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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

All right. So I'm gonna call Etrade and ask them about this market. Order these two orders to that place that the first one took 20 seconds and the second one took 31 seconds. and I want to see what they have to say about this ridiculousness.

So let's see what they say: 103, 8, 7, 2, 3, 3, 1 hi I Want to talk about a trade that I took that took a really long time to execute on e trade. Pro So yesterday I took a trade. You can see there's four orders at 10:17 a.m. and 41 seconds.

I press the Buy button on a trade Pro and this order. nothing happened and so I was confused. So I pressed the Buy button a second time and still nothing happened. So I ended up with 8,000 shares which was more than I was planning instead of being in in the 60s.

I was holding it in the two 80s so that's like 20 cents higher on six thousand shares. It's like $1,200 in slippage and it took like almost 30 seconds for the order to fill, which to me seems crazy. Can you see that on your side? 10:17 and 41 seconds was the first order and the last one was 10, 17 and 48 seconds. So it's four orders.

So basically this is what happened. I traded the stock yesterday so I wanted to call to find out why it happened and you know what can be done to kind of make this right. So let me pull up the trade here and all right. So Idaho explained the whole thing again.

I've been on the phone for 23 minutes now I'm not sure if he understood as well as the woman I just spoke with before. he just kind of was like okay I might put you on hold for three or five minutes so now I'm on hold so I'll just kind of sit tight and I explaining it to him I didn't have my screen up fast enough so I was kind of like I probably didn't explain it as well because I couldn't find where my orders were. Took me a second on my video I didn't mark the time I'll go ahead and write it down now though, it's 7 minutes and 44 seconds into the video that I show and this is confusing because I'm recording a video of a video because this was my from my recap yesterday. but so it was right here at 7:00 with the 7 minute spot.

So this is where I had the order. So the first one was about 14 seconds of took 14 seconds to fill, the second one took about 19 seconds to fill 18 seconds. and then of course you've got the super quick orders they took in between for a thousand shares that filled basically instantaneously and at a better price. So my argument here is that these 3,000 share orders should have filled at at least 68 because I press the Buy button before those other two orders that fill that 68 so they should at least be filled down 68.

That should be an extra thousand dollars in my pocket if the order had worked properly. Again, you know this is the cost of free. Commission's I placed the order. Obviously, there's a problem now.

I'm on the phone trying to figure it out and they might not help me out. They might just say tough luck the stock market, you know. Look what do you? What do you want us to do? Well, What what I would like is for them to credit this back credit back the loss and so then my accounts back above the PDT level. That would be my ideal outcome.
I Don't But Z Trey don't tell me they don't have the money. They could do it if they want to. Sure that's okay. I've been on hold so long I had to switch memory cards.

it's been. it's been 30 minutes. I've been on hold now for 43 minutes. So just so I'm clear.

So are you saying that you throttle a market order? Um, small cap stocks. So I guess my problem is that the two orders I placed afterwards, the two orders for 1,000 shares each, both of them filled at 168 so there was. there were sellers on the ask. I should have been able to fill I easily filled 3000 shares and thinkorswim at 62 when I press the Buy button.

When I took that first order at 1017 and 41 seconds, the ask was like 65 or 67. So basically what ended up happening was if I had just done like a thousand share limit order the way I did for the the second two, I would have gotten filled right away. but because I did a three thousand share market order, you guys slowed it down and then I ended up getting filled like up at the top at 86 and then it took another ten seconds to fill. So what about that 10-second fill time? Because the limit orders filled within one second so it's a total of fourteen seconds? Yeah, so so maybe TD Ameritrade they'll let you do a market order and you'll get filled right at the current price.

but we betrayed. if I do a market order, you guys might flag it wait, see what the market looks like and then twenty or thirty seconds later my order gets filled kind of like slowly. So I don't get maybe is bad of a fill but in this case I did. but in another case maybe it would help me right? So I guess you know? Here's my question for you though if I trade small cap stocks in this particular case, I got a better fill with TD Ameritrade I press the Buy button.

I got filled right away at sixty I press the Buy button almost the same time in each trade, but it didn't get filled until 82 or 83 586. So why would I want to use E train instead of Ameritrade right? I mean in this case I genuinely want to buy a stock. it's moving up. it's a momentum stock I want to get in and I can't get in and that's gonna make me not want to use e trade anymore.

So you know I know you guys have the free Commission's that's why I put this money in my account but you know this made it. So I ended up losing more than I needed to. it was already probably gonna be a losing trade. I mean granted I made 600 in T Ameritrade on the same tray on this one I got filled I was in an 81 average and all of a sudden I was like whoa I'm in 20 cents higher I guess I'm gonna hold it for a second and that was, you know, probably my mistake and then I finally sold when it broke down below 250.
I took the loss but if I had gotten a good fill for the beginning in the 60s, I would have been able to take profit in the eighties and then like none of this would have happened. So for me it's like I don't think I'm gonna put more money into my account I could put my money in my account and get myself back up to Pete you know, to the PDT level. but I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take that money out I'm gonna put it into TD Ameritrade because my orders feel faster to second guarantee. Well so here's the thing.

I Placed three orders on e trade the to buy orders each for 3000 shares took about 15 and 20 seconds to execute and then when I turn around to sell it, it took about 30 seconds to execute I placed two orders in T V one to buy it executed instantly and then one to sell and execute instantly both times or 3000 shares. so you know so my order was was faster I mean I I've used each trade for a long time I really like to eat trade but I'm it's hard to argue with. You know when something like this happens and when you guys are just saying well you know you? Ross you just have to eat the loss because this is our system to you know kind of protect you. You know? Obviously, if I put an order for a hundred thousand shares I could get really burned so you know you guys flag a market order, you check it, make sure it's okay, and then put it through I mean I get that to a certain extent.

but I don't know. this doesn't really feel quick enough though. the type of trade and I want to do it you know I was hoping you guys would at least be able to throw me some free Commission's but now it is free Commission So I don't you know it's kind of like I guess I just eat this loss and you know, hope it doesn't happen again. Yeah yeah, yeah.

all right. Well I think you know you did everything you could do and I appreciate you talking to me for a little bit. and I think we all learned something today so you know that's a good day. All right.

Well thank you again. Take care all right. take it easy. So there it is I'm gonna close my Etrade account today.

obviously I mean come on you know hey, if I can't execute the orders according to my strategy, it's not the right platform for me. So I was on the phone there for I don't know I mean let's see, let's look at it. I mean I was like an hour I I'm not sure how to see how long I was on the phone but I was on the phone for like an hour and the net result was you place a big market order, they flag it for a second, they check it and then if it's okay then they let it go through and that cost me 15 cents. So my small orders for a thousand shares those went through right away because they're a limit order.

So you know if you do use Etrade limit orders I mean I Understand I Always say use limit orders. Don't use market orders. It's just that this platforms a little clumsy. The hotkeys haven't been working well so just clicking the Buy button without having to type in the price was faster.
faster on the front but slower on the execution side. So what do you guys think? Eat rate or Ameritrade going real Ameritrade Ameritrade wins this one. This round goes to Ameritrade The next round is gonna be between Ameritrade and Lightspeed and I'm gonna be really curious to see who wins. All right, that's it for me.

Questions: Comments: leave them below and you know I Appreciate the fellow at Etrade being a good sport. I'm sure he's not able to give me any money or do anything about it and I'm sure they get people calling all the time that are frustrated so you know he did the best he could. It is what it is. I like the loss.

it's no big deal. Hey, did you know every morning I Go live to stream a pre market watch list. Subscribe to the channel, press the alert button and you'll get the notifications. If you want to learn more about trading.

check out the links in the description and if you have questions, post them in the comments because I personally respond to every comment post on my channel.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

32 thoughts on “I called e*trade to complain about terrible order execution!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tom smith says:

    They did same thing to me that cost me 15 hundred dollars..

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tom smith says:

    Yes e trade corporation is criminal corporation..

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leo Ellis says:

    E*trade Pro is possibly the worst trading platform available, it has many hidden issues that only become apparent after trying to use it. Do yourself a favor and avoid it.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars salem abdullah says:

    in forex issues like these are so rare, trading forex is better than stocks (more liquid)

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars L.F. williams says:

    WOW, This is a POWERFUL Youtube Clip (Thanks & Appreciations) I'm a New Trader & just SAW this & So GLAD I did. Ross, isn't T.D. ameritrade now Charles Schwab? Is this even better, an improvement with (SCHW)? Is this Your FAVORITE trading Platform? Thanks So Much & BTW, you're my New ROCK*Star, I Love Your Channel🥰

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jen Marco says:

    I’m done with E*Trade. If the order does get filled, they’re just going to rip you off

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Ciresi says:

    great video ross!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andres Otero Eiras Granda says:

    I had the same problem with other E-Trade Bank and they told me that they deliver the order to Nasdaq and then wait for the Confirmation and the progress. If the Nasdaq server is too busy then a delay is produced.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David A says:

    OMG… that's horrifying. It's 2022, and I'm amazed that you were able to get someone on the phone. I was on hold for over 30 minutes, no one at Etrade even picked up, and I'm not even signed up with them. It's always good to test a company before jumping in.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Isa-Amor says:

    Etrade is on some shady business with how they process limit orders. I want out

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Neil Necastro says:

    Dude, thank you thank you thank you !

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DEACON PETER WATSON says:

    Poverty to millionaire

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DarkeningSkies1 says:

    First and foremost Ross I want to thank you for providing so much in the way of free educational materials for beginners – when I start your training course I will be ready with a proper computer set up and a decent foundation in trading lingo so I will be able to understand the material much faster. I was a teacher before I became disabled and I found the job both rewarding and fun – and it looks to me like you do too👍🏻😁 Here’s my question: you mentioned in this video that E*TRADE holds market orders to “check them “what exactly are they checking them for?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dually Licensed says:

    Ur so good to us. Thank you

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars thomas rowan says:

    so basically don't use market order?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Copeland says:

    I've had an ETrade account for over 20 years and they used to have excellent customer service, but now I have to wait for 20 minutes on hold and get poor service.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas J. Lee says:

    Heard the phone conversation. Wow.. he's a saint. I'd have started the conversation with F.. word and ended it with…. F words….

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joshua Traffanstedt says:

    Man.. I deposited some money last week early and still haven't had it made available on my account for investing. It sucks. Idk why its taking so long.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars greg white says:

    Im having really poor execution on Tos since yesterday….never happened till yesterday…idk wat to do….is the another broker that's good with a small account. 🙁

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars La Perfection Louis says:

    @warrior trading Warrior trading make the exact same call to TD and Etrade to compare customer service. I am on etrade and the customer service is unqualified (chat or call), it seems they don't understand what i am saying. Thinking to move to TD but pretty sure all customer service don't have any knowledge about trading, so they just repeat what the script asks them to say . etrade & pray.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JCRealtor Realtor Juan C Reyes says:

    Here I'm one year later with same problem and worst of all they don't take the phone just to relive myself telling them how bad they are filling orders, what should I do

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Project Quarm says:

    lmao I love ho whis voice changes when he calls

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Torreann says:

    You just told them it’s ok. You are an idiot to exonerate them.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Torreann says:

    So dump E*TRADE. Don’t just talk about it. Dump em. They are shady.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars E S says:

    I just opened Etrade account a few weeks ago and it's been nothing but trouble so far.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oromo News update stocks tutorial says:

    E-Trade is like cancer. a terrible company

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zigzag says:

    Thinkorswim is better than E*TRADE pro on executions. But hey E*TRADE basically want a big chunk of your order.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gintautas Motiejunas says:

    Thats enough for me to never ever open an Etrade account.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ronnie ron says:

    next time put your call thru speaker

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel R says:

    E*Trade is HORRIBLE on every level. 1) Ridiculous customer service (calling from Costa Rica at $1+/min and on hold for 70 minutes, no fun), 2) Very limited platform and hotkeys, 3) Slow trade executions. I wonder how they still stay in business when thousands and thousands of frustrated customers like Ross and myself jump ship. GOOD LUCK if you use them!

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Day that Fallows says:

    that is nothing I was trying to sell today Tesla for 10 minutes on TD Ameritrade

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harsh Pathak says:

    This just means etrade is not the right platform for your strategy. That doesn't mean etrade is bad. Time and time again i've tried using others but i always come back to etrade. I don't do small caps though.

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