I'm done.

Hey this is tom, and i kid you not cnn put out an article where they claim literally no jokes. I accuse you not that missy cummings is a fan of tesla, which is being unfairly criticized by tesla cult members, because they can't take criticism. I keep you not. This is literally what they wrote.

I'm about to show you that in a second, it's really hard to surprise me. We all know that tesla has a. Let's put it this way: a rocky relationship with mainstream media. I've seen it all.

It's really hard to surprise me with you know: tesla bashing, on mainstream media, but this this is a whole new enchilada. Never seen like anything like this in my lifetime, cnn has smashed the record and in this video we're going to have some fun with it. Now, i'm sorry, if you don't give a about tesla, this video is probably not for you, but if you want to have a good, laugh and you're still not really into tesla. You probably want to stick around for this, because it's going to get interesting so check this out.

Missy cummings. As you know, the woman who posted multiple times on twitter that she hates tesla that nitsa should investigate and ban autopilot that tesla is killing people. Yes, literally, she said killing people she posted some stuff about fighting elon and how people need to hold her back. I don't know if you're kidding or not, but i mean she's, clearly not a fan of tesla.

I mean it's safe to say that missy coming is not a tesla fan, i mean, let's put it this way, but but but hold on a second hold on a second, not according to cnn, not according to cnn, because you really want to see this so cnn And i'll show you the whole article in a second, but i do want to share this clip right here, because it's insane before we start as always: don't click nothing, don't smash. Nothing don't buy. Nothing just check this out, because this is insane check this out. So, outside of autonomous driving, this is for real for real.

Oh, i can't believe this is actually happening. Cummings appears to have favorable view of tesla in case you missed it. Let me just show you cummings appears to have a favorable view of tesla. Cummings has said that she has a tesla jacket.

Well, if she has a there's a jacket, it's so good, no problem. She has a tesla jacket, yo chill everybody just cancel the petition, cancel everything, call elon, call it off, get grandma off the basement, get everybody in the living room. She has a tesla jacket. We can cancel this whole thing.

Bro. She has a tesla jacket, call biden, call him up yo joe. She has a tesla jacket where gucci, what the hell cnn, is this the level of reporting you're doing right now, a tesla jacket which she wears proudly that she loves tesla. Oh, my god, i got ta show you this.

I can't believe i'm seeing this cummings loves tesla. Can somebody clip this and put this on twitter? She loves tesla and can't stand car dealerships. Wow wow. I want to do everything i can to support tesla's business model.
This is a really good example of how you take public opinion and just shape it like play-doh. This is from yesterday, as you can see right here, october 22nd, 2021, and look at this title. Tesla fans cry as my administration wants to regulate blah blah blah. So, basically, right off the bat it says: hey tesla fans are crying because the government wants to regulate something that needs to be regulated.

It's not about tesla. It's about regulating autopilot right and here is where it gets interesting. Cummings new role triggered backlash from die-hard die-hard test offense. So, basically, what they're doing here is they're saying: look, this expert expert - let's put it in exp - is being attacked by die hards, basically by fanboys fanatics, tesla fanboys, tesla fanatics are bashing this expert because they can't handle criticism.

They did this by use of very simple semantics here by basically saying die hard backlash, tesla fans, basically talking about the petition, blah blah blah. The attacks on cummings have at times been vitriolic personal and hyperbolic. The only thing that we've seen from people is just reposting. Her own tweets, nobody has said a damn word about the lady or anything vitriolic personal hyperbolic.

They just reposted her tweets. She did say all of these things, so i honestly understand what was so vitriolic about it. Now comics has been described as the hired gun for the ludites of mediocrity, which is actually 100 correct, could not agree more as someone who wants to destroy tesla 100 agree. Yeah she's been very vocal about it.

The automaker's passionate fan base. Look at this again. Passionate fan base. Look i love how they do this here.

Passionate fan base. Look. This is really interesting, has been criticized in the past for being cultish and intolerant of criticism. So now they're saying one paragraph, look how much wrong it is.

They call them die hard die hard, they call them cult. Basically, the diehard tesla cult has been intolerable. Sorry, intolerant of criticism, so they're saying look at this expert. A criticism.

Look at this expert being attacked by die-hard cult of tesla they're unable to take criticism. So, basically, if you're not versed in what actually is going on here, if you read this paragraph, what you understand is that the cult of the tesla diehard fans is attacking viciously victoriously, an expert just because they cannot handle criticism, which is actually something that could not Be further from the truth, because there's actual objective issues that point out to a lack of objectivity by this lady towards tesla, also showing multiple evidence for the past three to four years of her posting on social media. Really personal attacks on elon, including saying that tesla ai, is actually killing people literally calling for nitsa to shut down the autopilot system for tesla i mean appointing here as an advisor is pretty much you know in kangaroo court. Sorry, but i do want to show you some more stuff so check it out.
The petition from tesla's fan base. Look at this in the top includes the critiques of the 2019 tweet from cummings yeah. This is another thing so they're saying well, they found one tweet of her one tweet of her, in which she said that nietzsche should require tesla to turn off autopilot. Now, basically, they do specify that the her accounts were deleted, but i mean again: what is she hiding, but let's ignore this for a second, the fact that she deleted her account.

Let's look at this paragraph. Basically, i can show you right now: uh five different tweets in which she specifically says that tesla is killing people multiple tweets about, in which she's talking about you, know fighting elon and how she needs to be held back so multiple tweets, at least five. I can think of just off the top of my head, and the only thing they bring up is one little tweet, as if there's only one tweet of her. That's not really indicative of anything why they did not mention the four other tweets i just saw yesterday in which she was extremely extremely vocal and also very graphic against tesla.

The only question is why, and i guess that's something you have to ask yourself but wait before you go off and get angry check this out. Tesla's fanbase also criticized cummings for her ties to the swedish driver. Assist company vaioneer cummings sits on the company's board of directors. Again, you could have added one more line, basically saying well.

She holds nine hundred thousand dollars in volume, shares and she's getting another four hundred thousand dollars annually as salary for her board position. So there you go beyond the fact that we just learned that misty cummings is a fan of tesla that wears a jacket of tesla by the way good to know. We also learned that she's an expert. We learned that the tesla cult members can't handle criticism and they're attacking her personally vitriolically and blah blah blah blah blah.

So basically, unless you know the facts, this article is going to make. You understand a whole different set of circumstances that what i feel is actually going on here, but again this is just my opinion, which might be inaccurate might be wrong, might be the ramens of a madman. You, of course, got to do your own research, and it's just you know my fair estimation of what's going on here, but then again, as i just mentioned, might be wrong. You know it might be just crazy.

Who knows, let me know below if you agree with me or disagree with me and before you check out just want to give a huge thank you for the channel members. The patrons you guys are amazing. Thank you. So much for this enormous support that you provide for me and my family and allow me to keep doing this.
Thank you. So much i'll see you tomorrow.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

31 thoughts on “I’m done.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Schuessler says:

    Everyone needs to write to Pete Buttigieg, Secretary of Transportation and their own Senator.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shelby McIntyre says:

    What else has this writer (Matt Mcfarlane) written about related to these topics. What is his slant and why. Missy is bad enough, but Matt is equally as culpable about lying and not being objective. Why? Is it just that he works for CNN or is there more?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Musk-eteer says:

    little does she knows her future career is being poison by the mass media, RIP be-otch'

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Karl says:

    Are there ANY honest news media outlets besides Tesla Daily and Dr. John Campbell?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars R G says:

    CNN has been producing mass propaganda for decades. How is this news?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cool AF says:

    There are too many vested interested involved in seeing Tesla fail (or at least slowed down) from the ICE auto industry, it's media clout veiled attacks, and even the U.S. government hoping to avoid a future bailout of the industry. They are driving (pun intended) a multi-pronged agenda to disparage Tesla and direct a negative narrative in the effort to create barriers for Tesla's attention and efforts to implement their business plans in a timely manner, in the hopes that this will give the current ICE auto industry an opportunity to catch-up!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oddbjรธrn Gebhardt says:

    Just follow the money. Who is paying who? Then the motives show clearly. The same with the new president. He feels the pressure of the mighty unions to squeeze Tesla, because they pay more than the union members get. More benefits, full health care and stock options, is something the union members can only dream about, and the union only want Tesla workers money without doing anything for them in return. It is all about greed and corruption.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Owens says:

    Apparently the stock market wasn't listening to this TSLA FUD today ๐Ÿ˜€

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kev Lane says:

    "Tesla jacket" HAA!!! thats why ur my favorite Russian!!! Tom for PRESIDENT!!!! Maybe not prez. of a country, but Prez. of something?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cirovig1 says:

    Sandy Munro, an auto expert, did go ballistic on her posting: His rant is on his YT channel so the vitriolic and quote is kinda accurate. It is actually really good to watch as he also addresses the President . You canยดt make this sh*t up, but the bast*rds wonยดt get away with it. Go madman.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars o Rebelo says:

    Cartoon news network reports the most important news ๐Ÿ—ž it brings out out Tom and the whiteboard ๐Ÿ‘

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shawn Ueda says:

    well I don't have a tesla jacket so I must not be a fangirl nor a cult member. America will die from this kind of idiotic "reporting" by CNN and possibly from other major news network or should be called propaganda network. Tom you thought you could be free from state/corporate propaganda. nada. what a f*&d up country I live in.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Borns says:

    CNN meets Bidens handlers in the back alley to follow up Biden's deep tissue care program. ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dad Austin says:

    Yup, not surprised there is a conflict of interest as well

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Moises Valdiviezo says:

    Get grandma off the basement! :'D:'D
    Great content as always Tom, much apreciated, thank you hats off to you

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Norm Harper says:

    What in the hell are your USA governments going to do???? The tide is reseeded and the China wave is coming while your elected officials tell you the TESLA high ground is not a safe place to be… This spells Disaster in the wake! Wake up AMERICIANS and put pressure on your elected officials. Lets see how well your governments listen to the people they serve. Looks like TESLA might take a hit and seriously ethically wrong and possibly illegal what is happening here…

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars angel caba says:

    Wow she has the jacket now if she can get that hat that would be dope โ€˜ lol

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YubaSutterDroneGuy says:

    Tesla jacket?! LMFAO. This is literally like the cartoons where the wolf puts on a โ€œsheep suitโ€ and tries to blend in with the flock of sheep before he devours them! LMAO ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D Cameron says:

    I did call her a tslaQ market manipulator, con artist, and anti-American in a posts. opps!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rene Maimann-Roland says:

    This is crazy scary, how much power the unions and commercial money have on the truth! Imagine all the things going on, that we have no idea about, as we only know this because we have followed Tesla for years.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joekr says:

    I hope the Tesla Fanboys that voted for Joe Biden have a come to Jesus moment about how stupid they are.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Neon Theater says:

    I think we all see that the media lies all the time now. So corrupt.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chris duggan says:

    CNN ignored the facts and just did this โ€œIf you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.โ€

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars shahram says:

    Following tesla has shown me how mainstream media can draw a whole new narrative of circumstances and feed us all lies and change our opinions.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maria Smith says:

    Miss Stella is legit and her method works like magic I keep earning every single week with her new strategy

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J Pike says:

    Media is like a protection racket and Tesla isn't paying them.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shelby McIntyre says:

    Good analysis, Steve. But I think you under played the fact that โ€œher companyโ€ in Sweden makes lidiar which Elon has criticized and deleted from Teslaโ€™s sensor suit. That is the most key ethics conflict (for me at least). Then you could expand on that key point.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack Jontef says:

    Missy Cummings is a political shill and CNN is a fake news media outlet well known all over the world.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lenny Saptho says:

    CNN the propaganda news network that claims vaccinated people are less likely to die of any cause then unvaccinated people. The ouchie Fauci Juice makes you immortal. Diehard cult Tesla Fans, like Domestic Terrorists, and insurrectionist ๐Ÿคฃ ๐Ÿคฃ ๐Ÿคฃ ๐Ÿคฃ

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars photojustus says:

    You new tv presentation is not great. You spent too much time with your back to the camera. There are a lot of better methods where you can face the camera and show an iPad or computer on the screen. I understand that it lowers your editing time. Try looking at what streamers do.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan West says:

    Ford & GM spend millions on ads an broadcast media and Tesla spends zero guess who they will back.

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