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Welcome back to the Not rented Jet. This is the jet I own and we are going to use it to do nothing other than fly around and talk about Andrew Tate Who is not flying around in a jet because he's in jail. So in today's discussion we are going to debate is top G being scammed by The Matrix Not getting the health care he deserves because he's locked up abroad in a Romanian prison unable to get the health care support he needs to prevent terminal lung cancer or is he using that as click bait to get himself extradited over to or to get himself sent over to the United Arab Emirates where they do not have extradition laws where he can be protected from the crimes that he perpetrated I Don't know and all of a sudden McKay is playing music while we're trying to do a video here anyway. So let's start with you.

what's your take? Are you a top G Fanboy or is top G guilty I am definitely a fanboy I Think we all know sir. closer, Get it. Get it? I Think we all know Andrew Tate Definitely has cancer and definitely needs to go to Dubai to get better. Okay, all right, that's it.

No, no, seriously, it's BS I'm not sure what to make of what is happening. he's a flip-flopper. Do you like Top Tree? I Like top G but I like his message but I I mean it's kind of. It's kind of convenient that he's coming out at this time.

Do you think uh, this is something that was maybe planned where? maybe I don't know how to put this in the back pocket? No, no I don't use this plan. this is just more of a hey, uh, what the hell am I gonna do? How do I get out of here? This is a prisons getting uncomfortable now I don't want to deal with it anymore. So your take is even though you support his sort of entrepreneurial message maybe business message? uh and that he rape swimming I Well I don't support that but I don't know I mean the media could be could be skewing it one way or the other I'm not I'm not exactly sure but I do like the message that he's sending to young men that that hey, you know you don't have to be a you know, don't be a wimp actually get your crap together. Kind of similar to the not exactly the Jordan Peterson type thing, but it's kind of the same general overall Vibe like hey, get your stuff together, Be a man, grow up.

I Don't think young men are told that enough today. Optimized, improved work Hard? Yes. build your own success. Yeah, some of his stuff is extremely motivational.

I've listened to quite a bit. Go ahead Mr Top G over here I Have a bone to pick with Kevin This morning closer, man closer I have a bone this morning this morning Kevin opens up an Andrew Tate video and says we're gonna leave the the whole women of his part of his message aside and we're just going to talk about the business part. I think that was a cop-out and I think you totally dodged a bullet I think if you're going to talk about Andrew Tate you actually you can't just be like I just want to talk about the good things that I agree with and not have to talk around sensitive subjects. and I think you dodged a bullet to avoid any sort of controversial takes.
So what's your take then Mr uh Matrix So if Andrew Tate is guilty, he's honestly the scum of the Earth But what we need to figure out is show me the evidence. That's all I ask for like if he's guilty, then he's just come to the Earth He should be locked up. but if he's innocent then I I believe that his message is obviously a hot take. It's controversial.

Some people agree, some people don't. You don't have to agree with a hundred percent of everything says you can take the good from the message like you did. You took the good from his message, but you kind of like left out the women part which you can do, but you can't Just like that's like taking half of Andrew Tate So what actually is the evidence that's the question is the Court's not we have. As far as the Twitter world's concerned, we haven't seen any hard evidence from the court saying he's raping women.

This is everything bad going on. He has not been convicted of anything. you could play Devil's Advocate and say that they just haven't released them. Sure and that's totally fair Due to the court, that's totally fair.

So this is all what should be considered speculation at this point because we have no evidence. Do we have a timeline? Uh 30? It's 30 day increments up to 180 days and then I believe after 180 days either needs to be convicted or let go so it's about to trial. Would potentially start the the charges have to be brought within 180 days. Okay, what's your take on what I said about yeah? taking just the good from Tate's message and not his hot taste? Well, I I mean I I Think it's challenging because every time you talk about his hot takes you start getting people who say oh well, you know him saying that he likes Romania because the rape laws are loose.

Uh oh, that's just AI that's what people say. oh that's that's just a deep fake he wouldn't actually say that uh and then they show you know CCTV footage of look Here happy women walking around freely. They're not like being punished inside the compound which is footage that they chose and they released. you know So uh uh okay I mean I I Don't mind talking about the women aspect.

I think uh 99 of what he says about women is absolutely disgusting and I find highly offensive I Don't think any woman should ever be treated the way that he describes women should be treated I Don't believe that a woman belongs in the kitchen I believe that women are equal. Uh, and that's how I treat my wife uh is as an equal And so there are many times where I put my foot down on something that's extremely important to me and that's how we run our relationship. But then there are equal amount of times where Lauren puts her foot down and says no, this is what we're doing for something that's really important to me and so we each compromise back and forth and that's how we've been able to have a what we think is a very successful relationship for about 15 years now. I think that's healthy and stuff and I totally I think that's good I think the problem or right now a lot of days a lot of young guys are just told to whatever like whatever a woman says, whatever a woman wants, like even like with my girlfriend.
I'm kind of a simp about it sometimes or whatever like like just you know, bow down, appease like you know men are. You know men are, Men are like, always wrong. and I think I think that message has been really really imposed on a lot of guys and pretty much dudes are sick and tired of it. and I think the reason a lot of men watch like these Andrew Tate type of people is just like yeah I wish I could say it like that or I wish I could you know like fight back or whatever I mean I'm probably projecting right now um but I think it might be a little of that I I don't I totally agree I think compromise and 50 50 is the ultimate way.

I think that a lot of a lot of the whole feminist culture has become so pushed on young men that it's like 70 of the time or 70 to 90 percent of the time. It's not. It's not the 50 50, it's more you know. 70 90 30 10 where men just don't really have feel they have a voice as as much anymore.

70 90 math eh? I know yeah I know I Want to say thank you for sharing your perspective on like marriage because like that's what I was felt was missing from the video this morning because that perspective is just as valuable as what you think about as business practices I think it's okay to agree with certain people's practices and not other practices like like they're not perfect, like you can agree and disagree with some people and I think that your take on his business practices is a valuable one. and but like I think it's also just as important to be like I disagree with most of what he says about women and and I think that that's actually really valuable. so thank you for sharing that. uh and I want to hear what you have to say Mikey in just a moment too.

But so the the idea about the Uh feminism and I I think an important thing that we have to think about with women relationship is that what is the individual looking for right? If an individual guy is dating somebody, uh, and they don't feel there's a 50 50 compromise, Maybe they're dating the wrong person? Maybe maybe there's a guy who is chasing around somebody who's out of their league. potentially and they feel like they have to be aggressive? What are you trying to tell me it's not related to the student either direction. But no, no. If if a guy is, if a guy is chasing a woman who is potentially out of their league, uh, then then potentially the guy feels like they have to sim for the girl.

whereas if you actually have uh, an equal matching, it's much easier to compromise whereas vice versa. If if a guy is out of the league of the girl, the girl feels like they have to swim for the guy. So to some degree, I feel like when we have these unbalanced sort of discussions of oh well, you know the woman is more demanding or the guy is more demanding. Maybe that's because there's not actually equality in that way relationship to begin with and it's probably a relationship that won't work anyway in the long term.
what do you think? Mikey that's a really good point Closer Closer Closer All right. So in regards to Andrew Tate guilty for sure because I don't like him. My favorite thing about Andrew Tate is he's had zero emissions these last couple of months. Um, as we're on a jet flying flying uh, three miles to the gallon.

edit my comment out. Just edit this part out. Leave it in. Leave it in.

Okay, good, yeah, you make a lot of good points I See where you're coming from too? Uh, you're a young man in the U.S who I'm assuming has not? you know in the last couple centuries taken advantage of women or being sexist or anything like that and so now you're kind of you're You're growing up in an environment where they're telling you like hey, men are the problem and you know women are the victims and I understand why that is the narrative I Can see why it's damaging to young men I Think people like Andrew Tate can maybe do more harm than good in this sort of debate because all we're doing is putting fuel in the fire of like someone can now say, well look at men like Andrew Tate look at the way he treats women. So men are the problem. It almost feels like the pendulum is like over swinging in the opposite direction because I agree. sometimes things get too far and like we're blaming young boys when we shouldn't be.

But with that said, I don't think we should have these like over swung pendulum type characters who are like you know I'm You know, just treating women in an objection has led to the opposite extreme. It's only going to fuel both sides to be more and more extreme conflict. And yeah, I would have loved for Lauren to be on this flight or for any or someone just a little bit more of a perspective. but I think what you said was really true.

That'll be part two. What do you think sir? I'm getting really in there. really get it in there all right? Is it in there? Oh yeah, oh yeah. okay.

I'm pretty impartial to the whole thing. I think um I just kind of take what I see on the internet as as jokes or if or I look for like educational content. so not really big into this. but um, going back to what you guys talked about about how um he went to the hospital he's is he in a holding cell or an actual prison because I believe it's there's jail which is where you go when you're sentenced or or being held.

and then there's prison which is usually when you're convicted for a term of more than a year. That's how it is in the United States I'm I'm guessing he's in a jail that's relatively close to the court system where he was arrested. The reason why I ask is because as I I was used to be an EMT and people a lot of times we'd have to go to to the jail. but it wasn't an actual like security prison.
it was more so like holding cells where people get arrested to be transferred and people who have asthma will. Typically it was most of the time anxiety attacks or fake and we would still have to transport them to the hospital so that was very common. So I thought that was worth mentioning. I mean that's interesting if he really needed Medical Care Really what you're saying is hey, like transport them to the local Romanian Hospital in other words huh? Sure, but I'm just.

oh from my personal experience a lot of times people are just like trying to get out of jail. oh I see I said you're making the argument because if you have diagnosed asthma and your albuterol your inhaler isn't working then it's It's more of like a liability for the prison. I Don't know how Romanian laws work I Have no idea I'm just telling you my personality they don't So do we all agree that we kind of think that the cancer thing is. He's just saying it just to try to get out right? We all agree on that I don't know it's possible I'm just saying it's very possible.

Something equally possible to each side. Almost Huh? Yeah. I mean what I will say is like if if I wanted to get out of jail and I didn't have cancer, I would be doing these exact steps. Not to say that for sure he's guilty.

but I have cancer. He actually has cancer like you know I really hope you know. You know what I thought was really? oh wow no I did not. You know what I think is odd is and I don't know.

Maybe maybe it's just slow or something. But they did this original cancer screening on December 12th and they said he needed an urgent follow-up scan and Then followed by potentially a biopsy like they had more than two weeks between the 12th and his arrest and and where I mean if that if if he was scheduled for follow-up screening, it should be very easy to show he was about to go in for Urgent cancer screening. Why? Why are we just I don't know. Something seems missing a good lawyer.

good lawyer. It would be cute because I said on December 12th right because he could have left to Dubai why didn't he on the 12th? we're taking his screening. Yeah, he could have gone to Dubai which he wouldn't have been extradited from Dubai right? Uh, that's correct. That's so.

Our assumption is that Dubai does an extradite if if their crimes are being pressed, but then again, he may have not had any idea that he was about to this arrest. I think this arrest was a real like a surprise to him I think I don't think he was I don't think he was expecting it, it would be if he was I wonder if you'd be in Dubai getting a screening I don't know. Interesting. So in other words you're suggesting if he saw this arrest coming, he would have uh, stayed in Dubai Yeah or I mean but like you think if somebody with his power and like I mean I feel like if anybody got the had the word cancer come into their life, they would want to get taken care of Eric like ASAP why didn't he get it taken care of ASAP yeah and I mean who knows, maybe maybe they did their scan and they're like look, we're going to set you up in January for a whole host of scanning.
You know January's gonna be your scanning month because you do have the holidays right? and I mean I know cancer is a big deal but look, surgeons go on holiday or whatever. Yeah, other people with cancer are also have appointments. It's not like all these machines are sitting around idly. so I don't know I don't know.

it's tough at this point. it's all Twitter speculation, speculation and so like what I was in with the court case. If evidence comes out that he's guilty, like lock him up. but if they don't have any hard evidence against them, then I mean I Wonder if you can relate this women argument to somewhat like race right? Where? Where you know? Is it possible that because there are race tensions you you have that pendulum swinging so far to the other side that let's now take money from people who have never owned slaves and give it to people who have never been slaves via reparations.

Which is what San Francisco's thinking about doing right. Is that potentially that similar pendulum? Just like like could you basically say Andrew Tates anti-potentially feministic arguments are as Extreme as reparations for everyone is black. It's just all counterculture. so whatever.

Like you know, we have cycles of Counter Culture over and over. So if you push one agenda one way, everybody, oh yeah, everybody you know will eventually or not everybody, but some some pop, some percentage of the population will get fed up, feel attacked or whatever, and then start going the exact opposite. I mean ideally, like you were saying, you just want to be in the middle. you know, stop the pendulum from swinging so much and actually have reasonable discourse.

And you know rationale. it doesn't reasonable. doesn't seem to get elected these days, Huh? Yeah, What do you think? Mikey Yeah. reasonable.

There's not much emotion in that people like to feel emotion. Um, the pendulum overswinging your topic on Race There's a I can relate to this too, right? Because Well, for one, because you're black in the bottom half I'm a black from the waist down as they say, Uh, cut that out. Also, in my perspective, like my family comes from a white country, right? they're European But it's from a very poor country. They come from a village, right? They barely escaped when the Communist era ended and the Berlin Wall came down.

they finally got to escape. Bulgaria came to the U.S I was like raised really poor low income. All that. So there's certain things like when it comes to affirmative action as an example.
I Understand the concept Like some people will look at a race of people differently. They will look down on them. So it's like why. Well let's say they have low income.

They don't have as high of an education. It's almost like a cycle. It's self-fulfilling So the affirmative action. The goal is to maybe break that cycle right? And so you go.

Hey, we'll let you into these universities these jobs. Then your family will have like a nicer upbringing. your kids maybe will be able to go a good University and all that and so the cycle gets broken. I Get that What I don't like is then they go.

Oh yeah, but you're just a privileged. whatever. whatever. And this is why.

like I have privileges Like some of my privileges are like the people I Know that people I can associate with the places I can go. but like my upbringing and my skin color like, it's hard to say I It didn't directly negatively impact me the way it would if I was black. but being an immigrant like my family, being an immigrant family has completely impacted me. My dad's been turned down from raises because of his accent or he's too foreign and things like that.

yet I am looked at like I am one of the oppressors instead of seeing me as like hey, I'm one of these people trying to make it in the U.S I just happen to have white skin. so I think we all understand the idea for affirmative action As you you know you just mentioned um I guess oh sorry I I guess the my question to you is how do you balance meritocracy with that Because you do wanna you know for people who have been raised in you know, a bad area um you want to get them out like you like you were saying. But how do you balance that with meritocracy where you know we do want you know the best surgeons. We don't care about race I'm not gonna care what color my surgeon is if they were operating on my brain I Don't give a crap quite frankly I just want the best guy yep or girl.

so yeah yeah, holding the mic you can. you can talk first I'll dwell on his comment for a minute. no. I agree with I agree with what you said I Think it would be difficult to set parameters for affirmative action I agree with affirmative action I Think it should be based on income and geographic location.

so if you grew up inner city, it shouldn't depend. It shouldn't matter if you're Chinese white, black and because you're all going through the same thing. really. Oh, that's really interesting.

You're saying. look at the median income in an area rather than the color of people's skin 100 I Think that's way too much. It makes too much damn sense. Too much sense.

That's what I've always thought. and I don't know a lot of people like I've spoken about that with my friends and a lot of times you'll get some people agree. Some people think like I don't know. It doesn't really make sense to me.
If you have, let's say a minority Hispanic or a black person who grows up in in a in a rich area. why are they getting affirmative action versus the white? or Chinese kid who grew up in the ghetto doesn't really make that's a really good point. That's a great idea. I'll add fuel to that fire.

Uh I went to a school in Sacramento I went to a public International Baccalaureate school which most of these are private schools where? or it's really nerdy like if you don't know what that is. We were like, good at tests and bad at sports basically. and so we had a lot of people trying to be lawyers and doctors and engineers and that kind of thing and being close to Davis University of California Davis a lot of my uh um, student or my my uh, what is it student body yeah yeah yeah yeah, a little closer. Mikey Oh, a lot of my classmates ended up applying to Davis almost all of my Indian friends.

It was a very like uh, like Eastern in in South Asian school. Almost all of my Indian friends got declined because they had too many Indians who would apply to Davis that year. So it's almost like affirmative action is supposed to help minorities, but now even certain minority ethnic groups are getting negatively impacted by it. and that's I mean to your point like I want the best.

Like now that some of my friends couldn't go to Davis now to go to a different school because there's too many of them there. That's that's not good. that's a pistol. Yeah, there's a lot of work to be done on that.

and I really like this median income argument because really, there's uh and I talk about it a lot on the channel. just the idea of the the concentration of poverty. You know, when you get a poor area, you get poor Services poor schools, poor police fire everything Health Care Everything's worst the the tutoring that's available. the mentors that are available available are less quality, lower quality and poor people have to move to poorer areas.

Uh, whereas it's you know if like you had mentioned I believe you had mentioned that that uh, if you're black and you're in a rich area or maybe you mentioned that one of you right? Um, you know, maybe maybe in that case, affirmative action should apply to you. If you had the same opportunities as a white person who lived next to you, that's an interesting idea. Equal opportunity I Think that's a great idea I Think we all agree on it, but from the University's perspective, they don't want that because then then people aren't paying as much money right? What do you mean? why? Yeah, because if I'm taking 40 50, 60 of my uh student population, if I'm taking 40 to 60 of my student population from low income areas, they're not going to have the money to be be able to pay the tuition. And that's probably is why it's not the case right now.
Really interesting point. What you're saying is hey, let's go get the rich black people so we can bump up the stats over there so we're diverse and we get money from it I mean all University is it's a racket in my opinion I mean look look how much money they're like people aren't There's 1.2 I think around trillion dollars of student debt people between like, the age of 40 to 50 still have tens of thousands in student debt. It's crazy. Yeah, like 30 plus here, right? Yeah.

I Was gonna ask, do they just reduce the cost of schooling or is that somehow subsidized by the government? Well, at the end of the day, somebody's got to pay for it. So whether you pay for it through inflation, if it's subsidized, then everybody's going to pay for it through inflation or at higher taxes. Uh I Think personally. I think the universities have gone greedy.

As with anything, um, they they get in so much money. like billions and billions and tens hundreds of. I mean look at the endowments of the top universities. it's stupid I Don't think they need that much money it's going I don't even know where it's really going.

It seems like the increase in uh School endowments has been disproportionate to just inflation, right? I Think back in the 70s, the average student debt was somewhere what a thousand to two thousand bucks and now it's 30 to 40 000 which is way outpaced inflation. What are you getting more in return? Like nothing. you're getting like the same or less or you're just getting about the same value in return, but you're paying more over time. Argue when you're getting less because everybody is coming out with the same Majors You know, like you have hundreds of thousands of Cs Majors coming out.

Everybody's like every and it doesn't even matter what. you know, what university or what made you. you're exactly really studying because everybody's It's become standardized at this point. So everybody's coming out with a major and even if it is a technical major like CS there's like the supply of labor is increasing with it.

Yeah, exactly as you're saying. you can't differentiate yourself as much. Yeah, I Was just gonna add in when you were talking about schools with affirmative action, that makes sense Why they would, uh, want it to be a certain way so that they could still make more money. Um, my question is, affirmative action doesn't really just apply to school as opposed to jobs and other things.

So that's where it's That's where it's uh, gets a little weird is it? They just they just want to keep one formula so it doesn't look like a scam. I Don't think it's just like one aspect I Think it. You know it's It's a multiple bilateral and it is a good point. Yeah, um, my thinking would be that I mean if I'm an employer or most employers now higher based on undergraduate status or if you're a graduate student or whatever and that's maybe, Why are the people going in to the jobs have a certain ideology that they then bring to their Workforce interesting I Want to jump back for a moment to Andrew Tate And women because you, uh, listen to a lot of Andrew Tate and you're I think the biggest Andrew Tate apologist that I've ever met in my life and so I'd really like to know uh what? what is you asked me my take what is your take on what Andrew Tate says about women and how are you trying to implement or not Implement that's I think it's totally fair and we both have a closer.
We both can have different perspectives you're married I'm not what I've taken from Andrew and honestly Tristan shares a message that with about women for Bachelors that I feel like is more geared towards bachelor's they all knew a bachelor sir no no I called me a bachelor anyways I thought you were Mormon I can be a bachelor I can be a bachelor anyway they have. They've given me more confidence in my ability as a single male and what I need to do to continue to to talk to women how to ask women on dates like how to have the confidence I can't come at it I can't empathize with you because you're married. You come at it from a totally different angle whereas for me it's like hey, you can do it like keep working out, keep working hard at your job, earn more, make yourself more attractive. It's like that's my perspective is they help me with the confidence and just getting to the next step of talking to girls.

going on dates with girls and so. but whereas with you it's like I can't say like it's hard for me to be like my wife needs to be 50 50 partner like I believe that the marriage should be 50 50 equal. Men have different values, women have different values but I can't come at it from that angle because I can't empathize I'm not married I don't know how a marriage I Can't say how I know a marriage should work because I I am not married Kevin Do you think it is wrong to ask a girl what she brings to the table because that has become a heated topic throughout YouTube throughout Twitter Like something that simple if you ask on a college campus. if you ask, hey, what do you bring to the table if I want to be in this relationship with you, what are you gonna bring to the table that that is that is far that is pro like that's what Andrew Tate would argue and that's what's become a heated topic.

something as simple as that I mean I don't know that I've ever heard Andrew Tate ask like hey, well would just specifically how are you contributing your 50 uh, a lot of at least my takeaways. Maybe I just haven't listened to enough. Uh Andrew Tate But at least my takeaways are that. first of all, I think that's a totally fair question I'll say hey, how are you contributing your half and it doesn't have to be money.

You know, raising children is very important as well if that's a priority of yours or even providing a balanced perspective on hey, you might be really crazy and have all these uh ideas, but how can we ground those right? That could be an equal contribution. That could be just as important as knowing when to say no or or when to restrain as opposed to when to say let's go right in a relationship. Uh, because you've got to make that decision together. For example, Lauren is a 50 50 partner on this plane and this was a situation where she agreed to buy the plane because of uh, even though she says no to a lot of my crazy ideas, in this case, she completely agreed.
And so I personally I think that's that's valuable That perspective uh, I don't know if that though. see one of the problems I find with Andrew Tate is it usually seems to and maybe I'm generalizing. maybe I don't know enough and I want to hear from you guys, but usually it seems to come down to who's bringing in more money. and I think that's unfair because of course, in my relationship, it's 100 me and and zero, maybe a fractionally.

Lauren Uh, so that I think would not be the right way to look at the relationship because there's much more to her contribution to what I'm even able to do or the money that I'm able to make because of her guidance I don't know what am I missing I'm curious to hear what your take is on my take because I I called you I called you out and you asked me the same question. oh I look I think if Andrew take can motivate you I think that's wonderful I think where it becomes dangerous is if uh, if in or potentially in in, let's say you get past State one, two three four and now you become a little bit more comfortable and I don't know this but my concern would be that would some of those data that motivated you to go on those dates and be successful? Could some of those carry over to where potentially. now you get to a comfort level and maybe you become more demanding of the person like well I need you to make me dinner or I need you to get me this or I need you to book this for me I need you to do that for me rather than hey, would you mind approach right? and I don't know that Andrew Tay teaches the hey, would you mind helping me with this which is very much the approach that I have. I'm asking for help as opposed to demanding You will do this for me because I own you right and I think that is.

that is a massive distinction there. Yeah, unfortunately, I think the Andrew tatism leans towards that I own you, you will I walk around with a sword because I'm a man I think that's wrong I've seen I've seen him on podcasts I've seen him on podcast say like, hey, go get me a coffee like it's not like hey, would you mind just grabbing me a copy it's hey, grab me a copy Double Espresso It's good that he's like adding confidence like I said, it's not real. It's not right that a lot of boys are growing up feeling like they're the problem, but if it's at the expense of you know, misunderstanding women, objectifying women and like I would argue that it's not you, but being better with women, it's you. kind of becoming delusional over time and to your point, like Kevin's married is Andrew Tate married Yes, he's a kid.
Well, I don't know if he's actually civil. he's never said what do you know about his relationship, how he treats a lot of people have a kid who aren't married? yeah I have no idea if he's civilly married I have no clue whereas I know Kevin I know the way Kevin treats his wife I just really like the person. like the the confidence boost where it's like hey, sure, who's a girl gonna like more? The guy that sleeps until eight in the morning, the guy that went on a run at six a.m Like what? Like, what are you like? What are you doing to make yourself better if I started going on 6am runs for any might break up with me I think people are confusing confidence with toxic masculinity or you know, being the I I control you I own you I Totally agree. that is wrong I Also, don't think it's wrong for a man to be confident and you don't always have to sugarcoat hey, you know, can you please get me a coffee? That'd be really great if you got me a coffee you know, hey, uh, can you give me two a cup of coffee? give me a cup of coffee if that's cool or like like I can't even no I I mean I see what you're saying And there are times right if you're in the middle of a podcast.

for example, it's like hey, Lord could you grab me a cup of coffee right? That's a little bit more like hey, time is of the essence here. Yeah, it's like if you're on a battlefield. Uh yeah, you know it's like fire the cannon. You're not gonna be like hey, would you mind firing the can of course, Not right? You know it's like fire the Cannon right? Uh, and and that's the problem is when that is always your demeanor if you're always the commandant I am the boss.

Yes, that's when it becomes so. And And the point I guess I'm trying to make is that a lot of young guys have been surrounded by it. You always have to be oh oh can you please do this? Can you do this? and I think Andrew what Andrew provides is just. It's very refreshing for people to hear.

Hey, there is another side. There is confidence that you can have and no, you don't want to be an to women. No, you're not going to do well if you're an a woman like you are not gonna have a girlfriend. No girl will want to be around you.

But there's also some aspect where you do want to be confident you don't want want to be a pushover. It's the fact that you value yourself. Yes I take care of myself I Kind of. I may be going on a tangent like a lot of left you here, but I take care of myself I expect you to take care of your like what you find important too like.

Here's what I find important I will take care of that. Whatever you find important, please take care of that too. What? I think Andrew Tate gets wrong Which what you're kind of going at. it's it's like him and the other.
It's not too. it's it's two individuals in not one unit and that's probably because she's like with multiple multiple girls and he has the idea of, you know, polygamy? probably I'm not exactly sure, but my guess is probably he's probably been with a lot of girls. Um, but I think that's what. Yeah, it's a team.

a relationship guy and girl. It's a team guy and Guy growing girl, whatever type thing. Whatever you want to do, go for it. But it's a team.

and it's not two individuals that are working 50 50. it's a team where both individuals are together. The value: I See, it's accurate. I Just think we got to worry about the pendulum over swinging.

That's all okay. crazy guys getting a little nervous because he has to clean up our mess. Yeah, we'll have to come back to part two. Thank you so much for watching! I Don't know the Mile High Plain Talk on top G Who's not a mile high? He's he's in jail.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

27 thoughts on “In defense of andrew tate fraud or matrix victim.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kris Willman says:

    Sorry but Tate deserves the worst.

    He's a criminal, a fraudster and he takes advantage of poor, lonely & desperate young men.

    However Tate's success is bc there are major societal problems that no one wants to address or talk about regarding young men in particular

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shane P says:

    This is so damaging to the Meet Kevin brand. Dude, you are acting like a bunch of young frat bros that have no diversity. Maybe you are, but you are weakening yourself and your brand. I want to see you get to $1B! You won’t get there like this.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Archie Bunker says:

    If Andrew walked in the room Lauren will give him an indicator of interest. Case closed end of story. Female nature is very real,Hypergamy is very real.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Pitts says:

    If I bought a ticket with Kevin, I sure wouldn’t use that time to talk about Tate

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Make A Mark says:

    The 50 50 argument is not about money from women. It's about what feminine and supportive qualities a woman has to bring to the marriage. The top 10 percent doesn't care about the woman's money but instead qualities of a good wife.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr. Monitor says:

    This is the weirdest episode of girls gone wild I've ever seen🫣❤️😊

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars joe fitness says:

    Small jet

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Simon says:

    He's a fraud. He's from Luton what do you expect. Bet he was in the EDL.
    He is an obnoxious knob

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon says:

    I think a lot of people who talk about Andrew Tate are afraid to say the truth or just don't really understand the true meaning of his harsh words, especially about women. Yes, men and women are equally human therefore we should absolutely have equal rights however, men and women are not exactly equal. There are things men excel in that women do not and there are things women excel in that men do not. Men need to stick to what they're good at and women need to stick to what they are good at. Of course, there are always exceptions especially now in days but generally, that has been true throughout human history and proven to work.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Archie Bunker says:

    I like these debates. The only truth is the objective truth, subjective truth is projecting, and that is why society is cyclical social dynamics is nothing but demonstrations of higher and lower value and indicators of interest and disinterest. There’s no real social truth. there’s biological truth there’s psychological truth and there’s sociological truth but only in the objective sense… I don’t see people I see souls.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hashmat Zemaryalai says:

    All the woman that know them personally say good things about them but these nerdy feminine men want to judge tate

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrWallStreet says:

    He has NOT even been charged with a crime… Romania is the ONLY fraud. Fk Romania!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick C says:

    The issue IMO with tate is listening to him for 1hr is 45min of sexist frat boy talk and 15min of positive discussions. I'm sure he does say some worthwhile things but it's wrapped around complete sht and offensive talk.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dale Bruno says:

    People need to remember Tate may treat women how they aren’t normally treated BUT ITS UP TO THEM IF THEY WANT TO DEAL WITH THAT and one more thing he treats those women for what they are in all reality hoes those women are using Tate as much as Tate is using them and at the end of the day those women could be doing what they are doing AT THEIR OWN FUCKING HOUSE hadn’t anyone watched live porn they can do that without him but they think it’s going to benefit them more if they are hoeing out at his place then theirs NO VICTIMS HERE FOLKS

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RYAN RAINES says:

    Have y’all had a lot of experience with a lot of different women? Or do y’all have under 5 bodies or wife up the girl you lost it too?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick C says:

    Kinda hard to have a serious, informed conversation about race and sex with no minorities or women on hand.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Light Skinned Brother says:

    Welcome back to the non rented jet

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cybrtrk says:

    You need to just get headsets that connect to the xlr's those mics are ridiculous and terrible.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 999StockX says:

    On 12/24/2018 CARDONE, GRANT filed a Family – Harassment lawsuit against PAFFRATH, KEVIN H. This case was filed in Miami Dade County Courts,

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marlie gay says:

    Hey how about this time you get your own cup of coffee cause the lady is busy or get yourself another helper as in employee. Not divorce.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Archie Bunker says:

    Apparently he got healthcare in Romania a month ago and the biopsy came back benign.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars E 'S says:

    Most men live quiet lives of desperation, that is why these individuals resonate so well with young men.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dale Bruno says:

    Kevin I think you honesty like most others agree with Tate 99% instead of 1% of the time about women you just can’t say that.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars No Spring Chicken says:

    Did you watch the VICE interview?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dale Bruno says:

    That kid sounded like a idiot saying how come your not talking about the rap allegations when you did right before he asked you that and he wanted you to talk about something we don’t even know is true he’s not even charged with anything the only thing you can talk about are the things that actually happen

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SomeLegend says:

    Out of nowhere comments started hating Kevin. Fucking Sheep’s.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Turd Fergusen says:

    6 guys one tube

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