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Useer CoZart says:

    Finally, a clear answer to financial freedom.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BINARY INVESTMENT. says:

    I have been researching all this while for a digital asset to invest in and I found fx to be the most profiting of them all, I'm definitely bouncing on it

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Master Bait Tour says:

    using 10k to buy drugs and sell them sounds easier and a faster way to make money.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Damnridge says:

    i was wondering if everybody becomes rich, won't the value of our money be decreased?

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kopitegs says:

    If your going to be honest state the numbers.
    Telling someone who only has £100 per month
    They could invest isn't going to be a millionaire with out alot of luck

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