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All righty awesome peppa looks like we're live hope everybody had a good night ready for hopefully a good day. I mean it already is a good day because we're breathing right so good morning. Everybody good morning, i think today is gon na shape up to be um. A pretty interesting day, maybe not who knows, we really never know, don't we so, hopefully everybody is ready to see the spy go back to all-time highs.

I think amc could be printing the bills today, some more at least think facebook amc, roku zoom, could all print the bills. Uh fcel you'll probably pay the bills, i'm really tired. If you haven't already noticed, i did not sleep last night. I don't know why.

But uh the body the mind it did not want to go night so anyways here we are, but we can't let that keep us down. The energy has to stay high. So that's we're gon na keep it up we're gon na. Do it good morning, lily good morning to poppy good morning, shonda rayne edward good morning, guys um! So yesterday we did post a video to youtube um as typical, minimal views, but um basically suggesting there is a potential for a 40 swing, move on uh roku.

Right now, so keep an eye on that zoom uh has potential for like a 10 to 20 dollar swing, move right now, so keep an eye on that facebook is gon na go up to the price of 341 or 342 today minimum, if not higher, keep an Eye on that spy still not at all time highs, thus still has moved to go up. Thus, all the stocks you see that are on stale are getting ready to probably go up, so i think we're ready to rip and dip like a tater chip. Today, uh netflix i haven't seen but i'll take a look. Someone asked asked me to take a look at the other day coming along nicely for no, oh, that is coming up, isn't it? I was honestly about to shave this like last night and i was about to shave it this morning.

This is usually what happens. I let it go for like a half a smidge, i'm like wow, it's getting a little hairy, a little prickly and then i'm like. I'm done with this, but i guess we'll go for the no shave november. This thing could get just a tis gnarly all right.

Okay, so yeah uh, i mean baba snapchat, snapchat, yeah, totally snapchat um. Actually, those are all bob is good. Fcel is good. Snapchat's, probably good, i'm just assuming so, but i will definitely write those down.

I already like those ones off the top of my head snapchat. I'm long on i've been long on snapchat i've continued saying. Well, i haven't really continued to tell you haven't really said much of trading it or watching it excessively long bias, but we will discuss that today, fcl yeah, so yeah fcl, we'll talk about that. I was doing a little bit of research on fcl last night um.

I think i might be getting a little smarter these days, just a tizzy, so i was doing a little bit of shree searching and i think i'm gon na use something else. This thing gon na help me look a little smarter, i'm not any smarter than i was a day ago, but i might look a little smarter after i get good at using this tool. So when i learn that you'll learn that you'll know that, but i don't know that so you don't know that, but we'll know that right all right give us the upst look um from what i remember that was pulling back just a couple days ago, but i Will take a look at that? I think i could get getting it mixed up. Nice, rundown, great work, iron connor howard, so you were, i see i understand now.
I know where you're from my friend thank you. Uh apple avir, um sophie. You know what sophie's! Oh, i already wrote so far down so far is not a bad idea to look at because i think it's coming to the i didn't even really watch it yesterday. I just remember saying i just pretty much said: go long, the whole week on that thing, the last two weeks we just said, go long, go long, go long.

We only briefly touched about the long target. Probably the first week of discussion. So today is probably a good day to discuss the target for the stock, because you're probably nearing it, which means yeah, okay, uh avir, that sold off, but it feel like it recovered pretty nicely. Unless there was a unless there was a gap down - and i was looking at the daily chart - um that could be it, but i don't know so i'll put that one down uh apple apple.

I mean. Obviously it's apple. It's like a cult except you don't die when you drink the kool-aid, so it's actually a pretty decent cult to be a part of the mustache makes you look like a lesser andy samberg. I don't know.

Let me prove you wrong. I'm gon na prove you wrong. My friend um wait: where were we gon na go, that's right, it's going to google. Where are you there? It is i mean, do i look? Does it look less like him now, or does that look like me? Why did it even get smaller? Let's go back.

One boom, you be the judge all right, so we will run through the couple that i just wrote down, but really quickly. I do want to run through um uh hold on. Let me bring my scanners up here. I didn't even think to bring those up in here one second, so i want to uh quickly go through the spy and then uh, i'm gon na run through my plays and then uh you guys can uh and then i'll look at what we've written down here.

So i think everyone obviously watches the stream pretty much every single day that comes here. It's it's not like we're getting a big wave of uh new newbies coming in here on a day-to-day basis. So for those of you, you already know market's gon na go here. Mark's gon na go there.

Okay, so we know the market's going up now. So we know that stocks are probably going to go up all right. So that's the spy, um qqq pretty much same thing, all right, so spy qqq! It's going to go right to those red lines, so there's still a lot of room for the markets to theoretically go up. Oh also, the stock edsa just hit the scanner, so it's squeezing breaking out.

Okay, so yeah i mean that's just i mean it's just kind of up: it's going um. It does have a lot of momentum, though i feel like that's something that could go a little higher, but anyways yeah. You could track that for some momentum, so we know that the markets are going to go up uh for the most part. So in that regard we should just continue watching stocks long bias.
So today, one of the stocks, i'm already long by us on and watching long biases roku, you guys know as well as yesterday we were long bias. Roku we traded it so we're watching it long bias a day i feel like today. It's gon na try to go to 357. I feel, like that's sort of the minimum price that it's going to try to hit.

First, i think it's going to pull back, though, and maybe try to dip down to 341.48 to support and then go um and just above 354 on roku is the target of three uh excuse me is just uh: what are they saying so yeah uh roku minimum Target 354 support target 341 30s wherever ish, but still also think it's going to go to 365., so i'm just anticipating roke is going to end up in this price today, um, if not today, very soon, um and then my max price on its 380.. So this is like, if we're going absolute gangbusters we're going to 380. if we're just doing a continuation move today, that's just kind of like flavorful off of yesterday's momentum, then we'll probably push up to 355 360s or something mind you it would. It would not to say that roku can't have divergence from the overall market as in if the market pulls back.

Roku actually goes up. If a stock's truly breaking out with momentum, then yeah it can trend against the overall market. You know in some instances, but as we've already discussed, if we look at the spy and both the nasdaq, we do see that they have room to run before they hit statistical trend resistance and not that they can't pull back before that. It's just that at trend resistance, statistical trend, resistance is where we anticipate the exceptional strong selling to occur.

We don't anticipate any selling prior to be strong enough to break trend, so any pullback we see on stocks for right now, as long as the markets are not on statistical resistance is a buy the dip scenario all right, we're now going to move over to facebook. So i'm already long facebook um. This has a minimum target of 342. Today um i just it's gon na go to 342 at the open.

It's just going to happen. Um, i don't know how other to say it. I could tell you this is trend and volume. It's just going to go to 342., there's also a good chance that it breaks 342 and goes up to the price of well.

That would be a bit much. That still looks like a bit much. I almost don't feel right saying this, but at the same time i don't see any other option. I think this is going to go all the way back up to 360.

360 359 is my first target so on the break of 341, my first target's 360s. So i'll just say: facebook's going to 360. um zoom uh hold on and matthew b. I appreciate you.
Thank you very much. Uh zoom, uh zoom is a long and minimum target is uh. 286, probably going to go to 297, so minimum 10 trade. Today, i think maximum call it at 20 dollars well, two two 275 you'd have to go to 295 for it to be a 20, and that was only oh, that was a 295 297 actually so 22 ish 21 max move today, zoom minimum, probably 10..

In and again it looks like the market still has room to go. So yes, if we get a little pullback to start the day or the day is sluggish, and maybe today isn't a big trending day. Maybe these big price targets don't happen today. Maybe it happens tomorrow, but i do see a lot of breakout plays in the stock market right now and a lot of it's just due to the fact that the market's gone through its excessive dip stocks are on sale.

Stocks are going up, markets going up, market still has room to run, stocks are still breaking out of patterns, so um, you know, and if you guys are like really, i mean there's a head and shoulders pattern right here. It's a little lopsided sure, but i mean that's a head and shoulders pattern. It's not not. What do you call that? Oh yeah, it's a head and shoulders or i mean that's fine, you don't it's not a head and shoulders all right.

Whatever it's a cup and handle, then i'm sure there you go breaking over previous tops. Aka about to break over half deviation resistance. It already did right there all right and um um well yeah, so like today, what you want to see? Oh yeah, i mean look at this ready. Like look at yesterday.

Look at the volume spike that comes in at the end of the day. You know 140. 000 and let's look at my ultimate volume system right, let's zoom in on that i mean that was mostly buying volume. It wasn't not.

I mean most of that was probably buying volume. I mean yeah, the last candle sure whatever, but most of that was buying volume up into the clothes right so like why? All of a sudden does the buying volume come in? At the end of the day there i mean yeah volume is known to come at the end of the day. We've seen things like that. Yes totally, but, like you guys know as well as i do, volume is usually really high at the open so like.

Why is the volume like triple that at the close right before the close, as opposed to the open? That's because zoom just got up and crossed through it's well two things. You know people are looking at the market like zoom just got up and through previous top resistance, so we're breaking out and people are saying: oh well, zoom really just got up and through oh well, no yeah yeah, that's actually yeah. I have pot well actually yesterday this deviation probably was slightly lower um. So, let's just say nonetheless, volume at the end of the day comes in as we're breaking previous tops, and i think the half deviation was really down here too.
So i'm pretty sure it was. We were clearing the half, deviation, statistical resistance and that was kind of the volume confirmation of the breakout yesterday, which is the same thing that happened on roku. If you look at roku yesterday by the end of the day, remember how we said you would look for a target to 341 yesterday and then it just pretty much happened right away. Well, if you notice, at the end of the day as we surpassed, let me zoom in.

I should put this on full screen. No need for me to do it like that. So if you look at this screen right here, trend line you'll notice, as we surpass that trend line there's going to be mega volume coming in there. Okay, so same thing, you saw in zoom zoom got through its half deviation price volume confirming breakout roku got through its hefty er.

It's actually its long term statistical mean volume confirming breakout. This is the exact same thing that i taught you guys the other week on bbig before bbig took off i'll. Show you right now, just so you can get a visualization. What something looks like in hindsight, 2020., so you're, seeing the volume right now they haven't.

The stocks haven't moved. So, let's look at bbig from when that volume spike happened and then what happened to the stock. So if we look at this on a 10 day, one minute chart, i can give you guys exactly what you need to look at. Give me a second still loading all right, so there's one that one was a breakthrough.

Well, this is there's a couple reasons for this being so high. A lot of people got trapped short, but also the breakout as it was going up. I mean it was squeezing shorts, but this was a statistical level. That was a statistical level, but before that, one that one's like too obvious almost because shorts got trapped.

An earlier signal was this one here right there. So, yes, the previous day had a lot of volume, a lot of volume, but that's pretty exceptional volume right there and why, at this price right here, um right here that price point bbig was breaking through its long term statistical mean volume confirming breakout, go back to Roku statistic: statistical mean same thing as bbig different price. Different slope sure same thing. We surpass volume is confirming breakout, so we are bullish on roku.

We are bullish on facebook. We are bullish on zoom yeah. I don't that's it. That's all.

We got there all right. Let's take a look at this edsa, i know it's running we'll also take a look at snapchat, fcl, sofi, avir and apple, seven of nine. If you are watching this, please send me detailed instructions on how to make sure that that never goes off because i've tried, but it didn't ever no, and even when i turn off the notification settings in thinkorswim, it still sends me notifications. So i don't know.

I have no idea how i learned: how to trade stops to be completely honest with you with some of the things i can't figure out in life. It's it just amazes me how i actually somehow figured this out. It's like, ah makes perfect sense, don't know the difference between a flathead and uh phillips or whatever you know. Oh wait same thing funny all right, edsa, so yeah edsa, spiked up uh, pretty much up straight momentum.
If you got an early fantastic, if you didn't, then it's probably not even worth it right now: um roberson's, um yeah. I was supposed to look at netflix. That's right! I'm sorry! My brain moves fast, there's only so much! I can do yeah. So i'm not really going to do anything with edsa there.

Oh yeah amc um yeah, so i think dance is. Let me check i haven't seen today so um fyi. I closed my longs on this yesterday. It might be a little too soon to close, because, theoretically, we didn't actually break.

I just started building the assumption it might and well, rather than take the additional loss. I could just wait and see if it really starts to squeeze off that day and just resize up get my loss back and hopefully ride extra momentum. So that was my thought process. Um.

We are still still holding levels. We need to hold those so um, i'm not counting it out yet, and something else i really like so far is the selling pressure on this dip is actually pretty small. Look at the selling pressure there there's like barely any selling volume right, there's like it's like non-existent, so this could just be a quick little shakedown and then next you know rippy dippy, but there is a batman pattern there. I know that i mean it's not like a double top, it's more of a batman pattern, which is which is usually pretty bearish um, but something tells me it's gon na squeeze.

I really just i really see a squeeze on that still so we'll keep we'll keep watching. Okay, um we'll start with snapchat, actually we're gon na start with fcel, because sdl is kind of hot topic right now, everyone's watching, you should have a target of 10 on fcl right now. Okay, yes, i'm gon na say it target 10 doll hairs. Okay, in the event, this somehow gives you a random dip, pull back, and it goes like this - oh not like that, but if it somehow does this, you buy it at 8, 20.

all right, but nonetheless i feel like we're. Gon na see a ten dollar target on that pretty close, we are in a breakout zone. I don't have any statistical resistance until at least ten um. So no, why is dats on ssr straight uh, because it's been put on short, sell restriction, it's usually from short selling melissa williamson.

Did the canadian government really say that i mean i i'm i'm assuming so because that's typically how dumb they are within those places of power um, but i don't understand why they would. Why would they not want us to cheer on our best friend i just don't. I don't get it this world is such a sad place at times, but anyways, let's go brandon shorts, couldn't hammer in hot because of charge. Point that's too funny yeah.
So if um, you know, if fcl continues to blow up uh, you should see a target of like 10, maybe even as high as 13.. All right take a look at snapchat snapchat uh snapchat is uh continuously strong yeah. This is uh. This is still a strong stock.

In my opinion, it's just been moving kind of lackluster. Excuse me and you have a bearish divergence. You've been going up with downtrending momentum, which means at some point, is going to have a correction and go through a dip. Typically, when that's debatable, but that is an early telltale sign, uh - that it's gon na have some sort of bearish move um, so you've moved from 40 to 80 and you'd be back on a 40 which is yeah a lot of times.

The the the correction can be as big as the divergence, so in this case the divergence started at about 50 we're up to about 80. So it's been about a 30 divergence. So if we were to pull back about 30 40 bucks, the pullback would literally take us yeah. If we pulled back 30 dollars from the high right now, which is like 83, we would pull back to the statistical mean um.

Well, that's the weekly chart. Let me i don't use that as often oh well still yeah. So if we went through a 30 drop here, that would put us just at about slightly below this dv. Well, we came from 83, so 80 you'd have to go to 50 for 30 to go to 53., so they go all the way down there, which seems kind of unlikely.

In my opinion. Well, that's the four hour. Let me check the daily yeah. If you did that it would be a dip buy for sure 100 percent.

Well, you do have the gap fill, so you could be looking at a a gap-filled trade downside soon to fill that gap, and then you look for the dip by there on snapchat. Okay. So fi, so the discussion is target. Oh, so if i hit our target, so that was our recommended long target last week to go to was 2077 so thumbs up to to those that they watch that um.

So there goes mix so fi yeah. So that was our as our first target, so yes, i would love to tell you that this is going to go higher in the immediate, but typically this is where you would look for slight hesitation on the stock. So i think you got to be kind of on the fence. This is going to pull back slightly or you might do one of these scenarios, like you did here that little sort of pullback.

I think you could expect that occur somewhere in this area. A little bit, nonetheless, it has a lot of momentum. I still think you can watch this long. You just should be less long, biased, maybe um, but anyways big blowout.

Just like we did. You see we moved from the white line to the solid yellow orange. I always say yellow, but it's orange white line to solid orange legit, breakout, solid orange to next green. So nonetheless, it's still bullish there.

It is yep. I was looking at avir on a daily chart. I'm like this isn't at 13 bucks. What's everyone talking about, but i forgot to look at it like this yeah so abir, i don't really know why it's going down um some market makers, probably starting a new cycle today, he's probably gobbling up all these shares to be honest and then at some point He's gon na eventually accumulate what he wants and then shift that market back up but yeah.
I guess you could probably watch it slightly long bias off the dip, i'm going to just kind of leave it alone. I'm not going to do anything with it. It could could be the wrong decision, but well, let's see so the breakout started there all right, so people are long with the stop loss of there. So right now people have entered along this market and they have a stop loss in at 1006, so um yeah.

I mean it's trying to start a slight new uptrend there, but i mean i'm not gon na. I could be wrong for not trading it, but it's okay. Yeah i mean if you take a long entry there - 10 60 about 50 cents if you traded it. Like that um mind you, what see you see? Look at this ready watch this okay.

So this is how you know a lot of people can watch the markets here. Okay, so a lot of people might go like. Oh, you know, like that's my entry green arrow right which nothing wrong with that. It's great trade all right and then, if we use our trend system, our trend system tells us that 932 it could have been a potential dip by or a current bottom, because that's where our our standard deviation levels at.

So if we do this you'll see that the bottom of the current market on avir is our trend system. So if we do that, damn it go, go, go, go, come on, you can do it bud so close there you go so there you have it. So you could look at tron, go high or low high or low breakout point, but you can also use our trend system be like well. This is potentially a long point and then, when you see it get down there and tag it and your volume completely shifts to the buy side.

That's a signal that this is bottoming. You know, so, just just something to think about. That's how the deviation! That's, why? The deviation system is straight badass, because no one knew that bottom would be there. We didn't know they would bottom for sure there, but we already knew that can be a bottom price right there at 9.

32.. So i mean i just encourage you guys to hit the like button, make sure to share this video with the lpp group. I wonder if matt kors or like trade trades would be willing to like invite me on for a live stream one day and i can just sit with them and do uh. Do some ta be lit? We don't get fake news in canada.

Well debatable, but i hope not so fi mo go oh yeah, just an fy hurry. Yesterday dip bought mogo dipbop mogo mogo up, so i'm gon na say they will not. They will not allow me to go on fox business and show this they will not. Allow me to go anywhere near mainstream media network and show this on live tv.
I highly doubt that no, i'm just talking a big game. They, they would probably have me on. I'm just not cool enough. So that's it.

My mustache is just not it's not cool enough, but when i make, if i, if i can make millions and get myself a lambo and at least you know, take a picture with a few models, then i'll garner enough attention to get put on fox business. But until then, all right, we're gon na move over to am mctickler all right, so you guys know as well as i do. The old tickle monster has been running up and uh. There's only one thing that we've been discussing, there's always has been and always will be a target of 48 to 52.

This week it was never of any confusion as to where this can go so yeah, just uh just watch amc as high as 52. This week. No higher if it gets to 52 open a short position. Um, you are already.

You already touched the trend support today, so you already missed the lowest risk dip by possible. Today, let me show, let me show you, actually they didn't even touch, never mind. So possibly we touch it, but there's our trend system so right now right now is the funk. Show brother check it out all right so right now that was the trend break yesterday.

It exists right here today you can see we're holding well above that and trending up. So i mean you got trey and matt going absolutely moon gang right. Now, uh you have gary genzer and the end. You have gary gensler at the sec, basically basically playing a pillow fight with citadel um.

That is just a show. You don't even want my opinion on that. It's just it's just disgusting, it's just it! It's literally everything we always talk about happening in in politics, and governments happening perfectly in real time, and it's like. Why do you think i get so angry about this? Why why do you think we all get science? This is garbage the report, the conclusion, literally at the end of the conclusion of the whole sec thing with the whole game, stop blah blah blah this thing.

It said the pause or the trading halts that occurred during january or whatever, when game stop was 500, when robin hood never halted trading. The conclusion was, the halting of trading activities could or may have for lack of better words or for me not remembering, could have or may have caused investors to lose money. Is that all i have to know to be the chairman of the scc, because if so sign me up dude, that's the easiest job in the world. It's like two plus two equals three right.

No, you jackass. What are you an idiot? No, we wan na know why and what exactly happened when it was halted? How many shares went where who was conducting business? Was anybody conducting business? Because, if shares were halted and not being traded, we weren't trading them? The banks were trading them, robin hood. Wasn't trading them market makers, weren't trading them right. If the game was really paused, then no shares were moving, but if there were why who were they? That's first, what you need to ask? I mean it's pretty straightforward, it's very very simple and you wonder why they don't ask the questions because we're peasants we're not supposed to win like that, but hopefully we can i'm still watching it again.
I got to give props to trey and matt and all the people that are really keeping up on this and and doing their due diligence, i'm just kind of sitting here being just being a connor um, just being a karen. So for what it's worth, uh gary gensler, the boy uh - can work at mcdonald's for all we care at this point uh. So yeah amc your long bias. Your first minimum target right now is about 48.

Your max target on the week is 52. all righty sweet. Uh apple next one aapl uh shmapple, uh schmapple. You have a target of 149.52, so pretty much you're gon na stay along bias, an apple until it hits a price of 150.

No sorry, one yeah just 150., so pretty much long, bias, apple, uh, 150. Right now to ooh didn't see that um, so apple actually has a slight little resistance right here. This is a deviation, not a dv. What is a deviation? It's a statistical mean deviation of 147, so you're going to need to get through this price of one's 47.70 and then at that point you could look for apple to get back to the price of 149.70.

So, on a true break of 147 apple's gon na move up to the price at 149. Today, look for volume to confirm the move through that white line or the 147 70s price um shane go to my youtube channel, go to my most popular youtube uploads and look for anything that has this trading strategy will make you consistent trader. Um. Look for that! Video and then look for the video that says if you day trade stocks or if you trade stocks watch this one video wait, i might have them linked in my thing below.

I did link oh no they're, all linked below that's right. I did that so go to the description of this video stream. All the way down, you'll see most popular standard deviation, videos, one two, three watch, those those are even like, still really old videos from like now, which, theoretically, i could probably update. I mean those are good, but they really don't even show the true true nature of the game like we are now, but you should watch those.

Those are a good start: uh, yes, circa yeah. I will definitely do that. Um, let's see ifr fcl weird didn't just crash down to where i said you should buy it not yet, but you know remember: we said that's the dip by dippy, dippy, rippy, rippy, oh, and that note i'm gon na i'll be right back i got ta go Get a cup of coffee if i wasn't hyped up enough already, folks, okay, i am back oh yeah, that's right! Upst, oh and netflix! Sorry, oh, they didn't even let fcel come down to the support before the rippy rippy dippy dippy. Let's go sorry like i said i haven't slept in a while, so i'm probably gon na slap happy, um, netflix bullish, just bull, we own this.
I think i got ta check. Let me see if i own this in my long term stuff, give me smack it, and then you guys can look at my long term stuff. If you want i'll post on this little stream and you guys can screenshot and do with it. What you may give me a second wow i i really need to get some sleep, i'm moving very slowly.

Actually this is kind of bad. I really am like mentally, not not as sharp right now. I don't even know where i'm looking in my saved bookmarks. For my own retirement account there, it is kid there.

It is: oh my phone's dead, my passwords and my phone um. You can do it champ. You can do it all right. Well, before my ass locks, myself out, let's just we'll just hold off on that one.

So we might have to do that later, so yeah uh, i will um um. What are we gon na say? Yeah, sorry, guys, i'm moving kind of slow right now, yeah, i'm gon na have to do that later. I have my password somewhere not located on me right now. If you need my passwords or my phone all right, you know what people i come here to have fun with you guys now you're trying to steal my passwords um.

How long have you been up for? It's just i just don't get good sleep and when i say that i mean it's just an endless thing of not - and i know i've says before so um, but i don't really do anything proactive to help me get better sleep uh. So it's just basically me being a little little sally complaining about the same thing over and over, but making no change, but we will get there. We will get there. That's just on the to-do list of all the things that a human wants to do to be a better person and feel better tack it on to the list, bud um, so yeah, i think netflix is still bullish.

Arguably it's yeah you're. Definitely not first right. This thing was long since down here so you're you're getting in the higher side of this, but i think we are going to see netflix continue, trending. Well, all right, upst, upst, uh, bullish, uh.

I don't think it's quite ready to come down, yet i don't even see a bearish divergence on the daily or the four hour. Yes, rsi is over 70., so hold off the gas pedal, but nonetheless trend's still up. There is no lower low, no lower high. So you have no lower low.

No lower high momentum on ttm is blue volume's green rsi has no divergence, there's nothing right now that signals down immediately. So unless our buddy brandon fails us, i uh bullish, ah yeah, bully now, aside from that, you do see that yesterday it had a dip down to support. You see that dip down to the deviation back up, so you kind of got sucked up yesterday. So you might kick off and try to keep trending today.

Arguably, oh, my goodness, look at what it's doing. Look at what roku's doing it's going down, god, damn it but where's it going! Oh, that's right! It's dropping down to that statistical, mean level! Remember what we were saying about mr roku goi uppy, uppy, polybaggy, dippy, dippy, ribby ribby - hopefully i i i really haven't it could actually not rip today. I just kind of think it will so before i just crack all these jokes about being super bold, then everything fails, i'm living an idiot, but seriously i probably get. I need to put a camera.
I need to go and do a sleep test things and i need to put a camera like. I got to hook my gopro up or something for the night or one of my cameras and just record myself, because i probably, i would say, comfortably i'd - probably roll over back and forth in the middle of night minimum 25 times minimum is that is that normal? No, probably not not, first, not not, for some people like the other day, i was in the other week. I was in seattle. We were visiting family and my was soon to be brother-in-law, um, it's like so like yeah like yeah, i go to bed and i just close my eyes and then like i just wake up in the morning, and i'm done sleeping, i'm like wow, like that's actually How it works for people like you, really yeah, just close your eyes, go to bed and then wake up and like oh things, are great.

That's how it works for you well, for me, i don't go to bed, i just lay and then i just kind of turn around and i do a bunch of 360s, like i'm skateboarding and then uh next. You know, oh sun's up great, feel unrested, but still got ta hammer out a bunch of work right. So that's that's what it's like for me, but i thought that was just what happens when you eventually get older. Maybe i'm wrong.

I used to work out. I should get back to working out. I haven't i've, been a lazy boy. I've been saying it for a while too, but i used to work out a lot yeah.

So those are things that i used to do that. Helped me sleep more, but even that i even working out does not my brain just doesn't shut off at night ever like it's easier for me to sleep in the middle of the day than it is for me to start going to bed at night, and it's Just i don't know it's just odd and ironically, my job requires me to be up so early and you would think i'm not a morning person, but i am a morning person i love being out bright and early um. I want to go to bed at night. I just can't so it's just we'll figure it out.

Peeps, we'll figure it out is leapfrog. Are we playing leapfrog today? I think we are folks. I think you ought to play leapfrog, we're going to leap this frog, all the way up to 363.. How about that? Folks want to play leapfrog.

Let's play leapfrog. We're going to play. You lead me. I leave you next thing.

You know 363 tandies, okay seriously. All jokes aside, though: 363. prague, leapfrog, uh connor. What long-term averages do you favor? Um? 200's.

50's. Hundreds, nine, pretty common! For me, but there's so many moving averages you can. You can eventually find a moving average to confirm your bias or like narrative at some point. I need some vegas edibles uh.
Actually, i will say: edibles do help me sleep. Those do those actually do help me sleep. I will say that actually, usually when i have my best sleep, if i do eat an edible, i will have my uh my best sleep typically, but then you find yourself munching edibles like every single night to go to bed and that's not a healthy lifestyle. So there's you just you just cannot win in this world.

This is a give and take no matter what melatonin i've done that, but then what you're gon na start popping melatonin every single night to go to bed? Eventually, that's ineffective! It's the same story with anything! Any drug, any substance right same story, you take you, take it tolerance next thing, you know i'm eating 36 brownies before i go to sleep right where i'm taking five melatonin, i don't know. I think the best thing is just to stop. Treating stocks become a buddha and just like go move to the mountains or something all right. So prague, though jokes aside, does look good.

I think we're solid there. Let's go pop on over. Let's see what our boy facebook's doing, let's see how little mark zuckerberg's holding up uh looks like the kid still needs to get a tan, but other than that facebook price doing well. Um yeah, so still target 342., warm milk - i am 28.

I i just i just don't feel comfortable drinking warm milk. I i would i'd rather have six people with coveted cough in my face and drink warm milk personally, but you know we're all we're all different okay. This is, this is getting out of hand. People.

This is this is too much. This is just way too much just stocks, it's supposed to be fun right, investing is fun, so your account's down 67 but fasting's fun. So i think we're still looking pretty decent on facebook roku, all those guys uh avi are. I haven't, i should look at tesla.

I know tesla's going pretty cray, so yesterday we gave a target at 866.. It broke that out yesterday went even higher, but why did we only say 866.? Well, we probably did mention the level above but see that okay. Here this is actually a really good topic of discussion, because if you guys watch my streams, all the time and greg greedy, i will look at bbig. Give me a second uh.

Let me start up my morning meeting hold on for my elites. Traders um, so something that would be good to talk about is how you guys can probably benefit by not listening to my analysis. So sometimes i will say like this yesterday, oh tesla target here, trying to give you something i know the market will get but not telling you the next target just because i don't really think it's going to happen myself. So sometimes i'm like hey we're, probably going to go here, might go there when i say probably going to go here might go there always just say that always think that you know it can hit both spots, but you just have to gain the confidence or the Signals have to be right like here when it was breaking out with a lot of volume, be like okay, we're breaking out yeah.
Maybe we're going to go to the next target up that connor suggested, but i'm typically always trying to give you the easiest spot for the market to get to and at that point if it wants, and it still has momentum to go higher or go lower. Then at that point you needed to kind of determine that one for yourself, uh, sometimes is what i was getting that so sometimes you can just be like well, maybe it's gon na go more than what he said just so just keep an eye on that uh. We covered upst bullish, adrenaline fatigue syndrome. That sounds interesting.

Oh, yes, and something that we will do at the end of today save your ideas for later um, but i am finally putting in the effort reaching out and getting some merchandise done for the stream, because everyone wants it well, that's what they tell me then we'll Make it we'll see how that goes so i'll be taking down sort of some, like quote shirt things, recommendations that you guys like you've seen that you think might work well. I've got a couple ideas. Um, like i said i smell lambos, we're definitely trademarking that one. I smell lambos is our thing that no one else can have that one i smell lambos, definitely going on a t-shirt, there's a lot of things.

I say on this channel repetitively that i myself can't even remember so, whatever i say repetitively later at the end of the stream, we're going to go over all those things. So that's something else we're going to do today, oh, but i forgot to write that down. It was uh adrenaline syndrome, hmm. Ah, when does doordash start delivering liquor to charleston? Okay, how about i smell fart? Okay, yes bbig! We got ta, get there bbig coming and let me go back to look at just so.

I'm not missing something there. You're saying i didn't hear your thoughts on anything. It still is like so yes bbig, i'm starting to debate whether or not it has lags. I actually think today we have to anticipate that the move for bbig is going to tickle people the wrong way at first.

It's going to go down to 820 or to 879 before trying to get dipbot to maybe go higher, so i kind of feel like this move is going to try to snap down to this price. If we don't break 820, then yes, we might reverse the squeeze back up. Otherwise we're gon na break down 820 and swing to 780.. So today might be a day where you're optimistic on a short play for a miniature breakdown from 820 to 780..

If the markets hold 820, anybody betting bearish here or here will cover right so start of a new uptrend kind of try to start a new uptrend fail, basically flat kind of not really starting an uptrend, hardly down right. So not really many good holds. So that's where the support's at right, so market's still kind of down trending all right now, let's look at the four-hour chart ready. Okay, four hour chart would be whatever you want to call it breaks over previous high.
So let me go up pull back up. Arguably, like pull back, it's arguably double top slash, lower high current trend support snap down and through takes you to daily chart statistical level right, yeah, bing, bang boom. I know that's a lot of crazy drawings and stuff, but yeah so you're. Looking for that, 8 20 to hold, or else short-term bulls are going to get panicked, they're going to stop out bears, will swing them down to 780.

ish give or take okay hold on hold on hold on folks, okay, i'm trying i am trying here: okay, don't Let the mustache, you know think make you think, i'm superman, okay, i know it gives a different feel um, but it it doesn't make me superman how creepy oh rippy, rippy dippy dippy there. It is that's on the t-shirt. I knew it. I knew you guys were gon na help me.

I freaking knew it. I can't wait to wear my t-shirts with all my stupid sayings every single day in public. Well, that kid must be an idiot yeah. That's what you're thinking so you watch me pull up in a lambo one day, bro so yeah.

I know but fun, magooshter, magooshter, magoosh or mcgee that could be on there, but we'd have to figure out the spelling real question. I've been trying to figure this out for a while. Now when i'm looking at the chart, standard deviation predict movement. Do you look at one day and work back to find entry? If you're working back to find entry you? Well, i guess it depends on what you're doing, but if you're looking back to find entry, my first thought was you're late, because you don't need to look back to find entry, because the trends of the standard deviation tell you the entry which are currently located either Directly below or directly above the current price, so you don't have to look back to find entry.

You need to look up or down or where the price is currently at, as it's going through. One of those perfectly cool statistical levels does volume confirm you're, probably on to like a breakout so, but you can also look left to go. Okay, that's a previous big kind of top, so that's probably where more people are located, bigger, breakouts located there. Yes, but those previous resistance tops that you're looking at will normally line up perfectly with the deviation.

So it's just easier better to follow the deviation, because the deviation can move a little bit from day to day, so that previous price top is forever stationary. It's not going to move the price topped at 11 bucks in the future. The trend can go from 11, 10 to 1190, 1190 or sorry, 11, 10 to 10. 90.

10. 80. 10, 70., so the resistance is 30 cents below the previous top. So you hold your long trying to go the extra 30 to 11.
next thing. You know you get caught in the top drop. Now you lose a dollar instead of being up. You know, so that's kind of the concept.

I share your stream all over reddit. I've been using standard deviation for a while. This is by far the best ta. I will help you get it out there, my dude, let's go joe.

I appreciate you bud. I really do thank you all righty, um and self energy. I appreciate you too, my dude. How much of factor does overall market direction plan? Yes, a lot uh bojangles a lot.

Uh market direction plays a very, very important role into factoring decisions and making direction of the market 100 ripper magoo. I can't because that's really what's that guy's name his name bob, the one guy that has the instagram channel that makes fun of sports, speaks like this already thought he could crash it into home base. But no you idiot that guy, what's his bob, something i think his name's bob bob uh anyway he's pretty famous. He does a buffalo wild wings, commercial! Now emery! I don't know you guys know what i'm talking about anyways, that guy uh that's his saying, ripper magoo! So i can't really take that one, even though i've been using it popper magoo papa magoo is a good one.

Okay, mr magoo, i live in uh michigan novi, which is not a very poppin place. Nonetheless, mctickle yeah um. All right. Let me take a look at lcid because that was kind of a stock not too long ago.

Okay, so it spiked. Yesterday uh yeah look for lcid to go up to a price of 26.73. I think that's pretty doable um! Oh snap dudes! I my dudes hold up hold up, win a tick win a tickle win a tickle. How about that so yeah that if this is a true breakup from this kind of swing low, we should see a price of 26.77 so yeah.

I think you go to 26.77 because there's really no major resistance that should cause this move to go down so yeah, 20 27 lcid is probably gon na. Go there. Oh man um. That being said, that being said, we got to get that out of my vocabulary.

I'm kind of annoyed of that one, but it it can go in a t-shirt because then i don't have to say it. I can just wear it: uh yeah we did prague. Yes, we did baby lisa, no, no more spam. Uh ifr.

I thought i looked at that, but i probably just read it: let's see: oh ifrx is that penny stock? That's right so ifrx um, so you should have been probably dip buying this trend. I don't know for sure, but i'm assuming that when this pulled back, that's where the base was see that that trend line one minute chart, let's do it again just so, you can visually see why you've been confused for so long that downline trendline. That's the base. Okay, so that's your dip long price, so you've already missed it that sorry to say you've already missed your low risk dip long ad at support.

So now you're, basically saying well. Is this a legit hold and then do we go to our next trending resistance? So if this is a true hold and we're not going to come back down and break, then you should move to your next long-term resistance, which, in this case i believe, is, is up here. I don't you know what i'm going to stop doing. It's just kind of annoying, so i'm just going to do like this, just quicker yeah.
So your next first target up would be those prices - 345, 335 bby for shits and gigs. Why not? Why not? Oh boy! Oh oh probably long! I mean i don't. I mean honestly yeah watch for it to do this right, so you go down first, spike up start looking for higher lows and then breaks above previous swing high tops. So that's what you're looking for that's the kind of setup you're looking for right now for this to create, stop creating lower lows, but first to do that.

You have to create a higher low, so you're looking for this to create a higher low and then you could start saying. Okay, maybe we've started up trending z. I am t-shirt ricky, who that's fine. Oh oh make that's my dude taking out my dudes, but hey this thing can still dippy dippy rippy rippy all the way back up to 980..

So if this gets sucked up right through 980 - and so that's what i'm saying, don't count it out just because it broke right, remember: overvalue undervalue overvalue under value, so just because it broke doesn't mean it broke to company. Never gon na go up again. It just broke that quick intermediate support that people were watching no one's, saying that it can't come right back up and go dippy dippy, rippy, rippy, we'll see, but still watching, but right now. What you should be watching for on dats is a retracement back up to 959.

Maybe so this move, you might look for it to bounce all the way, not necessarily this one, but at some point maybe a move to bounce all the way back, even towards 959. 955 to retest the breakdown if the market stays below could be confirming it wants to continue. If we get back above and maintain that could be the market maker shaking everybody out, stopping everyone out accumulating more stock. Getting ready to rip faces, uh, yeah zim.

You should just start adding a long swing trades, no seriously you should buy along. So we can trade in that. No joke. Just just add long just do it literally.

Do it not because i said so because nike says just do it bro i'll, add a swing along on that too, when the market opens so i have to re. I have to probably readjust some of my trades and everything, but this is a decent swing. Long play, i would be willing to put some money on it, so i think you should yep dippy dippy rippy rippy 55 target uh. We already went over bbig neo najo nijo uh.

It's gon na go to um, see yeah neo's gon na go to 46 to 41 or something like that. Yeah see the last time we tried to do this right. We see like okay, ready watch this so like last time we came down, we went up, we got resistance and then it came up and then it broke out right. So it's kind of similar like we came down, we eventually dipped up.
Then we eventually went down below and then we tried to do the breakup right and then it just failed and came down now we're really getting sucked up with way more momentum and the markets rippy rippy dippy dippy this time it's probably going to be successful. So i think you do stay slightly bull on neo do be mindful you did make it back to the statistical mean. So typically, this can be a resistance. Well, it was, but now it's not so it should hold the support, we're well above it yeah.

You just look for dippy dippy rippy rippy on this yeah. Oh, so, okay, all right, i'm just gon na chill out for a second i've, looked at a lot of stocks and brains, kind of used, so i'm just gon na kind of just chill out sit here. Drink my coffee probably go get more. Oh market on the old mick pullback by the dip buy the dip tater chip bye, bye, dude, so there's going to be a gap today right there should be a gap today, that's what's kind of annoying right, because if we closed yesterday here in today, ah no - Maybe not, we might we'll see uh yeah, ladies and gentlemen, uh for the 393 of you, we got to get the stream up and over 500 to 600 likes a day.

We have to continuously get the likes higher than the previous day. That's your only job coming into the stream. My job is to help you basically look at six trillion stocks a day. Your job is to come through and just tickle the like button every day.

It's very simple. It's very easy! I'm here for three hours. Your task takes about half a smidge. Okay, let's go peeps see, grow, a mustache would be a great idea.

They sat and get stuff stuck in your face. This is gross. Hmm, it's just one hair. There you go yeah market pullback at open, really wouldn't wouldn't be surprised.

Uh. Let's go take a look at facebook because facebook appears to be going up. Remember we recommended facebook. Minimum was gon na go to 342.

Today, again minimum little mini pancake little mini. I really got ta start using the whole watchlist targets thing up there, but see there's so many tasks to do on a day-to-day basis, just as hard to keep up with them every single day. It's like you need an assistant need an assistant really. Do i mean if we could get the same popularity on our streams? Like others, you know they get like 25 35 000 views on their streams.

By the end of the day, then i would totally hire an assistant.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

3 thoughts on “I’ll have a side of tendies please! amc, roku, fb, zm”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Manahan says:

    I think it would be relatively easy to create an algorithm which place is trades and manages the stop-loss based on your set of criteria related to your thesis. And if you did it that way then the market makers will not be able to steal your information online. As it would be hidden inside the code. And then sell the algorithm to your membership community period and then build your community based on the winning philosophy proven with the algorithm. This is the scientific method

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Manahan says:

    it is too bad that the market makers are spying on your stop losses. hope you can find a way around this.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MachineMichelle says:

    its crazy to me that your subscribers arent going up like crazy with the type of content you make. Please dont lose your drive!

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