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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? Alright so here we are finishing the morning and I am in the red. Today is one of the worst days of the year and you know right now we're in this well. let me grab my calendar. We're in this kind of phase where the market has been so so hot and I was pushing it I was being aggressive.

My last big red day was Friday the 27th I lost $12,000 today I'm down about 13,000 so you know I came into the market knowing that I should be a little bit careful because today is like the fourth fifth day of this hot streak and you have to sort of start to ease back at a certain point and we have a stock hit the scanner. it was on our watch list pre market it squeezes up. it goes from like 220 to 270 and when I saw it make that 50 cent move I was like this thing looks hot I'm jumping in I'm jumping in at 275 anticipating that it's gonna tap three dollars. It's probably gonna blow through three dollars because it's already moved up 50 cents in the last five minutes and what ended up happening is I bought basically five cents off high a day it hit a high of I think 86 and then it came all the way back down to 220 and just like that, I was down 50 cents per share and of course 50 cents per share.

When you're trading with big size the way I do, it's a big loss. and unfortunately today I lost in both my main account and in the IRA account. which is frustrating because we know the IRA account. I can't just add more money if I blow it out, you know I just have to dig myself out of the hole so it is what it is.

Today's a read day down about $13,000 We're gonna break it down in today's midday market recap cuz I know you guys learn just as much for my read days as you do for my green days. These aren't easy days to talk about, but I do it cuz I know you guys like it. So if you like these videos, give me the thumbs up, Subscribe to the channel, press the alert button and then you'll get email alerts anytime. I Go Live like pre market when I do my watchlist, you'll get the alert and you'll be able to watch live as I'm breaking down stocks to watch.

Alright so anyways, let's break it all down in today's midday. Marco Recap All right everyone, so let's look at the damage. Not kind of could take today. a little bit frustrating.

Today's a day where I stepped up to the plate and you know I I was wrong I got aggressive on the wrong stock and I got myself into a position with too much size and had to stop out. Max loss down thirteen thousand, two hundred, ninety three dollars. So a big red day the way hot streaks often are. For me, they're really hot until the end and you get that.

You know that quick reminder that the market is is always right. So today is a day where I traded in the main account and the IRA lost on both sides. Very disappointing there. certainly all things considered, still been a fantastic month and there's no reason for me to be that disappointed.

I'm you know, still up probably 60 or 58 thousand dollars on the month, so you know I'm not no need to, you know, feel bad for me. It's been a great month, but definitely a red day today and nobody likes having to talk about the red days. but they happened. So what went wrong today? Well you can see I have three two stocks I traded FTF T and Q um o or Q um you pre market.
The watch list was very scattered. We had like five stocks that were sort of on watch. We were watching a DM no aMDA this one was on watch for possible follow-through because it was strong yesterday and as you can see, the bell rang and it pretty much just sold off. No action, no trades on it.

We were watching BL and Kay another one where the bell rang and it just sold off stair-stepping down. No action, no opportunity. So those two were on the watch list. they didn't play out.

We had let's see DCI X on the watch list. It was gapping up 70 percent. but it's just been choppy up and down. Not very predictable action.

not easy to trade so no opportunities on that one. And then we had Ft ft on the list which looked the best pre market. This one was still holding up pretty well pre market compared to the others and so I was watching it long over 250 the bell rings and I try to jump in with 15,000 shares at 250. I only fill 2700 and it popped up to a high of 270 which would have been well, three thousand dollars of profit at the top but probably would have ended up being like 1200 to 1500 selling in the 50s or in the 60s.

Ended up selling at 52 as it came back down so that one didn't really work out. and then we had Q um oh okay sorry Q um you on the scanners pre market as well and this also looked good pre market except that it dipped down right before the bell. but as soon as the bell rang it started surging up and so you know this is the thing. I looked at this it was hitting our hide a momentum scanner.

it was on the watchlist pre market because I had news and someone hit the scanner here I looked at it and I was like oh this thing is taking off to 22, 23 to 32, 55 to 60 to 70. You know when you see a stock rip up 70 cents in basically two minutes, That makes you think, okay, this thing has potential. and certainly in the last, you know, two three weeks when a stock does that, there's a high chant - that it's going to squeeze into a circuit breaker. halt, it's gonna open higher and it's gonna make a big move.

So I jumped it You know I saw it and I was like yep, I'm jumping in I got in with 5,000 shares in my main account at 270 and then I I always had a sorry I added my IRA and then I added my main account so long in my IRA and then I added in my main account and I just bought right into a big seller at 275. This I mean there it was a hidden cellar. That's what it was. Someone was selling it 275 and I put the orders out and I was buying and I thought okay, you know it, as soon as it breaks 275, you know we'll pop it, probably go up to $3 It broke 275, it hit 280, six and then more.
Sent more hidden sellers and it came right back down. So this is what happened. two minutes later. it's back down in two dollars and sixteen cents.

So when you've got 15,000 shares from 275 and you're down at 225, you're down 7,500 bucks, you're down at $2 You're down $10,000 and you know that's pretty much what happened. So this is one of those times where when I look at the trade, what can I have done differently? Well I think that I know that because I was in in my IRA I whenever I take a trade in my IRA I'm like committed to the trade. It's no longer just a scalp, a quick in, quick out, it's a I'm holding this with a goal of like forty fifty cents of profit. That's my goal for the IRA I don't do scalp trades I do longer hold dull times.

So once I'm in in in the IRA I'm committed and now I'm in with the main account with big-sized and so I'm sort of committed on both sides and I don't want to just bail out I want to really see it through and so you know. Basically, this is a worst-case scenario for the IRA when I get into something that I'm expecting will squeeze possibly into a circuit breaker halt and then it just tanks. That's when I just really get I get smoked. So yeah, obviously buying a stock that's spiking up anticipating a halt.

Certainly, that's a risky strategy. It's a strategy that we will not trade every day, but we trade when the market is high because when the market is hot. what you find is that stocks that squeeze up like that, they get halted and they open higher. and next thing you know, you're seeing these stocks go from exactly what we had here.

a dollar eighty, it was halted and it squeezes up to 255. That's what I was expecting this type of move that it was gonna halt around two eighty to ninety three dollars and open and squeeze higher. That's what we've been seeing, so it was logical for me to take a large position anticipating that this one just didn't work. And so again, I'm not going to say that it was I wouldn't say it's a bad trade.

if this is a bad, if this was a bad trade, then you know the trade yesterday and a DMA aMDA was also bad trade. and the trade the day before on BL and K was a bad trade and the trade last week on Bo XL where I made twenty nine thousand is also bad trade. It's not a bad trade, it's just a trade that didn't work. The only thing that was bad about it really was that I had such big size that when it did this rejection and quickly pulled back, it hurt a lot more and but that's that would have been the same for any of the stocks in the last two weeks.

So why I didn't cut my losses sooner on this, you know I really try to wait for the first one minute candle to make a new high for the most part I don't like to sell into flushes I like to wait for a bounce and give it a chance and I think the other side of it is that once I'm in with my IRA I feel more committed. so I don't I can't quickly just bail out and then get back in because I only have three trades a week. So once I'm in with the IRA it's like I mean I'm really in it to see it through. and you know in this case on this candle it dropped from 279 to 227.
You know, like that's a really sharp drop and so I was like okay, well let me give it a chance to bounce back up and then it dropped to 16. You know, So it's it's one of those things where in hindsight, you might say well I should have stopped out sooner. but even with a live stop order with slippage I would have ended up getting probably the same loss I wouldn't have lost less and of course there was a possibility that the first one minute candle made a new high around 60 and went right back up to $3 and then you know you're off to the next leg up. So I try to see them through.

That's not always the right strategy in this case. You know it ended up resulting in a bigger loss, but you know I'm not sure I would have done anything a lot differently if this trade came around and you know another 20 minutes. I I think the only thing I could have maybe done differently is not sized up quite so much because you know yesterday was good. the day before was good, but they weren't incredible and so maybe this wasn't the right day to take 20,000 shares.

Of course, 10 minutes later and cty ends up going from $1 6 all the way up to 3 dollars and 50 cents. and it gets halted on three circuit breakers. So maybe I just picked the wrong one. and maybe that's just the luck of the draw.

You know sometimes you don't have the right one. This was a recent reverse split. That's certainly a strong set up, but the the pre split float was 47 million shares and typically those ones don't open up as much so you know I'm just not really sure. This one sort of surprised me that it was as strong as it was.

you see here popped up to 34. it pulled back. well first one minute pullback. So if I bought this into this squeeze up at 34 and that drops down to a dollar 50, that's again one of those times where it's like you know I don't know if I want to sell it because this is still a strong set up.

Yes, it just pulled back. but let me give the let me give it a chance for the first one minute Campbell to make a new high and then when it works, Boom That's what you're looking for and That's what I thought still could have happened on cue um, you on that first drop is that it could have popped back up. So you know, like I said, my accuracy when you look at my trades over long periods of time and I mean you know we can pull up the metrics here and you know, just so you guys can see them. Let's see.

Let me login here. Let me just type in my login first. All right there we go. So reports view you know over the long haul and I mean this is this right? Here is 917 that over nine hundred and seventeen thousand dollars of trades - that's two thousand trades I have 70 percent accuracy, you know? Biggest Winner: 31,000 Biggest Loser: Twelve thousand I've definitely been flirting with some of the biggest losers this month, but I've also been flirting with the biggest winners.
and that's what happens when you're in a hot streak. You, you get aggressive, you swing hard, you get big wins, but you also get some strikeouts. and you know. But for me, when I look at the big picture I Just I'm reminded of the fact that today's just you know, a day where it's just part of this.

It's just part of this minority. You know, the time where things just didn't line up for me. and maybe I was a little too aggressive. Maybe you know I just picked the wrong one.

Maybe I could have stopped out a little sooner, but realistically, I'm probably going to keep trading the same way as I traded today on the next stocks that start to squeeze up when we're in a strong market again because it works more than it doesn't you know? and so that's kind of. You know it's it's tough because I know for you know for any of us that we wanted to be consistent. We don't want to have big red days, but they will happen. Someone asked about my profits year-over-year You can see this and I said November December and January usually my strongest months September looks like is my worst month overall.

You know here we are in in May it's been a good month so far. Statistically, it's I guess the fourth best month so that's nice. June July In August 2016 they were strong. 2017 they're a little slow.

We'll see what 2018 holds for us. You know it's it's not necessarily seasonal as much as it is cyclical and we go through hot cycles and then we go through cold cycles. So yeah, you know, like I said today's you know, a little bit of a tough day. It's not a day that I'm really excited to you know to be sitting in front of, but it is what it is and I'm not gonna beat myself up for it.

We've still got 57 58 thousand dollars on the month and I will bounce back just like I always have you know read days happen. but I think that the biggest lesson from today is maybe just when you have when the first five minutes are a little slow just to be a little bit more careful on share size. But then of course you had n cty if I had jumped into this with 20,000 shares, well you know we'd be sitting here talking about how is another Green Day and the only reason I didn't trade this is because I hit my max loss you know I and a certain point you got to walk away because if you don't walk away we've down ten grand. You walk away when you're down 20.

What about when you're down 30? What about what you down: 40 50 60 70 How far down are you gonna go before you finally say enough is enough and so for me if I'm down more than 5,000 on the day I just don't keep trading if I have a blowout and I just lose 10 grand in one trade I'm done. You know it's just it's like you know one of those things you're You're getting ready for the big race, the big day and you come out of the starting gates and you fall on your face and it's like you know what I'm going back to bed I mean I Could I try to get myself back in the race and maybe finish in fifth, six, or tenth place? Maybe. But I think I'm just gonna be done. It's just when you start off so badly, it can be really hard emotionally to bounce back from that.
And what most often happens is that you start trading emotionally. You start trading impulsively. You you jump into something like NCT Y with 30,000 shares because you're thinking, well, the quickest way to make back 10 grand is a 30,000 share position and 30 cents of profit. 40 cents of profit, right? And what happens when you buy it at 2:30 Let's just say I bought.

You know, 30,000 shares right here at 212 And then suddenly it does a false breakout. It drops down to a dollar eighty and is halted on circuit breaker going down. It resumes and I'm selling at a dollar fifty and now I'm down 15,000 on that position. that was supposed to be my bail out and now just doubled or even tripled my loss.

That's how it happens. It happens really, really fast and it happens when you're focusing just on the potential to get yourself out of the hole and not on the risk that the hole is gonna get bigger and bigger and bigger. So today, yeah, down 10:13 Group 10 grand in this thirteen total. I'm gonna have to dig my way out.

It's gonna take a couple days. We'll see what tomorrow has in store for us, but you know it's it's. the place. I've been a thousand times before, so I'll just be digging out.

One trade at a time. two thousand here, three thousand there, and we'll get out of it and we'll get back into the green, you know, or back to all-time highs before you know it. So just a lesson there on needing to remember To you know, be in touch with the strength of the market. And when you have a lot of stocks moving, it can be a little bit tricky to know which one's in play.

So account in IRA is gonna go from 20,000 down to about eighteen. seventeen thousand, eight hundred. That's disappointing, but again, it's just part of the deal. Keep building, keep growing.

A couple setbacks, but it's not going to stop me. DCI X Yeah, it. answer your question on this. It's a stock that historically I haven't really enjoyed.

It's very heavily shorted, so every time it pops up, you have lots of people shorting it for the next leg down. You look at the stock over the course of you know, months or years and it's extremely weak. I Mean it's one of the ugliest charts you'll probably ever see. Look at this.

it just keeps going down. You keep having a scale out to see how much it's gone down. It's not a joke, it's insane. So does that surprise you that people just want to short it every time it pops up.
Every time it pops up, people want to short it so it's just too weak. It's too heavy and you have the potential of a short squeeze. You know we're traders who are sure we'll get you know, forced to get out because it squeezes up a lot, but we're so far away from the place where anyone would really feel pain to the short side that it just wasn't there for me. If it gets over $10 maybe people are gonna start to feel some pain on the short side.

but I Just think right now it's just very weak. So anyways, that's about it for me and we'll be back at it first thing tomorrow morning. Tomorrow's a new day and hopefully we'll see some good trade, some good opportunities, and we can finish up this week strong. Alright, that's it for me.

I'll see you guys first thing tomorrow morning. If you're still watching, you must have really enjoyed that video. So why not subscribe and get email alerts any time? I upload New content. Remember when you subscribe, you become a member of the Warrior Trading family.

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26 thoughts on “Huge trading loss! -$13,292.99”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rebelsouljaz says:

    You fomo’d hard and lost. Never buy when it’s too hot

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars harper07harper says:

    Ross. Do you trade cfds? On your recent vids you have made +100k or so . How is this possible with just trading stocks? That's like 300 percent gains in a day no? How much leverage you got also? Thanks my guy, from UK.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Aw says:

    You learn more from losses than winners.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Daily Bias says:

    So if you look at level 2 it won't show these hidden sellers sometimes?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MelloReacts says:

    This honesty is what makes u a future GOAT

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TropicalStorm4213 says:

    Don’t trade pennies in an ira

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rey Casiano says:

    Never be a breakout trader

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patrick White says:

    No Stop Loss? What kind of rookie are you?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nepatriots77 says:

    I appreciate this video because too many day traders/swing traders on youtube only post their successful trades and misleads people into thinking it's all profits and losses rarely happen.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Villy V says:

    Why didn’t you add a stop loss?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Task force says:

    Brake and smash something to release the steam

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James says:

    I understand ross, had my worst day of my trading life, lost 300 of my 700 dollar account. don't know if I can come back from this one 🙁

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LOCKE says:

    It all happens to the best of us! Support from another trader in HK 🙂

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hana Kogane says:

    that is why I only trade 5%

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sathish k says:

    9,00,000 lakhs indian rupees.😅😅😅

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Howard Hill says:

    I like your honesty Ross

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Captain Ace says:

    Where does he stream?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars StavrosVlgs says:

    rip 13k

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars agent Rocco says:

    This video is important for beginners like me too see . I feel for you man I am sorry this happened to you

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Bull Runner Lamb says:

    Don't buy fomo or a ATH.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Flo Sneaks says:

    That was pretty casual way to deal with 13k burn

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Menard says:

    I lost 15k I know how it feels lol you gonna bounce back 💯

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ComicsandCrypto says:

    Do you trade crypto?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars snowinblood says:

    I'm like infant new at this and want to learn. Could of you turned it around by selling then shorting it and only pay 2 commission fees?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jp Highbaugh says:

    i just stumbled on this channel, looks interesting, has this guy tried trading crypto? usually traditional guys hate crypto but i think since its so volatile theres alot of money to be made there

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mathias B says:

    Start limit your size to 1% of your capital, and if your up for the day, just stop it!

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