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#IHT #NYSE #InnSuitesHospitalityTrust
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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warriora

Hey everyone all right? Well, today's a red Day recap. It's kind of a bummer. I'm gonna break it down in the recap. Uh, you know you'll Obviously, we'll go through it.

One of the things that you'll notice is that I do a recap every day. Uh, so Red Day recaps. Well, they happen. They happen a couple times a month, at least, sometimes even a couple times a week.

I had a red day on Tuesday and I'm red again today. We're definitely in a market that's a little bit colder. Right now, we're seeing some sporadic momentum. A stock like Mos Y squeezes up 68, but then it moves up so quickly on light volume.

by the time it gets up high, it just kind of starts to get choppy. I think as a lot of traders are questioning whether or not it's going to hold that level. because right now we haven't been seeing a lot of really strong, sustained momentum. So you know that's the market that we're in right now.

It's a little choppy. If you can make money in choppy market, it's going to bode really well for when the market does pick back up. So the ultimate mark of success, probably for a trader, would be that during a choppy market, you keep your head above water. Now, maybe that means a choppy market of four weeks you're on your break.

even. you know you might make 15 000 and lose fifteen thousand. But at least your break even you didn't dig yourself a huge hole. That's kind of where I'm at right now.

It's a fifteen thousand dollar red day for me. Uh, puts me down about ten thousand on the week. I was up five thousand on the week before today, so I really don't have much to show there. But uh, even after today, I'll be up about 80 000 or so.

on the month. we'll look at the metrics and see where it's at, but it's gonna be around 80 000. that's twice what I made last month. So even if I stop trading right now for the rest of the month, it's still a bigger green month than last month.

So what I've decided to do going into next week is to reduce my share size. Again, this was not a green week for me, so it certainly doesn't justify increasing share size. In fact, I'm going to say that it justifies decreasing share size to reduce the risk that on Monday and Tuesday, I try to revenge trade to make back these losses today, which really aren't that big. but sometimes the emotion can pick up and to prevent that from happening because what I don't want to have happen would be that I give back significantly more of the profit that I have on the month.

You know, I've locked up almost 80 grand. Well, after today giving back 15, I was up 95.. you know, I don't want to go from up 95 on the month to Up 80 to Up 70, 60, 50, 40 30.. you know, at a certain point I want to stop the bleeding.

and so I've got to stop the bleeding. Reduce the share size trade a little more conservatively going into next week. Yeah, it's going to cap the upside gains, but more importantly, it reduces the downside. So got to reduce the downside.
Focus on the risk first, profit second, and maybe we'll see things start to open up and then maybe that can justify bringing share size back up. But uh yeah, a little bit of a choppy end of the week. But um, you know, as always, you guys see the red Day Recaps: Transparency is important. You see my broker statements on the website as well.

Um, you know I. I. You guys see the good, the bad. the neutral.

Today's on the you know I guess bad side because it's a red day. But it's certainly not the biggest red day I've ever had. It's not a day to. I'm three days from now.

I'm not even thinking about today. I'm not even thinking at all about Tuesday. You know, Tuesday I was down 9 000 after commissions, and I'm not thinking about that at all. I'm down a little bit more than that today, But these days, if a week from now, I'm not going to think about it, then I'm not going to spend my time worrying about it right now now.

I might take some action to prevent another day like this on Monday, like reducing share size, but I'm not going to dwell on the loss that's not going to serve any purpose. Maybe there's a lesson in a loss. As a beginner trader, that could be a consideration, but at a certain point it's just like, okay, yeah, today wasn't a great day. Made a couple mistakes.

That's part of trading. That's the way it goes. Can't beat yourself up over every single you know loss you have? That would be. um, I mean I can look at my metrics, you know I don't have them right in front of me.

but out of with a accuracy of 65, let's just say, and 10 000 trades. We're talking about 3 500 losses. So I'm not going to beat myself. I mean, I'd be beating myself up every single day.

I probably already do that more than I need to, so you know it's just it is what it is. so I hope you guys enjoy the recap. Uh, thank you guys for tuning in. Hit that thumbs up if you haven't already and as always I'll see you first thing on Monday morning.

and as a reminder, you probably know this day. Trading is risky. Most beginner traders lose money. Even seasoned traders like myself during choppy markets can incur losses and struggle.

Trading is hard. It's not something you're going to pick up overnight and make a million dollars doing. That's never going to happen. I don't think it's ever happened to anyone.

It's not going to happen. to you. I would encourage you with the mindset that most beginner traders like yourself will lose money to trade in a simulator to practice before you put real money on the line. My results are not typical.

I've been fortunate in my success and that's not the average experience for most traders. All right. So with that, I hope you guys enjoy the Red Day recap and I will see you on Monday. See you later.

All right. So I'm gonna do a recap here. It's a Red Day recap. I'm super.
um super bummed out because um i um I'm red and like mos y look at this rip. This thing's up 68 percent and I didn't, you know, didn't make money on it. It's just kind of lame. Uh, Leds is up 38.

I didn't trade that one and I'm below my max loss. So this is the area where it's like I don't feel like I can keep trading. So I hit my max loss on Iht within the first three minutes of the day and this thing has just fallen. It was the leading gapper and every morning for the last few days it has popped at the open so I was like okay, let's give it a shot but I ended up losing 9 000 on it.

That was the first three minutes. uh and then I switched to my main account which I hate doing because I already hit my max loss in my retirement. but I switched my main account, took a trade on Mos Y, and lost five grand on it. How did I possibly lose on the stock you ask? How could I possibly lose? I'll show you.

I bought on this micro pullback right here and I stopped out right down here and then it rips right back above the view app and goes all the way back to the highs. Probably it would have been just like if I had bought right there for the micro pullback in the break of five and then false breakout and you're down 20 cents. It is not impossible for a stock to go up and for you to somehow lose money on it even though you're on the long side. So I'm down 15 grand today and um, I'm looking at my P L from January to March and noticing how I was averaging 33 000 a day.

No, my results are not typical. This is me taking high levels of risk, but over a million dollars of profit. Now we look at April through today and I've got 162 000 of profit and I'm averaging only 5 000 a day. That's kind of crazy.

I'm I'm My daily average is like 90 lower, 80 lower, 85 percent. It's it's a lot lower. so what's going on. Market's cooled off, market's gotten choppier.

and yes, we've had stocks that have made these types of moves, but they've been hard to trade because they often pop up and then just sort of drop or start getting choppy. And if you don't jump in right away, you kind of miss the move. but jumping in right away. it's also really hard to trust because you don't know which one's actually going to work and which one's going to fail.

So you know I managed to lose money on this. I lost on Iht. Today is just choppy. I was up 1500 on Iht and you know, ended up going red on it.

So this week I'm going to be down 5 000. I was up on the week. Uh, actually I'm going to be down 10 000. I was up 5 000 on the week.

So I'll be down 10 000 on the week, which for the month of uh, May is gonna drop me from up in gross profit. Um, let's see a hundred and four thousand down to ninety thousand. But after fees and commissions from 93 000 down to about 79 000. So you know, a little bit of a step back there.

it's gonna hurt my profit loss ratio, which already isn't good. My accuracy has been decent this month. I mean, not today, but this month it's been decent. The profit loss ratio is negative.
It's one one to one, but a little bit bigger on the loser's side. Average daily gains 10 000 a day. but then that's going to come down after today. So you know May has been better for me than April.

But I I am feeling a little discouraged today that I managed to hit my max loss super early and then these stocks ended up popping up. Mos Y's up 68, Leds is up 38 and I'm I'm below max loss in both accounts and I I can't can't keep trading. So ah, stupid. But you know, like I always say, this is part of trading.

You have to have such a high level of emotional resilience to keep trading and keep coming back to a market that slaps you in the face. You know, again and again and again. You know, as a trader, you get punched, you get kicked in the teeth, like every every couple times a week, potentially or certainly several times a month with big losses. Where you get in, it's a nasty false breakout, and you're like oh my god, I just gave back in one trade.

You know, three days of progress. Or a whole week of progress. Or a whole month of progress. Unbelievable and then.

But I go back anyways. I keep going back and I keep going back because I keep seeing opportunity. I keep seeing potential and you know, if we look at the big picture we go back to like 2020 here. Um, you know this.

This is what keeps me coming back. I mean, it's true that I am flat lining a little bit right up here if we look at my my my metrics. As you know, so I'm kind of going sideways. but of course I also went sideways right through here.

So these sideway periods sideways periods usually lead to the next hot streak. This is the ebb and the flow. It's a cold streak and then a hot streak. What's good is that generally during my cold streaks I don't lose a lot.

I might go sideways. I might lose a little bit like I did here. That was A that was a bigger loss right there. That was the biggest one I've ever had in my entire career.

So that that that was big um but you know, aside from that usually so that was uh let's see, that'll that'll be right here. That was that drawdown. But these are my typical drawdowns where you know I'll lose like 30 000 and maybe that's over like two or three red days and I start to like curl back up a day. here I lost 100, there was 184, there was 339, this last one was 95 and then I was down 9 000 and today I'll be down 15..

So you know these are like little dips, but generally get myself back to all-time highs within. You know, within a couple of days, a couple weeks, even even this big one, I recovered quite quickly. So generally this is what my equity curve looks like. It's up and then sideways and then up, and then sideways.

So clearly things kind of tapered off a little bit. Sort of things just start to slow down. You know, Once we got away from the game stop momentum, things started to slow down a little bit and so they've been kind of tapering and I just am grinding on smaller numbers. I'm still making money, and I do think I do still believe that there is money to be made in choppy markets.
You just have to be. You just have to be very disciplined. You got to do those quick hit and run trades. Get in, get out, not overstay your welcome.

And unfortunately, today I got stubborn. I got into Iht I had taken a trade on at pre-market and made 1500 bucks and then I took another trade right here for the break of that Abcd pattern and it just immediately dropped 60 40 cents and I was like, you know what this stock does this, I'm gonna give it a chance to do a red to green and curl back up. You know, Knowing the past few days we got these sort of dramatic moves. I was like, all right, I'm not happy to be holding in the red, but this thing does like to do red to green moves.

It gets choppy sometimes at the open so I'm going to let it drop down and let's see if it curls back up. Next thing you know it's down to 7.50 Now I'm down 40 cents. Now it's 7 30.. And then I cut my loss.

Uh, right here. as it broke through the low of day, I was like, you know what that's I think it was right there. I was like that's i can't can't keep holding this and that was the right move to cut it where I cut it. If I was still holding it, I'd be down close to 30 000.

So I I cut the loss at the right spot. But well, I cut the loss to the right spot. Considering I was still holding, I shouldn't have held that long. I got stubborn and I got stubborn because I just I think I just i'm I think what it is is, my fuse is a little shorter.

I'm just kind of like, you know what? Stop this, I'm I'm not getting stopped out in the first two minutes of the day. This is probably going to do a red to green and you really can't trade on that kind of, you know, Hope you have to be ruthless. You got to cut your losses if you don't Well, that's what happens. Down 15 grand in two trades and you're at your max loss.

How many days in a row can I be down 15 grand before? I? I mean dig myself a really big hole. Not too many So uh, you know, to be honest, I I think so I'm thinking about share size here just for a second. Um, I mentioned that I lifted my share size restriction. I think it was on the first, the first week here, the first day of May.

Um, so I traded five six days with a 25 000 share restriction instead of six thousand. But then I've now this week with higher share size, generated more commissions obviously. and I've actually lost money. So after a red week, should I cut my share size back down? Should I bring it back down to 10 000, 12 000 shares? I mean it.

It feels like man, I don't want to do that because then it's gonna. it's gonna be even slower to make money because I'll be trading with smaller size. On the other hand, I am sitting up some still up 79 000 on the month if we look at the month of May or a month of April. What happened in April was I got myself up.
uh, a hundred thousand right here. and then in two days I lost it. It was a Monday Tuesday. Gone.

the whole thing. Fifty Nine thousand dollars. I mean, this was a huge loss in three trades. That won't happen if I restrict my share size.

so I think that's what I need to do. I hate having to tighten it back down, but I'm going to send the email right now and I'm going to tighten it back down because I just I. I gotta hold on to at least what I've got. I can't afford to.

I mean, I feel emotionally at least that I can't afford to have a day where I go ahead and give back everything I've made this month. So hey, this is you know this is on me. I got to reduce my share size because I wasn't able to be responsible with it today. Got myself 15 000 red day.

So bringing it back down it is what it is. Maybe we see some nice momentum early next week. and with small share size, I'm a little annoyed that I'm not able to fully capitalize on it. But I I'm sure that I could have some nice four or five thousand dollar green days with small share size if we see something moving.

So I'm going to pull the share size back down a little bit going into next week not going to bring it all the way back down to six. Maybe to 9 000 shares? Maybe I'll do that 9 000 shares. So I'll tighten it down a little bit and I'll see if I can slowly dig my way out of this hole. So send in the email.

Um, reduce share size 9000 share max size My account? Yeah, it is what it is. Got it? Got to limit your downside? You have to limit your down so you got to limit your risk. Cutting share size reduces your profit potential, but it more importantly reduces the risk. So that's what I'm doing.

It is what it is. I'll be back on Monday New Week. Really only down 10 000 this week, so it's not a huge hole to dig myself out of easily could do that in a couple of good days. So most important is not doubling or tripling that hole by doing something stupid on Monday, right? And so with smaller share size, it's going to be a little harder.

It's not impossible, but it's going to rain me a little bit more. It's the right move right now until the market heats back up a bit more. You know the first week of May was good, but then this week has really not been great. so I would remind those out there that this is a great time to be practicing because if you can keep your head above water in these types of markets, that's going to bode really well for when the market picks back up.

Now most traders, that's the ultimate kind of mark of success. to be able to not lose much money or to actually be able to even make a little money during what we would consider to be a cold market because then the cold market. that's as. that's as bad as it gets.
So if you're making some money in a cold market then you can do well in the hot market. A lot traders start trading in a hot market and then when cold market comes they give back their their hot market gains and that's what I used to do and so you know it just changed from giving back the gains to kind of just breaking even as you can see, you know on that P L. So anyways, that's it for me. Thanks for tuning in for the recap.

As always, trading is risky. My results are not typical. You should trade in a simulator before you put real money on the line and I'll see you first thing Monday morning and that right, there was an entire video with no ads. I don't monetize my Youtube channel with video ads, which means you guys get to enjoy the content.

But do me a favor, please hit that subscribe button and give me a thumbs up and let Youtube know that this channel is the channel to watch. If you want to learn about day trade, you.

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31 thoughts on “I hit my max loss on (nyse: iht) -$9k | recap by ross cameron”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jkdmmabox says:

    Hey Ross! Hope you had a better day trading today. Eagerly awaiting the recap!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crystal J says:

    BGFV up over 70% within the last month and a added $1 bonus dividend if bought by today. Great recovery play!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Manoj Dhaygude says:

    HiΒ  Ross ,

    Β I manoj from India. I m doing pre n post market trading from last one year.but from last month I got out because of over trading I'm using 500-1000 size n 50k -100k average , my holding capacity is too much less in profit how can manage all this things please help love from India ….

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Don Koh says:

    Good morning Ross… I hope you have a revenge-free , insightful, enlightened and productive week on whichever level across the spectrum, big and small, monetarily or other , bro. Keep it real πŸ—―πŸ‘πŸ”›

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike says:

    Yo ross are you supposed to buy the pro course after the starter course or can you also become a profitable trader with the starter course and after you gathered the money you can continue with the pro course?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam D says:

    Hi Ross, when will the YouTube morning show come back? I enjoyed watching it a lot.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fernando Guzman says:

    I tried not to trade but got pulled by $IHT too for a loss. Red week for me too.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Dean says:

    Thank you for the knowledge and insight. Very inspiring. Learning the curve as I go and have quickly found out how fast you can lose anything you have gained. Hope to one day be consistently profitable. Best of luck to you.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Money says:

    Ya iht wrecked me emotionally. Finished up green on the day some how but it’s really more like breakeven after commission. Still a pretty solid week though.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Siamak Nasiri says:

    Wouldn't you be happier and more peaceful if you didn't work today and gave this money to someone?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bryan Bielka says:

    I love watching him trade thanks to him I have had massive gains thank you ross

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ISRAEL QUITO says:


  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A B says:

    Your Thursdays are all green. Why don't you set a percentage of your daily earnings to go to charities instead of the entire Thursday earnings? You can send donations Thursdays like you always do. The only difference is to make all weekdays your lucky and green days like Thursdays.
    The more money you make, the more you donate.
    Good luck and thank you

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael DiMattia says:

    One thing the markets have taught me lately is that sometimes hope appears disguised as patience. It's a tough one, because patience has it's place. Lately I've had good results with shorter hold times despite that resulting in smaller profits. Definitely some tough chop out there!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 5TH SURVIVOR says:

    It's not a loss until you sell.

    Also how did you go wrong with this stock? I made a killing.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vader is the Force says:

    I lost @2K today shorting DASH because I didn't follow my stop loss rules and ignored VWAP at the open. Sucks a ton, but Monday the market opens and we can either go back in or not!!!! Good luck everyone!!!!! We shake it up and let's have some fun this weekend!!!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcello Paoli says:

    Standard deviation will definitely stop u from losing money. The way u trade

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DarkBird Graal says:

    Why are you’re commissions 1.3k?? If each trade is like 4.5$??

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bto says:

    Wow so much knowledge regarding trading mindset. Thank you πŸ™

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Penis says:

    I'm down $4,000 this month so far.. But for me that's ALOT. ☹️

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RIC POULIN says:

    I was down $3K on IHT earlier in the week, finally got a handle on the pattern and ended up $947 on the week on IHT

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Just Look at it says:

    learn about what's happening in palestine, and how to help

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rizwan101 says:

    I have a question, which might be silly but Im wondering what would you do if for some reason you were unable to sell your shares. I have this phobia as potentially it could wipe out the entire account.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Butler says:

    Hey Ross I notice you have not been having 9am YouTube with the gap scanners why?. And is there a way Incan pay for your gap scanners every morning?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mark huirua says:

    $10k is chump change for Ross. It’s like losing $100 for normal people πŸ˜‚

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Altieri says:

    Very well said and that's the first thing I've learned so far is there are going to be red days and you can't beat yourself up about them. But I do believe this Market is challenging because it's quite inflated and personally I think it's far more risk because of it.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars clint8u says:

    Ross you’re always an inspiration to watch you help give me some sanity

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Chisholm says:

    Hi Ross, have you ever tried to "rescue" a losing trade by placing a buy trade (usually twice the share-size of the losing trade) just before selling all? I have done this a few times and it has reduced the cost of my losing trades by a lot. I have also been using 'dollar-cost-averaging' to find a better entry on a dip-trade. It helps if I know (and draw) levels of support. Thanks for all you do.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jesse Huang says:

    Just so you know, you are the best trader I've ever seen, also the kindest and calmest. You'll be fine! If it were you, I wouldn't be thinking about trading. So thank you, Ross, you are the best!

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg L says:

    Wasn't a good week, for me either Ross. In the red 4000. Hang in there.,πŸ‘

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Skip Kemp says:

    Actually today’s results results ARE typical of trading, ha ha! Really enjoy and appreciate your programs and videos.

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