Elon Musk has recently stated that he is confident that Tesla will achieve full self driving by the end of 2020. In this video, I unveil Tesla's upcoming autopilot update that Elon Musk believes will allow for full autonomy.
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While tesla autopilot has had plenty of updates over the past few years, the current version definitely isn't ready for full self-driving. Quite yet, however, tesla is planning for a massive software update coming in the next two to four months, which elon musk believes will be the key to full self-driving in 2020.. In this video, i'm gon na unveil the evidence pointing towards the new features in tesla's upcoming autopilot, update and explain why all these features make elon musk, confident in full self driving by the end of 2020.. I guess i remain confident that we will have the functionality for the basic functionality for level 5 autonomy complete this year, if you're new to the channel.

Please consider subscribing for more content like this and let's get right into it with the current version of the tesla autopilot tesla won't be able to achieve full self-driving in a short period of time. There are significant foundational issues that make it difficult to improve the safety of the autopilot on dred karpathy. The senior director of artificial intelligence at tesla explained how tesla's new update will focus more on the artificial intelligence aspect rather than the explicit decision making. Typically, when the tesla autopilot sees a stop sign, it stops at the sign.

However, this isn't going to work out because there's always certain outliers that make it impossible to achieve level 5 autonomy. Instead of this simplistic approach, tesla is utilizing its data set to monitor actual human reactions and copy those reactions for each scenario. This change in tesla's approach is called software 2.0, which is slowly taking over software 1.0 in tesla's upcoming software update, the company will be done or almost done with a software 2.0 completely getting rid of the previous foundation of autopilot in the following clip. Andres carpathi explains this rewrite using a term called neural network.

Nero networks refers to the ability to understand what an object or sign is, despite the different angles and lighting and degradations in our brain, we all have the ability to spot what a number is. Despite the differences in handwriting or pixel locations, this is what the neural network is trained. To do. Um, so basically, what's happening in the team is when i joined, we had small neural networks, doing some detections, and then these were stitched up and firmware.

Instead of the software 1.0, the c plus plus code and so on, and basically the neural network stack has been taking on more and more of the functionality. So i've shown this example or this visualization a few times in many of my previous talks, where this is sort of the autopilot software stack on the bottom. You have implicit stack, primarily vision and on the output we have steering and acceleration and roughly you can think of two code bases hidden inside the software stack. We have what i refer to as a software 1.0 code, which is good old fashioned c, plus plus explicitly designed engineered by person.
Person writes the code, and then you have what i call software 2.0 code, where the the code is an outcome of an optimization. It's a it's the compilation, it's a compiler, takes your data set and creates neural network code that runs in the car, and so it's roughly speaking, neural net. The reason i refer to it as software 2.0 is that you can take functionality from 1.0 codebase and put it into 2.0 codebase, so this boundary is fluid and you can actually engulf more and more software 1.0 stack. So over time.

Since i joined about two and a half years ago, the neural nets have expanded in how much of software 1.0 and they've taken over, and so the trend is upwards. I've shown you sort of how the software 2.0 stack is expanding through the code. It's eating. Some of the you know occupancy tracker-like techniques.

The logical conclusion of that, of course, is there's still still a perception system that creates explicit predictions and those explicit predictions are one shown in the ice, the instrument cluster and two. They are used for a policy, and this policy is still in the land of 1.0, where for us and for many others as well, where you have explicit planner that takes all the predictions and drives on that. The problem with that is, your explicit predictions will are basically doomed to never be good enough and never be complete, and so writing these planners is extremely difficult. Error prone lots of hyper parameters very tricky, and so the logical conclusion of this, of course, is that we'd like to train neural networks that actually do a lot of this planning inside the network.

In particular, we have huge data sets of people driving cars, so when people drive cars and they steer the wheel, they're, actually data labeling for you they're, showing you how to drive through any any intersection or any other kind of place, um and uh. The other thing i'll say is like most of what i've described so far relies primarily on self-supervi on supervised learning, with the exception of depth, where we massage and create a massive data set. But but we've seen recently with the use of, for example, contrastive losses and things like that. There's a lot of progress today in self-supervised learning and so we'd like to leverage some of that in the team.

Here's an example of just some videos: um. We have probably the most interesting largest data set of videos. These are coming from cameras, and so we've been really looking to some of these self surprise techniques, to speed up the process and to speed up the rate at which we learn from very little supervised data. Android certainly talks at a pace faster than normal and there's a point that andrij makes that's extremely important and must be emphasized.

Essentially, because tesla has a lot of data with people driving cars. The company can replicate a user's wheel movements when, on autopilot, for example, if there's a worn out, stop sign that tesla's cameras, don't seem to be catching onto autopilot, will be able to use the facts that humans have stopped at that area in the past and replicate It in real life, according to elon musk. This is the kind of revolutionary update that's coming in two to four months with the expansion of software 2.0 in tesla's, autopilot teslas are becoming better at spotting 3d objects. These improvements will allow tesla to better understand the environment and react to it correctly.
For example, the tesla autopilot is now able to drive through green lights, knowingly, previously teslas wouldn't react to green lights, and when it did, autopilot was just following the lead of a car. In front of it or staying in its lane, if a tesla on autopilot was the first car in its lane and the light turned green, the driver would have to hit the accelerator. However, with the improvement of tesla's neural networks, autopilot will now be able to drive through green lights, while knowing it is going through a green light. As andres carpathy explained in this presentation, software 2.0 is beginning to eat up software 1.0.

What he means by this is that him and his team are beginning to solve each small issue using software 2.0 in a presentation in china, elon musk explained how collectively these relatively rare situations become a larger problem. The there are many small problems um and then there's the the challenge of solving all those whole problems and then putting the whole system together and just and just keep addressing the long tail of problems. So you'll find that you're able to handle the vast majority of of situations, but then there'll be something very odd, and then you have to have the system figure out and train to deal with these very odd situations. Um - and this is why you could you - you need a kind of a real world situation.

Nothing is more complex and weird than the real world. Any simulation we create is necessarily a subset of the complexity of the real world. Essentially, what we will see in the upcoming autopilot update is a foundational rewrite, more reliance on neural networks and human reactions, and a lot of small issues being fixed. This upcoming update makes elon musk, confident that tesla will have level 5 autonomy, at least in california.

The tesla autopilot does work reasonably well in china. It does not work quite as well in china as it is in the u.s, because still most of our engineering is in the us, and so that tends to be the local loop of optimization. So autopilot tends to work the best in california because that's where the engineers are and then it once once it works in california, then we then extend it to the rest of the world. Most people are skeptical of achieving level 5 autonomy by the end of 2020.

With myself included, but we do have to realize that we don't know how the developments are going for tesla's upcoming autopilot update according to elon musk, a lot of functionality will happen all at once. When we transition to the new software stack most likely, it will be releasable in two to four months. Then it's a question of what functionality is proven, safe enough to enable for owners the the thing to appreciate for level five autonomy is really what level of safety is acceptable for the public streets, um relative to human safety and then uh so is it? Is it enough to be twice as safe as humans like? I do not think that the regulators will accept equivalent safety to humans, so the question is: will it be twice as safe as the requirement three times as safe five times as safe ten times as safe? So you can think of really level five autonomy as kind of like a march of nines. Like do you have 99.99 uh safety, 99.99999 percent? How many nights do you want of when what is the acceptable level and then what amount of data is required to convince regulators that it is sufficiently safe? Um? Those are the actual uh in-depth questions.
I think to be asking about level 5 autonomy that it will happen is a certainty. Let me know whether or not you think tesla will be able to achieve level 5 autonomy in the upcoming autopilot update in the comment section below. If you enjoyed this video, please hit the like button and subscribe and i'll see you in the next one.

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31 thoughts on “Huge tesla autopilot update coming – level 5 autonomy?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars eazy14 says:

    Im just curious regarding the parking at the end ? A human being can drive to the next parking garage if he can not find a free space, will the tesla autopilot react same ? Or will he scan the alteady booked spaces again and again ?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sorazuu says:

    I think they'll hit level 5, but I don't think it'll be by the end of this year I think maybe the end of next year is when they'll hit it and I think it may take longer for it to be safe for someone to use outside of California.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars stumpedII says:

    i hope to god he gets lvl 5 .. imagine freeing the world from for profit insurance of ANY kind.. This also removes a tool of police to violate our rights and dignity for the state. next step .. end prohibition (for the second time)

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mostly Peaceful says:

    lvl5 is still years away, maybe a decade. Elon keeps making unrealistic promises about autopilot and he needs to stop because he's basing it off misleading data. Auto-pilot is more safe than human drivers only because people don't turn it on unless they're on a highway or a straight road where a lot of miles are covered with little incident chance of any incidents, he's also basing it on his own drive to and from work which is probably optimized since thats the area the engineers spend most of their time testing and programming.

    i've seen too much footage of autopilot making obvious mistakes without a driver there to correct would have been disastrous to believe it's anywhere near ready, and just look at the jerky indecisive driving you get if you summon the car. if it struggles to navigate at 5mph in a car park full of stationary vehicles and wide open spaces it has nowhere near enough situational awareness to be considered lvl5or even lvl4

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bryan W says:

    I think they'll get the software to a point that is twice as safe as humans, but will be regulation-blocked / unable to fully release level 5 autonomy for another year at least as regulators demand a very specific "subset" test of a beta group essentially.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars C C says:

    no wonder cops the show went bust! once everyone's driving one of these there will never be another high speed chase again. They will just shut you down from the main computer.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ribbitt III says:

    I think we haven’t been able to START chasing the mines until this update comes just before 2021
    This, 2021 is the beginning of the end

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SmileytheFeralCat says:

    Can you imagine getting an extra 2 hours of sleep in the back of a Model Y on the way to work? Musk is inventing time here.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrBazsi888 says:

    Just imagine the huge energy savings with perfect 5th level selfdriving. It's like maxing out the potential of our streets with smallest & safest braking distances & shortest lines of cars possible 24h/day.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tech4All says:

    I don’t know I want to think it’ll happen but at the same time I keep my expectations low so that way if something happens I’m genuinely happy.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erling Ervik says:

    "Level 5 autonomy – at least in California?" If it's just in California, then it's not level 5!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JaiUneGuruDeja says:

    Anyone who can create 4 billion dollar companies (PayPal, Tesla, SpaceX, Boring) in the hardest industries should not be doubted. I don't care if he misses some dates. He has always delivered eventually.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Evan Jones says:

    So that software stolen by the Chinese car company is basically going to be stuck at level 3. I am also thinking that this new neural net software is very specific to the now custom silicone / Tesla computer.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Tran says:

    Once visualization could recognize cement walls, shoulders, and barricades along the road, FSD is possible and safe.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kobe Wild says:

    Will they be able to reach level 5 sure… in the USA… but UK no, there roads and road
    markings suck.
    Self driving in china… have you seen videos of chinese drivers? there are no rules…
    Same with russia and india … You'll never be able to do it.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marie White says:

    I think autonimous driving reliability is best in California primarily because of the huge Tesla fleet that gathers its AI data. Driver behavior changes based in demographics and geography.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael W. Dietrich says:

    When has Elon said "achiving Level 5 Autonomy at the end of 2020". You should listen to what exactly he says, then you don't have to be sceptical, where your scepticism mostly comes from the things you'd loved to hear.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YK Chan says:

    Have we thought about that Tesla’s autopilot, if matured, will be challenged by multi language in multi destination countries.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Denys Ivanov says:

    it will save a lot of time and effort when cars will be able to drive kids to school and so on. Good news.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patrick Sokoloski says:

    Great video! I'm excited and can't wait for our driver less future to arrive. I know Tesla will be able to make their vehicles fully autonomous by the end of this year. I want a level 5 fully autonomous self driving Tesla, so that I can sleep, text and talk on my phone, be at my destination and so that I can go to a bar or somewhere to have an alcoholic drink and not have to worry about drunk driving, since the self driving car will be the designated driver and drive me home safely. I hope that Tesla vehicles will be less expensive and more affordable to own in a few months. I need to get one.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mudieg says:

    Got FSD update last weeks. Defiantly a step back unfortunately. Hopefully the next update will be back on track.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Poecilia L says:

    It will come to a point that it does not matter how good it gets, because regulators would not approve, at least in some areas of the world.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mw99ch says:

    People are gettimg it wrong. Individually tesla can solve the little problems (basic functionality). Putting all togther for full autonomy by a high enough degree of safety, thats way in the future.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EscapeTheMatrix says:

    Absolutely zero chance of achieving level 5 autonomy by years end. Don't even think they think level 4 autonomy is possible by then, maybe in the next 5 years at best.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Doe Joe says:

    If he is sure then why doesn't Elon offer a money back guarantee? Or at least FSD feature rollover to new Tesla purchases if not level 5 complete by sale of current vehicle?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Konstruktivist Neo says:

    FSD may be a great marketing gimmick, but ultimately car owners enjoy DRIVING their cars (especially men). The real benefit comes from a sophisticated AUTOPILOT that relieves drivers from monotonous long-haul highway runs. Who really needs to pay $8000 to be driven the 'last mile.?' FSD is more hype than a necessity.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adam says:

    I think you're mis-informing people about "green light" scenarios. My X is fully up to date and it rarely goes through green lights on its own. It almost always prompts for user input to proceed through. Also, when going under\over other streets, the car will sometimes just stop in the middle of the road if there are lights above or below you. Finally, there are SO many issues with going under\over other streets that I have real concerns about using FSD on city streets. I can show you several examples where I am driving down an interstate where the cameras\AI are interpreting that there are cars driving perpendicular to me, basically crashing into the side of the car. The cameras also barely pick up semis accurately. It most often shows 2 semis, 1 in front, and 1 behind, if driving next to one. I think that depth perception, horizon, and layers are issues that needs to be solved.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris says:

    Can you explain how tesla cars have crashed into stationary objects this year?
    Tesla's autopilot seems to have problems detecting barriers and parked police cars. Tesla is nowhere near even level 4. Those that have treated it as an 'autopilot' have ended up dead in a car crash because the stupid program streered it into a barrier or ignored an overturned truck right in front of it.
    Can we treat tesla like a regular company instead of a damn religion where you all worship at the altar of lord elon musk and believe all the shit he says.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SevenDeMagnus says:

    Level 5, is impossible but it's a great standard. I'd say the maximum is just Level 4.99, meaning people still need to supervise the EVs:-)

    God bless, Revelation 21:4

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HAL 9000 says:

    I believe Tesla will achieve L5 this year bit regulation is another matter and won't happen until 2021 earliest.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bokolo Aranyfa says:

    This announcement of Musk was completely misunderstood by the fan boys.
    "The basic functionality of level 5" is the same as "feature complete", which was promised for this year a long time ago.
    It means, that the car is able to perform all the required feature of self driving, but it does not do it well all the time.
    It is not such a big deal, many other companies already reached that level. That is just 10% of the work. The rest, getting from feature complete to level 5 is exponentially harder.

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