How Trade For Beginners 8/13/2021
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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, everybody happy friday to you good morning. Hopefully it's another beautiful day, which i'm sure it will be so, let's uh wait for a couple people to join on in with us and, of course, we'll get this morning started good morning chuck. How are you doing interesting, hmm, that's kind of interesting all right good morning, guys, good morning, great great riding, great riding, all right so good morning, uh one of the first ones that just kind of peaked. My interest here was this bo xl box light.

So in the past this stock has, i know in the past. It's made some pretty good moves. I do have to say so. Let's do some analysis all right, we're going to delete everything here and just kind of redo.

It, though, there's not a ton on there right now, we are going to make sure we kind of redo this one, and i only want to do this really quickly before we talk about the market, because it could have some momentum that otherwise we could miss. So, right now, on the uh half year chart you have resistance support at 250. on the daily chart. You have resistance, support right about 257 potential.

Long targets, for now i would assume, can be as high as 297 to 310. We have a shift point or a half deviation level, let's not really shift point but anyways 274. All right almost done here. Folks almost done all right.

So this is our little mcpenny um, i'm actually going to change the color of these as well, and then these are supposed to be. Oh, no, those are supposed to be the mean. Excuse me, i did that wrong. Okay, that goes like that, and that's supposed to be okay, awesome, sorry about that uh, so yeah.

Currently, this is kind of the way the bo xl situation. Uh is so earnings up into the statistical means slightly over hit. A half deviation, uh to the one deviation mark, pulled back still trading below the mean. So, ideally, today, this is going to be your breakout level on uh on box.

L again, if it's going to going to move going to be a breakout, this is the level that it's going to happen at this 252 to 258 from there. It would probably pop up into the 274 price, which would be pretty much the pre-market high and clearing through the pre-market high is gon na put you at a price of 297 to uh three dollars and six cents today. If all that happens, then we'll debate, whether or not it could go higher than like the three dollar area, but for right now, with the way the market's situated. I don't think on the long play.

It really makes sense to target for anything more than the 297 price for now um. Of course, if that happens and everything's looking good, then maybe we could suggest more, but for now all said and done, i i don't see anything more than that three dollar price right now or i wouldn't really be trying to trade up past uh. The three dollar price right now and then again in order for that to happen, you have to break out of the zone of 258 ish, okay, but i want to make sure i cover that one because kind of had an appeal, so i didn't want to not Go over it and then it start running and whatnot nice lax pop, very nice seal, any yeah. I can look at uh.
I will look at clna. Give me a second here i'll. Do it really quickly uh before we hop into a couple other things? So yesterday it moved up. I have a red line right at about 8 38, not sure why it's there, but it stopped just at about that red line.

I have on the chart um. So again, i don't know if i have a level there um. I don't remember what i last said about clne and i don't remember when i last actually went over it, but it is, i really don't remember um. I could have said it was going to bounce back to one deviation.

I had a level there, but anyways so clne rolled down. It was looking bearish the other day anyway. So bounce back up you'll see that we have gone from below the negative one deviation mark. We have now bounced back up over the nine day moving average.

We are now trending up and on to the plus one deviation mark, so nonetheless you're kind of on resistance. That's why it stopped around this price point probably yesterday, so i would assume before you can suggest that cne is really back on the bulbal side. You're gon na have to get up and passed and stay above eight dollars and thirty one cents. So pretty much looking for cne to reclaim the price of the negative one deviation mark, that's what you're looking for um.

So, in a nutshell, it's really not not a bad swing, long price still just because it appears like it's trying to hold down here um. So what i would watch specifically is to see if you can manage to get over that 8. 30. 8.

30 price kind of sustain, and if you can create like a bull flag around there, then you could be looking at a new long move um. So that would be the my outlook having to stay over the 8 30s for now uh. Of course, we will always cover amd. I would appreciate, if you guys, could take just a second go over and massage the like button, uh, it's pretty sore from yesterday, because it got beat up so today it needs a little bit more tender, loving care, so give it a little little massage um.

Let me write down a couple of these tickers here. Obviously, amc is always discussed. Amd volatility recently means it's pretty much always discussed. We haven't seen rkt in a while it's kind of interesting um lc.

I already massaged it very nice - appreciate that too bad already smashed nice. Okay, so got a couple down there all right before we get going too heavily we're going to pop on over here to the spy which ended up having another good day. Now, yesterday, we recommended that you wanted to be the long or the support of the mark. It was going to be right around these two red lines.

Well ended up breaking that briefly for a bit coming back up and then going so i recommended dip. Buy price was off by a little bit. Nonetheless, the market did sell down to that zone slightly through and then went on a tear, all right so nonetheless big day from the market. Again, that's awesome.
We are slightly above the mean you can see that we have trended away from the mean i it's been a long long time since i've seen markets. Do that and try to keep going and successfully keep going. So part of me does feel we are right around the corner from a correction in the market. Um we'll see if that comes true, but again it's pretty much, never see markets.

Do this and then really really run they usually kind of either stay ho-hum pull back or sooner than later fall into a correction. So i feel we are around the corner from something like that. So nonetheless, um still riding the markets long, but i think, like i said we're going to be coming into sort of a correction now something else that kind of leads me to believe that is the spy is kind of cranking. It looks more bullish, it's on.

More of a running move you could say, and then you have the nasdaq, which is still kind of lagging and actually slightly pulling down. So we're getting sort of opposing arguments from, i won't say opposing arguments, but you can see how that's coming to fruition. The nasdaq is sort of lagging that move of the spy and a lot of times they move pretty close in unison, so nonetheless, uh there's, there's kind of opposing arguments going there on those two markets. Bo xl is almost up to that 257 258 price, which is the breakout price uh for that stock.

Today, and really the the momentum on bo xl so far this morning is just the company reported uh better than expected: uh earnings, uh hassan. I am closer to 28, but still 27., all right, so um bo xl. If it ends up shaping up. This will definitely be a candidate for today and now we will cover the ones and things that basically, i always kind of finalize on a list of stocks that i like to look at more towards the open um.

If i don't already have my eyes set on something which i kind of already do but anyways, so we will kind of take a peek at and put more emphasis on the stocks that i'll be watching throughout the day. As we get a little closer to market open uh, so for the time being, we will now hop into a couple subscriber requests, first of which being am mix sizzle all right, so am mix sizzle, believe it or not, ended up almost going to the price. The i mean it almost went there if you, if you remember from yesterday, we said that the market on amc in the event it goes on a long day. We could see it pop all the way back up to about those two red lines.

It almost got there, so it kind of did a move. I was thinking we could do, but the main important thing of yesterday's analysis of that long recommendation was it's just a counter trend. Long back to the red lines. Bulls only take back momentum of that market when the price is up and over at the time yesterday was like 3428 34.50.
Now, today the bulls don't really take back control of this market on amc and when i say take back control, they could already be taking back control behind the scenes and we don't really know for sure, but nonetheless, once they're successfully clearing in this instance, now a Price of 34.76 to um shoot sorry 34.76 to 36. They haven't really taken back uh control on the market. There's an attempt going on right now sure, but again they still got ta get up pretty much through thirty six dollars now to really basically force a new big pop in the market. If, if anybody amc mac course trade, trades, uh anybod me you, your mom, your grandma wants a big pop there um we're not gon na get it until we successfully go through about 36 bucks right now, um.

So it's pretty straightforward. If you're looking for a big pop or magoo and amc, it's going to have to happen through 36, so until we get there, it's just a counter trend back counter trend, bounce back to those those levels for the time being so um. Let me take a look at, i don't remember all the price action that happened yesterday, so we went through a pop. Then we went through a drop.

Then we ran all the way up. Now we pulled back, but i don't have any levels there. That was just previous price action. Then huh yeah part of me kind of thinks that this market's still going to try to bounce long.

I just don't get the feeling it wants to quite break down. Just yet part of the reason is: if you look at the daily chart too, i mean this was i mean obviously bottomed here, try to go higher. This was a first attempt counter trend bounce at break. Remember when i said just a second ago, you'd have to get through 36 for it to be like a big move.

Well, this was this bounce back up to that trend line. That was the first attempt of amc trying to take back control of levels to to be bullish again and it failed. So it came back down so far. It's double bottom and it's retraced back up to a couple levels trying to take back control, but still not quite farther, not further enough on the upside.

So this is like a second attempt of amc taking back control on this bottom, so it kind of has a better chance than it did. You know, maybe the first time so still analysis is the same. Over 36 is good. I don't have any deviation support for the day on amc, so i will say that, right now the downside target support to hold to continue the long move is basically 32 dollars.

So right here i believe you see the market's kind of trending down we're below the intraday 150 moving average. So right now we are on a downtrend intraday. I believe support could exist on the market on amc around 31.98 to 32 dollars. Hmm all right now we're gon na pop on over to amd still don't forget to keep an eye on bo xl.

It is on one of my screens here: no trade, no, nothing like that, but it's still sitting in that same price zone from earlier that we discussed so um still some potential there um amd yesterday, we'd mentioned we're still kind of bearish this stock. Yes, sir, i wasn't really positive exactly how it was going to move and you know usually i can get a pretty good idea of how things are going to move, but that's generally, when i don't say generally with volatility, but usually i have an okay understanding of How things are generally going to shape up for the day, but yesterday amd, i really couldn't wrap my head around it, so i wasn't able to give such a spot on approach to it, but for today it does look slightly more bearish, but what you're doing right Now is you're not coming from an extremely overbought price, where the market's probably just going to thin out and drop out now you've kind of dropped down to a level where people are like. Maybe i could buy here. Other people like man, maybe i should still short so you're kind of getting that sideways consolidation, which is always a little bit harder to judge what it's going to do, which way it's going to snap um.
Excuse me so, nonetheless, um, i'm still probably bearish on this. A little bit um looking for this to continue creeping downwards, so i'm gon na delete my old drawings and give new, updated targets here and just kind of give everything. So we didn't actually touch this level. Okay, it looks like it did, but the the level has come to price.

So this is what i always talk about when i go hey the price targets this or see the deviation catches the price. So we kind of wanted amd to go to negative two or plus two, which is this green line, but when it fell down it bounced slightly before and then, since it's traded sideways, it gave the trend time to catch up so right now this is kind of The support level of the market 104.09 and you only really get another really. You only get another good leg down on on amd if you were to break that level. So for now, really what i'm watching is for amc to state to be bearish amc, just in general price will need to stay and below 108.22.

In the event, the market does break down, as i'm kind of thinking it can on amd. I think it should be a target back down to the price of 104.13 for right now. Now, if you can break 10413, a bigger gain is going to happen, but for now that seems like a logical target down 104 13.. Now this is on the four-hour chart.

If we look at the daily chart, you can see that it's pretty much the same. You can see we have a half deviation price where the four hour chart was, and we still have the plus two deviation chart on the daily chart where the four hour chart was so nonetheless, um got to stay below. These half deviation prices for the market to stay down if it doesn't. This is a level where the shorts will probably pop themselves back up to a price of 1, 12..
Okay, so still watching amd slightly on the bear side, um yeah, i mean not really hider. It's just not something we can run through. It takes too long to do that every morning and if i, where i could do it quick but then you're getting a half, you know kind of half assed approach to it. So um best bet really just taking a couple uh taking some time to go back through some of the older videos.

I've done on it, hmm, hey man, so i always watch youtube tons of podcasts no issues but i'll be on yours and it'll be totally and it totally just exits the entire thing. Then i got ta reopen youtube and get back to your video very, very odd. Yeah that doesn't typically happen to me. That's odd, but um, so my mindset, my advice yet for the most part, is really geared towards intraday price action.

Movement of stocks um for the most part, of course, there's other things that we discussed randomly throughout the stream. We've discussed business things before, but for the most part it is geared towards intraday trading and or swing trading um for the most part uh in probably next week, um is there is going to be also a mix of long-term investing into it as well. So some things are going to change a little bit um mr montero, you said tail being short swedes to fill the gap. All right, gon na pop on over here uh to the next line of business, which is rkt um.

We will talk on yeah, we'll talk about wish in a second here, so rkt earnings up then down uh. So if you look at the four hour chart you'll notice that the market, squeezed up to the long term, mean today right at the price of 1917 sold down. Uh support for right now in rkt is about 17 and 84 cents to 17.17 17.72 cents. So here we go so yeah.

The known resistance now on the day is going to be up here. Uh the support for the dip buy is probably going to be here. So again, i think everyone knows where the resistance is because obviously right, but i don't think people quite know where the supports at support zone very well could be right here. So i think this is your first area where you'll look to be long.

The market on rkt today, which again is 1780 to 1770. now so that you can understand why. I'm saying that, ideally, if we look at the four hour chart okay, look at where the consolidation breakout was so we go up here. We'll draw our own little trend lines and i should actually do something one.

Second, i'm going to change this to a thicker trendline as my default, so it's just a little more obvious. Oh, why isn't it? Oh? I didn't save the default, but i'm actually change that to four make it even bigger, so you can see kind of where that breakout happened, right up side, side, side, side, side and then the market broke up. So you could draw your own flag pattern across those tops to get a breakout or you could watch the statistical deviation system to know that that's kind of where the trend lines at and that's where the breakout is now the breakout moves from this dotted line. Slash this white line up to that white line or these two red lines which pretty much just means it broke out.
It went from point a to point b and now it's pulled back from here all the way back to that level and the trend lines that you, i think you would dip, buy off of exist at 1780 to 1770. So, ideally, this is a flag sort of situation on earnings it broke out, hit up to the deviation resistance, and then it pulled back, and now it's almost at the half deviation support so again for right now. This is probably an area where you consider being more long bias as opposed to bearish for the first time as the market gets there. Okay.

Next one on the list is lc um, take a peek at this, so lc all right, so your breakout play happened. There then it shifted, through the mean, went from the mean to the plus one deviation mark gon na pull back to the plus one bounce, and now it's almost up to plus two, and it does have somewhat of a slight bearish divergence occurring. So nonetheless, i would start to be slightly more bearish this only because you're right at about the plus two mark um. So you know the best way.

I can explain this within the current market structure. You know not that it's really overbought, but again, you know this is where you would start to consider the markets overbought. This is where you would start to consider that the market is kind of overbought, so we can put that in like we'll just do like pink. All right and now you know this is where the market's kind of this is like, maybe like normal area.

So i can do that. All right in here is pretty much fair, value-ish, so neutral white, again. Yellow excuse me just drawing all these colors for fun at this point um, and then you can do this once more like down there. Let me do big red now.

Obviously, that's not the most perfect color combination code, but again you're kind of in the overbought level. Um, pink really isn't the color for it, because it makes it look like it's overbought, but nonetheless this is a slightly overbought level. This is the very overbought so within trend. Your market is starting to get into an area where um, high frequency trading, computer machines and things are probably going to start deleveraging a little bit of that position.

I would imagine so. Nonetheless, you i think you can still stay on the long side a bit but you're getting into bearish zones my resistance for right now, um on lc um one. Second. Actually i mean no, nothing too crazy.

Oh that's odd! Why would you do that yeah sure um? Just in fyi, ladies and gentlemen, don't forget to use our free scanners over, at our other youtube channel, just posted a link in the chat room for the 267 of you guys in here. You can use free trade ideas and benzing as scanners. By going to the channel that i just posted in the description below now with that being said, you do have a half deviation price point here on the stock lc which comes into play at 28.44, then you have a plus two deviation mark that comes into play At 30.81, so, ideally, i think 3081 is going to be your resistance and well. Let me rephrase that this is your resistance zone for right now, 30, 70 to 32 and yeah.
That's pretty much it! That's all! I'm going to mention there yeah, mr montero. You can feel free to send me an email today. I know you might have sent me one just a couple days ago. I haven't had the time to get through that email um, but that was one of my objectives.

Obviously, today and going into the weekend um, the next thing i'm going to talk about is wish, because which is always just a popular one and because yesterday i think the analysis or was two days before their earnings. We mentioned that we expected. We didn't really think it was going to break up. We thought the market was going to break down and it was going to target to this level.

So, ideally, just the other day we said resistance here market's, probably not going to break up and they might use earnings to break the stock down to the price target of 6.91. So pretty much i woke up this morning went holy. It actually went all the way to like seven bucks, as we mentioned two days ago, so pretty crazy, i'm not like i traded into it. I never really trade into earnings or anything like that uh, but nonetheless, the market on wish has broken down.

So everybody buying this dip buying this bottom. Looking for that flag to break up without an understanding of the standard deviation trend would have had no idea that they could at least break the market from here to here. So um, i in a nutshell, wish, has entered into more of a buying location so to speak because it's fallen. All the way from here down to its long-term trend mean so as long as the market on wish is staying above pretty much this price.

It's kind of more on the long, but don't think i would be long buy as a stock today in terms of pricing yeah, you might be long biased in terms of formation and instant gratification and making money right away, probably not going to happen. So i think you could be neutral to little bearish on the day before being bullish and before we get a bounce on a wish. It's probably going to take a couple days. So anyways, that's that's really all i have for you, but i do believe the important significant level to watch today and for the days of going forward, at least for now, is going to be that long term mean which for now is 686, that will change as The days go on um and don't give up regarding the swing.

No, i'm not really crazy about the swing there. Uh, yes bo xl. First last boxable is considered a penny stock. Yes, uh s-e-s-n did have a big day from yesterday.

It definitely did slightly coming off resistance this morning, uh i'll have to come back to that one. Okay, i'm going to finish up these first couple: requests here: um, which is infi and the stock tal. I don't expect a big breaking out move from this. I could be wrong, but i don't expect a big breaking out move you're right at the mean, so by buying it now whether whether or not it does or doesn't break up or down you'd be taking uh ownership of the stock at pretty much a a fair Value price you're not getting a deal, um you're, not buying it, really overbought you're, pretty much taking fair value ownership of the stock.
At this price of about three bucks, i would say, let me just double check. Yeah anywhere from three to uh. 364 stock is still kind of on sale, a bit um so yeah until it really gets up to 364. Arguably there's it's still on sale, a little bit so um.

You missed a really good dip by opportunity here. Obviously, as the market fell into the negative two deviation mark, we bounce back up over plus one we're on our way, to the mean we're at the four hour mean so right now i guess on the upside, i guess max target for me would be 366. once You can clear all this resistance at 366, then the target would be up to 462., so for first got ta get to 362. Then you go to 462.

um yep. All right last thing: we're going to take a look at here really quickly. Uh of this list. T-A-L tl soloing 525 question is long term gap, though uh i mean yeah long long term.

A lot of this. This could very well turn into one of those penny stocks. You know three years down the line that pops up and fills that gap up to 18 bucks. Do i want to sit there and bank on that and wait on that myself, not really um so yeah i mean there is a gap.

Filler is a big one, but just because of the gap to fill doesn't mean it's happening anytime soon and so on so forth. So for now i would just probably not do anything with tal myself mitch coin. Thanks man, i appreciate that no problem us import prices month over month for july 0.3 versus a 0.6 estimate prior was one that's good. If you own s, p 500, you might want to consider replacing it with this better performing dividend stock fund from market watch this morning.

That's interesting! What do they have to say i'll? Read that a little bit later, that could be interesting. Uh, the mexico central bank sets a benchmark interest rate at 4.5 up 0.25, so they raised interest rates in mexico. A tsunami warning system says: there's a tsunami warning following earthquake of a 7.0 magnitude sand really sandwich islands region. Hmm, i wonder if they have good sandwiches there in the south atlantic ocean modern reports, new studies showing its covid 19 vaccine maintains antibodies against variants of concern from six to six months.

What that doesn't? Even that really doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. Let me read this again so modernity reports, a new study showing its cova 19 vaccine, maintains antibodies against variance of concern to six months. Okay, that makes more sense when i read it more fluently. Okay, so that's one thing i did want to take: a peek at today was mrna, which we have yet to really look at um.
So mrna is bouncing a little bit more this morning. It's still right at about its 9 day moving average. So it's slightly below its 9 day moving average right now, um kind of looks halfway decent right now. Yeah, maybe i mean i was wanting to see it down closer to 350., we'll see if that happens, but today with uh moderna or even the next couple days.

Uh, the objective would obviously be to be getting through the nine-day moving average, which is right at about 404 and getting above that previous trading days session high from yesterday. In the excuse me in the event we can do that then mrna has the potential to bounce. All the way back up to the price of 433ish to 433, so yeah on a legitimate up, slash breakout of the previous trading day session. We can see mrna squeeze back up to prices of 431.35.

So if i wanted to be bearish mrna still like i wanted to bet down, then i would look to be bearish at the price of 431.35 or, if we're coming back down and breaking through this consolidation targeting to the plus one deviation mark so until we're either Breaking down this low and targeting the next deviation down or until we have come off, trending resistance, there's really no point of being too short biased. I think at this moment, because you already got a 100 point drop from the other day, which we did suggest um. So, for now i think kind of upside target for me could be around 430. Don't really want to be short unless it's off 430 or unless it's breaking down below the half deviations here and the price point targeting this mark.

So, for the time being slightly on the long side of mrna in this counter trend bounds and that's what it is folks at least for now it for now, it should be treated as a counter trend. Long balance, yeah figures, that's annoying um one. Second, you have to change that literally every day that would be very annoying. Uh.

The stock l g v n appears to be maybe moving, never mind that was from earlier. My apologies all right. Sorry about that um. I was just making sure i covered my bases.

There i mean yeah. I could take a peek at yvr. I mean, of course, i'll continue. Looking at some things here, i v r uh june ja yeah.

We do give 101 classes, but it's not quite online. Yet we're having some bug issues, but that's actually should doesn't matter it'll be online soon, but yes, we do, we do um should be coming very soon was having some issues getting it online to our website had to fix that, but nonetheless we are moving that direction. Yes, so there's our first youtube glitch today, a spike to 500 people watching, live and then right back down to 300, so that sucks really wish we could uh. We were allowed to have those viewers on our channel.
That would be awesome, you're new to our youtube. Thank you very much for tuning in make sure to hit the notification bell the subscribe button and once you've done all that, just make sure that you, google or not, google, you youtube our name every day, because you most likely won't get notified. Even if you notif hit the notification bell, so just make sure you basically tune in to youtube and search our youtube channel manually, because otherwise the likelihood you get notified that we're live is pretty much non-existent. Um i mean, if you're going to want to trade full-time.

You pretty much have to have over 25k so to speak, not really i mean you could trade full-time and do options right, um, but yeah i mean. Ideally, if you're going to be full-time and and that means trading actively, then you have to have an account. That's going to allow you to trade actively, which could be an account of 25 plus. So you don't have the pdt rule or you need to open a futures account so that you can just actively trade futures all the time with no pdt rule, or you have to trade options in a way.

Well or you'd, have to swing trade. All the time which really means you're, not a full-time trader, so to speak, so it depends on which categorizes full-time. If full-time is you sitting behind the computer screen and making multiple trades, you have to have an account of 25 000 or you have to do the p or you have to do futures trading for at least right now, there's also an options trading strategy that you Can do that allows you to basically maneuver yourself around the pdt rule, while trading every single day of the week? So, even if you have a thousand dollar account, you can really trade options every single day of the week without going over the pdt rule. I could explain that briefly.

If you guys are interested um, i won't be able to really cover it in too much detail, but enough that you'll be like. Oh, that makes sense. I can do that um. So, oh, mr costa yeah, so that's that's really frustrating yeah.

I know like i said they uh. They uh the days out there yeah. So all right in a nutshell, so you can avoid the pdt rule every single day by buying options. I will explain with an options chain here.

So let's bring up our handy mcdandy weeble. Here, um, so if we go to the options chain on weeble uh one second, is it even? Oh: there we go um. Let's yeah i mean we could do apple. So if we look at apple um, sorry i'm kind of brain farting because i don't want to be confusing, so i'm trying to think okay.

So basically, if i buy an option today, we're not even going to think about expiration we're just going to keep this really simple, because i don't want to confuse people. So, in a nutshell, if i were under the pattern day, trading rule - or i only had a 5 000 account, but i wanted to trade every single day. It's it's more of you, opening up trades on the day and then locking that trade for the day and holding it overnight to prevent yourself from using a day trade. If that makes sense, so really the objective is you would wake up? You would pick an investment.
You would make that investment and then, obviously, if you sold that investment that same day, that counts as a day, trade there's a way to not sell the investment and to still lock in your loss or your gain and roll it to the next day and avoid Using a day trade, so what i mean by that is, if today we bought apple and, let's just say, we bought a right now the price is 148. Let's just say we bought a 150 call. Let's say it goes to 150 and we make 200 bucks whatever. So 150 call goes up to uh 150 and we make 200 bucks.

We either sell it lock our profit use a day trade or we hold it overnight. Uh make it a swing trade but also run the risk of it going down overnight and then losing the money. So you could buy a call, make your 200 bucks on apple and go. You know i want to lock this gain in, but i don't want to sell it totally because if i sell it totally, then i'm going to use a day trade.

So then, what you can do is you can buy a put which it's been a long time since i've done this. So i hope i don't say this incorrectly and if i do, i apologize i'll have to get the correct information before, but you buy the same exact put on the opposite side. So if it's a 150 strike, you would then buy um, probably a one. I got a let me look at this real quick.

Where are we at so? If i were to buy the 150 call and it goes into the money, then i would be looking at pretty much it's the opposing put so i'd be looking at selling the 150 or sorry buying a 150 put, so that that way, the gain on the call Is locked in and you buy a put so now if the market goes up you're going to make more money on your call and if the market goes up you're going to lose money you're put! But if the market goes down overnight, you're going to lose money or call and you're going to make that money back on your uh. Your put so ideally what you're doing is you're buying a call making money, then you're buying a put to lock in the gain of your previous trade and then hold them overnight. You'll lose a little bit of money due to the overnight decay on your options, but that's a way to allow yourself to continue trading the next day without even having reached a day trade. So it's like taking a day trade first, creating a gain and then making it a straddle play to hold overnight so that that way you avoid using a day trade, but the straddle play.

What ends up locking in your gain, so you're pretty much secured on the upside and the downside overnight, so the whole purpose of really doing that is you're under pdt. You don't want to use a day. Trade you've made a gain in the market. You want to secure it without using a day trade.
So it's not that you're trying to necessarily use that strategy. But if you find yourself under pdt with a lower account, you take an options, trade and it's a good gain, and you find that oh man, i've already used two of my day trades this week or i'm on my third day trade and if i use another. Fourth, then, i'm gon na get my account locked, oh well. Let me buy a put and i'll straddle the price overnight and i'll avoid taking a day, trade and i'll secure most of the gain that i've so far accumulated.

So it's an it's it's an option it. It's a approach cell, i say so that's something you can do uh it's not something i do because i don't. I don't need to do that specifically, but it is definitely something that you can do. Oh uh stock sprt started moving, as i was explaining to you guys that little scenario uh just enough.

It seems um, yeah and so now, but again yd sell a call. Absolutely so really. What yd is saying here is a better approach. You can use a cash.

Well, you didn't say cash account, maybe you did but nonetheless, what are you saying is correct and someone else saying using a cash account's, a way to go is the way to go. But again, if you have a cash account, then obviously you're not under the pdt rule, which means you don't even have to concern yourself with that. So this is really for people who are on the pdt and so on and so forth. Locking in the gain is done by selling a call.

Hmm, then i might yeah. I might have it wrong again. It's it's a strategy. I know brandon taught me a while ago, so i could be wrong on that about whether it's purchasing a put and straddling potatoes yeah selling a call is slightly getting into the more advanced portion of options.

So if you don't know what to sell a call is maybe a discussion, we don't want to open right now, absolutely all right, so we're going to bring this down no need for, but again, like i said in a couple days, this should be a an open Running account here so anyways sprt, as i just said a second ago, was and or is on the move um i feel like we just talked about this yesterday. I really know um yeah. I don't remember when the last time we talked it was. Recent, though, is definitely recent, i think we said the breakout level.

Obviously was these two red lines once you went through the two red lines, it doesn't matter so anyways sprt, if you're looking at this morning, it's on resistance. So if you look at my screen four hour, chart you'll see this green diagonal line. That's where we're coming into right now. That's why the market is kind of seeing some hesitation and pulling back in this area.

Nonetheless, it still does kind of look strong, so i would probably stay on the long side of sprt overall for right now. Max price targets on the day for me would be as high as 1080 to 940, which we're already at oh. I didn't really realize that before yeah max target for the day would still be 1090, but we are definitely in an area of resistance right now pre-market. I would not be surprised if this ends up being the top of the market pre-market for sprt, because this is a legitimate resistance zone, um patrick yeah, so weeble will be used in the videos and in our streams, more frequently going forward.
More specifically, as soon as my money gets deposited, i printed off the sheet yesterday, never filled it out, but anyways i printed off and now i'm gon na send it in, but i'm just transferring money from place to place right now, um. So you know it's a good question. I've been thinking about it, there's really with the way that the accounts gon na be set up. There's really no need to throw in a ton of money really quickly and if i could explain is a lot of what that account's going to do.

Is it's going to track growth of um pretty much the entire market along with a couple foreign etfs? So basically, it's going to be invested in foreign markets, um, emerging markets, united states, a couple dividend things. So what it's going to be, what that portfolio is going to do is basically going to get growth of our market foreign markets, emerging markets, some dividend markets, things like that, which, at the end of the day, really just means it's just invested in the entire stock Market, which means if the entire stock market goes down, it's going to go down and if you look at where the entire stock market is right now it's kind of high we're not really on sale in a correction, we're just riding trend, so it doesn't really make Sense when you take a bunch of money, just throw it all in the account right now, knowing that we could very well go through a correction here in the next five weeks, and it would be a better time to buy it. Then then it would now. So probably just kind of start with a little bit of money and then we'll just keep adding and then when the market goes through a dip, we'll just add more and then we'll just add more and then we'll just add more.

But it would be kind of dumb just to take your whole load and just dump it right now, as the market's kind of on its high moves, as opposed to a correction. So we'll start with a little bit and then, as things, keep progressing we're going to keep adding to it. But it's going to end up being a bigger account for sure. But there's no point in just dumping it all in when you can get an on sale price here in the future.

I would assume so yeah we're going to be using it um and the account's going to obviously build over the years that we use it and stream with it and so on um. Well, i guess i kind of do need that one. Second, all right guys give me one sec. It looks like sprt broke that resistance point.

A little bit did pull back but uh, it sure enough broke through a farmer, never plants if he waits for perfection you're. Absolutely right! That's why the farmer plants his seeds and then continues to keep planting. That's that's about right, i would say um i mean i don't well. Basically, if the market were to follow what it's been doing, i mean it would correct yeah five six percent, maybe well.
I guess i was off by a little bit yeah, maybe four or five percent would be sort of the corrective move there on the market. Um. If it follows what it's been doing, yeah follows: what's been doing, one second, that might have been wrong hold on yeah. Three four percent: maybe nice: okay, okay, uh cody! There is no coupon code right now, specifically, but we were intending on doing a sale in the near near future.

But as of right now, no all right so sprt again broke out of kind of the longer term resistance marks, and now it's swinging up just hit ten dollars and three cents, as we were mentioning earlier kind of had a max price target up to. I think it was 10 30 or so 10. Oh no, 10, 1080, 1090 yeah. So it i kind of deleted some old material in there sean that was really probably not needed.

So there are some spots that kind of have to be uh readjusted you're, not wrong and you're you're. You are right. Yes, that's funny uh, mr montero. Yes, we did, we did go over wish.

100. You know, let's take a peek back at boxo, wonder if anything uh ended up. That's still still kind of sitting there hanging out all right. Give me one.

Second folks, i'd be right! Back! Oh nice move from mick sprt; no, that's not what we want to do! Uh target could be about as high as 11. Now, let's see you know what something else we should uh look at is xela, did it end up holding or is it yeah still trying not really, though, hmm yeah sprt is also um on ssr, so we're not short so restriction, but can't short. It no shares too short there. Oh excuse me so right now, mrna is pretty much back up on resistance, all right going to take a second to run through some of these plays um v e r.

O i mean this has some potential, maybe oh man already getting the yawns they're coming. I can feel them. Oh codx, that's kind of an interesting move, there's xela squeezing off 294 there. So that means someone who's, bearish or shorts.

Getting caught off guard on xela. It's not terrible yeah codx might be looking to make it back up to prices of like 11 12 today, so that might be sort of a lower price stock that moves pretty well. Have the bots been messing with your channel again today, um yeah, they do every day um. You know i can't say for sure it's just.

I don't know what to tell you. It's just really odd when we get a spike up of like a thousand viewers and it goes back to 300. It's just really odd um. What are you asking about? You asked about evp uh ebet for me is kind of at resistance right now, so i'd be slightly more bearish on that stock.
All right, ignacio, i will uh i'll accept. Uh bo xl is still kind of hanging out below that 255 mark. Oh, my goodness. Um, sorry does not look all that bad.

I really hope that ends up being a play for the day. I hope we do get a true break out there today. That would be nice um. Just an update.

I didn't get a video out yesterday on the whole turo thing: um just got real busy had to run to my rental property in ann arbor, which i had to run to again today. So it's gon na end up getting a little busy um, but i did get a little further in my research on that and so what i've come to the conclusion of - and this was only research on at least one vehicle i was thinking of so numbers - could Be different on other ones, but nonetheless it would appear that after it would take like five years, you'd have to have a vehicle, maybe for around the five-year mark, for it to really make sense, and at that point you would generate um anywhere from like a 14 To an 18 return on your money annually invested over five years, so it's not bad. It is a good return, but it does take effort. So as long as it's as long as it's passive enough to the point where the management doesn't become worth it, then it makes sense to actually do it, and this is taking into consideration insurance turos cut how much you should make depreciation year over year.

The only thing i actually forgot to calculate into that number was annual taxes paid to mr sam, which could probably reduce it by a percent. But nonetheless, mr sam isn't really going to get all that much money after the depreciation schedule on the vehicles, anyways, so um. So i did do some pretty good analysis yesterday, but it came out anywhere from like a 14 to 18 return on your money over uh annually and after having investments for five years on it. It seems like it makes sense and or higher than that longer than that too sure yeah you're in boston yeah, if you come in for sure, just send me an email um should have my email link down below or on my youtube channel.

Uh so appreciate you guys tuning in this morning, uh for right now. It appears that the watch list is going to be a bo x, l for right now so far it hasn't broken out, we'll see if it ends up breaking out um. That's obviously going to be one of the mains. Obviously we could keep an eye on sprt or sorry, srpt or sprt.

Sorry yeah. We could keep an eye on this, but i'm pretty sure it's already done most of its move. I think it was trying to move up close to that 11 price, so um. Nonetheless, i think most of the sprt move has already happened.

It's going to be a little bit more challenging on people here, uh xcla! Yes, this is something that we are still watching. This level here at 294 was the support that had to break for the short move to work. So this morning, short sellers are squeezing themselves out because it didn't fully break down right away. So it's still kind of the same thing.
We're watching to see if this bottom ends up holding and we move back up and clear the plus one deviation. So when we're clearing the plus one deviation mark, that's probably going to be or emphasizing x, ela a little bit more. We made money yesterday on btbt. Very nice pbts.

This was the stock from yesterday that we took along on. Don't think i'm going to do a whole lot with that for right now, hmm, i haven't seen that in a long time neo i mean neo broke down. I don't have neo on support, yet i don't think so. I think you could probably still stay a little bearish on neo um yeah.

I think neo is trying to go down towards gosh 39.79 uh yeah. I should go back over scsn. That was something i meant, or i wrote down a while ago, uh so s-e-s-n. I think the stock is more bullish all right, so we pulled back.

I think you're going to want to be long biases stock. Today, um, i was waiting for it to kind of get back to like a bullish move, so i do think sesn is on the long with maybe a price target up to 6 30.. If 6 30 happens a day, that would be it's possible. 6.

30 can happen today on this, so i mean so. We had a u-shape that broke out. Let me check the 10-day chart yeah. I think you can be more long, biased on this.

The only thing you do have to be mindful of or paying attention to is s e s. N has pushed up to the plus one deviation marks which we're at 520 to 540.. So if you look at the one minute chart you'll see, we kind of got to this area briefly went through and then we sold down now we're up trying to get through. So, for me to really be long biases, you got to make sure that s-e-s-n stays above or it's kind of trading and holding the price zone of 520 to 532.

That's most likely where the consolidation, the support hold, would happen to force a new move up or continue moving the market up, but i do think you can be long sesn today and just in general, the stock boxl is not trading through the price zone. We need still kind of struggling um, no, never had one trader investment, that's netted dramatic, life-changing profits. No, no i've had big wins, but i mean not really life-changing. No uh km very nice have a great day glad that worked out for you spce rolled over and broke down right.

Sorry, i uh it's a late night, a friend invited me out to his birthday or sorry uh, her birthday. So me and my fiance drove 45 minutes last night uh to her birthday and uh didn't really get home until the am so definitely feel a little sluggish. So yesterday i think it was. I think we went over spc yesterday, basically saying mark it down to like here, so you want to start considering a dip buy an spc.

I think um. The question is: does it get down to 23.39 to 23 wait or is it just 23. um? I see i see yeah so we're kind of close to the dip, i think, or at least a level the market's gon na try to bounce. I don't like the way that it came from this top and sold down to me.
That's really bearish, so i'm not positive. The bouncer i usually would be like oh yeah, let's buy the bounce, but with the formation that it's coming from does make me slightly nervous. Nonetheless, i don't think you should be bearish as spce gets into the price of. I don't think you should be bearish, as spc gets in the price of 23 30..

I think you should be watching the market along there. So yep, that's that's that uh yeah! I don't ever really get rested. Never never! Now! If i wake up monday mornings, work tuesday, work wednesday work all way, and then you know, i think i take a break, but i usually just never really take a break. There's always something that has to be done.

So never really truly feel rested. To be completely honest, um i used to go walk in the morning. No, i didn't used to sorry. No, we just generally wake up and just kind of work so early that i don't go on a walk, but usually lunch times when i get out and go on a walk um.

So you can see here that s-e-s-n, you know kind of slammed down there and now the candles back into that trading zone. So you know this is like a buyer attempt to keep the markets within that zone to keep it bullish, um bo xl, just kind of started creeping a little bit towards more of the breakout pricing man. I could totally use a coffee right now, but i'm too lazy to go make it so you got spanked on sofi. Can i get direction? No, i mean i, i agree.

I i do think. If you take time to rest, you are more productive. 100. I mean.

I definitely have my days right definitely have my days when i ain't gon na do anything right, but then it's just like it's just back to the rat race anyways it just you just never seem caught up um. There was something i was about to say. I guess it doesn't really matter. Sander today is friday um, it's going to take you a couple years.

Michael, that's pretty much was my curve um and really just a couple years before you're even going to probably understand markets fluent and even and even then there's so much that goes on the market.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

One thought on “How to trade for beginners 8/13/2021”
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    BOXL bag holder lol

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