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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up you guys? Alright, Well I just finished my fifth consecutive red day. Five red days in a row. I'm down $40,000 in five days. How many guys know how it feels to dig yourself a hole? But a lot of you do and there's no choice but to start digging myself out one tray at a time.

There's no other option. whether you dig yourself a hole over the course of one day, two days, five days a week, a month, or several months. Whether the hole is $5,000 10,000 20,000 50,000, 100,000 it's kind of the same. either way, you got to buckle down and start digging your way out.

I got out of the office and I know that up ahead there's something in the trail that's gonna cause me a little bit of a problem and I'm gonna have to get through it the same as I have to dig my way out of this hole. It's gonna be one branch at a time and I'm gonna get it done and you guys are gonna be there right by my side while we work our way through. There is no other option than to push forward all right. So we're gonna start by assessing the damage here.

my bike up against this tree. We got tree across the trail and I want to keep going down this trail. The only thing I can do in this case is cut this thing out of the way. Now you know sure I could try to go around, but this is the trail.

This is the path. So if I want to keep going down the path right here I got to get through this thing. this for me I knew this was up here I knew something I'd have to deal with I knew this would be a good example of needing to push through just like need to dig yourself out of a hole if you're committed. if you want to make it happen, if you want to get to the other side, you've got no choice but to get through this and there's really only one way to do it is to buckle down, assess the situation, make a plan, and then get after it as I look at this.

From first glance, it's a mess I've got, um, looks like 2/3 good-sized trees across the trail. These all have some big branches on them so I'm not gonna be able to dig myself out of this in two minutes. It's gonna take some time I've got to be patient. I've gotta be willing to settle in for a little bit.

so got my saw and I'm gonna start getting after it. The first part of getting through this and digging myself out of a hole is not the fun part and it's the part where I'm not gonna see a lot of return right away and it's kind of just clearing out some of this junk in the way. with the trading account it's taking a couple of base hits. It's just kind of cleaning up the mess a little bit.

It's not about hitting home runs. I'm not gonna get through this all in one swipe. I'm not gonna get through $40,000 all in one trade to be crazy to try to. So I just gotta buckle down and start.

you know, chipping away one small chip. So initially, those first few chips, it seems like I haven't done anything, haven't made a dent of progress right now. I'm just kind of getting some of these big things out. I'll clean up this and then I'll be able to get after the good stuff down here and make a path through.
but I'm still ways away from being there with the trading account. Focusing on basics for those first few days is really hard because you know it's human nature to want to get back what you lost as quick as possible. but at the end of the day, any attempt to do that 9 out of 10 times is gonna dig your hole deeper. So what? I did on my first day I had one red tree I had to read trades on my first day I lost 16 grand.

It was terrible. absolutely terrible. but it happens the second day of my red streak. I tried to get back as much of that loss as I could and I ended up losing another 4 grand the third day I was like alright.

seriously this time I'm just need to hit a basehead but I got frustrated I went rad and I was like no, I'm not gonna have a third red day. unacceptable and so I started pushing and getting aggressive. Boom! third red day then I had a fourth red day and on the fourth red day I was down ten thousand dollars and then the afternoon I came back and took a Hail Mary pass and I made ten grand. Amazing! I was still down three hundred dollars though with commissions.

So I went for one more trade and then I gave back everything I made down about eleven thousand. So you know here was day five. fifth red day down 17 cents. Whatever the fact is, I traded like twelve different stocks I was trying to I felt like I was flailing, grasping at anything that was moving cuz I want so badly not to be red for a fifth day.

So tomorrow I've got to start digging my way out with base hits and those first few trades I'm not gonna feel like I'm even putting a dent into it. You know, five hundred bucks? That's nothing when you're down forty grand, but five hundred a day, you know it adds up. You got to get into that mindset. Really accept it.

This is my current state and the only path forward. I Gotta get through this I have to get through it. There is no other choice. All right now things are starting to look a little bit better.

I'm making my way through this I still have a ways to go, but it made some progress. Just like those first few days those first couple of base hits. Initially, it doesn't feel like you're doing much, but a couple days in you get a little space between you and that big loss. You have a couple days of making a little bit of progress and at least not having any more big losses.

You've cut the bleeding and you start to feel a little bit better. Getting space from the loss is always important I Know For me, it's often felt like if you know if I don't get this back right away, then you know it's just this, this constant feeling of experiencing a loss. you've lost money and the only way to feel whole again is to make back everything you've lost. And so naturally you want to get that back as quick as possible.
And if it takes you six weeks to get it back during that whole six week period, it's easy to feel and to continue to carry that sense of loss. Something that really helped me when I was a beginner trader I would remind myself that you know Roth Okay, so you know you've lost whatever it is. Let's say you know I'm down $30,000 since I started trading. Alright, that's you know that's that sucks obviously.

But at the same time, the day that I start consistently making even just $200 a day from that point forward, I'm out of the woods. It's smooth sailing 200 days, fifty thousand a year. So even though 200 a day during those first five or ten days certainly didn't give me thirty thousand dollars, the knowledge that I was now proving I could be consistent that I could follow rules is what was what I was really holding on to And you know where I'm at now with my trading. I I'm an aggressive trader I do take a lot of risk and when it works and you guys see I have some really big green days but when it doesn't work I have some really big red days and that comes with a territory and I I have to accept it.

it's it's hard because me just like anyone else I don't like to sit with loss. but if I stop taking risk I would I would make less money I would because I would end up missing a lot of the good winning trades that I only get into because I'm willing to step up to the plate and take some risk. My next step here is to start working away at this and get a couple cuts through here and over there and I'll be able to get a single track back opened up and I'll be able to get through what initially felt daunting and maybe a little overwhelming especially as the Sun is setting and I've got to get home is now starting to feel with it and reach. So let's finish this up now.

I'm starting to make some real progress I've got a nice chunk out here, so this for me we trading would be one of those nice big green days after starting to bounce out of the hole. Maybe it's 10 days in whatever it is. Finally I get that nice big green day and now I'm feeling like the wind is that my back. That was the last piece right there.

So I got myself out and out of the hole and now I gotta do it my trading account. but it's gonna be the same approach one small step at a time. Knowing that over the course of days and weeks and certainly months that each one of those small steps add up. I know very well that swinging for homeruns Hail Mary passes.

it doesn't pay off in the long run because the losses that come from not taking profit when you could've because when you go for a home run, there's a lot of times you could have stopped at first base and when you get tagged out between second and third, you're thinking man, I should have just stopped it second same way with trade. when you end up having a trade where you're up big, you don't lock it up because you're going for the home run, you let a whole thing ride. It feels defeating and when you're in the mindset of chipping out, chipping your way out of the hole, digging out really slowly, every single little win. you've got to take it because it adds up.
Obviously it's great if you get a home run, but to swing for them, you can't have that mindset. now. Unfortunately, it's only human and I know probably better than anyone else that after a big right day, The thing I want more than anything is to make back that entire loss in one trade. but it's not something that you can depend on.

You can depend on bay sets so you guys are gonna see. Over the course of the next few days and few weeks me working on digging my way out of the hole with a trading account and hopefully by the time you guys are watching this I will have already made some really good progress on that. Or maybe I'll already be back to all-time highs and this will just be a you know, a memory of the last time I had a red streak and then had to dig myself out of the hole. But you know what? I guarantee you it won't be the last time having this tree fall across the trail.

There's nothing I could have done to prevent it. Really, it was bound to happen eventually. Trading losses happen. Red streaks happen.

You can't be a traitor and never have losses. So what you really have to do is get good at being able to lose gracefully. Get back on the horse and not let it get you all bent out of shape. You know what the loss happen? Okay, and then start digging your way out.

That's the best thing you can do. I Hope you guys enjoy this episode. Questions Comments: leave them down below and hit that subscribe button if you haven't already. Alright, see you guys for the next episode! Hey did you know that? I Go live every single morning between 9:00 and 9:15 to stream a free Market watchlist.

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31 thoughts on “I just took another huge loss day trading”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ShadowedOne413 says:

    Great analogy and great video. Thanks for that.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Money says:

    I mis these videos Ross. I’ve always been curious about the day in the life of a millionaire trader.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rizwan101 says:

    great analogy

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tile says:

    Ross i feel so relaxed everytime i listen to your stories. Even i don't trade. It's just motivational that I'm difficult times, there is a hope. Thank you

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Allison Vrana LLC Atlantic Shores Realty Expertise says:

    Awesome video

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Malcolm Doss says:

    the conclusion is Ross isn’t afraid of disturbing wild spiders and snakes and creepy crawlies in the woods 💪🏻

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Tiu says:


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jesse Avila says:

    And now look at you…. I am down 4,000K almost 25% of my account so this I can relate to. Gotta stay positive and take it one step at a time.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leah Brule says:

    As an avid mountain biker and a new mom that dug herself a huge hole in business debt I appreciate the candid video. I am new to trading and so have been far more conservative in trading, small and safe, as it is risky and I don't want to take hits like I did in business and assume that I can easily get back out.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NL says:

    What a great lesson..Thanks professor…

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eve Loshinina says:

    🙁 So glad you had a BIG win yesterday!
    For everyone who is watching this video – watch Ross having almost two months of no red days! Newer videos on his channel. So impressive!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Riad S says:

    In two months you'll be celebrating a 32 day green streak, $75k May with 2 weeks to spare. Hard feat and well played. Saw a few of your recent vids, didn't become a subscriber until i went back in your vid history and saw this vid. Good job showing and speaking the reality to people, very sincere congratulations from a new subscriber.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mojoz says:

    I don't comment on many videos – thanks for sharing

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HUG A VET says:

    I lost $25k just waking up March 12

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FusionTechCinema says:

    This bull market took years to go up all wiped out in just a month. It’s gonna take some time to get back up to the economy we were. It will happen but not in a month

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Studio Denny says:

    ok, i thought i was impressed by how much $$$ you make, but when a guy keeps a chainsaw in his pannier………

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars THE REAL DEAL says:

    I just earned over 500,000…since November.. secret I've shorted everything since end of February..especially airline manufacturing ohh and gold

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gary ward says:

    How do you keep from giving profits back????

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hector Perezmendivil says:

    Bruh I feel you!!! I got fucking taking out like a noob last week gotta stay disciplined and get it back

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Panic Attack Recovery says:

    Wow this was a helpful video to hear from you

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars imacenurface says:

    If we all gave $1 he would get all his losses back. Who is with me? He deserves it guys common

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars imacenurface says:

    Dude if you can go get on a bike and do a video you got mad skills man. I would be hunkered down in my bed super depressed.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars imacenurface says:

    Fuck man…. I fear I will also too suffer a big loss. I have been playing against the market. Turned 2700 into 44k in 2 weeks

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B_Riz says:

    That must be the nicest watch ever worn while running a saw in history.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cheryl Moons says:

    Don't you always talk about not going past 3 red days in one week – meaning to walk away?  Why did you try to push the limits especially being such a avid trader? I hope I don't sound silly as I am just really in the watch and learn phase and haven't made a trade but I want to make sure before money is on the table I know what I am doing>

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars y0k0z00na says:

    Ross, man I love your transparency and energy and you were one of the pros out there that got me excited in trading, BUT…
    WHERE IS YOUR DISCIPLINE MAN? I've seen a lot of these big red day videos from you and wonder if you understand what kind of example you're setting for the rest of us. Please make this one the last of these big red videos. Peace my bro…you'll make it back diligently.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars aloyce kwilasa says:

    what about forex ???

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars T says:

    I feel your pain. I'm confident you'll have better days.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BloodOnMars says:

    I have a 25k account. All I use it for is small 1k trades so that I make 10-20$ a day. Enough to eat and I keep saving money with my full time job. I'm single so I don't need alot of money. I'm traumatized from big losses so I'll never day trade as a means to be rich.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dianna D says:

    As I was learning to trade, I blew up my account twice. Now it is all about money management and knowing when my trading edge works in the current trading environment. Therefore, I have decided not to trade in this market the last few weeks. I value capital preservation, and frankly I am not that good to navigate this volatility — it would be gambling for me. Thanks for your transparency. Much appreciated. Trading can get lonely and I appreciate folks that share their journey.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Harris says:

    This is what makes you a great teacher. You're not afraid to show your imperfections. At the same time, the project of removing the fallen tree from your path is a great analogy of dealing with the obstacles in life and in your (and others) trading week. It doesn't hurt that now you have good firewood and kindling. Great inspirational video, Ross! Keep up the good work.

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