Jerome Powell's Jackson Hole Speech revealed something huge about inflation and where the stock market is headed in the next 6 months.
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DISCLAIMER: All of Tom's trades, strategies, and news coverage are based on his own opinions alone and are only done for entertainment purposes. If you are watching To'ms videos, please Don't take any of this content as guidance for buying or selling any type of investment or security. Tom Nash is not a financial advisor and anything said on this YouTube channel should not be seen as financial advice. Tom is merely sharing his own personal opinion. Your own results in the stock market or with any type of investment may not be typical and may vary from person to person. Please keep in mind that there are a lot of risks associated with investing in the stock market so do your own research and due diligence before making any investment decisions.

Hey this is tom, and if there's one thing we can all agree on, everybody was waiting for the jackson, hall, jerome powell speech about the state of the economy, about inflation, and that speech was delivered 24 hours ago. And i wanted to give myself enough time to think about it, analyze it. In fact, i made a 57 bullet point breaking down every single word. He said i didn't want to just push out a video immediately to get some quick views.

This is going to be a nerd festival. So if you like that sort of stuff hang on stick with me, but don't click, nothing, don't smash, nothing, don't buy nothing. There's no courses, there's no sponsorships, there's nothing to buy, let's just get into it. So, first of all my thoughts about the delivery of the speech.

Now i watched it and i kind of be honest with you. It wasn't great but, let's be honest, i mean john powell isn't really known to be a great public speaker. I mean he's like stalin. I mean, if you remember stalin, if you're old enough shout out to you, he wasn't a great speaker, but he delivered this stuff and i felt a little bit monotonous a little bit bored i mean i felt he doesn't really want to be there.

He just have to do it. In fact, i thought to myself. This would have been a great opportunity to showcase the importance of tesla bots. Imagine the same speech, the same words being delivered by a robot.

The same result. Nothing would be different, but all jokes aside, let's talk about what he said and what he didn't say. So this is really important because, despite the monotonous boring remarks - and despite of him, definitely not wanting to do it, there's a lot of golden nuggets that came out of the speech which are really important because they have a lot of meaning for the next six to Eight months, i'm gon na break it out to you it's gon na be very nerdy. So before we get started, let me explain a few basis points of how these things work.

So we speak the same language so to speak. So the way the fed actually prints money, i'm sure you heard the sentence, the money printer goes. I mean i just mentioned this a few seconds ago. The fed doesn't really give out money to the market in the sense, like a government can send you a stimulus check the best way for the fed to do it is actually to purchase assets like bonds or mortgages, and that way they can actually infuse the market.

With a lot of cash, that's the way they do it, so these asset purchases is basically that money printer everybody's talking about in the memes and right now that printer is going at full speed, 120 billion dollars of assets being purchased every year. That's the pace! They have right now and it ain't slowing down anytime soon now. The reason why this is such a dangerous practice is the same reason why driving a car like this is not safe. If you drive your car without touching the brakes, flooring all the way down, it's not a safe drive, the same thing with the economy.

If you just go berserk like this, you might hit a wall, you might crash, you might do a lot of bad things and in this analogy, crashing into a wall would be causing hyperinflation, which is something that will be catastrophic for the market. So he has to be careful now, that's the basics of how we're going to talk about it. Now, here's the thing, while everybody's, seeing everything that's going on in the market right now, which is housing prices going up stock price, is going up. Salary is going up.
Employers are literally begging to employees to go back to work, everybody's, seeing inflationary stuff. You can't get a lot of things online. Everything is sold out. I mean there's a lot of demand for a lot of commodities, a lot of retail products everybody's.

Seeing inflation, however, you can easily manipulate cpi data, you can easily manipulate job data and that's exactly what jp was doing in this conversation he was basically saying well, look employment rates are not great inflation, isn't that high it's just transitory, transitory, meaning fleeting. It's going to go away, it's going to be a 2 inflation all the way through, which is basically like the band that was playing with the titanic, essentially ignoring the fact that the ship was sinking now, there's a good reason. Why he's doing it? So he had two options in my opinion for this speech and muhammad allerian actually spoke about the first option - and i actually mentioned this in my first video because things are so bad. This is literally an intervention right.

The patient is on drugs. We got ta wean them off the drugs we got, ta put them through rehab. So basically, if jerome powell wanted to actually put the market through rehab and win the market of drugs, now would be the perfect time to do it because things are so bad. We have to do this immediately unless you have another plan and here's the other plan, in my opinion, which means it might be inaccurate, might be wrong.

It might be the complete ramblings of a madman. This is just a theory. You can conclude your own conclusions during research, i'm just sharing with you how i see things so i'm looking at the politics game here right now. The government can't afford any nonsense with everything that's going on around the world right now.

Biden and the government cannot afford anything going crazy and if jerome powell and the fed decide that this is a good time to win the market of the drugs of the money printer, the market is going to take a hit. Nobody likes to be weaned off drugs. I mean drag addicts, don't like to go to rehab. Initially, it's not a pleasant situation where everybody's just happy-go-lucky, you know driving to the rehab center.

I mean it's a painful experience. It's the same thing for the market: winning the market out of those 120 billion is not going to be an easy process and the beginning is going to be painful. So you have the government basically looking at this and saying well the fed, if you're going to do this right now, you're going to really screw us politically, because we really are grasping at straws here, there's nothing. We can do to prevent you from doing this.
Obviously, but if you do it, you're really gon na screw us. On the other hand, you have john powell sitting there and thinking well. My renomination is coming up in february just in six months. So if i want to play my cards right, i can actually help biden and his team and this government and actually pull through for another six months.

This person is on drugs. Anyway, we can wait another six months before we put him to the rehab. Let's wait until i get re-nominated, so i play my cards right. I make it seem like everything is gucci, i explain it and then biden gets to win.

The government gets a win and i get re-nominated. If you pay attention closely to the speech, he specifically said: we're not gon na do this by the end of this year, which means at least four months, but if they are going to do it next year, it's going to take some time. They'll have to discuss. So, basically you're looking at q2 2022, that's the earliest they're gon na.

Do it based on what he said in the speech, guess what that's right after his renomination. So i would guess, based on what he said, whether you agree with him, whether you don't agree with him, whether you like him or not. What he said actually means that we have another six months of party like it's 1999. and since this is a very elaborate politics game you got.

Ta have jokers and there's a massive joker here in play covet. If coke comes back, if any variants come back, what's gon na happen to the economy, if it slows down the reopening and god forbid, brings back lockdowns, the economy actually isn't going to reopen and it's going to roll back that growth rolling back that inflation. So if that happens, which is a reasonable probability, i don't know if it's over 50 under 50. I honestly don't know, but if that happens, that means that inflation isn't going to be as bad as people expect and then not slowing down the money.

Printer right now is going to make them look like geniuses. So basically jp is saying. Well, i honestly don't have a choice. I have to somehow pull through until february and make people believe that that's okay, but in that time, within the next six months i might be saved anyways.

So i really have two choices: i'm gon na pull through until february, i'm gon na get re-nominated and maybe in this whole process, i'm actually gon na look like a genius if pandemic comes back and rolls back inflation. So it's a win-win for me. Only six more months: let's do it that's the way i see it. You can conclude your own conclusions, however, that kind of behavior causes a huge imbalance in the way the u.s economy operates and in many important indicators.
For example, the bond market was traditionally such a great indicator of inflation, for example, when you have a high demand of bonds, that means that people are looking to get less interest for their money, meaning that inflation isn't going to be that big. However, when you have people running away from bonds, that means that they're seeing this as a losing deal, that means they're seeing a lot of inflation. When people are running away from bonds, the bond yields actually go up, and that was always the case. You could easily look at the bond market, look at the trend and see what's going on with inflation, but now, since the fed has completely started money printing like crazy and they're, creating all this fake demand for bonds, i'm saying that the whole bond market as an Indicator of inflation is r.i.p, it's gone, and i really wanted you to understand this because i don't think you can look at the bond market anymore as an indicator of inflation.

I think the fed took it away with all this money printing. But again, what do i know, i'm just a guy on the internet. Now let me know below your thoughts. Let me know if you agree with me: disagree with me i'd love, to hear your thoughts shout out to the channel members and the patrons.

We actually have a zoom call coming up just with patrons and channel members this monday, so i think it's gon na be 2 p.m. Eastern time, if you joined by them, you can jump on the call we'd love to see you there, five bucks per month and you'll be supporting the channel. Thank you. So much we'll see you tomorrow.

By Stock Chat

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35 thoughts on “I can’t believe jerome powell did this”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Julian Gen says:

    Deflation is coming not inflation because no one is stocking up an hoarding anymore. So everyone has all they need for a long while. Orders are going to go down.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hayley Shawn says:

    Here for the content but I come back for the cometary.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars THE NASTY INVESTOR says:

    Tom…the black swan event that Karp is predicting… buying gold..buffet buying gold… do you think it might be connected to the Mother of All Squeezes that are coming with AMC and GME?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nuno bartolo says:

    Look at japan once a govemrmt goes qe never goes back also because of the need to decarbonize the economy interest rates will have to remain at almost 0 for 10-20 years to fund all the projects that donโ€™t make economic sense but are essential to the climate

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars p0mm3srud1 says:

    You got my Abo a while ago when hearing "dont klick nothing dont smash nothing, just give mir your attention" ; gets me every time!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcus Ng says:

    After observing what analysts are saying about inflation and putting the brakes on the over-pricing of stocks. Here are my thoughts.
    1) Inflation for this round is not as simple as it seems. All these prices continue to go up/down depends on oil prices, shipping, manufacturing speed, and logistics… As we know covid does reduce inflation but it is also transitory in nature and it will put everything on hold but demand does not. Right now, base on the increase in new cases of covid in USA. Which somehow almost matches the trend last year period. There might be a concern here, however, the media has put out that we are more ready to adapt to this new norm. Yes, I do agree that we have adapted but it does not help the growth, it will just slow down. Just that for this time around, the market will not crash that bad as before. Maybe what we will be seeing is a huge correction.

    2) Right now "the S&P and NAS are over price and due for a correction." Everyone is bitching about this, but still, money needs to move. If bonds might be inaccurate due to FED buying, then where is the money going. That should be the question… in the short and long run. This year the stock marketing, in general, seems on the raising trend but it is very unstable.

    So here comes the curveball. With so much money is flooding the market from all sides. What would be the worse case…. To me is the sudden deflation, because it is a trojan horse that tells us one thing but it smacks us hard on the other end. Given what pltr is doing buying little gold to hold out against currency and clearing its massive debt. That is more of a concern for me.

    Overall i rather face inflation which can be easily controlled by the FED and we just see a huge correction. But deflation is something that banks cannot control. The truth is we have to pick the lesser evil for this time around.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Option Crusaders says:

    I basically agree with you. Going over all the inflation data we know and JP said so that certain prices will stay high at increased levels and from there on forward the CPI will be around 2%. Like wages. They will not go back. Rent. Even grocery prices wont go back down. The consumer will get use to it to pay them. And they will stay at elevated levels. One interesting part I dont understand quite well is M2V. Money Flow Velocity. Since the pandemic that number came down from 5-6 to 1. Shouldnt that increase in a growing economy???? Pls. Explain you take on this.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars T V says:

    the whole world is printing money, so how will the dollar be worth less? Hard for me to see inflation

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Fitz says:

    You keep scaring me! But I know you need a title to grab clicks.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bob Brown says:

    Reasonable theory. The human factor rules.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg F. says:

    Lockdowns were unsuccessful at containing the virus the first time around, while also very damaging for the economy. I know Australia is going that route again, but I don't see US or Europe putting up with it.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zigzag says:

    F inflation ..I am going after short squeeze tomorrow.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg Harris says:

    Wow. A lot to unravel. First of all, do you seriously think Jerome Powell is worried about his job security to the point where he would "play ball" with the Biden Administration so he(Powell) can keep his job come February? If so, that's about as absurd as it can get. Powell could go on the speaking circuit and make more money than as Fed Chairman.
    Lastly, imho, the world has been in what I call the Denial Depression since 2008. Dont think so? Central Banks around the world have had record low and/or negative interest rates for some 13 years now and the best ANNUAL GDP the USA could muster for the last decade+ is ~ 2%.
    This at a time when every company in the world should be loading up on debt and building new factories and other long term investments and the fact that havent been tells you that consumption, both current and future, doesnt look to promising so the fears of sticky inflation arent all that great either.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars marmoset3 says:

    You've just confirmed they'll definitely be another lockdown.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Burokas says:

    What kind of monitor is that behind him. Thing looks sick

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Host Hoof says:

    They are going to continue with variant propaganda to control. Covid been around since at least 2003. Released from a China lab. Web scrape it….Google took a lot of info out of search.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rickshaw says:

    Thanks Tom for not being a โ€œcult financial Guru.โ€ Youโ€™re one of the good guys on here.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Larry Morton says:

    powell is a weasel. he doesn't want to crash the market on his watch. i would not be surprised if he turned down the nomination and just nurse this along till his successor comes in.
    then he can get his 11 million plus out of the market and watch it crash under someone else!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Larry Morton says:

    powell is heavily invested in the stock market – over 11 million. how ridiculous is that. he is selling out the future of the us economy for his own gain. it should be illegal ! he can sell as soon as he decides to taper!!and he can get out ahead of everyone else when this monster he created comes crashing down.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jean Spitzner says:

    You're right! You're not a mad man but a man with logic. Great video!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars My Movers Inc Moving says:

    So basically we can count on the political realm making sure Covid comes back ๐Ÿ˜†

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars p. body says:

    I think youโ€™re likely right: this is more to do with the the overall political landscape than just the US macroeconomic outlook.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam Dean says:

    Is that one super wide monitor behind you, or two monitors perfectly angle aligned in the video??

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Pedersen says:

    If bond prices no longer indicate upcoming inflation, what does? The prices of housing and gasoline come to mind.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fermรญn Romero de Torres says:

    Tom, I think you said โ€œmonogamousโ€ and you ment โ€œmonotonousโ€

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thunda Strike says:

    So many people are completely stong on QE…its an asset swap for Reserves locked into the banking system….the "printing" comea out of the treasury…and they are continuing to spend

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J K says:

    Powell is a D.C. swamp political animal. he's a lawyer, not an economist. professional liar!

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 12InchesUnBuffed says:

    agree with you on staying away from communist china but disagree with you on inflation. We will have disinflation in Q4 2021 and deflation in 2022.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Canyon Racer says:

    And what about the QUALITY of all those assets purchased๐Ÿ˜ฑ

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Macio Luko says:

    I agree with you on the 6 month delay to tighten but I also believe that once that decision is made, the accelerator may be stuck in the metal position.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cookie Monster says:

    If the argument is to raise interest rates because you think there is going to be too much inflation and they go ahead and raise interest rates so that your house payment increases, your business pays the banks more, you can't afford to put money in that 401(K) plan, then what? Inflation will heat up when there's too much demand for a commodity. COVID had a lot to do with that. There is a lack of supply for a lot of stuff because companies had to shut down. That will correct itself. Don't be paranoid about inflation. When prices get too high, demand will go away.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Radio says:

    I like you Tom. But the facial expression youtube video covers are irritating ๐Ÿ™„ do something original and stand out

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Ellis says:

    At this point I think we are down the Japanese rabbit whole -QE for life no fiscal responsibility ever again-Demographics, Previous excessive spending on emergencies, world economic problems all too much for normal -we are living in a coordinated bailout. Worldwide.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Taylor Collins says:

    Tom, itโ€™s $120 billion in Fed asset purchases every month (you said every year) – $80 billion in treasuries and $40 billion in mortgage backed securities every month.

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pedro Coelho says:

    Nice bubbles on screen saver… so sarcastic ๐Ÿ˜€
    (As long as they don't pop…)

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