Today we're meeting with ZHC who breaks down his business, income sources, and how he spends his money - Enjoy! Add me on Instagram: GPStephan
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Do you know about how much every single month you would just spend just on yourself, whatever we make, we spend, what's the most you've spent for a video like anywhere from 300 000 to wow? What's up you guys, it's graham here, so if you've spent longer than a few minutes looking through youtube's trending page chances are you've come across one of these thumbnails they're impossible to miss because they have one of the most recognizable stamps of all time, a colorful sweep Of paint these videos are unmistakable and usually consist of challenges, giveaways and surprises, including a custom tesla delivered to mr beast. But behind all of this is someone you might not expect he's a 21 year old, with over 30 million subscribers across youtube, instagram and tick tock, and within just three years he went from filming drawing tutorials in his bedroom to now living in a hollywood mansion working With some of the biggest internet celebrities of our time and running a full-fledged business, it would put the likes of many multi-million dollar businesses to shame. So, of course, when i see something like this, i'm intrigued and i want to get to know firsthand exactly what it takes to build. A business like this from the ground up understand exactly how he was able to do it and, most importantly, i want to see how he makes and spends all of his money, but really quick.

If you guys enjoy videos like this make sure to smash the like button, because these videos take me 10 times longer to plan film and edit. So if you want more videos like this, just let me know by hitting the like button and with that said, let's begin the video here. So when did you start making youtube videos? It was when i was nearing my the end of my first year in college. So that was in new york and i just started putting up some art tutorial videos.

What made you want to do that, though, i watched your first few videos, they're, really good. So before i even started youtube. I posted my art on instagram, so i was kind of like an instagram art influencer, so i had like a decent sized following on there and i kind of wanted to expand it onto youtube because i was getting a little bit bored on instagram. Did you ever think it would turn into a business, or were you purely just doing it for fun? Definitely for fun.

I mean like, like i love video making. I love art everything's, just stuff. I love what was your experience with school? I always had trouble learning in class and - and i would get bullied by the kids, because i went to pretty competitive schools. My whole life and grades mattered a lot and and school just like wasn't quite for me.

So what were you doing for work back then? If you were in college, you were doing this, were you earning any money back then? So i would make like 40 to 50 bucks a week as a lifeguard, because i knew how to swim so that was kind of the only job i could take wow. So the point, then, when you dropped out, were you making money on youtube, or did you just drop out expecting that you were gon na somehow make it uh? I mean i made money, but not enough to like pay rent or anything. I i think when i was in college, i was like full-time commissioning and stuff too and - and i sold my first commission work for like maybe like five or ten dollars, so i would spend like 10 hours on it. Just sell it for 5 10 bucks because because i just wanted to sell it, did you ever expect this type of success? I mean we're in a very lavish place.
Did you ever that you would be here sooner or later, i did have big plans. That's definitely a goal just at the time i didn't know how soon that would come youtube kind of gave me a platform where i could create art and then kind of earn money. Just for creating art. Did you always know you wanted to be an entertainer? No, no, i was like the most introverted kid and and even to this day, i'm still like fairly introverted and shy, but but i've definitely like stepped out of my comfort zone.

A little bit. Do you think youtube has helped you with that yeah yeah. Definitely yeah! You should have seen me back in like middle school in high school, it was very different yeah, i'm the exact same way, people think i'm an extrovert but deep down, i'm like i can't not good around a lot of people and making youtube. Videos has really helped me just in my speech and learning how to talk and communicate, and it's totally different when you're speaking with someone in person versus making a youtube video, because you almost have to be a little bit more over the top and animated.

Otherwise, people aren't going to watch it. I remember in in high school i was so reserved where my coach actually had to pull me to the side. One day he was like zach. Usually people come out of their shell after two weeks being in the team and then he's like zach.

It's been two years because at that point i still like don't talk to anyone, because i was like so scared. How much strategy do you think is involved in making youtube videos and doing what you do um so so i feel like making youtube videos. There's two sides: there's like a very strategic analytical side where you just like look at numbers. You make sure everything's like there you're getting audience retention, click through rate, and i feel, like another part, is just having fun and just interacting with friends how you would normally interact with them yeah.

But i've seen how you operate. Youtube videos and it's so strategic and just you are meticulous and having multiple people watch your video multiple times like you, explain to me how much work and how much editing how many hours were involved in making that race, video that race, video probably took 80 plus Hours total to put together - and that's probably because we're using imovie too, which we should probably transition away from now we're going to get into the nitty-gritty of personal finance a little bit. How is your business broken down? Where do you say most people come in from? Is it youtube and then it siphons through to instagram and tick tock or where does it all start for you? I would say the biggest portion of my audience just comes from youtube um. After that, i would say, tick tock, and what would you say your main source of revenue is at this point.
So right now i say most of our revenue comes from youtube ad revenue, we're trying to diversify it a bit but as of last like year or so it's it's been youtube ad revenue and obviously there's sponsorships, which contributes to quite a lot of that too. Now, what i found really cool is that you run this very much like a business. How many people now do you have working with you? So when i first started it was just michelle and i i hired a couple employees and then i quickly realized that hiring and firing wasn't my strong suit, because i was always feel too bad to fire someone, because because i almost treat them like my friends, that's Why i delegate that to michelle now because cause because i don't wan na so michelle could be the bad guy here, yeah pretty much so we have michelle yeah. She knows exactly what what i would need and then we have a house manager that works closely with michelle, and then we usually have one to two assistants that just because it's a big house, we have so many employees, we need cleanup.

We need setup things like that. If we have big projects, they help move things around we're getting a production manager and a production assistant. So that would be more for videos. They would help plan stuff out and then right now we have four editors.

A month ago we had zero wow, so it was just michelle and i editing our videos. We usually have around two to three full-time artists, and then we get a lot of freelance artists as well. Now that sounds expensive yeah. Do you know how much that costs? Every month so for spending i'd say whatever we make, we spend just kind of as an investment.

We put straight back into the business. So if we get a thousand dollars, for example, a thousand would go into business if we get a hundred thousand. A hundred thousand goes into the business. Obviously we we keep taxes and stuff into consideration, um right now.

We need to pay ourselves too, so we can't put that back in but other than those things. Everything just goes back in goes to giving away stuff uh, making studio spaces to make the videos more enjoyable for the viewer. How much money do you spend personally? Because you were mentioning some fancy? Restaurants, yes, that i don't even go to so you've got me to spend money today, yeah unheard of so for restaurants and stuff. If it's not for business, i i'll eat, like the the most basic things ever um, usually for my clothing in my videos, i'll just wear nice clothing, because i want to look presentable.
But if you see me normally walking around the house, i just have like five dollar shorts: five dollar shirt that yeah! That's all i need do you know about how much every single month you would just spend just on yourself myself, just just you without business, no business, oh man, 1500 on food, so otherwise it sounds like it's. Maybe about 2500 a month would be your personal spending between food and other little miscellaneous. Approximately i'd say i i'm pretty frugal with my personal life just when it comes to youtube that that's not how it comes across as yeah. Where would you say you waste money? I almost wouldn't say it's wasted money, because sometimes you just got to take a risk.

Let's say a big video. I know it's only going to make 100k and i'm spending 200k it's 100k loss, but but i feel like sometimes it's worth a risk. If it's like a huge thing, you're trying to do what's the most you've spent for a video like anywhere from 300 000 to 400, 500 000, maybe wow, that's a substantial amount of money! Do you ever get worried you're going to spend so much money on a video? It's not going to be a good roi. I feel like.

I take smart risks, so i'm not 100 sure if i'll make my money back or not, but if it's a really good video, it goes big people really enjoy it. They come back for more. I yeah. I see that as a win.

What are your thoughts on personal finance, so i actually don't manage that much of my own money. I delegate that to my girlfriend michelle she's, an accountant she she like really knows what she's doing and then i have a cpa that helps me out as well. At the end of the day, i want to be an artist and an entertainer, and i don't want to be like so sucked into like the money. Yeah aspect: how many credit cards do you have because right now, you're drawing on it you're drawing on my american express yes, and i believe i am ruining it i'll get a new one.

Two credit cards: 7. 20. 7. 30.

Something like that! Do you have any financial goals, i think long term? What i want to do is make a lot of money, give a lot of money, but right now i can only give so much do you feel like you're saving enough money like i feel like i should, but i honestly don't think about saving money right now. Just because my thought process is always just invested back in which, which i know isn't like the smartest thing to do, but i feel like with a safety net it it almost like kind of demotivates me sure. Do you feel like you're making enough for me as a person? It's it's more than enough like way more than enough than than i could ever need honestly, but from like a business point of view, we want to grow the business bigger so from a business point of view no, but for what i'm doing? Personally, i i think i'm i'm grateful and how many hours would you say you work in a week a typical work week would be close to 100 hours. Why do you think you're so successful? Well, i feel like success is very relative.
I feel like i haven't gotten there yet where i would consider myself super successful at the end of the day, if you think about it, like my business, is kind of like a small startup, but when you're passionate about something and you're working hard, it almost doesn't Feel like work, it's more like you, have fun really hard for 14 hours and you get rewarded for that. But i would love to just pick your brain at some like investment, stuff you're, the expert when it comes to investing when it comes to financial stuff. Like that, so i like, i would love to learn from you. I would at least just siphon off even just take ten percent of just what you're earning overall just take 10 of it, throw it away in an index fund and just forget about it.

Just pretend that money doesn't even exist. It's a concept! That's called pay yourself. First, it's you're the first bill that you pay and that's it just if any money you get just 10 goes to you. Invest it forget about.

It, doesn't even exist, lock it away for 20 30 years. I think you'll be super happy. You did now. My parents always say that i feel like it's tough for me, because i always have the mindset of like i'm able to put that 10 back in my business, so so i kind of don't want to save it.

For myself, i get it. I think it's just having that small little safety net just to try to make the most of this time, while you're still growing, because i think there is a risk and there's so many variables with something like this and just at least securing your future right now, Because it's guaranteed at this point, do you have any advice for people who see you in your position and want to do something similar um be passionate, have fun doing it. Otherwise, i feel like, unless you're extremely passionate about it, you're going to burn out and you're not going to be able to go long term. Also, at the end of the day, don't forget to give back remember where you came from just just because you have like a ton, all of a sudden doesn't mean like you're, better than anyone else or and stuff like that.

So yeah, if you guys, are new, subscribe to, graham because he's a very cool guy and he's not forcing me to say this. You've also got to tell them to destroy the like button for the youtube algorithm make sure to destroy the like button for the youtube algorithm there we go so with that said you guys thank you so much for watching. I really appreciate it as always make sure to destroy the subscribe button and notification bell also feel free to add us on instagram. I post there pretty much daily.

So if you want to be a part of it, there feel free to add me there, as in the second channel. The gram stefan show i post there every single day - i'm not posting here. So if you want to see a brand new video for me every single day, make sure to add yourself to that. And lastly, if you now want two free stocks use the link down below in the description and weevil is gon na, be giving you two free stocks worth at minimum eight dollars and all the way up to one thousand six hundred dollars.
So if you want those two free stocks link is down below in the description, let me know which two you get thank you so much for watching and until next time.

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30 thoughts on “I got a customized credit card from zhc”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ali Geceler says:

    I honestly wouldnt have found a way to do this if it wasnt for hackerdane at yahoo com he has saved so many lives and I really admire him for that I used to have a very poor credit score because I had a rough past and its not always been easy for me but when I found mr dane I explained to him everything that was going on and he reassured me that he would fix it he did and got my scรณre from 550 to 805 now I have my own pharmacy and currently working on getting something even bigger dane saved my life in ways I cant even talk about so if anyone needs saving Find your way to him through his mail hackerdane at yahoo com he wouldnt judge

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lisinh Hak says:

    Who you think you are look at how he feel ZHC have more sub than you

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars samantha alindog says:

    Your actions on zhc is so disrespectful like your questions make you wanna make you take your questions back.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nashrv says:

    I just watch this video I notice that this guy is bad gram hey pls don't make people feel bad for them selves you basically saying zhc is had and boring
    While you were questioning zhc
    He ignored you pls

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kittendaddy69 says:

    Bruh I remember this guy showing how he made his special pencil and doing some challenges with his friends…

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andhika Steven says:

    I THOUGHT HE WAS THE COUPON GUY AT FIRST!! I AM DISSAPOINTED!! But still enjoyed the video nonetheless.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Atrociousnes says:

    what about the card didn't show finished product

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nicolas Langlais says:

    "everything we make goes straight back in the business" The room they're in is so big that there's echo… yeahhhhh sure

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Y says:

    CAN WE GET Graham stephan with Mr. Beast on investments

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Smart Tnt says:

    He is nice, his arts are satisfying, and a nice person that's all

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D R says:

    He is awesome. I see how he doesn't care about money but I wish graham would help him set his finances up and show him how important investing and knowing his business cost and plans

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ian says:

    Wow I used to watch his tutorials back in the day, I had no idea he's blown up so big!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anton Paarup says:

    He kinda looks like the chess player "eric hansen"

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Fernandez says:

    I just love how he's drawing in the middle of the interview lol

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pixel says:

    Why didnโ€™t we get to see the finished product? ๐Ÿ˜ญ

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cynthia says:

    I subscribed to ZHC channel cuz he did some good stuff, but I didn't get to see the final custom credit card!!!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rimnd says:

    POV: your here from the TikTok saying Zach was mad

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Big Brain Time says:

    Claim your โ€žhere before 1 million viewsโ€œ ticket ๐ŸŽซ

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rama sunil says:

    You have to interview MR.BEAST you got surprised that he spent $400,000 beast spent $10,000,000 in 8 MONTHS

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mystry - Business says:

    Whoever is reading this:

    You skin isn't paper so don't cut it
    Your body isn't a book so don't judge it
    Your heart isn't a door so don't lock it
    Your life isn't a movie so don't end it
    Be you….stay safe

    (Btw small youtuber looking for your support)

    I didn't create this quote
    Just wanna spread positivity

    I am posting this on every single channel I can find because it now means so much more than it ever has before.

    Last month there were 10 times more suicide deaths than Covid deaths in the UK – it is always hard to talk about these kinds of things but I just want you to know that people care, I care.

    Stay safe my friends

    And please share this message and make someoneโ€™s day

    Best wishes,

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A Studios says:

    No offence but he ZHC sounds like hes nervous. Or is that just me

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stanley Ried says:

    In the middle of last month of the year 2019 , I was reading an article about a particular credit repair agency raising their credit score from 300 โ€“ 800+ and how their clients were happy about was just reading this as a news article and surfing through the comments on google when a simple comment from a user in google caught my attention so i decide to get in touch with the company and he help me increase my credit score from 605 to 800+, he also deleted all my negative reports and raised FICO score to 810 now iโ€™m free to purchase the kind of house i want , thanks a lot SAMHACKSTECHNOLOGYโ˜ฏNET

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ross Stone says:

    My husband and i had state tax liens in New York that were listed as joint Responsibility. We both did a lot of try to get this off out credit but all effort doesn't yield result. so we decide it was best to go online in search of a reliable Credit agency who understand the credit system to come o our rescue and just after a deep search i came across Sam Hacks Technology LLC. I told him about withdrawing our tax liens from my credit report and he explained to me the process to help me solve this. After some days we both got an agreement tax liens were completely gone after running his credit improving processes and my credit score being raised to golden score. He sent me verification of good work he had done on my credit he sent and i found on 3 credit bureaus… I couldn't have imagined my life so good fast , thank you so much Samhackstechnologyโบnet

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wendy Lana says:

    I just had a past due collections appear on my credit report from 5 years ago. I knew nothing about it. I called the credit collections company and paid the debt. I I called the collections company and they said "no" that's up to credit bureau. I just called Transunion again and they said it was no longer on report. Experian won't answer their phone so went online, all effort to correct this was proven abortive and I needed to do this fast for me to qualify for a house mortgage. Few weeks ago I came across this credit coach who many had recommended how he had helped them with their credit score. I contacted him via his working email address(realhacks@Samhackstechnologyโ€ขnet) and asked if he could help me. He answered boldly 'YES' and explained to me in detail the whole process. I gave him a try to my greatest surprise he did an amazing job. My score has been boosted to 787 on average across all bureaus and all 3 items were removed. Thanks Sam..

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Twitch Frankie says:

    My respect for his gf ๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ“ˆ I didnโ€™t know how important she was to his life and business before I just thought she was his girlfriend but sheโ€™s a accountant wow

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kalathma Hitihamige says:

    ZHC loves his work so much, like, he looks at art the way Graham looks at 20c iced coffee….!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrDwigz says:

    Your accountant should never be a family member OR YOUR GIRLFRIEND

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Phillips says:

    you are an absolute loser ZHC is the real man here

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Davinshie Cody says:

    Hey graham love your videos but your ads god bless itโ€™s becoming like a super bowl commercial man ! ๐Ÿ˜‚

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ZHC says:

    Thank you for featuring me ๐Ÿฅบ I was super nervous but it was an amazing experience:))

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